Millheim Journal. (Millheim, Pa.) 1876-1984, March 27, 1884, Image 3

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    |hc iittlicim journal.
J J £_
THURSDAY,MARCH, 27., i> s t.
Mr. J. L. Syangler, of Hcllefoate,
was in town on Saturday.
Mr. E. Bruuigurd contemplates .
going to Dakota some time this spring. (
—Easter—the next holiday—April ]
13th. Time to be gathering up the i
—Mr. A. Mi rx of Sunbury, the i
pleasant commercial man, called to see ;
us on Saturday. I
-Sheriff Dunklc's visits in town
makes things look somewhat dark. He
was in town last week.
—The ministers of the M. E. Church
of this state are prohibited to use to- ,
bacco in any shape or form. i
—Druggist Eisenhuth reports a rap- j
idly growing demand for McDonald s \
Celebrated Worm Powders.
—The New York hotsedealets took
another lot of horses out of this section 1
last week to be shipped to thai city and i
used on the street car lines.
S*.me remarkable cities in this vi
vicinity of long continued and obsti.
nate deases are atributed to JfcDon
ald'sßlood Purifier.
FOR KENT.— Mr. Jacob Wolf's tailor
shop at Aaronsburg can be rented at
any time. Apply to him at B. O.
Deininger's residence, Millheim Pa.
—Subscribers to the JOURNAL wlto |
contemplate changing their places of
residence will please notify us of the .
change, giving the name of their post |
office. i
—Three houses were put up and un
der roof on Water street this and last (
week and several others are to follow (
in Hie near future. That's what we
call a building boom. ,
—The wedding parties were serenad- <
ed by our band last week, and the '
groom, Kev. Benfer returned the com
pliment by swelling the treasury of that
—Adam Ilarter is engaged in clerk- .
ing tor 11. 11. Tomliuson. He makes a 1
clever clerk and we think his employer ;
as well as the many customers will be
pleased with htm. t
—D. I. Brown has moved his tin- 1
shop into Reighsrd's house, opposite
Tomlinson's store on Main street and g
requests his friends and patrons to ]
come and see him there. c
—Tomlinson's and Luse's sales on *
Monday aad Tuesday afternoon were a
well atteuded. Tite weather was very t
fair and the people felt like being out i (
and inhale the spriDg air.
—Miss Katie Alexander had a severe
fall the other day, by which she sprain
ed her ankle so as to be compelled to t
use crutches for several days. She is c
doing right well at present. o
—Mr. Edward Frank,the gentleman
ly clerk in Musser & Smith's hardware
store, was struck with the western fe-
ver and expects to pull up stakes and i
travel to Dakota in a few weeks. 1
—Dr. Milton Valentine, President 1
of Pennsylvania College,at Gettysburg, j
has been elected President of the Lu- '
theran Theological Seminary, to sue- <
ceed the late Dr. Charles A. Stork.
—The work on the railroad link from ;
Spring Mills to Bellefonte has commenc
ed iu earnest and sometime this sum- .
mer we can expect to take a ride to
the county seat behind the iron hoise.
LOST.— The subscriber lost two
promtsary notes against D*. J. F. Al
exander. They are of no value to any
outside party and the finder would con
fer a favor by returning them to
—The bluebirds and robins wete in a
splendid humor beginning of this week
on account of the fair and mild weath
er. But treacherous April i 3 coming
and they may very often have to seek a
retreat yet.
—The Millheim Mus. A. will meet
in the Lnth. Chapel next Saturday
evening. Their membership numbers
42 at present and several more are ex
pected to join the society at the next
—Mr. L. C. Runkle gave us a pleas
ant call on Tuesday morning. lie paid
friends in this town a pop visit, having
come here on Monday evening and left
on Tuesday for Spring M-ills. Come a
gain, Lot.
—ln two weeks from yesterday the
democratic state convention will meet
at Allentown. Chairman llensel made
all the necessary preparations and
thinks that the business of the conven
tion can be done in two days.
Music SCHOOL. —The 24TH session of
the Musical College at Freeburgh, Pa.,
• will begin on Tuesday morning, April
2911 i, and will continue six weeks.
For circular address
Musical Director.
—The following parties frotn town
will all start for tie West on Tuesday
the Sth of April : Mr. 11. Iv. Luse,
11. 11. Weiser and family,E. Brumgard
and family and Edward Frank. We
wish them all a safe journey and good
—Mr. Julm Miller, our expert butch
er at the meat m uket tells us that he
has killed and sold six beeves and one
calf since he started up his business in
town, ll'e wish him nil the success
that has attanded him in the past and
more to it.
—Things sold remarkably well at J i
cob Dutweilci's sale on Wednesday of
last week. His six horses brought
between $0 >0 and a HOtO, one sellout
at $240. The w bole sale amounted to
overS2oo>. lie expects to leave this
part of the country in a few weeks to
go to Jewel City, Kansas.
—II. 11. of our elder cit
izens, expects to move to Dakota week
after next. He will make sale of his
personal property on Saturday, April
nth, inst. lie made up his mind rath
er late to go West but we wish hint a
bundant success in his future home.
—Mr. J. Willis Musser has bought
out the stage route from Woodward to
Millheim, but also goes to Colniiu ev
ery morning. He carries express and goods from all points along the
line at very moderate eh.uges, and con
tinues the calf and poultiv business.
—Mr. Saiuuel Reiser, Jr., who ha 1
been running Tomliuson s grocery de
partment u ill enter the service of Mus
ser A Smith, our hardware men. They
have bought 11. 11. Weiser'a tinning
machineiies, to be used in connection
with their hardware store. Mr. H eis
er will conduct that part of the busi
—We notice in the r that d r.
11. AY. l\reamer,of Centre Mills,will go
into the mercantile business with Mr.
I Simon Harper of Centre Ilall. They
[ have rented J. O. Deininger's new store
room at that place. Mr. Kteamer had
at tiist intended to move into the brick
house on Penn Street, as stated in one
of our former issues.
—Thomas K. Zeigler administrator
of the estate of the late Isaac Zeigler,
deceased, of Rebersburg, gives notice
in another column and also by posters,
that he will sell the valuable real prop
erty of said estate, consisting of twen
ty-three and a half acres, situate near
—Mr. John Kerstetter, Jr., still
makes a business of doing special jobs
at carpentry. John is really an expert
at the business and has large expei inee,
both in making out plans,speciticat ions
and drawings, as well as a practical
workman. People who entrust their
work into his hands can safely rely on
having it done in best style at the low
est prices. tl
—Our esteemed friend, County
superintendent Prof. I). M. Wolf, of
Penn Hall, looked in on the JOURNAL
on Monday and a right pleasant chat
we had with him. His time had been
very much taken up by the local ins'i- |
tutes which were held in different sect- .
ions of the county during the past
winter. We hope he will soon call a
gain and make his stay longer.
—The following article clipped from
the Sunday Times gives the particulars
of an accident which happened to the
oldest daughter of lYof. Jos. Feebler, i
well kglfwn to some of our readers :
A Young Lady's Narrow Escape.
SELINSGROVE, March 22.—Katie
Feehrer who lives with her fa the.* on
Water street, made a narrow escape
from being killed this morning. She
was carrying a loaded gun from the
kitchen to an apartment up stairs and
her dress became entangled with the
hammer of the gun, which went off.
The charge passed through her dress I
skirt and lodged in tne partition. The j
young lady, through flight, fell in a
faiut and remained unconscious for ;
some time.
—McDonald's improved Liver Pills
are the most reliable and satisfactory
Liver Pills made. Mmy Doctors buy
them by the thousand for uss in their
daily practice. No higher mark of con
fidence could be quoted. IFe do not ,
know any proprietary medicine that
stands so high in the estimation of the
medical profession as McDonald's im
proved Liver Pills. Dissatisfied buyers
can have their money refunded. Sold
by J. Eisenhuth, Mildieim, Pa.
—The exhibition of the Rebersburg
Grammar s;hool last Friday evening
was a splendid treat and was well at
tended by the people of that town* and
vicinity. The programme was com- !
posed of Dialogues, Speeches and Songs
which were all rendered in a praise
worthy manner. "Ole Nickerdemus"
sunglyElwiu J. Burd, of Kieraer
ville, deserves special mention. His
clear and melodious voice and his a
greeable and pleasant disposition make
friends for him wherever he meets
with company. The entertaiument can
be counted as one of the best Rebers
burg has had for some time.
A S2O Bible Prize. #
The publishers of ltutledjc\s Monthly
offer twelve valuable rewards in their
Mobility for April, among which is the
following :
We will give $20.00 to the person
telling us how many words there are
in the Epistle of Jude, as recorded in
the New Testament Scriptures (not
1 Hie NEW REVISION, ) by April loth,
1881. Should two or more correct an
swers be received, the REWARD will
be divided. The money will be for
warded to the winner April 15th, 18S4.
' Persons trying for HIP reward must
send 20 cents in silver (no postage
1 stump taken) with their a swor, for
I which they will rece've the May Mon h
, b/, in which the name and address of
I the winner of the reward and the eor
e ' rect answer will be published, and i i
! which several more valuable reward >
* i will be offered. Address RUTLEDGE
—We notice in the l\drint that Hev.
G. I'. K. Sarvis w ill be the minister of
the M. K. 1 Vim's Valley charge.
—A letter fr. in G. W. Holloway, of
llurbauk, Ohio, eanie too late 1 * >l this
week's JOURS M.; will appear next
- Messrs. Jonathan and A. J. Mat
ter, of Millheitn, will go into the har
ness business, having ordered a large
and line stock the other day. They ex
pect to offer lb vn at public saleiat diff
erent linns and places. Their liist
sale will come off on Saturday, April
l-2.1t, ISH, at Rebersburg, to which
they respectfully invito everybody to
come and give them a share of their
patronage. They are live business
men,fair and square dealers and expect
to give satisfaction in every respect.
They also keep a large stock of light
and heayy,single and double harness,
Cltecklines and Halters on hand which
they will sell in town at any time.
A paying investment. — At this sea
son of the year when your cows fail MI
milk,your hotses become rough in coat,
yout pigs refuse to thrive, the hens
won't lay as many eggs as thoy should,
youAvill linda package orJ wo ot McDni
ald's Celebrated Tonic and I'd od lhni
fying Hot so and Cattle Povidois judic
iously adiuinisteud an investment that
will pay big dividends. They are posi
tively the best Horse and Cattle Pow
dcrs made. Dissatislied buyers can
have their money refunded. What
other manufacturer dare make this of
fer. Sold by J. Eisenhuth, Millheim,
Mr. C. G. Bright, of Aaronsburg,
the live agent for the White Sewing
Machine, whose displ iving adwrtise
tiient appears in another column,would
respectfully call the attention of our
readers to the contents of said adver
tisement. The merits of the White
Sewing Machine have been tested and
indorsed bv thousands of housekeepers
and we advise all pers >ns who are not
already in possession of one of these
excellent machines to give Mr. Bright
their orders. Ho is prepared to prove
that the "W lute" always gives satis
faction and that your household outfit
is not complete without one. Besides
he is a pleasant and obligit g gentleman
and easy to deal with. If you doubt
it, go and give him a trial, hi fore you
bargain with other parties or for other
—The Gettysburg and Ilairisburg
railroad is the most important short
line built in Pennsylvania, within tlie
past year. It is 3U miles in length,
and runs from Carlisle,on th 1 Cumber
land valley railroad, in a genetal south
erly direction to Gettysb ng. The first
10 miles of the route is over the south
mountain road, (a line built from Car
lisle to tlie Pine Grow iron furnacn)
to Hunters Bun : then it turns more
diiectly S mtli, and begins to ascend
the South mountain. F< r about ">
miles after leaving Hunters Hun, the
road winds in and out of the hills com
posing that tidge, until the Ftimmit is
reached, lvoo feet above tidewater.
On the other side of the mountain the
slope is more gradual, and the grade
becomes less steep until Gettysburg is
reached. The road is built in the most
substantial manner, with s'one ballast,
steel rails and every thing < f Pennsyl
vania standard. Tie Ires'l •; are d ui
ble in all their paths, and a e said to be
the strongest in this count<y. By this
road, Gettysburg is but 40 miles from
Ilartisburg, and can be reached in two
hours, lhu3 making it accessibl • t > tlie
traveler, without ineonvenien -mg i:i.n.
Till now Gettysburg,"the sY i m of the
L ite War," has been a sealed b)ok to
those most interested. Toe opening of
this road, on the first of April, will en
able everybody to g>t in and of, of
Gettysburg, bv way of II irri>bo g,
quickly and with c>in r ort.
—Now that the sudden and vident
changes of the weather occur every
twenty four hours, almost everyone
has a troublesome cold, which, if neg
lected may produce results that v\ ill
trouble you for the remainder of your
life. I)r. Kessle;'s Celebratid English
Cough J/edicine is (specially deserving
praise in this cla-s of complaints. It
never fails! It never disappoints! In
structions for treatment of croup and
whooping cough also accompany each
bottle. Every family especially where
there is children should l.ave a bottle.
. Dissatisfied buyers can have their motl
ey refunded. S >ld by J. EiseiilmLh,
j dfillheim, Pa.
Madisonburg Splinters.
Mr. Ellis Shafer c ime home with 3
splendid horses the other day. Mr.
Shafer is the boss horseman in this sec
t ion.
Mr. David Shafer is on the road to
Illinois. Got tired of Mtdisonburg.
Simon Hasel killed a calf the other
day, weighing 15(J pounds dressed.
Mr. C. Itichau expect;? to move away
l'rom this place. Sorry to see him go.
Mr. J J. Uierly's exhibition was an
enjoyable occasion and was witnessed
by a house full of people.
Bartges Bros , arc getting in loads of
new goods and are doing a thriving
business. They expect to give their
customers the best bargains they ever
Plenty of mud here.
If the writer of tlnse items wishes
his future communications pub'ished
lie must give us his name -we do not
publish items without knowing the
name of their autlnr.—[Editor.]
For ill'* Journal
—Wo were agie aMy surprised l ist
Wednoslay evtning i llio K/angelical
patronage by roeeivit g a donation from
! the kind people of Millheim, amount
ing to about sovrMity doll us, o insisting
of articles essential to housekeeping.
The kind donois were chiilly ladies
members of the Evangelical, Lutheran,
Ueformed and Methodist ehurclies.
We accept this christian J.ct as a token
of regard and appreciation for us, ami
herewith acknowledge our heartiest
thanks, praying that (tod's richest j
plessing may rest upon the dear people
of Millheim, whom we shall not soon
forget. *
,1/arch 20tli. I>SI.
The following is a list of the names
of the donors and aiticies reeeived :
Mrs. Margaret Neese, sheet, and towel ;
" laeoli Sankey, (aide cloth ;
44 i'. Miller, pudding dish, soap tow
el. pin cushion ;
44 IS. Campbell, Ilap, towel, soap
and eianliei lies ;
44 Win. ilennev, Sinet.
44 \V. K. Alexander,large fruit dish;
44 It I.use, canned fruit and jellies ;
44 Jonathan llaiter,large glass pitch
er, towel and soap ;
44 Samuel Musser,canned fruit :
,4 Catherine Weiser, Cake dish ;
" Kite Launy, fi tilt dish :
K. llrnuigatd, pair of pillow
shams ;
44 A.(). Deininger,canned fruit and
towels ;
4 - Lizzie Kerstetter, glassdishes and
towels ;
44 .1. C. Smith, muslin ;
Master Kobhie Smith, soup lad d ;
Mrs. T. llocknuu., fruit dish ;
'• S. Weiser, chair cushion and
haudketchief ;
44 Ida Hart man, goblets ami sugar :
44 Mary Gepluti t, towel ;
44 ll'ilt, glassdish ;
44 Win. 3/usser, biz. napkins ;
44 It. Musser, towels ;
44 Kate (ie.diart, (truck of applebut
ter ;
Mr. A 3/rs. I>. L. Zerby, pat lor lamp,
quilt, soap and towels ;
Miss Stella Z'Mbv, pair of towels ;
l/r, \ .1/iS. P. 11. Musser,glasspitcher;
Miss Cora Kiearner, two'glass dishes :
'• Mary Mauck, spoon holder ;
44 Maggie Alexander, muslin :
44 Carolina Gobble, soap ;
44 lodic Miisger, glassdish and su
gar ;
44 Emma Eisenhuth, turkish tow
els ;
44 Ilosetta Mauck, rocking chair ;
Mr. A. Miller, meat saw and spoons ;
44 F. F. Weier,jellies and cabbage :
14 S. M. Campbell, coal oil can ;
44 E. C. Campbell, pair of 11 it irons.
A number of other articles vve,e do.
uated, but not having been labeled the
names of the donors cannot he given.
To All Wanting Employment.
Wo want Live, Knerg-Mic an Capable A; ut
in every county in tin United States an t Can
ada, to sell patent article of great merit, IIN
ITsMKiurs. An article having a large -ale,
paying over b>" per cent, profit, having no
competition, and on which the agent is protect
ed in the exclude sale by a d ed given for each
and every county lie miy secure from us. With
all these ad-, autag< -loi ur agents, an the f. <-t
that It Is au art: Je that can be sold to every
houst ow tier, It might not be necessary lo make
an ' 4 l"x i it.vo ;ni\Aitr OI*FEU" to secure • > I a
gent-at once, but we li av concluded to make
it to -how, n't only our confidence in the merits
of i ur in; ntion, but in Its - liability by any a
geut that w ill handle it with energy. <.ia
gents uo\t at n>.k are making fram 1150 to s<•
a month clear, ami thi fact makes it s.ife for
u- to make our oiler to all who are cut of < in
payment. Any age lit that will give our busi
ness a thirty days' ti ial ami fall to ol< ar at least
• 'no in flits time, AHOVK \i t. i.xri s-r- can re
turn all go >.ls unsold to u- and we w ill refund
the money paid for them- Any ague or .en
eral Agent who would like t<m or more counties
and work them through -iib-agents for nin ty
days, and fail to clear at *7"" AUOXE ALI.
EXPENSES, can return all unsold and get their
money back. Xout! eremployr of agents over
dared to make sm h off rs nor would we if we
did tmt knotv tliit we have agents now making
more that double th amount we guunauteed,
and but two sales a day would giv * a profit <>i
over *l.T> a month, and that one of oar agents
tiHik eighteen orders in one day. Our large <le
script Ive circulars explain our offer fully, and
these we wish to send to every one <Mil of em
ployment who w ill -end u- three one cent
stamps lor postage Sml at cure and scenic
the agency in time for the boom,and go to wank
on th terms nam. d in our exlraoidinnry offer.
We would like to have the addre-s of all the a
gents sewing machine solicitors and carpen
ters in the country, and ask any reader of this
papei who reads this send us ut once the
name and address of at", su oh they know. Ad
dress at once, or you will loose the 1 est chance
ever offered to those mil of employment to make
I(>6 smith field A .. l'itt-lmrg. Pa.
A Fatal Mistake of Children.
cial dispatch to the 1* rasa from Mead
ville, says: ;4 si\* chil Jrcn from the vill
age of Velonia went out yesterday in
search of "sugar water." Not finding
a camp in operation the boys tapped
some kind of a tree with their pocket
knives and all the children sipped the
juice. Soon all were taken sick and
gave every symptom of being poisoned.
George Cnsty, aged ten, is dead, and
three others arc considered beyond aid.
Tito kind of tree furnishing the deadly
poison is not known."
PHILADELPHIA, March 21.— 1 a. in.—
Another of the poisoned children nam
ed Lizzie Pinkhouse, aged six, litis
died. The others now seem to be out
of danger. It is now said the poison
was not from sap as told by the chil
dren, but from eating the pla it gener
ally called wild parsnip or eowuank. —
Information is telegraphed fioni
Washington that a dangerous conter
feit ol' the twenty dollar silver certifi
cates is in existence and liable to be ex
tensively circulated. Tne minute de
scription of the new counteif'eit giyen
by the Treasury Department should en
able careful men to discover it and save
themselves from loss thereby. The
chief danger will be to those vvhoaie
hurried in their transactions and who
naturally suppose that all silver certifi
cates, Treasury notes and national
bank bills are good. The business pub
lie should study the description of the
the new counterfeits given by the de
! part ment \ Ty carefully and not take it
for granted that everything in the form
of paper money heat ing the apparent
imprint of the I'liited States Govern
ment is good.
II tuitirat
< n the I 111 the resilience of th'bridu'-
nmllier. by Rev. W. E. I hlier, Mr. lizra' Snillli.
of Dakota. Stephenson Co.. II!., (formerly of
IVnn Ha)!,) ami Mis- Rosctti Rlshel, of Farm
er- MilN.
m ci>.
(n the loth lust., in I'enn township, Daniel s.
Aunian, aged V. year-, I nioiitlis ami I t days.
Milllieim llitrfcel.
Corrected every Wednesday
Wheat, old 1,00
Corn tit)
Kyo CA
Oats White 40
lliiek wheat
Flour . r ,.4<>
salt. per Ur! 1.4(1
Plaster, groiiml
Cement, per liusbel 4, r > to .50
Hurley (in
Flaxseed 100
(JJovel'seed iVrf>
Butter jr,
ilams )i,
Hides 1_
pork us
I {eel
Egg* fin
Potatoes .'{."■
Lard M
Egg Coal +1.71
Stove " .".(KI
Chestnut 4.7.7
iva :t.r
Pea b\ the ear load Special Prices.
Ji II ART Ell, |
Rcvolntioiiizci I? tlie luMnctioiiof the
The King of all Sewim Machines.
Conceded by all expei tx to be tlie finest ma
chine ev* r placed on the market. The only
machine in the world with au
with which a I'll! Z.D can wind a bobbin as
evenly as a spool of cotton is wound.
The ONLY Machine with a
Practical Embroiderer,
with which HflAI TII I lAVORHcan IK* done
The ONLY Machine with a
The ••WHITi: * has a
Self-Setting.Xcedle■ Self-
Threading throughout , . 111
Hearing Adjustable, Case
I hardened and of Steel.
The ' WIIITK" t)Mno Coo WVPIOt wliieh :ire
only u*" l in tin* cheaper grade* of machines,
therefore soon become noisy and hard-running.
He min 1 and
before buying a sewing machine,
ni'l'A tit t:n A r nr. A soy A IILH It A TKS.
OJ-Oji.s, am Attachment* always
on hand.
I also keep the //ex/ (Jiialiti/ of
C. G. BRIGHT, Agent,
###* **#
ui remedy!
|2! EKED Hi tTs SI, I
Sprains, Bruises,!
Burns and Scalds, |
Sf.'ntifi, Buckiipkc, .
: ■— Frosted Feet and!
1 Ears, and oil otherS
Pains and Aches. |?
R il,'ft 11 * s a sure, andS
r effectual Remedy forß
fj Galls, Strains, Scratches, ™
1 Scres&c,on
sf OT' One trial will prove itsß
WZ-jmgFJte merits. Its effects are in®
9 most cases
Every I'ottlo warranted tojfl
ft give satisfaction. Send ad- H
V BBfeHH dress for pamphlet, free, giv.M
ing full directions for the ■
J flM®' treatment, of above diseases. D
'y.'itiLsm Trice2s eta.and 50 eta. perß
- bottle. Sold everywhere.
t Henry, Johnson & Lord, Proprietors, B
B Barlington, Yt.
§(. |jmo Ijolel,
Sos. !U7 & 810 ARCII ST.,
The traveling public will still find at this
Hotel the same liberal provision for their coin
fort. It is located in the immediate centres of
business and places or amusement and the dif
i fcrent ltail-ltoad depots, as well as all parts ol
| 1C city, are easily accessible by Street Cars
; constantly passing the doors. It oti'ers special
inducements to those visiting the city for busi
-1 ness or pleasure.
Your patronage respectfully solicited.^
1 Jos. M. Feger. Proprietor.
Read All This!
To THE PusLja;
Although our honsr has been established bat si.r months we are hap
py to inform the people that oar success has exceeded our expectatiom
inch month's sales fa r exceeding those of the previous month and we
desire to mention here that our stork- of (foods will be made more com
/dele ns ire learn the wants of the people. We are now offering
Special Drives
TIV think• we hare Pie
/■'or o() ctsever put on the market.
Drives in all Departments,
and ask- i/ott to give us a call for am/thing you may want in general
merchandise and you will be convinced that our stoc is the best place
to do your dealing.
HV at read g speak of enlarging our rooms in order to bette display
oar increasing stock'.
EWDiiiges, Vonada & Co., I
( WCoburn, Pa. |
Selling off at Costa
W. T. Mauck & Son
To change the arrangement of their rooms.
SP RINGS of ivi ry description, HAIR, ('OTTON, 111 SK <t' STRAW I
WHAT-NOTS, Etc., Etc.
Our stock of
arc entirely new patterns, and customers calling at our shops will after examination find that 1
are prepared to suit ail tastes and fancies. The leading Wall Taper manufacturers are desijH
lug nm i printing papers so far in advance of those in former years, that we can now show styleS
to customers that will improve their homes so much that they will not be without them. I
Earnestly soliciting a kind patronage we invito the public to call and inspect the goods at our shefl
Penii St., MILLHEIM, Penna. ■
LOOK: haveet, fa. W
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Address, CLOUCH SL WARREN ORGAN CO., Detroit,Micfl