A Showman's Adventure. An old showman tells the following exciting story of his experience when connected with a well known menag erie during an engagement at Suiitli land, Ky. : "After the exhibition was over," he says, 4 I passed into the me nagerie to talk tu the watchman. From some cause he was absent from his post. and 1 Avalked across the amphitheatre toward my old friend the elephant to give him an apple, for we were the best of friends. He was one of the largest elephants 1 ever saw, and as good na tured as large. I was about half across the ring when 1 heard a growl, and looking around*! saw to my horror one of the liens out of his cage and ap proaching me in a crouching manner, ready for a spring. I thought of a thous and things in a moment, and among them I must have regretted perpetra ting so man/ old worn out jokes at the performance that night. I had suffi cient presence of mind to realize my dangerous situation and to know that it required the utmost caution to ex tricate myself from it. One hasty mo tion on my part and 1 would be in the jaws of the* monster- I felt my only hope Avas the elephant,if I could reach him, put he Avas chained by the foot and could not reach me. Nearer and nearer came the lion, waving his tail in a manner that meant business. If I turned my back he would spring; li 1 took my eyes from him 1 was lost. It was a terrible moment. I glided back ward swiftly as 1 dared. I had anoth er.fear. 1 reared stumbling backward and knew if I did fall I would never rise, but that where I fell would make a meal for that liou. As I neared the elephant I SHAY that the lion understood my movement,and feanng lie would be balked of his prcv he prepared to bring the matter to a crisis. I then saw that I had but one hope, t< rush with all my speed to the elephant. I think I must have jumped 20 feet when 1 turned, aud I know the lion jumped 30, but he just missed me. llow I completed the race Ido not know. 1 only kneAv that the elephant's trunk AA*US around my waist and he was lifting me up on his head. 1 only knew that 1 Avas saved. The Philadelphia Times, 1884. TIIE'TIMF.S will enter upon the neAV year stronger and more prosperous than eA'er before in its history —more widely read and quoted, more heartily commended, aud more fiercely criticised with a more complete organization, and an abler staff of contributors—and with the same independence and fear lessness that has made it successful and powerful in the past. THE TIMES has no party to follow, on candidates to advance,but will meet every issue, as it has ever done, with consistent devotion to the right, to honest government, had the public welfare. And, while maintaning its position as the leading paper of Phila delphia, it will aim to be continually in advance in all that can add val ue to a newspaper. Tlte value of a newspaper is not in its size or dispiay, but in the intelli gence and care, the conciseness and freshness with which it is edited. THE TIMES spends laivshly for news from allpartsof the world, but all its dis patches are carefully edited and conde nsed, in order to give the complete news of the day in the most concise and attractive shape, and Avith it a large variety of entertaining and in structive reading. The best Avriters at home and abroad are iraployed to en rich its colums, and to make it a jour nal adapted both to the busy man and to the leisure of the home circle, a wel come visitor to intelligent and honest citizens of e\*ery political, religious, and social taste. THE WEEKLY TIMES is altogether different from the weekly newspapers of twenty years ago. The telegraph and better local newspapers everywhere, es pecially in the thriving centres of rural population, have made the old Aveekly metropolitan newspaper unsatisfying. Those that clir.g to their ancient usag es have lost their hold on our forward moving people; they are but shadows of their former greatness, and tiiev have but a shadow of their former pow er. Those papers have had their use fulness, but it is gone; and, with it, they are going, too. It was not the fault of papers; it was the improve ment of the country that brought a bout the change. Men and women, wherever they live, noAV require freshei news; and they require more than news. THE AVEEKLY TIMES gathers off the types ot every pissing week what ever has lasting interests to people at large, and sets it before them in such generosity of paper and print as would have astonished ns all tAventy years ago. DAlLY—Twelve cents a week, fifty cents a montn, s*> a year, two. cents a copy. SUNDAY —Four cents a copy, $2 a year. AVEEKLY—One copy, $2 a year; five copies, $8 a year; ten copies, sls a year, twenty copies, $25 a year, Avitli one copy free to the getter-lip of every club. THE TIMES, Philadelphia. DID YOU evtr read a patent medicine advertise ment ? Yes, say you; one can't pick up a paper now-a-days that is not one-half medicine advertisements. No doubt of it. Column after column of most won derful cures performed on Jones and Brown away off somewhere. But did you ever read of a manufac turer of a medicine who had the cour age, or had sufficient confidence iu his mediciue himself to say. "if you are not cured or benefited go to where you bought the medicine and demand your money and it will be given to you." You didn't? Well, neither did Ave; but there are such remedies neverthe less. Are you troubled with torpid or dis eased Liver, inactive Kidneys,Billious ness, Constipation, &c., &c., use Mc- Donald's improved Liver Pills— money refunded to dissatisfied purchasers. Do 3on inherit Scrofula or Erisipi las? If so, try McDonald's Great' Blood Purifier— money refunded to dis satisfied purch users. Do you Avant to feel secure from those frightful and oftimes fatal visitors, Croup and Whooping Cough, as well as havmg in the family the one incompar able cough medicine for all colds and lung troubles. Then buy Dr. Kessler's famous cough medicine— money refund ed to all dissatisfied purchasers. Do you waut a whole Drug store in a little glass bottle: then secure at once, Curtis' Carmelite Cordial: the greatest mediclnb ever cfe'vhted for Ch'olera, Dy's er tery, Diarrhoea, Cramps, Ac. Nev er was equaled as a general family pain enrer— money refunded to tlissatisfiid purchasers. Ilave you reason, from symptoms ex hibited, to suspect that any of vour children are troubled with worms? If so, let me say to you, for smallness of dose, easiness to take, etVicatiousnfss, as a worm destrover, McDonald's Cele brated Worm Powders have no equal on earth — money refunded to dissatisfied purchasers. Ilave you a valuable horse for which you want a medicine to enrich the blood , improve the appetite and digest - tion , make his coat glossy, eye bright and step elastic ? Give him McDon ald's Tonic and Wood purifying Horse and Cattle Powder. We don't think it it possible to produce a better medicine for stock. Don't use it unless your animal is sick and needs a medicine. If you want to use a stock powder for fun, buy somedody else's — Money r funded to dis satisfied purchasers. J. Kisenhuth at his Drug store, in Millheim Centre county, lVtina , keeps these remedies for sale and is au thorized to refund the money to any dissatisfied inner. Now ask yoursclt the question, can 1 afford to place a humbug before you under the above conditions, or would a druggist of .1 Kisenhuth's standing and reputation be likely to have these medicines in his store, much less recommend them, if they were not medicines of merit. J. A. MCDONALD, Central Pennsylvania Pharmacy, " lteedsville, Pa., Sole Manufacturer and Proprietor. JOHNSTON, HOI.I.OWAV A: Co, AOTS., l_4t Philadelphia, Pa. ADVICE TO MOTHERS. Are you disturbed at night and broken of vour rest bv a sick child suffering and crying with pain of cutting teeth? It M>, send at once and get a bottle of .Mas. \VIN>I.O\V'S SOOTHING SYRCC POR CHILDREN TKRTHISU. Its valui is incalculable. It will relieve the poor little snr ferer immediately. Depend upon It, mothers, there Is no mistake about it. U eun sdysentery and diarrhoea, regulates the stomach and bowels, cures wind colic, softens the gums, re duces inflammation, ami gives rone and energy to the whole system. Mis WINDOW'S SOOTII ISO SYIU L FOR CHILDREN TK ETUI Mi i* ple.m.iut to the taste, and is the nsfseription of one of the oldest and be>t female physicians and nurs es in the United States and is for sale t>\ ail druggists throughout the world. Price 25 cents a bottle. Dr. Kosslcr's Celebrated Eng lish Cough Medicine, The reliable and never failing standiaj in croup > i / > For Sals al too Millheim Journal Store J3EXXSYLYAXIA STATE COLLEGE. Winter Term lirglns Jail, f, ISSt. This institution is located iu one of the most beautiful and healthful spots of the entire Alle gheny region. It is open to students of both sexes, and offers t lie following courses of study: 1 A Full Classical Course of Four Years. . A Full Scientific Course of Four Years. A Latin .Scientific Course. 4. The following SPECIAL COURSES, of two ye irs each following the first two vears of the Scientific Course (a) AGRICULTURE ; (b) NATURAL HISKtRY; (<•) CHEMIS TRY AND PHYSICS; (d) CIVIL ENGIN EERING. 5. A short SPECIAL COURSE in Agriculture. 6. A short SPECIAL COURSE m Chemistry. 7. A Classical and Scientific Preparatory Course. 8. SPECIAL COUSES are arranged to meet the wants of individual students. Military drill is required. Expenses for board and incidentals very low. Tuition free. Young ladles under charge of a competent lady Princi pal. For Catalogues, or other in formation,address JGEO. W. ATI! '.ETON, PRESIDENT, lyr STATE COLLEGE, CENTRE CO., Pa PATENTS. F. A. Lehmann, Solicitor of American and Foreign Patents, Washington, I). ( . All busi ness connected with Patents, whether before the Patent Office or the Courts, promptly at tended to. No charge made unless a patent is secured. Send for circular. tf i PHal 8 0 minor ' oh:'dam' and dependent parents entitled when death re sulted. Claims reopened, restoration, increased bounty, back pay and discharges obiuiued. Ap ply at once, delay prejudices jour rights. Fees lixed by law. Address, with stamp, the old o . ta'jlished llrm of KDSON & CO., Attorney* and Claim Agents, 917 F St., Washington, D. C. ET YOU It JOB PRINTING DONE AT The Sliilieim Journal Office. FIHE WORK CHEAPLY EKEWTED. P. H. STOVER, DEALER IN Clover Seed, Flour & Feed. Coal, Plaster & Salt. Comrß.x* PH. • MARKET PRICK ALWAYS PAID. 4jfr"A full supnly of Coal. Plaster and SnlUal ways on band anil sold at the lowest price •it-Coal kept under roof at all seasons of the year. 4d*The public patronage respectfully soliet ed. S9ly Steam Bending Shops, { KAITMICRS' MILLS, PA. All kinds of bending in wo.td done on short notice. Orders filled for of all sizes, and of tlio best material. Bob Sled Runners, Shafts, Bent Hounds, Plow Handles, Phaeton Buggy Recaches. Send for price list. Orders by mail promptly attended to. All work gua ran teed. J. B. REAM & SO A. GO TO SIMON BROTHERS, THE ISOSS CLOTH lEKS for your Clothing. 45 MAIN STREET, LOCK HAVEN. I A. SIMON & SOX'S, WHOLESALE A RETAIL tiROCKRS, keep the largest stock in the 143 MAIN STREET, LOCK IIAVEX. T „K j MILLHEIM JOURNAL JOB Pin ting- Office is now supplied with (/OOP P'BFSSFS and a c rye assort men! of ' DISPLAY TYPE. i LETT Ell HEADS, NOTE HEADS, CALL HEA DS, STATEMENTS, ■ L XVE LOPES. CI ECU LA PS. POSTERS, and. in short, neat and tasty ! Job Printing of all kinds PROMPTLY EXECUTED. ' IpsT gTi M FT gm WfM g li El Iks; axd a **3? MUNN & CO., of tlio SciEHTinc / JTELLICAN. con tinue tonct ns Solicitors for intents Caveats. 1 -ado Marks, Copjrighta, for the United Suites, Car ada, England, France, Germany, etc. I bind Rook >out l'.itciits sent free. Thirty-seven J ears' ex'joriaace. Patents obtained throuch JdUNN -t CO. aro noticed In the SCIENTIFIC A MCBICAN. the* largest. Lest, and most widely circulated scieattflc inner. $3.20 a yenr. Weekly. .Splendid enjrm zincs sa fl tnterostln:' in formation. Specimen cop ot ide Anie> icon sent free. Addres: M!"N\ CO., SOILNTIMC AMERICAN' Office, 251 Br< adiray. New York. WANTED-LAI/IKSTOTAKE OUR NEW fancy work at their homes, ut city r count ry, and earn *6 to Ki'J per week, ma king goods for our Fall and AVfilter trade, send 15 cants for sample and particulars. HULISOK WFGv CO., 267 SIXTH AVE. NEW YORK. 1 THE NEW Jol!K\.\f< STORE Penn Street, Millheim, Pa., is i ho only exclusive ' 800b 1 , Stationery anfl Variety Store in l'cnns Valley. Wo can not possibly begin to cnumcrutu all Hie joints wo have for flule but there must be n beginning somewhere and so we begin on • BIBLES, and that is always h good beginning as well una good ending. Splendid Family Bibles, Pul pit Bibles, Teacher's Bi bles, Sunday Sellout Bibles, Pres entation j. Bibles. j li will be to your interest to examine these be fore you go to other places to buy, Photogr? ph Albums. From the large tjiuuto t'abiuet Album down to the small Pocket Album holding a dozen cards, livery style, variety and price. A large line of Autograph Albums, J T iles,• are good sellers all the time and are very suitable for cheap presents. scrap Books and Pic tures, an endless variety, the (luesl and latest styles, ail sizes and prices, in His line we claim to have more novelties than any store in the valleys. | It will pay von to come and < xamine our stock of Velvet Cabinet Frames, ' tiefore you buy elsewhere. j vM'F.n. KWKLOVFS. CAEHS, PA FETEHIKS, 1 I EES, IXKS TAX PS, EEXCILS. SCHOOL HOOKS, f'EXS, EE XHo L l>E IIS, SLA TES ELAXK EooKS, ><,/ m ',/< / iim/f/iitnj oml everi/thiny in the Eimf. antl Stntionrrt/ line inn l-i' had nt one store. Gome, See and Buy AT Tin: NEW JOURNAL STORE Penn Street and at the LOWEST PRICES. | DRuas 5 NEW b b DRUGSTORE y |p -IN* THE- H | $ Spring Mills House, Q A Spring Mills, Pa. 01 m b jg DRUGS £ ()!■' A LI. KINDS, H i rH a rn.i. msf or Q |fl PVTEM MEBRT VES, (J) !(l) Strictly PmeSpices, h |b Toilet Articles, Perfumeries, w lb Confections,Total&Ci£ais. £ Being an Apothecary VJ ! i)r ofexperienoe Bhysieiaiis* I're- UJ script ions will be carefully com-* { 1 rn pounded \\l :R 0.8. aurand. [j |IDR,TTC3-S D. H. Xenker, MANUFACTURER AXI) DEALER IX FURNITURE, _A_ ARON S BURG, UFA, Chamber Suits, Bureaus, Lounges, Bedsteads, Stands, Marble-Top Centre Tables. Breakfast Tables. Dining Tables, Extrusion Tables, Sideboaids, Sinks and all kinds of Kitchen Furni ture, Cat ic or Wood Seat Chairs. Hookers, Spring Beds, Wire, Wool and Ilair Matresscs, every style >f Monl 1- ings lor Picture Frames. Frames of i any size made to order. Undertaking a Specialty. A share of the public patronage re spectfully solicited. 3G-ly FEABODYHOTEL, QthSt. South of Chestnut, PHILADELPHIA. One Square Soul It of the New I'ost Otlice, one half Square from Welnut St. Theatre and in the very business centre <>f the city. On the Ameiican and European plans. Good rooms fjom .OOete to $3.00 per day. Remodel ed aqd newly furnished. W. PAINE, M. D. t 46-lv Owner & Proprietor, MILLHEIM MARBLE WORKS The Oldest, The Largest, The Cheapest, # Most Reliable Establishment in tld- part of Pennsylvania. Monuments, Tablets and Headstones manufactured in the most artistic styte and of the host material. All work warranted and put up in the most substan tia I manner. iWOur prices are so tow that it trill pay persons in need of marble work to give as a call. DEININGER& MUSTER Proprietors. Shops east of Bridge, llain St., fflillheim, Pa. LcwislM and Tyrone Railroad Time Me. LF.AVH WKSTWAKD. 13 ft ,? 0 A. M. A. M. P. M. P. XL P. *? Monttuidou 7 (*.' '.'.40 2."> ft.ftft 7.E. Lewhhtirg 7.25 10 oft 2.20 Kalr (iroiisid 730 10.13 2.25 Itielil 7.40 10.27 2.33 Y'eksburg 7.43 10.30 2.40 M i 111 I ii l>n rur H.i'i'af U.oo ar 2.55 # jo. 3 t's Mlllinont 5.22 3.2 X Laureltou 3.; L", 3.40 Wlkerllun 8.67 4.oft Cherry Kuu 0.15 4,23 Fowler 0.35 4.17 (Joint i ii 0.4 X 5.0(i spring MUlnar 10.15 ar.5.30 LKAVK KAHTWAIIP. 2 4 ft ft 10 A. M. P. -V. luring Mills 5.30 1.50 J0burn............ ft IX 2.20 ow ler ft.2X 2.33 • berry H0n.... ft.4X 2.5-5 , Vlk*r lliiti 7.05 3.15 '.aiirelton 7.;'0 •'1.40 llllmont 7.40 3.52 A. M, Ointlaburg X.00j5i,.),. 4.15 P. \f. .'loknburg- K.I 5 12.10 4.32 •llelil K2O 12.17 4.:tX Fair UIUI A. M. 8.30 12.3.3 4.4 X r. M. I.ewlsbiirg 5.35 5.45 12.50 5.10 7.30 Montaiulonar. ft.4sar.o.ooar i.0.'ar.5,20%r 7.40 Now. 1 and 2 con lie ;t at Montandon wltli Kile Mall West ; 3 ami 4 with Kea Shore Fxpiess Fast: 5 ami fl with I>nv Express and Niagara Express West; 7 ami X Willi Fast bine West; 0 ami lo with Willlamsparl Accommodation Kaal. HEALTH ISW 3ALTHT A4l , ■ "rV ?ft 2 i.' *'. y? rf* A-. J- ■ tr'i 'Ar ' ' r f.'T * OR. I. V. K/i.T d ?. VVJ. X! t *: i" 1 aKAT-ISXT. a ruai.'.i.... np-rtCci-.t I! iVU, L *>ti ■•' • l>: I • KVrv.ua KVu .... -A. II •> . r. • 1 N 1 i iii. n£>- >' alr.e <■] . r I ■ .... V <■•.. ■•. K rt. IU - |n -a-nti. fu'tabiag cl lie iv-u i ! lit i.u KWI . In ia'Jrrv, •* ■' .* a .-1 .< -J ; 1" tvi Olio ItaorMWM. I-i •.S J' *r I . ell I>'l, I ■ .1- •. . L"- y> n.l -riu a cai.-.l .y .■ ■ . r : i t:. •, •.a a-.u.rn.... .amtti r* r . t~.xr..iwia wxn .ui'..v It'-tlla i.l .Ir. i i ul til Ik. A. A I*t * ■, • 111,' 1-..1 |W u I i|; lit p:id. vv i ccarac;; OGXEO T-> r r. anv \t t'l r-a Oi-Vr rr J I" i I ft'* I- jb-. uct on.j . .'I. £., \> j -r'. -.r i< Million sua i. i.n I ji.3 pion-r >• t-at Ilniiiawl C~cl 11 tiff ■t srti".Cn. If i ISM <1 i a: jn;;wr. a: *: . .wil' 'i Il le.n-.Mvt-' r ■ I n-iKg UtaJ cLr, a J'urir Si' „ AI.. tg |aiitwUr-ia C,K.U ircr. ( a i.t IS erst*. I'iiurf>av4 '•''l EISWZR d M2KDcußo?i, t | 320 Raca €lrac, P::'t.sd'Kinb!n, Pn. J SMITH'S GERMAN OUOI i Tlie Great German Remedy —FOR— RHEUMATISM, Neumlulft. D.rpep*l(v. and all Dlaftiri of llie Stomach. Itowela, Ulood, Liver nnd Hldneyi. For fU!< bv all P*a!cn in Sriiriw, vt 50 CU a Bsttlc. Prepared end mild at Wholesale by the i GERMAN OLIO COMPANY, (LIMITED,) 1*1! Willow Street. Willlamsporl. Pa. PHILADELPHIA WHOLESALE AGENCY: Jchustou, liollonny & Co., 002 Areli St. Smith, Kline A Co., 300 & 311 NORTH THIRD STREET. , msam DOWNS' ELIXIRRBH I N. H. DOWNS' | Vegetable Balsamic ELIXIR For the cure of I Consumption, Coughs, Colds, Catarrh, I H Croup, Asthma. Pleurisy, Hoarseness, I I Influenza, Spitting Blood, Bronchitis, I Band all diseases of the Throat, Chest, and H U Luiiffs, In all cases where this Elixir isß fiC used ita efficacy it nt once manifested, con- gj tam rincing the most Incredulous that £3 CONSUMPTION < U Dot lucuralle, if properly an ended to SS m At lis commenceaicnt it is but a slight irrita- CO CO tion of the membrano which covere the Lungs; SB then an inflamation, when the cough is rather [!• JJja dry, local fever,and llie pulse luoro frequcnt.the Cf) cheeks flushed and chills more common. This JJ® ® Elixir In curing the alwro complaints, Ejffi ates so us lo remove all morbid Irrita- ■ Hi lions and tnllamation from the lungs B fO to the surface, and Anally expel them from fl Rjj the system. It facilitates expectoration. It heals the ulcerated surfaces H IB and relieves the cough and makes the breath- jS rag same timo reduces the fever. It ii free from |B |3 ktrong opiate and astringent nrli les, which are of so dr>ing a naturo as to he in great danger of fl destroying the patient; whereas this medicine fl 9 never dries or stops tho cough, hut, hv remov- fl ing the CACSK, comiequcntly, when the cough fl is cured the patient is w ell. Send address for H !gl pamphlet giving full directions, free. Price 33 cts., 50 cts., and SI.OO per bottle. SOLD EVERYWHERE. Egf BEWY, JOHSSOY & LORD, Preps., Unrlißglon. Yt. I HMRE DOWNS' ELIXIR.—B Inalspci.'aoith - I!.t><>!. h'.ln ac;l iiocp*.—Xervoat Deblillv, Jnpatenry, (*—in!a tVeakur .v. Oncrrbopa, gynhilltie ai'd U.-rcDrlal AEenlaav. i, it : f!c treatment} safe and sure remedies Jx4bnn!ti-i Trented. Call or write forlUtof questions to t>c answered by t !ioss desiring treatment by mall. tPeeMiasMiCerln-ifrtm Uup'orr ahen'd scad their address,V and learn foui'-tiiluii to (be Ir ndvantane. It Is not a Irass.J AditresiTr. 1.. l.in tlifiß, I'res't ind Physielan la fharce Central Keel. ! J.oru. Ir.*ltn.>. C'-t) Loen t 8L I.n!s. So. Succesrorlo L'r. Eulta' Dirpcnsa y. 1 ..ablNhed S3 Years. CUT THIS OUT! a maxl s SI 5 is S4O wesk. We have stores in 15 leadingr Cities, front which our agents obtain their supplies quickly. t).ir Fnrtoriea and Prinolpnl Olllces are ut Fric, |*a. Send for our New Caialogue and terms to agents Address MM Iftlf CI I 013 Spring Carden St. I 111 LUVCLL PHILADELPHIA,PA. ISpcc.alty:- Patent cauaei before the Patent Offlcel and the Courts. Reasoanble terms. Opinion as tol patcntability^free^^harge^^end^ojncircuiM SIOOO REWARO.^,K For so, ma--liioa bullior t.d rleaulßg flt for ,f\s\hsMusi'.t market as ouch clever &d f a one 'JSP, w.? C l e>n r IN Mat Nffcel FRR. Mixer HRW. K Penmyfvtnfa STEAM ENGINES, JL B. FARQUHAR, York Fa Cheapest autl beat for all par- . posea—elmplo,atrotig an^do asrereiL OiUlopinr^^^oS ▼•rtioal ln*inaa,wtu. or ' 1 ■ iiiiout wheel", very pi *■> FARQI*HAB%EPARITOB "A'MrcmA. B. TASQVUAM, Tort, Pa. RMUUIS EETSTOFI COSIT PLAOTIS A WiiTiut' , 4 tliD bttimriid uppoPiiKl bin Hbiitor in lia* DR. JOHN BULL'S SiffslonicSymp FOR THE CURE OF FEVER and AGUE Or CHILLS and FEVER, AND ALL MALARIAL DISEASES. - The proprietor of this celebrated medi cine justly claims for it a superiority ever all remedies ever offered to the fmbiio for the SAFE, CERTAIN, SPEEDY and PEBr MANEJCT cure of Ague and Fever, or Chills and Fever, whether of short or long stand ing. He refers to the entire Western and Southern country to bear him testimony to the truth of the assertion that in no ease whatever will it fail to cure if the direc tions are etriotly followed and oarried oat. In a great many cases a single dose has been sufficient for a cure, and whole fami lies have been cured by a single bottle, with a perfect restoration of the general health. It is, however, prudent, and in every ease more certain to cure, if its use is continued in smaller doses for a week or two after the disease has been checked, more especially in difficult and long-standing cases, Usu ally this medicine will not require any aid to keep the bowels in good order. Should the patient, however, re a aire a cathartic medicine, after having taken three or four doses of the Toaie, a single dose of BULL'S VEGETABLE FAMILY PILLS will be suf ficient. BULL'S SAR3APABILLA U the old and reliable remedy for impurities of the blood and Scrofulous affections—tho King pf Blood Purifiers. DR. JOHN BULL'S VEGETABLE WORK DESTROYER is prepared in tho form of oandy drops, attractive to tho sight and pleasant to the taste. DR. JOHN BULL'S SMITH'S TONiC SYRUP, BULL'S SARSAPARiLLA, BULL'S WORM DESTROYER, The Popular Remedies of the Day. Prlarlpal Office. S3 J Main St., LOUISVILLE, KT. THE .ft Buchanan Wind Mill BEAUTY, DURABILITY SM. Hew method of attach- THE MOST POWERFUL Ml f-' v •"* cwic.aa-w^® ALL KINDS OF TANKS, PIPE, PUMPS, Etc. ,nre l < •*• MonroeCo, y N.Y. THIS PAPER Newspaper Advertising ftoreau (AO Spruce Street), where adver- 81VMV tfaaanny i s-asssws NEW YORK-