f M Jjh'llpim Jout|nnl. THURSDAY, MAY IST, 1884. Published by R. a7 BUMILLER. Cbnrcti & School Directory. Evangelical. Revs. B. Hengst\ and J. It. Fox., Preach' 6 Preaching in the morning, German. Sunday School, ZEnnv, Supt, Missionary Society meets on the third Mon day evening of each month. Methodist. Rev. O. P. R. Sarvis, Preaehcr-in-charge. Preaching next Sunday evening. Sunday School at 10K A. M.— D. A Musser, Sup't Reformed. Rev. Ztoinpli A. Yearicl-, Pastor. Preaching in Aavonsburg next Sunday morn ing, by Prof. D. M . Wolf. Mite society meets regularly on the llrst Tues day evening of each ipouth. United Brethren. ' ltev. J. O. W. Herald, Preacher-iuehorge. Sunday School.9 A.M.— J. G. W. Herald, Sunt. Lutheran. Rev. John Tomlinson, Pastor.— Preaching at Mtllheim cm Sunday morning. Sunday School at 9 A.M.— II. E. Duck. Supt The Augsburg Bible Class meets every Run. day. Ladies* Mite Society meets on the first Mon day evening of each month. Presbyterian. Rev. W. K. Foster, Pastor. Lodge & Sonet" Directory. Millhelm Lodge, No. 955, I. O. O. F. meets in heir hall, Penn Street, every Saturday evening. Rebecca Degree Meeting every Thursday on or before the full moon of each month. C. W. HAHTMAN, Seo. E w. MALCK. N. G. Providence Grange, No. 217 P. of H., ineetsin Alexander s block on the second Saturday of each month at IK. p - '"id on the fourth Sa turday of each month at IK P. M. D. L.ZERBY, Sec. T. G. En inn, Master. The Millhelm B. & 1.. Association meets in the Penu street school house on the evening of the second Monday of each month. A. WALTER. Sec, D. L. ZKRBT, Prest. The MMlheim Cornet Band meets in the Town Hall on Mendav and Thursday evenings. J. H. B. HARTMAN, Sec. SAM. WEISER, JK, Pres. FOR PRESIDENT. . SAMUEL J. RANDALL, of Pennsylvania. [Subject to the decision of the Democratic Na tional Convention,] PRESIDENTIAL ELECTORS. ELECTORS AT I.ARGK. Richard Vaux, I B J McGarnn. H B Plummer, DisTßicr ELECTORS. 1. John Slaviu, la. Gerrge S Partly. 1J P J Sensendorf, 16. P K Aekley, 3. John W Lee, 17. John P Levan, 4. Herbert J Horn. 18. Ezra I) Packer, 5. Richard L Wright, 19. E W Mum ma, 6. John H Brinton, 20. A H Dill, 7. W m Stahler, 21. Frank P James. 8. Chas F Rentschler, 22. JK P Duff, 9. H M North, i 23. John Swan, 10. Harry G Stiles, |24. A B Winternitz, 11. A J firoadhead. [25. John H Hill, 12. F Y Roekafellow, 29. Win A Farquer, 13. No choice, * ,27. A J Greenlield. 14. George H Irvin, ! * A tie vote between Michael Bead and Rich* ard Kohn. FOR CONG RESEAT-LARGE GEN. W. H. H. DAVIS, of Bucks county. Democratic County Committee for 1884. Bellefonte N. W James A. M'Clain. " 5.W....~ A1 Garman. '■ W. W James Sehofleld. Howard A. Weber. Milesburg —— Dr. W C. Grove. MHlbeim James C. Smith- Philipsburg Ist XV J. N. Cassanova. " 2d W J.O. Loraine. 3d W John M. Holt Uaionviile P. McDonald. Benner .. Wm. 11. Close. Buggs S ... Frank Adams. •* N George Brown. Burnside H. M. Meeker C011ege.........™ W. H. Tibtens. Curtin John McClockey, Ferguson E. P Peter Lanck. " W. P Levi Walker. Gregg Luther Rishel. " N - John hossman. Haines E. P M. Eeidier. " W. P George Bower. Hulfmoon D. J. Gnt**s. Harris ...... Jacob Weaver, Jr. Howard Geo. D Johnson. Huston.™ Charles Murray. Liberty Frank Brown. Marion John Hoy. Jr. Miles Peter S. Beirly. Patton ... Robert Reed." Penn Andrew Campbell Potter N. P Dr. John F. Alexander. " S. P Joseph Gilland. KusbS. P John O'NeiL ** N.P - John Long. Snow Shoe N. P Edgar Holt. " " 8. P. 5pring............ John Gerbrick. Taylor B. V. Fink. Union ..... Sam'l K. Emerick. Walker. Sol. Peck. Worth Wm. Lewi*. P. GRAY MEEK, Chairman THE Republican state conventions held last week in New York, Ohio, Connecticut, Maryland, Michigan, Mississippi, and Virginia resulted in a mixed choice of delegates to the national convention at Chica go—some being instructed, some un instructed, some favoring Blaine, others Arthur, Edmunds, Lincoln, Hawley and half of them have no preference at all and expect to go with the crowd. It's a thankless business to speculate on the possible chances of the several candidates named by the republicans for the nomination on the presidential ticket, and we are tempt ed to give it up for a bad job. The democrats expect to win anyhow, so it don't make so much difference whom the republicans nominate. THE action of the New York Re publican convention leaves Arthur out in the cold. A man who can not command the support of his own state stands a small chance at Chicago. THE latest is a Blaine boom among the American students in Germany. But there's many a mile of salt water betwixt Blaine and the boont. IOWA Democrats in their conven tion last week elected delegates-at large, who are not instructed but fa vor Tilden for President. Gen- W. W. H. Davis. SKETCH OF THE DEMOCRATIC NOMINEE FOR CONGRESSMAN-AT-LARGE. General W. W. H. Davis,of Doyles town, Bucks county, -who was nomi nated by the Democratic State Con-1 veation on Wednesday, for Congress-1 man-at-large, is a son of the late Gen. John Davis, who was a noted Demo- ! crat in his life time. lie was a sur veyor of the port of Philadelphia dur- j ing the administration of President Polk. His son was a student in tin 4 i law department of Howard Univcrsa ty at Cambridge, Mass., when the Mexican war broke out. He east aside his law book, enlisted as a private in Colonel Caleb Cushing's Massaehu , setts regiment, of which ho was ap pointed adjutant, and served to the ! close of the war. In 1853 he was ap pointed secretary of New Mexico by President Polk, and for a considerable time was acting governor of that ter ritory. Upon his return to Pennsyl vania he purchased the Doylestown Democrat t m 1857, and ever since has been the editor and proprietor of that able and influential paper. When the rebellion broke out in 1801 he raised the 104 th regiment, of which he be ! came colonel, and was subsequently promoted to a brigadier generalship for gallant and meritorious service. In one of the many engagements in which he participated, he lost four lin gers of the right hand. In 1805 he was the Democratic candidate for auditor general, but was defeated by Governor Hartranft. In 1882 he was i the Democratic candidate for congress in the Bucks-Montgomery districts, which is gerrymandered in such a way as to be rather strongly Republi • can, and was defeated by only a few votes. Gen. Davis is an able lawyer, writer and speaker and besides his edi | torial labors has contributed several i valuable papers to the llistorinl Soci | ety of Pennsylvania. His personal ap | pearance is very striking; slender and I straight as an arrow, his bearing is j that of a soldier. He is a captivating i man in the social circle, and he is hold in the highest esteem by all who know him. His age is sixty years. He is a brother-in-law of Chief Jus tice Mercur, of th:? supreme court, the latter having married the general's sister. Should he be elected to con gress he will re-present the people of Pennsylvania with distinguishedered it and ability. WASHINGTON LETTER. WASHINGTON, I). C\,April3oth 1883. A frigid coldness has suddeuly sprung up between those two greit men with a boom—Logan and Lincoln. Had it not been for Logan, Lincoln would never liaye got a place in the Cabinet of Mr. Garfield, and had it not been for Lincoln, Logan's boom would not now be in such a fearful state of disgruntle ment. Logan wanted his Egyptian friend Green B. ltaum, and his oratori cal fries Achates , Emory Storiss, to oc cupy seats Chicago Convention, one to work up the military enthusiasm among the boys, and the other to place his name in nomination before the Con vention in a manner not to be outdone this side of Bob Igersoll. Both of these gentlemen were quietly laid upon the shelf by the abominable half-breeds of the Sucker State, and their selected seats iu the Convention will be occupi ed by men who will go for Logan with an "if,'' for Lincoln with aiU'out," and for Blaine with a whoop. The once happy Republican family of Illinois, which had Joe Medill for its daddy and and Long Jones for its wet-nurse, is all torn up now, and so badly torn up that the fiery and untamed Logan swears that lie will disown the whole kit of them. That the mission of th 6 Grand Army of the republic is not a political one is ' probably true, because they liaye al- J ways protested that it is not, but for a noil political organaz ition I must say that it cuts a larger figure in the shap ing of the political affairs of this Na tion, as far as Congress is concerned, than is consistent with its protests. In the Senate on one day of last week there were no fewer than lifty-tAvo pe titions, remonstrances and other docu mentary proceedings emanating from that organazation in different parts of the country, and I am told that It was a dull day for that kind of matter, too. Most of these petitions were prayers for more pension bills, and consequent ly more pensioners and more millions out of the Treasury in addition to the hundred millions now drawn. There were some for the equalisation of boun ties, a measure that has twice passed the Senate but fortunately not reached the House, which would draw from the Treasury yet another hundred million of dollars annually. Under this sort of pressure, which the average Congress man could not resist if he would, and more of them would not resist if they knew what would become of them if they did,it becomes quite apparent that the G. A. IL, if it has not much to do with politics, it has a mighty sight to do with politicians. In the Dakota imbroglio where the Republican political leaders are run ning two conventions in the same hall, I noticed the portly figure of Major A. W. Edwards, whose connection with the Protection Life Insurance Com pany at Chicago a tew years since left a memory so fragrant that it hangs a round his victims still. Jsdward wa t indicted, tried, convinced and would haye peen punished had it not been for the political misgivings of the adrainis tratois of the law as to the propriety of depositing a man in the penitentiary who had oncte been its warden. PHONO. The Altoona "limes" Sold. \ ' ALTOONA, April 25.— John A. Dovle, assignee of the Times Publishing Com ! puny, sold the Tirms establishment to day at public sale. Each item was | sold separately first, and then in bulks j and was knocked down to 11. A. Mo- Pike, of the Cambria Freeman , Frank j McCnllongh and Frank McCluin, the I two latter of this city, for the sum of 1 $1,505. These gentlemen intend start ing a daily paper. ADVICE TO MOTHER*. Are you disturbed at night and broken of your rest ly a sick child suffering and crying with pain of cutting teeth ? !! <>, send at once ami net a bottle I.O\\"S SOOTHING I SYRUP von CHILDREN TEETHING. Its valm I* I incalculable. It will relieve the poor little suf -1 ferer immediately. Depend upon It, mothers, there is no mistake about it. It cures dysentery and diarrhoea, regulates the stomach and j bowel-, cures wind colic, softens the gums, re ! duces intiammation, and gives tone and energy to the whole system. MRS WINSLOW'S SOOTH ING STRI P FOR CHILDREN TEETHING is pleasant | to the taste, ami is the prescription of one of ' the oldest and best female physicians and nurs {ea in tlie United Stales, and is for sale hy all druggists throughout the world. Price 25 cents a bottle. LEGAL ADVKRTISEMENTS. ORPH AN'S COURT SALE OK VALUABLE REAL ESTA TE.—Bv virtue of an orderof ! the Orphan's Court of Centre County, the un dersigned will otter at public sale at Kebers burg Hotel in the tow n of Uel ersbui g on Satur day, Api d 12th, lSM.at one o'clock P. M. all the following described real estate, late the proper ty Of Isaac Zeigler deceased to wit: Tract No. 1. Two lots of ground situate in Miles Township, Centre county, about three fourths of a mile south of Rebeisburu, bounded on the north by lands of George Weaver, on the east by an Alley or lane, on the south by a public road, and on the west by lanos of .John F. Waite, containing three ana one-halt acres more or less. No buildings. Tract No. 2. Also a lot or tract of wood land in Miles Township aforesaid, bounded on the east by land of Jacob Gephurt, on the north by lands of Aaron l.eitz *ll and others, on the south by land of Jefferson Koyer and on the west by land of Anthony Bierly, containing fifteen a crea, more or hm. Tract No. 3. Also another tract < f wood land in same township, bounded on the north by Lnds of James Read, on the east by lands o( Matthias Strayer. on the south by lands of R. I>. Bierly and on the west by lands of James Read, containing five acres more or less. TERMS OFSAI.K —One third in cash on confirm ation of sale, ten pei cent, el which shall be paid on day of sale; one-third in one year !UU ' one-third in two years, latter two payments to bear interest and to be secured by bond and mortgage on the property. THOMAS R. ZKIGLKR. 4t Administrator of &c. of Isaac Zeigler dee'd ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE.-Letters of administration on the estate of jobi Smith, late of penn township, deceased, having i been granted to the sub-oriber, all persons knowing themselves iudebted u> said estate arc hereby requested to make immediate payment, and those having claims to present them duly proven for settlement. JAMKS c. SMITH. Administrator. IN THE COURT OF COMMON PLEAS Ot . CENTRE COUNTY, COMMONWEALTH vs HENRY DUNK I.E.—The undersigned, an auditor appointed in the above stated ease, tu hear, determine and report upon tlie exceptions filed to the account of.) A. Dunkle. committee i of said Henry Dunkle, lunatic, will attend to ( the duties of disappointment at his office in the t borough of Bellefonte. on Tuesday, the 15th day of April, A. I), issi at 10o'clock, A. M., of said day, when and where all interested may attend C. M. BOWER. March 15th 18S4. Auditor. ADMINISTRATORS NOTlCE.— Letter* of administration on the estate of I suae Zeigler, late of Miles tow nship, dee'd. having been granted to the undersigned, all persons knowing themselves indebted to said estate are heieby requested to make immediate payment, ami those having ciaims to present them duly proven for settlement. THOMAS R.ZEIGLER, Administrator. Rebersburg, March 20th. 1884. fit VDM IN IST It AT'Ht'S NOTlCE.—Letters or aduiiqjstra ion on the estate of Levi Rceder late of Gregg Tu p. deceased, having been granted to the subscribers all persons knowing themselves indebted to -s Russel, Thomas 2!) 42 50 Walker, Jon. (owner) 4 50 46 Leathers, Jamb, (owner) 211 38.5 163 Weiss. Michael 29 69 BURNSIDE TOWNSHIP. 415 Black, Jumes...., 9 34 45.3 163 BradV, Robt 19 44 45.3 165 Brady, Wm P 9 72 4.3.5 163 Bradv, John 9 72 4.3.3 163 Bell,Wm 12 'Hi 4:53 153 Bingham, Wm 56 99 415 Boyd, John 18 67 4:5:3 163 Byers, John 19 59 4.3.8 165 Cook. Will 19 44 4:5.3 56:5 Cowc|on, John 12iK I'W 163 Dewart, Win .1 ; 6 48 433 163 Dewart, J0hn..:... 6 48 J65 165 Doneliy, Henry 648 4-33 163 Doneliy, John 12 06 4.3.3 16,3 Fox, Samuel M 12 90 43.3 165 Gray, Robt. (148 433 163 Gray. Wm 6 48 435 16.3 Grant, Thomas 12 96 4'5.3 163 Graves, Alex 12 96 433 16.5 Goben, Charles 648 433 163 Hamilton, Thomas 12 96 140 llanis. Henry 12 60 433 153 Harrison, Geo 19 52 433 163 iloosel.John 1216 4:5.3 153 Hunt. Person 4*>47 4.33 163 Kidd, John 10 35 415 Levy, Nathaniel 12 43 433 163 JiVoit, John 12 W 4:5.3 1;>.5 McL'iiialian, Blair 19 52 48:5 153 McLauahaii, Goo 45 47 433 153 McLanaiian, Poljy 45 46 4.'53 J53 Mcbanalian, Ann 45 4<5 433 150 Mead, Geo 64 9.3 200 Miller, Win. 600 433 163 Morris. Joseph 12 96 433 153 Nicholson. John S-iOS 2:53 15.3 Pell if, AIKI 39 47 433 163 Shaffer, Usury 12 90 415 _ Tallinan. Sarah M 12 43 43.3 158 Tench, Francis 32 54 4.33 163 Towers. James '9 72 41", 'Thomas, Joseph 12 43 415 Waliaoe, Joseph 9 31 433 103 Wallace, Joseph 12 96 415 Weitzel, John ]] 47 415 Weldner, Jacob 37 23 123 Wheeler, Henry 366 433 163 ' Wilson, Bird 12 80 204 Withington, Martin 8 05 COLLEGE TOWNSHIP. 421 Johnston, Ross 1543 CUIiTIN TOWNSHIP. 434 Ainsiey, Robt 60 69 415 Allen,Cngs 50 90 376 Bail'd, Siiinuel 38 35 185 Brady,Wm P 37 92 .397 C'arscadden, 1) 45 78 337 Coats, Lindley....; 23 00 150 Custer, Paul 13 74, 30 Curtin, Jobn 3 98 1 2(H) 120 Carscadden. D 14 00 311 Deliaven, Peter % 52 82 ' 106 . Devllng, Joseph 12 40 : 434 Devliug, Joseph 54)78 i 135 Donald, Henry 33 60| 311 Evans,Cadwalder 62 82 415 Elliot, Win 70 44 415 Eddy, Ester 82 84 448 99 lippie. Ana 73 38 415 Gray, Robt 64 24 410 Gray, Win 64 24. 415 Giluert, 82 vO 3'o Godfrey, Martha RIOO 3(M> 142 Godfrey, John W 4110 120 If aim, refer 12 21 41 ft Halm. Susan 64 24 GO iiolioNvell, Ed 11 20 112 Humphrey. Thomas 1147 20,1 Irvln, fames ,39 12 Kelso, Joseph 50 UO 403 Kelso, Rebecca GO 10 400 Kelso, Joseph 48 00 i 200 I.a iit'. Mary...... 14.1 20 150 Lane, Sjuufi 44 50 . 415 Levy, Nathaniel 82 00 2o7 l tf LOWHR, Caleb ."I'2 10 20"'-a i.onirtrotl, Isaac 38 56 267*4 Lowtts, Caleb 38 26 1 207>j l-ongstreth, Isaac 38 20 ' 70 Mason, Jotpi S 1252 450 McOaulcy. .lolin 4311 200 Meyer, Philip 47 100 Meyer, Simon 2.4 50 120 48 Meyer, Michael 95 so 420 Meyer, Valentine 0580 I'.IG Miller, dames 2012 , no Mitchell. Win p 48 80 r 431 Mltehell, Win P 40 78 220 Mltehell, Win 1' 25 74 200 .Mitchell, .lolin l* 03 93 110 Movers, timer G 40 1 :ii;i 112 drvls, Ellis. | 3GG4 ' 134 racker. J W 40 78 • 42 Packer. J W 40l [ 15 Packer, J W 150 1 110 Packer, W M J2K7 326 Paeker. J W 3814 52 Quliiley, (Mine 5 54 100 Smith. Peter 1620 : 43,1 15.1 Sro't. Samuel - HGSH [ 4.1.1 103 Tnlliuan, Mary 50 7K : 200 Tun is, 11 Ichard 2 >4O ! 200 Tunis, 111 chard 10 so ' 415 YValll, Jacob 4104 217 Wliarto , lishburn 36 50 ■ 217 Wharton, Fishburu 35 50 IGO Willi*, Jonathan 11 Id 415 Wistur,Caspar 114 00 431 163 aVhite, James 9196 ion •""Willis, Jonathan 11 10 401 Yardley, Win. 47K> 5 FEItOtBON TOWNSHIP. 1 liK) Bill oilfield. Will 505 - 10 lllcks, K brant 142 - 150 Thomas, Pcacoek(owner) 12 00 ~ OUEOG TOWNSHIP. . ISO Askin. Robt 468 110 Mozely, Jacob 265 i 130 Mercer. John., 403 - 120 Reese, Daniel 490 I 150 Zciglfr, Michael 170 a 52 A Custer's est. (owner).... 309 :L lIAINES TOWNSHIP. 'jJ 361 60 Ilarr, Thomas G>l 406 Gu llarr, Margaret 7 25 ,j S7 Harrows, John of 120 „ 375 60 Harr, James '',73 383 60 Harr,Mary 6 92 . 154 Reek, llenry 296 .. 446 28 Dudbfldyc. Hannah 592 1 181 Fees, Jacob 949 496 89 Gratz. Michael 7 23 I 4"0 (Jratz. Heruard 535 262 140 Gillmau, II & s Snyder.... 17 r 2'.3 Gillmnn, 11 & S Snyder.... 12 93 , 4.35 llall, Cltas. 16 90 I* 400 GO Links, Mary 720 100 l.ow erv 1 38 , 200 "Parker, Win 1"8 ~ Ho stover & Wolf 304 ~ ss udd, Wm - 83 158 l> Hensel (owner) 1.33 i 125 l> Hensel (owner). 1 M 25 139 Wiess, John & Sol Neldigh 45 IIA I. K MOON TOWNSHIP. '• 48 Reck, l)iiill. 13 sG 95 Keith, Jacob 28 40 216 l.amburu, Joslah 32 28 f 24 Jacob Van pool (owner) .. 496 li 6.9 89 C Van pool " 938 g 67 76 C Vatl pool " 11 52 s 45 C Van pool " 308 MAURIS TOWNSHIP. .! Andre, Absoloin 3 80 131 Fox, Geo 1 89 400 Harrison, Win 380 50 Irvin. John 122 4io Parker. Richard... 3 80 ~ 409 Heed, James 384 (• 407 92 Wharton. Kearney 423 I 100 Young, Samuel 96 II HOWARD TOWNSHIP. t PC l'H Hrown. Samuel- 668 l. 92 Harris, Jas J) 381 , 55 Harris, Jas D 209 ~ 160 Willis, Jon. S K End 14 32 v 100 Willis, Jotiatlian 14 31 'I ni'STON TOWNSHIP. '• 413 163 11 arter, James 2510 120 Kuhn. Ada a 8 s 59 Kuluis 4 34 . It! 103 Price. John 2*> 10 133 163 Kollinctoii, John 3.511 f 433 163 Wheefiuid. John .... 25 11 LIBERTY TOWNSHIP. < PM Hayes. Robt A ja5....,.., 2.5 95 I 171 lies*. Geo 1) MB7 .109 3 Irvln, Robt 29 64 '. 310 Jackson, JCre 22 68 ' 180 juytle, Peter 699 150 Lytic, Peter 605 175 Qnlgley, James A 10 56 168 Shaw & Uncle 821 349 Smith. Christian 10 72 M ARION TOWNSHIP. f 17 l ewis Robt 407 1 37 100 McKiunev. Havid 620 r 70 ltohrer, Chris HOC s 50 Win Tilgliman (owner).. 12 ;H) J 100 Jl* Hauls •• 12 30 t 19 Isaac Fr.tin " 7'4 ; 28 John Zotgtbr " 798 60 Y'arger, Simon 4 02 09 Y'arger, Simon 4 02 2)0 Young. Robt 22 80 MILKS TOWNSHIP. - 130 Hrady Robt >94 > 416 Hrady, Hannah 756 , *iV> Htady, jann 470 200 Brady. J>hii 3 70 ' 440 P.raOy. Wm P 8 u ! 116 Hrady. YViii 266 , 121 Calhoun, George 7so . 4 Lriiff.J'Z..:.: 60 40 2 '0 Long, J Z .87 40 314 Long, J Z 47 41 1 433 153 May lan, Jasper 70 99 2 433 153 Mayston. Edward TP 99 i 433 UroMßlimflJ, JIHL 03 "tMAt.*, 70 99 433 153 MeTjtnnhan, Blair ... ?o 99 433 153 Meed, Geo CO l^J 4:13 153 MePliersoii. YVm 60 00 433 163 McKwcti, Tlios 70 99 433 15.3 Mtlllken, M T 61 03 41.9 73 Mitchell, N J 57 04 453 Mlsnor, Luke 70 99 433 Morgan, llenj It 55 45 433 153 Morris, Robt 76 368 71 Nesbit, John M 09 09 ra I >3 Parker, Win 5 >ls 216 Parker, Jeremiah 27 63 216 Parker, Jeremiah 27 93 360 P in. .lolin 59 04 360 153 Pini, lliigli 59 04 8(10 Keiley, Job ;54 60 360 111 ltelley,John 59 04 433 153 shippeii, Thos L 70 99 113 13 Scott, EdWtil'd 70 99 l "{ 155 Tiiliinan, Hi'iijamiu 55 45 162 Tomklus, Jos 17 23 431 I'll Tiiliinan. Sarah M 70 99 43.3 153 Valentine, A S 52 IK) lift 8 Y'nndyke, Henry 31 16 413 153 Wain. Rebecca 55 45 4." 103 , YValu, Pheby 70 78 1 11 153 YVharton, M'oore 7o 99 413 153 Wharton, Elizabeth 55 45 433 lt">3 YVhui'ton, Thos F 70 9 ' 433 Hi West, Francis 70 99 421 153 YVest. RenJ 70 99 265 West, Frances 27 80 43.1 1.53 YVest, YVin 11. 45 57 4.13 l'O YVest, John 45 57 169 West, Frances 13 89 RI'SII TOWNSHIP. 4.U 153 Allison, John 175 1.5 328 Allison, James 132 50 2 0 Allison. And 11950 :100 Allison, A A J Lilly 143 40 327 10 Armstrong.And ."4 27 40 10 Albert on. Richard 1804 164 10 Allison, James 1997 104 Hnuinaii, Joseph 12 80 52 Hatiinau. Josepii 14 18 433 163 Beverage, David 37 67 •i:W 163 Hrlekloy, Dun'l 4199 433 103 Hintzninn, Peter 154 65 % of 431 163 Horelaiid.John 23 01 100 CojMMihaver, 7ohn 9 10 433 153 Cunningham, John 110 Id 1 100 Clymer, Geo 39 70 100 Campbell, Geo 39 7n 300 Cuthburt, Tlios >l9 HI 133 183 Del any, sharp... 37 67 155 99 Dorsli. Frederick..., 46 09 I 41.1 15.1 Edwards.Thos 154 65 , i:u 163 Elder, Danl 65 58 1 f0 Frence, 151 ward 9 6(1 433 1.51 Fitzgerald, Dan 6.5 5s 4.13 151 I'link. John 43 56 250 Fitzslmmons. Thos 29 8(1 t 274 'iraff, Sabastian 90 34 1 411 153 GIIIIT. Sabastlan 195 31 ; 216 156 Grant, Thos 77 21 ! 433 153 Grant. Thos 177 7S ; 21.1 Grav, YVIII 88 D ! 433 1(11 Glentwortli. Jas 37 0* i "O Grove, Elizabeth iff i 100 Gray. Robt 307( . 121 152 Grove & MeKeau 3H4 : 421 153 Hair.chrlstian 49 37 1 4'26 164 Hair, Christian .19 10 I 433 158 Hair, David 49 37 i | 216 153 Hamilton, Thomas 77 2(i II 421 153 Hamilton Hugh 27.5? ; 421 1.1 Hand. John 49 37 : 150 80 Harrison, John 47 2iof 433 I*3 Peters. Rlebard ..- 1116 4:3 I*3 Pinkerton. Henry 64 61 164 108 Philips, Ilardman 56 65 1 177 84 Phil ps, Hardman 78 82 130 120 Philips. Hardman ... 64 1 MO Pass more A Brwson 19 20 148 139 IMin. Henry 22 20 301 150 Pirn, George 19 20 216 80 Ramey, ltobt 56 45 413 153 lieeso, Thomas 2)8 60 433 153 ltohrer. Christian 49 37 533 I*3 Kudlslll. Jacob 162 Hi 1495 47 Usuli,Jacob ~,14205 : 434 153 Rush, Hculamiii 177 "8 : 38 ltoblson. Will H 128 37 llobisoil, YY'ni II 1 28 214 Stout, Jacob 79 18 4.21 Srhafner, Casper- 19.5.11 4 3 153 Shenk, Andrew 49-17 j 425 15.1 slunk, Christian 4937 ! 433 153 Shenk, Michael 49 37 I 247 16 Steek, Jacob 28 2d 413 153 Speer, Robert 115 26 167 f Bfough. Geo 19 10 219 Scott, And '2513 406 Snyder, Barbara 77 94 191 French, Ed (owner) 37 03 HO Corkendale, W H lsrkl 122 44 Wehlman. John 55 02 402 119 Weldmail, Jacob ISO 50 12 Williams, J C 7 17 M 8 Wilson, John 14 89 3'2iX Wilson. John 34 70 75 YV i l soli, YV m 30 03 121 123 Wilson, YVm 154 65 313 19> Witmer, John :woo :to6 KKI Wilson, Win 97 92 TAYLOR TOWNSHIP. 150 Armor & ShafTer 18 250 BecKwith. Clement 77 50 77 Hell. Wlll 32 59 309 Hush, James 54 90 50 Clark,Joseph 610 I*6 Coates, Moses 21 45 Va of 421 163 Hood ma 11, Elizaoeth 8 77 llamliiiton. Hugh 7066 413 153 Hoopinan, John 25 08 67 76 Lot .Vo 14 C \', Jacob Y*au pool 4 12 63 89 Lot No It,C Y', Van pool....' 3 89 73 14? Lot No 16 C Y* A, Stephen son est 450 70 Lot No 15 C V, Henry Ste phenson 4 2ft 100 Masdon, Thomas 32 00 434 Montgomery, YVW 33 59 421 2VI McCaninion'd. John 55 02 160 Ralston, David 15 06 50 Snyder, Barbara 26 46 90 Vanpool.C 8 46 50 Vanpool, Jacob 6 10 2"0 YVbiteliead, Richard 4120 50 John Wells 760 60 Y oder, Joseph 1 i 58 UNION aowssair. ; 150 20 Brower. Wm 41 5I ' 260 Kulill, 1* R 12 (|0 150 140 Mann, Harvey 44 56 100 Phipps, Samuel 11 85 50 Tlunnas. H (owner) 4 10 383 P B Crltler & Son " 79 00 •133 164 Wister, Wm 143 77 WALKER TOWNSHIP. 90 94 A skill, Robt 2 15 40 Baker, John ] ?t2 387 154 Baker, Robt & John 8 14 212 Bavkman, Saml M 17 120 120 Brooks. Ruth 311 son Hrady, Wm ; 72u 270 129 Cur vie r. Ma-y 6 72 115 113 Daughtory. Margaret.... 273 179 110 Daughtery,Elizabeth 4 32 69 39 Evans, Jesse 166 10ft 39 Evans, Je55e.,...'.,,..',... 240 92 2y Eckert, YVm 2 19 211 72 Hahn. Peter 507 22 47 Hah •, Ebenezer 52 65 40 Hahn, YVIII 1 54 219 39 James, Margaret 5 28 215 155 James, Edward 513 59 10 Johnston. David 1 38 161 Kiuix.jobn 747 560 McKwen, Mary 13 34 :-)67 160 Mausell, Wm. 781 90 94 Mercer, John 215 327 106 ltercer, David 7 8.1 384 36 Miller, Win 9 22 McCalinont, Thos 1 02 211 41 Osman, Capt 5 04 86 40 Packer, Job 2 05 89 40 Packer, James 2 15 182 Purdon, Richard 8 00 150 Reed, David 7 20 175 Robison, Richard 7 77 88 Sm'.ill, John & Henry 192 201 133 Sutler, James 9 64 382 36 Sutler, Daniel 916 59 Swan zy, William 140 39 W ickershani, Amos 71 worth TOWNSHIP. 33 Clymer. Henry 8 9) 254 Gray, J B 27 25 200 Hawthorn, Thomas 1.184 345 Kuhns, joint 49 94 278 Lawman. George 32 61 230 Maylati. jasper 23 78 274 Miles, Samuel 52 33 25 Morris, Widow -l 77 39 Ross, John 1063 85 Sivanswfell, John 14 66 6 Singer. John 18} 88 Sltippeti, Win J 15 160 Jonathan, Laird, blvneii. 1213 .58 A Laii'd, owner 6 42 y. Unknown, vacant 75 y Jacob Vanpool, owner,... 59 25 Wister, Win 11 11 237 Wister, Daniel 2145 1 D. a KELLER, Treasurer. The lee live Store • i ! i JIT l * I ) I LOCK HAVEN * * , i . I he s many patrons in Centre county, the result of ! many years' patient and honest dealing and a quick i insight in their wants and wi3he3. A large invoice of choice Spring Goods i have arrived. Will be pleased to show s them to you. Muslins, on which our reputation is unquestioned were never as low as they are now. |j Hill Mnslin at 8 1-2 cts. Very best I goods at 10 cts. The unbleached muslins 5 are accordingly as cheap. We are selling a surprisingly good Gingham at ! 5 cts., very gooS at 8 cts. ? Best Whittendon Shirtings at 9 cts. ; You will need them before long, buy them I now before they are gone. The Bee Hive Store is headquarters for Tickings. 5 An unusually fine line and cheap. Turkey Red Table Linen warranted Fast Colors, ' 50 cts. Pr yd. The 6th invoice of Jamestown Dress Goods have j arrived, best goods for the money that can be pur i chased. 25 c. A new and choice line of 12 1-2 cent ? DRESS GOODS. \ Cashmeres and Silks in abundance. One half ton of OAR PET CHAIN. 25 cts. We get your carpets made for you and j charge you the weaver's price. We have just received the finest and largest line of CARPETS ever brought to this city. LOOL AT THEM BEFORE THE CHOICEST PATTERNS ARE GONE. ! EVERETT & CO., ;; PROPRIETORS OF THE ! LARGEST WHOLE SALE HOUSE | Selling: off at Cost! W.T.Mauck& Son ARE SELLING OFF TITEIR EITTIRE STOCK I OF -FURNITURE-- To change the arrangement of their rooms. PAItLOR SUITES, CHAMBER SUITES, DINING ROOM FURNI TURE, TABLES, STANDS, CHAIRS, BUREAUS, BEDS7EADS, SPRINGS of every description, IIAIR, COTTON, HUSK & STRAW MA TRESSES, SOFAS, LOUNGES, CRADLES, HALL STANDS, CENTRE TABLES, EASY CHAIRS, BOOK CASES, WARDROBES, MIRRORS, FRAMES, WHAT-NOTS, Etc., Etc. Our stock of & BEcessinojts are entirely new patterns, and customers calling at our shops will after examination find that we are prepared to suit all tastes and fancies. The leading Wall Paper manufacturers are design ing and printing papers so far in ndvanceof those in former years, that we ean now show styles of PAPER ZEE-A-USTC3-I2STOS to customers that will improve their homes so much that they wJll not be without them. PRICES ALWAYS THE LOWEST! Earnestly soliciting a kind patronage we invite the public to call and inspect the goods at our shops, Penii St., MILLHEIM, Penna. "W". T. &c Sott. ' Bellefbnte Ag'ts. GO TO SIMON BROTHERS, THE BOSS CLOTH] ERS for your Clothing. 45 MAIN STREET, LOOK HAVEN. A. SIMON & SONS, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL keep the largest stoek in the county 1 143 MAIN STREET, 1 LOOK HAVEN.