|f(^illl|C m Joupal. THURSDAY, [MAY BTH, 1884. Published by R. A. BUMILLER. CHNRCLI & SNBDA" SCHOOL DIRECTORY. Evangelical. Revs. R. Hengst',and J. R. JbW, Prcach's Preaching next Sunday even lug. Sunday School, I^P.M.—D.L. ZERBY, Supt, Missionary Society meets on the third Mon day evening of each month. Methodist. Rev. O. P. R. Sorvis, Preacher-in charye. Sunday School at 10J4 A. M.—l). A. Musser, Sup't Reformed. Rev. Zvinyli A. Yearick, Pastor. Mite society meets regularly on the first Tues. day evening of each month. United Brethren, fiee. J. G. IF. Herald, Preacher-iK-chawe. Sunday School.9 A.M.—J. (1. W. Herald Sunt. Preaching next Sunday morning. Lutheran. Rev. John Tomlinson, Pastor.— Sunday School at 9 A.M.—H. E. Duck, Supt The Augsburg Bible Claw meets every Sun day. Ladies' Mite Society meets on the first Mon day evening of each month. Presbyterian. Rev. IK. A". Jbsfer, Pastor. LODG.E & SOCIET" DIRECTORY. Millheim Lodge, No. 955, I. O. O. F. meets In heir hall, Penn Street, every Saturday evening. Rebecca Degree Meeting every Thursday on or before the full moon of each mouth. C- W. HAHTMAN, See. E \\. MAVCK, N. G. Providence Grange, No. 217 P. of IL, meets in Alexander s block on the second Saturday of each month at l v *. v. M., and on the fourth Sa turday of each month at I,H P. M. D. L.ZERBY, See. T. G. KRH VRl>,Master. The Millheim B. & L. Association meets in the Penn street school house 011 the evening of the seeond Monday of each month. A- WALTER. Sec, D. L. ZERBT, Prest. The Millheim Cornet Band meets in the Town Hall on Monday and Thursday evenings. J. H. B. HARTMAX, See. SAM. WRISER, JK, Pres. FOR PRESIDENT. SAMUEL J. RANDALL, of Pennsylvania. [Subject to the decision of the Democratic Na tional Convention.] PRESID ENTIA L ELECTORS. ELECTORS AT LARGE. Richard Yaux, i B J McGarnn. H B Plummer, DISTRICT ELECTORS. 1. John Slavin, 15. Gerrge S Pardy, 2. JP J Sensendorf, Iff. P K Aekley, 3. John W Lee. 17. John P Levan, 4. Herbert J Horn. 18. Ezra D Packer. 5. Richard L Wright, 19. K W Mumma, 6. John H Brinton, 20. A H Dill, 7. ra Stabler, 21. Frank P James, 8. Chas F Rentschler, 22. J K P Duff, 9. H M North, i 23. John Swan, 10. Harry G Stiles, [24. A B Wiuternitz, 11. A J Broad head. 25. John II Hill, 12. F V Rockafellow, 2.'. Win A Farquer, 13. No choice, * .27. A J Greenfield, 14. George H Irviu. ' • A tie vote between Michael Bead and Rich ard Kohn. FOR CONG RESEAT-LARGE GEN. W. 11. H. DAVIS, of Bucks county. Democratic County Committee for 1884. Bellefonte N. W James A. M'Clain. " S.W A1 Garnian. *• W. W James Schofield. Howard .. A. Weber. Milesburg Dr. W C. Grove. Mjlllieim James C. Smith- Phi lipsburg Ist W J. N. Cassanova. " 2d W J. O. Loraine. 3d W John M. Holt Unionvllle P. McDonald. Beuuer Wm. 11. Close. Boggs S Frank Adams. " N - George Brown. Burnside —. H. M. Meeker. College W. H. Tibtens. Curtin —. John McClockev, Ferguson E. P„ - Peter Lanck. " W. P - Levi Walker. Gregg S~~—. Luther Risliel. " N-... John Kossman. Haines E. P M. Feidier. " W. P George Bower. Half moon D.J. Gates. Harris Jacob Weaver, Jr. Howard.—...— Geo. D Johnson. Huston— Charles Murray. Liberty.—..— —. Frank Brown. Marion John Hoy. Jr. Miles Peter S. lieirly. Patton Robert Reed. Penn..— Andrew Campbell Potter N. P Dr. John F. Alexander. 44 S. P Joseph Gillaud. Rush S. P John O'NeiL " N.P John Long. Snow Shoe U. P Edgar Holt. 44 4 ' S. P Spring John Gerbrick. Taylor B. V. Fink. Union Sam'l K. Einerick. Walker —Sol. Peck. Worth Win. Lewis. P. GRAT MEEK. Chairman A Disgraceful Controversy. The acrimony which characterizes the contest for the republican presi dential nomination is expressibly pain ful. It forces the conviction that all the honored leaders of the grand old party are alike tainted with corrupt ion. Such a knowledge can afford pleasure to no one. It must be hu miliating to all. The friends of Blaine charge Mr. Edmunds with having dabbled in stocks and bonds of a railroad which obtained value by legislation promot ed by him. Mr. Edmunds by impli cation admits the soft impeachment. The friends of Edmunds charge Blaine with the same crime. The friends of Blaine ptead guilty but assert that what Blaine did Edmunds did also. There is no doubt that the charges in both cases are strictly true. But what good can be accomplished by pa rading then: before the public ? If the party was better than the culprits in this case the public would be spared and both men quietly dropped into the disgraceful retirement they de serve. It is the rule of logic that when rogues fall out honest men will come by their own, however, and this controversy will probably end in turning all the rascals out.—Harris burg Patriot. The Republican State Conventions* The following ends up the list of the state conventions and all the dele gates to the National Convention have been elected. The result of last week's conventions was this; Maine instructs for Blaine. Massachusette is for the best man. Kansas passed no instructions, but expressed a preference for Blaine by ballot. Vermont is for Edmunds to the end. New Hampshire delegates are di vided in their choice between Blaine, I Arthur and Edmunds. Virginia Straightouts indorsed Blaine and denounced Arthur. West Virginia passed Blaine roso | lutions. lowa is solid for Blaine. Kentucky for Blaine. Maryland Nevada for Blaine. Minnesota for Blaine. Khode Island for Arthur. Oregon for Blaine. California for Blaine. Nebraska for Blaine, but no in structions. North Carolina for Arthur. Furious Forest Fires. Many Mountains all Over the State Ablaze. Large Quantities of Timber Destroy ed by the Raging Element—Coal Mines in Danger—Feats of Great Lose. WILKESBARUE, May H.—Mountain forest tires have been raging fiercely in this vicinity lately, but the lirst serious damage was reported this afternoon. White Haven and the neighboring hills 1 caught on lire, and for a time the town ; was in great danger, as a strong wind was blowing. The lire department of this city was sent to its aid, and with the assistance of the Jwhole population of the place eventually subdued the tire ! without loss other than a large quanti |ty of timber. At California, a luiutpr j ing town near White Ilaven.'a tierce fire started and eleven houses, occu pied by men engaged in lumbering,were burned. Two bridges on the Bear Creek branch of the Lehigh Valley rail road were destroyed, as was also the stables of Albert Lewis A Co., lumber contractors. In the latter eleven horses perished. In this fire also a large quan tity of valuable timber was destroyed. The total loss is estimated at $50,000. A Town in Ashes. Terrible Loss ofProparty in tho Clearfield Regions. IIOUTZDALE, Pa., May 2.—For some days past the woods in the vicinity of Brisbin and lloutzdale have been on fire in different placws. No decided move was made toward stamping B out, and it gradually drew near the town of Brisbin. This morning a heavy gale from the westward set in and blew the dames in the direction of Hoover, Hughes & Co.'s mill. Men were promptly put to work fighting the fire fiend, but without avail. Shoitly after seven o'clock the hose, which has al ways been kept in readiness for an em ergency of tiiis kind, was played upon all parts of the mill. At 12 o'clock the whistle sounded an alarm of fire and the most strenuous exertions were made to save t le structure,but without avail. Il'fiually caught and in a short time the greedy llame.s were doing their fearful work in the immense lumber piles. Brisbin is situated between two hills, the mill being at tlie western end of the town and with a steady gale, carrying the dames from house to house it was but a short time until the space between the hills was a seething mass of flame. We have no means of estimat ing the loss,but it is enormous. Hoover, Hughes & Co.'s mill and lumber yards, their oflico, Iloover's stores, -Simon Dinger's store,Theigot ball and at least 250 other buildings were burned. But few people saved anything and the scene is agonizing in the extreme. Oyer one hundred families were bereft of ev erything in the world save the clothing the wore. The following call for assistance has been issued: "We the committee of re lief for lloutzdale,appointed at a gener al meeting of the citizens appeal to the benevolent citizens of the state of Penn sylvania for relief for the 5,500 needy citizens of oursister borough of Brisbin who were this day burned cut of house and home. Money, clothing and pro visions are needed." Thos. 11. Carboy, chuff burgess ; W. 11. Patterson, secre tary ; Theo. VanDuzen, treasurer. Large Amount of Lumber De stroyed. EPORUTM, Pa., May 2.—Forest fires are raging all through this section. The season has been unusually dry and the wind is blowing a perfect gale from the west sweeping the (ire through the forest with great velocity and destroy ing a large amount of property. At 'j Sterling Run,nine miles from Eporium, ! several buildings belonging to the tan- ; uery company were burned to-day an.l j a large mill was also destroyed. The village was in imminent danger and was saved by aid from Renoya. Two families are reported lost,and it is fear- loss of life will be great. At Svvissment, fifteen miles west of here, two mills with a large amount of lum ber were destroyed. FIRES IN THE FOAL. REGIONS. MT. CAMEL, Pa., May 2.—A heavy wind storm visited Northumberland county to-day and fanned to the in creased fury of the forest fires, which are destroying much valuable timber on the mountains. The works of Charles Woods, together with 5,000 cords of charcoal, were destroyed to-day. Burning- Timber Tracts. ASHLAND, Pa., May 2.—Extensive forest fires are raging in this region. The Ashland lire department has been ordered to be in readiness for service at the State Miners' Hospital. Workmen are now fighting the flames near the building, which is surrounded by yol-' limes of smoke. Tho loss to the tim ber tracts will be large. Williamsport Visited by Another Fiii'. WiLUAMsroinvMay 2—A lire which broke out in South Williamsport this afternoon burned tho saw mill of Val entino Luppers, entailing a loss of over $20,000 ; insurance £9,000. It also de stroyed live dwelling houses, threo barns and several small buildings on I Louisa and Elmira streets, causing a loss of between ss,ooo and 10,000. Tho the started in the carpenter shop of Samuel Iledrieks who was lying inside, intoxicated. lie was seriously burned before being rescued and his clothing and SSOO in cash, which he had on his person,were destroyed. After destroy ing I.upper's mill and a lot of lumber the lire was extinguished. The rolling null was saved. I /•: CU L .f an order uf the Orphan's Court of Cent re County, the un ilersijtued will otter at publfe wile at h'ehers luirg Hotel in the town of UeluMsburg on Satur day, April 121 h. I**4,at one o'clock I'. M. all tho following descriU'd real estate, late the proper ty of Isaac Zelgler uecensed to wit: Tract No. 1. Two lots of ground situate in Miles Township, Centre County, aboiu three fourths of a mile south of Kebersburii, bournh d on the north by lands of (Jeorge Weaver, on tho east by an Al!e\ or lane, on the south by a pulffio roail, and on the west ly lan e; of ,/ohu F. Walte, containing three and one-halt acres more or less. No huildiugs. Tract No. 2. Also a lot or tract of wood land in Miles Town-hip aforesaid, bounded on the cast by land of Jacob Ucphurt, on the north hv lands of Aaron Lcitzeil ami others, on the south by land of Jefferson Royer and on the west by land of Anthony Hlcrly, containing fifteen a cres, more or less. Tract No. J. Also another tract of wood land in same townsbin, bounded on the north b> lands of James Read, on the east by lands of Matthias strayer. on the south by laiids of It. I>. llierly and on'the west by lands of James Read, containing five acres more or less. TERMS or SALE —One third in cash on confirm atiou of sale, ten per cent, of which shall he paid oil day of sale; one-third in one year and one-third hi two years, latter two payment- to hear interest and to Is* secured by bond and mot tgage on the proper! v. Tllo.\l.iS It. ZKIGI.ER. tt Administrator of &c. of Isaac Zelgler dee'd A DmIMSTRATORS SOT ICE.— Letters of il admhu-tratiou on the estate of John Smith, late of renn township, deceased, having l>een granted to the subserlln'r, all persons knowing themselves indebted to said estate are hereby requested t > make immediate payment, and those having claims to present them duly ! proven for settlement. J AMKS c. SMITH, Administrator. TN THE COURT OF COMMON PLEAS Oh CENTRE COUNTY, COMMONWEALTH vs HENRY DUNK I.E.—The undersigned, an auditor appointed in the above stated ease, to | hear, determine and report upon the exceptions : tiled to the account of J A. Duiikle, commit tee of said Henry l>unkV. lunatic, will attend to the duties of h|s appoiniiueiit at his office In the borough of Bellefoiite. on Tuesday, the IMb day iof April, A. I>. 1 at 10 o'clock, A. M„ of said day, when and where all interested may attend. < . If- BOWKH, March lath 1884. Auditor. A I>M INISTR A TOR'S NOTlCE—Letters of a"Y administration on the estate of Isaac Zeigler, late of Miles town-hip, dee'd. having been granted to the undersigned, all persons knowing themselves indebted to -aid estate are heteby requested to make immediate payment, and those having claims to present them duly proven for settlement. THOMAS K.ZEIGLKU, Administrator. Uebersburg, Maroli 2t)tii. ISS4. 0t VDM T N IST RAT OR's NOTICE.-I.cttcrs of adminlHtra'. ion on the estate of Levi Reeiler late of Oregg Twp. deceased, having been granted to the subscriber* all persons knowing themselves indebted to *:ihl e.-tate are hereby requested to make immediate payment and those having claims to present them duly proven for settlement. SARAH UKKDEII. JAMES D S F< HIT AXES F< > . I—J AND 1' *3 AND rUEVIOI S YE A RS. —Not ice i- hereby i given that in pursuance of an Act of Assembly, j passed on tlm 12th day of June, A. I) ISIS, en- j titled "An Act t i amend an Act. directing the mode of -elliug unseated lands in Centre coun- j tv," and the several supplement* thereto, there ; will be exposed to public sale or outerv, the fol lowing tracts of unseated lands in said county ! for the taxes due and unpaid thereon, at the ' Court House, iu th" borough of Bellefoiite, on Monday. June 9th, A. D. I*B4, at one o'clock, p. m.: ACRES, run. warrantee NAMES. TAXES. nENNEII TOWNSHIP. AS Hoi ill as, Robt 2 04 169 Dale, Christ Sr., (owner) -4 t* noons TOW NSIIIIX 143 Dale, Ann, part 14 27 .383 PM Frazier,Noibroa 25 83 433 Iff? Fisliburn.Hannah 41 01 433 iff? Gray. Win 38 95 401 137 Godfrey, Martha 4."> 12 i i ? Iff? Harvey, Jonathan 28 86 418 40 Hood, Win 42 80 l-'tl 40 Hood, Moses .'iff 87 I*l Lucas, I M iX-.J 1' Packer 24 433 103 Lewis, David 4? r 5 [ 300 M'Coy, Frank 30 JO 50 J'akcr A Luc;is 5 04 1 458 84 Kussel, Win 31 Iff j 433 1( 3 Russel, Thomas 20 42 : 50 Walker, Jon. (owner) 4 50 ! 46 Leathers, Ja.iob, (owner) 211 383 103 Weiss, Michael 20 OH HruNsnn: TOWNSHIP. 41*> Black, -fames 9'?4 J 433 163 Brady, Robt ID 44 433 Iff? Brady, Win P it 72 433 Iff? Brady, John !>72 433 103 Bell, Will *. 12 96 433 133 Bingham, Win 50 W } 41"> Boyd, John 18 67 t 433 lffff Byers, John 19 59 * 453 163 Cook. Wm 19 44 ; 4ff? 103 Cowdon, John ...... 12 90! 433 103 Dewart, Win t 0 is 453 163 Dewart, -Toiin 6isj ;; iff? 163 Donelly, Henry 6 48!" 433 103 Donelly, John 12 60 433 103 Fox, Samuel M J2 f; 433 Iff! Gray, Robt 618 i 433 Iff? Gray, Win 0 48 43"? Iff! Grant, Thomas.. 12 90 1 433 103 Craves, Alex 12 90! 433 103 Cohen, Charles. 0 48; 4 43-3 103 Hamilton. Thomas 12 90 4 140 Harris, Henry 12 60 4 433 153 Harrison. Geo 19 52! 433 103 IIQUSOLJOIIII 12 90 1 •153 153 Hunt, pej-sqn, 15 47 433 103 Kidd.Jotpi 10 J?,". 415 Levy, Natlniuiel 12 iff 433 Iff"? Lyon, John 12 90 433 153 McLioalian, Blair 19.52 i 453 153 McLanaliai), Geo. 45 47 433 153 McLanalian, Polly 45 46 j 433 153 McLanalian, Ann 45 40 433 150 Mead, Ceo 04 93 200 Miller, Win 000 43.3 103 Morris. Joseph 12 id ] 43.5 15,3 Nicholson. John 33 98 233 153 l'ettif, And 39 47 433 103 Shaffer, llsnvy 12 !*': 415 Tall man, Sarah M 12 43 43.'? I*3 Tench, Francis 32 54 1 ; 433 lffff Towers .Jamus 972 ! 415 Thomas, Joseph 12 43, 4]5 Wallace, Joseph 9 34 433 I<3l Wallace, Joseph 12 96 ; 415 Weitzel, John 1147 ] 415 Weldner, Jacob 37 23 * 123 Wheeler, Henry 3 00 433 163 Wilson, Bird 12 80 j 2'4 Withington, Martin 3 05 j "j COU.EGE TOWNSHIP. 421 JolinstO'-i.Ross 15 43; 3 . G'UH'flN TOWNSHIP. j 434 Ainsley, Robt f>o 69 •) 415 Alien,Cligs 50 90 A 376 Buird, Samuel 38 35 4 185 Brady,M'ni P 37 92 j 397 Cffrspadden, D 4 ">73 837 Coats, Ljndiey 23 00 •; 150 Custer, Paul..: 13 71 3 :?0 Curtin, John 3 98 200 120 Car.seachicn, D 14 60 A 311 Deliaven, Peter % 52 82 4 106 Devling, Joseph. 12 40 4 434 Devling, Joseph 50 78 4; 135 Donald, Henry 33 00 4 311 kvans,Cadwalder 52 82 •; 415 KUiot, Win 70 14 4, 415 Eddy, lister 82 84 lit 448 99 Epple, Ana 7-3 38 3 415 Cray, Robt 04 24 4' 415 Gray, Wm 64 24 4; 415 Gilbert, Will 82 90 4 ! wo (.0(1 froV. Martha 83(H) 300 142 Godfrey, .tolm W .. 44 10 120 Halm, I'oli r 12 21 415 llalui, Susan 04 24 00 Hollow til, Kd 11 20 112 Humphrey. Thomas 11 47 203 Irvln, Jamea 3012 .IHO-If Kct*o, Joseph 00 80 403 K. lso, Rebecca 00 IS 4(H) Kelso, Joseph 48 00 ! 200 Lane, Marv XI2O, l r o Lane, 44 30 413 l.t-vv, Nathaniel B'2'.ki 207Lowiis.l'iilcl) 32 10 207 1 1 Longs! ictli. 1 aa' "> v >6 207% Loans, Caleb ::s 20 ■ 2o; 1 .j Longslrefh, Isaac .'SB 20 70 MJ .on, John S 12 32 | 130 MeCai'ley. John 43 11 200 Meyer, liiliiji 17 (HI I 100 Meyer, Hanoi 23 30! 420 48 Meyer, Michael. 03 so ] 420 Meyer, Valentine* 03 so 190 Miller. .bmt's 20 12 4io Mitchell. Win I'.. 40 so 431 Mitchell, Win 1' 4078 220 Mitchell, Win I' 23 74 200 Mitchell, John I' 3.3 03 j 110 Meyers, Ro\er 10 313 112 orvis. Kills, i aim | 131 1 Maker. J W 40 78 I.' Parker, i W 4 01 1 13 Parker. J W 1 30 1 110 Parker, W M 12 S7 320 Packer. J W 3s 11 Qulcley, Cllue 3 64 100 Slltil It. Pelei 10 20 433 133 Seoit, Samuel S(ISS 4 3 li'.t Talliaaa. Mary 30 78 200 Tuois.llieliaid 20 40 200 TunH, Richard 10 so 113 Wain. 4aen! 4101 217 Wharton, FMihurn 3.3 ">o 217 Wliart-11. I'ishburn 33.V) 100 • Willis,J.otatlmn II lo 415 A\ letar, Caspar 11l 90 433 103 White, James 01 00 U'r> Willis, .lonaUiun 11 lo 401 Varuley, Win 47 00 PERM SON TOW NsHll*. InO lUirehllehl. Win •'< 05 10 Hieks. \ brain 1 2 10 Thomas, Peacock(owner) 12 00 OREGii TOM \ Oil I*. 130 Askln, Hobt .. 408 110 M>izeiy, Jacob 2 0.. 130 Mercer. John., 4 6". 120 Ret e. l>:u ie! 4 00 1 130 Zeiglfr, Michael 1 . 1 52 A Custer's est. (owner).... 3 00 IIA INKS TOWN SHI I*. 3'53 60 Bare, Thomas 0 *>l 466 tin Itarr. Margaret 7 2 57 Barrows, John of 1 20 373 00 Ban, James 0 73 : - .ss ik) Barr.Marv 93 ; 131 Beck. Henry 2 415 28 Dudhildgc. Hauuuh lsj tees, Jacob. 2 10 4's; .80 (jrat?. Michael 7 2". 40 Gratz, Bernard 53.. 202 140 <> ill ma n, II A S Snyder.... 17 < h 23.3 (jiilmati. H& t Snyder.... 12" . I''.'• Hall, thus 10 I'M 60 1 inks, Mary 7 2<' 11 Hi Low cry 1 ■'•s 2nd Parker, V m 1 78 , 170 Mover A Wolf 30l 1 s8 Kidd, Win 5.5 I3i D lleiisei (owner) 1 '4l 123 l Hensel (owner) 1 lo 23 139 Wiess. John & Sol Nvhligh 4". 11 M FMOON TOWN nil*. 43 Berk, Haul ' • n; 95 Keith. Jacob 2*> la 210 Lamburu, .losiali 32 2* 2t Jacob Vanpool (ownei) . t ">'• i.3 89 c Vanpool " 3 5 uT 75 (* Vanpool " H i 43 C VanjKMil lIARKIS TOM SMIIP. 400 Andre. Absolom - 1 15.3 Fox, Urn 1 ■ • 400 Harrison. Win **" 30 I rvln. John 1 - 400 Parker. Richard 1 400 lleed, James s, 407 02 Wluirton. Kearney ! 100 Yotitis, Samuel. HOW Allll TOW NSIIJI*. I('7 I'd Brown, .Sanmel- " 130 I*2 Harris, Jas 1) I ..3 Harris, J:is 1) 1 100 wiills, Jon. s K Knd i 1 1159 W|llls,Jonathan It I Ill'sTOK TOWNSHIP. 43.3 103 Barter, James . : 1" 120 Kuhn, Ada a 30 Knhns 133 103 Price, John 2". 10 .3 163 Kollington, John 4:5.3 103 Wheeland. John U LIBERTY TOWNSHIP, l.x'i Hayes, Robt ,V Jas 2*. 171 1 less, lien 1> 1 - 309 3 In in, Hobt : ■ < 1 310 Jackson, n-re ISO Lytic, Peter 0-0 I'M Lytic, Peter '• 173 gulKiey.James A 1 ■ 108 Bhaw &; Lingle ** 2! .349 StnlHi. Christian r 72 NI \ KION" TOW NSIIIP. !7 Lewis, Hobt 4 <7 37 100 Melviniiey. David . • To Hohrer, Chris Is. r, 50 Wm Tliphiuau (owner).. i' 2 inu J P Hairis •• 12 m 10 Isaac Frain " 7 o4 28 John Zotgler " 7 '.•*> (k> Valuer, Simon 4 02 60 Yurger, Simon t 02 2*o Youug, Robt 22 s" Mi 1.1:3 TOWNSHIP. 431 Brady Hobt - 791 110 Brady, Hannah 7 4 253 Biady, jane 4 ' i 20) Brady. John 3 7" ! 140 Brady. Wm 1* 8 1 ( 1 140 Brady. Win 2 "5 lit Calhoun. George 7 403 Carothers, jaincs 7 52 17)0 Cooper, Wm 2 7s : 20 Fearon, Joseph '2 4 29 ray. Hold , 7 *•* 470 tMailt, Thomas x 7- 2' 13 Hamer, William... 3 77 ! I'M Hunter. Alexander s 1 430 Jackson. Jeremiah 6 28 320 Kills, George. 300 Levy, Aaron • 13 423 Norton, Kami 7 k : 300 Parker. Win 654 .21 Parker, Richard 324 Parker. Jeremiah 58 Packer, Wm 1 " : 123 Ft dman. Win 200 Finltli, 1 homas I 100 Scott. Abraham 1 M 50 Scott. Saml "1 110 Bcott, Altraliam 2 tt 90 Scott, Saml 11>3 130 Tairaart, Holawt 2 7." 273 Tilpp John 307 423 Toland. Henry 7 s : 100 Loii|i,(3 (owner) 175 123 Wharton. Moore 3 a* 425 William, Pavld 7 v 2 PKSN TOWN'SIIIC. 50 Annstrong, James ooo! 50 10 (Ttwdon, John c>PO 2 19 (iowdon, John 3 91 50 Hamilton, Thomas i'HHI Hepburn, James 0 Oil 31 Hepburn, James 4 (>s Kennedy, JI!UI 6 00 •■Hi Kennedy, jaincs r> u" so Kennedy, And 3t'2 08 ]."d Kennedy, John 3 72 s Kennedy. James 3 si Lyon, Hubert 8 IKI I Lyon, Ezekia! son Lyon, BenJ 800 Montgomery, v\ in 4 0o 6 so 3H3 Hale, James T 67 is j . Hale, James T 3 23 133 J53 Hawthorn, Tbps 80 95 133 153 Haw'.li "3 l.igeet. John "7 87 190 Long, J Z 60 40! 3'o Long, J Z 37 40 ! IjOiig. J Z 47 41 643 153 M a ylan, Jasper 70 99 1 2. |33 153 Mayston, Kdward 70 99 133 McMannus, Jan.es 70 99 43.3 153 Mol.anah.an, Blair 70 (H) 153 153 Meed, Gen ... 60 00 433 153 MePiierson. Will 60 Oo 433 163 Mcliwell, Tlios. 70 99 433 153 .M ililken, M T id 03 ■ton 73 Mitchell, N J 57 at 1 '•> M Isner, Luke 70 99 4".3 Morgan, BenJ U 55 45 133 153 Mollis, Hold 7d o7 3i 18 71 Ncshit, John M .... 69 09 I i 15.3 Parker. Win 5, p, 216 Parker, Jeremiah 27 63 216 Parker, Jeremiah 27 93 Slid p in. .101111 01 36" l >3 Pilll, Hugh 59 ill ."►< 0 Reilcy, Job . 51 60 :;6o 111 Reiley, John 59 04 153 Nliippon, Thus Ij 7u '.Hi I" '. l>; Scott, Kdward ... 79 90 t3". 155 Tallin an, Beujainln 55 !' 162 Toniklns, Jos. 17 '2.3 l .i l'it Tallman, Saiall M. 70 >9 t ' 1 i \ alentine, As 5*2 99 l'.o 8 Vandyke, Henry 31 16 1.3 1 > Wain. Rebecca 55 45 4:3 163 Wain. Plieby 70 78 I.i". 153 Wjiarioii, Mre 7" 9" 4 13 1 >3 M'barton. Idizab' tli 55 1". 13". 1"3 Wlmrl.m, 1 hos K 70 99 133 1 1 West, Francis 70 9" 133 15.3 Went. BenJ 70 99 I 26> West, Franc s '27 so 133 153 W. 1, Wfu H 45 *1 133 1 ■! c I, .loliu 45 57 I'll) Wed, 1 rane s 13 89 IB HI TOWN ~:np. 1 "> 1 3 Allison. John 17" I 3*28 Allison, ./.lines 132 "o 2 " Mhsoii. And 119 5o 300 Allison, A A J Lilly 11". P' .327 10 Armslrong.Aud ...! 27 i" 10 AHiertoli. Blehard 1804 16)4 10 Allison, James 19 97 104 Bauinan, Joseph 12 80 •2 Baninan. Jusepli Ills 4.3.3 16,3 B vera; e. David 3767 4.3 b.3 I'.rickley, Dan'l 11 (I' 433 163 Brutzniun, Peter 154 65 'a of 431 163 Foreland, John 2301 KHI ('openhaver, John 9 lo 433 153 ('iimiingbain.Joini 11010 100 Clynier, Geo 3170 100 Cantpbeil. Geo 59 70 300 ('titliuui't, Thus 11910 i.'ii 163 Delanv. Sharp 37 67 1155 9.1 Horsh. Frederick Id 01 ■I 3 153 E1 wards, Thou 1 0 81 433 163 Filler, Danl 65 58 50 Fienoe, 151 M aid 9 61l 4 13 I>3 I tl/ T' l'iild, lb.li Oi .s ! ; -i 1.3 Funii. John 4". 3d 250 Fitzslmmnnft, Tito • ! 186 271 Graff, Sabiistlan t 4'3 15.3 Glair. Saba SI lan 195 31 216 150 Graut, Thos 77 24) 11.\3 Gniii, Tims 177 78 2li Gray, Wm 88 1m 14.3 163 Glefilworth.Jas 37 67 "si Grove. Klizalvth 6.91 It' I Gray, Hobt 39 76 1.1 132 Grove & McKean 3M i;l I'd llair,Christian 4137 126 l' ; 4 Unit*.Christian s' l lo 1.: 153 Hair. David VC" 216 13 Haniiiti.n.ThniuaH 77 26 ; 153 Hamillcii llugli 27 59 i 4:53 1 .3 Hand, John 4" 37 1 1" so IfarilHon,John. 47 20 1 >7 Han i on, Joseph 41 30 : 4 143 Hamilton, Hugh "178 !I2 liarUine, Gen M 13 38 144 163 Hopkins, John 14 9s i : 1.33 Holier, John 49 37 11 * I lager, Clirisioplier : °s Harrison. John 3 sj 153 Irvin, Hobt 1 > 1 €5 1 of t d 153 ll'vm. Hobt 11 15 b ' King. Hubert 40 40 '. 2 111 Karr. Jas On 78 K 3 1621 Lattimore. Geo >7 07 . 1. 4 162J Latlimoie. Win G 11 s~2 1 4 1.43 Leuhore, christian 19.531 i,3 l'i> I.owden, .101111 1.5.4 l.o.vdon. Rich '>> 133 l-owden. lohli 177 76 .40 Long. A B 9 "25 1 , I.owden. Blehard 46 ; 13 153 Metzgnr,Jacob l"8 5o 1 3 1.44 Malone, Leslie 21 ; :4 168 Mavston. Kdward 37 7 Mcl'lu'i Mm. Will 17 5.9 1.4.1 Mevcrs. Jacolt Ih3 48 .it 153 Miller. .7. ho 49 37 3 103 Mill. r,.Jacob 49 37 K 3 1*23 MeConii' 11. Martha 37 67 :..3 153 Mead, Geo. ">l7B ' , 01 US 153 Morgan, B H 1121 7o Musser. John 44 83 17:'. Mo-sser. Geo (sndth) 67 77 l'fi MeConl. J It A: A Camp bell 19 20 6 • Nelson. KUen 4 22 120 Old, Davis 128 ",21 58 PimJoseph. 2" >3 24 Pa Hon, liuuh 32 6) ' of 1.43 153 Peters. Rldmrd 1116 • 5.3 i 43 Pinkerton, llenry- 64 61 161 108 Philips, Hard man 5i6>5 17Y si Phil ps. H.irdinan. 7s *-2 120 120 Philips. Hardman 1 ji'O i'assniore & Brysou 1 ■ 2 153 I">3 Regno, Thomas 2iSixi 1.25 153 Rohrer, Christian 49 37 .553 * 155 Kudisill. Jacob 16,2 si 4"5 47 Hseh, .lacob 112 '.4 ;4.5 153 Bush, Biniam u 177 78 :N Rol ison, Will H 1 2* 47 Hobison, Win H I*2B 214 Stout, Jacob 79 is 455 Seliafner. Casper- 194:41 133 153 Shenk, Andrew 4$ ~ Bi 155 sheiik. Christian 49 37 J4.3 155 Sl enk. Michael 4".? 247 16 Sleek. Jacob 28 28 15 J5.3 Spvr. Hubert 115 20 16f 7 Slough. Geo 19 10 219 Seott, And "4 13 166 Snyder, Barbara 77 91 1"! French. Kd (awner) 37 "4 * Coi keiulale, W H 15 .'56 122 14 V> 1 idman, John .55 62 '. r2 119 Weidiuan. Jacob 18066 12 Williams, J c T 17 105 . Wilson, John 14 8b W ilsoii, JOhi? .".170 75 • WHsou, Wm 8066 455 145 Wilson, Will 154 65 113 loil Wit liter, John :5G tai :<■*• lo) Wilson. Win 97 92 TAVI.cn TOWNS!!!!*. I 'd Armer ,5 Shaffer is.*>i)j 240 lleeKwiih, Clement 77 s>o 77 Bell,Wm 52256 : <9 Bush, James 54 90 50 . clark.Joseph <5 jo 176 Coates. Moses 21 4-3 >6 of , • 5 I<>3 Hoorlman, Kliznoeth S~7 Hamlinioii. Hugh 70 6*l 1 : 1"3 Iloonman, John 25 nS 67 7< Lot TYo 1 i C V, Jacob Van pool 4 12 6.1 8-1 Lot No 11, ( \, Jacob Yan |lK)! 359 73 147 Lot No 16 (J \ A, Slephen sooest 4 ■*) 70 Lot No 15 C V, llenry .Ste phenson 4 311 100 Masdon. Thomas 32 no 444 Montgomery, W \V .".3.49 433 26.3 McCammond. John 5568 100 ltalston. David.,,.., 15bo •49 Snyder, Barbara 26 46 90 Vanpool, (j 8 41; .40 Vsinpool, Jacob 610 2 " W hiiebead. Richard 44 2<) st) John Wells 7 (U) 00 Voder, Joseph 1138 VNION TOWNSHIP. 150 20 Browcr. Wm 41 51 200 Kuhn, P H 12 00 1.30 110 Matin, Harvey 44 56 IdO l'hipps,Samuel 11 85 50 Thomas, 11 (owner) 4 10 .'>B3 1* B Glider & Sou " 79 (XI 435 164 Wister, Win 143 77 WAI.HEK TOWNSHIP. oo 94 Avkln, Robt 2 14 40 " Baker, John 192 ."457 17*4 Baker, Robt & johu s 14 212 Bark man, Saml 10 17 129 120 Brooks. Ruth 311 300 Brady, Win 7 20 270 129 Curvler, Mary 6 72 115 113 Daughtory, Margaret,,,. 273 179 110 Daugliterv.KHzabeth 4 32 69 39 Evans, Jesse 1 csj luo 30 Kvans, aesse 240 irj 26 Kckert. Wiu 2 19 211 72 Halui.lMer ,3 07 22 47 Hah 1, Klienezer 52 65 40 Halm. Win 1 51 219 39 James, Margaret 5 28 •jio 155 James, Edward 513 59 40 Johnston. David 1.18 161 Knox. John 7 47 560 McEwen, Mary I;K4 .'557 160 Mansell, Win." 783 90 9j Mej-eer, Jolpi .. 215 367 100 wereer, David 7 83 ;554 :56 Miller, Win 9 22 4 McCalmont, Thos 1 02 211 44 (isman, Capt 5 04 86 40 Packer, Job 2 05 89 40 Packer, James 2 15 182 Purdon, Richard BH> 150 Reed, David 7 2*o 175 Hobison, Richard 777 Smith, John A Henry 19*2 201 1:13 Sutler, James 9 64 382 36 Sutler, Daniel 916 50 Swanzy, William j 40 39 Wlckeraliam, Amos 71 WORTH TOWNSHIP. 33 Clymer, Henry s 99 254 Gray, J B 27 25 20011.1 V, thorn, Thomas 13 84, '545 ltuhns, John 49 94 l' 278 Lawman. George ;;j6l 230 May la 11. Jasper 23 78 271 Miles, Samuel 523:5 25 Morris, Widow.. 177 39 Ross, John jo 03 85 SwansAieh, John 14 66 6 Singer. John 184 88 Shipped, Win J 15 22 160 Jonathan, Laird, owner.". 1213 "8 A Laird, owner 6 42 \.i Unknown, vacant 75 V* Jacob Vanpool, owner.... 59 2) Wister, Win 1111 137 Wister, Daniel 2145 D. C. KELLER, Treasurer. The Bee Hive Store .A.T . V LOCK haven I > hss many patrols in Centre county, the result of many years' patient and honest dealing and a quick insight in their and wishes. A large invoice of choice Spring Goods have arrived. Will be pleased to show them to you. ' Muslins, on which o ir reputation is unquestioned j were never as low as are now. :j Hill Muslin at s 1-2 cts. Very best goods at 10 cts. The unbleached muslins are accordingly as cheap, I We are selling a surprisingly good Gingham at I 5 Ct3., very good at 8 cts. Best Whittendon Shirtings at 9 cts. i You will need them before long, buy them ' now before they are gone. The Bee Hive Store is headquarters for Tickings. j An unusually fine line and cheap. Turkey Red Table Linen warranted Fast Colors, 50 cts. Pr yd. • The 6th invoice of Jamestown Dress Goods have i arrived, best goods for the money that can be pur chased. 25 c. A new and choice line of 12 1-2 cent ; DRESS GOODS. > Cashmeres and Silks in abundance. One half ton of CAR PET CHAIN. 25 cts. We get your carpets made for you and ' charge you the weaver's price. We have just received the finest and largest line of CARPETS ever brought to this city. LOOL AT THEM BwFORE THE , CHOICEST PAT fERNS ARE GONE. EVERETT & CO., I Jj ——PROPRIETORS OF THE | LARGEST WHOLE SALE HOUSE i MILLINERY ON PENN STREETT MILLHEIM, PA. The people ofMitlheim and vicinity arc invited to call ; and inspect my elegant stock of Millinery Goods. Special attention is called, to nuj large tine of Mats, Bonnets, Flumes, Tips, Ornaments,Flowers,Rib bons, Velvets, &c. A share of the public patronage is respectfully solici ted, Anna Hk Weaver. Selling- off at Cost! iW.T.Klauck& Son ARE SELLING OFF THEIR ENTIRE STOCK OF To change the arrangement of their rooms. PAUL on SUITES, CHAMBER SUITES, DIETING ROOM FURNI TURE, TABLES, CHAIRS, BUREAUS, BEDSIEADS, SPRINGS of every description, HAIR, COTTON, JIUSK& STRAW MA TRESSES, SOFAS, LOUNGES, CRADLES, HALL STANDS, CENTRE TABLES, EASY CHAIRS, BOOK CASES, WARDROBES, MIRRORS, FRAMES, WIIA T-NO TS, Etc., Etc. . Our stock of YfMLL §>MPEMS <£ are entirely new patterns, and customers calling at our shops will after examination find that we are prepared to suit all tastes and fancies. The leading Wall Paper manufacturers are design ing and printing papers so far in udvauceof those in former years, that we can now show styles of PAPER ZELAUSTC3-I2STC3-S to customers that will improve their homes so much that they will not be without them. PRICES ALWAYS THE LOWEST! Earnestly soliciting a kind patronage we invite the public to call and inspect the goods at our shops Penn St., MILLHEIM, Penna. ~W"_ Tl ZMEjltjoic &c SCOST.