Millheim Journal. (Millheim, Pa.) 1876-1984, February 21, 1884, Image 3

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    THURSDAY, FEBRUARY, 21., 1884
Chnrcli & Santo' School Directory.
Revs. B. Hcngst and H. A. Benfer, Breach's
Rev. H. A. Benfer, will pveacU next Sunday
Sunday School, IJ^P.M.—ILL. ZBRHY, Supt,
Missionary Society meets on the third Mon.
day evening of each month.
Rev. Furman Adams Preacher-in-charge.
Sunday School at A. M.— l). A Musser, Sup't
Rev. Zuingli A. Yearicl-, Pastor.
Mite society meets regularly on the first Tues
day evening of each month.
United Brethren.
Rev. J. O. W. Herald, Preacher-in-charge.
Sunday school. 9A. M.— J. G. W. Herald. Sunt.
Rev. John Tbmlinson, Pastor.—
Preaching in Millhein next Sunday evening
Sunday School at 9 A.M.— 11. E. Duck. Supt
The Augsburg Bible Glass meets every Thurs
day evening at 7 o'clock.
Ladies' Mite Society meets on the first Mon
day evening of each month.
Rev. W. K. Muter, Pastor.
Lodoe & Sonet* Directory.
Mlllheim Lodge. No. 9V>, I. O. O. F. meets in
heir hall, Penu Street, every Saturday evening.
Rebecca Degree Meeting every Thursday on
or before the full moon ot each mouth.
C. W. HAHTMAN, Sec. E. w . MAUCK, N. G.
Providence Grange, No. 217 P. of 11., meets In
Alexander s block on the second Saturday of
each month at P. M., and on the fourth Sa
turday of each month at IS P. M.
D. L.ZERBY. Sec. T. G. Fun Attn,Master.
The Mlllheim B. & 1.. Association meets in
the Penu street school house on the evening of
the second Monday of each month.
A- WALTBH. Sec. B. o. DKIMSOKR. Prest.
The Millheim Cornet Band meets in the
Town Hall on Monday and Thursday evenings.
J. H. B. HAHTMAN, Sec. SAM. WEISXK, Jit, Pres.
Democratic County Co n mittee for
Bellefonte N. W lames A. M'Cluin.
S.W A1 Garman.
'• W. W lames Sehofield.
Howard ........ A. Weber.
Milesbttrg I>r. W C. Grove.
Millheim James C. Smith-
Phiiipsburg Ist W J. N. Cassanova.
2d W J. O. Loralne.
44 3d W John M. Holt
Uuionville P- McDonald.
Be utter Win. H. Close.
Boggs S Frank Adams.
" N George Brown.
Burnside H. M. Meeker.
College W. H. Tibtens.
Curtin John McClockey.
Ferguson E. P - Peter I„anck.
n W. P..... I-evi Walker.
Gregg S Luther Rishel.
N John Kossman.
Haines E. P M. Feidier.
• 4 W. P...2. George Bower.
Halfmoon D. J. Gates.
Harris Jacob Weaver, Jr.
Howard Geo. I) Johnson.
Huston.- Charles Murray.
Liberty Frank Brown.
Marion John Hoy. Jr.
M lies .. Peter S. Beirly.
Pattou .. Robert Reed.
Penu..— - Andrew Campbell
Potter N. P Dr. John F. Alexander.
" S. P Joseph Gilland.
Rush S. P John O'NeiL
•• N. P ~ John Long.
Snow Shoe fl. P Edgar Holt.
44 •• S. P
Spring ..... John Cerbrick.
Taylor B. V. Fink.
Union .. Sant'l K. Emerick.
Walker. Sol. Peck.
Worth Win. Lwi.
Appeals for additional relief for the
Ohio yalley flood sufferers were read in
both houses of Congress on last Friday.
A bill appropriating $200,000 for that
purpose passed the House early in the
day and subsquently passed the Senate
and was sent to the President.
As being of interest to the numerous
ex-soldiers among our readers, it may
be stated almost with certainty that
the bill now before the Senate and
House, which provides that no proof
shall be neccessary to establish the fact
of sound physical condition at the time
of his muster into the service in the ar
my or navy, of any applicant for an in
valid pension, for any wound or disa
bility contracted in the army or navy in
the late war, will pass and become a
WASHINGTON, D. C., Feb, 18 1884.
Most of the opposition to Mr. Mor
rison's tariff bill thus far is evidently
of the kind that would find any poss
ible bill for the reduction of the tariff
"grotesque," "chaptrap," "inharmo
nious,,' "a bungle," "foolorneteo,"etc.,
as the divorced Mr. Porter calls it in
an intemperate letter to the Philadel
phia Press. But it must not lie for
gotten that back of the few highly-!
protected manufacturers whom Mr. j
Porter represents is the great mass of |
the American people, demanding a re
duction of taxation, and that in the
Treasury a great surplus is banking
itself up at the rate of almost a hun- j
dred millions a year. Congress should i
calmly proceed with the reduction of
taxes according to its best wisdom, I
without much regard to the violent
outcry of a small class of interested
rich men, which is like that of a few
crickets in a field.
Somebody who signs himself "T.
F," is sending bundles of printed cir
culars to Senators,in which objections
are made to the forfeiture of the Tex
as Pacific land grant. It gives the
usual arguments which were made by
the attorneys of the Texas Pacific be
fore the House Committee on Public
Lands, and adds the new and aston
ishing argument that the land is
worthless. The circular recites that
"if the United States were given all
these lands for nothing to actual set
tlers, it is doubtful whether anybody
could be found with temerity enough
to accept them." Notwithstanding
the worthlessness of these lahds,this
advocate of the railroad insists that the
road must have them, and reiterates
C# P. Huntington's threat that if Con
gress declares the grant forfeited the
constitutionality of the act must lie
decided by the Supreme Court. The
gentlemen who are supposed to IK 4
prominent in the movement to take
these "worthless" lands from the Tex
as Pacific are accused in this circular
of simply seeking political capital.
The writer says: "These men see in
the noisy discussion of such hills,
and the apparent warfare which tliev
wage with the railroads, something
to catch the ears of the groundlings—
of those who are opposed to anything
and everything which tends to devel
op anh build up the great West."
Too bad, isn't it? PHONO.
Chit'/ /fun/ess —R. I. Harluian.
Assistant Chief Ilurgess—ni-
( l ouneilmen —Adolph Miller. K. C.
Campbell. W. R. Henney.Jolm Ston
er, F. F Wetzel, John Maize.
School Directors —John ll.Swartz,
W. R. Weiser.
Overseer of the Poor —Jonathan
Assessor—A. C. Musser.
Auditor —J. C. Smith.
Judge of elections —Frank Knarr.
Inspector —A. J. Harter.
High Constable —Abs Harter.
(hmstable—'S. Shannon.
Just ice of'the Peace —Jacob F.iscn
Supervisors . 11. M. Swart/., Knian
uel Noose.
Overseer of the Poor, Andrew Sto
Schoid Directto's , W. A. Stover,
Bonj. Kerstetter.
Assessor, J. S. Meyer.
Auditor, C. Alexander.
Judge of Elections. John Mover.
Inspector, A. R. Alexander.
Town Clerk, llenry Stover.
Constable , Samuel Ard.
Justice of the Peace, B. F. Phil
Judge, William Walker, Const able.
W W llocknian, Inspectors, Win
Kreamer, G W Hazel. Assessor, Aus
tin Gram ley, School Directors, Mich
ael Miller, S Krumrinc, Overseer of
the Poor, John Shafer, Auditor, J B
Kreamer. Sujwrrisors, 1> I> Ihihbs,
J J Shultz, Town Clerk, Jos K Wel>-
Free concert every night at Condo's
Gone where the woodbine twiueih
and the whang doodle muorneth,—the
news boy
Mr. Fry, a salesman from Philadel
phia was hereon a visit to Maj. Fish
J. W. Bartges returned horns from
his Clearfield trip all safe and sound.
John thinks the country to wild for
It becomes our sad duty to record
the death of our aged fiieml and Fath
er Mr. John Hams, who departed
this life on Monday the 11th after a
short illness. Mr. Hains attained a
good old age. He was a kind father
aud well beloved citizen. Peace to his
ashes. JACK PLANE.
The following are the recommendations
made by the Grand Jury at the late
court :
We, the grand jurors of January
term, 1854,0f the Court of Quarter sess
ions of Centre county, Pa., on examin
ation of the public buildings, do offer
the following recommendations to the
commissioners of Centre county, to
wit : That the prisoner's cells be lin
ed with boiler iron on the back of the
cells, whitewash the cells and corridor
every three months. Also improve the
ventilation ; kitchen range in poor con
dition : repair steps to boiler room.
Found leakage over commissary rooms
which reeds improving. Cement cop
ing of yard wall and plaster wall inside
below coiing. Also, on examination
in Register's office, we reccommend
that the following articles he supplied:
One desk, set of window blinds, two
chairs. All of which is respectfully
submitted. A WALTER,
January 31, 1884. Foreman.
A Blizzard in the West.
MINNEAPOLIS, Minn., Feb, 18.—A
blizzard is raging in the vicinity of St.
Vincent. The thermometer is falling
rapidlj and fears are entertained of a
snow blockade.
The two-year old boy of a Jo!ins
town brewer named Lawrence Kost,
wandered into his father's brewery the
other day while the family were at din
ner and no one present, and fell into a
tub containing about seven and a half
barrels of boiling hot liquid. He was
not discovered by his father for fully fif
teen minutes after the occurrence and
it was with the greatest defficulty that
the body was removed without the
flesh dropping from the bones so thor
oughly cooked was it. Deputy Collect
or Campbell was notified of the occur
rence and the contents of the tub were
drained off by him.
The Ohio River Floods
still Raging.
FEB 15th.—The towns and cities on
the Ohio river have been visited by the
greatest flood of the century. So great
and appalling is the disaster that pen
fails to adequately describe the misery
and destitution prevailing. Over <no
hundred thousand people are homeless
and destitute and must be provided
with food and clothing for weeks to
A special from.Gallipolis, Ohio, says:
The relief steamers Nora Belle and Jim
Montgomery returned from a trip down
the river last night. They report that
the village of Athalia, Ohio, is almost
entirely swept away. At Millorsport,
Ohio, twenty or thirty houses are gone.
At Proctorvillo, Ohio, the water is in
the second stories. At (.'credo, W. Ya.
s3<k)o,ort worth of lumber was lost.
Suppliesare greatly needed every where.
The relief committee is using four small
steamers to distribute supplies, which
are coming in liberally.
CINCINNATI, Feb. loth.—The town
Maysville had not been heard from un
til to-day, when a committee composed
of Captain Kirker, JudgeCollins and a
Presbyterian minister, of that place, on
their way to Cincinnati in askitY,hailed
the Kate Waters and were taken on
board. They report the town is almost
ruined. Brick buildings are crumbling
to pieces and frame houses are washing
away. The militia company as patroll
ing the streets in boats distributing
food but the supply is about exhausted.
All along the river the story comes of
most generous aid rendered by farmers
and others far into the interior who
have sent food in wagons, without
which much suffering would have re
sulted. Aberdeen, opposite Maysville,
was badly wrecked by the late storm.
The town is entirely destitute of coal
oil and is practically in darkness.
Some help has been sent there from
Maysville. Ripley has fully fifteen
thousand persons dependent and has
been receiving help from the interior as
far back as Ilillsboro, thirty-live miles.
The village of Rural with two hundred
and fifty inhabitants, has one hundred
destitute. Eight families aie sheltered
in a church and thirty-live persons are
in a small school house.
A Railroad Track Ruined.
WHEELING, Feb. 15.—The greatest
financial loss is that of the Ohio River
railroad. For a hundred miles the track
and road bed has almost entirely disap
peared and the bridges ha\e all been
swept away. At Mouudsville about
twenty families have been rendered
homeless and entirely destitute, but the
wealthy people of the town have refused
to accept aid and are doing everything
possible to alleviate the suffering. At
Bern wood, 250 persons, three fourths of
the entire population, are in absolute
SUA WXEETOWX, I ml., Feb. 17.—A
heavy rain fell all night and during the
early hours of the morning, and the in
dications are that there will be still
more rain. The latest news from the
Wabash is that the river is still rising
and that the Tennessee is pouiiuga
great ilood Into the Ohio, causing much
suffering among the refugees on the
hills. Their provisions are giving out,
aud food has been scarce from the start,
and many additional cases are reported.
But bad as the situation now is it will
become worse.
The situation in Uniontown is grow
ing more serious. The entire town is
several feet under water and the river is
still rising steadily. There was a rise
during the night of five inches. Be
tween Shawneetown and Uniontown
the country on both sides of the river as
far as the eye can reach is one vast
sheet of water, trees alone making the
dividing line between the river and the
shores. Several houses have been wash
ed away.
The situation at Paducah is worse
than has been generally supposed.
List night one-third of the place was
under water, and a rise of two feet
more would cover the entire town. The
last train on the Ohio and Chesapeake
road arrived last night. The water
covered the track to the depth of two
feet putting out the fires of the engine.
At 8 o'clock this evening the works
were flooded, and the people are now
dependent on lamps.
New Liberty, twelve miles above
here, is entirely abandoned and nothing
but the roofs of the houses can be seen.
Four-fifths of Smithland, at the month
uf the Cumberland river, is under water
and several other towns are submerged.
That portion of Caseyville fronting on
the river is under water to a depth of
ten or twelve feet.
PINE BLUFF, Ark., Feb. 17.—The
steamer R. L. Cobb reports that nearly
all the plantations below are more or
less submerged. Only four landings
could be made from the mouth of the
riyer. The situation of the planters is
critical. At Fulton last night the Red
river was still rising and the flood cov
ered the banks on both sides for many
miles. The homes of hundreds of per
sons are flooded. The occupants are
helpless and cannot be rescued. Liye
stock are drowning in large numbers.
Many houses are being washed into the
river and unless relief is soon obtained
the loss will be heavy. The Arkansas
river at Fort Smith had fallen six feet
at midnight last night and was receding
The River Receding at Cincinnati.
CINCINNATI, Feb. 17.—The river .s
rededing at the rate of about one and
a-half inches an hour and 11 o'clock to
night stood at sixty feet. It raiued
hard this afternoon.
A general redaction in fare has been
made on the Reading Railroad.
There is a man in Shaniokin who has
lived for seven years on bread and wa
ter at an expense of 40 cents a week.
The Lehigh Valley Railroad compa
ny is building a locomotive which it is
stated will he the heaviest ever built.
It will have ten driving wheels with
pony-trucks helon and behind.
On Sunday Feb. 10 Mrs. Fcnster
maclier, living on Fast Market street,
Sunbury, discovered a bunch of lull
blown blossoms on an apple tree in her
lot. The tree is also full of buds near
ly ready to burst. This is a remarkable
circumstance considering the recent
severe weather and the open, exposed
position of the tree.
A Reading Lad's Singular Death.
It KAIMNO, February Id. — A strange
and fatal accident oeeiired here ou'the
street- tonight. An alarm of lire was
struck at N. AO and a large crowd ran in
response. Harry (Jan/, aged seventeen
ran against a tree in the thick fog,
sMppetl and was instantly killed. lie
struck the tret with his temple.
The State Agricultural Society, hav
ing bought ground for a permanent
place of exhibition in l'b iindelphia, will
erect capacious buildings during tln
coming summer and inaugurate its new
departure 10 \t fall with a State fair at
which $<">0,000 m premiums will be of
fered. It strikes one at first as odd to
bold an agricultural fair in the largest
city of the State and in the extreme
southeastern corner; but, after all, by
the increase of railroad facilities, Phil
adelphia is brought neai to the great
agrieultuial region sof the State. Lan
e ister, Chester, Delaware, Lebanon,
Berks, Lehigh,Montgomery and .North
ampton counties make most of the
agricultural display and the point that
is most central for them will no doubt
be found most advantageous for such
ail exhibition. Besides in great centers
of population it is most practicable to
secure a large pbtronage of exhibitors
and speetatois.
Dead in a Dentist's Chair.
Sen A NTON", Feb. 7.—Mis. James
Stevenson, of the Providence section
of the city . died to-day in a dentist's
chair at the office of W. 11. Heist, after
she had three doses of chloroform and
ether administered during the pulling
of fifteen teeth. The anaesthetic was
given by her family physician, l)r. A.
Strang. After the first dose Dentist
Ileist puilcd two teeth; then another
dose was given and nine teeth were ex
tracted: then a third dose was given,
after which live teeth were taken out.
The staitied dentist then realized that
he was pulling the teeth of a dead wo
man. Mrs, Stevenson died shortly al
ter* receiving the thild dose. She leaves
seven children, the youngest of whom
is only four months old. Coroner
Dean is holding the inquest, which will
continued to-morrow.
Two HOLD SWINDLERS.— The other
morning at 4 o'clock, as the Philadel
phia and Erie passenger train was a
bout starting west from Ilarrisburg. a
bold and successful swindling dodge
was played upon an old gentleman, a
citizen of Erie, who was on his way
home. Two men came bolting into tlie
train and one of them called out, "Is
time any one on this train going
through to Erie?"' The old gentleman
referred to reply that he was bound for
Erie,whereupon the first speaker stated
that he had a ear of horses on the train
but that the freight agent would not al
low them to go through until the re
mainder of the freight, which was short
s4i>, was paid. He referred to the man
who had come with him, as the freight
agent, and the latter affirmed tho state
ment of the alleged horsedealer. lie
represented that lie was going through
with the horses,amljtliat he had a writ
ten security which lie would give any
one furnishing the money asked for,the
man secured the amount named from
the old gentleman of Erie, and placed
in the hands of the latter the document
which lie had previously shown. After
getting the money the horse dealer and
the freight agent pa ssed forward to the
front part of the train to look after the
horses. When it oecame light enough
to examine it thoroughly the benevo
lent Erie man discovered that the pa
per given him was a sight draft on the
First national bank of Texas for S2O,
000. Long before this time the
swindlers had skipped off the train and
disappeared. It need not be stated that
there were no horses on the train and
that both the men who woiked the
horse dodge were swindlers.
4% <O% I W'X" the working class. Send 10
IMBII 8 |cents for postage, and we will
El SJ 1_ Mjinail von free, a royal, valuable
w o'f sampie goods that will
put you in the way of making more money in a
few "days than you ever thought possible at any
business. Capital not required. We will start
you. You can work sill the time or in spare
time only. The work is universally adapted to
both sexes, young and old. You can easily earn
from on cents to $5 every evening. That till
who want work may test the business, we make
this unparalleled otter: to all who are not well
satisfied we will .send $1 to pay for the trouble
of writing lis. Full particulars, directions, etc.
sent free. Fortunes will he made by thore who
give their whole li me to the work. Great suc
cess absolutely sure. Don't delay. Start now.
Address STINSON & Co., Portland, Maine.
BUNNELL & AIKENS, Bellefonte, Ag'ts
DFt EASED.- The undersigned, an auditor ap
pointed by said court to make distribution of
the fund in the hands of Dr. P. T. Mustier, Ad
ministrator of Xce of .John D. Koote, late of MiU
lielm Porn., dedeoased, gives notice that lie will
meet the parties in interest for the purposes of
his ap'ointment at Ins otltee in Hellefonte, on
W'eiltiesila v, March Ath, I**4, at In o'clock, A.M.
ITS XEGt'TOP'S NOTICE.—I i tters testailiellt
j ary on the estate of Mrs. neliecca Thomas
late of Auronshnrg. deceased, having been
granted to the subscriber, all persons knowing
themselves indebted to said estate are hereby
requested to make Immediate payment, and
those having claims to present til *in duly
proven for settlement.
Aaronshuiß. I'a., Feb. 7th, I>*4. 6-61
administration on the estate of John
Smith, late of penn township, deceased, having
been granted to the subserllwr. all persons
knowing themselves Indebted to said estate are
lierebv requested to make Immediate payment,
and those having claims in present tin in duly
pinvii for settlement.
J on - e. SMITH.
EXECUTORS' NOTICE.—Let tern tostamcn-
I turv oil the estate of ./omit bun Kreumer.
late of Mliliieim,deceased, having been grant
ed to the suhscrlliers, nil persons kuawing
themselves Indebted to said estate are hereby
notified to make immediate payment, and
those having claims against the same, to pre
sciit them du!\ proven for settlement.
J. 11. K REAMER,
MiUlteim, Jan. H'ih I**l. Executors.
administration on the estate <f lleury ./.
Musser. late of llaiues township.deceased, hav
ing been granted to the sulwrtber, all persons
knowing themselves Indebted to said estate are
hereby requested to make immediate payment,
and those having claims to present twin duly
proven for settlement.
2-fit AdiniuJstrator.
administration on the estate of John Orn
itorf. late of Haines township, deceased, having
b< en granted to the subscribers, all person*
know ing themselves indebted to said estate are
hereby requested to make immediate payment,
and lliose having claims to present them duly
proven for settlement.
JOHN J . Ousnonr,
l-dt Administrators.
administration on the estate of Nathan
Kormau, late of I'enn township, deceased, hav
ing been irmnted to the subscriber, ail ]>ersons
know ing themsselves indebted to said estate
are lierebv requested to make immediate pay
ment and those having claims to present them
dulv proven for settlement
4iw'it. Administratrix.
Eiias Luse & Son's
In the rear of the Ev. Cl.urch, Pen Street,
Doors, Window Frames
& Sash, Shutters &
Blinds, Siding, Brackets,
Stair Rails,
Balustrades, Verandahs,
made to order at the most reasonable prices.
A share of public patronage re*|ieetfully so
licited. 36-ly
Best J Cheapest
And the Best Dally a JLow
The Harrishure Weekly Patriot is a large
eight-page sheet and contains a gre iter variety
of reading matter than any other paper pub
lished. It is newsy, instructive and entertain
ing. The subscription price of the Weekly Pa
triot is *I.OO per annum cash in advance.
The Weekly Patriot and New York Weekly
San will he sent to any address, one year tor
*1.00; the Weekly Patriot and New York R'eeA
ly World to anv address, postpaid, for one year
for *L'.H; the Weekly Patriot and the Philadel
phia Saturday Jtecord, postpaid, one year for
*l.'Mt; the Weekly Patriot and the Philadelphia
Weekly Time*. post paid, one year for *2.00. In
all eases the cash must accompany the order.
Is the only morning paper published at the
state capital; the only moining paper outside of
Philadelphia and Pittsburg that gets the com
plete Associated Press news and that lias a gen
eral system of special telegrams; and the only
daily "that reaches the interior tow ns of Penn
s\lviinla before the Philadelphia and New \ork
papers. The Daily Patriot nas leen greatly im
proved in all its departments within the last
six month-! and is now equal in all respects and
superior in some to t lie dailies of the larger cit
ies Price bv mail $6.00 per annum (or $7.00 if
not paid in advance); $3.00 for six months, in
advance• ;5o cents for one month, in advance;
to dubs of live *5.00 per copy per annum; to
clubs of ten *4-50 per copy per annum; payable
in advance. The Daily Patriot and the Phila
delphia Daily Jtecord (Sunday edition excepted
will be sent one year to any address for fS.OO
e i.Mi in advance. Send for specimen copies of
the Daily and Weekly Patriot. In remitting
money for subscription send post office money
order, check or draft. Address
320 Market Street.
LOOK: iK^jviEisr
was closed last Tuesday to
the entire stock which MUST be reduced before
This will afford the people of Clinton and
adjoining counties the greatest oppor
tunity to secure the best bargains at
far less prices than they have ever
before had in any instance.
We only quote a few prices which we guarantee not be leaders, nor baits, for
the whole stock has been marked down.
Ladies' Coats, Circulars and Dolmans.
Everything in this department has been marked
down 25 to 33 per cent, and some of them 50 per
cent, or one half value.
Dolmans sold at sl6 reduced to SB.
Plush Coats sold at $37.50 reduced to $29.00.
Russian Circulars sold at $37.50 reduced to $25.00.
Coats and Dolmans from $3.50 up.
Great reduction in Dress Goods, Velvets, Colored
and Black Silks. We warrant every black Silk we
sell, if it does not wear as we represent we will
positively give you another in place of it.
All the best, all wool Extra Super Carpets reduced to 75 cents
Good Tapestry Brussels reduced to 65 and 75 cents.
AH the Best Body Brussels reduced to $125.
Flannels reduced 25 per cent.
Table Linens reduced 25 per cent
Best Prints only 6\ cent.
Best 10-4 l!tica Sheetings 25cents.
Yard nide Hill Muslins Si cents.
All bleached Muslins sold at 12\ reduced to 10 cents.
Good Heavy unbleached Muslins at 6i cents.
Best unbleached M USLLYS S c.
BEST " 9 rent,.
11-4 WHITE BLANKETS $2.50.
pit Please bear in mind that this great chance will only last till FEBRUARY"
BTII and also that the choicest things are always sold first.
Very Truly Yours,
' * *' *1 Z ** c rf I © t
B S mrwk n m B m B Bußy *..*.** .*_♦ +,*•.* *. *.* Bmßhi Br Br B %P wkstm Blfß I m, BBBS!
New Fall and Winter Millinery for Ladies,
Ladies' and Misses' Readv-Made Coats and Dolmans in latest Styles.