Peculiaily American "Why does that gentleman rise from his seat ?" "Because he gets out at the next sta tion.' 1 "But we haye not got near the sta tion yet." "I beg your pardon. Fiom an A merican point of view we are very near it. It is less than a mile away." "See, he rushes wildly toward the door ; and now he is on the platform. Is he not in danger V" "The only danger lie dreads is tho danger of loosing one-quarter of a sec ond." "Ah, we are almost at the station now. Will he wait till the cars stop ?" "No, indeed ; that would l>e a waste of precious time." "There he goes, flood Heavens ! he has fallen ! The cars have run over him. "Yes, such things frequently happen in America ; but, you know, where oue mau is killed half a dozeu jump off successfully. The chances of death are only one in six or thereabouts." "They have picked him up. His lips move. lie is speaking." "Yes, he says : 1 die a true Amer ican."—Scientific American, ADVICE TO MOTIIEKK. Arc you disturbed at night and broken of your rest by a sick child suffering and crying with pain of cutting teeth ? If so, send at once and get a bottle of MRS. WINS LOW'S SOOTHING STRI P FOR CHILDREN TKKTHING. Its valuo is incalculable. It will relieve the poor htilc suf ferer immediately. Depend upon it, mothers, there is no mistake about it. It cures dysentery and diarrhoea, regulates the stomach and bowels, cures wind colic, softens the gums, re duces inflammation, and gives tone and energy to the whole system. MRS WINSLOW'S SOOTH - ING STRI P FOR CHILDREN TEETHING is pleasant to the taste, and is the prescription ot one of the oldest and best female physicians and nurs es in the United Suites, and is for sale by all druggists throughout the world. Price 23 cents a bottle. The Cure for Intemperance. But the great and only real cure fot intemperence is the steady elevation of the whole community. To keep nun from drinking you must give them something else to do - supply them with better amusements, with entertain ments of high order. You cannot ex pect hard-working men to live without amusement. Rich people must have their amusements, their theatres, balls, clubs, drives, yachts. You cannot re quire working people to do without some sort of recreation. A total ab slinence lecture will not always attract them, nor will a scientific lecture us ually be enough. There fore we must furnish them with every kind of inno cent recreation possible—pub lic gaiden and common and music and fire-works in the summer ; libraries and reading-rooms, and as much more as can be added. I am glad of all cheap popular entertainments, summer gaideus and museums. I wish some rich man would endow a zoological gar den in Boston. I wish our theatres might have good and entertaining plays acted, and then be open more freely to poor,for lam satisfied that you can never expel a low taste but by furnish ing some thing a little higher.— JAMES FREEMAN CLARKE. 1 1 mo Xos, 317 & 319 ARCH ST., PHILADELPHIA. RATESREMCEMOS2.OO PER DAY. The traveling publie will still find at this Hotel the same liberal provision for their com fort. It is located in the immediate centres of business and places of amusement and the dif ferent Rail-Road depots, as well as all parts oi the city, are easily accessible by street Cars constantly passing the doors. It offers special inducements to those visiting the city for busi ness or pleasure. Your patronage respectfully solicited. Jos. M. Feger. Proprietor. ■ ► A New Use for Egg's. Everyone is familiar with the value I of the yolk of an Egg as a hair wash, I but perhaps may not be aware of its virtue in clothing cleansing. Beaten j up with alcohol, eau de cologne, or either, like ox gall, it keeps better and is more powerful; or in simpler may be used alone, ur merely mixed with wafe , to be lubbeel on with flan ne 1 , for reimying from colored mater ials the stains of mud, or of coffie r.r.d and chocolate, when prepared with milk. It is frequently npplud to vel vet collars and cuffs, etc., and proves a cleanser, as well as a spot extractor. When it has done its work it is washed off with soap, and tlie material thor oughly rinsed in pure water. Egg has a specially good effect on those annoy ing patches of wheel grease belonging to the compound class of stains, as they represent a mixture of stale grease ron or other substances. If your peach tree 3 were froziii dur ing the winter, trim them back severe ly. They will recover much better than if left alone. Peculiar Eccentricity. An eccentric individual is Dr. Whitney Cleveland, formerly of New- Haven, Conn., but now of Colorado, i He always wears the garment of a | Quaker. He carefully notes all the calls of his practice, but never sends out a bill. Only those pay him who chose to do so. He always uses salt instead of soap for washing his face and head. He never drinks tea, coffee, nor intoxicats. Black clothes are his abhorrance, a cravat or necktie he never wears, and although he keeps his boots oiled he never has them blacked. He is very fond of the wa ter and swims as w-ell now although he is eighty years old as he did when he was eighteen. Dr. kesslor's Cclebralt'd Kiis lisli Cough Mctliciiio, The reliable and never failiny standby in croup or whoopiny eouyh. Unequalled as a remedy in colds and all luiiif 1 roubles. I hod I waste time and entlanyer precious lives e.rpt ri mentin'i with worthless medicines, but qef the liesl at once. MO A7v ) ii /; ri \\n J: I > '/'< >i> />'- SATISFIUn ru KC HAS Fits. Me/hmabds Improved l.iecr Fills are endorsed by eminent physicians and used by them in their daily prat - five. Trial pa- Fayc free. MOXKY iiKFUSOFF TO HIS SA TISFJFP FU III'If ASF its. For smallness of dose, easiness to tale and effectiveness as a wrih. Fntireh/ veifctuble. M( > Y /; 1 : /,'F FUX/>!:/> TO HIS SA TISFIFH Fl'lH ' 11 ASFJtS. Dr. KcsslcFs Couth Midii inc, MeDon~ übFs Improved Liver Pills ami (\lebrat ed Worm Powders arc sold and warrant' cd by J. Eiscnhuth. Mill to im Pa.. Jc-hn son, llolloway t. MIDI.uHIM, PA /gcmaocdpSP /MiiirnQXrhA /iHscrcray / JjrTN : ' ... / | For Sale at tho Milltnim JonrMl Store ! pENNSVLVAMA STATE COLLEGE. i Winter Term begins Jan. I, ISsl. This Institution is located iu one of tin* most beautiful ami healthful spots of the entire Alle gheny region, it i> open to students of both sexes, and otters the following courses of s'.ti ly: 1. A Full Classical Course of Four Years. 2. A Full Scientific Course of Four Years. ;t. A Latin Scientific Course. 4. The following SPECIAL COCKLES, of two years each following the first two years of the Scientific Course (a) AOIUCULTITUE ; (b) NATURAL HISTORY : (c) CIIKMIB TKY AND PHYSICS; (d) CIVIL ENiIIN EEUINti. A short SPECIAL ( Ol'i'.SK in Agriculture. t>. A short SPECIAL Uol'ltsE jn ( IK nr.-try. 7. A Classical and s, ieutltic Preparatory Course, s. SPECIAL COCSI s are arranged to nit et the wants of individual students. Militnrv drill is required. Exju n-es for board and incidentals very low. Tuition free. Young ladies under charge of a competent lady Princi pal. For Catalogues, or other informationoddress GEO. W. ATI! ETON, PnKsiniiNT. lyr • STATE COLLEGE, CENTUB CO., Ta Vick s Floral Guide. For ISS4 is nn I'pgant Itook of 1> Pages, ft Colored I'lntcs of Flower* mid Vege lablos.nnd more tliao 1 <'7 IHulr:*liou* of the choices' Flowers, Plants and Vegetables, and Directinis for crowing. It is handsome e nongh for the Center Table as a lloii.l iv Pres ent. Send on your name at d I'osr Ofiice ad dress, with 10 cents, and I willsend yuu a copy, postage paid. This is mt a cjiiarter of its cost. It is printed in both i nglDh and (term in. If you afterwards order seeds deduct the l Pa ges, 6 Colored i'latas. .Via Kiigraviugs. For 0 cents in paper covers; tI.OO in elegant cloth, lu German or English. Vick's Illustrated Monthly Magazines—,2 P.I ges.a Colored l'iate in every number and many fine Engravings. Price ♦1.2."> a year : Five Cop ies for *t".nu. Specimen Ntnnber> sent for 10 cents ; 3 trial copies for 2"> cents. JAMES VIOK. tf lto. HESTER, N. V. f gfh r."'- Y c -CT c wanted or'l he I ives o 3omesJbe-t book ever sold for less thau twice our price. The Li-t.vt selling book in America, lmnien-.' profits to agents. All intelligent people want it. Any one can become a successful agent. Terms j free. IIALLETT POOR CO., 1 ortl iml, Maine. H fffl 3 <-33 P/tl *end six cents for em iitl 2 / p postage, and receive m ■ nifcC frpe - c tly bos of H HSd-aKaosß KO(1(ls which wil| I|op [ you to more money right away than anything else in this world. All, of either sex, succeed from the first hour. Khe broad mad to fortune opens before the workers, absolutely sure. At once address, Titua & Co., Augusta, Maine. week al home. so.o outfit free, i absolmiy sure. No risk, offc s' 7 11' 'ajiital not required. Header, if want bu-incss at which per- , sons or either sex yonug or old, 1 can make great pay all the time tiicy work,with absolute certainty, write for, particulars to li. 11. IIALLJSTT & co., Portland. Maine. PATENTS. F. A. T.ehmann. Solicitor of American and Foreign Patents, Washington, I>. ( . All busi ness connected with Patents, whether before the Patent ofiice or the Courts, promptly at tended to. No charge made unless a patent is j secured. Send for circular tf j £■ l uli! 11 and dependent parents entitled when de.dii re- ! suited. Claims reopened, restoration, i net cased bounty, back pay and discharges obtained. Ap | ply at once, delay prejudices jour iig!:',s. J. s 1 fixed by law. Address, with stamp. Hie old e tablifthcd firm of hDSON & CO., Attoi ey> and Claim Agents, '.LV 1 St., Washington, o. C ;•!*. PKNJJ -JO C. „ . „ 2TO2>J2i3fS Ijj \\ —TdM'Ss. i!" *' ov 1 gSIl IBIKGHAKTON 1 BIKGHAKTON for list ot'Newspapei I iLe "J(>NFS SCALE ; 'i and free Price List o —s C ai(. 3 . (ffl| for the working eiass. Heiui 10 Wss'lsJ HBe nts for postage, and we will "F" you free, a roy.d, valuable box of sample goods that wftl i put you in the way of making more man y in a f ov days than you ever I bought po sinlo at any business. Capit il not required. We will start you. You c.iu work all Cue time or in spare time only. The work is universally adapted to both sexes, young a d old. You ( :ii easily earn from 50 cents t > $5 eyery evening. That all who want w >r!c may test Hie business. \ye make this unparalleled oifer; to a!! Vho are not well satisfied we will send sll - pay tor the troubl • of writing us. Full particulars, directions, etc. j sent free. Fortunes will be made by there who give their whole ti me to th 4 work. Great suc cess absolutely sure. Don't delay. .Start now. STINSON & Co., FoYtland, Maine. Steam Bonding Shops, {faumkiw MILLS, I'A.| All kinds <>f bending* in wood done on short notion. Orders filled for irya^S of all sizes, and of the host material Bob Sled Runners, Shafts, Bent Hounds, Plow Handles, Phaeton Buggy Reaches. Send for | n\o list. Orders by nmi promptly attended to. All wort i guaranteed. ,1. 11. REAM & SOY DOG- c"? TXJJSJX'■ -P Not \\;ih(ili- a Do , ■ , inl f i a O A. T alrtfijo of \, w rv.iin'i •' ami 'I. . ii( .' : , 'Ml> v, i 1 ; ihf I'ASIM \ stop "1 1 > 1 >t s ; it. r.tpa.'U . i < t. ild lb*. I'ruv, £1 00 V \• >i ;a Ni \v>jut-i JPO'i-Zl. I\.~ IMnm, JONES OF BINGHAMTON* • . iU.vv • . N I DKI.WV \m: Ri\ n: ('htmii VI. Won K-\ RATOH & SONS, l'hi'.adtJji/tia, lib. 1, I S H. J 7b J'ld'tUi I'A of misflr in, i ; If,V nth men :—/•,• nrr< r tm- nt) i iyht m ars in hare munufa f turrit nr Hon* t'hus/ih-it •,. u/< our brand* have b Imn- household wonle it nearly every sicthn qf th- country. In muni j communities Mir di initial for them has incrcus ■A' • .'• <• - ' Six years uyo.iiu-!, ny thai the U< viand fort OOtii i\t \o'wce cost had bceoti almost unlet ,\* i!, 100 | 11 a rino pecular advantage* of raw material* anc ' manufaetiiriny facilities. uv tletennhi'd (• meet (his demand, end introtluceil a TW'l-.'.X TY-FJVt: nOI.LAIt I'JiOs;•//. 1 Tl.\ made be a X K II" / 'lt i x I N.s J X< 7. isivi LY <>F/l OIF.V. The yuiehness v th irhieh this I'h -s 1 phatc syrany Into it.c aimmy inbtliycnt far men , mitt b* shown by thi ivilowiny slalt no nt : ! ttf thy I'/io.e h /'(' Hi err wi re s< 'd | Ihirintf ISIS, Jf'JSi Ton*. tsso, ; issi, r,J47 1882. S, ,'SS ISSJ, Khi >S 77c wptrt* oi ar-utu pht phot, han !>■ • n s lis/m lory ,n ry coy fr-nii a ui< inquiry. MV want to be informal vyoii this i /joint very y'ainty, as it is our inter- >•* (■> kit i |if t-'ic article continues /.• /r- ' yo 'r< salts. We trill thank any J irno i. in : n ias ' t>, ' Phosphate with lit* op 'ntiwj r dts, to let us be<>r from him with fid' Yours (ruin. 11A ( (ill i Mi.VN. A. SIMON & SONS, WIIOUISAU: A KKYAIL liUOl Kits, keep the largest stock In tho 143 MAIN STREET," LOCK ITAYEX. rpE MILLHEIM JOURNAL J"OB Printing Office /X UiiW siljijilit'll With | Good fft (tad o IdY'/t' ossm'lan ul nt DISPLAY TYPE. ) LETTER irE. IDS, XOTE HE. IDE, BILL HEADS, STATEMENTS, ENVELOPES, (TRCULAPS, POSTERS, find, in short, neat nod tasty Job Pr iat'ng of 11 kinds PHOMI'TLY KXK( UTEI). e pnt TO aroANTow ■■ op BCi^GHAMTOfi c j - | r. '-'~X list of Ncwfpcpcr -s~~ . I'rcnjuiiin eiven \viil f •- the JONlws SCALE f l! i^. •' C ° J ' ricc of ; Rs3 ; j !. j T.J *"\_a La U \us.t Ll HiITNM & CO., of t! • A": .i.r.e <• a- Ituae to act as 8j >llcitcci;;rv: < •./ • Scieiuific A Iciui sent free. Ah:: iMtTr NftCO., Scityntio AMERICAN Offlce, 2UI Broaclvray, Few York. KT VOL' It JO It PKIN'IINO DONE AT X The Milihem* oSfiec. Fink WOKK CHEAPLY Execute;;. THE NEW .VX-raWi JOl!li\Ali STtHtK 0 Penn Street, Millheim, Pa., is Hip only exclusive Booh SlaUancfy and Vuri .ly Siarc ' • "i I'fll lis \ .til \. Wo i tn it'! pn ,-ililv I • in t i utnir'r U nil Wit: gtHMls U O l \0 for • all* I'.il 1 |;, bogtmtUw MM Arlicre and IO we.tegln >i BIBLES, niul that is a.wa\s . lit ~■ a', well una Utimi t'litilnj;. . Splendid ftisnlly Bibles, Vw\- l>il Bibles, TWIIVAT'S Bi bles, Sunday School Bibles, Pres entation Bibles. II will Ih-*lt> >oui iiiU'lt t U t \ iniiitt Ilit'so I• . lore you n< to oih plac st ilmy, j Photograph Albums. | From tlio In .'t'\. '.iT-Uiao any-More In 1 In* valley j II will pav \ v.i xi) A /'/•:.v en.s. St Ijooj, j;n< L's, /'AAA l'f:X/foUrUlts. SLA VAN ItL .IXK IHiOKS, ami m hut umj'himj and cvt'fiil/iin / ni the I tool' Hi ! S''iti(i,i / I iii' e i tn' I'I'III lS mil' .s/r ij'l'. Come, S&o and. Buy! AT Til 15 NEW JOURNAL STOKE ox Fcnn Street and at tin* LOWEST PRICE . Y -=„• ■ • I'A R 7 - i \* t • n " cT- a. Q . ,'j Ooi.Lt.ti, ,!• LY £ -}' •:F I I .„ . I ;l "J. . • ; •rt r.-lr' t I r,.r I. ' ,'.H : I J j .a-trtifi . >f■ r f-1 ■ h. ' , . —c: * —j uiiunc-i .•*. v B. H. Lenker. MAMTAt rniiu: AND DEALER IN KARONS BURG, IPA, j ('hamb.r Suits, Pn *:r;s, Losr-ges, Bedsteads, Stands, M ivble-Top Cent re j I Tallies. !';ciiktast i'.ibit s, liittiiiti Tiibli-s, lixlti. n•!t T*:il: . Sidfl litis. 1 Sinks su.d all kinds of i iioli. u i'unu t urc, ( .i ■ or Wood '- *.>! I' t aii s. Spring Bi'tls, Win', Wind ;iiitl 11 air AT at it >so. , cvory Mylt ot Mtiul i inns lor I'ictairo Kij;ii)ts. Faam sot any six. • made to order. Undcrtalmv a Ctjccialiy. A share of the public patronage re spectfully solicited. iiO-ly tusm s-Tos *m iron Lcvira, 8!oo! Brnrings, Hra.B T/IHE PEAM. 7 ~ aoxEii, sis-, pahs *£e aJuTTiSiSK X r -l-t on trUl. Worrautß 0 yrs. Ail WicJ uj Ijw- Lj ' J t'ur five boutc, ntidtvas ■ i JONES Cr O'F~7Y/ L'iMiiLi-ll.i'.t, >, y,' '■ PEA] ' c dy: iotel, 9thSt. South of Chestnut, PHILADELPHIA. 1 One Square South of the Xew Post Ollio", one half Squaie from Walnut St. Thealie uud iu the very business ceutroif the city. On the Ameiicau and European plans. Cfocd rooms liom ;*Oc!s to ; 0 per day. H medel ed and new ly fit; rish d. W. PAIN M. I)., U> ly OWIIM A Ptoprietor. GO TO EIMON BEOTiREE, THE liO.SM ( I.OTIIIEItS for your Clothitig. 1 , c 45 MAIN STIIIUET, F tf ?iT T T A ~XT AA XP : XJV/ OJA i. 1/V \ 1 Jl\ • W VV 1 iilie> sti we. k, jrooils for uu. Fail UIHI Winter trmie semi 1"> cout- for smiir'eiiiul piutienlars. HUDSON MF(i, C<>., A>7 fe?v.SJi Ave., JNuw VQUK. Ml 1.1.11 KIM MARBLE WORKS _ The Oldest, - The Largest, The Cheapest, Most 'Reliable Establishment, in tlii- part of lYunsylv*,....,* mm Mf M ® Monuments, Tablets and Headstones, manufactured in the must artistic style and of the best material. .11l work warranted and put an in the most substan tial manner. g'/i 'Our prices are so low that if wilt pay persons in need oj marble ivorlc to fire as a call. MmiNGER & MSJSSER proprietors tilirps east of Bridge, la'ii St., Millheim, Pa. i LGWisliH mil Tyrone RailrccS Tim] I, HA \ i; WL. T A" A :i. C 3 r* y 9 A. M. A. M. r. I. r. M. I'. M Mont 1 ndoii TC. 1U I" I'iili* Ground 7 •'!<• I>. !•' 2.".' > i! 7.1) 10.27 Vvli.i. ir T.r. lO.::". 2. Jo Miiili!i''iii l' S.I-. ai 11.00 ar 2.v. le. Million;,! 8,22 S.'-'H i '.(Uioiion <" Wiki r it ttli 8.57 4. Cherry Run '.US 1.2> I'owltT 9.25 4.17 I 'd! in II 9.48 0.l i ar.s.i'o 1.i1.W1. HAM \VA i!>. t I H lO A. M. 1. M.J Soring Mills 1.50 Oobmn IH 2.20 i o.\ ler o.'js 2.;ij liorry Run r. 1H 2.55 ■Yik ■( kiin "J . 2.15 Eunrdtoii 7.2' i 2.40 llllinoiit 7.10 8.52 A. M." liniillbttrß B. f| o 11.45 4.15 !. M. . ieliHliill }* 8.15 12,10 4.02 , ;.-lil BJO 12.17 4..18 .. :i (bound \ Sf. LTD 12.": #.48 v. M. I \ MurK • 8.15 12.50 5.10 7.-10 Mom imloiiar. .sar.*..')ar I." ;ir.s,iu ir /.to • i . ' mil 2 onio' I al Moot.union with Erie l.iiiv.o I; -.alio I Willi Sen Shorn Express i .st ;5 a nil 0 u liii 1 >ay Express ami Niagara !-.> pi i , \V. I ; 7 ami 8 vulli la .t l.iiv Wt st: 0 ami !o with WilliamßjVrt Accommodation East. ' ■• 4 ■ AV [ SH? .... J V 2 -..a t.: i * I 1 p.: .• .• • - ~va - • a 1 - T" . '* 4 - f sW r v - ' SMITH'S SBRMAN OLIO ! / '■'VK %$■ w\ P // SsjA, S'K i ill \j. 'rise Great German Remedy RHEUMATISM, scur:t'sla. I),V!>priHla, nml all of (tie Mloiunrli. Hnwrlt, iMood, Liirr :tnl,l at Wholosale by tho GERMAN OLIO COMPANY, (LIMITED,) Ui Willow Slrrfl, Williniosporl, Pa. PHILADELPHIA WHOLESALE AGENCY: j J elitist ou, Holloway k Co., (102 Arch St. Smith, Kline A fo., : it & .ill NOHTH Till 111) STREET. PsaawiiS' EiiR.Eaaa| . H. DOWNS' | Vegetable Sa1&& mic il c LIJC E S * F'r the cure of *.) Consumptioa,Cou^,Cclds,Catarrh, p j Crcup, Asthma, Henris?, Hoarseness, t J > InSaenaa, Spitting Bleed, Brenchitis, : i IJan 1 all 2.i- :v : m; or'y at;ended t<> 2*3 Atiiscomu, nco.nent it is hut a slight irritn t'** tin-, of the ii liibrano whi. li core:-# the Longs; * t . i 1 inllai.,'ion wheatio eengk is rather , > 5-y,i, •!: ... - in 1 thej'ulsemorefreqnent,the 4 S hi-i-ks fltt-h tacdchill-niorecommon, Tliis ' I7i\ir i.i curing the u' 'Vo COfE] laintß, oper \ ntoa so as 1o r< tn no all morbid f tloas Diiil tiifln mut lon f,om the lungs ' §*Mo liternrht-re, nr.d finr.Uj e\p 1 them from SB j Lp>| -he ' M. It fa ilitatc 4 csiK-ctoration. ri It heals the ulcerated surfaces Bj . .out i lit-vt-: the rough and n. .hv •• the Lrrath- \- j | 7 ing < n-y. It supports the strtu , h r.tnl at tliop iuioUuio ro luces the fever. It i> free from So* t trougopiat( and astringent at. . wldcliare L . I ' " ofso drying a nature as to I .'ingrcatdangerof §:', i i icstn.yiiig t! c patient; whereas this medicine ■■ i never dries o>- opl.i>' per lottlo. FJ BOLD EVERYWHERE, Hj j j 3D5E7, JOHSSOS k LORD, Trofs., Burlingtwi. Yt. tUHDaWHS' EUXiR.aH v a lo Tr.ui c i . -'t oucrv.—ScrroasßrWllly, , .... . , o U • Onuirrhva, K; pblll:!c ai.u I re-ariai 2.C. ir. :'.UWP!; sine aad suro i • Ca'l rr wri'e for Ibt of J c;ueiti': •i! I'. ' a;g treatment by mail. (.*er-' . i ' a'il ' nil Ihclr s. t-JCCto C.J. ... .h. . .. i ..".ilishiot EJ lc-a*. OUT THIS OUT! A MAXE S SIOKS4O WE E E R K. j We have stores in 15 leading 1 Cities, fr vn which onr agents obtain their supplies quickly. <;r F ptories and Principal Ofileon are at l.i-ie, P.J. Bend for onr Nov Cnt(tl*(*o ana terms to agents Address f> n fjfl r flffri I D! 3 Spring; Carden St. l/lt IVI LllrfElLL PHILADELPHIA,PA. ty •- Patent causes before the Patent Ofhcejj I and the Courts. Reasoanble terms. Opinionastol |eateivtubDity^fre^^harge^^cn^o^ircular^J JXj'tj.-1.7' V V ' ior any U.:.i v 1 ir aaeli fi far i\ \j < q LasuiatU i E 1 .... - 'Ai Wnrvnntrd the uuut Forre-lre'i XlW"^TV^fetfc'iJKLW: Pennsylvania Anricuitural Works, York, Pa. ADDTWI, ▲. B. I'A IF U '• STEAM ENCIXEB, A. B. FAaQTTBAR, York P ■ ■ . ■ iMud lr Illuatrated C.ulogsa in Vertical Ungfncs.wi" Jwitiu.ut wicri.,rcry 25 3 a ronrcnlont,economical faytV. = I and com pie to la everj* _ a L y ileUlMtn anil Y - - 2 THE FA BQI'IIAB%EPAIUTOR ;.. - --rA koiairat andp*> : > (luiuw. cicau • J It null iPTfctU Addrem A. B. WABQtJBUB, Tor*. Pe. FAXa'JEi.2 nrCTHTS 00317 PLAi'Tia * W.rr.iit-d ine Le- (com .irnpperana mow foe fertllzer dl.irlLutor in tJS f fIMHW wot 14. FfVD /pt.x XrSnv. L,.... j roa< ranoonw DR. JOHN BULL'S Sffltt'sTncSfiQ FOR THE CURE OF FEVB* and AGUE Or CHILLS and FEVER, AND ALL MALARIAL DISEASES. •/ The proprietor of thi# celebrated medi* cine justly claims for it a superiority over all remedies ever offered to the public for the SAFE, CERTAIN, SPEEDY and PER MANENT cure of Ague and Fever, or Chilla and Fever, whether of short or long stand ing. He refers to the entire Western and Southern country to bear him testimony to the truth of the assertion that in no cast whatever will it fail to cure if the direc tions are strictly followed and carried out. In a great many cases a single dose has been sufficient for a cure, and whole fami lies have been cured by a single bottle, with a perfect restoration of the general health. It is, however, prudent, and in every case more certain to cure, if its use is continued in smaller doses for a week or two after the disease has been checked, more especially in difficult and long-standing cases. Usu ally this medicine will not require any aid to keep the bowels in good order. Bhould the patient, however, require a cathartic medicine, after having taken three or four doses of the Tonio, a single dose of BULB'f i VEGETABLE FAMILY PILLS will be suF ficient. BULL'S &AKSAPARILLA is the old and reliable remedy for impurities of the blood and Scrofulous affections —the King of Blood Purifiers. DR. JOHN BULL'S VEGETABLE WORK DESTROYER is prepared in the form of ! candy drops, attractive to tho sight and | pleasant to the taste. DR. JOHN :BU£.l*'S SMITH'S TOViC SYRUP, BULL'S SARSAPARiLLA, BULL'S WORM DESTROYER, The Popular Roniodicj oi iho Day. I'liMtsgai onira, 631 Hain SA,.4uOLTYILLE, KV. I ' TIIE * Buchanan Wind Mill UNEXCELLED FOR A BEAUTY, DUBABttITY New method of attach- iff THE MOST POWERFUL jf S DURABLE P " '~&$l " sLffiwS* ALL KINDS OF TANKS, PIPE, PUMPS, Etc. He Mr® to seed dor onr new befcro l/Bjlpg* BUCHANAN WIND MILL CO, BUCHANAN, MICHIGAN. D.S. MORGAN & CO. MAKUFACTUBE THE Triumph Reapers AND THE NOISELESS New Clipper Mower. The TRIUMPH REAPERS are unequaled for simplicity in construction, rase of management, light weight, durability and good working capacity in all conditions of grain. Tho NEW CLIPPER has all tho advantages of the OLD CLIPPER MOWER with many valuable improvements. Send FOR ILLUSTRATED CIRCULAR. GOOD AGENTS WANTED in unoccupied territory, D. S. MORGAN & CO., BrockportyMonroeCo.jN.Y, THIS PAPER iSi/vS Newspaper Advertising uraieau (10 Spruce Street), where adver- ■■ ■■■■ . tising contracts rpay |M|aUf If fflDlf I * *u