Forbidden Kisses. An Ordeal Through Which the Lit tle Ones Have to Pass,and Which is Dangerous to their Health. "Remember," said a physician to his wife, as he was leaving home for a few days, "and do not let the children kiss any one." "Is it possible," asked a surprised third party who was present, "that you consider it necessary to give such in struction as that? Where is the dan ger?" "The danger is complicated, ard yet so certain, that it would take too much time to describe it here," said the doc tor, lookiug at his watch. "In my case, all kinds of people come to my house and office to cousult me, and they often wait hours. If one of my children happens to come in they are almost certain to tale to it, and you know al most the first impulse with people who notice children is to kiss them. Bah! it it makes me shudder—tainted and dis eased breath, lips bine with cancer,foul and decayed teeth. You would kill a stranger who would lay way your young lady daughter and kiss her by force,but the helpless.innocent,six-year-old child, susceptible as a flower to every breath that blows, can be saluted by every one who chances to think ot it. I tell you it wasn't Judas alone who was I et ay ed by a kiss. Hundreds of lovely, blooming children are kissed into their graves every year." "But, doctor, how can a mother be so ungracious as to refuse to allow peo ple to notice her children?" "There need be no ungraciousness about it or, if there were, which is the most important—the safety and well being of a child, or the permitting of a habit of ill-oreeding and doubtful mor ality at best? Let the mother teach her child that it is not a kitten or a lap-dog, to be picked up and fondled by every stranger, and instruct it to resist any attempt to kiss it. Why, there are agents, peddlersj'of household wares, who make it a custom to catch up a pretty child, kiss and pet it, and so in terest the mother that she will buy, something she does not want. I tell you "TIIERE IS DEATH IN TIIE KISS ! "The beloved and lamented Princess Alice of Hesse took diptheria from the kiss of her child, and followed it to her grave. Diptheria, malaria, scailet fever, blood poison and death lurk in these kissess. There! 1 shouldn't won der if I lost the train. Remember, 110 kisses!" and, waving his hand, the doc tor drove away.— Detroit Free Press. • •• —McDonald's improved Liver Pills are the most reliable and satisfactory Livep Pills made. 3Ltny Doctors buy them by the thousand for us* in their daily practice. No higher mark of con fidence could be quoted. IVe do not know any proprietary medicine that stands so high in the estimation of the medical profession as McDonald's im prove! Liver Pills. Dissatisfied buyers can have their money refunded. Sold by J. Eisenhuth, Miliheira, Pa. ADVICE TO MOTHERS. Are you disturbed at ninlit and broken of your rest by a sick child suffering and "ryinu with pain 01 cutting teeth ? If so, send at once and get a bottle of MRS. WIN-LOW'S SOOTHING STRA P FOR CHILDREN TEETHING, its value IS incalculable. It will relieve the poor little suf ferer immediately. Depend upon it, mothers, there is no mistake about it. It cures dysentery and diarrhoea, regulates the stomach and bowels, cures wind colic, softens the gums, re duces inflammatiou, and gives tone and energy to the whole system. MRS WINSLOW'S SOOTH ING SYRUP FOR CHILDREN TEETHING is pleasant to the taste, and is the prescription ol one of the oldest and be-t female physicians and nurs es in the United States, and Is for sale b> all druggists throughout the world, i'rice 25 cents a bottle. A Skeleton in a Flu©. MACUNGIE, Pa., April o.—O. B. Fackenthal had men engaged in tear ing down the chimney and inner walls of an antiquated house at Springtown, Bucks county, to-day, to .make some improvements. A Human skeleton was found imbedded in a flue. Rumor has it that dark and bloody deeds were done in this house, and supposition is that the skeleton is that of a murdered man. The house is substantially built of limestone, two stories high, contain ing fleyen large rooms. During the Revolutionary war it was a noted re sort, being once used as an inn. At the close of the war of 1812, a number of soldiers, returning from the army, lodged there. They became involved in a fight, in which seyeral were killed. In one of the rooms sword thrusts and bullet marks can be seen in the frame work. In the immense chimneys and inner walls of the building, that are a bout being removed, it is expected that other discoveries will be made. Dr. Kessler's Celebrated Eng lish Cough Medicine, The reliable and never failinej standby in croup or whooping cough. Unequalled as a remedy in colds and all lung troubles. Don't waste time and endanger precious lives experi menting with worthless medicines, but get the best at once. MONEY REFUNDED TO DIS SATISFIED PURCHASERS. McDonald's Improved Liver Pills are endorsed by eminent physicians and used by them in their daily prac tice. Trial package free. MONEY REFUNDED TO DIS SATISFIED PURCHASERS. For smallness of dose, easiness to take and effectiveness as a worm de stroyer, McDonald's Celebrated Worm Powders surpass anything on earth. Entirely vegetable. MONEY REFUNDED TO DIS SA TISFIED PURCHASERS. Dr. Kessler's Gouah Medicine, McDon aWs Improved Liver Pills and Celebrat ed Worm Powders are sold and warrant- ! id by J. Eisenhuth. Millhtim Pa.. John■ j" son, Holloway 3 Moutandon 705 9.40 2.0-5 7.6-' , I.ewlsburg 7.25 10 05 2.20 1 Fait* Ground 730 10.13 2.25 ; Weill 7.40 10.27 2.33 Vtcksburg 7.45 10.30 2.40 Miftlinburg B.ooar 11.00 ar 2.55 . le. 3 o5 1 Mlllmont 8.22 3.28 I laurel ton 8.38 3.40 Wiker Run 8.57 4.00 - Cherry Hun 9.15 4,23 Fowler 9.35 4.47 " Coburn 9.4S s.oft Spring MUlsar 10.15 ar. 5.30 LEAVE EASTWARD.; ; 4 0 8 14 A. si. P. M; Soring Mills 5.50 1.50 Coburn 0 IS 2.20 Few ler ,0.23 2.83 ' Cherry Hun 6.48 2.55 ) Wiker Run 7.05 3.15 Lanrelton 7.30 .'1.40 Millmont 7.40 3.52 I A. sr.! Mifilinburg 8.00 11.45 4.15 vioksburg 8.15 12.'10' 4.32 Riehl 820 12.17 4.38 Fair (Itound A. M. 8.30 12.33 4.4S r. M. Lewisburg 6,35 8.45 12.50 5.10 7.3t Montandonar. 6.45 ar. 9.00 ar 1,".5ar.5.20ur 7.4' Nos. 1 and 2eonne t at Moutandon with Kilt Mail West; 3 aiht 4 with Sea Shore Kxpies -1 Kast ; 5 and 0 wiih Day Express and Niagara Express West; 7 an I 8 with last line Wist; l ami 10 with Willlanispart Accommodation Kast. i ; THE SEWING MACHINE WORLD ■ Revolutionize:! by llio Introduction cf ttc IMPROVED WHITE SEWISO MUlll\E, We Kim of all Sewini Machines. Conceded by all expert* to be tlie finest ma chine ever placed on the market. The only machine in the world with an AUTOMATIC BOBBIN WINDER, • with which a Cflll.D can wind a bobbin as evenly as a spool of cotton is wound. The ONLY Machine with a Practical Embroiderer, with which BF.AUTII'( T LWORK can be done The ONLY Machine with a ' HEM STITCHING ATTACHMENT, The "WHITE ' has a Self-Setting Xeedle, Self- Threading throughout, All Bearing Adjustable, Case Hardened an d of Steel. The "WHITE" has no Coo WHEELS, which aro only used in the cheaper grade- of machines, therefore soon become noisy and hard-running. Be sure and —EXAMINE THE WHlTE— before buying a sewing machine." H&-ALL KINDS OF SEWING M 4 CFTINES REPAIRED A TREASONABLE RA TES. NF.KM.ES AND ATTACHMENTS always on hand. I also keep the Rest Quality of LADIES',MISSES'i CHILDREN'S FINE SEWED DRESS SHOES C. G. BRIGHT, Agent, AARONSBURG, PA. 444 44444 4 * * # * * #* * D. I. BROWN, DEALER IN STOVES, HEATERS, RANGES, TINWARE, &c. Practical worker in Tin, Sheet Iron, Copper, &c. - * Repairing done at short notice by practical workmen. 4| ♦ ! Spouting a Specialty Shop on Main St., opposite Tomliu-on PATENTS MUNN k CO., of the SciENTinc AMERICAN, con tinue to act as Solicitors for Patents, Caveat?, Trade Marks, Copyrights, for the United States, Canada, England, Franco, Germany, etc. Hand Book about Patents sent free. Thirty-seven years'experience. Patents obtained through MUNN" k CO. are noticed In the SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, the largest, l est, and most widely circulated scientific paper. $3.20 a year. Weekly. Splendid enprravinps and interesting in foni:ut!(/n. Specimen <••>:>>* <-f the Scleuiific A inei 4 - ieati sent free. Address M I*NN & CO., SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN Ofiice, 2JI Broadway, New York. I WA XTI". I>— L A DIES TO TA K E OL'H NE W laney war'; at their ii mes.iii eitv or count ry, and earn 80 to 812 per week, ma .ing goods for our Fall and \\ inter trade Send 15 centd for MUJ.CUS and particulars. HUDSON MEG, Co. i bivni AVITO NEW YORK. j g ELI AS LUSE. r. I). LUfln Eiias Luse & Son's s pLAEING HILL, In Ihe rear of tlio Kv. ULuroh, Pen Street, MILLHEIM, PA. ALL KINDS OF PLANING MILL WORK. SUCH AS 0 Doors, Window Frames & Sash, Shutters & Blinds, Siding, Brackets, Stair Hails, Balustrades, Verandahs, AND ALL STYLES OF ;; UVTOTTXjTDIISr Gr livttlo to order nl the ino-t rcasonab! • prices. - A share of p.ibiie patrol ij;e r, ;> eti Uly -o- llcited. 30-ly a ; §6O -L... S"TQJ Iron Liwsra, 8teI B<**rtncß, Bras* TART RFAM. U ao.\K4, nt: p-wa the rnnti t: 1 A | Sold on (rial. Warrant* 6 yaora. Alt tuu oa low- 8 ' J CFoi 1.,-.-iK-ott, naar,-* .0 J JONES OF BiriGHAMTON, LdkuiiAjtiek, V,*\Ar Vick's Floral Guide. i'or psi is mi I'rgmit Ilonk ofl'i' Fngf*, 3 t ol nrril'l'Hteaol I'low era inul Vi-ge table*,ami mnrc Itinci an-7 llln-lrnlimi* oft lie choicest Flowers. Plant-niul Vegetables, and Dirt-ell :u* foruiouing. It is hand-ome e noueli for the Center Ta le as i I'res l * ent. Send , n jour iiauli- ai il I'ost Office ad dress, with 10 cent-, ami I will send you a copy, r nasiage paid. 'Has i- mt a tjuurter of it- It is primed in both i iiglisii ami enn-i. If you afit'i ward- order seed- deduct the 10els Vic It'* Seed are tiu> lic.t in •-!* eoveis; sl.u-' in elegant cloth. In German or English. Tick's Illustrated Monthly Mat nines 32 l'a ges.a (oioied I date in e\ farmers of D nns. Iran ' t : Gentlemen For or. tir.tnty-eiffht >" triw have man at -t ln - 'pha.-ph• bnii" hot/ hoi' word' in nearly pi iyi - tim ef th> country, la many commn/lita .< the ■ a/ iu/for them //<••< uu'reax- Ctl wf 06 fit ljA R J'lit) sPi (a TE. mad by u NEW PROCESS ENCIA SJVEI.V OUR OWN. 7he quickness vith which this Phos ]>h 'te sprang Into use among tnti'llfgc-tfarmers xrilt he shown by the following ttttU ua nt : Oj (f/c 6' JJ iVtOsph'tfa there were sold During 1879, 1,287 Tons. I*Bo, 8,957 issi, 5J27 li 1882, 8,288 " 1883,10128 " Th C report" of the action of the 425 Phosphate hare her n sa(i-\iaetory iu every case from a. i ride inquiry. Jlc want to be informed upon this joint very j- ainly, as it is our interest to /.now it the article couth, ues to produce good results. Be v ill thaitk' uniijarniei. having used the i? 25 Pl (sj hate with otntln'/ results, tot let us hear from him with juUfacts. lours truly, a.i ,r - ■Mill saggßEsa I vjfsssei roS MAii AMD BEASbI THE BEST 1 1110111181,1 [ill MEUHMJCULI I fee J Sprains, Bruises,! Burns and Scalds,! *■ !■! in! SeMesjKsetaele, fj I' Frosted Feet and! Bars, ancl oil other [9 Pains and Aclies. B R b a safe, sure, and|j effectual Remedy for p-j Sails, Strains, Scratches,® ' Sores, &c. f on 1 HORSES. I . r;; xsg One trial will prove its {".] ; j 3 merits. Its effects are I most cases B ' if} INSTANTANEOUS. 1 i 2 & Every l-ottle warranted to AN f I L'ive satiijfaction. Send 1 - dress for pamphlet, free, giv-|3 : 5 fnll Girteliona lor the P.; ! fM-V-P^* 1 tvcatnientofaVovo diseases.;.;? f'l El*- Price 25 els. and 50 ets. pcrira M i, in —Ti ottlc * Sold every where. p i I;j Usury, Jc'jnsoa & LnrJ, Projrhtcra,l I y Ecriingtcn, Vt. j ---Tf-ni'if-B- iri THE NEW X JOOKm STORE Penn Street, Millheim, Pa., Is the only exclusive 800b 1 , stationery and Variety Store lit IViins Vnlley. We can not possibly begin to enumerate nil the goods we have for sale but there must be a begluntinr somewhere and so we.begin on BIBLES, and that isa.ways.n good beginning as weiluss good ending. Splendid Family Bibles, I'iil pil Hildas, Teacher's Bi bles. Sunday School Bibles, Pres entation Bibles. it will In'to your ini rest to examine these be fore you go to other places to buy, Photogr p pli Albums. From the large Quarto Cabinet Album down to the small Pocket Album holding a dozen cards, livery style, variety and price. A lar/e due o* Autograph Alb ums, | These are good sell r ■ all the time and are very suitable for cheap presents. Scrap Books and Pic tures, an endless variety, tli. finest and latest styles, all sizes and prices. In ills line we claim to have more novelties than any store in tin; valleys. it will pay von to come and examine our stock of Velvet Cabinet Frames, before you buy elsewhere. PAPER, ENVELOPES, CARDS, PAP ETE PIES, INKS, INKSTANDS, PENCILS, SCHOOL BOOKS, PENS, PEN HOLDERS, SLA TES BLANK BOOKS, and in fact anything and everything in the Book and Stationery line can be had at our store. Come, See and Buy AT TIIK NEW JOURNAL STORE Penn Street and at the ICIEST PRICES. ItI.S.STAHDAHD.jj £| T O B3" Tfitf ' WAGON SCALES, w leJ * * mdfa? o I.u.i .*!•■ I It. *• i'f B.u | 'I r Hmm ,■ n- ah Uu*, BMGHAMTOKJ SOO and flj JON ttj lie )' tiirfmcht— I Jie# I Price Llet men! I-nlb ■ |j r n J - 1 rnnK I ! MILLHEIM JOURNAL JOB Printing Office LJ * is now supplied with j G-QQjf TmEssm and a large assortment of DISPLAY TYPE. LETTER HEADS, NOTE HEADS, RILL HEADS, STATEMENTS, ENVELOPES, CIRCULARS, POSTERS, and, in short, neat and tasty Job Printing of all kinds PROMPTLY EXECUTED. joKiis BBNCHAMTON . -j*for lift of Newspaper MILLHEIM _ The Oldest, The Largest, The Cheapest, Most Reliable . Establishment, in this port of Pcnnsj lvk„ u lii Monuments, Tablets and Headstones, , manufactured in the most artistic style an d of the best material. Alt work warranted and put up in the most substan tial manner; Our prices arc so low that it will pay persons in < need of marble work'to give | us a call. DEININGER& MUSSER proprietors Shops east of Bridge, Main St., Millheim, Pa. | HEALTH S3 WEALTH! U ■ ■' Oi.-Wsiij-. L. " .*. ar, - t -ft4 F jf * on. k. e. .N.ravis .*.:> ukai:; : ::• : cnr*Mi..o I Hjv-r-iric I'.r II i-t-iln.D ;zuio: C ./• !•' r.j.C Nrrv .m NrtimlrLv. N(, N: < • - IV • 8* ' - i.ytiii* i: •of fc!,-..'i it to., w.i'n-r... j; ; i r 1,r..t0n S.Vt<>n:;ic of t'. I :'•> r> >i i •< - In •> loj linif to r** n \t., • ]• •>•*.>,. o • ! * bnirtnitiem. 1..-rs nf. 1* -!■ .< •• I . i,. Mil . rrl". i ':u:ni>l I . •> < r. ,| t > I *<•!• •■•;-. ■ ••'ti'jfi . I ,<"i !• ■ (••••tltfil !nl n-;. . J. .i. , i, . n |IJ< ii -I i.f |.rlce. w- CUARAKfUS e: ; ; Ttp renvp,Tr \V C: s .' i ' 1 . f lexer. rr*oTu|a" *1 V' **t . r• f " • V rittfii en:.' T I •' . . p, , l, ..■ ,<•.. • . - ; j Kid\!K /. a::Nr.iM . ;•..* r r ~ ~~ v ... ' In T't , p!,trn!.Tl ,it• i . Itp. ilit n j nili i lia4i • :•.•••, 1:n I". i ' iin'wlwra ujx u vein tni V'j rrnl*. I'.i b, tJ . i ouiocM. EISNSita MSNBEISOM, 1 i 523 F?.ico j D. H. Lenker, MANUFACTURER AND DEALER IN FURNITURE, _A.A.RON3 BURG, I=A, Chamber Suits, Bureaus, Lounges, Bedsteads, Stands, Marble-Top Centre Tables, lbenktast Tables. Dining Tables, Extt usion Tables, Sideboards, Sinks and all kinds of Kitchen Furni ture, (Jane or Wot d Seat Chairs. Rockers, Spring Bids, Wire, "Wool and Hair Ma tresses, every style of Mouli iugs lor IMeiiue Frirnes. Frames of any size made to order. Undertaking a Speciality. A share of ti patronage re j Bpctttuliy b'oijuTtvd. sb4y SPECIAL BARGAINS FOR THE SPRING TIR, A-IDEi AT J. R.SMITH&CO, (LIMITED.) ' MILTON, S®A., Nos. 110, 112 & 114, Front Street, { WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN ) Musical Instruments, Furniture, Carpets, China, Silverware, and House Furnishing Goods Generally. GOODS DELIVERED FREE OF CHARGE. UpBH DOWNS' ELIXIR,BBB I N. ML DOWNS'I Vegetabls Balsamic ELIXIR For tbc cure of 3 Consumption, Coughs, Colds, Catarrh, I H Croup, Asthma, Pleurisy, Hoarseness, I M lnfluenza, Spitting Blood, Bronchitis, I gg end all diseases of *ho Tit roat, Cheat, and I Lung*, In all rases where this Elixir isl i IK used its efficacy i nt once manifested, con vincing the most 'ncrodulons that Q CONSUMPTION ' yj is not iucuratle, if properly attended to.— 3B m At its commencement it Is but a slight irrita CO I CO tion of tho membrane which covers the Lungs; 35 thou an iuflamation, when tho cough is rather J!!!!* !555 dry, local fever,and the pulse more frequent,tho a cheeks flushed and chills more common. This JJ" Elixir in curing the above complaints, oper-J, Slates so as to remove all morbid Irrita-|H |§tiona&nd inflnmotlou from the lungs I H to the sutface, and finally expel them from I Bj the system. It facilitates expectoration. It heals the ulcerated surfaces 3 and relieves the cough and makes the breath- H ■■ingeasy. It Fiipporlsthe strength and at tlieH raj sl ing tho CAVSK, consequently, when the cougfc PS gPM is cured the patient is welL Send address for B Kl pamphlet giving full directions, free. Price 35 cts., 50 cts. : and SI.OO per bottle. SOLD EVERYWHERE. H HESRT, JOIIXSOJ £ LORD, Props., Bnrllngton.Tt. I Mta downs' eiiiirjbkS CS^TCBLLTSS T > aw Inaiscat •• oltlie r.coj, cad ltosrs.—Nervous Itebliltr, Vnpotenrr, Orciats Htsliacti, (•oaorrbors, Syphilitic ar.a HcTror'iii ATcctloa-!. Scientific trestmeutt safe and sure remedies. I>cfom:;:>o Treated. Ca'l or write for list of questionsto boanswerctl bythoso drd ring treatment by mail. (Per'onv •;ti r Yr!ncf.-c.n r?tars rhonM send their address.% and learn *o:.-t> NEW,YORK-