Millheim Journal. (Millheim, Pa.) 1876-1984, May 01, 1884, Image 1

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Office in the New Journal Building,
lYnnSt.,nearHartnmn , s foundry.
Acceptable Correspondence Solicited
Address letters to MII.LIIK.IM JOURNAL.
Practical Dentist,
Office opposite the Methodist Church.
Physician & Surgeon,
Offlleo on Main Street.
Fashionable Barber,
hop oppoisite the Milliieim Banking House.
Physician & Surgeon,
Professional calls promptly answered. 3m
D. H. Hastings. W. F. Reeder
Office on Allegheny Street, two doors enst of
the office ocupied by the late Arm of Yocum
C. T. Alexander. C. M. Bower.
Office in Carman's new building.
Orphans' Court Business a; Speciality.
Practices iu all the courts of Centre county.
Special attention to Collections. Consultations
in German or English.
J. A. Beaver. W. Geph art
Office on Alleghany Street, North of High Street
Good Sample Room on First Floor. Free
Buss to and from all trains. Special rates to
witnesses and jurors.
House newly refitted and refurnished. Ev
erything done to make guests comfortable.
Rates moderate. Patronage respectfully solici-
(Most Central Hotel in the city.)
Good •Sample Rooms for Commercial Travel
ers on first floor.
NOB. 317 & 319 ARCH ST.,
The traveling public will still find at this
Hotel the same liberal provision for their com
fort. It Is located in the immediate centres of
business and places of amusement and the dif
ferent Rail-Road depots, as well as all parts ot
the city, are easily accessible by Street Cars
constantly passing the doors. It offers special
inducements to those visiting the city for busi
ness or pleasure.
Your patronage respectfully solicited.
Jos. M. Feger. Proprietor.
9thSt. South of Chestnut,
One Square South of the New Post
Office, one half Square from Walnut
St. Theatre and in the very business
centre of the city. On the American
and European plans. Good rooms
fiom 50ct8 to $3.00 per day. Remodel
ed and newly furnished.
46-ly Owner & Proprietor.
R. A. BUMILLER, Editor.
VOL. 58.
To all in any degree familiar with
the history of Mexico, it is well known
that a regular system of highway rob
bery exists in every section of that mis
erably governed country ; and that,
through a want of interference of the
authorities, this lias grown up into
such a regular and formidable shape,
that every traveler must be prepared to
put his life at hazard at every stage, or
be provided with a suitable contribu
tion for los caballtros del canwxo (the
knights 3f tho road), who, in the event
of finding you prepared and willing,
will make their levy with a politeness
only equalled by the smiling landlord
when he receives your overcharged fare
for your last night's entertainment.
Why such systematic boldness of rob
bery is allowed —if not with the conni
vance, at least with very rarely any in
terference of the government or state
authorities—is one of those mystical
matters, which, among many others,
so puzzels and perplexes the intelligent
foreigners ; but that such is the disa
greeable truth, every traveler through
that wretched country can bear ample
Some years ago, having business
which first called me to the Capital of
Mexico, aud thence through the inter
ior of the country to the northward, I
met with several thrilling adventures,
which I have recorded for the bonifitof
whomsoever may take aw interest
therein, omitting only the dates, they
being non-essential to the interest of
the narrations themselves.
The first of the seiies occured on the
route between Vera Cruz and the city
of Mexico. In the regular diligencia,
runuing between the places just men
tioned, I had taken passage, and had
passed through the beautiful ciiy of Ja
lapa, and entered the gloomy town of
Perote, without meeting with any un
usual incideut, though being contin
ually warned to be on my guard against
the dangers of the road.
At Perote, where we halted for a re
lay and refreshments, all my fellow
passengers took leave of me, very sol
emnly assuring me that, if assailed by
the laclrones , or robbers, it would be
much better for me to tako matters
quietly/and suffer myself to be genteely
plundered, than to run the risk of hav
ing my throat cut for resistance, as I
had somewhat boldly proclaimed it was
my intention of doing. I thanked
them for their advice, and replied that
I would take the matter into serions
At Perote, I repeat, all who had
been my companions from Vera Cruz,
took leave of me, this being the end of
their journey in that direction ; but
there was one new passenger here to go
forward, whom, to my agreeable sur
prise, I fouud to be a beautiful young
lady, some twenty years of age.
Seuorita Paula, as I subsequently as
certained her name to be, was indeed
one of those rare beauties seldom met
with except in works of fiction—tall,
graceful, with a profusion of long,
black hair—soft, clear, melting dark
eyes—features as perfect a3 ever came
from the hands of the sculptor, and
with an animation the most fascina
ting—varying in expression with every
changing mood of the intellectual poss
essor. A glance at her bewitching
dark eyes showed me that she was one
who was naturally of a social disposi
tion ; aud as we rattled away from the
gloomy town, I took the liberty of o
pening a conversation.
"They tell rae," said I, "that the
route beteen here and Mexico is a very
dangerous one to travel."
"There is little to fear," she replied,
with a sweet smile and in a melodious
tone, "except from the professional
robbers, and they seldom harm any one
who makes no resistance."
"It seems strange to me," I rejoined,
"that you Mexicans should take such
things as a matter of course, and deem
resistance a very impolite way of treat
ing the knights of the road, instead of
boldly asserting your rights and abat
ing the evil by a manly spirit of resist
ance. For myself, I must consider it
the most cowardly of proceedings for
any respectable party to set out prepar
ed to quietly gratify the cupidity of the
ladronea , and unprepared to treat them
to their just deserts,"
"Every traveler, senor," she replied,
"should, before setting out, count the
costs of his journey ; and as of course
it is natural he should value his life
highly, it seems to me natural that lie
should pay a certain sura for positive
safety, rather than put that life in jeo
pardy. For instance, in traveling fiom
Vera Cruz to Mexico, if he will first
reckon that so much is the fare by the
diligencia, and that so much will be re
quired for entertainment on the way,
and so much for the contingency you
speak of, he will then have the exact
cost between the two points ; and if he
will look at the whole as the sum total
of bis journey, he will not seem to be
robbed by any one phrty more than an-
"That," I replied, "may be,l believe
is,the Mexican mode of doing business,
but does not tally with the preconceiv
ed ideas of foreigners."
"But every one," replied the fair
speaker, "should con Arm to the cus
toms of the country he visits."
"And do you then go piepired for
this highway robbery ? and have vou
no fear in thus journeying by your
. self ?"
"Well, senor, what can Ido V 1 am,
as you perceive, an unprotected lady,
who, for certain reasons, am required
to make the journey between IViote
and the Capital some two or three
times a year, and you certainly could
not expect me to go prepared to resist
an armed band 1 As to fear,l will not
| deny I have my share of that ; but, so
far, I have never met with any rough
treatment, and I trust to the saints
that my fortune will ever be as propi
tious." -
"And have you really been robbed
on your journey back and forth V" I
"I think I have paid my share to the
lad rones for my transit through their
country !" she laughed.
"And you expect to continue a re
petition of the same for the lest of
your life ?"
"Who knows ?" she replied. "At
least I hope to be always prepared."
"And your fellow travelers ?" said
I ; "have you never seen any disposed
to resist these unlawful acts ?"
"Once, senor, an American and an
Englishman, who were in the same dil
igeucia with me,tired upon the robbers,
killing one and wounding two."
"And did the robbers tire back ?"
"Yes, but lied immediately, and for
tunately injured noi.e of our party."J
"As I should have expected," re
turned I. "You were not robbed on
that occasion, I suppose V"
"We were not, senor ; but the two
foreigners subsequently paid dearly for
their resistance ; for in journeying
back and forth, both were killed, sep
arately and at different times near the !
same spot. You see these crosses by
the side of the road, senor ?"
"I have observed them frequently,
but here they seem to be much more
numerous," I replied, looking forth
from the vehicle.
"Each stands on the spot where
some one has met a violent death,"
she rejoined ; "and as we go along, I
will call yonr attention to those which
mark the places where the foreigners
met theirs."
"Do you know," said I, "that I ana
resolved to emulate their example, let
the constquences be what they may ?"
"Holy saints defend us !'' she ex
claimed ; "you aie not in earnest, se
nor ?"
"Seriously so, I assure you."
"You would only bring certain
death upon us both."
"Say, rillier, I should lighten the
expenses of tiie journey—for your
knights of the road understand retreat
03 well as advance—and you yourself
have acknowledge that firm resistance
put them to tl.ght for once."
"But there were numbers opposed to
them, senor, and you are only one."
"But fortunately I have a couple of
revolvers, which, in two good hands,
amount to some ten or a dozen shots,
and my fiiends have repeatedly told me
I am not a Dad marksman."
"Ah, Santa Maria ! you will think
better of this,senor ?—the very idea of
resistance terrifies me 1"
"But idea of robbery ?"
"Because I have never met with vio
We continued to converse in a simi
lar strain for some time longer—my
fair companion gradually changing the
subject, and seeming much interested
in myself. I learned that her family
name was Valerde, that she was un
married, that hei father and brother
were officers in the army, and so forth,
and so on ; and in return I gave her
my own name, stated something of my
history, business and prospects, and
altogether became more communica
tive than I would advise any friend to
be with any stranger of either sex in a
strange country.
As we continued our journey, the
conyersation gradually changing from
one thing to another, Senorita Paula
suddenly brought it back to the point
where it first opened.
"We are coming upon a dangerous
prat of the road," she said ,• "are you
still resolved to defend yourself if as
sailed ?"
"With your permission, senorita 1"
"1 do not think it advisable," she
replied ; "but still, if such,is your in
tention, I think it no more than right
that you should give me a chance to
take a part in my defense, since my
risk of danger will be as great as
yours !"
"And have you really the nerve, af
ter all, to defend yourself V" I inquir
"If 1 had the means, senor."
"I have two pistols," said I ; "if
you will accent one of them, it is at
your service !*'
"You are very kind, senor—but can
1 fire it ?"
"With ease, senorita ;" and produ
cing one of my revolvers, I explained
to her ttie manner in which it was to
be used.
"And this, you say, will shoot some
half a dozen times ?"
"I think it safe U*oakulatethat five
charges out of the six will explode,sen
"A veiy formidable weapon indeed!"
she replied ; "and with such I can al
most fancy we are safe. You have an
other, you say, like this ?"
I produced it.
"What a beautiful invention !" she
observed, reaching oyer and taking it
from my hand. Then extending her
hands, one of the revolvers in each, she
continued : "Armed like this, one
might almost count himself safe against
a host ! You say this is fired in this
manner ?" she proceeded, cocking
one of the weapons as she spoke and
pointing it toward the mad.
"Have a care, senorita, or you will
discharge it 1"
The woids were scarcely uttered,
when her finger pressed the trigger,and
of tlie barrels was exploded with a
sharp report. A minute after, and
while I was gently chiding her, we
heard a loud, quick tramp of horses,
and several sharp, rapid exclamations.
The next mouient our conveyance
was stopped suddenly, and we saw our
selves surrounded by some eight or ten
mounted mn, one of whom, in a loud
voice, exclaimed :
"Yield you prisoners, or die !"
"Quick, senorita 1" said I, extend
ing inv hand ; "quick ! in heaven's
name ! give rne one of those weapons !
for now is oui time for decisive ac
tion !"
"Nay," she replied, putting the wea
pons behind her, "you will be too hast
y ! Let them suppose we yield—let
them open the door !"
"Oh, no ! it will then be too late !"
As I spoke, the door, was suddenly
thrown open, and three or four swar
thy, heavily-bearded men presented
themselves to my view.
4 Quick, senorita, for the love of
God !" I cried grasping at her arm.
"Hold !" she exclaimed, instantly
presenting one of rny own revolvers to
my head. Resistance is useless !—you
are our prisoner !"
"Gracious heaven !" exclaimed I,
perfectly astounded. "Our prisoner,
did you say ? It is not possible that
one so fair and lovely as yourself is in
any manner connected with these band'
itti 1"
"It is even so, senor," she replied,
with one of her most bewitching
smiles, still keeping one of my own
weapons turned against myself, and
significantly pointing the other to the
door. "You will oblige us by stepping
forth and giving yourself into the care
ot these good gentlemen, who will see
that you are treated as a brave man
should be, but who will trouble you
meantime for any little change and
valuables you may have to spare !"
There seemed to be no help for it—
the beautiful Senorita Paula Valerde
was a spy and accomplice of the lad
rones. She had entered the diligencia
at Perote for no other purpose than to
ascertain the exact condition of things
inside and bo able to signalize her asso
ciates as she passed along, so that they
might know exactly in what manner to
conduct themselves and make their
work sure without risk. By a simple
stratagem she had obtained my arms,
just at the point where she knew the
attack would be made ; and her dis
charge of the pistol, as if by accideut,
was the sign to show them that all was
"I acknowledge myself conquered by
being outwitted !" said I, bowing to
la senorita.
Then turning to the rolbers, who
had now collected in a body, in front
of the dour of the diligencia, I contin
ued :
"Gentlemen, will you pei mit me to
alight and make you some valuable
presents V I the language of your
country, all I have is yours."
The leader of the party bowed polite
ly in return, and said, with a grim
smile :
"Si, senor, we shall be most happy
to receive an} thing which so distin
guished a traveler may have to be
With this I quietly stepped from the
vehicle; and one quick,searching glance
put me in possession of the whole state
of affairs.
The diligencia had been stopped in a
wild, gloomy place, and the driver was
sitting carelessly on his box, taking
everything as a matter of course. lie
might also be an accomplice of the
robbers, or lie might not; but, in eith
er case, there was little hope of assist
ance from him—for any attempt of the
kind would certainly bring upon him a
severe punishment, sooner or later. I
glanced up and down the road, where
it wound between dark, overshadowing
trees, but discovered nothing to give
me any hope. The robbeis, some eight
or ten in number, and all well armed,
I were collected around me, part of them
mounted, and the others standing on
their feet, holding iheir mustangs by
the bridle. Looking upon my case as
a desperate one, s > far as being plun
dered was concerned, I still retained
my presence of mind, and did not
wholly despair. True, I had been out-
I witted and disarmed, and LOW stood
singly between numbers but the idea
of yielding tamely to this outrage was
repugnant to my very nature, and I re
solved to put any favorable opportunity
for defense and retaliation to the
etrongest test.
"Will you accept this purse ?" said
I, producing one that field several gold
coins, and handing it to the chief of
the ladrones.
"Thank you, senor ! you are very
kind !" he said, as he took it in lis
hand, with a iolite bow, and chinked
the money.
"This diamond pin may prove ac
ceptable to your friend ?" I added, as
I quietly removed it from the bosom of
my shirt, and handed it to the ijentle
man on his left, who received it iu the
same polite manner. "This diamond
ring I trust you will retain as a keep
sake !" I continued, drawing the jewel
from my finger and presenting it to a
third. "I beg your pardon, sen ores !"
I pursued, glancing at the Senorita
Paula, w ho, with my pistols still iu her
possession, was quietlv standing with
in the diligencia, regarding the whole
proceedings with one of her sweetest
smiles ; "1 must not forget this beau
tiful ladv ! I bayo here," I went on,
at the same time producing the article,
"a very beautiful gold snuff box—set,
as you perceive, with diamonds—w'll
your ladyship honor me by accepting
this as a slight token of my regard for
the pleasure afforded me by your com
pany and conversation ?"
"You are a very gallant gentleman,
senor !" she laughed, taking the two
revolvers in one fair hand and present
ing tlie other.
I reached the box toward her—but
mv hand trembled a little—and, just
as the present was about to touch her
fingers, it slipped and fell between us.
"A thousand pardons, senorita, for
my awkwardness !" I said, as I bent
down to pick it up.
"Now was the all-import rut moment
—the moment of life and death ! All
were in a measure off their gaurd ; and
one quick, furitive glance, showed me
that the girl still held my weapons care
lessly in one hand, with the other re
maining extended for the prize. 1 lifted
the box carefully ; but, as I raised my
self, I gave a wild, startling yell ; and
as the senorita started back,l, with the
quickness of lightning, seized both
weapons, and wrenched them from her.*
To wheel and commence firing upon
the party, was now only the work of a
moment. The first shot, fortunately,
stretched out the chief; the second took
effect to the one nearest to him ; and by
the time the third had been sent on bis
mission, there arose one simultaneous
yell of dismay, and the astonished rob
bers began to scatter in every direction
I had no disposition to follow them,
however, another minute they might
rally and turn upon me; and, springing
forward, I grasped the reins of a freed
mustang, and vaulted into the saddle.
One more glance around me,showed me
the Senorita Paula upon the body of
the chief, her laughter turned to grief,
and sortie of the scattered cowards
bringing their weapons to bear upon
"Adios, senorita and senores I" said
I, bitterly ; "he laughs best who laughs
The next moment I was dashing a
way down the road,the half-rallied rob
bers pouring after me a volley, but
fortunately not touching their mark.
They would doubtless have followed me
in hot pursuit, but for the wholesome
dread they had of my still undischarg
ed weapon.
As it was I escaped, and entered the
town of Puebla in triumph; where, it is
almost needless to add, a narration of
my exploit made me a hero and a lion
at the time.
Here I sold my captured mustang
and trappings for enough to .indemnify
me for what I had disposed of in the
way of presents ; and the next day saw
me an inside passenger of the. same dil
igencia, en route for Mexico, where I
arrived in safety, without any further
event worthy of note.
What become of the robbers and
their beautiful accomplice, I never
learned; but the lesson taught me on
that journey 1 have never forgotten:
and during the remainder of my st; y
in that country, no pretty woman evt r;
had the honor of being my business con
fidante, or, of getting possession uf my
trusty and unfailing revolvers.
No brass band can play as many airs
as a drum major can put on.
Terms, SI.OO per Year, in Advance.
The Literature of Advertising,
Business men find it very hard some
times to write even a simple three-line
advertisement in the strict technical
phraseology, which is the only style
allowable in the newspaper columns,
and some houses employ a clerk espec
ially for this work. Others leave it to
the publisher to see that it comes out in
good shape, and often the. best talent
upon apni>er is brought into requisition
to write out the virtues of a patent
medicine in a sufficiently laudatory
manner. Not long ago a man stood ab
sorbed in thought at the counter of a
newspaper otlice in this city. lie was
writing something on a scrap of paper,
and as a friend passed him he caught at
him as a drowning man catches at a
"Give me a word," he exclaimed.
"Certainly," said his friend ; "what
kind of a word ?"
"Oh, anything you can think of. It
dosen't matter what."
"How would collaborate do ?"
"Couldn't be better. Thanks, ever so
much." And he inserted the word and
handed in the advertisement.
The next morning the friend read :
Furniture sold on collaborated time
to parties desirous of going to collabo
rated housekeeping.
Punctuation, or the want of it, is re
sponsible for many of the strange ad
vertisements we read. Take this one
for instance :
WANTED—A woman able and will
ing to wash iron and milk three cows.
WANTED— By a German girl just
landed in a private family a situation
with or without children.
WANTED— A man to play the organ
and a boy to blow the same.
WANTED— A boy to milk and mow
A rather singular announcement ap
peared in one of our city papers.
A large blue gentleman's overcoat
lost in the vicinity of the market.
"rooms to rent with all the modern
ineonveniencess," was unintentionally
WANTED—A comfortable room for a
young man four by ten.
A Detroit paper gravely anuounces
in its advertising columns:
To KENT— An elegantly furnished
room to a gentleman already heated.
Among the artistic advertising are
the folio wing notices :
Two young women want washing.
Wood and coal split.
Teeth extracted with great pains.
A cheerful advertisement is this:
Try our coffins. You will never use
any other.
In the Washington Evening Star
there recently appeared the following
suggestive advertisement :
The prayer's of God's people aje most
earnestly requested for the thorough
purification of a young church, whose
pastor and officers are inveterate tobac
co users,much against the wishes of its
This cool advertisement appears in a
London paper:
A lady wishes to recommend another
lady who through no fault of her own,
lus become in distressed circumstances
thinking that if 1,000 benevolent per
sons were tc subscribe £lO it would
place her again in affluent circumstan
In looking over the pages of a daily
paper, one is impressed with the great
number of lost dogs. It would seem as
if there must be a large community of
them somewhere, for it is very seldom
they are returned to their owners. And
no matter how ugly they are, they are
always described as beauties, and the
family nuisance becomes the family
pet as soon as he is hopelessly lost.
Then there are the wives—poor
things—who are advertised as
"Having left, my bed and board with
out provocation" and the public is
"fordidden to harbor her at my expense
as I will not pay any debts of her con
A sad spicing of advertising is that
we meet most every day in the columns
of the news papers:
FOR ADOPTION—A sweet little girl
baby, 6 months old. Must be taken at
This seldom fails to elicit an immedi
ate response from the charitable and
kind-hearted reader, to whose tender
est sympathies it appeals.— Detroit Free
Show Your Hands.
Entering an Austin watchmaker's
establishment, a country negro pro
duced the hands of a clock,and observ
ed to the astonished watchmaker:
'Boss, I wants ver to fix up desc
ban's. Dey jest don't keep kere't time
for moah den six monfs.'
'Yere has you got de glock V inter
rogated the German proprietor of the
'Out at de house on Injun creek.'
'Yen you brings him in V
'Whaffor you want de clock V
'1 vants to fix dat glock mit der
'Of course you fixes it wid yer
han's. Who said you was gwinter fix
it wid yer toes V
'I must hub de glock.'
'Didn't I tole yer dere was noffin
de matter wid de clock, 'ceptin' de
ban's, and I have done brung em to
yer. You jest wants de clock so you
can tinker wid it, and charge me hke
de debble. Gib me bacK dem han's,'
and taking them away from the de
signing German, lie went out to hunt
up another establishment,— Texas
Sifting s.
NO. 18.
If subscriber* order the discontinuation of
newspapers, the publishers may continue to
send them until all arrearages are paid.
if suhsuriluM-s refuse or neglect to take tl el?
newspapers from the office to which they are sent
they are held responsible until they have -tit led
the hills and ordered them discontinued.
I f subscribers move to other places without In
forming the publisher, and the newspapers are
sent to the former place, they are responsible,
1 wk. 1 mo. j 3 mos. 6 mos. 1 vear
1 square *2 on *4 00 5 00 *6 on >8 00
2* JO 00 15 00 3000 tot®
1 10 00 15 00 | 25 00 45 00 75 00
One Inch makes a square. Administrators'
and Executors Notices #*.so. Transient a*lver.
tlsements aud locals 10 cents per line for first
ins riiun and o cents par line for each addltion-
Baby on the Cars-
There was a baby on a car of the
Chicago. Burlington and Quincy Rail
road the other afternoon.
It a baby in long clothes is always
at it —was loaded to the muzzle with
cry. It was a little thing not more
than two feet long, but It had more cry
coiled up in it than yon would suppose
could lie stowed away in a baby as big
as a town constable. What would an
auctioneer give for that baby's capaci
ty ?
Well, the train and the baby got a
good eyen start, and for several miles
the passengers looked on with interest
in the race. Almost anybody would
bet off-hand that a baby's steam would
run down before an engine's, but if you
knew this particular baby you would
disdain all illegal propositions and de
clare yourself "not a betting charac
ter;" which by the way, is a most righ
teous declaration—when you have
no sure thing.
The poor young mother of this port
able noise factory was crimson with
embarassment, for of course every pass
enger looked at her and seemed to her
to say: "Why don't you 6hut up that
squalling brat V"
l'resently a man with a long flowing
beard come up the aisle, chucking the
baby under the chin, and made a hoiid
grimace, and simpered, "D.i, da, da,
tootle te tooty."
The baby was crying as loud as it
could, but this made it cry louder.
Then a woman reached over from the
next seat and whispered something in
the mother's ear. Of course, nobody
heard what she said, aud the mother
only sat the little one on her hand and
shook her head.
A man across the way said perhaps
there was a pin sticking into it;and the
baby was tipped and turned and wap
sey'd until investigation exploded this
"Probably got the colic," said a dig
nified woman with a double chin. A
mau in a long duster gaye it a pepper
mint lozeuger, but the baby declined it
with kicks and yells.
The poor woman looked down at the
floor as if she wished to find a nail-hole
to slip through. A kind-looking wo
man came from theotlierend of the car,
took the baby and pranced up and down
the aisle bobbing aud jumping the bun
dle of scream, until it was demonstrat
ed that this was not the cure. She pass
ed the baby to a man, who offered it
his watch, but that was spitefully flung
to the floor, as the baby opened the
steam throttle another notch.
A young man with a struggling
mustache and a high collar was look
ing out of a window whistling "Baby
Mine." He turned his head languidly
and suggested to the man who was trot
ting the screaming infant on his knee
trying to shake its lungs down into the
muffling folds of its long tkirts, "If you
people keep on until you frighten the
baby to death it'll stop crying I guess."
Every eye in the car shot a blood-red
stare at that young man. What did he
know about babies, the stripling ? But
the baby was passed back to its mother
and all the passengers sat still and
brooded over the insult. Then the
baby in the dense quietude laid its little
head upon its mother's shoulder,sniffed
a few sobs, and fell into a peaceful,
noiseless slumber, and the young man
turned his head down into his high col
lar and concluded his tribute to "Baby
Mine," while the other passengers
thought, "Now he thinks he's smart,
dosen't he ?"
There are persons whom you can al
ways believe, because they have the
habit oi telling the truth. They do not
"color" or enlarge a bit of news in or
der to make it sound fine or remark
able. There are others whom you
hardly know whether to believe or not,
because they "stretch" .things so. A
trifling accident grows in size, but not
in quality, by passing through their
mouths. They take a small fact or
slender bit of news and pad it with
added words, and paint it with high
colored adjectives,until it is largely un
real and gives a false And
one does not like to listen to folks,when
so much must be "allowed for shrink
Cultivate the truth in little things as
well as in great thiugs. Pics your
words wisely, and use only such as
lightly mean what you wish to say.
Never "stretch" a story or a fact to
make it seem bigger or funnier. Do
this, and people will learn to trust you
and respect you. This will be better
than having a name for telling wonder
ful stories, or making foolishly and
falsly "funny" remarks. There are
enough funny things happening in the
world, and they are most entertaining
when told just exactly as they came to
One has well said, "Never deceiye
for the sake ot a foolish jest, or to ex
cite the laughter of a few companions,
at the expense ufa friend." Dear
young friends, be true. Do the truth.
Tell the truth. There are many false
tongues. Let yours speak the things
that are.pure, lovely, true.