A Brakeman's Life. A long freight-train came to a stop on the siding near Richards, n small station in Dakota, on the north-west ern railroad. One of the brakemen entered the little office, where we were trying to send a message to Fargo. But the wires worked hadlv, for it was bitter cold, nearly ten below zero. We turned to the brakeman, and with a nod, said, 'A chilly night!' 'How would you like to swop places with me ?' he asked. 'Nice cool ride between here and Junction.' With a little more interest in the man, we asked, 'You don't mean to say you're going to ride to Junction on the outside V 'Faetl'said he,emphatically. There's nothing easy about a brakeman's life, I tell you! Folks think it's a soft job to ride all over the country for not bin'! But let 'em try it on top of a freight train, such a night as this, and they'll prefer Raymond's five hundred dollar excursions!' 'We should think so!' we replied, seeing he was in a talking mood. 'But how will you keep from freezing to night?' 'Run,* he answered, laconically. 'Run up and down the train. Com in' down front the crossing, I ran the whole length of the train a dozen times.' 'lsn't it dangerous ?' 'Well, no, —not if you're used to it. The worst time is during a snow storm, or just after the rain has frozen on the roofs of the ears. A cat with ashes on her feet couldn't keep front slipping then.' 'Did you ever slip ?' "Once I did. We were going a bout fifteen miles an hour, one dark night, and just as we rounded a curve my foot slipped in jantpin' onto the I car next the tender. Down I went between the two, and for a minute I thought I'd reached my terminus. But I caught hold of one of the iron steps as I went down. If I hadn't, the whole train would have gone over me. We had flat cars on mostly that night loaded with railroad iron.' He spoke with the air of one talk ing over a reminiscence, shaking, as he talked, the icicles from his shaggy cap. 'Do you work all day and all night, too ?' 'Pretty much. This is the first rest I've had to-day. We're waitin' here for the 8.15 mail to go by us, and then we run on to the next siding, sixty two miles, to Billings.' 'What is the pay of a brakentan in your place?' •'Well, the company gives nte a dol lar and a half a day. But I'm doin' some night-work.' 'Do you brakemen have any homes of your own, or any holidays, such as Christmas, New Year's or Washing ton's Birthday ?' •Haven't had a home since I went onto the road, six years ago. You see, we don't stop long enough in any one place to get acquainted, and I cannot even find tinfc to court a girl long e nough to get coupled to her. An' as for Christmas and New Year's and Washington's, why, I suppose a freight brakeman is shut out on those roads. He haint the right o' way, or at least, the connections on these routes is mighty onsartin'. But here comes the 8.15. Didn't know I was talkin' so much. But when I get oil ed up, I run pretty smooth if the track's clear. Good-night!' He went out into the bleak night, and we shivered for him. We have always had a respect for brakemen since that talk, and have written this sketch to create consider ation for a brave, uncomplaining class seldom heard of in song or story, yet worthy of honorable mention. 'Understand that you had a fire at your house yesterday,' said a gentle • man to his friend, Col. Snagwell. 'Yes, house caught fire.' 'Suppose the firemen did effective work ? 'No, they didn't get there in time.' 1 ' You threw water very promptly on the flames, eh V 'No, didn't use any water.' 'How did you put it out?' < 'Went out.' i 'That's singular.' 'Not at all. The other day I bought a load of kindling wood from a count ryman. I had it cut up and stacked in the kitchen. When I saNv the fire [ burning in that direction I felt pretty 1 safe, and I was not disappointed, for when it reached the kindling Wood it went out. a A teacher in a High School, near i Boston, met with several queer ex- {; pressions in the compositions which t he had to correct. c One boy wrote upon "Abraham r Lincoln," and made the astonishing l statement that at such a date the mother of the future President died ' ir but married again the next gear. ] ADVICE TO NOTHEKN Are you disturbed at night ami broken of | yonr rest by a sick child suffering and crying . with pain of cutting teeth? It so, stud al mice ' and get a bottle of MRS. YVINSLOW'S SOOTHING 1 SYRN* FOR CHILDREN TKKTHING. Its valno is ■ incalculable. It will relieve tbe poor little suf ferer Immediately. Depend upon It, mothers, there Is no mistake about it. It enresdyscntery . and diarrhoea, regulates the stomach and bowels, cures wind colic, softens the gums, ro , duces intlammation, and gives tone ami energy - to the whole system. Mas WINSLOW'S SOOTH ING SYRUP FOR CHILDREN TEETIIIXG is pleasant * to the taste, and is the prescription of one of a tlie oldest and best female physicians and nurs es in tbe United States, ami is for sale b> all druggists throughout the world. Price 23 cents a bottle. 1 ♦ - s Dr. Kesslcr's Celebrnled Eng lish Cough Medicine, The reliable and never failing ? standby in croup or whooping cough. 3 Unequalled as a reined;/ in voids and 1 all luny troubles. Don*l waste time and endanyer previous lives e.rperi menfiny with wo Ihless inedieincs, tod s yet the Iwst at once. , ' MOXEYItFFrXDFD TO DIS ,, SATISFIED I'D ID 'IIASF It S. t McDonald* s fin proved Liver ruts are endosed by eminent physicians and used by than in their daily prae -1 tiee. Trial package free. r MOKE Y ItEFFXDFD To DIS SA TISFIFD mtCHASFIIS. For smaltness of dose, easiness to take and effectiveness as a worm de ' stsoyer, Ale Donald*s('elebrated 1 form - Powders surpass anything on earth. Entirely vegetable. AD)NF 1 : ItFFI 'XDFD TO J>TS SATISFIED PFitCJIASFJtS. Dr. Kesslcr's Cough Alt dicmc, AlcDon ? aid's Improved Liver Pills and Celebrat i ed Wonn Pointers are sold and warrant ed by Ji. AL Eby , Netr/jort, Pa., John son, Hollo way A* Co., Philatlclphia agents Sol (I hi/ J. Eisen It it fit, MILLHEIM, P. L |i. |lmo Ijolfl, Nos. 317 & 319 ARCH ST., PHILADELPHIA. • RATESREDUCEDTOJ2.OO PER DAY. The traveling public will still find at this Hotel the same liberal provision for their com fort. It is located in the immediate centres of business and places of amusement and the dif ferent Rail-Road depots, as well as all parts ot the city,are easily accessible by street Cars constantly passing the doors. It offers special inducements to those visiting the city for busi ness or pleasure. Your patronage respectfully solicited. Jos. M. Feger. Proprietor. For Sale al tie Mieim Journal Store T3KXXSYLVAMA STATE COLLEGE. Winter Term begiuM Jan. -1,1891. Tills Institution is located in one of the most beautiful and healthful spots of the entire Alle gheny region. It is open to students of both sexes, and offers the following courses ot" study: 1. A Full Classical Course of Four Years. 2. A Full Scientific Course of Four Years. . A Lattu Scientific Course. 4. The following SPECIAL COURSES, of two years each following the first two years of the Scientific Course (a) AGRICULTURE : 0 cents in panel* covers; *I.OO in elegant cloth. In German or English. Y'ick's Illustrated Monthly Magazines—32 Pa ges.a Colored Plate in every number and ntanv fine Engravings. Price *1.25 u year ; Five Cop ies for *">.oo. Specimen Numbers sent for 'o cents ; 3 trial copies for 25 cents. JAMES VICK, tf ROCHESTER, N. \ r . A irtlFßa®! fFtfVvanU-d lor The Lives o ASwiPmS N the Presidents of the HlSbßl 0 3u. is. The largest, haud s miestbest book ever sold for less than twice our price. The fastest selling book in America. 1 nunc use profits to agents. All intelligent people want it. Anv I one can become a successful agent. Terms free. HALLETT BOOK CO., Portland, Maine. A ffl n I fIP f* l ml' six cents" 1 for O Iflll a Wi postage, and receive $% Si BBlfcCibee a costiy box of goods winch will help you to more money right away than anything else in this world. All, of cither sex, succeed from the first hour. Khe broad road to fortune opens before the workers, absolutely'sure. At once address, TRUE & C 0.,! Augusta, Maine. rf* x w(?c 'k al home. $5.00 outfit free. % absoluely sure. No risk, aiy IB Capital not required. Reader, if you want business at which per sons of either sex young or old, can make great pay all the time they work,with absolute certainty, write for particulars to H. H. HAILETT & Co., Portland, Maine. PATE NT S. F. A. Lelimann, Solicitor of American and Foreign Patents, Washington. 1). < . All busi ness connected with Patents, whether before the Patent Office or the Courts, promptly at tended to. No charge made unless a patent is I secured. Send for circular. tf BcJ Hi Ml K J & MS % ease or ot her dis- MB Si I '4s F b ability. Widows, . , , „ minor children and dependent parents entitled when death re sulted. Claims reopened, restoration, increased bounty, bick pay aud discharges obtained. Ap ply at once, delay prejudices jour rights. Fees fixed by law. Address, with stamp, the old e tabhsbed firm of KDSON & CO., Attorney* and Claim Agents, 917 F St., Washington, D. C. ET YOUR JOB PRINTING DONE AT The Midieiin Journal Office. FNTE WORK CHEAPLY EXECUTED. P. H. STOVER, DEALER IN Clover Seed, Flour & Feed, Coal, Plaster & Salt. cmmiv, ra. • *-IIUIIIKST MARKET PRICE ALWAYS PAID. *i*A full supply of Coal, Plaster and Mnlt.al way** on liautl ami sold at the lowest price *v*Coul kept uiuler roof at all seasons of the year. *#-Th© publio patronage respectfully sliet ed. :t9ly Steam Bending Shops, { FARMERS' SIILI.S, PA. } All kinds of bending in wood done on short notice. Orders filled for —zr,I:M:S— of all sizes, and of the best material. Bob Sled Runners, Shafts, Bent Hounds, Plow Handles, Phaeton Buggy Reaches. Send for price list. Orders by mail promptly attended to. All work gua ran teed. J. 11. REAM & SON, GO TO SIMON BROTHERS, THE LOSS CLOTIIIEHS for your Clothing. 45 MAIN STREET, LOCK HAVEN. A. SIMON & SONS, WHOLESALE A RETAIL UKOCKHS, keep the largest stock in the 143 MAIN STREET, LOCK HAVEN. rruiK MILLHEIM JOURNAL JOB Printing Office is now supplfed with and a large assortment of DISPLAY TYPE. LETTER HEADS, NOTE B EADS, BILL HEADS, STATEMENTS, ENVELOPES, CIRCULARS, POSTERS, and, in short, vent and lasft/ Jot Printing of all kinds PROMPTLY EXECUTED. PATEUTS MUNN & CO., of the SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, con tlnuo to act us Solicitors for Patents, Caveats, Trade Murks, Copyrights, for tho United States, Canada, England, France, Germany, etc. Hand Io >k about Patents sent free. Thirty-seven years' experience. Patents obtained throucn MUNN & CO. are. noticed In the SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, tho largest, jest. and. most widely circulated scientific paper. $2.20 a rear. Weekly. Splendid engravings una interest! n:"' in formation. Specimen copy of the Sclent' fic Amer ican sent free. Address MUNN ft CO.. SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN Office, 2c 1 Broadway, New Tcrk. WAXTED-LADIKSTO TAKU OUli NEW fancy work at their homes, iu city or count ry, and earn 86 to 812 per week, making goods for our Fall and Winter trade. Send l-~> cents for sample and particulars. HUDSON MFG. CO.. 267 SIX'TH AVE., NEW Yoiik. THE XfEW JOIIIiWI, STORE Penn Street. Millheira, Pa., is the only exclusive Booh stationary anil Variety Store in Penna Valley. We can not possibly begin to cnunicrntc nil the goods WO have for sale but there must be a begin nine* somewhere and so we begin on BIBLES, and thai is always n good beuinning as well us a good ending. Splendid Family Billies, I'ui pil Bibles, Teacher's Bi bles, Sunday School Bible?, Pres entation] Bibles. It will lie.to your interest to examine these l>e fore you go to other places to buy, Photogr? pli Albums. Front the large tjuurto Cabinet 'Album down to the small Pocket Album holding a do/en cards. Every style, variety and price. A large line of Autograph Albums, These are good sellers nil the tline and are very suitable for cheap presents. Scrap Books and Pic tures, an endless variety, the ilnest and latest style*, all sizes uud prices. In (Ms line we claim to have more novelties than any store In the valleys. It will pay vou to come and examine our stock of Velvet Cabinet Frames, before you buy elsewhere. PA PR It, RN VEf.OPES, CARDS, PA PK TP PIPS, / A* KS, IXKS TA A'///•; AY'/ LS, SCHOOL HOOKS, PK AN, PRX/IOLnRIIS, SLA TRS PL AXK HOOKS, Ural ill Itlrf ant/f!iilh( awl ryryi/f/iiw/ m Ihi' Haul ami Slalnaiyyi/ Km' can I (' had at nay &foyy. Come, See and Buy AT TIIE NEW JOURNAL STORE Penn Street and at the LOWEST PRICES ID IR/CTGS S NEW Ih 0 DRUGSTORE w p -IN THE- W Spring (ills fliß, Q R Spring Mills, Pa. 01 ffl b g DRUGS 9 |J\ OF ALL KINDS, C\ j-H A Ft*lX LINK OF Q P PATENT MEDICINES, (0 q} Ktrkfli Fine Spas* u 0 Toilet Articles, Perfumeries, H h Ccafectioiis.ToteJo&Ciais. £ *\ Being an Apothecary Lj \Y of experience Physicians' Pre- -J Ixl sorptions will be carefully com- H *• uouuiled yiJ P C. E. AURAND. [f) IDIR/CX G-S D. H. Lenker, MANUFACTURER AND DEALER IN FURNITURE, _A_ARONSBURG, PA. Chamber Suits, Bureaus, Lounges, Bedsteads, Stands, Marble-Top Centre Tables, Breakfast Tables, Dining Tables, Extension Tables, Sideboards, Sinks and all kinds of Kitchen Furni ture, Cane or Wood Seat Chairs, Rockers, Spring Beds, Wire, Wool and Hair Matresscs, every style of Moul 1- ings for Picture Frames. Frames of any size made to order. Undertake a Specialty. A share of the public patronage re spectfully solicited. 30-1y PEABODY HOTEL, 9thSt. South of Chestnut, PHILADELPHIA. One Square South of the New Post Office, one half Square from Walnut St. Theatre and in the very business centre of the city. On the American and European plans. Good rooms from aOets to S3.CO per day. Remodel ed and newly furnished. \Y\ PAINE, M. D., 46-ly Owner & Proprietor. % MTLLHEIM MARBLE WORKS The Oldest, The Largest, The Cheapest, Most Reliable Establishment In thh part of Pennsylvania. Monuments, Tablets and Headstones, manufactured in the most artistic style an d of the best material. Alt work warranted and put up in the most substan tial manner. tWOur prices are so low that it will pay persons in need oj marble work to give us a call. 0 DEININGER & MGSSER proprietors. Shops east of Bridge, Main St., Hillheim, Pa. LcwisMrfr fill Tyrone Railroad Tire Table. I.KAVK WKST vVAIID. 13 5 ,7 A. M. A. M. V. M. 1. If. |. M Mont.uulon 7 ''•*■> ' 9.40 2.95 li.OO 7. ft I."w|Hburjr 7.25 10 05 2.20 Fair 1 :*iiiittl 730 10.12 2.25 IHehl 7.40 10.27 2.35 V'cksburg 7.45 1H.35 2.40 Mintiiihurjr AbQar 11.00 ar 2.55 1\ 3 i'-5 M illiiiont 8.22 3.28 I'iiurolton 8. .2.40 Wlkerllun 8.57 4.06 Cherry Him 9.15 4.25 Fowler p.:t3 4:17 COlmiiii 9.48 &.0k Kjoiiir MillsarlO.ls ar. 5.20 I.KAVK EASTWARD. 2 4 H 10 A. M. P. M.J Soring Mills ft.,50 l.fti) Cnburn 0 IK 2.20 Fowler 0.29 2.143 < berry Uun 0.49 2.5.5 Wlker Run 7.05 3.15 Luiiivltou 7 JO 3.40 MlUinont 7.40 3.52 A. M. MiminburK P. M. \ ickbiii 8.15 12.10 4.42 Welti 820 12.17 4.: KalrCiOUlul A. M. 5.30 12..'i'4 4.48 P.M. I.ewisburK 0.:i5 X.|,5 12.50 5.10 7.30 Mobtaiuion ar. 0.45ar.9.00ar 1.0.5ar.ft,20ar 7.40 N'ix. 1 and 2 connect nt Moutuudon with Krlc Mall West; 3 and 4 with Sea Shore Express l ast; ft and o with Day Express and Niagara Express West; 7 an I 8 with Fast Line West; 9 and lo with VViillamsp'irt Accommodation East. HEALTH S3 WEALTH! ™ j IU. C. WKSTS MUVE AM) niU"J TRaTEST, a (turanu* I HjwrJCr T.tr )li-v r|a |i r~.uc*s C-mv.il I...ie,Ft!a | Nr*..ua KutiralAi*. He.J-irh-, p,iv • rV-'.-.t >t> cation l \ tl.a uea of alcpiiot it t tUicro, tVak'ftttniM, M i.t. I D pir,n>n. Beltmlng ef l!te Jlraln r-u'i.wr In jn.s'v an 1 iard'ux I" dorr?', c* rav n .4 ifaau.j r C.J A c, Barrrnncan. Ijfin ftf |"..**er In alt!ir rr*. f roluntary L-.n-.d tut tyiartn.-.t rrl o-j ciii.J ty r-> r a |l. a .f lie i.i 1 •, orAV-rJodtUStoK-e. 1*..-- ! •>* rmuisionu Mi.U'l ircatmriit .! a Ik.*, or tlx U>_o* or 'J-,, a. .. . lj JAUL! l>re fuUun ni c'.-l r rcc- I* J Vy na |.,r i!r. lose*, ae< oat|>snUl ii!i |)v j ii| #M| tea (••JfrUasar eu w dllcn enat/i!.tr |,,rc>i>p-plp.. and all DUun of lite Stomach. Rovrel*. Bloof, > Liver and Hldneya. Fir Sale by all Dealer* id Medieiie. at 50 feiti a Bottle. Prepared and sold at Wholesale by the GERMAN OLIO COMPANY, (LIMITED,) 3.2 tVilluw Slrccl. Wlllininsporl. Pa. PHILADELPHIA WHOLESALE AGENCY: Johnston, Holloway & Co., 602 Arch St. Smith, Kline A Co., 309 & Ml NORTH TIITKD STREET. i B There is no excuse for suffering from I CONSTIPATION I and other diseases that follow a die- I ■ ored state of the Stomach and Bow-1 II els, when the use of 1 OR. HENRY BAXTERS I MIME Ml Will give immediate relief. After constipation follows I Biliousness, Dyspepsia, I I Indigestion, Diseases of I ■ the Kidneys, Torpid Liver I Rheumatism, Dizziness, B BSick Headache, Loss of I ■ Appetite, Jaundice, Ap-I ioplexy, Palpitations,! ra Eruptions and Skin Dis-| peases, etc., °f which these! Hitters will speedily cure by removing thccaase. ■ H Keep the Stotnach, Dotcelt, and Digestira Or, /ant H ■ ingcxxl t corking order, and perfect health H K will t>e the result. LadiOS <"><* others sub- 1 B jocttoSick Headache will find relief B fci and permanent euro by the use of these Bitters I P Being tonic and mildly purgative they! I PURIFY THE BLOOD. I Price 25 cts. per bottle. EN For sale by all dealers in medicine. Send ■ Si address for pamphlet, froe.frtriug full directions. B jgj lILSiUY, JOiiSSOS & LORD, Props., Barliagtos, Yt I r r o^iup^iMyr're Insweat.- oflho ClwKllftfii acd'none*.—Jterrons Debility, lmpotrcry, Orgaalo Uiultrai, lloccrrhccs. Syphilitic at;d Brrrnrlal Affeclloa-". 6- i.-itific treatment; sale and Sure remedies Deformities Treated. Cail or write for Mst of qucstionsto bo answered by thoso desiring treatment by mail. (Tenons r.afTrr'nq from Rapture should send their and leara o:cefcin to their cdrauta-.e. It Is not a truss.y Address Dr. 1.. LaRAROE, Pres't r.ml Physician In Charge Central Sed. fs Bum. l-.".tut:, 020 Loe-ist it„ St. Louis. So. Successor to Dr. Butts'Dirpcusa y. established SO Tears, CUT THIS OUT! A MAKE S sls is S4O WE e E r K. We have stores in 15 leading: Cities, fmm which our agents obtain their supplies quickly. Our Factories and Principal tlttices are at Krle, Pa. Send for our New Catalogue and terms to agents Address My I nilCI I 913 Spring Carden St. I Nl LUVCLL PHILADELPHIA,PA. Spec.alty.— Patent causes before the Patent Office! and the Courts, Aeasoanble terms. Opinion as tcl patcntability^freeofcharg^ SIOOO Rf£W A K D HuMrr/lt For anjr machine iiuUing and denning fit fur JM/L Ua,uiai!c much in one Pamphlet mailed DIKE, N E^H,N E CVmpfpWK* WswmM Mm Mit |AN fcut Foree-FeH Fertiliser Drill In existence. .Send for cir cular, A. B. t timi lIAH. X or . k '' n * Pennsylvania STEAM ESGINBS, A. B. FABQUHAR, York Fft Obaap.at foe all Itlmtralrd Verttaal Sneinea.wtthor ... >m win.out wbMla,v i lu uk. uvfimiu " ll *■ TABQUKin, rt>rk, Pn. FABQBBAt ZE7STOVB COBH PLAITTI2 Wrrute4 tt> l>et com dmpocr xtid niml DR. JOHN BULL'S Srai'sToiiicSyii FOR THE CURE OF FEVER and AGUE Or CHILLS and FEVER, AND ALL MALARIAL DISEASES. M The proprietor of this celebrated medi cine justly claims for it & superiority over all remedies ever offered to the pablie for the SAFE, CEBTAIN, SPEEDY and PEE MAIfEHT cure of Ague and Fever, or Chills and Fever, whether of short or long stand ing. He refera to the entire Western and Soathern country to bear him testimony to the truth of the assertion that in no case whatever will it fail to cure if the direc tions are strictly followed and carried ont. In a great many cases a single dose has been sufficient for a cure, and whole fami lies have been cured by a single bottle, with a perfect restoration of the general health. It is, however, prudent, and in every easo more certain to oure, if its use is continued in smaller doses for a week or two after tho disease has been checked, more especially in difficult aud long-standing cases. Usu ally this medicine will not require any aid to keep the bowels in good oTder. Should the patient, however, require a cathartic medicine, after having taken three or four doses of the Tonie, a single dose of BULL'S VEGETABLE FAMLYPILLS will be su#- flcient. BULL'S BAESAFABXLLA is the old and reliable remedy for impurities of the blood and Scrofulous affections—the King of Blood Purific&c. DR. JOHH BULL'S VEGETABLE WORM DESTROYER is prepared in tho form of oandy drops, attractive to the eight and pleasant to the taste. 13It. JOHN BULL'S SMITH'S TONIC SYRUP, BULL'S SARSAPARILLA, BULL'S WORM DESTROYER, The Popular Remedies of the Day. Priarlpal OBce, SSI Male St., LOUISVILLE, KT. THE Buchanan Wind Mill BEAUTY, DUBABMTT JH$ and method of attach- JWIMW MAKINtJ IT ■nn^w THE MOST POWERFUL Ml AND &, ALL KINDS OF TANKS, PIPE, PUMPS, Etc. Be aure to scad for oar now Catalogue before bnjing, BUCHANAN WIND HILL CO V BUCHANAN, MICHIGAN. D.S.MORGAN&CO. MAJrCTACTTHB THIS Triumpli Reapers AND THE NOIBELEB9 New Clipper Mower. The TBIUMPH KEAPERS are unequaled for simplicity in construction, caso of management, light weight, durability and good working capacity in all conditions of grain. The NEW CLIPPER has all the advantages of the OLD CLIPPER MOWER with many valuable improvements. Send foe Illustbated Cibcttlar. Good AGENTS WANTED in unoccupied TERRITORY^ D. S. MORGAN & CO., Brookport, MonroeCo., N.V.' THIS PAPER BslSl°£t.^2X ertiain ■Soreauoo Sprao! Street), where adver- mi ■■■■ ■ - - " £3S^NEW. YORK-