Millheim Journal. (Millheim, Pa.) 1876-1984, April 24, 1884, Image 2
|fi|< J|itll|4im Jjoupal. THURSDAY, APRIL 24-rn, 1884. Published by R. A. BUMILLER. Ghnrch & Simfla v School Directory. Evangelical. Revs. B. Tfengst] and J. B. Fox, Preach'* Rev. B. Hengst will preach on Sunday even ing, English. Sunday School, D.L. ZKBBT, Supt, Missionary Society meets on the third Mon" day evening of each month. Methodist. Rev. O. P. It. Sarvis, Preacherin-charge. Sunday School at 10J4 A. M.— D. A Musser, Sup't Reformed. Rev. Zwlngli A. Tearicl. Pastor. Mite focletf meets regularly on the first Tues day evening of each month. United Brethren. Jtai. J. Q. W. Herald, Preacherin-charge. ' Preaching next Sunday morning. Sunday !|g|tftol.9 A.M. — J. Q. W. Herald, Sunt. Lutheran. Rev. John TOmlinson, Pastor.— Preaching in Aaronsburg next Sunday morn ing, German. Sunday School at 9 A.M.— H. K. Duck, Supt The Autpburg Bible Class meets every Thurs day evening at 7 o'clock. ladies' Mite Society meets on the first Mon day evening of each month. Presbyterian. Rev. W. K. Fbster, Pastor. Lodge & Socieh Directory. Millhelm Lodge, No. 955, I. O. O. F. meets In heir hall, Penn Street, every Saturday evening. Rebecca Degree Meeting every Thursday on or before the full moon of each month. C. W. HAKTMA>, Sec. K W. MAUCK. N.G. Providence Grange. No. 217 P. of H., meets in Alexander's block on the second Saturday of each month at IX, r. M., and on the fourth Sa turday of each month at IH' p. M. D. L.ZERBY, Sec. T. G. ERHAUP,Master. The Miliheim B. & L. Association meets in the Penn street school house on the evening of the second Monday of each month. A. WALTER, Sec, D. L ZKRBT, Prest. The Miliheim Cornet Band meets in the Town Hall on Mendav and Thursday evenings. J. H. B. HARTMAN, Sec. SAM. WEISER, JU, Pres. Democratic County Committee for 1884. Bellefonte N. W James A. M'Clain. B.W A1 Garman. '• W. W James Sehofleld. Howard A. Weber. Miiesburg .. Dr. W C. Grove. Mi llheim .. James C. Smith- Fhilipsburg Ist W J. N. Cassanova. 2d W J.O. Loraine. 3d W John M. Holt Unionville - P. McDonald. Benner Wni.H. Close. Boggs 8 Frank Adams. " N George Brown. Burnside H. M. Meeker. College W. H. Tibtens. Cnrtin John McClockey, Ferguson E. P Peter Lanck. R W. P Levi Walker. Gregg S Luther Rishel. " N John bossman. _" w P Bower. Half moon.. DTT^HatcS- Harris Jacob weaverr Jr. Howard. ........ Geo. D Johnson. Huston.- Charles Murray. Liberty - Frank Brown. Marion - John Hoy. Jr. Miles Peter S. Beirly. Patton ...... —. Robert Reed. Penn Andrew Campbell Potter N. P. l>r. John F. Alexander. " S. P Joseph Gilland. BoshS. P John O'NeiL •• N.P John Long. Know Shoe N. P Edgar Holt. " " S. P.— Spring John Gerbrick. Taylor - B. V. Fink. Union Sam'l K. Emerick. Walker.. Sol. Peck. Worth Wm. Lewi*. P. GRAY MEEK, * L'nutf'/lWtt THE Republican State convent ion having been held at Harrisburg last Wednesday resulted in the instruction of the six delegates-at- large for Blaine and no more. Two of them even are suspected of going back on their in structions when it comes to a point at Chicago, while the district delegates are allowed to do as they please. Don't think there is very much of a Blaine boom in that kind of work. Gen. C. S. Osborne, Luzerne, was nominated for Congressman-at-large. BLAINE and Lincoln, Edmunds and Lincoln, Grant and Lincoln, Arthur and Lincoln, Hanley and Lincoln, Sherman and Lincoln are the combi nations talked of by Republican politicians. They would go to show that Lincoln is positively billed for the vice-presidency. WE see by the Clinton Democrat that Hon. S. R. Peale enters the can vass as a candidate for congress from this district. The article announcing the fact is subscribed by CLINTON and winds up with the following para graphs: Mr. Peale has been a Democrat for not less than thirty years and his de votion to the principles of the party is known to be fervent and sincere. He is a lawyer of recognized abitity; pos sesses legislative experience and will, we know, never be guilty of anything that may bring reproach upon him self or bis constituents. Mr. Peale is a man who combines administrative, executive and legisla tive abilities that few men possess. This,together with his high reputation for honesty, integrity and ability,con stitutes him one of the most popular men in this Congressional district. He would make a representative to the National Congress, his consti tuents would be proud of. We cordi ally commend him to the people of the several counties. That he will carry Clinton by a large majority without opposition we do not doubt. CLINTON. . WASHINGTON LETTER. WASHINGTON, D. C m April 23,1884. From this standpoint, the portentous Arthur boom appears to be assuming the character of a Blaine stampede of yery considerable proportions, particu larly in the President's own State where the whole stalwart army seems to have broken ranks and completely forsaken their old commander. In the . New York deal the President finds his most discomforting surprise, because he had counted upon the aid of a class Dfmen in nearly every Congressional district, whose liyes had been devoted, as his own had been, to the manipula tion of the machine politics of the State. But tlieie was ex Gov. Cornell with his sores or 1884 still unhealed,and there was Mr, Conkling, who is out of politics only in the sense of repaying old scores, and whose hand is seen in all of this anti Arthur work, and there was, aboye all, the apprehensions a mong the leaders of tho party that the Democrats could not nominate a candi date who would not easily put New York in the Democratic column next fall as against Arthur. That Arthur has been unfortunate in the distribu tion of patronage in New York, goes without saying. Ilis appointees in New York city were selected for him simply from the want of courage to select them for himself. Tho result was a class of officials that care as little for Mr. Arthur's preferment now, as he cared for them when ho was anxious to give their places to those in whom he had confidence. Upon the idea that honest meu get their dues when rogues fall out, the disturbances in this once happy Republican family will as surely give the Empire State to tho Democra cy next fall, as that Vermont will go the other way. Mr. Morrison has got his tariff hill before the House and in Committee of the Whole, in spite of the predictions of his failure. His opening speech was a souud, common-sense presentation of of its leading features,spiced with some historical data touching the manner in which tariff commission and tariff measures in past Congresses had been in the interest of the manufacturers and capitalists of the country. An analysis of the vote by which the bill was taken up for consideration, devel ops a pretty strong indication that the contest over it will be both long and exciting. It is Known that while quite a-number of Democrats who voted to take up the bill will finally vote against it, there are also a number of the 39 Democrats who voted against its con sideration will ultimately record their votes for it. It seems that Mr. Bob Lincoln's as pi rations are a trifle higher than those which satisfied his boss four years ago, ard the fellow is playing double for all he is worth with both Logan and Ar thur. While he sends dispatches to Chicago announcing that his name can not be used while he is in Mr. Arthur's cabinet, he is knifing Arthur in the East'und throttling Logan in the West uponjevery possible occasion. It can not be that the President is not cog- uixent of this dublicity on tho part of a of his cabinet, but what is he going to do .tbout it if he is ? If he should kick him out, what would be come of the prestig£~of that name un der which the son of his father got into the cabinet, and how many would vietv it as an insult to the memory of Gar field ? From the time that Lincoln was taken up and carried into the office of town supervisor of Chicago ten 3 ears ago, upon this sentimental sort of pol itics, has been afflicted by the political bighead in its worst form, and it shows the possibilities of American politics including its civil service reform, when such a man as Robert Lincoln can be seriously spoken of in connection with the highest political office in the win Id . FIIONO. Rioting at the Mines. SHENANDOAH, Pa., April 21.— A fight between Hungarians, Poles and other nationalities, in which several hundred persons took part, occured yesterday afternoon, near the borough limits. Revolvers were freely use:l,and one Hungarian was shot in the leg. The prompt action of the police averted a more serious riot. Several rioters were arrested. LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS. REGISTER'S NOTICE.—The following ae counts have been examined, passed and remain filed on record in the Register's office for the inspection of heirs and legatees, credit ors and all others in anywise interested and will lie presented to the Orphans' Court of Centre county on Wednesday, the Both day of April, A. D. 1884, for allowance and confirma tion : 1. The secoud partial account of B. F. Phil ips, surviving executor of &c. of Christopher At oyer, lute of Penn township, deceased 2. The first partial account of B. (). Deining er, one of tho executors of Jonathan Philips, late of Miliheim borough, deceased 3. The account of M. L. Rishel, administra tor of &c. of Catharine Nfiultz, late of Gregg township, deceased. 4. The account of Samuel Hall, administra tor cta of &c. of Jesse Hall, late of Kendall count v, state of Illinois, deceased. 5. r /he account of Amos Koch, executor of &c., of Mary A. Koch, late of Potter township, deceased. 6. The third and final account of J. G. Car son, administrator of &c. of Geo. Carlin, late of Potter township, deceased. 7. The account of Adam Krumrine. exeputor of &c. of John Hetmbach, late of Potter town ship, deceased. 8. The seventeenth annual account of John Irwin, Jr.. and Daniel Bhoads, surviving trust ees. under the will of William A. Thomas, late of Bellefonte borough, deceased, as filed by John Irwin, Jr. 9. The second par'lal account of John liar kins and George \V. Harklns, administrators of &c. of Wm. Harkins, late of Potter township, deceased. 10. The account of G. W. Williams, adminis trator of &o. of Lydia shuey, late or College township, deceased. 11. The account of D. B. Fletcher and Ru dolph Fletcher, administrators of &c. of Fred erick Fletcher, late of Howard township, de ceased. 12. First partial account of Benjamin Buck, administrator of &c. of Margaret sharer, late of Halfmoon township, deceased 13. The second final account of John G. San key, surviving executor of &c. of Joseph Bitner late of I'otter township, deceased. 14. Second account of James P. Coburn. ex ecutor of &c. of Daniel Kreamcr. late of Penn township, deceased. 15 The account of Joseph F. Williams, ad ministrator of &c. of Mark J. Williams, late of Huston township, deceased. 16. The account oi I>. M. Wagner, late guar dian of Wm. A. Thompson, nijnor, as filed by Alvira E. Wagner, executrix of &e. of D, M. Wagner, deceased. 17. The account of Thomas Dale, administra tor of &c. of Peter Shreek, late of College town ship, deceased. 18. The first and final account of George Dale, executor of &c. of Robert Kendall, late of College township, 19. The account of John M.Pacini,administra tor of &c. of Sarah Fleming, late of Bellefonte borough, deceased. 20. Account of John B. and Samuel B. Shafer two of the administrators of &c of Samuel Shaffer, late of Miles township, deceased. 21. The account of Saniuol Gramley, trustee to n ake sale of the re l estate of Samuel shaf er, late of Miles township, deceased. 22. The account of John Grove and M. J. Royer, administrators of &c. of Jonathan E. ito'yer, late of Potter township, deceased, as fired by John Groye. acting administrator. 23. The account of J, L, Kpangler, adminis trator of &c. of James Rupert, l ife of Liberty township, deceased. JAMKS A. MCCLAIN, Register. 1 TREASURER'S SALE OF UNSEATED LANDS FOR TAXES FO , 1882 AND 1883 AND PREVIOUS YEARS,-Notice Is hereby given Hint In pursuance oi an Act of Assembly, passed on the 12th day of June, A D IHIS, en titled "An Act t.t amend an Act, directing the mode of selling unseated lands in Centre coun ty," and the sevetAl supplements thereto, there will be exposed to public sale or outerv, the fol lowing tract* of unseated lands in said county for the taxes due and unpaid thereon, at the Court House, In the borough of Bellefonte, on Monday, June 9th, A. D. 1884, at one o'clock, p. in.: ACItEH. rKR. WARRANTEE NAMES. TAXES. BENNER TOWNSHIP. 58 lloliuas, Robt 2 04 100 Dale, Christ Sr., (owner) 490 noons TOWNSIIIP. 143 Dale. Ann, part 14 27 383 163 Fra/.ier,Nofbroa 25 83 433 I<l3 Flshburn,Hannah 41 i'l 433 ltli Gray. Wm 38 95 431 137 Godfrey, Martha 45 12 433 103 Harvey, Jonathan 28 80 418 40 Hood, Will 42 SO 431 40 Hood, Moses 33 37 181 I.ucas, I M& J P Packer 24 00 433 103 Lewis, David 43'5 300 M'Coy, Frank 30 30 50 Faker & Lucas 5 04 438 (4 Rlisscl, Win 31 13 433 It 3 • Russei, Thomas .. 29 42 50 Walker, Jon.(owner) 4 50 40 Leathers, Jamb, (owner) 211 383 103 Weiss. Michael 29 69 IWKNBIDE TOWNSHIP. 415 Black, J nines 934 433 103 Brady, Robt 19 44 433 103 Brady, Win P 9 72 433 103, John 972 433 103 Bell, Win 12 90 433 153 Bingham, Win 50 99 i 415 Rovd, John 18 07 433 103 It vers. John 19 59 433 103 Cook. Wm 19 41 433 103 Cowdoil, John - 12 90 •433 103 Dewart, Wm 6 43 483 103 Dewart, John, 0 48 '33 103 Donelly, Henry 0 IS 433 163 Donelly, John 12 00 433 103 Fox.Sainuci M 12 90 433 Its) Grav, Jiobt 648 433 103 Gray, Win 6 48 433 103 Grant, Thomas 12 96 433 103 Graves, Alex 12Si 433 103 Goben, Charles 048 433 103 Hamilton, Thomas 12 90 14" Harris, Henry 12 00 403 153 Harrison. Geo 1952 483 103 House!. John 12 90 433 153 Hunt, Person 45 47 433 103 lvidd, John 10 35 413 Levy, Nathaniel 1243 433 163 Lyon, John I*2 96 483 153 McLmnhan, Blair 19 52 433 153 Me I.analian, Geo 45 47 433 153 McLauahan, Folly 45 46 433 163 McLauahan, Ann 45 40 433 130 Mead, Geo 64 93 •200 Miller, Win. 600 4:>3 163 Morris. Joseph 12 90 list 153 Nicholson. John 5398 233 153 Peltit, Aim 39 47 j 433 163 Shatter, H Mir.v 12 96 415 Tall man. Sarah M 12 43 433 158 Tench, Francis 32 54 433 103 Towers .James 9 72 415 Thomas, Joseph 12 43 415 Wallace, Joseph 934 483 163 Wallace, Joseph 12 90 415 Welt Eel, John 1147 415 Weidncr, Jacob 87 23 123 Wheeler, Henry 3 66 433 163 Wilson, Bird 12 86 204 Withington, Martin 3 05 COLLEGE TOWNSHIP. , 421 Johnston,Ross 15 43 CTKTiy TOWNSHIP. 434 Alnsley, Robt... 5069 415 Allen,Chas 50 90 376 Balrd, Samuel 3835 185 Brady.Wml' 37 92 397 Carscudden, 1) 4 . 78 387 Coats, Llndley 23 00 150 Custer, Paul 13 74 30 Cnrtin, John 393 200 120 Carscaciclen. l> 14 tin 311 Deliavcu, Peter % 52 82 106 Dt'Vllng, Joseph 12 40 434 DevHug, Joseph 50 78 135 Donald, Henry 33 60 311 Evans, Cadwalder 52 82 415 Elliot. Win 70 41 415 Eddy, Ester - 82 84 448 99 Kpple. Ana ....... 73 38 415 Grav, Robt. - 64 24 415 Gray, Win 64 24 415 Gilbert, Win H2 90 300 Godfrey, Martha 83 W) 300 142 Godfrey, John W 4410 120 Hahn, Peter - 12 24 415 Halm, Susan 64 24 00 Hollo we] I. Ed 1120 142 Humphrey, Thomas 14 47 203 Irvln, Jame* 3912 ,1805)4 Kelso, Joseph 56 80 403 Kelso, Rebecca 60 18 400 Kelso, Joseph 48 0) 200 Line. Mary 33 20 150 Line, Sarah 44 50 415 Levy, Nathaniel 8290 20714 larwns,Caleb 32 40 297k Longstretli. Isaac 38 56 2u7j2 LOW lis, Caleb 38 26 2073-4 Longslreth. Isaac. 38 28 70 Mason, John S 12 32 450 MeCai'ley. John 45 11 200 Meyer, Philip 47 CO 100 Meyer, Simon 2.3 .'0 4!0 48 Meyer, Michael 95 HO 420 Meyer, Valentine 9o 80 196 Miller. James 2912 4(0 Mitchell. Wm P 46 80 434 Mitchell. Win P 49 73 >2O Mitchell, Win P £5 74 290 Mitchell, John P 33 93 110 Mevers, Ko\cr 6 49 313 112 Orvis, Ellis, L 36 04 434 Packer, i W 4973 42 Packer, s W 4 91 15 Packer, j W 1 50 110 Packer, W M 12 87 326 Packer, s W 3814 J2 Quigley, Cline 5 54 100 Smith, Peter ... 16 29 433 153 Scott, Samuel. 86 88 433 103 Tallman. Mary 50 78 200 Tunis, Richard 29 40 200 Tunis, Richard 19 80 415 Wain, Jacob 41 04 217 Wharto 1, Flshburn 35 50 217 Wharton, Flshburn 35 50 160 Willis, Jonathan 11 10 415 Wlstar, Caspar 114 90 433 163 White, James 91 90 160 Willis, Jonathan 11 10 461 Yardley, Wm 4700 FERGUSON ToWNSllli*. 100 Burchfield, Win. ..... 5 05 10 Hjcks. A brain 1 42 150 Thomas, Peacock (owner) 12 00 GREGG TOWNSHIP. 130 Askin, R0bt....... 4 68 110 Mozely, Jacob 265 130 Mercer, John., 4 03 120 Reese, Daniel 4 99 150 Zelglcr, Michael 179 52 A Custer's est. (owner).... 3 09 HAINES TOWNSHIP. 363 69 Barr, Thomas 6 51 406 60 Barr, Margaret 7 25 87 15arrows, John of 1 '2'S 375 60 Barr, .James 6 73 388 60 Barr, Mary , 692 154 Beck. Henry 2 96 446 28 Dudbridpe. Hannah 5 92 181 Fees, Jacob 2 49 4'H5 89 Grat7.. Michael 7 23 CO Gratz, Bernard 5 35 262 140 Gillman, H& S Snyder.... 17 06 26.3 Gillman. H& S Snyder.... 12 9' 435 Hull, Clms 16 90 400 00 Links, Mary 7 20 106 Lowcry 1 38 200 Parker, Wm 1 78 170 Stover & Wolf. 3 04 88 Fidd, Wm 83 159 I) Hensel (owner) 1 33 125 I> Ileusel (owner) 1 10 '25 139 AViess, John & Sol Neidigh 45 HAI-FMOON TOWNSHIP. 48 Beck. Dan 1 13 80 95 Keith, Jacob 28 40 216 Lainburh, Josiah....'.: 32 23 24 Jacob Vaupool (owner) .. 496 63 S9 C Vaupool " 9 33 67 76 C Vaupool " 11 52 , 45 C Vaupool " 3 08 HARRIS TOWNSHIP, 409 Andre, Abso|:m 3 89 133 Fox, Geo 169 400 Harrison, Win 3 80 50 Irvln, John 122 400 I'arkcr, Richard 3 80 -109 Reed, James 3 80 407 92 Wharton, Kearney 4 23 100 Young, Samuel 90 ; HOWARD TOWNSHIP. 107 104 Brown, saiunel-., 66S 136 92 Harris, .las D .8 81 55 Harris, -las D 2 09 160 WBlls, Jon.s 15 Hud 14 32 160 Willis, Jonathan 14 31 IICV.TON TOWNSHIP. 433 163 Barter, James 25 10 120 Kuhn, Ada a 8 88 59 Kuhns 4 34 4:33 163 Price, John '25 10 433 163 Rollington, John 3511 4:33 13 Wheel and, John 2511 LIBERTY TOWNSHIP. 166 Hayes, Roht $ 4.39...,..,. 2595 171 He*,}. Geo I) 10 87 309 3 Irvln, R0bt.........;...... 29 6-4 310 Jackson. Jere 22 63 180 Juytle, Peter 680 150 Lytie, Peter 605 176 Qujgley, James A 1056 168 Sljaw& Lingle..,, 8 21 349 Smith. Christian 16 72 MARION TOWNSHIP. 17 Lewis, Robt 407 37 100 McKinnev, David 620 70 Rohrer, Chris 18 06 50 Wm Tlighman (owner).. 12 90 100 J P Harris " 12 30 19 Isaac Era in " 7 04 28 John Zeiglter " 7 98 60 Yarger, Simon 4 02 60 Yarger, Simon 4 02 £OO Young, liobt 22 80 MILKS TOWNSHIP. 430 Brady R0bt...., , 7 94 410 Brady, Hannah.... 7 ffl 255 Brady, Jane 4 70' 200 Brady, John. 0 70 440 Brady, Will I*.. 8 14 lift Brady. Win. 2 oft 421 Calhoun, <• corse 7 80 40.1 Cai others, james... 7 42 I*o Cooper, Win 2 78 .120 Pea toll, Joseph.. >O2 420 G ray, Relit 7 S8 47ft it rani. Thoma* 8 78 20.1 llumer, William *>77 4fto H tinier, Alexander 8,0 4.10 Jackson. Jeremiah 0 28 12ft Kills, George *>o2 300 Levy, Anton f> 45 425 Norton, Sjunl 7W 300 Parker. Witt 5 54 324 Parker, Richard 5 08 324 Parker, Jeremiah 503 58 Parker, Win 103 125 filed man. Win 2 01 200 Smith, 1 human 170 lot) Soott. Abraham 184 50 Scnlt. Kami 01 150 -Scott, Abraham 2 77 00 Scott, Ham! 105 130 Taggart, llohert 2 39 275 Tripp John 507 425 Tolantl. Henry 7 83 lik) Long, 0 (owner) 175 127 Whirton, Moore 218 4-25 William, David 7 82 I'ENN TOWJiSlur. 1W Armstrong. James ftoo 150 lo Cowilon, John ftoo 112 10 Cowdon, John., 3 01 150 Hamilton, Thomas 0 00 150 Hepburn, James 0 00 110 31 Hepburn, James 4 08 150 Kenneth', John 0 00 1.50 Kennedy, James 000 104 80 Kenneth. And 3 02 IDS 111 Kennedy, In!.II 3 72 113 8 Kennedy, .tame# 181 200 I.yon, Holier! 8 00 2tK l.von, Kzekia! 8 00 200 Lyon, UeuJ 800 100 Montgomery, win 4no IftO Montgomery.Until 4 no 2h) M Valley, Win s mi 200 McCaUowJolui sou POTfElt TOW X3IIII*. 288 Bound, Mary 4 06 81 111 Cameron, Alex 1 19 132 Carotlun s 2 It) 20 Fullmer, li 11 *>4 409 • Garlgus, Ldvvard 500 400 Garltrus, Wat 5 do 400 Uarihon, Wnr 8o 40 . Livingstone 7-1 105 Model la 11, Geo 1 07 70 Perk, J<s 1 4.1 ik) John Bitnor (owner) 101 bpeinu TOW S8 HIP. Isft 115 Purdon, John 014 300 v Loliison, Catharine o'.k) 3'k) llolihon, I'ebecea 0 94 150 I'obboli, liiclinrd 4 97 0". t'ft Fool, lleory 0 60 92 102 Tijtiriilmrj.', Thomas 6 60 100 .1 Cordon (owner) 3 30 75 Kinliiue Wli.tuey (owner) 742 SNOW snoiTOwssiiir. 1 4:13 Hyanl, And 107 79 t 411 153 Bingham. Will 80 95 411 153 Brunt, Felix 80 95 60 Clyiner, Geo 8 4ft 433 153 Campbell, Geo 8o • > 412 4! Carseaddon, David <>7 .'ft 412 II carseaddon, David 77 04 287 Bft Cur*cadd:M), David 47 oft 43.1 151 Cox. Paul Stl 95 413 173 ( tithburt, TlltiS 81 95 413 153 Cunningham, 1) II 78 4 1 413 153 Deinuey, Sharp. s# 93 100 Leveling.Joseph SO 90 218 Dobson, Snin'l 27 89 111 K.UIv, Ce> 45 48 200 Fitzslmin mt, i'hos ....... 23 G) 41.1 103 Fox.Sam'l.M Bft 58 433 163 Fisiwr. James C "l 00 411 163 T Isher, Ham'l W 80 97 80 Gray, Robert 8 p; 2,0 Dili by. .lo- 3ft i 383 Hale," J.iino* T 07 18 50 Hale, James T .... 5 27 433 I*3 Hawthorn, Thos . 89 95 483 ivi Hawthorn, James 00 95 433 153 Lewis, Win Ml 95 431 153 Lewis. Win lawyer so 97 433 Llnu. Sani'l 70 W 353 Liquet. John 57 87 400 Long, .1 Z 60 43 290 Long, ■' Z 17 10 314 Lens, .1 Z 47 41 4:13 153 Maylan. Jasper 70 hi 431 153 Mavston, Edward 70 99 431 MoManiins, 7<t 413 15.3 McLanahan, Blair 70 99 4.13 153 Meat I, Geo 61 •') 413 153 Mci'hcrson. Win fto t t 4:.3 163 McKiven. Thos 70 90 433 153 Mililken, M T 61 OS 490 73 Mitchell, N J 57 t I 433 M Flier, Luke 70 99 413 Morgan, ItenJ K 55 4*> 433 151 Morris, Robt 76 u7 308 71 Nesbit. John M 09 09 413 153 Parker. Win 55 45 216 Parker. Jeremiah 27 03 216 Parker, Jeremiah 27 93 060 P nt. John 59 i"4 300 153 Pini, llttsh 59 <>4 3(k) Reiiey, Job - 54 60 360 141 Relley,John 59 04 413 15.1 Mltppen, Thos L 70 99 433 1-5.1 Hcott. Ldvvard 70'.>9 4.33 155 Talhnan, B -njainin 55 45 102 Tomkins, Jos 17 23 431 Ml TaUman, Sarah M 70 99 431 153 Valentine, A S 52 99 190 8 Vandyke, Henry 31 Ift 413 153 Wain. Rebecca 55 4.5 4: :i 163 Wain, Plieby 70 78 433 153 Wharton, Moore 70 0.) 4:t3 l "si Wharton, Elizabeth 55 i > 4:13 163 Wharton, Thos F 7t) trJ 413 151 West, Francis „ 70 99 433 153 West. Bi'llj 70 99 265 West. Frances 27 80 413 153 West, Win I! 45 57 431 I**3 West. John 45 57 109 West, Frances 13 89 itrsn TOWNSHIP. 4:13 153 Allison, John 17". 15 328 Alhsoo. James 132 50 2 0 Allison. And 11950 ;100 Allison, A A J Lilly 113 4ft 327 10 Armstrong.And :u 27 40 in At'ierton. Klohard 18 04 164 10 Allison, James 1997 104 Ban man, Joseph 12 80 52 Baiunan, J<-aqfii 1118 431 103 Beverage, David 37 07 4:13 163 B.leklfy, Dan l G 99 431 103 Rrutznuin, Peter 1405 % of 433 103 P.n land.John 2104 100 Copenliaver, /ohn 9 In 433 153 Cunningham. John 110 lo 100 Clymer, Geo 8970 10ft Campbell, Goo "0 7n 890 Cut hburt. Thos 11910 433 103 Delativ. Sharp 37 '>7 155 99 Dnrsh. Frederick 4ft 09 433 153 I'M wards.Thos 154 65 433 163 Filler, l>anl 05 58 50 Frence, Kdward 960 413 153 Fitzgerald, D.iu* 05 58 413 153 Funk. John 4350 250 Fit zsjnimons, Thos 29 86 274 Draff, Sabastlau 90 14 413 153 (Jrnff. Snbastlan 195 311 21ft 156 Grant, Thos - 77 2ft i 433 153 Grant, Thus 177 78 213 Gray, M m 88 18 431 163 Glentwovth. Jas 37 07 50 Grove, Elizabeth 090 100 Gray. Kebt 39 76 121 152 Grove & McKean 3 84 433 153 Halr.Clirlstian " 49 37 426 104 Hair, Christian 39 10 •I'll 153 Hair, David 4917 21ft 153 Hainilttin.'Thomas. 77 26; J.'H 151 jlamilton Hugh 27 "ft i 133 153 hand. John 4917 150 89 Harrison.John. 47 20 107 iiarri en, Joseph 4130 433 153 Hamilton, Hugh 51 78 112 Harliine. Geo M 13 "8 433 163 Hopkins. John 4198 433 153 llalter, John 49 17 13 liiigv, Christopher 1 98 ft Harrison. John 3 84 413 153 Irvin, Kobt 154 05 l A of • 433 153 Trvin, Rolit 1115 MO King, Robert 40 40 102 10 Km f. Jas 60 7R 433 163 Lattimore, Geo 37 07 135 163 Lattimore, Win (i 11 82 413 15.1 Lenhore. Christian 195 81 fiij 106 Lowden, John 35 84 433 153 Lowdon, Rich 05 65 4AI 153. l.owden.''ohn 17770 50 lamp. A 1) 9 25 •\< Lowdon, Richard 56 133 1 53 MetZgur.Jacob M 9 55 433 153 Malone, Leslie 21 so 4.".3 163 Mavston. Kdward 37 67 200 Mcl'herson, Wm 17 50 431 153 Me vers. Jacob 103 48 4.11 153 Miller, Jojm 49 37 433 161 Miller, Jacob 49 37 433 163 MoCounell, Martha 37 07 433 153 Mead, Geo 51 78 U of 4.13 153 Morpan, Bit 1121 70 Musscr, John 14 83 173 Musser, Geo (smith) 07 77 100 McCord, Jlt&A Camp bell 19 20 6 Nelson, Ellen 4 22 3 120 Old, Davis 128 321 58 Pim Joseph 20 53 323 Patlon, Hugh 32 GO '/{Of 4.11 153 Peters. Richard 1116 413 15.1 Plnkerton, Henjy 01 CI 164 108 Philips, Hardman...... 56 05 177 84 Pjjil ps, Hardmau 76 82 120 120 Philips, Hardman 0.4 100 Passmore & Brj son 19 20 348 139 Pirn. Henry 22 20 301 150 Pint, George 19 20 216 ho Kamay, )bbt ••>3 4) 413 153 Reese, Thomas 2 860 433 153 Rohrer, Chnsllan 49 37 5:13 153 Kndisill, Jacob I(>2 81 495 47 Rsnh, Jacob 1426) 43.1 153 Rush, Benjamin 177 78 .38 Robison, Will H 1 28 37 Robison, Wm H 128 214 Stout, Jacob 79 18 4.3} Schafner, Casper- 195 81 43} 153 shenk, Andrew 49 37 433 1.5,1 Shenk, Christian 49 37 433 153 sheuk, Michae1...,..,.,.- 49 87 247 16 Hteek, Jacoo 28 28 433 153 Siiwr, Robert 115 20 ■ - 1 ■■ - - - - - 107 7 Stough. Goo wl, 219 Hoott, And 2518 f 400 • Snyder, lau hara 77 94 19.1 French, Ed (owner) 37 03! 89 Corkendale, W 1! 15 36 ; 122 1! W t'lftniun. John 5502' 402 119 Wetdnmn, Jacob 180 5 12 Williams, J C 7 17 1H Wilson, John.. 1189' wjison. John ."! 70 I 75 Wilson, Win 30 03 433 153 Wilson, Win 1.16, 311 loft Witnn r, John do 306 100 WjISOII, NN 111 97 92 TAYbOH TOWNSIIie. 150 Armor & Shairer 18.10 2.50 Beenwlth, Clement 77 50 77 Bell, Wm 32 5) 809 llush, James 54 90 50 Clark, Joseph ftp) 170 Coates, Moses 21 45 L',>f 431 I<;i Hoodman, Fii/.anelh 877 Hmnlinton. Huph 79 GO 431 151 Iloopnian. John 2.5 08 07 7ft l.ot .Vo 14 C V, Jacob Van pool 412 ftJ 89 l.ot No 11, (' V, Jacob Van pool 3 80 i' 71 147 Lot No lft c V A, Stephen* son t M 4 50 i > 70 Lot No 15 c V, Henry Ste phenson 4 2*l : - 100 Masdon. Thomas 1200 ■ 414 Montgomery, W VV 3.3 59 •HI 261 McCamiuond, John 55 02 KNi Ralston, David.... 1500 59 * Snyder, Barbara 26 46 90 Villi pool, O H 4ft 5-0 Vmipooi,Jacob Old ' 200 Wl)itel)eaid, Riulmril 44 20 50 John We 115.... " 60 60 Voder, Joseph . 1158 tnion rowssinp. Mo 20 Brower. Wm 41 51 200 Kuhn, P i: 12 00 150 140 Mann. Harvey 11 56 100 Plnpps, Samm-l 11 K5 •50 Tlininas, H (owner) 4 10 Is"! PB Cl ldi'i* & Soil " 79 00 433 164 Wist r, Wm 1! i 77 WAI KKK TOWNSHIP. 90 94 Askln, Robt 2 15 40 Baker, John 1 92 317 I*l Baker. Robt & John 8 14 212 Bark man, Sam! Ml7 129 120 Brooks. Rut li 311 3*' Brady, Wm 7 2(1 270 129 CurvMr, Mary ft 72 115 111 Daughtery, Margaret 273 179 lpi Daughtery.Kllzubetli 4 12 69 39 Kvaus, J<s*e 166 ion 59 JCvans, .lesee 240 92 2ft Eekert. Win 2 19 211 72 Hahu. l'*>ter 5 07 22 47 Halt i, Kbenerer 52 Gs> 40 Hahn, Wm 1 54 219 39 James, Margaret 5 28 215 1.55 James, Kdward 511 *;9 40 Johnston. David 1 is 161 Knox. John 7 17 569 McKweii. Mary 13 34 357 160 Mansell, Win 781 90 94 Mercer. John 2 15 327 100 Me rear, David 7 83 334 16 Miller, Win 9 22 MrCaliiiont, 'I hos. 1 02 211 44 Osmuii, ("apt 591 86 4ft Packer, Job 2(6 b9 40 Paeger, James 2 15 I>2 l'urii- n, Richard 8 00 ljd Reed, David 7 2>) 17". Robison, Richard 7 77 88 Km lib, John A Henry 192 •91 133 Sutler, James 9 64 382 31 Sutler, Daniel 91ft Hwan/y. William 1 10 39 W ickcrsham, Amos 71 woi'.Tn township. Clyiner, Henry S9l 2.1 Gray. JK 27 2"> 2D ll.,wthorn, Thomas 13 84 3 1 " Kuhns, John 49 94 ; 276 1-Twman. George 1261 2-W Maylan. jasper 23 78 271 Mile*, Samuel 52 31 25 MorrD, Widow 1 77 39 Ro'S, John 1003 ' 8"> Swans , tcli. John 11 ..ft 6 Singer. John 1 SI Sldupen, Win J 15 22 !•*! Jonathan, Laird, owner.. 12 13 s>B A Lairil, owner ft 52 \l Fnknown. vacant 75 ' , Jacob Van pool, owner,... 59 ;2i Wister, Wm 1111 '237 Wister, Daniel 2145 I>. K KLI.KR. Treasurer. ORPHANS' cot rt SALE.— In pursuance of an order of the Orphans' Court of Centre county, there will be exposed to nubiic sale on the premt-es In the borough of MilUieim, on TiiUUSPAY. A PHIL 24Tn, ISB4, al 1 o'clock, p. M-. the following described real estate late the property of John Keen, deceased No. 1. Consists of a valuable tract of FARM LAND, situate in the township of Penn. two miles west of the borough of Miliucim, on each of the Old Port and Miflliuburg turnpike, eouLiini ng TWO HUNDRED AND TWELVE ACRES, neat measure, survey thereof being made before day of sale. Upon this tract there are THIKTV Acres <>r While Pine. Chestnut and <Gk timber —a T wo-Stoky Frame Dwelling Hoisk. built only three years ago with go id Itarn ami otiier outbuildings. Tlmre is a large orchard of choice fruit, farm well watered by gooc} springs, bind in excellent canditiuit. No better farm in the county. No.*2. Consists of FIVE ACRES OF BITLDING LOTS, in the borough of Miilhelm, in the western part of said borough, specially adapted for building purposes. Terms of Sale.—Five per cent, of purchase money to be paid when the property is knocked down: one third of residue cash upon continua tion of sale; one third in one year thereafter | with Interest and the remaining one Curd at the death of Mary Keen, widow of decedent with interest thereon to he pai d to her annually. Said two last payments to be secured by bond and mortgage un the premises 11 EN RY KEEN, Trustee. ORPHAN'S COURT SALE OF VALUABLE REAL E> i'A . E.—By virtue of an order of HP'Orphan's Court of Cent re C-ountv, the un ih'i-sigued will otTer al public sale at Rebers burg Hotel in (he town of Uehcrsburg on (Satur , day, April 12th, 1 >Si,at one o'clock P. M. all the following dekeriited real estate, late the proper, ty of Isaac Zeigier deceased to wit; Tract No. 1. Two lots of ground situate in Miles Township, Centre County, about throe fourths of a mile south of Rebersburg, bounded on the n<>rlh by lands of George Weaver, on :lie east by an Alley or lane, 011 th south by a public road, and on the west bv of John I F Waite, containing three aud one-half acres ! more or less. No buildings. Tract No. 2. Also a lot or tract of wood lar.d in Miles Township aforesaid, bounded on I lie east by land of Jacob Gophart. on the north by land-of Aaron I-eilz-dl and others. 011 the south * by land of lioyer and on the west by ; land of Anthony Hietly, containing fifteen a- i ores, more or less. Tract No. 1. Ai-o another tract of woad land in same township, bounded op the north by l.nds of James Read, on the east by laud ? <-f Matthias Strayer, on the south by lands of It. 1). Bierly and 011 the west by lands of James Read, containing five acres more or U ss. Terms or Sale —Due third in cash on confirm 1 ation of sale, ten per cent, of which shall he paid onday of sale; one-third in one yar and one-third io two yeani, latter two payments to liear inleresr and to be secured by bond and mortgage on iliu property. ■ i HO.\iAB It. ZKIGLER. 4t Administrator of &c. of Isaac Zeigier dee'd. Administrator s notice.— Letters of administration 011 the estate of John Smith, late ol penn township, doooased, having been granted to tlie subscriber, ail persons knowing themselves indebted lo said estate are j hereby requested to make immediate payment, and those having claims to present them duly I proven for settlement. James c. Smith, Administrator. | IN THE COURT OF COMMON PLEAS OF | CENTRE COUNTY, CO vI.MON WKA LTH Si vs HENRY DUNKLi:.—The undersigned, an Li auditor appointed in too above stated ease, to J hear, determine and reiiort upon the exceptions 'j filed to the account of J A. Diuikle, coiumittee s of said Henry DuuU'e, lunatic, will attend to ** tlie duties of his appointment at his office in the . borough of i!ellefo:uo, on Tuesday. tlielslh day f of April. A. 1). HM at M o'clock, A. M., ol said V day, when and where all interested may attend. C. M. Bower, March loth 1814. Auditor. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE.-Lettcrs or adininistratio 11 on tire estate of Isaac Zeigier, late of Miles township, dee'd, having been granted to the undersigned, all persons 'l knowing themselves indebted to said estate are J heieby requested to make immediate payment, and those having c aims to present them duly proven for settlement. "■ THOMAS R. ZKIGLER, Administrator, Rebersburg, March 20th. 1884- Gt ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTlCE.—Letters of admiuistra.iou on the estate of Levi Reeder late of Gregg Twp. deceased, having been granted to the snbseribers all persons , knowing themselves indebted to said estate are hereby requested to make immediate payment and those having claims to present them duly proven for settlement . BAR AH REEDER. JAMES D. GENTZLE, Administrators. KT YOUR JOB PRINTING DONE AT The Miliheim Journal Ofliec. Fine Work Cheaply Executes. t _ ~ The Bee live Store v .A.T LOCK HAVEN has many patrons in Centre county, the result of many years' patient and honest dealing and a quick insight in their wants and wishes. A large invoice of choice Spring Goods have arrived. Will be pleased to show them to you. Muslins, on which our reputation is unquestioned were never as low as they are now. Hill Muslin at 8 1-2 cts. Very best goods at to cts. The unbleached muslins are accordingly as cheap. We are selling a surprisingly good Gingham at 5 cts., very good at 8 cts. Best Whittendon Shirtings at 9 cts. Yon will need them before long, buy them now before they are gone. The Ree Hive Store is headquarters for Tickings. An unusually fine line and cheap. Turkey Red Table Linen warranted Fast Colors, 50 cts. Pr yd. The 6th invoice of Jamestown Dress Goods have arrived, best goods for the money that can be pur chased. 25 c. A new and choice line of 12 1-2 cent DRESS GOODS. Cashmeres and Silks in abundance. One half ton of OAR PET CHAIN. 25 cts. We gat your carpets made for you and charge you the weaver's price. We have just received the finest and largest line of CARPETS ever brought to this city. LOOL AT THEM BEFORE THE CHOICEST PATTERNS ARE GONE. EVERETT & CO., PROPRIETORS OF THE LARGEST WHOLE SALE HOUSE off at Cost! W.T.Manck & SOD ARE SELLING OFF THEIR EKTIRE STOCK! OF To change the arrangement of their rooms. PARLOR SUITES, CHAMBER SUITES, DIXIEG ROOM FURNI TURE, TABLES, STAKDS, CHAIRS, BUREAUS, BEDS2EADS, SPRINGS of every description, IIAIR, COTTON, HUSK &ST HA JP MATH ESSES, SOFAS, LOUNGES, CRADLES, HALL STANDS, CENTRE TABLES, EASY CHAIRS, BOOK CASES, WARDROBES, MIRRORS, FRAMES, WHAT-NOTS, Etc., Etc. Our stock of are entirely new patterns, and customers calling at our shops will after examination find that wo are prepared to suit all tastes and fancies. The leading Wall Taper manufacturers are design ing and printing papers so far in advance of those in former years, that we can now show styles of ZP-A-IPIEDIR/ EEJATTC3-IETC3-S to ci -tomers that will improve their homes so much that they will not be without them. ' PRICES ALWAYS THE LOWEST! Earnestly soliciting a kind patronage we invite the public to calland inspect the goods at our shops, Penn St., MILLIIEIM, Penna. vV . UT_ & Scasr. Ag't s. | GO TO SIMON BROTHERS, THE BOSS CLOTIIIEUS for your Clothing. 45 MAIN STREET, LOCK HAYEN. A. SIMON & SONS, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL GROCEE/S ____ | 143 MAIN STREET, LOCK HAYEN. ,