Millheim Journal. (Millheim, Pa.) 1876-1984, April 24, 1884, Image 1
THE MILLHEIM JOURNAL, PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY BY R. A. BUMILLER. Office in the New Journal Building, Penn St., near Hartman's foundry. SI.OO PER ANNUM, IN ADVANCE, OR $1.26 IT NOT PAID IN ADVANCE. Acceptable Correspondence Solicited Address letters to MILLHKIM JOURNAL. BUSINESS CARDS. HARTER, Auctioneer, MLLLILEIM, PA. jT\B. JOHN F. HARTER, Practical Dentist, Office opposite the Methodist Church. MAIN STREET, MILLIIEIM PA. D. H. MINGLE, Physician & Surgeon, Otfilce on Main Street. MILLIIEIM, PA J. SPRINGER, Fashionable Barber, hop oppoisite the Milliieim Banking House, MAIN STREET, MILLIIEIM, PA. J JQR. GEO. S. FRANK, Physician & Surgeon, REBERSBURG, PA. Professional calls promptly answered. 3m D. H. Hastings. w. F. Reeder JJASTINGS& REEDER, Attornejs-at-Law, BELLEFONTE, PA. Office on Allegheny Street, two doors east of the office ocupied by the late firm of Yocum & Hastings. C. T. Alexander. C. M. Bower. A LEXANDER & BOWER, Attorney-at-Law, BELLEFONTE, PA. Office in Garman's new building. HOY, Attorney-at-Law. BELLEFONTE, PA. Orphans' Court Business alSpeciallty. M. C. HEINLE, Attorney-at-Law BELLEFONTE, PA. Practices in all the courts of Centre county. Special attention to Collections. Consultations in German or English. J. A. Beaver. •*. W. Gephart. JgEAVER & GEPHART, Attorneys-at-Law, BELLEFONTE, PA. Office on Alleghany Street, North of High Street -gROCKERHOFF HOUSE, ALLEGHENY ST., BELLEFONTE, PA. C, G. McMILLEN, PROPRIETOR. Good Sample Room on First Floor. Free Buss to ana from all traius. Special rates to witnesses and Jurors. QUMMINS HOUSE, BISHOP STREET, BELLEFONT, PA., EMANUEL BROWN, PROPRIETOR. House newly refitted and refurnished. Ev erything done to make guests comfortable. Rates moderate. Patronage respectfully solici ted. JRVIN HOUSE, (Most Central Hotel in the city.) CORNER OF MAIN AND JAY STREETS, LOCK HAVEN, PA. S.WOODS CALDWELL PROPRIETOR. Good Samnle Rooms for Commercial Travel ers on first floor. QT. ELMO HOTEL, Nos. 317 & 319 ARCH ST., PHILADELPHIA. RATES REDUCED TO $2.00 PER DAY. The traveling public will still find at this Hotel the same liberal provision for their com fort. It is located In the immediate centres of business and places of amusement and the dif ferent Rail-Road depots, as well as all parts oi the city, are easily accessible by Street Cars constantly passing the doors. It offers special inducements to those visiting the city for busi ness or pleasure. Your patronage respectfully solicited. Jos. M. Feger. Proprietor. J)EABODY HOTEL, 9thSt. South of Chestnut, PHILADELPHIA. One Square South of the New Post Office, one half Square from Walnut St. Theatre and in the very business centre of the city. On the American and European plans. Good rooms i from 50ct8 to $3.00 per day. Remodel ed and newly furnished. W. PAINE, M. D., 40-ly Owner & Proprietor. R. A. BUMILLER, Editor. VOL. 58. A Strange Character, One evening, during the progress of the war of Lire Revolution in America, an old woman, living in the suburbs of Portsmouth, England, was summoned to her door by a knock, and, on open ing it, found herself confronted with an old man, poorly dressed,with a bun dle in his hand, such as travelers of his class frequently carried on their pedest rian tours. "Madam," he said,respectfully, 44 cau I get to lodge here to-night ?" "It aren't my business to take lodg ers," replied the mistress of the house, scanning the applicant closely by the light she held in her band. "I s'pose not, madam —but I'm a poor man, and want shelter some where." "Well, why don't you go to an inn ? there's plenty of them in the town.". "Just because I'm poor, and can't afford to pay as much as they'd ask. I've got a little money, only a little, and I want to make it go as far as I can. I'm willing to pay you what's reasonable ; and then I'd save some thing, I'm thinking." "Who are you ? where do you be long ? and what's your business ?" "I'm called John the Painter, and that explains my business, and I belong anywhere where I happen to be. If you're not satisfied with this answer, why, good night to you, and I'll trudge on to try my chance somewhere else." The old woman, who was poor her self, and lived alone, in a small, crazy, old house, thought she might as well gather in a few pennies, by keeping the traveler, as to let some of her neighbor do it; and so, after a little reflection, she rejoined : "I s'pose I can keep you, if, as you say, you'll pay me what's reasonable — for, like you, I'm poor, too, and can't afford to do it for nothing. Come in and sit down—you look tired. I s'pose you want supper ?" "Yes, if you please," said John the Painter, as he walked in and took a seat near the fire, upon which he fixed his eyes somewhat abstractly, while he carelessly threw his hat and bundle down beside him. For the half hour that the mistress of the house was busied in preparing his supper, the traveler seemed deeply absorbed in matters of his own, and scarcely once took his eyes from the fire, or changed his position. At first the old woman glanced at him furtive ly, with an air of ordinary curiosity, and occasionally ventured some com mon-place remark ; but finding he made no reply, took no notice of her presence, and even seemd not to hear her, she became bolder iu her manner, and two or three times stopped near him, staring directly into his face. He oppeared to be between sixty and seventy years of age, had gray hair, a sterc, pinched face, a large nose, thin, compressed lip 9, and cold, staring eyes, the expression of which was far from pleasing, and which was not redeemed by anything else in his countenance. In fact be seemed like a man not at peace with himself or the world, and who was either then brooding over some committed crime or some contem plated'revenge. "There, sir, your supper's ready, if you want it," at length spoke the mis tress, jn a half querulous tone, as if of fended that none of her . previous re marks had been noticed. The strange traveler took no heed, but still sat staring at the fire. "I say your suppeer's ready man ; and, if you want it hot, you'd better eat it before it gets cold ; for I'll not warm it again, this blessed night, foi you nor nobody else !" cried the host ess, in an angry tone. Stil no movement—no response—no indication that her unmusical voice was not even heard. "I say I" she half screamed in his ear, at the same time taking hold of his arm rather rudely. Like a ball he Fprung from his seat and confronted her, his eyes looking wild and wicked. "Good Lord, man, don't scare a body so !" exclaimed th 3 woman,tak ing two or three quick,backward steps, and turning pale with fright. "I'm only trying to make you understand your supper's ready." The stranger glared at her for a mo ment, then at the table,and then seem ed to comprehend the true facts. "Oh ! ah ! yes !" he replied,with a grim smile. "I beg your pardon l— it's likely you've spoke to me before 1" "It's like I have, a half a-dozen times, just as I might have talked to a post 1" "Yes, madam, I see—l thank you—l beg your pardon ! I was busy think ing, and forgot where I was." He then took his seat at the table, and, while eating his supper, tried to make amends for his former impolite abstraction, by making himself as . agreeable as possible. He succeeded so MILLIIEIM, PA., THURSDAY, APRIL 24., 1884. well in his efforts to please, that the mistress of the house became quite charmed with his conversation,and be gan to think he might possibly be an angel in disguse—or, in other words, a rich and eccentric old gentleman, whom good fortune had thrown in her way for a future husband or possible legacy. But these bright hopes did not have a long duration—for scarcely had the stranger lluished his meal, than he sud denly grew cold, taciturn and abstract ed, and presently asked to be shown to his bed. If he slept soundly, the mis tress of the house did not—for after the dispelling of the bright fancy of future wealth, she began to fear that the stranger might take a notion to shorten her life bofore morning, and so lay a wake and listened, and trembled at ev ery unusual sound. The night,however,passed off without any disturbance ; and at day Ugh t the old man rose anu went out, leaving his bundle behind. Scarcely was he out of sight before the curiosity of his hostess set her to work to see if she could gath er any new facts. If he had left a trunk, instead of a bundle, she would probably have found away to open and rummage it ; but as it was, she had only to untie an old, dirty handkerchief ; and there, before her eyes, lay a shirt,a pair of stockings, and a tin box -a curious-looking tin box—for which, unfortunately for her ease of mind, she could not imagine any use. She held it up,turned it over, shook it, and tried her best to see into it, and conjecture for what purpose it was made ; but not being able to do this, she at length resigned it with a sigh, rolled it up as the had found it, tied up the bundle, and went about her own business. John the Painter came back to a late breakfast, and then settled with the curious widow for all he had of her, at the same time remarking that he might possibly remain in town another night, in which case he hoped he would be permitted to return and pass another night under her hospitable roof. To this she now readily gave consent, again thinking him a man of some con sequence. lie then inquired where he could find a tinman ; and receiving tho proper direction to one, lie bade her good-bye and started off, this time taking his bundle with him. Toward evening, however, lie came back, and said he had concluded to stay another night in town,and wanted supper, which tl.e widow again prepar ed for him. lie ate this meal iu silence, and soon after made some excuse to go out. He was absent some two oi three hours ; and when lie returned lie re ported that there was quite a large fire, which he understood to be in some gov ernment buildings that he feared would be consumed. "But blessed aie the poor he added, with a strange kind of a laugh, which his hostess afterwards recilhd ; "for they have nothing to lose." lie then went to bed, and appeared to rest well thiough the night ; but rose at the first streak of day, paid his reckoning, and took his departure, saying he should not return. On going out. an hour or two later, the widow was surprised to see the us ually quiet town of Portsmouth in great commotion—groups collected here and there, as if discussing some remarkable event—and mounted men, both military and civil, dashing hither and yon, all seeming hurried and anx ious. On every blank wall, too, there was a flaming placard, announcing the startling fact that a hundred thousand pounds worth of naval stores had been destroved by incendiarism, tint secret emissaries of the enemy were supposed to be in their midst, offering large re wards for the arrest and conviction of the guilty, and ordering all citizens to report to the nearest magistrate the names of all strangers who had lodged in town during the last three days, and more especially the last night. As soon as the widow fairly under stood this matter, she hastened to give in the name of John the Painter, with a description of his person, manner, conversation, and, withal, his curious tin box and visit to the tinman. The latter was immediately sent for, and deposed that ho had made a top for the box, which seemed to be a curious affair, the use of which lie did not know. All this fully fixed suspicion upon the eccentric old man ; and as it was supposed he had been dispatched from town to some distant point by relays of horses, horsemen were sent off in every direction in hot pursuit, with orders to arrest every mounted person they might find. Somewhere about mid-clay John the Painter was overtaken, on the regular Londou road, by one of these mounted parties, who stopped and inquired if any one had passed him on horseback that morniDg. A PATER FOR THE HOME CIRCLE "Not a soul," replied the old man. "llow long have you been on this road V" "Since daylight. Why ?" "There was a great destruction of naval stores in Portsmouth lust night, the work of some infernal incendiary, and we want to catch the villain." "Well,do you '•'pose he lied on horse back ?" said the old man, with ape- culiar twinkle of his eyes. "Undoubtedly." "Well, he didn't—he went on foot." "Ha 1 how do you know ?" "Because I know the man who did it." "Who is he ? Where is he ?" de manded the leader, excitedly. "He's callled John the Painter, and he's here. I'm the man." "Take care how you jest,old fellow!" returned the other, warningly ; "i* might get you into trouble." "If you can't understand plain Eng lish, you're as big a fool as your royal master is a knave 1" said the old man, with an angry sneer. "I tell you I'm the man that did it—and I'm the man that glories in it —and if you don't be lieve me, ride on and hunt till you gut sense !" The horsemen now thought the old man was crazy ; but, after what he had said, they concluded to arrest him and take him back to Portsmouth. They did so, and theie he was con fronted with the old woman and the tinman, both of whom identified him as the mysteiious stianger they had de scribed. He was then asked to make a con fession and name his accomplices. "I never had any accomplices," said the old man, indignantly. "What I did, I did alone, and I glory in it. I once lived peaceably and happily in the quiet little town of Amboy, State of New Jersey, far away over the great waters ; and I'd been living peaceable there to-day, if the minions of King George had let mo alone ; but they caiue there, and insulted and abused me, and burned down my dwelling,and cast me adrift to shift for myself—and then 1 took a solemn oath I'd be reven ged. It was my first intention to kill your vile king ; and I'd have done it, only for Mr. I>enne, our secret minis ter at Paris, who convinced me it was wrong to slay the Lord's Anointed ; and so, as the next best thing, I deter mined to hum as much of the king's property as 1 could. I came direct from Paris here, and you know what I've done since I got here, and that's enough. I know you'll hang me for it —but I don't care for that. I'm a poor, friendless, old man, made sick of life b* your accursed deeds ; and now, that I've got my revenge, I don't care how soon I die. They sent the old man, under guard, to London,where he underwent a close examination before the Privy Council —but no new facts were elicted. lie strictly adhered to his first statement ; and, mainly on his own evidence, or confession, he was tried, convicted, sentenced, and hanged. We have only to add, that the fore going may be reli*d on as strictly au thentic. • A FLYING TRIP. Mrs Acker, and yours, until my funeral, expected to have gone to the city last week, but we didn't get there for the following pesky reasons : Wo were somewhat late for the train, owing, so says Mrs. N. Y. A., to my inborn carelessness ; but I claim I con tracted the habit about the time my wife became the possessor of a marriage certificate. Mrs. Acker washustling around,put ting on her duds, when she happened to think that she wanted a pair of gloves which had been left up-stairs, and I must scoot up-stairs and get the desired hand-squeezers. The going up was not as long in be ing accomplished as the construction of the Washington monument, but the downward motion ! Scissors and shears 1 Wasn't that expedited ? But I hardly think I came down easy. And now that I come to reflect oyer the matter, I know I did not. No, siree, 1 didn't. I came down hard, very, very hard on the floor at the foot of the stairs, and there I sat investigating the lump on the rear of my cranium, the abrasion on my elbow, and—and but I'll not enumerate. I received a souvenir from each step of the stairs. The flual object upon which I bump ed was my hat, and it being what is commonly designated as a stove-pipe, of course it was mined beyond a possi* bility of resurection. Before serenity reigned again the hack man had nearly worn out the clap per of the door-bell, trying to make the Acker family understand that it was time to adjourn the debating society. We shook things up lively, and ac companied by a hat out of the rag-bag. tumbled into the hack and rattled away ! to the depot, where we arriyed just in time to catch on the ruar platform as the train was moylng out. Mrs. Acker scrambled up first, and took some seconds at it, and left me grasping the rail, making frantic efforts ! to keep up with the accelerated motion of the car, while about every rod I would slap one foot down upon the ground with the seeming result of driv ing my heel up through the spinal col- urun, and taken up lodgings in the nape of my neck. Thus I went bravely on emulating the antics of the mythical fiying-eater of sauor krout. "11l ! whoop ! Go in, old flying machine, I'll bet on yer," shouted an urchin, who was standing by tho side of the track, while a mongrel cur came tearing, yelping out, thinking my :oat tails were a flock of geese, which lie was in duty toui.d to frighten off. The cars at length gained such head way that my feet only touched the ground once in every three and nine tenths rods, my hair was letting go of the scalp, and I breathed by jerks, when the brakeman came out and haul ed me upon the platform. Just after I had succeeded in regain ing my breath, out rushed the conduct or followed by Mrs. Acker. The conductor shouted : "Are you this woman's hushand ?" "I'll be dod slivered if I am not : that is, what there is left of me." "Well, then, girn'e your tickets." "Haven't got any. I have just been hauled on this gosh slammed car.with out time to say Jack Robinson, let a lone buying tickets." "Then 1 must have the money." I shoved my hand in my pocket aud pulled out my—keys. In my hurry I had left my purse at home. I jumped upon ray feet, and stared at Brassbuttons, who said : "Come, come—tickets or money." "Well darn my looks if I've got eith er ! "Then you must get off at the next station." "What !" shrieked I,in amazement. "You presume to pretend that you are going to put me off this train—me, Nimble Yankee Acker, Esq.?" "Yes 1" "Great Scott I Why, sir, I'm a wri ter —an author, sir !" "Don't know you. Come down with the money or off you go." "Whew but " "Come—the money. I haven't time to be fooling with a hatless lunatic," critd Brassbuttons, an he slamuied the door, through which issued the titters of the passengers. "Ilatluss !" I clapped my hand on my forehead. "Good heavens, I am disgraced I" I subsided. We got off at the next station,and I looked around for a conveyance to take us home,but no one would let me have one without the money. Finally I came across a man who compromised by driving us home,mak ing me promise to pay him immediate ly after arriving, and let him wear my nickel-plated watch uutil he had the lucre in has paw. I didn't feel like pushing the experi ment further, and therefore did not try to buy a hat, but made a turban of Mrs. Acker's shawl. We met several parties on the raod, and were often met with the exclama mation: "Gypsies,by hookey." Mrs.Acker declares she will l.ot be good enough to go to church again un til after next communion Sunday. 1 am now convalescing. Pearls of Thought. Lost time is never found again. The future destiny of the child is al ways the work of the mother. lie is rich who is satisfied with what he hath—whether it belittle or much. Sudden expectations, which kindle the mind to a fever,sometimes chill the heart to a frost. llow long, how slow, and how in scrutable can be one man's fate against another's finding out! I)o nothing by halves. If a thing is right, do it boldly and well ; If it be wrong, leayt it uncDvie. Good resolutions are like horses. The first cost is an item of less importance than the keeping. Iu judging of others, a man often er reth ; but in examining himself, always laboreth fruitfully. Truth—the open,bold, honest truth is always the safest,for everyone,in any and aU circumstances. A man in Terre Haute, who recent ly secured a divorce from his wife,now employs her as his servant girl, and she has more money and better clothes than wlien she was his wife. If some men would treat their wives as they do their servant girls there would be fewer divorces.— Texas Si/tings. Terms, SI.OO per Year, in Advance. "HACK, SIR!" Last week I went to the city. There is nothing in that assertion than is very strange, nor anything which would apparently make a founda tion for a novel; but, you see, it is not so much trie going or coming that is so much on my mind,but the goshsilvered occurences after I reached there that are disturbing my eqninanimity. I was there—that's sufficient—and the doggoned hackmen seemed to know it before I did, for about a thou—well something less than a hundred of them pointed their long, dirty fingers at me, as soon as I tumbled from the train, aim yelled, "Hack, hack, sir!" until I wished some one had hacked their tongues off. One grabbed me by the shoulder and another pulled my sleeve, while a thud tugged away at my valise, as I shouted: "Scissors and shears ! What do you want, yon swiveled-tongued donkeys? If you don't let go of mo,l'll thrash the whole boodle of you." I slung the back of my hand across one ugly mug aud kicked the shins of the fellow who w;is clawiug at my shoulder, while the] snoozer who clung to my bag yelled: "That's right; give it ter em'—oh, ouch I" And he doubled up and grabbed him self where his vituals are digested, for that's where my number ten stopped. 1 was in for it. Tiie whole crowd now rushed at me. I caught my toe on the curb, tumbl ed down, upset three hackmen, they upset more of their ilk, legs, arms,hats, shoes, fists, hair, cuss words, and so forth, were in utter confusion. The police rushed up, thinking a bomb had exploded, and I sprang to my feet and started on a run as though I was a chicken thief, with a bob-tailed bulldog after a taste of mv pantaloous. Some one cried: "Stop thief!" The police saw my legs giving fail and came rolling after me. I whooped her up lively and seemed in a fair way to get down a side alley, when a young street arab boboed from around the corner and I tumbled over him, rolled into the gutter, he yelled, "Murder! oh, bang dash it!" some one rushed out of a side door, wiping beer from his vest, aud screeching: "Is there another Texas stoer loose ? W-where is he?" The boy said he guessed so, and that he was killed. I got up out of the gutter, rubbed the mud out of my eyes with one hand, held the rent iu my pantaloons togeth er with the other, backed up against a brick wall, waited for the policemen while my ire rose to a boiling heat. I gritted my teeth, and I may as well remark here that I had no trouble in doing so, for the dirt in my mo utb made the process a very sasy one. In about the flop of a fly's wing, up lushed a whole squad of blue-coats, puffing and blowing like fire engines. One grabbed me and tried to drag me away, but I dropped down, pulled him with me,others came up and caught on, I kicked one in the mouth, another bent his head down under the persuas ion of my hand in iiis hair, while the third gave me the loan of his ear for a handle, then yelled because it hurt him. At length I was at the station-boUse and we all took a breathing spell. The Justice came in and took his seat. "What's the charge against this man?" "Riot," howled the policeman whose ear had acted as a handle. "Disorderly conduct," yelled the one whose mouth had collided with ray toe. "A crank," said the one whose hair my fingers had mussed. 44 Prisoner," said the Justice, "you hear the charges. What have you to say?" 4 'Give me a piu," said I, and the Judge leaned over and whispered to a reporter: "A crank, by hookey!" then turning to me: 41 What do you waut of a piu ?" "My pantaloons are torn and I want to pin thera up." After I had finished the operation, I said: "Your Honor, I deny all the charges. I don't want a 'awyer. I don't want to make a speech, and;i'll be gosh darn ed if I want to ride in a hack. Because I refused to ride, the hackmen, and yours until the hearse carries me off, had a little muss. I got away from them and run, the police followed and caught me, aud theu there was another ruptiou. I was captured, and here I am." "I am neither a crank, a riotor, nor a disorderly person. I am not drunk, a canibal or a Texas steer. I am not the Governor, Mayor nor a wild Indian. I am neither Conklin, or Cameron, nor Barnura's pet monkey. Rut, holy smoke, I'm mad—geewhittaker, I should say I was. "It I had half a show I'd wallop the whole policeforce and then sail into the hackmen and stand them all on their heads, but I havn't half a chance, so if you want to fine me,all right I'll pay it. But don't you lock me up, Judge.. If NO. 17. NEWSPAPER LAWS. If subscribers order the discontinuation of newspapers, the punllshers may continue to send them until all arrearages are paid. If subscribers refuse or neglect to take their newspapers from the office to which they a re tent they are held responsible until they hare settled the bills ai d ordered them discontinued. if subscribers move to other places without tn forming the publisher, and the newspapers are sent to the former place, they are responbibte. I . i ADVERTISING RATES. i i wk- 1 mo. 13 moe. fimos. 1 year 1 square * 2 (JO $ 4 001 sft 00 *ti 00 t8 00 H ;; 700 10 00 15 00 30 00 40 CO 1 " 10 00 looo| 25 00 4500 75C0 One inch makes a square. Administrators' and Executors' Notices | Transient adver. tisements and locals 10 cents per line for first insertion and 5 cents per line for each addition al insertion. you do I'll—l'll—stay there till I'm let out. "That's all, Judge, pass down ycur sentence." "I'll have to fine yon flye dollars." I paid the fine, and don't yon make any mistakes about what followed. I du9tedJont of that burg as fast as the laws of locomotion would permit, and the rent in my pantaloons justify. After I was seated in the car the conductor came around, took a survey of me and wanted to know if I had been in a walking match or a boiler ex plosion. When I reached home Mrs. Acker met me in the hall with a broomstick and screeched; "Get out of here you dirty tramp 1" and it was some time before she was fully convinced that I was Nimble Y ankee Acker, Esq. HUMOROUS. A bird raiter says that canaries can be trained to sing airs as well as a hu man being. If they can't be trained to sing airs better than some human beings 'twere better to allow them to remain untrained. A young man who had been going with a Vermont girl for some time, and he made her several presents,ask ed her one day if she would accept a puppy. He was awful mad when she replied that her mother had told her if he proposed to her to sav no. An old Detroit justice of the peace says that out of some 4,000 decisions he has never yet rendered one that has satisfied both parties. He has finally got tired of trying.— Detroit Free Press. A disputatious Hiberniau who had been contending that a mule was a nobler animal than a horse, said that a mule had once saved him from drowning. 'How was that, Paddy?' asked one of the bystanders. 'Faith, he gave*me such a lick with his hind leg that he landed me on the other side o' thocanawl instead o' in it.' The story comes from Paris that a lady who attended four churches in one day missed her umbrella on re turning home. She immediately re visited all four churches and found her umbrella in the last one. When the umbrella was handed to her she thank fully said to the sexton: 'The people at this church are much more honest than those at the others.' Sorakichi Against Six. The Tale That is Told of his Skillful Defence of his Queue. Matsada Sorakichi, the noted Japan ese wrestler, is a faithful attendant at Sunday school, and goes every night to the mission school in New York. He is nut a declared Christian, but he wishes to learn the language, and likes to be where English is spoken. He is short of stature, and iu his street dress gives no indication of unusual strength, ex cept that he has an extraordinary width of chest. Several times,in going to the mission from his lodgings in Walter St, he has been hailed in disrespectful terms by persons standing on the corn- At first he took thesesatalutions as complimentary, and smiled and bowed politely in acknowledgement, but after being a little in attendance at the miss ion he learned that Pigtail and Flat nose John are.'considered odious terms. One Saturday night, as he was re turning to his lodging, six young men disposed themselyes across the sidewalk so as to prevent his passing, called hiia Flat-nose John, and told him that he must either sing or fight. For a mo ment the wrestler stood confused, and he would haye stepped around the gang, but one of them just tilted his hat over his eves and attempted to catch hold of his short queue. There came a grand disillusion. So rakichi says, as nearly as his speech can be rendered: "Of course when dey is try to take my tail,l is hit email." The\japanese,who is quick as a cat,and who can handle an ordinary man as a mother does her baby, made short work of it* For a moment the air thereabouts was full of corner loafers, and then the insulted champion,finding there was no one cared to bear him sing, passed on to his boarding house at 383 Walter street. In about twenty minutes the defeated six, with 1 a dozen of their friends, ap peared in the hall below,and dared "the Chinee" to come down. Sorakichi would haye accepted the invitation,and he started down the stairs "to hit them all again," but his landlord, more yers ed in the wass of New York, deterred him,and taking a reyolver in one hand and a kettle of hot water in the other, went out ou the landing to parley. The enemy clustered around the foot of the stairs, and the landlord poured the hot water over them, at the same time dis charging several barrels of his revolver against the wall. The enemy then went away.— N. T. Sun. . "? ' ato - ' - "