HOUSEHOLD NOTES. Set brooms away handle downwards. Eat slowly and you will not over eat. Brooms scalded once a week w cai long. To brighten glassware, rub it with soft pwper. For ventilation open your windows - A Walking on carpets with protruding nails on shoes, digs QT the nap fearfully. Do not always keep your piano or organ closed if you want the keys to remain white. The best way r to sweep your best carpet, is to sprinkle first with damp ened corn meal. It lays the dust and brightens the colors. Easily made apple sauce :—Bake apples with pan over them, plenty water, pick out peel, mash the rest through colander, sweeten. For burns and scalds alum water, apply immediately, keep well covered with saturated cloths. Cures in from one half to one hour, leaves 110 mark. To wash greasy tin and irons.— Pour a few drops ammonia into every greasv pan, first half filling,with warm water ; a bottle of ammonia should al ways stand near the sink for such pur poses. Lamp chimneys will last a great deal longer, if, when new, they are put in a kettle of cold water with a handfull of salt, boil a couple of hours, then take off and letjthe chimney stand in it until cold. This process, 1 can say so from experience, toughens them very much. The Philadelphia Times, 1884. THE TIMES will enter upon the new year stronger and more prosperous than ever before in its history —more widely read and quoted, more heartily commended, and more fiercely criticised with a more complete organization, and an abler staff of contributors—and with the same independence and fear lessness that has made it successful and powerful in the past. TnE TIMES has no party to follow, on candidates to advance,but will meet eyery issue, as it has ever done, with consistent devotion to the right, to honest government, had the public welfare. And, while maintaning its position as the leading paper of Phila dt'phia, it will aim to be continually in advance in all that can add val ue to a newspaper. The value of a newspaper is not in its size or disptay, but iu the intelli ?ence and care, the conciseness and reshness with which it is edited. THE TIMES spends laivshly for* news from all parts of the world, but all its dis patches are carefully edited and conde nsed, in order to giye the complete news of the day in the most concise and attractive shape, and with it a large variety of entertaining and in structive reading. The best writers at home and abroad are imployed to en rich its colums, and to make it a jour nal adapted both to the busy man and to the leisure of the home circle, a wel come visitor to intelligent and honest citizens of every political, religious, and social taste. THE WEEKLY TIMES is altogether different from the weekly newspapers of twenty years ago. The telegraph and better local newspapers everywhere, es pecially in the thriving centres of rural population, have made the old weekly metropolitan newspaper unsatisfying. Those that cling to their ancient usag es have lost their hold on our forward moving people; they are but shadows of their former greatness, and they have but a shadow of their former pow er. Those papers have had their use fulness, but it is gone; and, with it, they are going, too. It was not the fault of papers; it was the improve ment of the country that brought a bout the change. Men and women, wherever they live, now require freshei news; and they require more than news. THE WEEKLY TIMES gathers off the types ot every passing week what ever has lasting interests to people at large, and sets it before them in such generosity of paper and print as would have astonished ns all twenty years ago. DAILY —Twelve cents a week, fifty cents a montn, $0 a year, two cents a copy. SUNDAY—Four cents a copy, $2 a year. WEEKLY—One copy, $2 a year; five copies, $8 a year; ten copies, sls a year; twenty copies, $25 a year, with one copy free to the getter-up of every club. THE TIMES, Philadelphia. DID YOU ever read a patent medicine advertise ment ? Yes, say you; one can't pick up a paper now-a-days that is not one-half medicine advertisements. No doubt of it. Column after column of most won derful cures performed on Jones and Brown away off somewhere. But did you ever read of a manufac turer of a medicine who had the cour age, or had sufficient confidence in his medicine himself to say. "if you are not cured or benefited go to where you bought the medicine and demand your money and it will be given to you." You didn't? Well, neither did we; but there are such remedies neverthe less. Are vou troubled with torpid or dis r Til VT'I j 11 1 1 1) 11 |ii 1r • ness, Constipation, &c., &c M use Mc- Donald's improved Liver Pills— money refunded to dissatisfied purchasers. Dojou inherit Scrofula or Erisipi las? If so, try McDonald's Great Blood Purifier — money refunded to dis satisfied purchasers. Do you want to feel secure from those frightful and oftimes fatal visitors, Croup and Whooping Cough, as well as having in the family the one incompar able cough medicine for all colds and lung troubles. Then buy Dr. Kessler's famous cough medicine— money refund ed to all dissatisfied purchasers. Do you waut a whole Drug store in a little glass bottle: then secure at once, Curtis' Carmelite Cordial: the greatest medicine em devised fee: Cholera, Dys eatery, biariluxvi, Cr.uivps, &e. Nev er was equaled U3 r grma $1 fanitlj pam curer— money refunded lo dissetusffd purchase es. Ilavo yoO reason, from symptoms ex hibited, to suspect that any of vour children are troubled with wormsr XI so, let mo s,iv to you, for bmallness oi dose, e.itine.4 to tuKO, rlueatiousnrss, as a worm destroyer, McDcualu s Cele brated Worm Powders have no u,uM on e. rth— money vcfm ded U> diss A.. purchasers. . Have *:ou a valuable horse for v Ivh vou 'rant a medicine ' h , r i l>lQo\t. f .hiOi'ov , eye blight and stop elustHs ? Give him McDon ald's lo!iic and 1 lood ' inifyiii; Horse Cattle Powder. Wo don't think it it possible to produce a hotter metiiune for stoca. Don't use it unless your animal is sick and needs a medicine. If you want to use a stock powder for fun, buy soracdody else's — ..lout 7 refunded todis sat isfi rd oui\!* use ''S. J." Eisenhuth at his Drug store, in Millbeim Osntn county, Peuna., keeps these remedies for sale and is au thorized to refu.J the money to any dissatisfied buyer. Now ask yourself the question, can 1 afford to place a humbug before yon under the above conditions, or wo ild a druggist of J EisenhutlPs standing and reputation be likely to have these medicines 111 his store, much less recommend them, if they were not medicines of merit, J. A. MCDONALD, Central Pennsylvania Pharmacy, lleedsville, l'a., Sole Manufacturer and Proprietor. JOHNSTON, HOLLOW AY & Co, AGTS., l-4t Pliiladelphia, Pa. ADVICE TO MOTHEKR. Are you disturbed at night and broken of your rest by a slok oliild suffering and crying with pain of cutting teeth ? if s>, send at once and get a bottle of MRS. WISSLOW'S SOOTHING STRUP FOR CHILDRF.N TEETHING. its value is incalculable. It will relieve the p>or little suf ferer immediately. Hepeud upon it, mothers, there is no mistake about it. it euresdysentery and diarrhoea, regulates the stomach and bowels, cures wind colic, softens the gums, re duces inflammation, and gives tone and energy to tlie whole system*. MRS WINSLOW'S SOOTU ING SYRL'P roil CHILDREN TEETHING is pleasant to the taste, and is the prescription oi one of the oldest and best female physicians and nurs es in the United States, anil is for sale by all druggists throughout the world. Price 25 cents a bottle. ♦ • Dr. Kesslrr's Celebrated Eng lish Cough Medicine, The reliable and never failing standby in croup or whooping cough. Unegualled as a remedy in voids and all lung troubles. Don't wast- tune and endanger precious lives experi menting with worthless medicines, but get the best at nnee. MOXE Y REFFXPED TO PIS SA TISFIED runeIIASEIts. McDonald's Improved Liver Tills are endorsed by eminent physicians and used by them in their daily prae- I tice. Trial package free. MOXE Y REFLXDEP TO PIS SA TISFIED TUR Oil AS E IIS. For smallness of dose t easiness to take and effectiveness as a worm de stroyer, McDonald's Celebrated Worm Powders surpass anything on earth. Entirely vegetable. MONEY REFUXPED TO PJS SA TIS FIEP RFR CHA S F RS. Dr. KcssleFs Medicine, Me I Jon ahVs Improved Liver Pills and Celebrat ed Worm Powders arc sold and warrant ed by B. M. Ely. Newport, Pa.. John son, Holloicay . 0. All husi- IT —~ —■ ■■■ v■ ■' ■** - !■>,, Imil u. whether before the Patent Office 01 the Courts, promptly at tended to. No charge made unless a patent is secured, send tor circular. ti PENSIONS" minor children and dependent parents entitled when death re sulted. Claims reopened, restoration, increased bounty, back pay and discharges obtained. An ply at once, delay prejudices your rights. Fees fixed by law. Address, with stamp, the old o tablished firm of EDSON & CO., Attorney* and Ciaim Agents, 917 F St., Washington, D. C. Q_ET YOUR JOB PRINTING DONE AT The Slilbeim Journal Office. FINE WTFKK EXKCTRMQ ' fr* rs r* *r° 7 EES r 3 i, 5B ts fc Ifo $ DISAI.FR IN Glover £ood, Flair & Food, Coal, "jui .. -"l** fljP A A I.V v t 4 - * v MARKET TRIO! ALWAYS PAID. TA full ..ruoYi. Plaster and Sfflt'ai ways ou Uiui.! and sold at Ihe lowest pi 100 kept under roof iu all seasons of the year. . PATENTS MUNN & CO., of the: SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, con tinue to act as Solicit. >rs for Fate. 1 Is, Caveats, Trade Marks, Copyrights, for the United States, Canada, England, France, Germany, etc. Hand Book about Patents sent free. Thirty-seven years'experience. Patentsohtained through MUNN 1 interesting in formation. Specimen eo >y of the Scientific A ssier icmi sent free. Addr.FS M t'NN ft CO., SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN Office. 201 Broadway, New York. WANTED —LAD.IJJSTO TAKE OUR NEW lancy work at the ir homes, in city or count ry, and earn 8® to 812 per week, uiawing goods for ou. Fail and Winter trade, send 15 cents lor sainple and particulars. HUDSON MFG, CO., S>7 fefXTH AVli., NEW YNSre:. THE NEW p *g&i ■r-r - *7 JOURNAL STORE Ponn Street, Milllieitn, Pa., Is the ou| exclusive Bonis, Stafwry ai Varitly Store 111 r. tiiiVulley. Wo can no' r> uv.m 10 enumerate nil the povnl* wo have r r-> but there must Ixs a lk; !uulnn • t wbcio .Hill SO \\ o liffiln on ir-TT; r TM and that is alwn\s u good bet Inning as woll us a go tt (Mlltllltf. Fc:::i!y iJiblcs. rul pit bibleTWs Bi bles, School Eiblod, Pres entation; Bibles. I: v/11l bo to you- Interest to examine rhoso be foioyou k. to other Photog l'? ph Albums. From the .argo hbuuto Cabinet Album down to liu. smalt Pocket Album Imldlug a jlo/cn cards, fticry >lylo, variety and price. I large hue of Autograph Albums, Those are good tellers all the time and are very sultabe for eheap presents. Scrap Books and Pic tures, an endless varley, the linest ami latest stylos, all sizes and pices. In this line we claim to have inoreuoyeltles than any store in the valleys. It will pay voutccomeaud examine our stock of Velvet Cabinet Frames, befor* you buy elsewhere. PAPER, E \ YE LOPES, CARDS, PA PETE HIES, IXKS, IXKSTAXDS, PEXCTLS. SCHOOL BOOKS, PEXS, BEX HO L DEIIS, SLA TES BLAXK BOOKS, ami in fact mythiny ami everything in the 800l■ itot Stationery line can he tout at our ."tore. Come, See and Buy AT THE NEW JOURNAL STORE on Penn Street nod at the LOWEST PRICES. ZDIRXTO-S CD NEW tl 6 DRUGSTORE jjj p -IN THE- H H Sprim Mills House, Q 9 Spring Mills, Pa. $ m • b R DRUGS S) OF ALL KINDS, H "H A rn.r. LINF OF (JJ 3 PATENT MEDICINES, CD (j) Strictl) Pine Spices, w p Toilet Articles, Perfumeries, m }d Coufccticrs, Tobacco & Cipis. Being an Apothecary Y* of < e Physicians* Pre- -H script ions will tie carefully com- [ 1 pouuded iji H O.E.AURANP. [(] ZDZR-TTGi-S D. H. Lenker, MANUFACTURER AND DEALER IN FURNITURE, .A.ARONSBURG, PA, Chamber Suits, Bureaus, Lounges, Bedsteads, Stands, Marble-Top Centre Tables, Breakfast Tables, pining Tables, Extension Tables, Sideboards, Sinks and all kinds of Kitchen Furni ture, Cane or Wood Seat Chairs. Rockers, Spring Beds, Wire, Wool and Hair Matresses, every style of Mould ings for Picture Frames. Frames of any size made to order. Undertaking a .Specialty. A share of (lie public patronage re- I spectfully solicited. 36-ly PEABORYHOTEL, 9thSt. South of Chestnut, PHILADELPHIA. One Square South of the New Post Ofiice, one half Square from Walnut St. Tneatie and in the very business centre nf t lie city. Oil the American and European plans. Good roouis fiom 50ets to $3.00 per day. Remodel ed and newly furnished. VV. PAINE, M. I)., 46-ly Owner & Proprietor. MILLIIEIM MARBLE VKHS Tho Oldest, The Largest, The Cheapest, Most Reliable Establishment in this part of Pennsylvania. HI onuments, Tablets and Headstones manufactured in the most artistic stytc and of the host material. Alt work warranted and put up in the most substan tial manner. iWOur prices are so low that it will pay persons in need' of marble work to give us a call. DEININGER & MUSSER Proprietors. Shops cast of Bridge, Main St., M illheim, Fa. Lcwisiiiiin till Tyrone Raited Time Table. LEAVE WKSTW AUD. 13 sf/9 A. M. A. M. r. M. P. • J " MonLindon 7.0a 0.4" 2.0.1 t.0o <.M LowlsburfC 7.25 10 05 2.20 Fair (iiouutl 7.30 10.13 2.25 llielil 7.40 10.27 *.&'' Vek*lnirg 7.45 10.86 2.40 Mifilinhurg fkOOar 11.00 ar 2.55 U\ 3 u5 MlUinffilt 8.22 3.2S Lnuroltou ....8..3 3.40 WlkerUun 8.57 4.06 Cherry Run 9.15 4.25 Fowler 0 35 4.47 t.'Obui'U 9.48 5.05 Spring Miii nr 10.16 ir.AN LEAVE EAST WARD. 2 4 6 S AO A. M. P. M. Spring Mills..- 5.50 1.50 (.'ob urn 6 18 2.20 Fouler..— 0.2® 2.33 Cherry Run 0.48 2.^> Wlker Run 7.05 3.15 Lunrelton 7 AO 3.40 MUtmont 7.40 3.52 A.M. Ml (11 in burg 8.00-|i 1.15 4.15 P. M. Vleksbitrg 8.15 12.10 4.32 itiehl 820 12.17 4.38 Fair Ciountl A. M. 8.30 12.33 4.48 P.M. Lewlfiburg 6.35 8.45 12.50 5.10 i.3( "lor. unden ar. 0.45ar .9.00 ar 1.05ar.5.20ar 7.40 NOH. 1 and 2 connect at Moutandcn with Erie Mall West: 3 ami i with Sea Shore Kxpicas Fast; a and 0 with Day Express and Niagara Express West; 7 and 8 with Fust Line West ; 0 and 10 with William sport Accommodation East. HEALTH LO WMLTII! . 1.1. Rt T's shttvE AM> B;:.'r; TIC TM*ST, ■ ,u,nntr,'t fArUol* '" . i .iltiuni, Flti, Krtiouft K eiu.l.t., Hesi ti", KrM . , B c*i—*d i.y ilic . of 10.>i.0l ir I. V. M'l-L-l D prrMioti. SofloiilDS of Oie Urdu r < In It.ußltv ni l la-dtre mt*r>, d <*n, i# l J •- *.lli; rcwili s !• 1 A , liaitrnt.ets, Lo< -rf p..w#r m eltiu . e *. f'iv..!u-.m > L'-sM •nd mat irrli.ra by oVrr** li 11 t.f 1..9 l-r • n, rlf-tiu Oß-W -in luijonra. £a'*li LMIL (■..•-il.ilasocu irtonli.'A Irraiuv M iI Uix. cr tlx luii* lor 1.1 by t-ull pre paid OB r*cet) t .f r rlc *. WE CCARANTEF. SIN BOXES Tcur*njrr:.*e. Wth . h oi-'rr r- t dIT -* f ;, rftx KTOB| : BlO't V. I'h fi. MrO % li! • -< *■ rI J a t HI. *• yutiuitc- ii e Uti i ■ > u -"2) tit off. <-t * rii'-.Onar •.-• tncl only by CISM U & KLXOVL N'. 3- U i tit.-t. P' :'r.AcV his. T*. I " l'G T | Tl> rvUblßtc.l u o l.i kkl for';; r. if t liurri llrftdirkr, toe it, hi t.xll. I •iivwbcr* u,>. ii icorir l of lu crnt. l'.; CJIR. and all DltfMfi of (be Ntotnarh. Bovcb, Blood, Liver uud Hidnryi. For Sale by aU Wm in IMiriif, at 50 Cciti a Bottle. Prepared and sold at Wholesale by the GERMAN OLIO COMPANY, (LIMITED,) a a Willow Nireel. Wllllamaport, Pa PHILADELPHIA WHOLESALE AGENCY: Johnston, Hollo way & Co., 602 Arch St. i Smith, Kline A Co., 309 & 311 NORTH THIRD STREET. ■■■DOWNS' ELIXIR JBHj I N. H. DOWNS' 1 Vegetable Balsamic ELIXIR For the cur® of I Consumption, Coughs, Colds, Catarrh, I 1 Croup, Asthma, Pleurisy, Hoarseness, I ■ Influenza, Spitting Blood, Bronohitis, H H and all diseases of the Throat, Cheat f and I |J| Z.M iigs. In all cases where this Elixir it ■ its efficacy i nt once manifosted, coa- Q rincing the most incredulous that Q CONSUMPTION £ llj is not incurable, if properly attended to.— 3S _ At its commencement it is but a slight irrita-CO CO tlon of tho membrnno which covers the Lungs; 3C then an indamation, wlicu tho cough is rather dry, local fever,nnd the pulse more frequent,the CJ cheeks flushed and chills more common. This JJJ ® Elixir In curing tho nliovo complaint*, oper-* atcs so as To remove all morbid lrrita- E3 tlonaand inflamntlon from the lungs Elg to the surface, and finally expel them from ■ tho system. It facilitates expectoration. It heals the ulcerated surfaces n and relieves the cough and make* tho breath- l;ig ing easy. It supports the strength and at tlie EH ame time reduces the fever. It is free from strongopiate and astringent articles, which are ■■ of so drying a nature as 10 be in groat dancer of Hi destroying the patient; whereas this medicine never dries or stops tho cough, but, by remov ing the CAUSE, consequently, when the cough is cured the patient is well. Send address for H pamphlet giving full directions, free. Price 35 cts., 50 cts., and SI.OO per bottlo. SOLD EVERYWHERE. IlEUtf, JOIUSOS & LORD, Props., Burling!on. Yt. I DOWNS' ELiXIR.Hdi , VSS; AJ-DU I I O , Inc n*rai-i oilhe Blood. Kill and Boor-.—lterron* Drbliily. ImpolrnrT, Orgsnle )Vr*kur,t, Uonnrrhcr*, SysbUltle and Mrrrurlsf Atfrrtlon.. Scientific treatment; safe and sure 1 remedies. Deformities Treated. Call or writs for list ot quertionsto be answered by those deairing treatment by mail. (Peraoa* snflerlßc from Rnptnre should wad Ihetr s4drm,% and learn somrtblnetotUrJr ml rant are. It Is not a traas.y Address Dr. f. L. I.aR UtUK, Trrs't and Phjsieian la Charf. Ontral Med. A Sure. Ins-ltute, OCO Lonnt *t., St. I.ouls, Mo, 1 Successor to Dr. Putts'Diepcusary, I tablivhed *0 Vesrs. CUT THIS OUT! A |SAKE S SI 5 is 840 week. We have stores in 15 leading Cities, from which our agents obtain their supplies quickly. Our Factories and Principal Offices are at Krie, Pa. Send for our New Catalogue and 1 terms to agents Address MU I HI!CI I 913 Spring Carden St. ■ Ff LUVCLL PHILADELPHIA,PA. / ISpec.dlty:- Patent causes before the Patent Office! and the Courts. Reasoanble terms. Opinion as tol patentability, free of charge. Send for circular, | ■PIHHHIBPHVHMIMHIViHIMHVHMMMBHHWMMVPMSMBMHPHMHV SIOOO REWARD^ For any machine hulling nd cle.min|g flt for has made I j A3 much tmc mall'ed^ vri?rr*Mtri the Meet SK£ ttWP yrU AJVW*j®jA z?;£ STEAM !f^l 7rt , ' , lEo2