ADVICE TO MOTHERS. Arevou disturbed at night and broken of vour rest bv a sick child suffering and crying with pain of cutting teeth ? If so. send at once and get a bottle ot MRS. WINSLOW'S SOOTIUNO STRVP PORCrtn.nnKK TKETIHNO. Its value is incalculable. It will relieve the poor little suf ferer immediately. Depend upon it, mothers, there Is no mistake about it. It cnresdyseiitery and diarrhoea, regulates Hie stomach and lowcls, cures wind colic, softens the gums, re duces Inflammation, and gives tone and energy ; to*he whole system. MRS \\ INSLOW'S Sooru- ING SVKI'P FOR CHTI.tutKN TEV.TIIIXO is pleasant to the taste, and is the inescription of one of the oldest and best female physicians and nurs- | es in the United States, and is ttn* sale l>> all druggists throughout the world. Price 93 cents a buttle. a A Lakeside Musingf. 4 Good day gentlemen.^ 'Good day,' said the horse reporter, looking up and discovering a young la dy in the apartment. 'I would like to show you a work which I am selling," she began, 'and am sure it will prove both interesting and instructive.' 'What is it aboutV asked the horse reporter. 'The book," continued the fair can vasser, % is by one of our best known writers and speakers, and is entitled. 'What Shall We I)o With Our GirlsV" The question is certainly one of para mount importance, and—' 'Are your girls bothering you much this season?' inquired the friend of Maud S. 'Why, no,' said the young lady, blushing violently—'that is—why, of course 1 haven't any daughters.' 'Oh, you're out 011 the road telling people what to do with their girls be fore you're even married, let alone the mother of a few visions of loveliness? Well, that's till light. Some of our best cook books haye been written by people who didn't know a grid-iron from the Fifteenth Amendment." 'But this quetion of what shall be done with the girls is really an impor tant one," continued the young lady. 'Have you ever given it a thought?' 'I can't say that I have,' .continued the horse reporter. 'I suppose we might tie 'em up in the backyard when a circus comes to town.' 'I hardly think you comprehend the question in all its hearings. What is the legitimate sphere of woman—in what field of action can she best display and make use of the God-given talents, attributes of mental force and physical grace with which she is endowed? These are living, burning issues, and must be fairly met. When we see—' 'All right,' said the horse leporter, 'you can meet them if you want to. Woman's sphere, so far as I have beui able to discover, is to never have break fast on time. It is no doubt a some what limited one, but she is gradually reaching out into the great unknown, and will eventually grasp with her lily white fingers the black demon of in justice that has so long oppressed her. and strangle in the very strong-hold of its power the great wrong which for centuries has battled her efforts at ad vancement along the great highway of progress.' 'Why, that's lovely!' exclaimed the young lady. 'You believe in lady-suff rage, don't you?' 'Lady who?' 'Lady suffrage—believe that ladies should vote, and have all the political privileges that are accorded men. That is just what this book says. That chap ter is perfectly sweet. It's just lovely. 'I presume so. But how about the chapter that says women should not cramp and distort their bodies with cor sets and their feet with tight shoes? The gaunt demcn of unrest that lurks in the maternal bunion may, in the child of that mother become an ever present monster of pain.' 'Oh, those chapters are horrid. What the world is interested in is the noble attributes of woman—her soul and heart.' 'Yes, the soul-and-heart business is all right, but you must remember that the humble liver, working away unost entatiously, is alsoa pretty good scheme and without health a woman can never attain success. The deadly clasp of the steel-ribbed corset and the fatal grip of the gleaming garter are hurrying to early graves the women of our land. The beautiful eyes that should sparkle so brightly are dull and lusterless, the cheek whose whiteness should be re lieved by the rosy blush of iiealth is sal low and wan, and the fairest temple ever made is rendered a ghastly ruin by the one who should take the greatest pride in its beauty.' 'And will you buy a book?' asited the young lady. 'l'm sure you talk beauti fully.' 'No,' replied the horse reporter, 'I cannot buy a book, because actions speak louder than words, and I do not wish to disturb the dramatic critic who Is in the next room tryiner to write soul without a large S.' |>t. Ijoicl, Sfos. 317 & 319 ARCH ST., PHILADELPHIA. RATESREDUCEDTOI.OO PER DAY. The traveling public will still find at this Hotel the same liberal provision for their com fort. It is located in the immediate centres of business and places of amusement and the dif ferent Rail-Road depots, as well as all parts ot the city, are easily accessible by Street Cars ooiistaiitly passing the doors. It offers special inducements to those visiting the city for busi ness or pleasure. Your patronage respectfully solicited. Jos. M. Feger. Proprietor. —— . ► A New York photographer says he ; frequently photographs "dolls." This • is not a new departure however. Dolls have been photographed for years. To be sure, they possess a'little more ani- 1 mation than the mechanical dolls now made, but their position in society ar.d the good they accomplish in this world are about the same. Growth of the Nailrt. j Dr. Beau, a French physician, has observed that the finger-nails grow at the rate cf one-thirtieth of an inch a week, while the toe-nails increase in length only one-fourth as fast. He linds that the growth of the thumb-nail equals its own length every twenty weeks, but tlio nail of the gieat too is replaced completely only once in ninety six weeks. -o-o- Dr. Roster's leU'lirntcil Kiig lisli Cough Mrdirine, The reliable ami never J'a it my standby in crimp or ichaopi ny eaiit/h. I' ne pf/h'l/asi: s. MrDonald's hnproeed Lirrr /'ills are eadorsetl by eminent phy&ietan# and ast'll b / them in Iheir da 11/ pear tine. Trial pi't ea ,-e free. MOM-: y m: fix dtp Tit />/s- S'.l TlSrlEi> I'riK'l/AS/MIS. Far smallness at dose, easiness fa fake and eperfi reness as a war in tit - stroiier. Mr Ihin dd'st elebreif wl Horw Ttnrders surpass anyf hiny on rarfh. Entirely veyefalle. MOXE ) : ItE FFX OEOTO 1H SA 'TISFI /v 1> /'I'lU'iiASK Dr. KesslcFs (\neih Mi divine. Me Dan aid's Improved Liver Pills and < < Cheat ed IForm Pointers arc sold and warrant ed b't d. Pisenhulh. Alilllo im Pa-, dnhn• son, Hal Intra af the most beautiful ami healthful spots of the entire Alle gheny region. It i-> 01 en to students of botii sexes, aiul offers the following courses of study: 1. A Full Classical Course of Four Years. 2. A Full Scientitlc Course of Four Years. .1. A Latin Scientific Course. t. The following SPECIAL COURSES, <>l two years following the first t wo years *>f the scientific Course (a) AGRICULTURE : (b) NATURAL HISTORY; (e) CHEMIS TRY AND IMIYSJCS; (,!) CIVIL KNGIN KERING. 5. A short SPECIAL COURSE in Agriculture 6. A short BPECIAL COURSE in Chemistry. 7. A Classical and scientific Preparatory ( < ar-e. s. SPECIAL ('< U'SES are arranged to meet tlie wants of individual students. Military drill is required. P.NJHN-es for board and incidentals very low. Tuition fi •. Young ladies under charge of a competent lady Princi pal. For Catalogues, or other inforinath mulches- GEO.W.ATH RTON, Pa Ist DUST, lyr STATE COLLEOK, CENTRE Co.. Pa Vick's Floral Guide. For 1-sl is tin l oganl Itook of i.": I'agoii. Colored I'lalOH of I'lou prsnial VPRP tablcs.and more than i •< 7 illustrations of the choices Flowers. Plants and Wgeiabh s, and Direct! .lis for crowing. It is handsome e nough for the Center T (til •asa II did i,• Prt - ent. Send-on your name and Post Office ad dress, with lo cents, ami 1 will scud you a copy, nustage paid. '1 his is mt a quarter of its cost. It is printed in both 1 ngli-h and Germ in. If you afteiwardsoidi-r set .0.1. spo iinen Number- sent for 10 cents ;3trial c qdes for 2"> Icut-. JAMES VIOK, tf lIOCIIEsTEK, N. Y. JBI ffifi want- d or The l ives o B sps. all the Presidents of the -- • els 'Sm 9 S. The largest, hand- BBW ™" a soinestbest book ever sold for less than twice our price. The fastest selling book in America. Immense profits to agent*. All intelligent pe iple want it. Any one can become a successful agent. Terms free. IIALLETT BOOK CO., 1 ortl ind, Maine. A ■ RIZEi^ you to more money right awav th in anything else in tiiii world. All, of either sox, succeed from the first hour. F.he broad road to fortune opens before the workers, absolutely sure. At once address, TRUS& Co., Augusta, Maine. tftb /> tfb" 1 week a ' home. s">.oo outfit free. absoluelv sure. No risk, dtps tsl BCapital not reipiii'.d. Bender, if *r you want business at which r°i soiis of either sex young or old, can make great pay all the time tiiey work,with absolute certainty, write for particulars to 11. 11. IlAii.Err i Hand. .Manic. PATENTS. F. A. Lehman, Solicitor of American and Foreign Patents, Washington, I>. ( . Ail bu- i ress connected with Patents, whether before the Patent Ufilee or the Courts, promptly at tended to. No charge made unless a patent is seemed. Send for circular tf E SUNS iin-.children and dependent parents entitled when death re sulted. Claims reopened, restoration, ineieased bounty, back pay and discharges obtained. Ap ply at once, delay prejudices jour l ights. Fees fixed by law. Address, with stamp, the old o tahhshed firm of LDSON & CO., Attorney? and Claim Agents, 917 F St., Washington, D. C. Gr KT YOU It JOB PRINTING DONE AT The Milllieim Journal oflice. FIXE WORK CHEAPLY EXECUTED. Steam Bending Shops, j FARMERS' MILLS, PA. { All kinds of bonding in wood done on short notice. Orders tilled for -J&I JS/ES of nil sizes, and ol the best material. Bob Sled Runners, Shafts, Bent Hounds, Plow Handles, Phaeton Buggy Reaches. Send for pruc list. Orders by mail j promptly attended to. All work guaranteed. j. 11. BEAM & so\. DM uvmi! Uivru CIIKMICVI \VOUK v \ B W GII X SONS. rttHadKe'ii"- • h 1 7b httrnn •- <>/ I'mnsi/lranlo : 1 ifnttrmen ,y twenty t\ : i'it t r hues hotnnfai tnt't I ihnr i: >n I'hvs/'hni unit our bran t* hut- '<.' in nrUi'tfi t 'V s< rtiHn 1,1 l ! ' 'i>u ntrti. In in 01. t'Ohlmunith .< 11l '< in im' huo r /wist ih manttjfor ffootlx of low ■ cost Imit hti'uuii' almost linirirs'tl, tun : h'<'iii r ■> • i rui<" muti'i'tulsttn t 1 luatkujactitrina facilities. ><' • ' terwfitert to ' meet thin demand, awt introtiuced <1 T ll'fiA 7T-7' / I>. inH.t.Mi I'lHlSl'll.l TK, nun,', In/ (i .VLSI' I'IUK J-iSS liXCt.t 'Sl\'i L V < > UJi OII'.V. Tin' t/11 1 kins- i' iti< wit It'll tills I'/ms : phuti *i>ru rnj Into n. ummifi inb'lUtjeut fanners 1 will ho slmu n iaj the lut'oirina stub nwnt : OrtheSy, Phasphafe there inert' said Ihtriatj ISK>, lyjSt tons. AVtW, ; " tssi. r>,U7 " tssd, S,JSS tsxi. 101JS The rennet* of the ui timi ofthf *2'> Phosi>hute Inter In ,/i saiisiut torn in i o t'ti en* from ' n bl; iiu/iiirii. U"<* \r Int (a t>e injurant! it/ion thi■* point very ]• aii%lu, us it is our interest c> know a the article eoniinw st • prtnlnee i/ootf n suits. H'r wilt thank any far met. having usetl the *• i Thosplmte trilh ttisnppoiiitinff results, tot ' t u* I hear frmu him with full fuels. Yours trutir. EM'OH a- SOXS. GO TO SIMON BROTHERS, TIIE BOSS C'LOTII 1 EltS for your Clothing. 45 MAIN STREET, LOCK HAVEN. A. SIMON & SONS, WIIOi.KSALK A RKTAIL L ROCK IIS, ki'Op tin* largos!', in tju 143 MAIN STREET, 1 LOCK HAVEN. | rpm: MILLIIEIM JOURNAL JOB Printing Oifico •j IS lit or s( ■ 1 '• d With GOO I? eiinl a lavje assortment of LETTER in:A PS. NOTE HEA DS, BILL HEADS, STATEMENTS, ENVELOPES, CJIICULABS. POST EPS, and, in s'it/v/, iieit! and lash/ Job Printing of all kinds FBOAI FTLY EX EC IIT ED. £ i W fcj MUNN & <\K. of tho SOIL TI>'IO;:jr.\avcon- Unuo to aft sis Soticitnrs f*s. CUnada, 17.inland, Fnmoi', Gorunnv, .tc. I£ ii:d Book about l'ntentß sent free. Thirt years" experience. Pstenta obtnlned throueri MDNN & CO. are noticed in the SoiK.vriFio AMEBH AN, tlio largest, l est, and most widely circulated sc.entilic paper. sli.2oayear. Weekly. Splendid cng" nvin and interesting in foriinition. Specimen <•>> y >f: be ycioisiific Ai:ier ifiiii sent fr"o. Z-' di'.' ill* ,'N A; CO.. Si lEXTIFIC AMERICAN Odice. VJI Br jadway. New York. WANTED- -LADIES TO TAKE OUR NEW fancy work at tl eir homes, in city or count ry, and eat n £6 to per week, making goods for oil. Fall and Winder trade. Send 1 cents Tor sanip'c and particulars. KUDHuN Mt\J, CO., 2t : 7 S:\fll AVE., NJBfw YoiJli. THE NEW fmtsmssz JUIIKX.Ui STORE Penn Street, Millheiin, P.i., is the only exclusive Boot', Stationery unit Variety Store in lViius \ all' y. \\ >• cin m; 11 >iiiy lcu i; ito I'mnnei'ite all Iho H' Otls wo li vo for s.ilo luit tiioro must l o a III'.: 11l II i ll'l Motill WIICIT .111 isow o 1 ('gill BIBLES, :ilul tliat i■ a.way s n'uooil beginning as \\oil us a |;o( il Ollilillj;. Splendid Family Bibles, Pul pil Bibles, Teacher's Bi bles, Sunday School Bibles, Pres entation Bibles. ( It Will bigl.i \. u.t' I. Ito < 11l- tl:0>o 1.0 to;.- you ;o to utli t |>!ae s toluiy, Photogrp ph Albums. I'min tlio !ai 'i'uurto Cal'iuot Allitun down to till'sin 1 I'oi Uut \ Rutin I: Mill;.: a ilu.'on uanls. Mvory My le, variety :i:.d prioo. A 1 ii lino oT Autograph Albums. j Tlioso alO oooii sollors all tlio tlmo and aro very • uiialilo for olioap presents. Scrap Books and Pic tures, l an endless \.irifty, tli • lino-t an 1 1 itost st > 1 ■*, all v./< -;• I <| | ii< i In'Lis lino wo otaini to liavi inure uoyoltioN tlian any Moro in tin' valh} . | It will pay volt'MNinioami lks. / ■. i hps. /* i / '/•; n: m r.s, /.V A">'. / VA s T. I X PS. /7/ XCI IS. scllocL HOOK'S, ri:.\s r/:.\ i/olpi:/;s,sla n:s II LA XK /:<">KS, and in id* n iii;'h i taj and crnr>jthi *)* /' h! (if mit' staff*. Come, See and. Buy JOURNAL STQEE —<>*.— Penn Street iitul at tin :;C\-.'VPP DRUGS 5| N,: " v I'd 0| DRUGSTORE trj Pj —IX Til 13 ,H :Pi Mills House, Q Spring Mills, Pa. iQ CO b DRUGS 3 \J ft OF ALL KINDS, Qj r\ JTI A ni.i. 11 vi- or \jl H PATENT HBDICKER, j[Q (Q Strictly Fine !y 11) Toilet Article!, Perftnncries, [j CoßfeGtioßS, Tolsaeco &Gi£.a:s. d . ' "A Reing an Apothecary Lj If, of o\p rieiieo l'liysioliiiis' I'ro pTJ soriptions will bo oarofnlly coin- [ 1 ! ' ' pounded I P O.E. AURAND. (j) 1 LDZEL~CJ Q-S I . H. Lenker, MANUFACTURER AND DEALER IN A.ARONSBURG, PA, I Chamber Suits, Bureaus, Lounges, Bedsteads, Stands, Marble-Top Centre Tables, Breakfast Tables, Dining Tables, Extension Tables, Sideboards, Sinks and all kinds of Kitchen Furni ture, Cane or Wood Seat Chairs. Puckers, Spring Beds, Wire, Wool and Hair Mutressos, every style of Mould ings for Picture Frames. Frames of any size made to order. ! Undertaknga Spscialty. A share of the public patronage re spectfully solicited. 3C-ly PEABODYHOTEL, 9thSt. South of Chestnut, PHILADELPHIA. One Square South of the New Post Oltice, one half Square from Walnut St. Theatre and in the very business centre of the city. On the American and European plans, flood rooms liom aOets to S3.CO per day. Remodel ed and newly furnished. W. PAINE, M. D., 46-ly Owner & Proprietor. ! I I M ILLHELM ———— | MARBLE WORKS The Oldest, ————— The Largest, The Cheapest, Most Reliable Establishment. in thi- pai 1 of IVnnsylv Jitia Monuments, Tablets and Headstones, manufactured in the mcst artistic style ond of th e best material. .lit world warranted and put up in the most substan tial manner. Our prices are so loir that it mill pay persons in need of marble world to Live us a call. DEININGER & MUSSER proprietors Shops oast of Bridge, Main St., flillheim, Pa. LcwisliM ml Tyrone Hailrai Time Talilc. 1.1 A> K WE; T A AUD. B 3 R 7 9 K. M. A. U. P. *'• P- V| P * Mont.-union 7.0. 9.40 2.*> 7M LowMmric 7.21 in oft 2.20 (•'air 11 round 7 in.l 3 2.'- |t!ihl ..7.4*1 10.27 Yh'ishurg 7-1" lO.'f'i 2.10 Minilnluirtr i-' l ' ar 11.00 ar 2.Y> It*. :i "■' Millinmit 8.22 3.28 I -auu-lton 8.8 "• 3.40 Wikt'f Run 8.37 ' ON. iMierry Run 9.11 L2A Fowler O..V> 4.17 ( olnil'U 0.48 M# Spring MilKnilo.ll nr. 5.30 I.HAVE EASTWARD. 2| it H 10 A. M. P. M.J Spring Mi IK AM l.ftw (obuin. 0 18 2.4U Fowler 9.2H 2.. $3 i Iwrry Run .... 0.18 2..n Wlk 4.1. r > p. v. j VlrkKlMirg 8.1,1 12.10 4.02 I .iielll 820 12.17 4.SH Fuir (bound .... A. M. s.ilO 12.00 4.48 •*. M. l.rwishurg 8.41 12. ."HI 1.10 <.30 Moiitaiutonat. 0.1 1.01 ar..1.20ar 7.40 1 ami 2 conin* :l :it Moiitaiuton with Erie .Mall West: '.ami 4 with Sea Shore Express l .i,l : 1 and i; with Day Express and Niagara I xpn-ss West; 7 and H with Fust t.ine West: 9 and 10 with Willi.imsp n't Accoinmoclation East. HEALTH IS WEALTH! fll! avc ¥ T tiHAiti -Ju, s5 A 5- BU. fc f. HI Vl' H M ' VI LWI KUir: '.III ATHKKT. a r ,.:at I'U ISB ■ H iWlt D HIMH C ui .bbli.Fn*. Her\ -u. Sruialcla. Hc.a 91l ti f t w|l , iud-. {' ". rl' • I'"* r..UI . lisori." HI intl-'l t, i-jki. ,l ,! it i.ix. ur i U,r. J. i cr- Lt \J'J £,*:* ' 1 1 , t i I i l pit *e # W£ CU f .sA i IGS'i CCltc.j T> r >r. a" v .-a-o Wll *-.' ici i.r rti-i* •! I? "I r els I. M . iie.',irn[ .-,1 vab t'. "• •*! I • ' t'.e p-,rr!ia rour win 1.1. euataiii.e ir- unit unary li I, , AT rt ac..r..C..araMU-r.Uaiwjß 1X j I IsM Uk KI.M): l.a-X, c: i:,rcfi . -t. rM'4.!c!p',la. Pa. I ' i*T£/rlx rAJJ™'" I T <- rllrt*t-* "t el Si ronla. Uuturt'aaa*4 ler I JfiUiJi-tn. EIBHZR U fWENDELSOW, | | 320 Race Stioet, P.tilndelphln, Pn.J SnmlDMwllißi 'i'lie C>reat €=crnian Itemedy —FOR— RHEUMATISM, Krnrnlsia, llyupcpals, and all Dlnraari of th> Slomarli. Bowels. Blood, l.lver ami For Sole by ill Dealers 10 Medicine, at 50 feats a Buttle. Prepared and sold at Whotesale hv the GERMAN OLIO COMPANY, (LIMITED,) Z'i Willow Mret't. Wllllam.vporl. Pa. PHILADELPHIA WHOLESALE AGENCY: Johnston, Hoiloway <& Co., GO2 Arcli St. Smith, Kline A Co., .7)9 & 311 NORTH THIRD STREET. eSSES DOWNS' ELIXIR,Ban I N. H. DOWNS' I Vegetable Bale amis For the cure of jjfffl Constunption, Coughs, Colds, Catarrh, || ■M Croup, Asthma, Pleurisy, Hoarseness, M pp InSuensa, Spitting Blood, Bronchitis, Lg and all disendeaofibo Throat, Chest, and Linitjs. In all where tlih Elixir Bj ued its cUcacr J-- at once manifested, con- obrrr' vinclng llie inost sncrodiitoU3 that Q CONSUMPTION Ig \.jl is not incurable, if properly aitcnueJ to— 35 m At Its commence.nen it Is but a alight irrlta-CO tic.n of the membrane which covers the Lungs; e- • th -ii na tnflama'.lon, when the cough Is rather J Jg* dry, liK-al fevrr.and the pulse more frc. It Is nota truw.J Address 1 r. <. 1.. l.allAI.CIi. "res" rr.d r hislc'.ia lo Charfa Centrrt "rd. ' ■..!•■ PC') Loeo-t si., fit. Lmk 80. Successor Ij i liutts'. v. IxtahllsUrd So Year*. ' CUT THIS OUT! a maSe s St 5 is S4O we e e r k. Wo havo stores in 15 leading Cities, from which our agents obtain their supplies quickly. Our Fnctories and Principal Offices are at Eric, Pa. .Send lor our New t'utnioguc and terms to agents Address MM I ftUEI I 913 Spring Garden St. I 111 LUVCLL PHILADELPHIA,PA. I rjs| ISpcc.alty:-Patent cause* before the Patent Offlcel I ar.d the Courts, ileasoanble terms. Oplnionastol JpaUnt^iility^free^^harge^Scn^o^wculaiyJ j _ __ SIOOO REWARD^, For anj machine l.ullini; sad ck-r.ning lit for j^[/j J bakiaadl I IfSWABK- O. Vfnrrnntcd the moot, perftct Forcf-Kroi I'ri'tllizer Drill In Mlnlrnrp. clr. rular, A. B. fAIMiriIAB, %orU, Kn, Pennsylvania Agrjcultural^ STEAM KRGINGB, A B. FARQUHAR, York Pa Cheapest aud beet for all prove—Himple,strong and ii.le. B*w, tinier Mn.t.o BawfeMfeqiMiTfiffX anb Mai iiis*iit renaraily. In juliies promptly '• ll '^jrT^**tS?7l - Send lor llluslrale.l rtlßotM _ H A convenient,economical THE F A RQHt AR SEPAKATOB it 1 " Addrtm A. B. FABQUBAB, Tork. Fa. FAS&VBA& IE73TCKE COSR PLAHTXt Warranted the beet corn dropper and most rl tutor I n the DR. JOHN BULL'S SiffsTonicSyrop FOR THE CURE OF FEVERandAGUE Or CHILLS and FEVER, AND ALL MALARIAL DISEASES. The proprietor of this celebrated medi> cine justly claims for it a superiority over all remedies ever offered to the pablio for the BAFE, CERTAIN, SPEEDY and PER MANENT cure of Ague and Fever, or Chilli and Fever, whether of short or long stand ing. He refers to the entire Western and Southern conntry to bear him testimony to the trnth of the assertion that in no ease whatever will it fail to cure if the direc tions are strictly followed and carried out. In a great many cases a single dose has been sufficient for a cure, and whole fami lies have been cured by a single bottle, with a perfect restoration of the general health. It is, however, prudent, and in every case more certain to core, if its use is continued in smaller doses for a week or two after the disease has been checked, more especially in diflksult and long-standing oases. Dsn ally this medicine will not require any aid to keep the bowels in good order. Bhonld the patient, however, require a cathartic medicine, after having taken three or four doses of the Tonio, a single dose of BULL'S VEGETABLE FAMILY PILLS will be sof> ficient. BULL'S 3ARSAPABHLA is the old and reliable remedy for impurities of the blood and Borofuloas affections—the King of Blood Purifiers. DR. JOHN BULL'S VEGETABLE WORM DESTROYER is prepared in the form of oandy drops, attractive to the sight and pleasant to the taste. PR. JOHN BULL'S SMITH'S TONIC SYRUP, BULL'S SARSAPARiLLA, BULL'S WORM DFSTROYER, The Popular Remedies of the Day. P ! m l pal OHlce, *3l Main Si., LOUISVILLE, *V. THE Buchanan Wind Mill BEAUTY, DURABILITY jfflk Z2p-a- 111 11 " m Hew method of attach- W ja| THE MOST POWERFUL ® I fi\ OAICNAO-WFTR*® ALL KINDS OF TANKS, PIPE, PUMPS, Etc. B ur* to M>od tor our BOW Catiltpw boforo barla^, BUCHANAN WIND MILL CO., BUCHANAN, MICHIGAN. D.S. MORGAN&CO, IFASTFACTTH* THIS PURABLE LIGHT DRAFT Triumph Reapers AND THB NOIBELEBB New Clipper Mower. The TRIUMPH REAPERS ere tmequaled for simplicity in construction, ease of management, light weight, durability and good working capacity in all conditions of grain. The NEW CLIPPER has all the advantages of the OLD CLIPPER MOWER with many valuable improvements. SEND FOB IIXTTSTBATVD CIBCTTLAB. GOOD AGENTS WANTED in unoccupied territory. D. S. MORGAN & CO., BrockportyMonroeCo.iW.Y, THIS PAPER Newspaper Advertising "Snreau (10 BpmoS Street), where advep. IIPHAI BMtM# NEw.rUnli-