Discovery in Alaska. A New River, and Flowers Bloom inß Within the Arctic Circle. Lieutenant Storey, who went up on the last trip of the revenue steamer Thomas Corwin for the purpose of dis tributing among the Tehackchee In dians of Alaska the $5,000 worth of presents given by the government in recognition of the fact that they afford ed shelter and food to the officers and crew of the steamer Rogers, burned in 1881, reports the discovery of an im mense river hitherto unknown to geo graphers. The river had been vaguely spoken of by Indians to former explor ers, and Lieutenant Storey, being com pelled to await the return trip or the Corwin, determined to see if it existed. Accompanied by one attendant and an interpreter he proceeded inland from ilothan inlet in a southeasterly direc tion until he struck what he believed to be the mysterious river. lie traced it to its mouth,a distance of about fifteen miles,where he saw such huge pieces of floating timber as to satisfy him that the stream must be of immense size. He retraced his steps for a distance of fifty miles, where he encountered na tives, from whom he learned that to reach the head waters of the unknown stream would take several months. The Indians told him that they had come down the river a distance of 1,500 miles to meet a fur trader, and that it went up higher than that. Having no time to go further, Lieutenant Storey returned. In liis opinion, as stated by those on the Corwin, from which this information was obtained, that the discovery of this river accounts for the large quantities of floating timber in the Arctic ocean, which wasjpopularly supposed to come down the Yukon riv er. The Indians stated that the river in some places is twenty miles wide. It lies within the Arctic circle,but in Au gust, when Lieutenant Storey was there, he found flowers vegetation not hitherto discovered in so high a latitude. He has forwarded liis report to the Secretarj of the Navy, and hopes to be permitted to go back and continue bis explorations. Iff. flmo jjjoicl, Aos. 317 & 319 ARCH ST., PHILADELPHIA. RATES REDUCED TO $2.00 PER DAY. The traveling public will still find at this Hotel the same liberal provision for their com fort. It is located in the immediate centres of business and places of amusement and the dif ferent Rail-Road depots, as well as all parts ot the city, are easily accessible by Street Cars constantly passing the doors. It offers special inducements to those visiting the city for busi ness or pleasure. Your patronage respectfully solicited. Jos. M. Feger. Proprietor. MGR. CAPRL was asked what struck him most forcibly in this country, aai he replied,"The precociousnes- of chil dren. He says that wlijle in Baffin ore i the Archbishop took him to call on a lady. While making the visit ;i boy a ged four year* cimMa Ihe roarr, rn j his mother said, "My son, speak to tne Archbishop." He obeyed readily,and, holding out his hand,said : "How do, Arch ? n FRANCE AND EGYPT.— France's proposition, made through M. Wad dington, to land troop 3 at Saukim and march them to Khartoum to relieve that city, leaving the ultimate settle ment of the Soudan question to a con ference of the Powers, is a generous and magnificent offer, but hardly helps England out of her scrap?, as it con templates the submission of the whole subject of dominion in Egypt to the judgement of Europe. This time France strikes while the iron is hot.— Herald. • A "WHIPPING.—The Indianapolis po lice were told that a man was whip ping his wife in a tenement block near the heart of the city ; but instead they found the wife, arrayed in only one garment cowhiding her husband. He was once Superintend ent of the State Institute in Ohio. Lately he had been reduced by drink, until his wife had to support herself. She told the officers that the doctor had reached home druDk, and that, patience having ceas ed to be a virtue, she had resorted to the cowhide to briDg him to his senses. Dr. Messier's Celebrated Eng lish Cough Medicine, The reliable and never failing standby in croup or whooping cough. Unequalled as a remedy in colds and all lung troubles. Don't waste time and endanger precious lives experi menting with worthless medicines, but get the best at once. MONE YREFUNDED TO DIS SA TISFIED PURCHASERS. McDonald's Improved Liver Pills are endorsed by eminent physicians ! and used by them in their daily prac tice. Trial package free. MONEY REFUNDED TO DIS SATISFIED PURCHASERS. For smallness of dose, easiness to take and effectiveness as a worm de stroyer, McDonald's Celebrated Wor m Powders surpass anything on earth. Entirely vegetable. MONEY REFUNDED TO DIS- j SA TISFIED PURCHASERS. Dr. Kessler's Cough Medicine, McDon-! aWs Improved Liver Pills and Celebrat- \ ed Worm Powders are sold and warrant- ; edbyJ. Eisenhuth. Millhim Pa.. John son, Holloway & Co , Philadelphia agents JSold by tT. Eisenhuth, MILLHEIM, PA. j ADVICE TO MOTHERS. Arc vou disturbed M night and broken of vour rest bv* a sick child sulTeiinj; and cr\mx with pain of cutting teeth ? It so, send at one and COT a bottle of MRS. WINSLOAS SOOTHING SYUI P FOUCIM.pni S TKRTIUNG. Its valm. I* incalculable. It will relieve the poor little suf ferer immediately. Depend upon it, mothers, there is no mistake about it. It euresdysentei> and diarrhoea, regulates the stomach and bowels, cures wind colic, softens tlie gums, re duces inflammation, and gives tone and energy to the whole system. Mils WINSHOW'S SOOTH ING SY ut' l* FOH CHILDUBN TEETHING is pleasant to the taste, and i the prescription of one of the oldest and best female physicians and nurs es in the United States, and is tor sale by all druggists throughout the world. 1 rice *—. cents a bottle. KLIAS LUSK. * F. J. LUSK. Elias Luse & Son's pLAMING HJILL. In the rear of the Kv. Church, IVn Street, MILLHEIM, I'A. AIJ. KINDS OF PLANING MILL WOKK. SUCH AS Doors, Window Frames & Sash, Shutters & Blinds, Siding, Brackets, Stair Rails, Balustrades, Verandahs, AND ALL STYLKS OF ZMZOTTLDIISra nude to order at the most reasonable prices. A share of public patronage respectfully so licited. M-iy For Sale at the Hillbeim Journal Store JpENNSVLVANIA STATE COLLEGE. Winter Term begins Jan. 1, lHsl. Tills institution is located in one of the most beautiful and healthful spot* of the entire Alle gheny region. It is open to students of both sexes, and offers the following courses of study: 1. A Full Classical Course of Four Years. 2. A Full Scientific Course of l our Years, a. A Latin Scientific Course. 4. The following SPECIAL COCKLES, of two years each following the first two ye ns of the Scientific Course (a) AGKICULTU UK ; (b) NATURAL JUSiOUY: (c) CIIKMIS TUY AND PHYSICS: (d) CIVIL KNUIN. EEUING. 5. A short SPECIAL COl'ltSF in Agriculture. C. A short SPECIAL CoI'USE in Chemistry. 7. A Classical and Scientific Preparatory Course. S. SPECIAL CO USES are arranged to meet the wants of individual student*. Military drill is required. Expenses for board ami incidentals very low. Tuition free. Young ladies under charge of a competent lady Prinei pal. I For Catalogues, or other infdnnationnddress GEO. W. ATH.'.ItTON, PKESIPKNT, LYR STATE COLLE OK. CENTRE CO., Fa Iron Levers, Steel Bearings, Br*a TAR£ BEAM. JO.YES. BE PAYS THE FNKLGB?. I A Fold on trial. Warrants 5 years. All aLoa as low. for tree book, address I jj JONES OF BiNGHAMTQN, BUAAUAZE:., N, Vick's Floral Guide. I'or 1884 is an Book oflfliPngcs, 3 t'ol ored I'ntei, of Flowers and Vege tables,and more than ihoT illustration* of the choicest Flowers, Plants and Vegetables, and Direcliatrs for growing. It is handsome e nough for tlie Center Table as a Holiday Pres ent. Send on your name and Post Office ad dress, with 10 cents, and 1 will send you a copy, pastage paid. This is n< t a quarter of its cost. It is printed in both English and German. If you afterwards order seeds deduct the loots. Vick's Seed are the Best in the World ! The FLORAL GLIDE will tell how to get and grow them. Vick's Flower and Vegetable Garden, 175 Pa ces, 6 Colored Plat as, sa,i Engravings. For 50 cents in paper covers; SI.OO in elegant cloth. In German or English. Vick's Illustrated Monthly Magazines—.s2 P.i ges.a Coloied Piate in every number and many fine Engravings. Price $1.25a year ; Five Con ies for $5.00. Specimen Numbers sent for IO cents ; 3 trial copies for 25 cents. JAMES VIOK. tf ROCHESTER, N. Y. A ■" ®i2F wanted or The Lives o H !■ la U Wall the Presidents of the I4|3&a b u - s - Tlm * hn'gc*t, hand ■ best book ever ssold for less than twice our price. The fastest elling book in America. Immense profits to genfs. All intelligent people want it. Any lie can become a successful agent. Terms ree. HALLETT BOOK Co., 1 ortiand, Maine. *7l S(>n( l six cents lor ss || y | #|| ostage, and receive SA I il g lisn free, a costly box of ■ goods which will help you to more money right away than anything else in this world. All, of eitner sex, succeed from the first hour. Ehe broad road to fortune opens before the workers, absolutely sure. At once address. TRUE & Co., Augusta, Maine. PATENTS. F. A. Lehmann, Solicitor of American and Foreign Patents, Washington, J). ('. All busi ness connected with Patents, whether before the Patent Office or the Courts, promptly at tended to. No charge made unless a patent is secured. Send for circular tf m and dependent parents entitled when deatli re sulted. Claims reopened,restoration, increased bounty, back pay and discharges obtained. Ap ply at once, delay prejudices your l ights. Fees fixed by law. Adores-, with stamp, flic old c tablished firm of KDSON & CO., Attorneys and Claim Agents, 917 F St., Washington, D. L. SEND TO IROAXTESI BIKGHAMTON J | for list of'Newspapei Premiums given xvitl JONES SCALE aM free Price List o E Vfe for the working class. Send 10 HI ||ci'iils for postage, and we will box of sample'goods' that wi.l dut you in the way of making more money in a few days than you ever thought possible ;it any business. Capital not required. We will start you. You can work ail the time or in sp are time only. The work is universally adapted to both sexes, young a:d old. You eaii easUy earn from 50 cents to $5 every evening. That all who want work may test the business, we make this unparalleled offer; to all who are not well satisfied we will send $1 to pay for the trouble of writing us. Full particulars, direction s, etc. sent free. Fortuues will be made by tlore who give their whole ti me to the work. Great sue - c ess absolutely sure. Don't delay, .start now . Address STINSON & CO., Portland, Maine. , Steam Bending Shops, | FAKMKRS' MILLS, PA.} All kinds of bending: in wood done on short notice. Orders filled for -f&JLML S— of all sizes, and of the best material. Bob Sled Runners, Shafts, Bent Hounds, Plow Handles, Phaeton Buggy Reaches. Send ibr price list. Orders by mail promptly attended to. All work gua ran teed. J. li. MAM & SOX. DOG CHEAP Not wauting n Dog, send for a O A T tlogne of Newspapers mid MiiL'nzinof that club with tho FAMILY stop Scale -capacity, 1 ox. to 10 lb*. Price, |1.50 —whereby you get u Newspaper Fori WOTIIIKrGc s address, JONES OF BfNCHAMTON, IbNOUAMTON, N. Y. DELAWARE RIVER FN EMU AI WORKS, 11 AUG 11 X SONS, Philadelphia, /•!•&. I, IKS-I. To i-iirmcrs of 1Y nnsylvania : Gentlemen :—!■ BR orrer twentp-elf/ht tear* tre hare manufactured Itcuc- Hone Phosphates, and our brand* have bebotne household T rorde in nearly eteru section of the country. Jn many communities fhe demand for them has increas ed, while In others the sales hate- decline I, mi account tf tht prefect nee far priced yoods. Six years' aflo.ti mi ino that the t/< ma ml far yoods of lotrcr cost had become utmost unict csnt, and hariny peeular ad ran tapes qf raw materials and manufacturiny facilities, i re determined to meet this demand, and introduced a 7 LL'L'.Y TV-FJVrt VOLL.Ui PIIOSPJIA Th, made by a few pjtot pss j:\cj. rsivi r.v <>rJi OII'.Y. The )•■>, in, e good results. H'e will thank any farmei. hariny u* d the Phosphate with disanpointlny rt suits, to! let us hear from him with /nil farts. lours truly, 11A I (ill J SONS. PEABODY HOTEL, 9thSt. South of Chestnut, PHILADELPHIA. One Square South of tlie New Post Office, one half Square from Walnut St. Theatre and in the very business centre of the city. On the American and European plans. Good rooms fiom 50ets to s;{.r() per day. Remodel ed and newly furnished. "W. PAINE, M. P., 4G-ly Owner & IVoprietor. rTXHE MILLHEIM JOURNAL J"OB Printing Office /.*• now supplied with Cool* lessen and a large assort meat of DISPLAY TYPE. LETTER HEADS, NOTE HEADS, BILL HEADS, STATEMENTS, ENVELOPES, CIRCULARS, POSTERS, and, in short, neat and lasty Job Printing of all kinds PROMPTLY EXECUTED. JTQ3NT3E3S BINCHAMTON for list of Newspaper Premiums given with MUNN & CO., of tho SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, con tinue touct as Solicitors for Patents, Caveats, Trnilo Aliirlts, Copyrights, for tho United States, Canada, England, Franco, Germany, etc. Hand Rook about Patents sent free. Thirty-seven years' experience. Patents obtained through MU N N & CO. aro noticed In tho SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, tho largest, l est, and most widely circulated scientific paper. S3.IF) a year. Weekly. Splendid engravings anil interesting in formation. Specimen COPY of the (Scientific A iner- Icn 11 sent free. ADDRESS MUNN & CO., SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN oniee, Broadway, New York. Q KTYULIIJOU PRINTING DONE AT The Miiiiteiin Journal Office. FINE WORK CHEAPLY EXECUTE*. THE NEW " ■ nr: - T<, '-TTWlffW g ™* mnuii STORE Penn Street, Millheitn, Pa., I* tlw only exclusive Book', Sfationery ami Variety Store in Ponns Valley. We can not possibly begin to cnumomto nil the goods wo have for sole hut there.must 1 o :i beylnintur somewhere an ai dll in s. In lids line we claim to have more noyeltie- than any store in the valleys. It wilt pay vou to come and examine our stock of Velvet Cabinet Frames, before you buy elsewhere. PAI'EIEXVELoPES. ('APES, PA]\E TEE I iXES, IXES TAXES. J'EXC/LS, SCHOOL HOOKS, PEXS, VEX HO I, EE US, SPA 'PES PL AXE POO ES, and in Orel nni/!hin<; ami in (he Hook an I S' I'i >i ' / line can he h id of our *!orr. Come, See and Buy AT THE NEW JOURNAL STORE ox Penn Street and at lho LOWEST PRICES. j.S.STAN!JMro.| § OK" mwei WAGON SCALES. ij Lt\ -i I-U. V*OI I Ji .t Qp. jj " .ri- Hum a,', r flu*. DstGHAMTChf S6© end J JUMiS ht |ujl CwttflrM —' Irt H Piled I.S.t mantl<>n ti.* ' 1 - Ij j JOHi-S Of fdNQHAH rCs, ' . ... e. uu. D. E. Lenker, MANUFACTURER AND DEALER IN !IF U !ft IE i? A.ARONSBURG, PA, Chamber Suits, Bureaus, Lounges, Bedsteads, Stands, Marble-Tup Cent re Tables, Breakfast TaMss. Dining Tables, Kxtensirtii Tnbli Sideboatds. Sinks and all kinds 01 Kitchen Furni ture, Cane or Wood Seat Chairs. Rockers, Spring Beds, and Hair iMatresscs, every Mould ings for Picture Frames. Frames of any size made to order. Undertaking a Speciality. A share of thelpubltc patronage re spectfully solicited. 36-ly y|—, Fea KAN AND BEAST. S tan a nßiauu • |\ ' ' ' ■ ; "' ",. ;—for PfBIIUlATI8I,| feg NEURALGIA,! I=l CRAMPS, I I Sprains, Bruises J Burns and Scalds, | IbeseJ Selattes, Faefcacke, | | EEsszs Frosted Feet and I B Ears, and all other J| fj Pains and Aches. B 1 11 Is a safc > Slirc > and Si B effectual Remedy forgl kj Galls, Strains, Scratches,! hi Sores, sc., on 4 HORSES. i ("SPA F'A ne trial will prove itsUj merits. Its effects are in fj| \{ -most cases A ENSTABTABSOUS. P S Eveiy bottle warranted top M Pivo satisfaction. Send ad-i^ i ; dress foe pamphlet, fbee, giv- IT N buy fall directions for the[| treatment of above diseases. Li hi Price 25 cts. and CO cts. bottle. Sold everywhere. |j ' I Henry, Johnson A Lord, Proprietor!, |j gj.B JMUMUUII WA Jf Tl.l>-L AnJ F.S TO TA K E OUR NE W ! fancy work at their homes, in city or < ounl ly, an part f Pc*mjsylvi u i,* Monuments, Tablets and Headstones, manufactured in the most artistic style and of the best material. All work warranted and put up in the most substan tial manner. I g*r*Our ])i'ices are so low that it will pay per sous in need, of marble work to give as a call. DEININGER & MUSSER proprietors Shops cast of Bridge, Main St., Millheim, Fa. Lcwislro aiii Tyrone Railroad Tiae Table. I.HAVK WESTWARD. 1 3 5 7 O A. SI. A. M. P. M, P. M. I*. M 1." v. I'h.irg 7.25 1(1 or. 2.20 (•'air liruiiixl 730 10.13 2.25 in,-lil 7.40 1n.27 2.35 V'cKsburji 7.45 14.30 2.40 MiHlinliurs B.ooar 11.00 ar 2.53 le., A Mlllmont 8.22 3.28 l.aurelton 8.33 3.10 Wiker Hun 8.57 1.00 Cherry Hun 9.1"> 4,25 Fowler 9.35 4.17 Unburn 9.48 5,04 Spring 1' ar. 5.30 EASTWARD.", '2 4 O H 10 A.M. 'r. M.! Swing Mills •'.;">() 1-50 Cobill'll 0 18 2.20 Fowler 0.28 2.33 (berry Kun 0.48 2.&> Wiker Hun 7.'>5 3.15 Laurel ton 7.30 3.40 Mlllmont 7.40 3. a k.; Mifflin burg 8.90 11.45 4.15 M. Vlckuburg 8.15 12.10 4.32 111,-hi 820 12.17 4.38 I'ltlr (liOUHtl A.M. 8.30 12.33 4.48 r. M. Lewhluirg 0.3", 8.15 12.50 , 5.10 7.30 Mont:iu,lon ar. G.45ar.9.00ar 1.05ar.*.20ar 7.40 No*. 1 ami 2 eoiiiio ;t at Moutainlon with Erie Mall WcM: 3 ami t with Sea Shore Express Ka O ; 5 ami .vt.T r U?At;i _ j •_ ■ '"tAiSEhT \ La. i.. t . MKs-ra tM> LU:.: V.: -TMKXT. • nura, .'r,:•••. :• ' ~)■ tit* u • rf t . ■ • I r : .. V V tl-t i i o - ... ■ ... - t-t " •• • ■ • In t - ,4 J-,'.;. f I <)*'(.. i ,1 I,J ■- C I I .. .li - ' !. •• f J . .!• V.3 -l. I Ul- I'• I. i i t< . • f" i -r-fi.; • -i tit'.'.* l .J, ...I, . • . - #. •.*<& am fl .: •. ...T. be> • i :>■ I,e- Ut l-/ L.— jt- PAiJt'i, i '■ i rioe. w: CUANAHTES FAX f'C^CO T'i rt* *'■>• **♦#. W t < r r:**-i T lr? 't f^rr't i < Ml •-.! •!'! t .-If ril" ■■ ( J . ti A: :: a TI: sdixsc". •. | r*, r'lolirct ! * r." : >J r. It! Tin-. ■"!!.•.! a'./ I h fi.rrs Cofeiljs!'te. t'f riil.-j lh Ik' Kuii' i | {a* •v i, rj :■• ii . <•< •t , 25 ' .-ti. Cunr>.d !o I Jo.ns.fa. • EisNZa Ct MSMDELCON, k ) T2O Street, p Sh" H e-r.;Mr, P, J | Smith's Gebban Olio i I Xlic (>rcat German Remedy I RHEUMATISM, A'ciirnliiia. D.TNpopln. and all DNraifi of Itic Xloniarh, Bonfl*. lilood, LIIIT and Ulilur.Vl. For Sale h) all Dealer* ii JMiciaf. at 50 feats a Bottle. Prepared and sold a! Wholesale by the GERMAN OLIO COMPANY, (LIMITED,) 32 IVillotv .Street, Willinaa*part, Pa. PHILADELPHIA WHOLESALE AGENCY: Johnston, Hollovvay & Co., (JO2 Arch St. stn!th, Xtline A* f'o., 3)9 & 311 NORTH THIRD STKFET. - £UX!R.SH^ I' N. H. DOWNS' I Vegetable Balsamic ELIXIR For the euro of Consumption, Coughs, Colds, Catarrh, ty Croup, Asthma, Pleurisy, Hcarsenesf, lafiuenza, Spitting Blood, Bronchitis, Rd and all diseases of the Throat, Chest, and Lungs. In all where this Elixir is used its efficacy J? at once manifeeted, con c-7 riuclng the most incredulous that CONSUMPTION t£ m is not incurable, if properly attended to.— SB „ At i u commence.nent it Is but a slight irrita CO tion of the ineiiibrano which covers the Lungs; £ then an inilanintion, when the cough is rather dry, local fever,and the pulse more fn?ovo complaints, y ates so a* To ri movo nil morbid lrrlta- Li tiou* and iullamntion from the lungs Eg to the surface, ar.4 finally expel them fron. |s the system. It facilitates expectoration. pi It heals the ulcerate! surfaces P and relieves the cough and makes the Kg ¥Singeas3", It supiwrtstho etreu^;h and at thcHl •g/4 troagopiate and astringent articles, which e.ii> l i of so dryln* a nature as to be in great danger of Kg destroying the patient; whereas this medicine PS never dries or stops the cough, but, by remov- R3 jwß ing the cause, conserjuently, when the caugli mB is cured the patient is wolb Send address for [H pi pamphlet giving full directions, free, fes ITico 3o cts., 00cts. ; and Sl.Oh per bottlo. SOLD EVERYWHERE. S IIFAItT, JOn\SOU & LORD, Props., Burlington.Tt. I ■■■ DOWNS' ELIXIR.NHB C' x WTQI In n!ta> >s .Itlie !-.eoC. :.'i J.a-t Xcron lirblllty, \T,,K,leiirT, Or:e - j!s Viisl.oi \ Cocorrhu'a. Brphllllie ai;d ■rrenrlal AC, -lionv. '. :it "c trcsPocnt; skfe and sure rnnei'.it s lielbriaidc? T; • !. On lor write for list of questions to b-)c: ••v.rretl by i ' o dishing treatment by tual). (Persoassti aor lexfrtm ree-j'.t co.t l!iclr*4dms\ and learn ~AB:t>(i3aa!ot'K ir r tvsctice. It Is not a triiji.F Addresser. C. 1.. I ate"! r-e't and Fhyslrlnn In darn (Vn'iT.f I*:'c ic.l ."0 Lcri- t st.. §t. Louis, Ho. Successor to 1-r. i'uil3'r.i K i:,a j. Lsiublisuod S3 Yours, OUT THIS OUT! A (SaKE S 51512540 w p e e E r K. Wo havo stores In 15 leading Cities, from which our agents obtain their Buopliea quickly. Oar Factories and Priucipnl Omcea are at Erie, i'n. S(>nd for our New Cntnlogne ana terms to agent b Addresa &ji I nVKTI I 9,3 Spring Carden St. Ml ftl LUffcLL PHILADELPHIA,PA. E 3pec.ulty:—Patent causes before the Patent Offlcel and the Court*, fteasoanble terms. OpinionastoJ int en tability^free^of^arge^^cndjfo^circular^j SftOOO liouvr.'lf For any machine tiulli&c and cl4..uil:ij fit for luisruutk. _ iaarl(4*t umuch Clorer Seed in one y cr\ " ti [/ Sap^ ■ ■' * Vnrrnntf tl the moat porfoct F(MPe#Feod IVnlllxerilrlll la oilsteneo. Head for clr cnlar, A. 11. rAiU)IJHAM, York, S'n. Pennsylvania Agricultural Works, York. Pa. —-j STEAM ENGINES, A. B. FARQUHAR, f Jork rail y. Vertical Eng!no,wmi or r nr mm wllltout wheel., very _fh_ 25 ? - 3 (# convenient,economic*! jf and complete In every f rtcull, !**tii in smaller doses for a week or two after the disease has been checked, more especially in difficult and long-etanding cases. Usu ally this medicine will not require any aid to keep the bowels in good order. Should the patient, however, require a cathartic medicine, after having taken three or fou? i doses of the Tonio, a single dose of BULL'S VEGETABLE FAMILY PILLS will be suf ficient. BULL'S SABSAPABILLA is the old and reliable remedy for impurities of the blood and Bcrofalous affections—tho King of Blood Purifiers. BR. JOHN BULL'S VEGETABLE WOEM DESTROYER is prepared in the form of I candy drops, attractive to tlio sight end pleasant to the tasts. DR. JOHN 3ULL'S S&iiTH'S TONIC SYRUP, CULL'S SAP.3APARILLA, BULL'S WOa,V. TESTROYER, fho Popular Homcdleo of tho Day. PiinciitalOißre. c 3! jIaiuSi.,LOIT3TILLL,KY ( = I ' THE i Buchanan Wind Mill BEAUTY, DUBABQJTY JBk New method of attach- JalsSlflwF THE MOST POWERFUL FI p\\^ ■' \ cwvc IM-BS-59 ALL. KINDS OF TANKS, PIPE, PUMPS, Etc. Be wire to send for our new Cntclegne before bojlnj. BUCHANAN WIKB SILL GO. BUCHANAN, ftfISCHSCAN. D.S. MORGAN&CO. MAXTTACTritK THH DURABLE LIGHT DRAFT Triumph Reapers AND THE NOISELEB3 4- New Clipper Mower. The TRIUMPH REAPERS are unoqualed for simplicity in construction, ease of management, light weight, durability and good working capacity in all conditions of grain. The NEW CUPPER has all the advantages of the OLD CLIPPER MOWER with many valuable improvements. Send fob Illustrated Cibcttlab. Good AGENTS WANTED in unoccupied territory. D. S. MORGAN & CO., Brockport,MonroeCo v N,Y, THIS PAPER I IIIV I ril fcll Kowell & Co-a Newspaper Advertising Bureau (10 Spruce Street), where adven- ai|M|| u*a** ' rwn NEW YORK vz '>• ' • * ... * •