THE MILLHEIM JOURNAL, PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY BY Deininger & Bumiller. Office in the New Journal Building, Penn St., near Hart man's foundry. SI.OO PER ANNUM, IN ADVANCE, OR $1.26 IF NOT PAID IN ADVANCE. Acceptable Correspondence Solicited Address letters to MILLHKTM JOURNAL. The Outcast's Monody. Bleak winds of winter, sobbing Igid moaning, Pluck not mv rags with your pitiless hand. Here in the darkness, cold and despairing. Homeless and friendless, starving, 1 stand! Scourged bv the white,lev whisps of the tempest, 1 wander"forlorn on ray desolate way- Forgotten of earth, and forsaken of Heaven— Too frozen to kneal. and too hungry to pra> . I look at the stately and palace-like dwellings That line with their grandeur the pathway 1 I fancy the brightness and warmth ot the hearth atoue. The plcntlous board with the meat and the bread; I see the heads bowed with a reverent meaning— A blessing Is brent lied.'er the sumptuous fare: Will it rise to the ear of the pitiful father? Or die of the cold, like the poor outcast s prayer? Hark! the chln.e from the church tower above me, . , Props solemnly down through the whirl of the 1 * storm; Ah, me! could I pass through tne gate to the portal! , , , Slee'n there and dream It .was lighted and War ml No rooui in the dwellings—no room in ihe chut ches— No room in the prison—l've committed no *J . crime- Is there no room in the bed of the river. I wonder. I>ecp down iu the pier,in the ooze of the slime? Meek on, taunting wind! lean laugh you an answer: . .... a . , An hour aud your bitterest breath I 11 defy! Since bars allut me out ot a liome among mor . tut, 111 knoekat the gateof Hod's home in thesky. Yet, no—never—no! Avaunt thee, vile tempter! The hand against life is a cowardly hand ! With Heaven supporting. I'll struggle and tri umph. And find my reward in yon Beautiful Land. THE BABY MYSTERIES. Where did you come from, baby dear? Out of the everywhere into here. Where did you get your eyes of bine? Out of the skies as I came through. What makes the light In them sparkle and spin? Some of the starry spikes left in.£ Where did vouget that little tear ? I found it waiting when I got here. What makes your forehead so smooth and high? A soft hand stroked it as I went by. What makes your cheeks like a warm white rose. I saw something better than any one knows. Whence that three cornered smile of bliss ? Three angels gave me at once u kiss. Where did vou get this pearly ear? God spoke, and it came out to hear. Where did you get thase arms and hands? Love made itself inio hooks and bands. Feet, whence did you come, you darling things? Front the same box as the cherub's wings. How did they all come just to be you? God thought about me, and so I grew. But how did you come to us, you dear? God thought about you, and so i am here. ATTACKED BY STOW AWAYS. Ay, ay, shipmates, I know it is my turn now, so holdup while I get wind, said old Jack Casewell, as we lay be calmed off St. Verne one sultry day in August, and to pass away the time, that hung rather heavily on our bands, were engaged in story-telling. "Let's see," he began, after a mo ment's reflection, "it was in the season of '56, that I hired under old Captain Warrenton, who run a scnooner on the coasts of the Gulf. She was a small craft, of not more than a hundred and fifty tons burdeD, and on the trip I am speaking o! was loaded at Mobile with a cargo for New Orleans. "Besides the skipper and myself, then a lad of only fifteen,there was but one hand. As the craft was easily handled, and the runs short, Captain Warrenton seldom ever shipped more than four ; and on this time, when he got ready to sail, and one of the men couldn't be found, be concluded to start; with me and the other one, a sai lor named Ned Allen, for there was a prospect of a quica and easy passage. "There was great excitement in Mo bile at the time over the escape of a couple of villains from the jail, who bad been recently captured and were waiting trial for murder. 1 don't be • lieve a tougher pair of rascals were ev er found in Alabama than Ruell Victor and Dennis Lorno. They hud killed as many as half a dozen persons, to say nothing of other crimes without num ber of which they were guilty. "You may guess that their escape created no little disturbance, and they were more dreaded than ever. "The authorities did their best to re capture them, but no trace of the des peradoes could be found, and the day we left port three thousand dollars re ward was offered for them, or one-half that sum for either of them. 4 'Well,we had a fair wind for a start, and ran down the bay, standing off be tween the Dauphin and the Point at a bout six. "About that time I had occasion to go into the fore-peak to get some rope yarn. Now we had no forecastle part ed off from the hold, as there was room enough for all in the cabin, and we had this stowaway in between the bows, where we chuckled away our old tium- Pery. "I was hard at work unlaying a piece of rope for the yarns, when I thought I heard a noise among the boxes in the hold. Listening a moment with my ear close to the bulk head, I kuew some one was in there. As tbe captain and Allen were above, I wondered who it could be, and kept perfectly still, to see if I could be. "I was not kept in suspense long,for pretty soon I heard a man speak, and then another answered him. DEININGER & BUMILLER, Editors and Proprietors. VOL. 58. "You may believe I was all atten tion then, and I soon learned that onr passengers were none others than Knell Victor and Dennis Lome, the despera does who had escaped from the Mobile jail ! 44 From what they said, 1 found that they had crawled into the hold and stowed themselves away so well that we had not seen them when we had finished loading. They had got provis ion enough to live on a day or two, and were planning to come on deck at dark, overpower us and put to sea. They were armed, and, what frightened me the most (for you mast remember I was only a boy, though nearly as large as I am now,) they had hired Ned Allen to help them ! This would make them three against the captain and myself. As they had been further aft when I first came down, aud were now getting back to their old corner, I felt that they had not heard me, so I crept back to the deck as quietly as posible. "We were then leaving the light house out of sight and it would soon be dark, so that I was anxious to tell the skipper what I had discovered. 14 As I came up from tlie fore-peak,he was at the helm, while Allen was at the main sheet. I guess I must have looked a little startled, though I tried to appear calm, for as I went aft he asked me what was up ; but I only shook my head, saying I didn't feel very well, not daring to say any more for fear of arousing Allen. "I saw Captain Warrenton mistrust ed something, for he seemed uneasy ; and pretty soon he sent Allen into the cabin for something, and asked again what the trouble was, when I told him all. "The captain was a big, brave man, but lie trembled when I told my story. "If we should put back for port it would arouse the villains and they would make short work of us, and, as it was, our show was a small one. "In a moment, however, the capt ain asked if I thought I could carry a steady hand in a tight fix ; and telling him I could, for I knew our liyes were depending on it, his eyes flashed as he said : "Good, my boy ! If you don't fail me, we will 11 ix the scoundrels, or my name isu't Joe Warrenton. Keep up your courage, do as I say, and fifteen hundred dollars are yours." "The captain was a powerful man, and, now that he understood the game, I knew the desperadoes would have a hard fight to carry out their purposes. If Allen only had been all right we should have stood an even chance, though we had no fire-arms aboard. "Seeing Allen coming up the com panion way at that moment, Warren ton motioned for rae to tike the helm, and hurried to meet the sailor just as he gained the deck. "Before the traitor saw what was conning, the captain seized him by the throat and bore the wretch to the deck, just as if he had been a .child, without any outcry escaping his lips. "Getting a piece of tarred rope and some bunting we gagged and bound the ruffian in a few moments. "There," said Captain Warrenton, triumpantly, "our way is clear. But these other scamps will be moving soon so we must be ready for them." "While the hatches were on we knew the villains' only way of escape was the fore-peak, and as the boards of the bulkhead were thin they would easily force away through. The cargo was so stowed that they could not reach the cabin bulkhead, ai d they could not force the batches, so that we felt con fident that that w T ould be their course. "As it was then time that thev might be moving and the wind was so we had it on our beam, thu3 leaving but little to do fcr the sails, the cap tain got a couple of heavy hand-spikes for our weapons, and we were ready for action on the part of our foes. "Soon after dark the skipper said he heard them removing a board from the bulkhead. "Captain Warrenton had cautiously crawled forward behind the bltts by the bow-sprit, weapon in hand, and now motioned to me to leave the helm and join him. The tiller was lashed so that all was safe in that quarter. "The night was starlight and just light enough for our purpose. "I had barely time to reach the bitts which I had done in silence, when the pcoundrels were moving in the rubbish in the fore-peak. "Pretty soon a couple of human heads came into sight, and then the villains stood upon deck not four feet from where we were. "The captian touched me,and I knew the time for action had come. "While the rascals stood for an in stant as if trying to see where we were, we sprung upon them. "I seemed to possess ten times my ordinary strength, I bad nerved myaejf up so, and you may believe I put all my power into a blow. However, the villain saw me in season to partially MILLHEIM, PA., THURSDAY, MARCH (}., 1884. dodge it, so that it fell upon his should* er, and the next I knew he had sprung upon me. "But my second clip, which I was not long in dealing, fetched him ; and as he fell, Warrenton turned to help me, lie having fixed his man at a single stroke. "It was a good while before I could realize that we had really oveiconn the burly desperadoes ; but, there they were, securely bound ; and, in spite of their threats and entreaties, wo put back to port aud gave them up to the authorities, receiving the reward of three thousand dollars, which the cap tian generously shared with me. "Ned Allen received his just punish ment, while both of the others after ward expiated their crimes on the gal lows. "Readily procuring a couple of new hands, we again put to sea, none the worse for our little adventure." Advice to Husbands. You have no right to take the pleas ures of the home without also taking its responsibilities. You owe some thing to your children besides food, shelter, clothing and education, lie who gives them only this makes his house only a half-orphans' asylum. Every father ought to father his own children. The evening hour ought to be the children's. I know you have come home tired ; I know the day has been one long battle, and that you are weary with questions to be answered and problems to be solved. But I also know that the best way to lay down business cares is to take up home cares; that the best wy to keep young is to give an hour every dav after supper to the children—to their sports,their stud ies, their life-problems and their life joys. lie that giveth his life shall save it. But were it otherwise, it is uuhe roic, unchivalric, cowardly, to run a way and leave all the cares of the chil dren at night on the same shoulders which have borne them all the day. You owe something else to your wire than a house and money to keep it a going. You would owe this to a housekeeper. To leave Iter every even ing and go oft to the gossip of your club or of the village store is not keep ing your promise to leave all others and cleave only unto her. To leave her to sit in loneliness while the azy clock | ticks the hours away is not keeping your promise to comfort and to cherish her. When you took her from her father's home you bound yourself to provide her with a new one, and you dunstan, Me., on the anniversary of his 100 th birthday made a singular confession; "I voted for Thomas Jefferson for his sesond term, although I lacked two month of my majority." It is a curious and important fact that pieces of wire cable of the Fair mount Suspension Bridge, recently taken down at Philadelphia, after lie ing in use some forty years, were found to lie fully equal in tenacity, elasticity and ductility to the liest wire of that size now in the market. Among the new applications of cot ton is its use, in part, in the construc tion of houses, tin* material employed for this purpose living the refuse, which, when ground up with about an equal amount of straw and a sliest 03, is converted into a paste, and this is formed into large slabs or bricks, which acquire, it is said, the hardness of stone, and furnish a really valuable building stoek. A poor widow of Bath, Me., was agreeably surprised the other morn ing by the appearance of twenty men with axes and saws, who without any ceremony, attacked her wood pile and sawed and split until the whole pile was reduced to wood size. Disoovery of Iron and Steel. In an address on technical training delivered before the alumni association of Lehigh University. Thomas M. Drown pictures the discovery of me tallic iron and steel in this way: "Nearly all the early discoveries in the arts were the result of accident or hap-hazard experiment. We can well imagine that a fire large and intense enough to reduce iron from its ore must often have been made in acci dental contact with surface ore, and that the presence of the metal in the ashes must have attacted attention. This observation once made, there would follow a series of experiments to determine the conditions under which metal was produced, and the substances necessary for its production. It would not long escape intelligent observation that a certain brown earth, or may be a black rock, was the sub stance which yielded the metal, and that the fire was the necessary condi tion of its formation. But the iron thus accidentally produced—a mixture of metal, cinder and ashes was of no value till further experiment revealed the fact that the metal could when hot lie united by hammering into one mass, with the separation of cinder and oth er extraneous matter. The discovery of this property prompted still further experiment. The irregularity of the product would suggest the more per fect control of the fire, and smelt furn aces would be built. In the course of time it would be noted that the iron was not uniform in hardness, and an accident would be sure to reveal the fact that sometimes the metal, when suddenly cooled in water, would be come intensely hard. This new line of investigation would result in the production of steel." lie would not marry her because she had false teeth. But when his wife kepi him awake for nights with tootn ache and neuralgia, he wished he had. 'How's business to-night?' was the question asked at the box otlice. 'Well,' was the reply, 'the house is hafl full, the stage manager a little more than half full, and the leading comedian full to over flowing!' NO. 10. NEWSPAPER LAWS. If subscribers order tlic dtocontinuatii H Of newspapers the nuMtshers my runtime to send ilit'in until allarrearHce.H are paid. If subscribers refuse or neglect toUketl elr newspapers front the ofllne to which they are sent they are held responsible until they have settled the hills and ordered them di*contlt'iUed. If subscribers move toother places without in* forming the publisher, and the newspapers tr sent to the former place, they are responsible. ■ mmmmmmmmrnmrn ADVERTISING RATES. 1 wk. I mo. ;tmos. 61110s. 1 yea 1 square *2 on S4OO f3 00 $6 00 SBOO Wcolumn 4no soo woo is 00 woo U '■ 700 10 U) 15 00 30 00 40 00 1 " 1)00 15 00 25 00 45 00 75 CO One inch makes a square. Administrators' and Executors' Notices SJAO. Transient adver tisements and locals 10 cents ner line for first insertion and 5 cents per line for each addition al insertion. IIARTER, Auctioneer, MILLHEIM, PA. J' SPRINGER, fashionable Barber, Next Door to JOURNAL Store, MalnlStreet, MILLHEIM, PA. Hogarth and the Speotre. Hogarth, the celebrated painter, was an intimate friend of Fielding, and, after his friend's decease, was in consolable because he had not painted his portrait. One morning, when the artist was working alone in his studio, he thought he heard a voice resem bling that of his deceased friend, sav ing, in a sepulchral tone: 'Hogarth, come and paint me! ' The painter started up ; but think ing it was the effect of his imagina tion, resumed his seat, and went on with his work. Some moments after, lie heard distinctly the same voice, re peating the some words. Imagining somebody was playing a trick, he rose quickly from his chair and opened the door of his room; then recoiled with horror on recognizing Fielding, who, advancing toward him, said, in a kind voice: ''Fear nothing, my friend; your complaints have reached my ears. Make haste to catch my features, as I have only a quarter of an hour to re main." Hogarth, much moved bv this strange sight, had hardly time to seize his pencil and sketch the phantom, when it vanished from his sight. On recovering from the agitation in to which he had been thrown by this adyenture, he called his servants and asked them if any person had entered the house ; but as they all declared that they had seen no one, lie was o bliged to wait for time to clear up the mystery ; taking care, nevertheless, to hang the picture up against the wall of the room, in oider to see what effect it would have upon his visitors, nearly all of whom had known Fielding. It is imposible to express the joy of the artist when he saw the sensation produced by the portrait upon the best am iti us of London ; but in spite of tikis, he still felt uneasy concerning the curious manner iu which he had be come possessed of it. He related his adventure to Garrick, the well-known tragedian, from whom he concealed nothing; and greatly wa9 his surprise increased, as subsequently he received the following answer from him: '•For a long time I shared your re grets at not having taken a likeness of Fielding, and finally I icsolved to per sonate your friend, iu order to give you an opportunity of doing *o." Although Hogarth was one of Gar rick's most ardent admirers, he could only be convinced of the truth of this statement by the repetition of the same scene the following day, by which the actor completely convinted him of his wonderful powers of pautomime. Gar rick aided, in conclusion : "I confess I owed my secret entrance to an old servant of yours, whose death not long siucs freed me from the prom ise 1 made him to keep it secret." HUMOROUS, A society young lady told her illiter ate but wealthy lover that she was going to give a germ an, and he said that he'd ba sure to come, he was very fond ot beer. A small boy who stood gazing wist fully at a large candy man in a city con fectioner's window, suddenly exclaim ed: 'I could lick that fellow % with both hands tied behind my back.' It Certainly Would. One day three or four weeks ago a re tail grocer over in Jersey sat down with his clerk one evening and said: 'James, T owe New York houses over $3000.' 'Yes sir.' 'We have S2OOO in cash in the safe, t'le stock is all run down, and this would be the time to fail in business.' It certainly would.' 'But I want a reasonable apology to give my creditors when they come down on us for explanations. See if you can't think of something to-r.ight and let me kuow in the morning.' The clerk promised, and the grocer wheeled a chest of tea and a bag of cof fee home as a beginning. Next morn ing when he appeared at the store the safe was open, the cash gor.e and on the desk was a note from the clerk reading: '1 have taken tue S2OOO and am pre pared to skip. It will be the best ex case in the world for youy failing so flat that creditors can't realize 2 cents on the dollar.'