Too Much Sugar. A mother often complains that her child is troubled greatly with a sour stomach, but this case is no longer mysterious when the mother, to quiet the little one, so that she can continue the account of the case, sets down be fore her a little dish of sugar, from which the child may help itself. Most mothers would give candy or cookie in stead, though some feed them lumps of sugar from the bowl, believing that the children need sugar, and might better have it in that form than any other. In any case of this kind there is a very frequent call for water. Do you know how vinegar Is made? You can get plenty of it by simply mixing sugar or molasses with water and Keep ing it warm. A sour taste in the mouth after eating some thing sweet is a very common occurence. It is the acid caus ed by the fermentation of the sugar left in the mouth with the saliva that causes the decay of children's teeth— this and the .lack of bone-forming ma terial in the daily focal. Vinegar 'eats' lime, as one can tell by leaving an egg in vinegar. Bits of sugar or candy left to ferment among the teeth destroy their enamel, as well as do pickles. The child that is fed on sweet, naturally craves pickles as au antidote, but well fed children are contented with plain, nourishing food, if properly prepared and sufficiently varied. Many imagine that all children should have free ac cess to both sugar and pickles in order to supply what they suppose to be nat ural cravings, aud to prevent thefts of sugar from the family bowl. A mis taken policy. It Overcame Him. Before the Hale & Nocross fight came on in Sail Francisco—this is tra dition' almost—there arrived in town a dissipated miner who had worked in the mine. He was pretty badly down, ap parently, but ne went into a broker's office, and, after being told to get out as a tramp lie said he thought a good deal of Hale & Nocross and wanted to invest a trifling sum in it. Two feet,at $175 were bought for him, and lie gave the certificate® to the broker, saying that he was going down to Mexico pros pecting, and he would like to leave it behind to be dealt with as the broker saw tit. He was not heard of for months. Hale & .Nocross went up to $12,000 a foot. One morning the broker found the dilapidated miner on his door step when he came down to business. The miner rose and said: "Well, I'm here. I thought I'd come and see you. I suppose there ain't nothing left of that Hale and Nocross. I guess you must 'a sold it out; but I'm down, an'l ain't got a cent. Maybe you'd lend me four nits to get a bit of breakfast?" The broker looked at him and gave him five dollars to go and get a bath and breakfast, and presently he return ed. "Sit down and wait a minute. I'll make up your account presently. He left the dilapidated man on the edge Of a chair. He come back with a check and sent his clerk down to the bank. The clerk rteurned with a big bag of gold. The poor devil watched the pro ceedings with miserable indifference. The gold was stacked upon the coun ter. "Look here. I'ye sold your two feet of Hale & Nocross for $25,000, and here's your money." The miner fell on the floor and cried like a haby. He could not read or write, and had no idea what the mark et was. He sent a draft of S2OOO to his mother. The broker bought for him $30,000 of registered bonds, aud gave him $2400 in coin, which he spent in three days. Two bunko men biought him in drunk and tried to get his bonds but the broker drove them out, and when the man got sober he came and had the bonds sewed into his clothes and was dispatched East. He has nev er been beard of since. # REBUKED. A great many communities are, no doubt,afflicted with the gaddling news monger, whose chief recreation is to circulate tattle and gossip, and who generally mixes a good deal of false hood with mere grain of truth, and doles it out as something positive and to be relied on. One of this tribe called on a New York banker the other day, and got to speaking about a competitor of his. "Do you know," said the garrulous visitor, "how much lost by the fail ure of " "How much was it?" inquired the banker. "Why, $275,000!" "Can that be possible? are you sure?" "Oh, yes, I knoxo it." "Why, I hadn't supposed it was any thing like so large a sum as that. llovv did you find it out?" "Ah! that I can't tell you, but it is so; I got the facts; you can rely upon them, 1 understand what I am about every time, you'ean bet." "Well, now, Mr. you say you know all about this; just let me t'eTl you the facts. and I were fellow credit ors in that case. We employed the same lawyer, and made common cause, pooling our claims. It has been all finished up, the money paid and the accounts closed, and loses less tban $25,000. Don't you think you could find more reputable business than running about the street with such yarns as this? It happens, fortunately, that—is so strong that no great harm can come of your telling lies a bout him, but there are men whom such a story as you are circulating might injure seriously." The pddr fellow made all the effort he could to wriggle out of the scrape without confessing himself a liar, but when he left, which he did as soon as ne could get away, hr was conscious that he had been convinced on the evi dence without any confession. There are a great many tramps ol this genus roaming about; they wear nice clothes, and don't look particularly vicious, but their tongues are venomous, aud it is the duty of every body who meets them to give them a good talking to. Dr. Kessler's Celebrated Eng lish Cough Medicine, /% ' The reliable and never failing standby in croup or whooping eough. Unequalled as a remedy in voids and all lung troubles. Don't waste time and endanger previous lives experi menting with worthless medicines, but get (he best at once. MONEY fill FUNDED TO DIS SA TISEI ED TUIICIIASETS. McDonald's Improved Liver Tills ave endorsed by eminent physicians and used by them in their daily prac tice. Trial paelaqe free. MONEY lIEFINDED TO DIS SA TISEIED PURCHASE IIS. For smallness of dose, easiness to take and effectiveness as a worm de stroyer, Me Donald's Celebrated Iform Powders surpass anything on earth. Entirely vegetable. MONEYItFFUKDFD TO DIS SA TISFIED TUIICIIASEIIS. Dr. KessleCs Couah Midicme, McDon ald's Improved Liver Pills and Celebrat ed Worm Powders arc sold and warrant ed by J. Eisenhuth. MiUhOm Pa.. John son, Hollencay A* Co .Philadclphiaagcnts Sold by j. Eisenhuth, 1 MILL HELM, PA ADVICE TO MOTHERS. Are you disturbed at night and broken of your rest bv a sick child suffering and crying with pain of cutting teeth ? if so, send at once and get a bottle of .Mas. WtNsi.ow'a SOOTHING STRVP FOR CHILDREN TEETHING. Its value, 1* incalculable. It will relieve the poor little suf ferer Immediately. Depend upon it, mothers, there Is no mistake about it- it en res dysentery and diarrhoea, regulates the stomach and bowels, cures wind colic, softens the gums, re duces inflammation, and gives tone and energy to the whole svsteni. .MRS WINSLOW'S SOOTH ING SYRUP FOR CHILDREN TEETHING is pleasant to the taste, and is the prescription of one of the oldest and best female physicians and nurs es In tlie United States, and Is for sale b> all druggists throughout the world. Price 565 cents a bottle. ELIAS LUSE. F. I). LUSK. Elias LUES & Son's pLANING ffipLL, In the rear of the Ev. Church, Pen Street, MILLHEIM, PA. ALL KINDS OF PLANING MILL WORK SUCH AS Doors, Window Frames & Sash, Shutters & Blinds, Siding, Brackets, Stair Rails, Balustrades, Verandahs, AND ALI/STYLES OF ZMZOTJLIDIIsr Gr made to order at the most reasonable prices. A share of public patronage respectfully so licited. 36-ly JONES. BE PAYS THE FBIWHE 3 T Sold on trUL Warrants S years. AU aLroa a* low. ■ i J Wot trae book, address .2 j I0N&3 OF BINBHAMTQN, Jfr-wrrTrtfr'* Buuiua io.\, Vick's Floral Guide. For ISBI in nil Eegnnt Book nfloOP:iget, 3 Col ored I'ntCM of Flowera ami Vege tables,and more tlinn 10U7 llliiKf ration* of the choicest Flowers, Plants and Vegetables, aud Directions for growing. It is handsome e nough for the Center Table as a Holiday Pres ent. Send on your name and Post Office ad dress, with 10 cents, and 1 will send you a copy, pastage paid. This is n< t a quarter of its cost- It is printed in both l-.nglisii and Oeriuuu. If you afterwards order seeds deduct the 10 cts. Vick's Seed are the Best in the World ! The FI.ORAL GCIDE will tell how to get and grow them. Vick's Flower and Vegetable Garden, 175 Pa ges, 6 Colored Platas, s'Ju Engravings. For 50 cents in paper covers; ♦I.OO in elegant cloth. In German or English. Vick's Illustrated Monthly Magazines—32 Pa ges, a Colored Piate in every number and many fine Engravings. Pricesl.2s a year ; Five Cop ies for $5.00. Specimen Numbers sent for II) cents ; 3 trial cojdes for 25 cents. JAMES VICK, tf KOCHESTER, N. Y. Atffc IP ill wanted or The I ives o S-g i$Q gj all the Presidents of the ffiJa [s_ |H a S3U. s. The largest, hand somest best book ever sold for less than twice our pries. The fastest elling book In America. Immense profits to gents. All inteliig-nt people want it. Any ne can become a successful agent. Terms ree. BOOK Co., Portland, Maine. a EFsl 0 Fend six cents lor 8m ST Ig | a firee, a costly box of goods which will lie.p you to more money right away tban anything else in this world All, of cither sex, succeed from the first hour. Ehe b road road to fortune opens before the workers, absolutely sure. At once address, TRUE & Co., Augusta, Maine. pTT E NTS. F. A. Lehmann, Solicitor of American and Foreign Patents, Washington, D. C. All busi ness connected with Patents, whether before the Patent Office or the Courts, promptly at tended to. No charge made unless a patent is secured. Send for circular tf jO pas |ijJ S I rfl IH Cx ease or other dis ■ laHIVIVIVV minor children and dependent parents entitled when death re sulted. Claims reopened, restoration, increased bounty, back pay and discharges obtained. Ap ply at once, delay prejudices your rights. Fees fixed by law. Address, with stamp, the old e tabiished firm of KDSON & CO., Attorneys' aud Ciairn Agents, 917 F St., Washing lon, D. C. *- BEND TO JONES th O"JONEI^SCALE andfree Price Liet o Steam Bending Shops, {FA KM tilts' MILLS, I*A.} All kinds of bonding; in wood done on short notice. Orders filled for i ■■ wra mmmm -~m mmmm mmmm^ —— of all sizes, and of the best materia]. Bob Sled Runners, Shafts, Bent Hounds, Plow Handles, Phaeton Buggy Reaches. Send for jn\elist. Orders by mail promptly attended 10. All work gua ran teed. J. 11. REAM & so\ DOG Not wanting a Dog, send for a C A 1' tloguo of Newspapers and Magazines that club with the Family stop Thief Scale—capacity, l oz. to 10 'ha. Price,—whereby you get a Newspaper POII NOTHING ! Address, JONES OF BiNCMAItfTON, lII.NUIUMTON, N. Y. DELAWARE KIVKH Oil I MICAI-Wot.KS 11AUU11 & SONS, Philadelphia, M-5.1, IKH4. To /•armors of Pennsylvania : Gentlemen :—/br oveer twenty eight years to have manufactured Itnw-llone Phosphates, and our brand- hair bebon te household worde in nearly ever a section qi the country. In many communities the demand for them has increas ed, while in others the sales have decline 1, on account of the preference for louer priced poods. Six years ayo. unaing that the demand for poods of lower cost had become almost unirt rsal, vnd having pecular advantages of raw materlalsand manufacturing facilities, we determined ta meet this demand, and introduced a J I PAW TY-/1 IV. HOLLA li PfiOSI'UA TP, made by a NEW PROiPSS PXVLPSIVh'LY OUR OWN. The quickness with which this Phos phate sprung Into use amopg intelligent farmers will be shown by the following statement : Of the $25 Phosphate there were sold Daring 1879, 1,287 Tons. 1880, 8,957 " 1881, 5,147 " 1882, 8,288 1888,10,128 " The report of the action of the *2"> Phosphate hare been satisfactory in every case from a wide inquiry. HV want to be informed upon this point very plainly, as it is our interest to know if the article continues to produce good results. We will thank any jar met. having used the Phosphate with disappointing results, to! let us hear from him with full facts. lours truly. it A van A- so xs. rjmE MIILHEIM JOURNAL vJ v J I ) Printing Office is now supplied icilh GOOP PBPSSMS and a large assortment of DISPLAY TYPE LETT Ell HEADS, NOTE HEADS, BILL HE A DS, STATEMENTS, EM ELOPES, CIRCULARS, POSTERS, and, in short, neat and tasfg Job Printing of all kinds PROMPTLY EXECUTED. BINCHAMTON Premitunh giwinvMh i li fe t a Scales. PATTE WIT 3 MT'NN &■ CO., of tho ScrEXTirro AMERICAX, con tir.e • toact its Solicitors for l'ut-.nta. Caveats. Trade Marxs, Copyright.', fur the I' s.tcl State*. Canada. K i.rland, Fintiee, Germany, < tc. Hand Book about P.ocnt* nent free. ThlrtMPTpn yours'experience. I'aten'aobtnbioO throuan ML' N'.'i\x CO. nrcnoticed Ir. the SCtRN i: ;• c A MCBIOA.'!. tbo hmk. and i t v.idclycirouTiiii'd ectentiflc paper. ?■'! CO a year. Weekly. BplendldVnpravlnjrs anu Interesting In formation. Specimen co ■■ • r i to Scientific Amor* lean wnt free. Address MI NN A(:• lUXTIFIO AMERICAN Oilier?. "All Broadway, New York. ET YOU P. .JOB PLTLNTLNG DONE AT X Tiie Mililieim Journal Office. FINE WORK CHEAPLY EXICCTJTSD. KMI ncnt. for postage, mid tie will box of sample goods 'that will put you in the way of making more money in a few days than you ever thought possible at any business. Capital not required. We will start you. You can work all the time or in sp ire time only. Tlic work is universally adapted to both sexes, young a d old. You eaii easily earn from 50 cents to $5 every evening. Tit it ali who want work may test the business, we make this unparalleled utter; to all who are not wel. satisfied we will send $1 to pay for the trouble of writing us. Full particulars, directions, etc. sent free. Fortunes will be made by there who give their whole ti me to the work, (treat suc cess absolutely sure. Don't delay. .Start now. Addfess SriKS'cfN & Co.) Fbl traiftf, Ma'irfe. THE NEW HHHOUBMnSHMSS^TEBEI JOURNAL STORE Perm Street, Millheim, Pa., is the only exeluslvo Book', Stationery and Variety Store in Tonus Valley. We can nut possibly be •ill to enumomto all the goods we have for sale but there must bo a beginning somewhere and so \vc begin on BIBLES, and that is a.wajsJaJlnoi.d beginning as well as a good ending. S|]|oiidkl Family Bibles, Pul pit Bibles, Teacher's iti blos, Sunday Seintol Bibles, Pres entation Bibles. It will la-'to your it.tried t<> examine these be fore you go ft) nth r places to buy, Photogr? nil Albums. From the large (Quarto Cabinet Album down to the small Pocket Album bolding a dozen earth. Kvery style, variety and price. A large hue or Autograph Albums, These are good seller* all the time and are very suitable for cheap presents. Scrap Books and Pic tures, an endless variety, tli? fluest and latest styles, all sires and prices. In ills line wo claim to have more novelties than any store in the valleys. It will pay YOU to come and examine our stock of Velvet Cabinet Frames, before you buy elsewhere. I\l /'/•;/?, EX VELOPES, ('A EDS, PAPE 'PER I ES, IKES, INKSTANDS, PENCILS, SCHOOL BOOKS, I'EXS, PENHOLDERS, SLA 'PES BLANK BOOKS, and in fact anything and everything in the Boole and Stationery line ran he had at oar store. Come, See and Buy AT Tin-: xr.w JOURNAL STORE ON Penn Street and at the LOWEST PRICES. ♦ I U.S. 1* O WAGON SCALES, j7iu '4 i< liVu L*r.-i* Me- I r B.u qjj. a Tura Beam an liox, BmGHAMTOS-i S6O ond I JONfc-S !:o ji i> a liiclrt !k!il—J.. I PrU-o Lbt meritl. n tli npm r.i .1 § aaarviOariEStiF BIHQHAWTCN, LJi'XL !%'• V D. H. Lenker, MANUFACTURER AND DEALER IN CIIRNIT^m rSlilPil I _A_ARONSBURG, ±? Chamber Suits, Bureaus, Lounges, Bedsteads, Stands, Marlde-Tn|> Outre Tables, Breakfast Tables. Dining Tables, Extension Tables, Sideboards. Sinks and all kinds of Kitchen Furni ture, C'uue or Wood Seat Chairs. Rockers, Spring Beds, Wire, Wool and Hair Matresscs, every style of Mould ings for Picture Frames. Frames of any size made to order. Undertaking a Speciality. A share of the public patronage re spectfully solicited. # 36-ly I jW FQR MAN AND BEAST. ;J THE BEST | j •.* $ ISS uiounsi j IS ®iiiaaf I sLsks 01? illlk^Sj I Sprains, Bruises, § I - Burns and Scalds, | |] —I JFe&tfiee, keteeis, I y Frosted Feet and^ Ears, and oil other S Eg Pains and Aches. |j ;,| It is a safe, surCf ande| \l: effectual Remedy for Mj Qalls, Strains, Scratches,® rl S° res * &C., on 'I HORSEB. d l| 0d ELi One trial will prove itsli 7 merits. Its effects are in|| I f most cases || I BWSTA^TAN£OISS a H Every bottlo warranted ! givo satisfaction. Send ad-K§ j gSSBESS dress for pamphlet, free, pi * ing full directions for thoyl £ treatment of above diseases, ra u| hia&Sggg Price 25 cts. and 50 cts. per M g§ bottle. Bold every wliero. gj : ,i g|pf£§ Henry, Juliason & Lord, Froprietow, I H Burliugloa, ft. aS WA XTEI - L AD JEST( > TA KEO IT K N!: W fancy work at their homes, in 'ity or count ry, and earn H6 to HI 3 per week, making {roods lor our Fall and Win er trade Send 15 cents for ; and particidars. HUDSON MFG, CO. 1 LET AVBf, Wavy lgiiK. 1 MILLHEIM I The Oldest, The Largest, The Cheapest, Most Reliable Establishment. in this part of Pennsylv l||l Monuments, Tablets and / Headstones, manufactured in the most artistic style and of the Lest material. All work u-arran ted and put up in the most substan tial manner. txJ' Oar prices are so low i that it will pay persons in need of marble work to give as a call. DEININCfEE & MUSSER I ' proprietors A Shops east of Bridge, lain St., j , Millheim, Pa. Lcwistor?. and Tyrone Railroad Tims 'fable. J.EAVK WESTWARD. I S 7 A. M. A. \t. r M, j\ M. r. M Monhmdoil 7 l'"> I'-I'* 0.00 7.55 LewisburK 7.25 10 05 20 • Ground 730 10.13 -■-> P.ielil 7.40 10.27 2.05 V'ckslmrK 7.45 10.5(5 '-.4b M till in burg B.War 11.00 ar 2.55 K'. a i r Mlllmnnt A 22 3.28 Laurel ton 8.33 3.40 Wlkt'r Run 8.57 4.n;{ Cherry liun 9.15 4..: l'owKf 9.05 4.17 (Inbuilt - 9.43 # 5.(Ki Spring Mills .if 10. 15 ar. 5.30 LEAVE EASTWARD.*: *2 1 OH 10 * A. St. It*. M.J Spring Mills 5.50 1.5b Cobiirii I*4 H -,2b l ow ler ,d.28 2.35 ( In-fly Hun <5.43 2.55 W'lkcf Hun 7.05 3.15 Ijiurflton 7.3b 3.40 Mlllmnnt 7.40 3.52 A. M.„ ) .Mlffliuburg 8.00 11.45 -1.15 I. M. Vicksbnrg 8.15 12.1b 4 .*l2 Hit-lil H2O 12.17 4.08 l-'ulr (iiotiud A. M. 8.30 12.33 4.48 r. M. M*\>urg 0.35 8.45 12.-0 5.10 7."-0 Moiituiuioiiar. <3.45 ar. 9.00 ar 1.65ar.5,20ar 7.40 No". 1 and 2 t at Montandon with Erie M.til West: 3 ami 1 with Sea Shore Express l ist : 5 ami G with l>ay Express and Niagara Express West: 7 ami 8 with East i.ine West; 9 am! ii with VVitliauiapji't Accommodation 1..1Ht. / mswmm Uy-i uSI %] • *- .' .r*k y\J 4-'; .', t \! ( A mfi l " '• #4A *J t- -J.'-"*:'" .%>,. ii. c. \ * •*; >v : • i \ u ■ . * ' ' - % , iI • ,* : * ..; • • i •* 'n c ••• -i ;;' : v. ' i.'.y - i I ' I ■' -f :r. >.?.; , jr- <■ I I ?, •04 S;. ■ 'r.i. .* e' I.H fye•r- . On , i j I trlixii# .1.- .T- .-s. .. :.i lac*!-r -V. ' II .jr.: v.. >■. *. •*■'* CJ.esutlf a-. ;a> paiUvu i rr#r.rvra-e. 31 I' l r I '■ bluf r tlx t •ooo.ocrfia.i Si.'4v a'- 1 W v-'.Uc f-1 f. • f-r; :-nr-r.-a --v. rut. u fUM.-.nt' I >r.- i 11' E> y t tlieU-W— --ti oJT-rt!'.rt • ■ 1 ■ . i 7 h * nia.-nr. : . . r . s<. ?.■_ 5* * tl -£Tt7l A;* .wi," I Tt-f rr'.-lsrut • t ."•.■>' .. S-. 54... is l"'"--<'fs , f- i |c. . Cir-AtiiJ , i s • t J |- %'<■■ eisii^si,"Ki-.:ti32t.cb, S SMITH'S UEBMANOLIOI Tlie Great German Remedy —FOIS— RHEUMATISM, A-tir.'ili;iß. and all Dltrniei of llir Nloniarh. I!o*a rt. Illood. Liirr and Kidney*. For Sale by all Dealers ia Xediriae. at 50 (Vats % Bottle. Prepared and BO! I HI Wholesale by the GERMAN OLIO COMPANY, (LIMITED,; 22 Willow Street* Williamsport, Pa. PHILADELPHIA WHOLESALE AGENCY: Johnston, Hollo way & Co., 602 Arch St. Kmltli, Kline A Co., £O9 & 311 NOHTtI TlilHD >TItEET. ■—WWT LLSItIRJHBH I f&.H. DOWNS' Vegetabh Balsamic Tor the euro of eg Consumptic!!, Coughs, Colds, Catarrh, p Croup, Asthma, nsurlsy, Hoarseness, N InHueana, Gpslllng Bleed, Bronchitis, \ an 1 all diseases ef *bo Throat, Chest, and | Lutt'js. In all cases where this Elixir is fe| used in tflk\icy is at onco manifested, coa •cri rincing the most 'ncrodulous that CCNSUR/IPTCON S3 is not incurable, if properly attended to.— 52 At its commencement it Is bat a slight irrita- Gift v/ 3 t ion of tho mrmhrano v. liich covers the Lungs; iil ilien an iaflamatlon, when tho cough is rather Jf2 dry, local fever,and tho pulse more frequent.tho checks Cashed and chills more common. This Elixir In curing tho above complaints, opcr-S® atcs so as 1o remove all morbid irrita lotions and iuHanmtion from the lungs BH to the Eurface, end finally cxixl them fron. O* l' lo system. It facilitates expectoration. and relieves the cough and makes the breath- UN ing c.isy, it supports tho strength and at the fcfS =sal A " ■ trretiueut; safe and sure tcnieilics lnfomi: :• T !. C.i-I or wite for list of questions to I'- - ans -i r. iI y i!. ... o tie iritig treatment by mail. V - SAv'J ■' P* l';r; W SIOO9 I . ■■ ID v.; r." a; uiiantar i-u*l ctw.atag B! iw b hu-.itaik _ iaarLi-1 ■-•itr vV. in r - ; , '-'wr ~-t ICO %'■ %>J >A r " a " LiV BCTOS} Hr suLU S~T*\ - - ''T T y\, ~m ■'.'/? v.; ■ v -• ;r ; imuted Iho perfect i'orco.Fco . rortltiscf Drill ■afe l^ olar. A, K. I'.ißqt/HAH, *® r , K **•*• rcoßsylysnla AflrUaittural M BTEA3I ENGINES, A. B. FARQUHAR, York Pa Oienm-Kt all Vertical ®nfflnei,wlMir 3 Jm VIIHO.U wh.Bls,rsry P5s M pI ( > ronvcnlcnl, ec-noßifral go? THE FARQUHABgEPARiTOR ii '.•°trs<-sl r.nd DtnccUu iw. annsauaia'a clou. L^ 1 It ready lor usdrket. Add rets A. B. FJEQUBJIt, Tori, Pa. FAMOTAB KYSTBffIB COBIT FLAITTZB " Warrautad (lie liestcorn>"rand maw XtifA*nerf';t furco-feod fertlUerttisiritutor la tiia Vvvv —-srorlJ. Sr.sD cAT^toona 88. JOHN BULL'S Sifi'sToiSyri FQ7t THE CURE OF FS¥EII and AGUE Or CHILLS and FEVER, fHD ALL MALARIAL DISEASES. -. The proprietor of this celebrated medi cine justly claims for it a uperioritv over all remedies ever offered to the public for the SAFE, CERTAIN, SPEEDY and PER MANENT cure of Aspic and Fever, or Cbille and Fever, whether of short or long stand ing. EQ refers to tho entire Western and Southern country to bear him testimony to the truth of the assertion that in no case whatever will it fail to cure if the direc tions are strictly followed and carried oat. In a great many cases a single dose has been sufficient for a care, and whole fami lies have been cured by a single bottle, with a perfect restoration of the general health. It is, however, prudent, and in every ease more certain to onre, if its use is continned in smaller doses for a week or two after the disease has been checked, more especially in diffioolt and long-standing cases, Usu ally this medicine will not require any aid to keep the bowels in good order. Should the patient, however, require a cathartic medicine, after having taken three or four doses of the Tcnic, a single dose of BULL'S VEGETABLE FAMILY PELLS will he suf. , ftcient. BULL'S 3ARSAPARILLA is the old and reliable remedy for impurities of the blood and Scrofulous affections—tho King of Blood Purifiers. DR. JOHN BULL'S VEGETABLE WORM DESTROYER is prepared in the form of * candy drops, attractive to the eight and pleasant to the taste. OR. JOHEX3- liSJI-Xs'S SMITH'S TONiC SYRUP, BULL'S SARSAPARIIiA, BULL'S mm DESTROYER, The Popular Komedioa oi the Day. PUncipa! OClre, S3! tUla St., LOriSTILLE, KV. THE Buchanan Wind Mill BEAUTY, BDEABILITY ffllk New method of attach- Jj§ THE MOST POWERFUL f, % ALL KINDS OF TANKS, PIPE, PUMPS, Etc. Be *ure to send Tor our new Catalogue before buying. buoham mm mn no, BUCHANAN. FeIICKICAH, D.S.MOR6AN&GO. lIANTTA OT nu: THIJ DURABLE LIGHT DRAFT - Triumph Reapers AND THE NOISELESS New Clipper Mower. The TRIUMPH REAPERS are uneqnaled for simplicity in construction, easo of management, light weight, durability and good working capacity , in all conditions of grain. Tho NEW CLIPPER has all tho advantage® of the OLD CLIPPEE MOWER with many valuable improvements. SEND FOK IIXTTRTSATVD CTBCXI,AK. GOOD AGENTS W ANTED ia unoccupied territory, D. S. MORGAN a CO., Brockport,^3onroeCo. 7 N,Y Tl m f'iIPER a bbiw b raa latii KOWELL & Cera Newspaper Aavertismg n t *reau (10 Spruce Street), where adver- *i*UMnn YORK-