Millheim Journal. (Millheim, Pa.) 1876-1984, March 20, 1884, Image 3

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    jjtllljqim Journal.
THURSDAY, MARCH, 20., 1884.
March 20th. Catharine Orndorf, Woodward.
live a took and funning implements.
March 2lt, Georne Bollinger's estate, Aarons
burjr. Chaiwnaker tools and household
March 22, J. C. Smith, executor, live stock and
Farm implements.
March 24th, H.H. Tomlinson, Millheim. house
hold goods,
March 25th, Millheim, H. K.Luse, Shoats and
household goods.
—A lively day last Saturday.
-Bellefonte will be the place for the
next State Encampment.
—James Smith, the colored barber,
has left town—shop and all.
—Erdman & Co's sale of harness
last Saturday was well attended.
—Jacob Long of Peun township,
moves to Farmer's Mills next week.
—John Long moves into his new
house in Elkton, south of Millheim.
—James Dutweiler moved into Miss
Lydia Musser's house on North Street .
—Mr. Cyrus Bright of Aaronsburg
is agent for the White SewiDg .Ma
—P. P. Leitzell moyed into the house
located near the Pine Creek Mill last
—Miss Mazie Hilbish has laft her
native town, Rebersburg, aud went
—The Lewisburg Rolling Mills and
Nail Works Co. have applied for a
Joseph Cantuer will leave town to
move into his own house near Cobnrn
next week.
—The Dew Buffalo Mills at Lewis
burg turns out 225 barrels of choice
flour per day.
—Mr. C. F. Gephart's flitting left
for New Berlin yesterday, where he ex
pects to make his home.
—A new and bright looking sign has
been put up at the meat market on
Main street. Business.
—Vanderbilt thinks he is the richest
man in the world—but he does not say
whether he is the happiest.
—Druggist Eisenhuth reports a rap
idly growing demand for McDonald's
Celebrated Worm Powders.
George Rhymestine will take
charge of the tollgate on the pike lead
ing from Millheim to Coburn.
—The meeting of the Millheim Mu3 ic
al Association, next Saturday evening
will be held in the Ey. Church.
—Another beautiful white snow on
Saturday morniDg. March is a very
rough customer for a spring month.
—The Williamsport Sun and Banner
and Grtf, heretofore published under
the same management, have separated.
—Rev. B. Hengst's two sons from
Baltimore were here last week to at
tend the wedding of their sister Annie.
—Mr. H. K. Luse will make sale of
bis household goods on the 25th of
March, at his residence on Main Street.
—A good, new Keystone Cultivator
for sale, cheap. Apply at once,
tf B. F. MILLER.
—E. Bartholomew's new house on
Penn street is about completed and be
expects to move into it by the first of
—The weather has been delightful
during the past few days and work out
doors has been begun by many of our
—W. T. Mauck & Son,our live furn
iture men, have a supplement in this
week's JOURNAL. Read it and give
them a call.
—Harry Kuizenknabe went to Har
risburg on Monday, to fetch his horse
and buggy. Expects to be back by
Friday evening.
—Rev. E. Keen and wife of Thorn p
sontown, Juniata, Co., Pa. is sojourn
ing in town at present. He gaye the
JOURNAL a call.
—Some remarkable cures in this vi
vicinity of long continued and obsti
nate deases are atributed to McDon
ald'sßlood Purifier.
—D. I. Brown expects to carry on
the tinning and stove business in Miss
Elizabeth Reighard's house on Main
street, after April Ist.
—Mr. Newton Shannon has aiso
bought a let from John H. Musser,and
intends to build himself a house in the
shortest possible time.
—The Presbyterian church at Lew
isburg made a narrow escape from be
ing consumed by fire last week. It or
iginated iu the heater.
FOR RENT.— Mr. Jacob Wolf's tailor
shop at Aaronsburg can be rented at
any time. Apply to him at B. O.
Deininger's residence, Millheim Fa.
—Mrs. Catherine Orndorf of Wood
waid will sell at public sale on Thurs
day, March 20th, 1884 some fine live
stock and farming implements. See
—Mr. John Orndorf of Brusltvalley
will move to Millheim about the first
of April and will occupy part of Miss
Carolina Gobble's house on Main
—II. 11. Tomlinson will make sale of
his household goods on Monday, March
24th. He and his family expect to I e
boarders at the Millheim Hotel after
—Subscribers to the JOURNAL who
contemplate changing their places of
residence will please notify us of the
change, giving the name of their post
—Mr. Harvey Confer sold his tine
homestead on Fenn street to Mr. Phil
ip S. Meyei. A great many properties
in Millheim have changed hands dur
ing the winter.
—Jasper Brnmgart of Itebersburg
bought the Ruhl farm in Miles town
ship at $74(0. Mr. B. is one of those
men who w ill never be idle and so he
goes to farming.
—J. A. Holloway, of Aaronsburg,
will move to Browntown, Green Co.,
Wis., week atter next. He was a
rour.d to enroll himself as a subscriber
to the JOURNAL.
—Mrs. David Ertel. residing at
Fenns Creek, has just completed a
quilt containing SO 4 different patches.
It is said to be a masterpiece of its
kind. Who can beat it ?
—We see in the Lewisburtj Chronicle
that the Bell Telephone and Supply
Company have the promise of fifteen
instruments between Ceutre Hall and
Aaionsburg, via Coburn.
—We understand that Mr. T. Ilock
mati and B. F. Richard are running
Mussel 's brick mill on Mill street in
partnershsp and are doing a thriving
business. Success to you.
—A double bit ax was found on the
corner of A. J. Barter's lot, south of
the Lath. Church. The owner can re
tain the same by calling at Mr. Hur
ler's residence, on Penn St.
—J. C. Smith, executor of the late
11. G. Smith will sell at the residence
of Mrs. Sarah Smith in Fenn township,
on Saturday, March 22nd, some live
stock, farm implements and household
—Our young and enterprising friend
A. C. Mingle of Bellefonte has lecome
sole proprietor of the shoe store on
Allegheny street in said town—former
ly under the management of Doll &
—Our schools will open again on
Monday, the 31st of March, to contin
ue for another term of 2 months. Pa
rents should make a note of this and
send their children regularly during the
whole time.
—The American Almanac and Treas
uiy of Facts for 18.84 lias been sent to
this office by the Pittsburgh Weekly
Chronicle Telegraph. It is a book of
305 pages and contains a vast amount
of information.
—lf you need anything in the line of
School or Blank Books, Bibles, Sunday
School Cards, Paper and Envelopes,
bear in mind that the Journal Store on
Penn street is the place to buy those
things. Give us a call.
—Mr. J. Willis Musser has bought
out the stage route from Woodward to
Millheim, but also goes to Coburn ev
ery morning. He carries express and
other goods from all points along the
line at very moderate charges, and con
tinues the calf aud poultry business. *
—Yesterday, March I'Jth, the mem
bers of the M. E. Conference of Cen
tral Pennsylvania convened at Will
iamsport and will remain in session for
a week. Bishop Harris, of New York
is presiding over the body during its
MUSIC SCHOOL.— The 24th session of
the Musical College at Freeburgh, Pa.,
will begin on Tuesday morning, April
29th, and will continue six weeks.
For circular address
Musical Director.
—On Friday March 21st, 11. A. Min
gle's executor's sale of the personal
property of George Bollinger's estate at
Aaronsburg will take place. A very
large lot of partly finished material
for chaiiraaking will be sold, beside a
lot of household goods.
—The Oirar.l rress adds to the usual
two headings appearing in newspapeis
a third one and puts them in the fol
lowing order : "BORN"—"MARRIED"
—"DIED." The publishers evidently
think that the arrivals into this world
deserve to be mentioned as well as the
departures from it.
—Our frieud T. G. Erhard who left
with his family a few weeks ago for
Wellington, Kansas, reports in a letter
that he arriyedsafely at his destination,
is fairly ttarted in the farm woik aDd
likes it very well. He says the bracing
Kansas wiDds keep the air right pure
around the premises.
—H. J. Kurzenkoabe received a
splendid Baus Upright Piano last week
which adorns the parlor of our neigh
bor, Jonathan Harter. That home
will soon be headquarters in musical
respects, there being an instrument in
almost every room of the house, and
piles of music in eveiy corner.
Read the changed ad vertisementof
the Bee Hive Store, the largest whole
sale and retail house in Lock Haven.
Purchasers can find a greater variety
and better prices at their place than
anywhere else in the city'. Our read
ers in this and Clinton county should
make a note of this and also bear in
mind that the proprietors, Messrs. Ev
erett & Co., are the most obliging
salesmen to be found anywhere.
I —A large number of people were at.
Dutweiler'ssale yesterday,wet as it was
George M. Shindel now wears the
champion belt as the most successful
fisherman. lie lifted his set-net on
Saturday and found one so full of fish
that it would not bend—at least we
should judge so, for it contained 339
average sized Flickers. Is there any
thing on record to beat that V
hurt/ Post.
) —Thomas R. Zeigler administrator
lof the estate of the late Isaac Zeigler,
| deceased, of Reborsburg, gives notice
in another column and also by posters,
i that he will sell the valuable real prop
erty of said estate, consisting of twen
ty-three and a half acres, situate near
i Itebersburg.
—Mr. John Kerstetter, Jr., still
| makes a business of doing special jobs
|at carpentry. John is really an expert
| at the business and has large experince,
i both in making out plans,specilieat ions
and drawings, as well as a practical
workman. People who entrust their
work into his hands can safely rely on
having it done in style at the low
est prices. tf
The Philadelphia 77 a. office sent
cut an issue on the 1 rsih of March - the
ninth anniversary of its existence—
comprising twenty-four full-sized pages.
They are filled with an immense a
mount of newsy reading matter and
finely displayed advertisements of the
leading Philadelphia houses. It claims
this to be the largest issue ever sent
from their office.
—McDonald's improved Liver Fills
are the most reliable and satisfactory
Liver Pills made. Mmy Doctors buy
them by the thousand for its* in their
daily practice. No higher mark of con
fidence could he quoted. He do not
know any proprietary medicine that
stands so high itt the estimation of the
medical profession as McDonald's im
proved Liver Pills. Dissatisfied buyers
can have their money refunded. Sold
by J. Eisenhuth, Milibeim, Pa.
—Art exchange very truly says :
To make a newspaper interesting it
is necessary that the editor should be
made acquainted with the news. Many
people who know of items worth pub
lishing, quietly keep them to them
selves, and find fault with the paper
because no mention was made of them.
People whose friends die give the pa
per no mention of the fact, and then
feel hurt because an obituary does not
appear. People who get married feel
slighted if the announcement is not
made in the marriage column. We
cannot publish news or items of any
kind of whisk we have no knowledge,
and the only way we can get them is to
have those interested hand them in.
All we ask is that the fuels be given;
we will will put thpm i i proper shape.
caster, N. 11., D.-c. J. '79. By ttie way
I will say that I think Downs' Elixer
the best cough remedy that I can find
at our Druggists. We always use it.
J.S. PEAVBY, Pub. Republican.
All diseases arising from Biliousness
or Torpid Liver, are quickly cured by
the use of Baxter's Mandrake Bitters.
See notice of Arnica and Oil Liniment
in another column.
For sale by 11. 11. TOMLINSON,
Millheim, Pa.
THE COUNCIL'S A'.'N -V: a meeting
of our town council hel 1 on Monday
evening the following action was ta
ken :
"Accoidn g to the ordinances of
Millheim Borough profanity and dis
turbances of the peace on fliet ts and
public places ate forbidden under pen
alty.andas these ordinance's have lately
been much violated, particularly by im
proper conduct of our youth, especially
in the evenings, therefore Resolved that
our citizuns and young folks are heie
by called upon to obey said otdinances
and that the High Const abb is hereby
directed to enforce them strictly and
impartially and to bring the offenders
to justice.
By the council,
Approved :
March 17lit, 1884. Chief Burgess.
—A paying investment. —At this sea
son of the year when your cows fail in
milk,your horses become rough in coat,
your pigs refuse to thrive, the liens
won't lay as many rggs as they should,
find a package or two of McDon
ald's Celebrated Tonic and Blood Pnri
fying Horse and Cattle Powders judic
iously administered an investment that
will pay big dividends. They are posi'
tively the best Horse and Cattle Pow
ders made. Dissatisfied buyers can
have their money refunded. What
other manufacturer dare make this of
fer. Sold by J. Eisenhuth, Millheim,
—Within the past few days rumors
are afloat in certain quarters that are
not only groundless but really mischiev
ous. Anything calculated to impair
the standing of substantial business
men will work injury, not only to indi
viduals but to the community as well.
And when rumors of this kind are cir
culated against such a solid and sub
stantial institution as the Millheim
Banking Company, there may be much
mischief clone, whether intended or not.
Tite Company is strong, both individu
ally and collectively, its officers are well
and favorably known these many years
and have and deserve the continued
confidence of our citizens and business
men. There is not the slightest cause
for alarm, and we think there will be
—The piles of groun 1 and founda
tion s'o u.% stat ks of lumber and Bbing
! Los noticeable in different parts of our
borough, especially on the new street,
called Water street, indicate that the
building season will be a bury one for
Milllieim. The fiame woik of sever
al hones will be raised during next
Key. 11. A. Briifer and bis charm
ing young wife, whose marriage we an
nounce in another column of this week's
JOURNAL, returned from their shoit
wedding trip yesterday and were made
tlie recipients of a splendid lot of dona
tions by their many friends and ac
quaintances last evening. The happy
couple have our heartiest congratula
Now that the sudden and violent
changes of the weather occur every
twenty four hours, almost everyone
has a tioublesome cold, which, if neg
lected may produce results that will
trouble you for the remainder of your
life. I)r. Kesslei's Celebrated English
Cough Jfedicino is especially deserving
praise in this class of complaints. It
never fails! It never disappoints! In.
struct ions for treatment of croup and
whooping cough also accompany each
bottle. Every family especially where
there is children should have a bottle.
Dissatisfied buyers can have their mon
ey refunded. Sold hy J. Eisenhuth,
J/illheim, Pa.
Splinters from Madisonburg.
Splinters are scarce.
A little more rain and mud last
Mr. John Fisher's sale was well at
Mr. John Ocker moved into his new
house last week.
Mrs. Joseph Bierly, has been suffer
ing with the lheuuiatism for several
Miss Mazzie Reber, is now visiting
at her home in Milton, but expects to
return iu a short time.
Mr. Andrew Ocker, who was quite
unwell for some time, is again able to
be out.
Mr. Israel Wolfe is busy hewing tim
ber for bis new house.
Mr. Harry Lindic from Lock Ilaven,
was here last week plating silverware.
Mr. George Frank, now occupies the
house lately vacated by Mr. John Ock
Mr. John Brown from Bellefonte,
formerly of this place was hero to see
his wife and baby,the beginning of last
A number of persons from this place
attended the burial of Mr. Joseph
Gram ley, at liebersburg.
The teachers of our public schools
win hold a grand entertainment, in the
town-ball on Friday evening the 21st.
inst. The programme for the evening
will consist of recitations, declama
tions, orations, essays, dialogues, tab
leaux, music, Ac. The ltebers
burg Cornet Bind will be present and
render some of their best music. All
are cordially invited to attend. Admit
tance fiee. ANON.
of steiling merit, even more so than
usual. It opens with a charming steel
engraving, "The Little Gleaner."
Then comes a douhle-siz-'d, colored,
steel fashion-plate ; four patterns for
D'Oyleys, embroidered, printed in col
ors ; and quite half a hundred wood en
gravings ot fashions, designs for work
table, etc., etc. The stories, as usual,
are the best of their kind. They lead
off with "The Utterly Utter Boston
Browns," illustrated, that is full of ra
cy wit. "Peterson," in short, gets
better and better. The piice is still
only two dollars a year. To clubs it is
astonishingly low, viz : four copies for
six dollars and a half, with an extra
copy to the person getting up the club.
Or live copies for eight dollars, with
both an extra copy and "Tired Out,"
a splendid steel-engraving, or "The
Golden Gift," illustrated, for getting
up the club. Specimens are sent,gratis,
to persons getting up clubs. It is not
too late to subscribe for ISSI. Address
CIIAS. J. PETERSON, 30t Chestnut St.,
Philadelphia, Pa.
—The Supreme Court has just decided
that church properties are not liable to
taxes for municipal improvements. The
city of Erie, in constructing a sewer iu
front of the First Universalist church,
assessed the ground for the number of
feet fronting on the street where the
sewer was laid. The church claimed
exemption under the law freeing tax
ation. grounds and buildings dedicated
to public worship, but. the city claim
ed that the assessment was not taxa
tion. The court sustained the church
and the decision has been reaffirmed by
the higher tribunal.
About two months ago, William Ha -
mor, living at Ilighspire, Pa., was hit
ten on the thumb by a Spitz dog. He
had the wound cauterized at once.
Last Saturday evening he began to
feel sick, and grew constantly worse.
He was attacked by terrible spasms,
and was bound to the floor to prevent
personal injury. During his delierium
he kept crying that he would die dur
ing the night. As evening came on
his condition became worse and worse.
When the sufferer felt the approach of
the terrible spasms ho requested to be
locked in a room alone, and when they
had passed he would knock on the door
for his friends to enter. In his consci
ous moments he told his friends that he
was going to die. and in one of these
lucid intervals he bade bis wife good
bye. About 9 o'clock Tuesday night
his awful sufferings ended in death.
Deceased was aged about thirty years.
One Hundred and Fifty-Five
POCOIIONTAS, Va., March 13.
A terrible gas explosion occured at 1
o'clock this morning in the Laurel
Caeek Mine,operated by the Southwest
improvement Company, at this place.
The Laurel Creek Mine is the only one
iii this section and has been operated
for about two years. It consists ot a
tunnel, running three-quarters of a
mile into the mountain side and a rail
road runs the entire length of the mine.
There are latent galleries at intervals*
The mines have been worked by relief
every six hours.
One hundred and fifty-five men were
at work there, and such was the force
of the explosion that every one was kill
ed and the fanning machine and engine
were blown three hundred feet away
from the entrance. A train of cars
drawn by a small engine was near the
entrance, moving in the mine at the
time. Four cars and the engine were
blown out, and a car axle was propelled
by the force of the explosion into the
side of a small frame house, several
hundred feet distant, occupied by two
miners, William Maloney and Jake Sex
ton. Both were asleep, having left the
mine about 0 o'clock. The flying plank
awoke them. Their escape was wonder
ful, the iron wheels of the car falling
by the side of their bunks. They struck
a light and, so far as can be learned,
were the first to realize the situation
and give the alarm.
Of those at work in or about the
mine not one was left to tell the story.
The people ot the little hamlet, whose
population numbers about five hundred,
were asleep when the explosion took
place. But the whole place was quick
ly roused and the scene that followed
beggars description.
The few living befogs who saw a puff
of smoke shoot from the mine and the
sudden upheaval of the engine and cars
rushed into the town with loud cries
for help. Men, women and children
were roused and as they took in the in
telligence there was a wild rush for the
scene of the disaster. Despite the cold
night, women as well as men rushed off
scantily clad. Experienced miners up
on reaching the scene were satisfied
that no man in the mines was alive.
The horror of the situation has been
intensified by the discovery that the
mines are on fire.
Oil the 13tli inst.,at Millliciin. Pa., by Itev.
Ib'nj. ID'iigst. Rev. Harry A. Renfer, of the Cen
tral I'enna. Conference. Evangelical Associa
tion. and Miss Annie 1.., only daughter of the lag minister.
On the rth Inst., in Haines township, K-tell a
Elizabeth, daughter of J. Newton and Emma
Strnub, aged 1 year, 10months and 1 day.
Onthevth inst., at her residence In Aarons
burg, after a protracted illness, Mrs. Mary Mum
bower, wife of l'eter Muinbower, dee'd, and
mother of Mrs. Dr. Musser,aged 70 year*. 11
mouths and 0 days.
Mrs. Muinbower was born in Penn twp.. Cen
tre Co.. Pa. Her father died when she was but
4or 5 years old. Her Mother whoee maiden
name Was Kuliu. then returned with lu-r two
daughters, Mary and her sister, subsequently
Mrs. John Keen of Millhelm, to their former
home in BueksCounty, Pa. Here she resided
until the subject of tins obituary, entered the
holy state of matrimony with Mr. Peter Mum
bower. Tliey then all returned to Penns Val
ley ami resided near Millhelm. Mr. Muinbow
er died in W>7. Since then to the time of her
death the deceased lived in Aarnnsburg, Pa.
Her remains were Intered in the Reformed
Cemetery. The funeral took place on Wednes
day, the 12tli. inst .at 10o'eluek. Two address
es were given on the occasion, one in Herman
by her pastor and the other in English by ltev.
L. A. Yearick. J. T.
Millhelm UarkPl,
Corrected every Wednesday
Wheat, old, 1.00
Corn 00
Rye 0o
oats White 40
Ituck wheat
Flour 5.40
Salt, per Brl 1.40
Plaster, ground
Cement, JHT Bushel 45 to 50
Barley 00
Tvmot liyseed
Flaxseed 100
Cloverseed 050
Butter 20
Hams 10
Shies 12
Pork OS
Eggs 30
Potatoes 35
Lard 10
Egg Coal ♦L7S
Stove " 5.00
Chestnut 4.75
Pea 3.25
Pea by tiie car load Special Prices.
Practical worker in Tin,
Sheet Iron, Copper,
..•M M •
Repairing done at short notice
by practical workmen.
Spouting a Sp&cialt *
Shops on Akin St., cast of Bank,
Read All This!
Although our houtte has been established but six months we five hap•
JHJ t<> inform thr /wople that our emcees# has exceeded our expectations
each mouth's sates far exceedituj Hume of the previous month and we
desire to mention here that our stock' of goods will be made more com
p/efe as we team the wants of the people. ]|V are now offeritiQ
Special Drives
We think- we hare the
For o0 ets. f ever put on the mark et.
Drives in all Departments,
and ask you to gice us a call for anything you mat/ want in general
merchandise and you will be conduced that our store is tlw Itest place
to do your dealing.
U V already speak' of enlarging our rooms in order to better display
our increasing stock.
Vonada & Co.,
Selling oft*nt Cost!
W.T.Mauck & Son
To change the arrangement of their rooms.
SPRINGS of every description, HAIR, COTTON, HUSK& STRA ll'
WHAT-NOTS, Etc., Etc.
Our stock of
are entirely new patterns, and customers calling at our shops will after examination find that we
are prepared to snit all tastes and fancies. The leading Wall Paper manufacturers are design
in" and printing papers so far in advance of those in former years, that we can now show styles of
to customers that will Improve their homes so much that they will not be without them.
Earnestly soliciting a kind patronage we invite the public to call and inspect the goods at our shops,
Penn St., MILLIIEIM, Penna.
"Roots ~&i Shoes.
n MJBmnmmm
jfl n
organ tone. W
Address, CLOUCH & WARREN ORGAN CO., Detroit, Mich.