Colorado Watch-Tinkers. Greeley is also noted for its watch makers. 1 sent my watch to the first one I heard of, and he said it needed cleaning. Tie cleaned it. I paid him two dollars and took it home, when it ran two hours and then suspended. Then I took it to another watchmak er, who said that the first man had used machine oil on its works and heated the wheels so as to gum the oil on the cogs. He would have to eradicate the cooked oil from the watch and it would cost me three dol lars. I paid it and joyfully took tlie watch home. The next day 1 found that it had gained time enougn to pay for itself, By noon, however, it had fatigued itself so that it was loosing terribly, and by the day following had unfolded its still hands across its pale face in the sleep that knows no wak ing. I took it to the third and last jew eler in the town. Every one said that he was a good workman, but a tritle slow. In the afternoon I went to see how he was getting along with it. lie was sitting at his bench with a dice cup in his eye, apparently looking at the digestive economy of the watch. I looked at him some time,not wish ing to disturb him and interfere with his diagnosis. lie did not move or say anything. Several people came in to trade and get the correct time, but he paid no attention to them. I got tired and changed from one foot to the other several times. Then I asked him how he got along, or something of that kind, but he never opened his bead. He was the most preoccupied watch savant I ever saw. No outside influence would break up his chain of thought when he got al ter a disceased watch. I finally got on the outside of the shop and looked in the window.where I could get a good view of his face. He was asleep.— BlLL NYE. ADVICE TO MOTHERS. Are you disturbed at night and broken of your rest by a sick child suffering and crying with pain of cutting teeth ? If so, send at once and get a bottle of .Mits. WINSLOW'S SOOTHING STRI P FOR CHILDREN TEETHING. Its value is incalculable. It will relieve the pK>r little suf ferer immediately. Depend upon it, mothers, there is no mistake about it. It en res dysentery and diarrhoea, regulates the stomach and bowels, cures wind colic, softens the gums, re duces inflammation, and gives tone and energy to the whole system. Mas WINSLOW'S SOOTH ING SYRUP FOR CHILDREN TEETHING is pleasant to the taste, and is the prescription of one of the oldest and best female physicians and nurs es in the United States, and is for sale by all druggists throughout the world. Trice 2-Y cents a bottle. - "Who Rang the Liberty Bell?" A few months ago, the question "Who rang the Liberty Bell?'' came up in the history class of the senior division of the 3d Ward grammar school, of this city, and all hands had more than they could do to an swer it. It was there suggested that the question lie sent to some of the Philadelphia papers for an answer,and Miss Dessie C* Lesher is the first to report an answer, through the Golded Days, James Elverson, Publisher. It is interesting and curious, and not in accord with our historians; here it is: "A prominent authority states that the storv about the ringing of the "Liberty Bell" on July fourth, 1776, by an old man, accompanied by a lit tle boy, who cried out. ring! ring! is a pure fiction, the outcome of a futile imagination of a well-known novelist. Excepting the members of Congress who were sitting in secret session, no one knew that the Declaration was being considered by that body. The resolution of July 2d, 1776, was of the greatest importance, the paper setting forth the reasons of the act being con sidered a matter of but little moment by persons not in Congress. There was a public celebration on the Bth of July, when all the bells in Philadel phia were rung. The name of the bell-ringer at that time was Hurry. All things considered, the above seems to be a more plausible account of this 'bit of history' than the one found in our school histories, and has been accepted by the above named class and their teacher.— Clinton Democrat. Jif. fltno ijofct, Kos. 317 & 319 ARCH ST., PHILADELPHIA. RATES REDUCED TO $2.00 PER DAI. The traveling public will still find at this Hotel the same liberal provision for their com fort. It is located in the immediate centres of business and places of amusement and the dif ferent Rail-Road depots, as well as all parts oi the city, .are easily accessible by Street Cars constantly passing the doors. It offers special inducements to those visiting the city for busi ness or pleasure. Your patronage respectfully solicited. Jos. M. Feger. Proprietor. When the State is corrupt, then the laws are most multiplied. The worst of villians do not like to portray themselves in their true colors. • *Ye pays no more atteution to me,' said Patrick, to his children, 'than if I was a dumb baste talking to yez.' The true grandeur of humility is in moral elevation,sustained, enlightened and decorated l>y the intellect of man. Mr. Vandeibilt on Ilia Riclieo, "T believe 1 am the richest man in the world. In England the Dnkc of Westminster is said tobe worth 8260. 000,006. but it is mostly in lands and houses. 11 docs not yield hint two per cent. A year from now I shall he worth more than 5200.000.000 and will have an income equal to six per | cent, on that amount." lie owns 030, 810 railway stock, valued at sss, t ,o, 000. his railway bonds amount to $20,507,420. h- hold- 570,080,000 in other securities—the aggregate weal i h of this Midas being 8201,832,4 13. And the snowball still rolls on. .. ■ *- Dr. Kosslcr s Irbralrd Eng lish Cough MrdiciiHN The reliablp and neeee futitmj standby in erouji or whooptmy < ,! iyh. l r neert~ mentiny with worthless medn un's, but tjet the best at once. MOM: V REFUNDED TO DlS sATisri ED rrncn As i: us. Me Donald* x Improred Lteer Puis are endorsed by eminent phystctuns and used by them in their d ~ti / prcr tiee. I'ritl pacha ye tree. MOXEY UEEI XDED Td />/>'- N.I TISEIED TVIICUASEII<. Eor smallness of d" ii'lirated l*o rni Powders surpass unythiny on earth. Entirely vegetable. MO A/:rltE El A D E/> Ta J> IS SA TISEIED rriiCHASEitS. J)KisslcEs Couih Miiluma, illcDon ald's Improved Lia r Pids and Celebrat ed Worm Powders are ><>Ul and warrant ed by J. Eisenhuth. Midtoiui Pa.. John son, Holloway Co., Philudt 'jihiaayenls So/i bt/ J. Eisenhuth. ' MILLHEI.UiPA. Jits/Eh. ffOtW / Xp j For sals at the Milliioii Jomna! Store pEXXSYLV AMA STATE COLLEGE. Winter Term bt'giiiN Jail, i, 18*l. Tills iustltuiion is localPtliu one of tho i;u>st bc iutiful and healthful spots of tlieoritiio Allo gheny region. It is oieu t > students of b >tli sexes, ami offers the fol.owing eourses ol siu ly: 1. A Full Classical Course of Four Years. 2. A Full Scientific Course of Four Year-. :s. A Latin SclenttHe Course. I. The following SPECI AL COCK-ES. of two years each following tip'first two y.-i .if "the Scientific Cour-c (a) AtHUCULTC IIE : (b) NATURAL IIis;ORY ; (e) CMKMIS TUY AND PHYSICS; (d) CIVIL EN til N EEUINti. 5. A short SPECIAL COURSE in Agrie dtnre. fi. A short SPECIAL Col RsE jn Clu*ini>ti v. 7. A Classical and Scientific I'reii.u a tor> Course. 8. SPECIAL COUSESarc airanged to meet the wants of imlivitluai-trnb d . Military drill is ivquired. E\| uses for board and incidentals very low. Tuition free. Young ladies under charge of a competent lady Princi pal. For Catalogues, or other informatkmaddress GEO. W. ATH ETON, Pa UDKNT, lyr STATE COLLEGE, CENTRE CO., Pa Vick's Floral Guide. For ISSf f< an Eegant Itook of" I'ngps, 3 Colored I'lttles of Flowers and Yege. tables.aath l ngli-h and Derm in. If you afterwards order seeds deduct the Mcts. Vick's Seed arc (he Itest in the Warid ! ! The FLORAL GUIDE will tell low to get ami grow them. Vick's Flower and Vegetable Garden, i7l Pa ces, 6 Colored Flatus. 7/8 Engravings. For "0 cents in paper covers; ?1.00 in elegant cloth. In German or English. Vick's Illustrated Monthly Magazines— 22 Pa ges.a Coloied Piate in evt ry number and many fine Engravings. Price $1.2" a year : Five cop ies for Specimen Numbers sent for 1) cents ; 7. trial copies for "25 cents. JAMES VIGK, tf ROCHESTER, N. Y. BO 1 nest •old fer less Utau twice our price. The fast t s ding book in America. Immense profits to ugenfs. All intelligent people want it. Any one can become a successful agent. Terms free. HALEETT BOOK CO., I ortlnn T. Maine. ■ PSS" tZEftjp fend six cents for ® BSO Oi 2 gotajs v.hicli will 'he.p you to more money rigid away lir 1 anything else in tjti -■ \\*( rid. All, of i' er sex, succeed fr< >ll the first h >ui • Kho broad r>> >d io fortune opens before the workers, absolutely sure. At once address. Tunc & Co , Augusta, Maine. H rp ri PA I k i ©. F. A. I olunauii, Solicitor of American and Foreign Patents, Washington. D. 1 • All Unst ress connected with Patents, whether h'foro the Patent Office or the Courts-, promptly at tended to. No charge made unless a patent is secured. Send for circular tf 'minor* and dependent parents entitled win 11 death re sulted. Claims reopened, restoration, increased bounty, back pay and discharges obtain d. Ap ply at once, delay prejudices <>ur rigl ts. Ft cs fixe! bylaw. Adr by mail promptly attended {>. AI work una i anteed. J. It. UIMH & SOL DOG- N<>( want in; a Do;', send lor a O A T •login- of Newspaper* end Mft: . Ine* club wi'h llio I-'AMII \ Mop Tliiof Scnlt l capacity. i e .to lii lbs. Price, $1,50 whercb) you get a Newspaper UPOTIL .WTC'X'^XXXLTA- s Bini HAM VON, N. Y. Pi LAW via: Kit uk cm ranil* h tn's h' hitiiw I,oust hold wori/c in nenrly er eti section at th• vouidi'u. in v miu com >ii unit < Co < til, ir/.ilc in r if, i he < t . or. ' Six years ago. unit tug tit at the tit niand for goods iif Join r cost hud ht aliito.t uttir> r.< it, out' h u vim/ jtcculur of row materia!*,iial manufacturing faviliti ire iletermiiu ' (■> nu >'t this ih iunnd, • n satisfat torn In fft en cos Jrom a . (it inquiry. 11V want to I" injorie d tij on this point very j> aiidu, as it is our iuti st < > (en >w if the article continues to produce pood results. He will thunJe unyjaruo .// t , / ,• th > > Phosphate with disappointing results, tol let us hear from him with full fact*. 1 ours truly, li AC Gild MLYS. A. SIMON & SGiJS, WHOLESALE L HKTAiL LiKflCllltS, keep the largest stock in the 143 MAIN STREET, LOCK HAVEN. rpiiE MILLHEIH JOURNAL Printing Office is now *in*plied with lf®OP XdESSPS and a larye assortment of mepi $¥ T¥P£ iLpil E5 2 'it il iisß LETTER JUL I DS, JVOTE HE, IDS, BILL HEADS, STA TE. TEXTS, EXVE LOPES, iJ REV LARS, POSTERS, and, in short, veal unit tasty Job Printing of all kinds PROMPTLY EXEOI'TED. SEND TO OF fi? 35l " JG HA9MTO H . yar ""*> \ - (: of Xowspnpor - J&S.: _ given with the JONKS SCALE, 'p. ' "'X' ond fiec Price List of ILi.3 d I MU.vv & C0.,0f the SCIENTIFIC AMI :ICAN, con- HnaetOttCt as Solicit >rs for Patent a, Cuv eats, Trado Marks, Copyrights, for tbe Unite I States, i..: ida, i'atents sent free. 'l'blri v-seven : ars'exiit-i-ier.e.-. Patents obtained throucrh MUNN ft Co. are noticed in the SCIENTIFIC AMEBIC AN, the largest, best,and mo-i widely circulate d scientific paper. $3.20a year. Weekly. Splendid engravings and interesting in fornae'lon. r-p.-ciin.-n co .• oft ho .qrioui iflc A :;ier icnii sentfric. ■i- s N■' NN u., IENIH IC AMERICAN Oitiee. AIH J.Jr iut'.vay, New Yolk. ET YOU it JOB PUINTINCi DONE AT X The Miill.eiut .lournal ftflice. FINE WOKK CHEAPLY EXECUTE.^. THE NEW fe"" MIS JOliHVAfi STORE Penn Street, MiUheim, P.t., is Hit' only e\clt! i\V BjoE Station ry it Variclv Siore til 1 Villi"* Valley. Wo v . ih.i | ,i-, begin i i oinnuorul • all the jr< tul w it .e for " ile hut tliere hiu i he a lt ins ii op w here .nil w e~; gin BIBLES, I aiul i a.u.r i m ii I inn up. as well ns a K< ' tl emllng. Spinulitl E'usnily Bibbs, bsil pi) \Yib'c\ Teacher's Bi bles, Sunday School Bibles, Fres ell ta(. ion Bibles. Ii w ill be.lo y i m nuuv! to < \ these he tore you •_;<> to otli- r |lae< s to buy, Photogrp ph Albums. *3 A From the large tju "hi Cabinet Album thenu to the sin.ill I'.. Ket Album hoMiug a tl /en eanls. Every style, varies y ami |uiee. A l:ii';"e I:ue of Alitor ph Alb am s. T! t ait ' 'oil • I' i ■> a . lime I ate \eiy •at ib! for eli' I .it I't ■ flits. Scrap ICcokn r.nd Pic tures, an eutlh s \nil if, Hi• line I ami latest !>!> •, al! sizes ai d julets. In (Ms Hue we claliu to liavt mo. .• noyeltle- lha n any si ore In the valley s. 11 w.ll lay you 1 come t \aiiiiiu our^toekof Velvet Cabinet Frames, befoje you buy elsewhere. rAi'j'jit, i:svi:tA>m:>. rums, pa pete pies, f xks, iv v> r.\xi>s, i'/•; v i // s Si //Oi>/, HOOKS, i't: an, m:s anl i /:bs, si.. i yv:s PLAXK BOOKS, (titfl ,11 to, l ojlh < :.[i (1, 'I or, O'li to I to (he Pool' ■t l I S ''i'J > / '• ,• <■ to Come, f. 3e and 13uy AT THE NEW JOVLIvAL 0 VJ ON I'enn Street imirl at the T m V*T> TftT? * 4 hi} %y ex ax _ aa : c--rrr; _ "> / t r. * y |IIG.ST/rv.' ; ..".- ' ,'i, v •'' jmivti 1. • a&j-.i SOkLLT, W 'iy s\i. *1 Ifi U'Vfn s'c.-l i' .if 5 u ( ' il .-A ■" i ''• -L: '*• 3 . jaTT '"} I ' i • I!* i • ■*• B Vi ii' I. '■!. i; tr.l ti !' •* i ■ t .. 3 "'tM)DHF.S OF BiSRKAMTO , L. r --T. -Li lltelßlMHKSMij Hi. D. E. Lenker, MANI*FAt TUIIEU AND DEALEU IN : s 4 si ii's-%- • ia w J k,. \i 0 w Ay t. f i eh' t} JLAEONS BUH G, X'A (.'lintuli r Suits, au3, Lout-Sf.i, Bedsteads, Stands, Marble-Top C entre Tables, Breakfast Tables, Dining TitbleS, Kxtu :t'U Tail s, Siticl mills. Sinks and all kinds of Kitchen Furni ture, I'ar.e -r.Ann:sTOTAivKoru.M.:w T V iaticy work at tlst'ir homes, in city or couul iv, anil earn Sjiß to 812 per week, maionyrgoods for on. Fail and Winter traiie Seiul 1"> cmil.s Tor sail.i-V uud particular-!. HUDSON MFC, CO., i&7 b:vr Avitij 2(i3w VoitK. M 11 JjHEFM The Oldest, The Largest, The Cheapest, Most Reliable Establishment. ill tli~ |>:irt of IViuisylvv k .iH" ( Monuments, Tablets and Headstones, manufactured in (he most artistic style an (I of the best materia I. . /// work warranted and pat up in (he most salfcta n tiat manner. C \Our prices are so low that it iritl pay persons in need of marble work to give as a call. D3ININGER&MUSSER proprietors CI Ekl Shops cast of Bridge, Slain fit-., jfiiilheim, ra. LewisMn anil Tyrone Railroad Time ; r i. LI£AVli V. A tl. ! 1 :i r 7 o A. M. A. M. P. M. P. M. V. ■lnil! I tldiill 7 • > 1" i (i.OO 7.•' Lewi dnir?r 7.2*> 1 ■ "•> 2 I'.ifr Ground . 7 •!'> I'.l.L'l 2.2> ' t! ! hi 7.H 1D.07 '- - \ 4.47 Col ill rn 0.48 5.06 Millsai'lD.l.7 I.KA V K K AUI).; 2 4 OH lO A. M. I*. M spring Mills ...>d i.'* ('obiiru D IS '2.'2 "..I". l.iuu't'Kou Uiliiuoiit 7.40 8.52 A. M.; i MiftHnburf? 8.00 IMo " 4.15 P. M. V'i<*k*burg 8.1,3 12. ID 4.42 I F.iclil H'iO 12.17 4.28 I'air ( HMIIHI M. v.'in 12."', 4.4 K P.M. 1 |,'.vlnluirß *>.45 12.50 5.10 7.24) Nhiiiliiiiiliiii at'. i'i.l.*>ar.*.'.D , ar l.o.iar..V2oar 7.40 No . ' i lid ! C'liiiD* lat Moil * a ml'II with l.t'i*' Mill \VV I: : aim 1 Willi Si'.i Shore Express l .i-i ; t d U.X'* I C ," !•i : • ..;p'.o - C,. V/~. CUARAMTCJ Gilt DOUEO V, f rr VtHl .. '1 "* I • r'Z 1 IJ .'■ • ■*<.•' !* . ' 1"• *' . - --*2 t°WW'2.4# CM . t vtr a '■ ■ •••• * -'I- 1 r I J i..-'.:m i .r. : .t.rM'-.v'ahU Pi. r' &>.>'' ™1 ® . 3d ■ I • 1 H u I t . ' x . 11. •1 I r—: -f '-• ;} 1 J ! iv. ? NZI! k M2K JELSOW, fe I 320 Pnc:i Street, I- . ' Pn. f ! Smith's Oerman Olioi 1 j fgi • The (ircat CJcrmaii Itemedy —FOR— RHEUMATISM, Xcaralgla, Ilj*pcila. nut! all Dh*f of liif Stuiuitrh, HOWP!. Hlootl, Liver and KitlneyN. . I'< r Si!t la all Uralers in Medicine, at 50 Cents a Bottle, Prepared nnd sold t Wholesale by the GERMAN CLiO COMPANY, I (LIMITED,) i rite Wfllov fttrrel. lt'tllianupoH, Ia. PHILADELPHIA V/HCLESALE AGENCY: Johnston, HoLioway A: Co., GO2 Arch St. ?.m"!!, liliue A Co., ;e*;ee3ll north third street. I j I jpSHDOY/NS' EUXIRJHH | || N. H. DOWNS' I Wi I Vegetabb Balsamic r r the cure of |I Constuaptian, Cca -as, Cclds, Catarrh, p H Crrap, Aathiiia,; ' rrarlrj, Hoarseness, li-vieAza, Spitting Siood, Brcnchitis, #1 I ail 2,. of 'lf Throat, Chest, and |H i -I. tings. I . all .—; where tliis Elixir Is a d its i ilwaey J.- ut caeo manifested, coa- • w j tlio most hicredr.lous that r-3 CONSUMPTION gjj i' 3 iuiuiaUe, if jcojierly alt ended to. — £%2 m Atiuv. mmenccjientit ii but a slight w- ti aof tlio mcmlinrao which coron the I.ungs; I c a ,r. lilt!:.::, si n. the cough is rather l * > 'iiy, 1 ;il f v rev n\ ;;i" \-Am* uioro rrcquent.tho I i, ~J cheeks f,'.i;.h landc'.ilß more common. Tills J* I- ivir in curing the i.bovo complaints, oper- | r 2 ites so as 1o rtmove cl! iiorlld iriitn- jSS . SV" tloiis r.u*l iailamntioii from tho lung- V_ tothef . rf. e, n: i f, ally e\jv-l tlieiu from Ev'4| It hsals iho ulc3rated surfaces M . L 1 ivlh.'Vej tbe congh and i....1;es the breatli* • ii .T ; ;y. It Mipportlte uml at the Ka . une time rediu-cs tho f vi-r. It k free fttunißj j p.j-tronffop atc andtriii; ( at •• :i I i '4 dryinxn tialnro as lo heir i • atd:inserofM , • i '■ li iJ:< f j ucvt r dries or flops tho ronh, hut, by reinov- bfl i ,* irB he CA'.-r.. cns. gently, vlien the rongli ly ' | ;• ->3 ?3 cuiedth i iici.t is well. S .ul address foi S3 i j an- let jrivint full direction-, free. M | 'a l'rico do cts.,.*oct and ft.oo per bottle. L',| SOLD EVERYWHERE. |§ | H A .T, & LORD, Props., Litrlintrlor.. Vt. |3 I '!' pi i*f r i j ' l#U Si lad a 'srltißiiSwߣl foti . ellllT'Kk y a lo Irt tii> :t? 7it•* *• ;- ! ;;cs4's.—Nc-rron* I)pbLl!r. >; . I • .v. HI ;,.i. !1:i! i; ,'c aid It ,-rccr'si tt.V . " • Li.i r.ient; cafe and sure r ine;!i - Dtfon ii . -,1. Ca 1 or write for list of q'.!Cf.ti.in3f.)l"[ ! • a cte.h hig treatment by mail, rfl'cr.f-n i^u'Vr.c-fiw ilt :r- • tioa'.t .Ciid their address.^ %aad t'. ::i'tli'.n ti;>l "vaata—. It is not a tru-s.W Addre- .T'r. (.I . ? .IVI .Pr .'i rr- I rfcsstelra hi Charga t . ) Lorn t fi.. St. LonN, Ko. j SMMaaartol t. i ' > . . I. tclitbM to Ycara. i CUT THIS OUTI I a mlkl® Sls is S4O wwee e e b k. Wehavestores in IS leading Cities, t ro:n which our afreuts obtain their supplies quickly, j oir I'uetories aid Principnl Slltiees are at > Ihie, Send for our New Catalogue ana j I terms to ugvnts Address • PJ S f&UCI 0 913 Spring Garden St. fll loUar tLfci PHILADELPHIA,PA. ISpcc.alty:- Patent causes before the Patent Ofilcel and the Courts. jßeasoar.ble terms. Opinionastol pateritability, SBOOC tiliWhh&,f% far aEj IO;MS, laill-ni ad cloa:.!isg fit for tv-l'L IT baMKadt _ isnrki't auß'f-'UClover >eea iu cnt /}•> R'-* .. NEW AR KM ACm'N E I NEWARK. O. -** ' .T /£?£> nT'-V""'. l"> '/• i ' ! SI kVnrrnntcil the most perfect Force-Footl I• el (User Drill In iu W o,iro. ni. for clr. ular. A, H. I.tlltjl HAJt, i ~ n, Pennsylvania Agricultural Worfs, York, Pa. /s Standard BagiMlt STEAM ENGINES, A. D. FAEQUDAR, York Pa btuJ lur Illwirsted Vertlonl Fnrinoß.wUhor mm iiuout H ( • r(,nTi'tilpnt, ecfiuonit,-.! fc\ ]T and romplota In every • eiiy THE F l RQniAR SEPABATOI \eiii • • - j_u.HhrT ' ' ' m>' -t t'.uf ..>!-..*• ,/ x • §,6-3 !. ri'l- dandpen*, i>" tnt' _'V, ll n-Jy tvr werket. w *• A llrttt A. B. rABQTmAB, Tort-, Pa. S FAEftUSiS EE72TCI7E MBIT PLAI7TII Wuri .ul-.t 11,0 bent Crtrti .Inpptr aud (ROW i iLuitor I u tbe DR. JOHN BULL'S SmiU'sTsnicSyroj FOR THlc CURE OF FEVES? and AGUE Or CHILLS and FEVER, AND ALL MALARIAL DISEASES. Tho proprietor of thii celebrated medi cine justly ciaian for it a superiority over all remedies ever offered to the public for the SAFE, CERTAIN, SPEEDY and PER MANENT cure of Agas and Fever, or Chills and Fever, whether of short or long stand ing. Ho refers to the entire Western and Southern country to bear him testimony to the truth of the assertion that in no case whatever will it fail to cure if the direc tions are strictly followed and carried out. In a great many cases a single dose has been sufficient for a cure, and whole fami lies have been cured by a single bottle, with a ocrfect restoration of the general health. It* is, however, prudent, and in every case more certain to cure, if its use is continued in smaller doses for a week or two after the disease baa been checked, more especially * in difficult and long-standing cases. Usu ally this medicine will not require any aid to Keep the bowels in good order. Should the patient, however, require a cathartic medicine, after having taken three or four doses of the Tonio, a single dose of BULL'S VEGETABLE FAMILY PILLS will be suF ficient. BULL'S SARSAPARILLA is the old and reliable remedy for impurities of the blooi and Scrofulous affections —the King of Blood Purifiers. DR. JOHN BULL'S VEGETABLE WORM DESTROYER is prepared in the form of candy dropß, attractive to the sight and pleasant to the taste. DR. JOHN BULL'S SMITH'S TONIC SYSUP, BULL'S SARSAPARILLA, BULL'S WORfrl DESTROYER, The Popular Remedies of tho Day. Piinclpnl Offl"," S '.' ?!a!nFt.,LOl IS*. ILLE,Kt• THE Buchanan Wind Mill BEAUTY, BUBABItrrr LIGHT RUNNING. New method of attach- iyy THE MOST POWERFUL ? j DURABLE "iff § KILL BUILT. V 111 ALL KINDS OF TANKS, PIPE, PUMPS, Etc. Bp ure lo tend for t>or new C&talogu. before bnyiug. BOCHAHAH WBID MILL GO., BUCHATJAP3, MICHIGAN. D.S. MORGAN & CO. • MASTTACTTTIE THE Trinmpli Reapers AND THE NOISELESS New Clipper Mower. The TRIUMPH REAPERS nro unequak-d for Biruplicity in construction, case of management, light weight, durability and good working capacity in all conditions of grain. The NEW CLIPPER has all the advantages of the OLD CLIPPER MOWER with many valuable improvements. BEND FOE IIXTTRTBATFD CTBCTTLAE. GOOD AGENTS WANTED in unoccupied territory. D. S. MORGAN & CO., Brockport,MonroeCo.,N.Y.' I lue *a H fvl faug! UOWLLL & Co's Newspaper Aovertising wreau (10 Spruce Street), where adver- &■■■■■ tsmummmm tising contracts may iiB"lM VIIIf if H '"V4u iox It in ll ill TV I UnH"