RECEIPTS d; EXPENDITCUESi OF CENTRE CO. FOIt IHSiI. bTATRMKNT SHOWING ST A N 01 NO OF COLLECTORS TO lW INCLUSIVE Yi'ir. Distr'et. Name fful. tie Bal. dtioJan 1,'84 ISSI 11 ward twp, .liio • I.eutu-r II 29 •• S t r nc " ASnultz r 12S X\ *' Tuyli r '* Vii.Lin Reel with IS 4-1 IFB2 MiU aburg boro N A Linus if Id 4i " lliward 44 HC Holler 119 l7 1 44 Heiu or twp Michael Meyers :!.> 32 ; 44 {ltagffs 44 GII Leymnn R2P 17 } • 44 * Ferguson " R G Brett 200 43 44 sGreffg 44 H B Herring 221 12 . " Unities 44 G W Ki&ter 2l > 9.t • 44 *Harris 44 Ed. K reamer St >4 19 44 Howard 44 A Montgomery 124 : ' 44 *Marion * 4 Perry Condo 3S 11 44 jfPutton 44 George (Mark 409 01 % 4 ' *Penn 44 Daniel Gentxel 239 00 I 44 Snow Shoe tp Robt. J llaynes 409 70 J 44 Walker tvvp Jas. J Gratnley 279 M i 18S3 liellefonte boro J M Keichlino 31K5 34 i 44 Union ville 44 W H Smith 134 43 ' 44 Mileeburp 44 EII Carr 419 S3 j 44 Mtllheim 44 John lli.rtman 4<6 91 < 44 Howard 44 JII McElwaiuo 348 74 44 Philipsburu' 4 J R Herd 10l>9 07 j _ <4 J Benner twp .lobn Lu z 1702 87 1 4 * Hoggs 44 W H Mnsaer 1170 51 ' 4 Burnable 44 Veidorfer 221 IS , 44 44 Wm. Tibbena 2300 97 i 44 Curt in 44 Job. \V l'ai ker 154 1' J 44 Ferguson 44 Jacob L Carter 2587 99 i 44 sGregK 44 John Rt asman 2930 16 J 44 Harris 41 Divid Campbell 1005 21 , 44 Half Moon 41 Emory McAfee 1003 80 i 44 ?Haines 44 H A Miugle 1318 51 U 14 Howard " 4 Samuel Pietcher 552 04 1 44 Huston 44 D W Kline 388 11 t 44 Liberty 44 CACourter 784 87 i 44 JMiles * 44 Cornelius Storer 1779 94 t ,4 $ Marion twp James Martin 1117 60 14 4Potter do Samuel Slack 3449 62 44 Penn do Aaron Ulrick 1259 30 , 44 §Patton do C A Cross 1094 37 > 41 Ruth do Johnson Cullen 765 70 : " SnowShoedo Samuel Boyer 724 13 ] 44 {Spring do II J Rothrock 2262 95 t4 ?Uoion do Wm. Spotts 308 67 l " Walker do BSWinkleman 1932 37 } " Worth do II H Osmau 357 81 i v $42,017 96 J Dt'Pl-ICATES 15? HANDS OF ATTORNEY FOR COLLECTION. J 1572 Liberty twp David Robb 14 52 } 1876 liellefonte boro John Morrison 598 78 j 44 Marion twp David Harter 45 09 J 1875 Philipsburaj bor E 0 Mattern 214 00 { 44 Benner twp Thomas Perdue 381 56 j 1879 Howard do John M Kline 372 68 \ 1880 Milesburg boro O P Kreamer 16 49 J 1881 Philipsburg do A V Carpenter 328 04 i 18S0 Liberty twp Daniel Hering 160 09 J 1882JPhilipsburg bor Geo. E Parker *227 85 1878 Spring twp A J Swartz 26 82 v 12385 92 j balance outstanding Jan, 1, 'B4 , , $44,403 88 J * Duplicates settled since Jan. 1, 1861. \ Paid in part since settlement. i TAX LEVY & ASSESSMENT FOR \ 1883. 1 Districts. State Tax. Co. Tax. Belief on te Boro. $471 77 $3721 86 Milesburg 14 3 50 425 30 , Millheim " 51 05 600 76 Phihpsbarg ,4 88 21 1765 00 j Howard " 76 19 378 15 ; Unionville 44 39 02 276 17 s Benner Towhsbip 21 15 1937 60 Burnside " 8 40 218 44 i gores " 39 35 1323 82 College 44 HO 50 2402 47 Curtin " 10 09 256 08 Ferguson 44 30 81 2909 6< Gregg 44 58 35 3033 21 Haines 44 69 10 2353 24 Harris 44 132 91 1557 30 Half Moon 44 37 85 1266 01 j Huston 44 20 63 467 4S Howard ' 4 8 10 766 54 Liberty " 26 82 918 05 Marion 41 36 80 1408 55 Miles 44 01 37 2414 61 Patton 44 12 20 1322 17 penn 44 26 31 1433 05 Potter " 4 ' 93 23 3655 93 . Rush 44 25 15 840 79 * Mpring 44 79 50 3055 74 bnow Shoe 44 28 03 796 08 Taylor 44 1 30 314 36 Union 44 8 35 551 60 Walker 44 60 13 2185 90 I Worh 44 13 95 343 80 $1787 14 $44,895 30 D C. KELLER. TREASURER. IN ACOT. WITH CENTRE CO "to bnl. in hands off reft JT, January 1, 'B3 G3C7 4'J " ami ree'd from dup. of 73 Id W •74 IM3 nn " '75 108 '2d . ~ " '?6 183 58 '77 410 8? *7B 715 35 'SO 61 iVJ 'Bl .1861 03 'B2 30016 69 'B3 8590 75 " amt from unseated lands 129 49 - redemption 668,20 $69,252 82 MONEY PAID TREASURER BY COMMISSIONERS. To amt from dup's in hands of Att'y 3097 08 W C Heinle for gas and coal 15 00 To amt front Harris twp road fuud 20 00 •• amt from Jas. A M'Claiu coai and gas 7 50 Jas on acct of C Xoll 44 67 TJ Duukle old matting 6 05 Orvis A Alexan der judgement... 1557 46 Jeffrey Hayes on ftoet of Mrs. Reindecker G5 96 To amt from John 11 Orvis note 82 24 To amt from John II Swartz note 21 67 To amt froni John Spaugler judgement 1330 00 •• amt from J M Wagner old pi ink 2 50 •• amt from Milesburg judgement 299 G1 •• amt from (i regg twp Sup'rs 48 00 •• amt of order drawn 'B3 remaining unpaid 20 00— 6620 74 Total $66,873 £6 COMMONWEALTH ACCOUNT J B Matteru No 23 Nov ses sion *B2 8 2 31 Lewis Aikcy No y, Nov ses '®2 175 B Aikey " "* 1 75 MILLHEIM J()URNAL—Supplement Ilenrv Tibbetis •• •• 1 Jno Slu'ehau No 11 Nov " 1" '•! Jerry Mink " " s 01 Julia Kline No 15 Apr ves 'B2 "• <•,, N A Lucas No l ent re Co. vs Huston 7u V H ' Hi ter No 10 Jan ses 'B.l t t-' Jas M Mullen .. " 2 Win Uairtl No 1 Apr ses '82... 262 Catharine Ymu.u No 21 Vug ses 'B2 "i "6 Siiln'l Beamnoiit No 15 Jun ses'B3 3 A lla ter No Nov si-s '82... \ . • W C Heinle sundry eases ]6 0i N A 1 ncas 11 H Montgomery •• 12 M Utehnrd Morgan • Alfred Slates No 12 Novses'B.l <> 1 ■ Jas ejuinn lunuey ease 2 "> J C Harper No-t I Jan term !' W C Heinle " 6 Jan ses 'B3 7 • 1 J. Kelso Centre eouiity vs Huston 2 22 W K Irwin Centre county vs I'hiliitsburg . 2 "< Jno. Slieehun No 12 Nov ses 'B2 6mi 11 F 1 ueas • I Apr ses 'B3 2. 71 It C 1 eat hers No " " 2. 72 Wm. sMeCum 6(6 \\ It Smith No 2 Apr ses "87! 272 K J I.erkens "27 " '3 72 W F (dewinesundry eases 4.56 Harry Wisk.l No 1 Apr ses 'Bl I s'i J Krape -" " 372 (i W Lucas " " 9 66 W F Olew Uie No 3 ** I S3 WII Smith " I .. 520 Jerry Fuuk •* 3 - 9 oo Wm. Bvmert " 1 372 1) F Fortney Centre county vs Huston tvvp... <"• 7i W C Heinle sundry eases 67> no 11 H Montgomery sundry eases 17 (0 Frank W alt* No 21 Apr ses 'B3 1 .si Rleh'd Morgan " " 6CO i Isaac Lose Com'wth cost J. P. 100 John I Rankin sundry eases 15 7i' W B Heinle No 23 Apr ses 'B3 13 70 J C Harper sundry eases 48 GO Chas. Siuilh " 25 10 G M Green - 8 52 Kich'd Morgan No 23 Apr and Nov ses 'BO 350 G G Mattern No 20 Apr I suae Lose Centre county vs lienner twp... ICO II II Montgomery No 23 A. 21 Apr ses "83 7 25 A Loeb No 24 Apr ses 'B3 4 .<0 A Jackson -3 6 06 M J Dolau "21 Nov " *BO 9si < N A Lueas "33 Aug " 'KS 875 N* A Lucas •• 1A 27 Aug ses 'B3 726 t W E lrw iu Heddeu ease 4 OU Juhu DeLauy Centre county vs Snow Shoe S IX) Wm. P Fisher No 10 Nov sea < 83 8 48 II Ilaelberg No 6 Aug ses 'B3 802 Lotta Andersou " " 8 02 Wm. Anlry " 02 E C Brenner " " 13 26 Barney Keuburotz No 6 Aug ses 83 7 02 A Onrian No 6 Aug ses 'B3 582 W F Olew ine " ~ 6 45 F M Crissmau " " 7 41 Jno Zimumrmau No 13 ~ 6 4S W C Heinle sundry cases 89 00 H H Montgomery - 11 50 Lewis Aikey No I*3 Aug ses 'B3 600 John 1 Rankiu sundry eases 22 45 W C Heinle •• 15 00 John Kline ct ux No 1 Apr ses 'B2 6 12 Richard Morgan sundry eases soo Jerry Fuuk No 14 Jau ses 'B3 17 41 A V Carpenter .- •• 7 56 W R Hay ties sundrv cases... 790 W C Heinle - 41 ot) N A Lueas No 17 Aug ses 'B3 191 Peter p> - l'J 00 William Grenoble cost 1 00 W F Olew ine No 24 Aug ses >3 13 69 Jas Redding " 24Aug ses 'B3 606 JamltiaxtrouNolO Nov " 5 78 James Dillen ~ - 390 R Woods " - 7 2w J B Gill 6 86 James Woods - " 488 Manin Anuis No 4 " 666 WFOlewiue " .. 19 FJ 18 18 W R Haynes No 8 - 8 25 18 50 W F Olew iue " 6 Aug sos 2;: -tg •• 7 Nov ses 'B3 $1 4 i Sarah Beck No 7 " ll " Vinton Beekwith" " 3 00 O C Galbraith 6 ;>t G R Price - - 7 14 W L Harper Samuel Hoover " " C Benj. Walk - " 6 o<7 G VV Barger - ~ 7 56 W G Hook „ - 7 56 Joseph Wilson Com'w th cost ft 48 David Flory •• 5 48 P J Smith - 5 4.8 N A Lucas - 6 01 N A Luooa " 4 (/> N A Lueas sundry cases... 698 J C Harper •• 62 stt X A Lucas No 30 Apr ses *B3 250 W E Kepler No 17 Nov ses " 606 H H Montgomery sundrycase# 20 56 W S Williams Cxim'wth cost 195 J M BUiir No 35 Apr ses 'B3 ft 46 J C Heuderson Xo 17 Nov " 6 ! C Derr No 35 Apr session '83... 579 Thos. E Clark Com'wth cost 11 84 E Blunehard No 85Apr ses 'B3 13 us John Keech - •• lu i>B H H Montgomery •• •• 7 50 WC Heinle sundry cases 72 96 Thos. Marshall Comw'th cost 192 D F Fortney - 3 00 N A Lacas •• 2 41 John I Rankiu •• 13 CO Ed Blauchard No 35 Nov ses 'B3 7 08 Jas. ll Noll No 1 Aug ses '83... 290 11 II Montgomery Com'wth cost 6 2"> Charles Smith sundry cases... 27 ro M Richard No 10 Nov ses ;.s Dolly E Mnrtz No 12 Aug ses 'S3 G 00— $1342 S9 EX TENSE ACCOUNT. Wl \fulin telegraphing 7 (.8 1 F Fortney collection fee... 25 00 John L Barr bridge view 2 u) N A Lucas livery hire 2 '0 W L Malin telegraphing ;:i Daniel K E Munson bridge view 2 'K, Jus. A M'Claiu stationery Regis'r otlieo 32 25 F E P.ible 1 docket Itec. ofliee 13 25 Jno. I Rankin Bounty bond dated '62 li>o 02 D F Fortney expenses to Harrisburg... 16 00 F E Bible deed book 13 25 J N Hall repairs on bridge... 3 <*) Boro of liellefonte repairs... 2 .">0 J) C Keller tax on Co. 10an... 249 78 Jno. Brugger expenses to Houtzdalc G 20 81. Thomas 2 boxes of pens 175 C M Bower collection fee 32 "6 Wm. Mann appearance dock et 15 25 W G Morrison service reu'ed 22 00 Duuiel Garmun livery hire... 150 Jno. A Ix-mon State tax '82... 1463 oO I) C Keller com'sion on same 14 78 E L Orvis preparing unseat ed land list... 10 60 C G M'Millen 13 meals for jurors 6 50 J N Hall repairs on bridge... 686 W G Morrison service rend'd 12 50 Chas. Smith takiugacknowl edgments 1 75 Wm. Murpby A Son deed book 37 25 J S Prondfoot services rend'd 10 (K) Sam l Krydcr 2 jury fees g 00 Thomas Shaughensy clean ing ditch 1 00 W C. Morrison copying Reg istration 39 44 J S Proud foot services rend'd 48 u0 A brain Weber error in State tax 1 00 J H Oliger services rendered cOO Clinton Co. Conor's repairs on bridge 12 18 Telephone Co. use telephone 26 OIJ Wm. Mann Admr's & Guard. book 25 00 Wm. Maim deed book 5 M) Geo. F liisel Mortgage docket 23 00 F P Blair one clock 1 ;.o [ James P Jon'S repairs on Mllesbuig lrirtn* 10 Oft r F Xduiua repair* on Milcs bnrg bridge... 815 K M Spoor telegraphing Goldsmith Bro's wrapping M paper 40 IViephonc Co. tiw of instru ments 18 25 c Sehroek setting tiro 25 i> M Hints engineer *er\ lee. . 73 21 It c Kollor expresa book 7o i t Miller stationery 3 25 ' M Rower collection too 57 02 r opiione t •<. usu iti.-n um'ts r> m n. M kit hline water tax'B2 125 00 Win. Jones wator tax '82... 100 (m t'urtin .v co. lumber fur Cur .tin bridge 22 50 .'it-, Duublet.m service ob taining ovidonoe 7 00 * M Spoor telegraphing 8:'. 1 29 i> levling M-rvloes rotid'od 750 •: M Spoor telegraphing 1 02 li ttrvis retaining fee 25 oO iViopbatio Ci use iiistruin'ta 625 'A i t. 1' Reynold* pit .lest too 2 05 . ii-' 51 Wagner removing planks 2 50 nliti !> Johnston ixwtago.ete 27 69 >c >. XV Tuto*erviee t> Ist W. assistants 900 do 2d W. " 10 2' do * 3.1 XV. - 16 00 Mile-burg borotigh assessor 12 00 assistants 6 00 Mlilheiiu " assessor 12 00 assistants 5 00 VuionviUc " assessor 725 assistants Howard ~ assessor 13 00 assistants Jtenner Township assessor 35 00 • —slatanf 8 00 ltoirgs " assessor 40 00 " assistants 18 00 Huriisido 44 assessor 17 30 " assistants 4 50 t'urtin " assessor 20 00 " 44 assistants 4 00 College " assessor 87 25 " assistants 5 00 Ferguson " assessor 45 00 " assistants 24 CO Gregg 44 assessor 35 85 " assistants 6 00 Half Moon " assessor 2118 " " assistants 12 00 Harris 44 assessor 28 00 " assistants 8 00 lluines " assessor 29 00 44 assistants 8 00 Howard " nsseor 14 00 " " assistants Huston " assessor 30 0Q " assistants..,,.. suu Liberty " assessor...... 89 00 '• ' " assistants 420 Marion 4 * assessor 29 40 " assistants 8 00 Miles " assessor 80 25 " " assistants 6 0u Ration " assessor 24 00 '• " assistants 1 *6llll " assessor 25 00 44 " assistants 3 00 l'oitcr " assessor...,,, 35 OQ " • assistants 10 26 Hush •' assessor 65 11 44 " assistants 38 00 Spriug " assessor 88 00 " 44 assistants 17 75 Snow Shoe " assessor 68 80 44 assistants 25 70 Taylor " assessor 83 00 " assistants 18 44 Union " assessor 24 00 '• " assistants 25 0q XVnlker " assessor 39 2a " assistant* 8 00 Worth " assessor 29 74 " " assisunts 8 00 Miics 7. m-norniatt VJ 642 A J Campbell " 4 00 H Emerfck 1 00 Job ii Mtuich * 4 25 Ja. kson Gorton •• 8 ft© ('bus Smith - a oo A U Arohey - 1 00 B V Fink - 4 M tJA Dauiels l*e-SIS64 36 REFUNDING ACCOUNT. Patrick XVard 8 835 Joltn Uhle .. 17 trj KS Itorworth 8 81 Fr. d k Robb 4 % John C Uhle 3 26 William Tret-sler H 31 J G ltoyer 8 61 f II Orvis 10 54 John A Otto 24 12 Vdam liny 40 48 David Robb ft7 la.tHUottorf M Frank MeUoy U 76 flil It JURY COMMISSIONERS. II! Tolbert 8 27 St D It Klines 27 78 C I. rr, Clerk 23 75 fTI 5$ ELECTION EXPENSES. Feb. 'B3. Nov. 'S3. Beliefs lite S XV..f 750 89 00 V' N XV.. 7 50 9 25 XV XV. 7 50 900 Pllilipsburg IstXX' 25 47 23 45 2d XV 22 27 28 45 3d XV 22 27 23 45 Howard lwirough 18 59 15 65 Millheim " 20 P0 15 65 Milesburg " 20 56 13 61 UniouvilTe " 18 98 14 21 Ben tier Twp.. 7 IW 950 Boggs, 8 I' 18 28 13 85 N I' 12 20 Bu inside Twp... 23 70 17 61 College " 1-8 87 14 57 Curttn 44 19 PI 15 41 I ergusou E 1'... IS 36 13 65 " XV P... 19 58 19 37 Gregg S P... 22 67 18 17 N P... 11 42 13 17 Haines K P... 15 86 21 96 XV P... 23 59 18 00 llalf Moon Twp.. 23 21 16 13 Harris " 19 49 14 93 Howard 44 19 11 14 69 Huston " 19 58 16 05 Liberty " 19 74 15 29 Marion " 22 95 18 69 M iles 44 20 68 16 13 Pat ton 44 21 94 17 69 Penn 44 18 64 18 80 Potter N P... 95 17 21 *, S P... 17 19 17 44 Rush S P... 26 90 19 49 XV P... 10 09 18 89 Spring Twp.. 15 30 11 00 bnowshoe " 20 til 15 89 Taylor " 13 Si 15 36 Uuion " lo 5.8 12*45 XValker " 19 70 15 45 VX'orth " 20 34 15 77 XV R Hopkins school house... 200 II F Zerby school house 5 00 Isaac I/ise. ('oust 10 M Jacob isj>ott.s as sessor Union township 1 01 XVilliam Iddings Const g 25 X'inton Beck with Const Taylor... s8) AdamHorkheim cr special XV. Ward 7 Isaac Lise, Const special N. XV 10 00 J It Idnn special NXV 7 51 J H Rankin C I. A Shaffer clerk big general re turns 10 00 Xinton Beekwith Const. Taylor township 2 Cul Isaac Lose Const. lk-llelonte bor. 200 A V Carpenter election 1882 PUillpsburg 22 35 yi.vy jg COUKT EXPENSES Grand Jury Jan sen 'B;{ $175 20 Traverse " 313 2s Emanuel Muaser tallsuiun 4 no Traverse Jury Jan term 'B3 116 2> Grand jury April session" 154 41 Traverse " " 392 l< Traverse " term " *295 HI Grand jury August session " 212 8.8 Traverse " " " ttf'H 52 " Jury Nov special " 176 ivt Grand " " session " t'-OO 2> Traverce " '• * " " 477 36 •• •• •' terui " 4't.B Hii Wm. F Rebel t ourt reporter 4tio <• J S |'a:vui lip staff 74 no C I>err tipstaff 82 00 Martin Morrison tip staff. 76 00 Snm'l F Foster " 76 00 llurtriui Galbraith court crier 91 00— 645A2 88 COUKT MOUSE KXPKN>KS. Robert McKnigitt gas 8 156 io.j John O'lxjury cleaning ditch 2 2.1 ( Alexander A Co.. coal 154 75 Alvin Hradv janitor 25 00 ltartrim Gall-rnith janitor... 329 0-> Alvinjltrady cleaning offtees 450 Alfred Delhi ladder 2 5) James Fleek W h Rav " 12 8o ! •? do " 15 00 •' * Jno I Thompson " 12 95 " 8 1) Rav " 16 90 EL Orvis " 20 10 •' do " 18 70 " XVill Thompson " 13 20 F.L Orvis M 13*> SCBrickley " 2 70 •• David Butts " 2 00 J H Reifsnyder 44 8o 44 1) Z Kline (bridge view) by Treas 24 00 44 Kline * Gordon (bridge view) by Treas 7 00 44 K L Orvis "(Twp line) by Treas 115 70 44 Jose'p Devi tug (Twp line) by Treas 75 00 ,4 Jesse Klinger (Twp line) by Treasurer 61 84— $650 00 PRINTING ACCT. I Shugert A Co 137 75 K F Tuten 112 95 XV F Blair 11 70 Deininger & Bumiller 47 12 Fred Kurtz 216 18— $528 70 COMMISSION IN LUNACY. Henry Beck—Simler Cowlier.. 15 00 A A bale—Knrah XVilliams... 17 00 S D Ray—Anna Irwin 15 00 H II llershberger—John Am merman 15 00 A A Dale—George Hoover 19 00— 881 00 REDEMPTION. II B Jlumcs 142 17- 8142 17 INDEXING ACCT. XV A Tobias 1023 47 Heury Beck ...... 517 20 J C Harper.,... 2400 00— BSMO 67 JOHN A. DUNKLE. To order roofing Court-house per eontruet*s92 00 To balauce on Osceola abut meuts 109 00— $7Ol 00 SCALP ACCT. 874 skunk scalps.... 437 00 361 fox scalps 361 00 8 wild-cat seal]>s 6 00— SBW 00 AUDITORS' PAY. F P Musaer 36 00 J S Proudfoot 54 00 C P llewes 51 00 Henry Beck, Clerk 28 50 E L Orvis officers' accounts 36 CO— V. 650 CONSTABLES' PAY. Constable's return Janses 'BS 90 96 Apr 44 106 20 •• Aug 44 103 98 Nov 4 ' 101 01 Reuben Kline 44 41 3 54 8406 69 INQUISITION ACCT. R J Hayncs laxiy M Fitzcr... 21 03 D H Hastings body J CGill... 14 3.8 II K Hov, Con. " Jno Rockey is : J H Brown body unknown... 18 05 J G L Myers is>st mortem ex ]>enses J Beightol... 10 00 R J Ilaynes body Rob't Pat " terson 14 76 II K Hoy. Con., body John Pease 16 25 II) II Hastings body Jus XViga- Q man 16 12- SI2J 5 BRIDGE A OCT T onler 8 DOravapprofirin tit>ll to ''' 'OOO 00 •• ordci Co'utnl Is Biiilg Co. oil m'i'ti jut ] . u'9 4° ~ order Coii i-.' < Spring .V .. I'll 11 .. . lAo .it *• order (■ lb i , i u baiunue OMVOIu bridge 373 03— f*64B 53 T .1 DUNK IE, >HEKirr To order* on uoconnt 677 00— 9677 00 D F FOUTNEY, SOLICITOR Cr. By balance nt 'B2 Kotticmrnt 100 00 By salary 'B3 200 00 Dr. To orders on arct fIX 00 J C IIAKPKR. To order* on aect l*roth'y 314 23 8314 2* I), c. keller/ treasurer To order salary 'B3 2000 00 To onler stationery 10 00— 92010 00 J. II DOBBINS, M D. To orders Biilarv 100 00— |IOO 00 S. S. SCIiULTZ, SUP'T To order maintaining I n*an at hospital... 802 36- f*62 SI JOHN CURVVEN, SUP'T. To orders maintaining In- MU aat h pital 1(01 88— 91006 89 SAMUEL BRUGGER, To orders engineer..... 78 00— 978 00 WESTERN PENITENTIARY. Western Penitentiary 366 01— 9356 04 JAMKS~TKLLKR. To order planklne Milebnrg bridge 280 00— 9280 00 11. Y~STITZEK. To order stationery. 17 29 H7 29 EXPRESS CO. To Orders 7 99- 9799 F. LTUTTER. To order* election blanks... 28 00 " assess books and du plicates 200 00 Registration books 39 00 Dental register 10 00 election blanks and docket 79 00- 9961 09 N. A. LUCAS. To orders salary 2it 00— 9260 00 INSURANCE ACCT. To order Geo. L Totter ISO 00 J H Morrison 76 00 J A Kankin A 80n... 75 00 Bond Valentine 150 00— 9491 09 NOTES AND BONDS PAID DURING YEAR. W C Patterson 1000 00 Marg't Weaver.. - ... 600 00 John Wagner 9600 00 Harper Bros 200 00 Bamuel Oram 1ey.... 626 00 J B Fisher 2000 00 Simon Harper 5000 00 K Mulhollaud 2 40 00— 999,789 Of COMMISSIONERS' ACCT* A. J. GREIST. Cr. By 2 days to Clearfield on bridge business 6 00 •• expenses for same a. 500 of a telegram 35 ~ amt paid Tret by for copy of Record 1 ©( - 2 days delivering election Gijcrs lor Ft O. election, in artin, Liberty, Howard, Boggs. Huston Union twps. Howard. >i;les. urg, and Union vide boros 6 Oil " expenses tor tame 8 00 - 4 davs delivering assess books in Union, Ilunon, Snow Shoe, Buronde, Boggs, Howard and Liber ty twris, and Howard and MileMHtrg boroughs U 00 - | davs delivering swess and registration books in May aud Jnue. to Union, Hus ton, Boggs. Howard, Cur tin, Liberty. Snow Shoe. Burnside. Kuiyji twps. and Howard, Milesburg, Phlb ipsburg boro's M CO - 7 davsdeltv'n# reglstratioh books in July 1 Liberty, Cur tin, Howard, Boggs,Union, Huston, Rush, Snow Shoe, Burnside twp s. and Miles burg. Howard. Unionville, Philipsburg boro's 21 (O . 1 day to Eaglevllle bridge... 800 Julian bridge 3 Oil Milesburg - 8 00 > 8 davs delivering duplicates to Union. Boggs, Howard, Liberty, Curtin. Snow Shoe. Burnside, Spring, Benuer, Patton, Moon, College, Hußton twps, and Union ville, Milesburg, Howard boroughs 24 00 - 4 days deliveriug election papers in Rush, Taylor. Worth, Huston, Union, Boggs. Howard. Liberty Bnow Shoe, Burnside twps, Philipsburg, Milesburg A Howard boros - 12 00 - 130 days service as Corn's... 890 00 9515 <7 Tr. To orders onj •cc't.-m..... 9419 49 H. C. Campbell. . Cr By 2 days going to Ulcttrfiold... 900 - l day delivering election papers in Half Moon, and Patton twiw 800 * 1 day same Worth A Taylor 800 •• 1 day same College twp 8 00 - 3 davs fame Pnilipsburg and Rush 9 00 -3 * days delivering ostesa book9in College, Haines, Half Moon, Patton, Worth townships - 9 00 - 2 days same Philipsburg A Rush 6 00 - 1 day delivering assess and registration l>ooks in Col lege and Haines twps 8 00 - 2 davs delivering same in Tavlor, Worth. Half Moon aud Patton twps 6 00 - 3 davs delivering registra tion in Half Moon, Patton. College, Harris, Worth and Taylor twps 9 00 - 3 davs delivering duplicates " Philipsburg, Rush, Taylor 9 00 - 2 days delivering same orth an'd Patton twps 6 00 -1 day delivering same Har ris.. 8 00 „ 3 days delivering registra tion books second time 9 00 - 1 delivering same in Harris, College. Half Moonjtwpa... 3CO -106 days service as Com 821 CO 9111 00 Dr. To-order on acc't 9411 00 JOHN WOLF. _ „ _ Cr# •• 3 days going to Clearflelu on bridge business P 00 •• expense for samo 4 35 - 9 davs delivering assess book* and election blanks. Feb. & March. Potter, Gregg, j lenn, Mlllheim, Haines,