Developement of Forest Trees. There exists a great diversity a mong trees in regard to their periods of derek>pement; some have a brief ro tation. The coppiee growths in Eu ropean forests are often utilized in periods of ten or fifteen years ; in our own counrty too, we have many trees of short rotation, and some of the most useful and profitable trees are of this character. Dr. Wardner, of Ohio, in a paper on "Forestry," says: The black locust may be harvested after it has grown from twenty to thirty years. The eatalpa speciosa in the same time will make good cross-ties and froce posts. The ailantu* very soon attains a useful size, and for certain purposes has been highly commended both in this country and in Europe. Prof. C. S. Sargeant is advising its extensive plantation, and some years ago it was spoken of as the most promising tree for the airid plains of the Southwest. The forests of Scotch pine in Ger many are allowed sixty years to reach their useful size for fuel and for tim bers. The birch there reaches its maturity in about half a century. The willow used for charcoal needed in the manufacture of gunpowder may be cut after growing twenty years, or even less. Chestnut, in its second growth, is most profitably cut every twenty or twenty-five years. The beautiful wood of the wild cherry soon reaches a profitable size for many purposes, though for saw logs and lumber the tree should be larger. A TRUE STORY. 'The Sheriff" will be here to-morrow and everything we have will be swept away,' and he bowed his head in his hands and groaned aloud. The patient little wife went softly to a bureau drawer, and taking there from SBO,OOO which she had saved from her household expenses, placed the package quietly at his feet. Half an hour later the mortgage was paid off and the old man was a rouud the corner playing seven-up for beer. Woman's Work in a Mint. Fifty females employed in the mint at San Francisco, are called adjusters, and their pay is $2.75 a day,counting week days, and all holidays but Sun days. Their hours are from eight o'clock in the morning, until four in the afternoon, with the exception of Saturdays, when they cease at two o'- clock. These adjusters occupy two large rooms on the second floor of the mint. One is used for the adjusting of silver, and the other for that of gold. The floors are carpeted, and each lady has a marble-top table, a pair of scales, and a fine, delicate file. Before the gold is turned over to them to be adjusted, it goes through the process of being rolled, annealed, cut and washed. Then they take it in a state called "blanks," that is, perfectly smooth, and the weighing is done. It is weighed to see if each piece be of standard weight, which must be grains for a silver dollar, a slight dis crepancy being allowed on either side. If a coin is found outside of the limit after being weighed by an adjuster, it is returned; if too light, it is condemn ed, and must be remelted; if too heavy, it'is filled to its proper weight. This is the ladies' work, and an in teresting sight it is to watch the small, white fingers deftly handling the shining pieces. A room near the adjusting room has been set aside for the ladies,who use it as a lunch room; two long tables are provided, and a janitress furnishes boiling water for making tea, and also keeps the place neat and clean. Several of the ladies have been in the mint for many years. A STORY WITH A MORAL. 'ls the editor in ? I want to whip him,' said an applicant at the counting room. 'Yes, sir,up six High ts, front room.' 'ls there an elevator?' 'No, sir.' r 'Then I guess I won't go up. I don't want to meet him all tired out.' ADVICE TO MOTHEBB. Are you disturbed at night and broken of your rest by a sick child suffering and crving with pain of cutting teeth ? if so, send at once and get a bottle of Mas. WINSLOW'S SOOTHING STRUP FOR CHILDREN TEETHING. Its value is incalculable. It will relieve the poor little suf ferer immediately. Depend upon it, mothers, tbere Is no mistake about it. It cures dysentery and diarrhoea, regulates the stomach anil bowels, cures wind colic, softens the gums, re duces inflammation, and gives tone and energy to the whole system. MRS WINSLOW'S SOOTH ING SYRUP FOR CHILDREN TEETHING is pleasant to the taste, and is the prescription of one of the oldest and best female physicians and nurs es In the United States, and is for sale by all druggists throughout the world. Price 25 cents a bottle. 'Yes, Augustus, I love you. Now you must go and see father.' 'No, dovie, not yet ; that is father than I want to go j list at present.' Lewisto. and Tyrone Railroad Time Ta|c. LKAVK WESTWARD. 13 IS 7 a A. >r. A. M. p. >r. r. >T. P. M Montandon 705 9.40 2.05 0.00 7.5 Lewisburg 7.25 10 05 2.20 Fair Ground 7HO 10.1.4 2.25 Rielil 7.40 10.27 2.35 Vlcksburg 7.4.5 10.36 2.40 Mtftlinburg B.ooor 11.00 ar 2.55 IP. 3 u5 Millmont 8.22 3.23 Laurel ton 8.33 3.40 Wikcr Run 8.57 4.06 Cherry Hun 9.15 4,25 Fowler .. 9.35 4.17 Coburn 9.43 s.oft Spring ar. 5.30 LEAVE EASTWARD.: ;a 4 s 10 A. M. P. M. Snring Mills 5.50 1.50 Coburn 618 2.20 Kow lor 6.28 2.33 Chcrrv Run 6.48 2.55 Wiker Run 7.05 3.15 Laurolton 7.30 3.40 Millmont 7.40 3.52 A M.* Miffliwburg ■ 8.00 1L45 4.15 P. M. Vickslmrg 8.15 12.10 4.32 Blehl 820 12.17 4.38 Pair (bound ... A. M. 8.30 12.33 4.48 P.M. Lowisburg 6.35 8.45 12.50 5.10 7.30 Montandon ar. 6.45ar. 9.00 ar 1.05ar.5,20>tr 7.40 Nos. 1 and 2conmvt at Montandon with Erie Mail West; 3 and 4 with Sea Shore Express East; 5 and 6 with Day Express and Niagara Express West; 7 and '8 with Fast Line West; 9 ami 10 with Williamspait Accommodation East. *•*#* THE SEWING MACHINE WORLD RcYOlutioiiized by tlie Introduction of the IMPROVED WHITE SEW Mi MACHME, The King of all Sewing Machines. Conceded by all experts to be the tlnest ma chine ever placed on the market. The only machine in the w orhl with an AUTOMATIC BOBBIN HINDER, with which a CHILD can wind a bobbin as evenly as a spool of cotton is wound. The ONLY Machine with a Practical Embroiderer, with which BEACTIIT UYORK can bo done The ONLY Machine with a HEM STITCHING ATTACHMENT. The • WHITE * has a Self-Setting Needle- Self- Threading throughout, All Bearing Adjustable, Case Hardened and of Steel. The "WHITE" has no Cor. WHEELS, which aro only used in the cheaper grades of machines, therefore soon become noisy and hard-running. Be sure and —EXAMINE THE WHlTE— before buying a sowing machine. as-ALL KINDS OF SEWING MA CHINKS REPAIRED A TREASONABLE RA TES. *3-011.3, NEEDLES AND ATTACHMENTS always on hand. I also keep the Jicst Quality of LADIES',MISSES' & CiIILDUKX'B FINE SEWED DRESS SHOES 0. G. BRIGHT, Agent, AARONSBURG-, PA. 4 4+ 4 4 4 4 4 4 ***** ** ft D. I. BROWN, DEALER IN STOVES, HEATERS, RANGES, TINWARE, &c. Practical worker in Tin, Sheet Iron, Copper, &c. ♦ done at short notice by practical workmen. Spouting a Specialty Shop on Main St., opposite Tomlinson MILLHEIM PA. '• MUNN Sl CO., of the SCIENTIFIC AM ERICAS, eon- i tinuetonet as Solicitors for Patents, Caveats. Trade Murks, Copyrights, for the United States, Canada, I England, France, Germany, etc. Book about i I'.-'rents sent free. Thirty-seven y are' experience. I Patents obtained through MUNN&CO.aren >ticed j in the SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN. the largest, i est, r.r,d : most widely circulated scientific paper. s3.'2Ua year, j Weekly. Splendid engravings and Interesting in formation. Specimen copy of the Scientific A nifr- ' lean sent free. Address MUNN &CO., SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN Office, 221 Broadway. New York. WANTED— LADIES TO TAKE OUR NEW ! fancy work at their homes, in city or count- j ry, and earn £6 to 812 per week, making goods ! for our Fall and Whiter trade Send 15 cents for BMipi and particulars. HUDSON MFG, CO. 267 SIXTH AY2, NEW I'OBK. * ELI AS LUSE. —— F. T>. LURK j Elias Lusc A Son's PLACING jgILL, LA the rear of the Kv. Church, lVn street, MILLHEIM, PA. ALL KINDS OF PLANING- MILL WORK SUCII. AS Doors, Window Frames & Sash, Shutters & Blinds, Siding, Brackets, Stair Rails, Balustrades, Verandahs, AND ALL'STYLES OF IMIOTJLZDIHSTCr made to order at Hie most reasonable prices. A share of public patronage respectfully s( >- licitcd. 36-1 y w Iron Levers, Stool Hearing*, TAME SEAM. RA *. JOXTH, RK PAIS THE I'm'iuir. 8 5 (k)UI on ti tl. Warrant* 6 ?e*io. All Ucj low. JTr free book, atUUaea H J JONES OF BiNBHAMTQN, LUIIBIUJUV.Y, Viek's Floral Guide. For ISM IN UII FEGNUT Hook DIM FAGRO, 3 v'ol orcd l'atos of Flower* uml Vege tables,and more than in 7 illustration* ol the choicest Flower-, l'lanls and Vegetable.-., and DlreclLns lor mow lug. Il is handsome e. nough for the Center I'.ude as a Holiday I'res out. Bend on your name and I'osi oflloe ad dr. ss, with I<> cent-. and I will scud >>u a copy , p.t-iage paid. '1 his is in t a quarier of its cost. It Is printed in both i nghsh and Uermui. li you afterwards order seeds deduct the 10 ets. Yiek'* .Need are the Itest in the World ! The FLOIUI. GUIDE will tell how to get and grow them. Viek's Flower and Vegetable Garden, 17"> ra ces, 6 Colored Fiat -s.> Eugravin ;s. For "u cents in paper covers; 61.00 in elegant cloth. In German or English. Viek's Illustrated Monthly Magazines—32 F.i --g i s.a Colored l'iate in every number and many li I e tug-ravings, i'rtce ilffibn year ; l ive Cop ies for $ . >. Specimen Numbers sent for Id cents ; 3 trial copies for 2.5 cents. JAMES VIGK. tf ROCHESTER, N. Y. Steam Bending Shops, ( FARMERS' MILLS, PA J All kinds of bending in wood done on short notice. Orders filled for —IRUI-MIS— of all sizes, and of t he bast m itcri il . Bob SI 3d Runners, Shafts, Bent Hounds, Plow Handles, Phaeton Birggy Reaches. Send for price list. Orders by mail promptly attended to. All work guaranteed. J. K. BEAR & SOX. DOG- OSSIELSIE* Not \vanti:>i aI) •, eo: d for a O AL 'T xlogtie Of Xewjpaj e ch'b wi'h the I-AMIEY Ntij ThleJ Rculc—cflpldtjr, i 19 H)s. I'ricc,—v. i.i-r yy< :t g.-i Newspup r por Address, JOKES OF BiKCHAMTON, BIKCIIAXTOK, N. Y. DELAWAUC RIVER (M::U: -.VL WORK-, 15 A UGH & SON 8, Ph iladelp \ ia, Fc>>. 1, 1- I. To farmers of Pennsylvania : G• nOemen :-E-r ov cr eiffh f u ■ <,•.< we have manu factual! Raw U-jw f'l. >si,<'s, and our brand* hare befouir ho,t< hoi/ vonle in nearly ev-ru vcWon of tl,■ country. In many comnr . ities fh" (i<-viand for tlr at has increas ed tf/. tie in others the sales hav decline . mi account of the preference for I OWCT-pTiced goods. St/, years ayo Uh'liny that the dimoTu! for good* of loire.- cost had becooh: aim ost unit rsal, vm' hcirtny pecular adrantayes of raw materi i ; sa ./I wanvfacturtag fuciliti n. me determin 4 t > meet thiedemand, and introduced a TWEN TY-IJVEj OLLAR PHOSPHATE, jit ah by a NL IF I'ROC FS.S EXtU SI VI LY OUR OIFTV. The fjuictrness icith ichich this Phos phate sprany Into use oniony intelligent farmers will be shown by the folioiciny statement ; Of the lViOAph'tfc /here were sold During 1579, 1,287 To}l - < - isso, 3,957 1881, 5A 4 7 u 188?, 8,288 188J, 10,128 The report* of the action of the Phosphate have hem saiisfa. Tory in every case from a wide inquiry. H'e want to be informed upon this point very plainly, as it is our interest to k now if the article continues to produce yood results. We will thank any farmd. havimj ns d the Phosphate with disippointiny results, tol let us hear from him with full facts. • Yours truly, liA UGH & SONS. la F °P> ; THE BEST 1 j external I 2 BBUtUHA,' \ Bcxarsa GRASPS, | I Sprains, Bruises J PI Burns and Scalds,! "■®J lefellesjlsekclie, k Frosted Feet and§; Bars, caul all other Pains anci Aches, g It is a safe, sure, and|| effectual Remedy for Galls, Strains, Scratches, a umSSTf?* ores * & c '' on HORSES. | |j One trial will prove its,*! , : J merits. Its effects are in^ •s a most cases f ifgjTUZ iriSTANTANEGL'3. | V J iktegydgg EVEIY bottle warranted TO^| FT givo satisfaction. Send ad- LJ ; I dress for pamphlet, free, GLV-SJ r-1 X 6K t -x^rs S3 g ing full directions for THE^| M treatment of above diseases. K REGGGFEIA Price 25 ets. and 60 ets. PER&3 i'd -TR** Sold everywhere. 4 Henry, Johnson & Lord, Proprietors, Y i Barlington, Vt. For date by 11. 11. TUMLIJSbOF, Millheim, Pa. 1 THE NEW Hill Hi III' i in, IMMIII ■■III 11l I 111 111111 ■■ JOUKm STORE | Penn Street, Milllieim, Pa., is the only exclusive Bool?. Stationery id Variety Store m renns Valley. Wo ran not possibly to enumerate nil the goods we have for sale but there must be u beginning somewhere and .so on BIBLES, and that ist i.waysjn good beginning as well as a good ending. Splendid Family Bibles, Pul pit Bibles, Teacher's Bi bles, Sunday School Bibles, Pres entation Bibles. It will be'to youv inlere>t to examine these*be. fore you go to other places to buy, Photogr p ph Albums. From tho large tjnartoCabinet Album down to the small Pocket Album holding a dozen cards. Every style, variety and price. A large line of Autograph Albums, These are good sellers all the time and arc very suitable for cheap presents. Scrap Books and Pic tures, an endless variety, th- flne-t and latest styles, all sizes ai d prices. In this Hue we claim to have more novelties than any store In the valleys. It will pay voutocomeandexamineourstockof Velvet Cabinet Frames, before you buy elsewhere. PAVE 11, EEVELOPEE, CARDS, PA PETE PI EE, IEEE, 1 EES TA EDS, PENCILS, ECIIOOP POO EE, PEES, PEE HOLDERS, EL A TEE PL AXE POO EE, and in Out anything and everything in the Pooh and Stationery line can le had at our store. Come, Cee and Buy AT THE NEW JOURNAL STORE Penn Street and at the LOWEST PRICES. Tu.S.STAHa'.UDi| £j} VR? O N B WA3OH SCALES, j JbtTifvjp jj l.uu t!e> 1 11. triti ir. 1E.. gtf fi T*ro RMm Att.t Brant Bo*, BWGHAMTDIfI CSOO end B JONES lie ji>B Uu-trlßht —lui lire B Pile* Lli montl.n lli'n peir and H _ I Ja-JObCSOF BIHQHAMTO*. I. ST- mi..Jill N. V. rptiK ♦ MILLHEIM JOURNAL U OR Printing Office ij is now supplied with (Loop fnFSSEE and a large, assortment of DISPLAY TYPE. LETTER HEADS, NOTE HEADS, BILL HEADS, STATEMENTS, ENVELOPES, CIRCULARS, POSTERS, and, in short, neat and tasty Job Printing of all kinds i'KOMI'TLY EXECUTED. _ ssnd TO 1 BINCHAMTON JV Premiums giveu^Dtk Lievot ■ MILLHEIM - | MARBLE WORKS The Oldest, The Largest, The Cheapest, Most Reliable Establishment, in this part of Pennsylvania. Monuments, Tablets and I Headstones, i i manufactured in the most artistic styte and of the best material. At I work warranted and, . put up in the most substan tial manner. IS U~Our>prices are so low that it will pay persons in need of marble work to give ! as a call. m DEININGER & MUSSER proprietors Shops cast of bridge, Main St., Millheim, Pa. FF ■ F/MI 'vFF 1 .r.F~ j ri i;y i xfbj m k■■ FU -A• hill v • ''v."'-/ : i;.'Av t-r; *" • : - • ' - . ' .. J-j swwlf* v ; • i r est. k. c. w::-. s v •; .' •> r. •. nwn>t>U|iiilM-rHnUfU.I) c . ... i i N.iv-u, .. a. | . - r i rtiio UM- •>! |ImIU r •> • .• VfA f, •: 10. I>: ■ -firtn. So r l ; oi tl. " . !■ •• . in * m • -i . io.din-t> nt:. .. .■ • . ; E m f., ■,• ) t ■ Bvn-nnci?. f.- •..( r . ' ' . : in J s -i I •C' r■' ft i|. ..." lr<-itui Nt . ! /.1.-. C 41. 4.^ (isiub'J I - Clj'l i f pfKO. V/a CUy.i.' 1 L • .L.-f L OHn Tnr':r.un,f.v.\ >" !', Nc- n> •i - ■! : • > f rr' L'XO. nc-nrsj -l.1 u0 i . • v .• i-r; : <• rllirglamnit-ii.l >rr •• i: n; I. r ...j„.. ..j ii t ff!T- tn c: . U 'in .• I.'. ■ •■.!• BtSXKX * xmHCMOS, SJ I™"""""" ''TF .IFL. V." .i . F'* "fi jj Thr.Do',>rsf.-.: v Ji. -.C l':i j ft fs* ilf.-.' ••• o, •; i' "V ? . y ■■■■ '■ j S i.;.n i ■* ft . t V'.'j •> Ci.'tt.i i.... i tv. ji I EJSNZii £; MENDELSON, t J ?"0 RTC3 rtreot, PbH^fj D. H. Lenker, MANUFACTURER AND DEALER in FURNITURE, A.ARONSBUR&, FA, Cliamber Suits, Bureaus, Lounges? Bedsteads, Stands, Marble-Top Centre Tables, Breakfast Tables, Dining Tables, Extension Tables, Sideboards, Sinks and all kinds of Kitchen Furni ture, Lane or Wood Seat Chairs. Rockers, Spring Beds, Wire, Wool and Hair M a tresses, every style of Mould ings lor Picture Frames. Frames of any size made to order. Undertaking a Speciality. A share of thejpublic'patronage re spectfully solicited. JG-ly SPECIAL BARGAINS ' FOR THE || p| | SPRIIRATRADE AT (LIMITED,) PA., Nos. 110, 112 & 114, Front Street, \ WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN \ Musical Instruments, Furniture, Carpets, China, Silverware, and House Furnishing Goods Generally. GOODS DELIVERED FREE OF CHARGE. DOWNS' ELIXIRBHB I N. H. DOWNS' I Vegetable Balsamic ELIXIRI For the cure of H Consumption, Coughs, Colds, Catarrh, j| f| Crcup, Asthma, Pleurisy, Hoarseness, || 11nSucnsa, Spitting Blood, Bronchitis, h ! EM and all diseases of tlio Throat, Chest, and EgS jjyj Lungs. In all cases where this Elixir Jjß p.,5 "••J iis efficacy Is at once manifested, coa- g i **-Z vincing the most incredulous that Q CONSUMPTION S Ujls not lucuralle, if properly attended to.— 22 j „ At ita commencement it is but a slight irrita- CO 1 tion of the membrane which covers the Lungs; then an inflaniation, when the cough is rather dry, local fever,and the pulse more frequent,the jjJJJg CD checks flushed and chills more common. This Elixir I a curing the ehovo complaints, oper-5® gj atcs so us 1o remove all morbid lrrita- EH Etl to the surface, and fln&lly expel them from BB m| 'ho system. It facilitates expectoration. It heals the ulcer&ted surfaces Dm and relieves the cough and makes the breath-1 ' ing easy. It support* the strength and at the Bm| U same time reduces the fever. 11 is free from IH j>§ strong opiate and astringent articles, which are H M of so drying a uature as to be in great danger of H Kjsj destroying the patient; whereas this medicine H MM never dries or stops the cough, but, by remov- ■ ■ ing the catse, consequently, when the cough I mls cured the patient is well. Bend address for H M pamphlet giving full directions, free. Price 3o cts., 00 eta, and SI .00 per bottle. SOLD EVERYWIIEBE. g| 9ESKT, JOHXSOS & LORD, Props., Bnrtingtoa, Vt. I nam downs' Fur Sale byII 11. Millheim, Pa. Indi*ea> •# olli.c Eiiv:!, f U!a act 3,ne.—Mrrvons IVbHltr. Vupolracr, Orpscla Vi oalcr-v (Vnorrh®*, SynhUltle and Hrreorisf Iffeello-.t*. £<-fcnt:(!c tresimcnt; van and sure vcniprfir*. Deformities Tested. Call or write for list of quntlonsto besnswcicd fcy t'.toso desiring treatment by mail. (Persons an Or! no f< >m !![<:>* nrmhonM eml their ad dress, V and loam sacutMaitta IV tr oCraala-e. It le not a truss.# iddresa TV. f. I. l.iil.lßC.F, IVesl r hrslclaa In <krp> fer.tril tled. ft !VrIcV'BSr.&'JO Lor-i-.t St. LsnKEo. Succcsecr ij 1 l.'uttj'E:.;iei:ra:y. 1 '.s'.tlivhrd to Tears, CUT THIS OUT! a sS n kS ß sl 5 SS4O We have stores in 15 leading Cities, f m:n which our agents obtain their supplies quickly. Orr Factories and Principal Onlcea are at llrlc, Pu. Send for our New Catalogue and terms to agents Address Rij kg K iIIIICI I 013 Spring Carden St. Lla til LUIfcLL PHILADELPHIA,PA. $3&P&F[S&2£j£A ydMBfIiiCBHaPBHHH ISpcc.altyPatent causes before the Patent Office! I and the Courts, fteasoanble terms. Opinionastol {patentability, free of charge. Send forciroulai^J SiOOO REWARDotTtr.'®. For &nj marltiae liuUin* ami cleaning Hi for ,f b !/7,7 d ha* tnad* _ market m much Clover Seed in cue /^fwogaiStir/1 newar'K M ACmNE NEWARK, a it*] Upmt-'-par.w a n ..y.,.six mi BEND TO 7087180 FlSflffi birghamtob for lletofNewepapst M 0 .I I - Premiums given wltl the JONES SCALE and freo Frfoe Lie; 0 W. JOHN BULL'S Sii'sToicSynij FOR THE CURE OF 'EVOtandACUE Or CHILLS and FEVER, AND ALL MALARIAL DISEASES. The proprietor of this celebrated medi cine justly claims for it a superiority over all remedies ever offered to the public for the SAFE, CERTAIN, SPEEDY and PER MANENT care of Ague and Fever, or Chills and Fever, whether of short or long stand ing. Ho refers to the entire Western and Southern country to bear him testimony to the truth of the assertion that in no case whatever will it fail to cure if the direc tions are strictly followed and oarried out. In a great many cases a single dote has been sufficient for a care, and whole fhmi • lies have been cured by a single bottle, with a perfect restoration of the general health. It is, however, prudent, and in avery ease more certain to care, if its ase is 00atinned in smaller doses for a week or two after the disease has been checked, more espeeially in difficult and long-standing cases. Dsn ally this medicine will not require any aid to keep the bowels in good order. Should the patient, however, require a cathartio ; medicine, after having taken three or four doses of the Tonio, a single dose of BULL'f VEGETABLE FAMILY PILLS will be suf ficient. BULL'S SARSAPARILLA is the old and reliable remedy for impurities of the blood and Scrofulous affections—the King of Blood Purifiers. DR. JOHN BULL'B VEGETABLE WORM DESTROYER is prepared in the form of candy drops, attractive to the sight and pleasant to the taste. DR. JOHN BULL'S SMITH'S TONIC SYRUP, BULL'S SARSAPARILLA, BULL'S WORM DESTROYER, The Popular Remecilos of the Day. Pi luriptl OB re, 831 Main St., LOUISVILLE, KT SMITH'S RERUN OLIOI The Great German Remedy —FOR— RHEUMATISM, Neuralgia, Dyspepsia, mad all Diseases of tbc Stomach, Bowels, Blood, Liver and Kidneys. For Sale bj all Dealers is Medicine, at 59 Cents a Bottle. Prepared and sold at Wholesale by the GERMAN OLIO COMPANY. (LIMITED,) * 38 Willow Street, William*port. Pa, PHILADELPHIA WHOLEBALE AGENCY: Johnston, Hollo way & Co., 602 Arcß St# Smith, Kline A Co., 309 & 311 NORTH THIRD STREET. THIS PAPER Ei'^Fcl Newspaper Advertising ftoreau (10 Spruee StT66t)| WI)6T6 S4VO|? Alptall S|Bdajm asjm rsssswsNEW YORK-
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers