A Warning to Parents. Few people scorn to properly esti mate the great wrong of frightening children. Nearly every household has its trgly old man or its great old bear. This terrible old man and this great old boar are powerful factors in nurse ry discipline. 'Come along hero now,' a mother or nurse will say to a child, 'and let me put you to lied.' '1 don't want, to go now,' the child replies. 'You'd better come on here now, or I'll tell that ugly old man to come and take you away. There he comes now.' This has the intended effect, and the child, trembling in fear, submits at once and goes to bed, probably to see in imagination all kinds of horrible faces. The sad death of a little girl, which occurred recently, shows what a strong impression these boggers make on the minds of children. The little girl was a beautiful child, and every one at the fashionable boarding house where her parents spent the summer months loved her with that purity of afTeetion which a child so strongly inspires. She would stand at the gate and clap her little hands in glee when her father came to dinner, and when he would take her on his shoulder,shewould shout *ud call co every one to look how high she was. One day a large shaggy dog came into the yard, and when she ran to hiui and held a flower to his nose, lie growled and turned away. She was terribly frighteued, and the black nurse, who stood near, was not slow in making a mental note of the im pression the dog had made. Several nights afterward,when bed-time came, the child was unusually wakeful. "Yer'd better come beak an' git in die bed," the nurse commanded. ' "I don't want to." "All right, den. I'se gwine out an' call dat ole dog what growled at yer. When he comes an' fin's yer outen de bed, he'll bite yer head off." The little child grew deathly pale, "Nuthin'would suit dat dog better den ter git a chance at yer. 'Tother night he cotch a little girl across de road an' eat her all up." The child screamed. "Come on here den, an'l won't let him ketch yer." The poor little thing obeyed. Iler father and mother were at an enter tainment and theie was no appeal in the negro woman's decision. When morning came the little girl did not a wake with her glad "good mornin' pa pa an'mamma." She had tossed all night and a hot fever had settled upon her. She grew rapidly worse, and the next day the physician declared thai there was no hope for her. She be came delirous, and struggling would exclaim ; "Dog shan't have mamma's little gill?" It was a sorrowing circle that sur rounded her death-bed. The parents were planged into a grief which none but the hearts of fathers and mothers can feel. Her last moments were a series of struggles. How bard the beautiful can die. She wildly threw up her little hands and shrieked : "Go away, dog !" A gentle hand wiped the death froth from her lips. Again she struggled and shrieked : "Dog shan't have—" but she died ere the sentence was finished. HOUSEHOLD NOTES. A beautiful tidy for the back of a large chair is made of a square piece of cloth about ten inches each way; on this is sewed patchwork of plush and velvet in the form of a wide-spread fan. The corners of the block are of black velvet, and on the top, drooping over the fan, is a sprav from a moss-rose bush, in ribbon embroidery. The edge is finished with lace. Tihs design is pretty for a block in a quilt or sofa pillow. A pretty way to fix a palm-leaf fan is to paint it. Mix some ultra-marine or Prussian blue with a little silver-white paint, and make it quite thin with boil ed linseed oil. Paint the fan on both sides, handle and all, with it. If you choose to decorate it, paint a Doppy or some buds and stems on it; tie a blue ribbon around the handle and hang it in a convenient place. If you prefer to make it pink, use crimson or madder lake and white in the same way. Pretty blocks for a crazy quilt have different shapes and styles of fans on them. These blocks, and in fact all those used in the quilt, gain in effect by having a framework of black velvet ribbon. This can be brightened as much as you please by the use of em broidery silks. * Brocade silk can be made more effective, if of one color, bv having the figures outlined with nice silks. ♦ ► ADVICE TO MOTHERS. AM you disturbed at night and broken of your rest by a siek child suffering and crying with pain of cutting teeth ? If so, send at once and get a bottle ofJUtts. WINSEOW'S SOOTHING SYKVP FOB CHILDREN Train NG. Its value is incalculable. It will relieve the poor little suf ferer Immediately. Depend upon it, mothers, there is no mistake about it. It cures dysentery and diarrhoea, regulates the stomach and bowels, cures wind colic, softens the gums, re duces inflammation, and gives toue and energy to the whole system. Mas WINSLOW'S SOOTH ING BYHU* FOB CHILDBBN TBETHING is pleasant to the taste, and is the'prescription of one of the oldest and best female physicians and uprs es in the United States, and is for sale by all druggists throughout the world, i'rice 25 cents a bottle. f - 'Cr x Efl HHP P : _ - ♦♦♦ - Belief for Burns—A quick cure is to apply a layer of eommon salt and satu rate it with laudanum. Hold it in place an hour or so by a simple bandage. The smarting sensation will disappear rapidly. I One-Half a Million of Dollars for Postage. George Stinson & Co., the celebrated Art Publishers, of Portland, Maine, undoubtedly pay more motey for post age stamps than any other firm in the world; for the last five years their post age bill has averaged over twothousand dollars per week, making a grand ag gregate of over five hundred and twent ty thousand dollars ; this is about the three-hundredth part of all postage of every description collected by the rail ed States government during that time and in this connection it must be borr.e in mind that the country now has over fifty million souls, and fifty thousand pcst-ofiices. Put the enormous sum paid for postage represents only the cost of sending the light packages, let ters and circulars, for large, heavy packages are sent by express and freight. Messrs. Stir.son & Go., pub lish every description of pictures of the better class, and their trade extends over the entire world. As an illustra tion of the fact that their trade reaches the furthermost parts of the earth, the following may he interesting : Aslioit time since an order for an assortment of over three thousand large and ex pensive pictures was received from Tas mania,away down under tlieS uith Pole. Not many years ago Tasmania was a penal colony of England, and its popu lation was entirely of convicts and their keepers. Since the removal of the convicts, it has become a thrifty colony ; this place is so remote, that three months are required for an an swer to a letter. Tons of pictures are sent to South America by Messrs. .Stin son & Co., and West Africa sends to Portland for works of art ; they have trade in every quarter of the globe where civilization has gained a foot hold. Commencing at the bottom, they have worked their way up to the top, step by step, and thereby, added to the greatest push and enterprises, they have that solid practical exper ience that is always necessity to the best results, in all things. They carry in stock millions of pictures, and are at a moments notice ready to till a five cent order, or one for thousands of dollars; they employ some five hundred artists, clerks, and woikmen ; their machinery and appointments are on a magnificent scale, and a trade of ten thousand dollars a day, 0:1 an average, is required to keep them moving in full blast. Their assortment of steel plates is especially fine, and ranks very high ! in artistic merit ; many thousand of dollars are often spent on a single plate. They appreciate the value of printer's ink, and know how to use it to the besi advantage ; therefore thoy advertise largely and liberally in the newspaper —newspaper advertising was an impor tant factor in laying the sound founda tions of their great success, and with out it, they state that it would have been utterly impossible for theui to have reached their present position. Stinson & Co., are a striking illus tration of what can be accomplished by energy,industry,and good judgment. There is "room at the top*'—all honor to those who tight their way up. This firm believes in standard goods and low prices, and on that principle their business is conducted. American homes should be made beautiful by re fined and meritorou3 works of ait : 110 one ha 3 any excuse for not adding to their homes the charms of pictures, for fine works of high art are within t!i 3 reach of all. Dr. kessler's Celebrated Eng lish Cough Medicine, The reliable and never failing standby in croup or whooping cough. Unequalled as a remedy in colds and all lung troubles. l)on*t waste time and endanger precious lives experi menting with worthless medicines, but get the best at once. MONK Y REFUNDED TO DIS SATISFIED PURCHASERS. McDonald's Improved Liver Pills are endorsed by eminent physicians and used by them til their daily prac tice. Trial package free. MONEY REFUNDED TO DIS SA TISFIED PURCHASERS. For smallness of dose, easiness to take and effectiveness as a worm de stroyer ,McDonald*s Celebrated "Worm Powders sarjiass anything on earth. Entirely vegetable. MONE Y REFUNDED TO DIS SA T IS EI ED PURCHASERS. Dr. Kessler's Cough Medicine, McDon ald's Improved Liver J'tils and Celebrat ed Worm Powders arc sold and. warrant ed by Ji. M. Ely, Newport , J'a., John son, Holloway -<\>al kept under roof at all seasons of the j ear. • J~The poblie patronage respect fully *ly Steam Bending Shops, {FA I'M ICRS' MILLS, PA.} All kinds of bonding in wood done on short notice. Orders filled for —IRTIMIS— of all sizes, and of the best material. Bob Sled Runners, Shafts, Bent Hounds, Plow Handles, Pliaeton Buggy Reaches. Send for price list. Orders by mail promptly attended to. All work guaranteed. J. It. UE IM & so\. GO TO SIMON BROTHERS, TIIE BOSS CLOTHIERS for your Clothing. 45 MAIN STREET, LOCK HAVEN. A. SIMON & SONS, WIKHKS.UK A BKT.UL KKOUERS, keepthe largest stock in the 143 MAIN STREET, LOCK HAVEN. rruiE MILLHEIM JOURNAL JOB Printing Office is now suppl ied with (foot* and a large assortment of LETT Ell HEADS, NOTE HEADS, DILL HEADS, STATEMENTS, ENVELOPES, CIRC ULA IIS, TOSTEIIS, and, in short, neat and tasty Job Printing of all kinds PROMPTLY EXECUTED. B It Sas St 1 #: a MUNN & CO., of tlm Pcinxv-Fio AM RUT 'AX, con tinue to net. as Solicit.>ra for .'•utceif >, Cav.-a s. Trade Marks, Co lyrifrhtr., for tlso U'dtcd States, Can:. ei'.r. \Vct'i:!y. Splendid tin r.vi p.- iu.;l intf f rti. c !.n --fonisnticj;. boetime:! c*o >y ol tli id-'eientifjc. A met-• fe-i-i S"tir A,'.'... s .MI .' .v < 0.. t 'lO AMERICAN (jl'.icc, !M H.oaUv ay, N"\r Y< WAXTKD- LADIES TO TAKE OCR NFAV fancy work at their homer. in city or count ry, and earn #6 to til'i per week, making goods for our Fall and Winter trade. Send 1"> cents for sample and particulars. fiJJDi ION MFG. CO., 207 SIXTII AVE., NEW YORK. THE NEW fmvsizssamsmammsi ii 111 mm— JOUKVUJ STORK Penn Street, Millheitn, Pa., 1* the only cxchi s lvo Booh Slalioirry id Variety Store in iViniti Viil!> y. We can mt jwwslhly IK-jrlu to enumerate all I lie goods we have far vale but there must be a beginning s an 'where and so we begin on BIBLES, and that is always a good beginning as well ns a good ending. Splendid family (tildes, I'ul lit Biiilns, Teacher's Hi bles, Sunday School Bibles, Pres entation Bible 3. It will be ti, your interest to examine these 1 e. fore jou go to other plaivs to buy, Photogr? ph Albums. From the large Quarto Cabinet Album down to the small Po kei Album holding a do/en curds. Kvery style, variety imil price. A large l.ne of Autograph Albums, Thene are good sellers nil the time and are very suitable for cheap presents. Scrap Books and Pic tures, an endless variety, the tine t an I latest styles all sizes and prices. In (l is line we claim to have more novelties than any store in tie- valleys. It will pay you to come ami examine our stock of Velvet Cabinet Frames, before you buy elsewhere. PAPEL, ENVELOPES, CAP PS, PA PK TEL IKS; INKS, IXKS TAXVS, PENCILS, SCHOOL LOOKS, PEXS, PEXHo/J>ELS,SLA TPS P>LAXK HOOKS, and in /'art anifthinij and erari/fhiny di the Lonk and Stationery Una i nn be had at oar store. Come, See and Buy AT TIIE NEW JOURNAL STORE Penn Street and at the LOWEST PRICES, DR'cras 5 new t) 6 DRUGSTORE p —IN THE— £jj H Spring Mills Bouse, Q 9 Spring Mills, Pa. tp ffl b y BBTTGS 0 OF ALL KINDS, H n AFt 1.1- I.INF OF Q 3 PATEST MEMIHES, U) (I) Strictly PUIG Sfte, w b Toilet Articles, Perfumeries, u p Confections, Toßacoo S Ci£?.: s. p Doing an Apothecary V^J Hi' of ex;>. rleiK'c Physicians' Pro scriutioiih will be carefully com- f 1 pounded -| C. E. AURAND. Q) IDIELTTQ-'S 13. H. Lenker, 3IANUFACTURER AND DEALER IN A.ARONSBURG, PA, Chamber Suits, Bureaus, Lounges, Bedsteads, Stands, Marble-Top Outre Tables, Breakfast Tabled, Dining Tables, Extension Tables, Sideboards, Sinks and all kinds of Kitchen Furni ture, (Jane or Wood Seat Chairs. Rockers, Spring Beds, Wire, Wool and I lair Matresscs, every style of Mould ings for Picture Frames. Frames of any size made to order. Undertaking a Specialty. A sltare of (lie public patronage re spectfully solicited. 36-ly PEABODY HOTEL, 9thSt. South of Chestnut, PHILADELPHIA. One Square South of the New Post Office, one half Square from Walnut St. Theatre and in the very business centre of the city. On the American and European plans. Good rooms fiom fjOcts to S3.CO per day. Remodel ed and newly furnished. W. PAINE, M. D., 40-lv Owner & Proprietor. i $ MILLHEIM MARBLE WORKS The Oldest, The Largest, The Cheapest, Most Reliable Establishment In ihh part of Pcnnsylv in'A. Monuments, Tablets and Headstones manitfactored in the most artistic style and of the best material. All work warranted, and put up in the most substan tial manner. EST Our prices arc so low that it will pay persons in need\ of marble work to give us a call. DSimHSER&HUSSER Propristors. Shops cast of Bridge, Main St., fflillheim, Pa. Lewislmttr nil Tyrone Railroad Time Tatile. LEAVE WESTWARD. 1 s 5 y 0 a.m. a. m. r. sr. r. m. v. m Montuiiilou 7do t'.Pi 2.d") fi.oo 7.CT I,o\vlsl>urg 7.25 10 do 2.20 Fuir Ground 7;W 10.13 2.25 RleJil 7.4') 10.27 2.35 V'cksburg 7.45 1W.36 2.40 Milliiuburg B.ooar 11.00 ar 2.55 le. 3 o5 Mllliuoiit 8.22 3.28 l aurel ton 8.153 3.40 Wiker Run „H. 57 4.00 Cherry Run. .....9.15 4.23 Fowler 0.35 4.47 Coburn 0.48 ft.lK- Spring Mlllsarlo.l. ar. 5.30 LEAVE EASTWARD. 2 4 0 H 10 A. M. P. M. Spring Mills 5.50 1.50 Coburn 0 is '2.20 Fowler 0.28 2.33 Cherry Run (1.48 2.55 Wlker Run 7.05 3.15 Lnurelton 7.30 3.40 Millmoni 7.40 3.52 A. M. MiflUnburg 8.00 11.45 4.lft Vlcksburg B.lft 12Jo* 4.32 liiehl 820 12.17 4.38 Fair (iiound a. M. 8.30 12.23 4.48 r. M. Lewbdiurg 0.35 B.4ft 12.50 ft.lo 7.20 Monlundonar. 0.45ur.i1.00 ar 1.05ar.5.2()ar 7.40 Num. l and 2 connect at Montaiulon with Erie Mall West; 3 and 4 with Sea Shore Express End ; 5 and 0 with Day Express ami Niagara Express WYst; 7 and 8 with Fast Line West : and io with William spurt Accommodation East. mz aj/ r H •h y • •• A. CTII •$ ul r J V 4 25iH iuAi Tuw;"v "" "u.iiul ftn •' -* 1 C _ ! "'%%>>, Y\ 4 I * 4"■ f • /Mi • AMM TJ i . i n.vt/Aecu.. . i. K. e. mi: O AXU t:F. rraaaT. a runr* it-J i-( - •> ' t II -l - ' U s#i t•• j O.. Fltt^ ,5. „• .n ■ ol U' t *• at ft u ' ■*; lu I'.-, 'v m.t I if. • . <•t . I - I . . t. Ltf '4 .•*'•i." •• * i't • . I •• in : *' ' 1 ,i.l . .* .rrhor* t■ ■ I'V < I i •f i s t.'t. *.' fcrl: ... - . . - ft. M ...iVa |r<*atfti M- . ! n Jt'.x. (-• t. - La-. * all; paiJ'-U i ' !•'. • J r:iC*. VVZ CUARAfS Z2 C:- '• '- T>r ir sr <•-.*. WtS ■" 'i e -r r-_— ! !I/I * f -r !s 1..11- >e { r.i:iiiWl )S • • "i 1 .' '• • -• >• --J ,1 tr:f t>f :->rlc?T'.v iisug a L-<: rnYi'ii.ri. r — c.. 1 1 N !rmc li. alJicXr, ''(.a. •-t :. =>. - I■*' k . f ... I a i.tia U'i.rr j 01"U T fciol ,f IS ft i 2vi if cuiUrcu. EiSflZrt ci I.IiKDCLGC;.', 320 Rccc Stroe*, g SMITH'S {rEEMAN I Tlic direct German Remedy RHEUMATISM, Nrurnlrla. Dynpepsln. r:i1 all Diraiei of (he* Moiuneh, Knurl*. Uioud, Llvrr and Kldneyn. For Sale by all ia ilMina?, at 30 Ctsti a Bailie. Prep ire l u;id sold at Wholesale by the GERMAN GLIO COMPANY, (LIMITED,) 3£ Willow Street, WHllamsport, Pa. PHIUDGPHW WHOLESALE AGENCY: Jcliuston, Holloivaj A Co., CO2 Arch St. Nmith. Kline A- Co., 309 & 311 NORTH THIRD STREET. 8 ML— fOR MAH AND BEAST.I THE BEST j lUJ REMEDY 9 NEURALGIA, |f= CRAMPS, I seasrJ Sprains, Bnuses, I -Burns and Scalds, ctbtJ Selatiea. Kaekaehe, | Frosted Feet and I 53EX % Ears, and all other j Pains and Aches. I * 8 a sure, and 1 effectual Remedy for 'j Gall?, Strains, Scratches, If Sore 3, &c.r on c 4 HORSES. cTz One trial will prove iteN njcrita. Its effects are in 3 1 B . w ' i most cases a INSTANTANEOUS. u gMj Eveiy bottle warranted toH pive satisfaction. Sond ad- H H nSkBSEGMI dress for pamphlet, fi - ee,giv. 8 . ing fall directions for theMf ri treatment of above diseases. Q K aQSiBI* I'rieeij cts.and 50 cts. per jS iiiiiTi ottJe * Sold everywhere. ti fleurj , Johnson & Lord, Proprktort, ■ Burlington, Yt. J/'-BU I I O In diWJ: r olllic li!.*: !. . . Utiles Ntrsous Jlrbilltv, luipotrn.v, Onr*Bl# UtikWA Gonurrlura, K-phUUIr ai.J RpmirUl Affcrtkin*. iit.jle tivaiiucnt; s:iii* a::d sure ri'incli:'. Defnnnitir. Tu n'.cl. Ca I or wrile for list of qucsUoiu to bo uiiiw orcd b..'' !iso desiriug trrttmcnt by mail. (PironimJroa-fhir RupLr. akou'dMal 2nd it-urn liouictklui* to (!<(>' CaT.iit.in*. It I. not a trusty (-1 for >ll pur* _ AM. MaCMOOBV r"nerlly. tn-iulriu* prompUy lU> * l 7 rirrcppr >nd moat t (■**■ mU