Forty-tiuhtU Coijjrw*, lIH\- i K. KtUTV- W**ttXKs*UJii IKhV XL Uv !"*\xU*Vx> 4 H vUvKu *t WxnxW. Vmvtmt D<* UU* IxUuUwvvd xxxua M tt.x \b* b.^A'o u x H vi Uv ..>.*{ ,UvVM Hs4- IH ' XkU-4 Wx-*> WM* |HH*kXXX V 4 OXv 4V4 V^WV \ V*xfc**,x It MlitoM •" x*xvfc x*.,e I xv4 |x Kw yl<**vW nV tx*>t vxx*"|4v V H **> IV \ *x*l y-y< xv x V v 4 IV evn yt tV Xx* V <*y **V* VM ♦in>y w*ls-i IHv1U yf V*M %iy V*V *V yvf Ws MM. VHHv *V vVq>* *V *"V o**-v* %kxx* Mvy Vv t'**x vm.x xv U>xx**t **d wv* Mdxwd *MMr*a#x* *> * m, .hv m > e\HtV V\fc!rtVvt B*SW **tvl *** tVt V\xy >.*vN BtfA vxyr*>y*% dx *V *M*nx *- \y AittoMtevw* o* tVwr sKVH? •* *NhA V C.NNfcd uy. ItAvy *nm\l tV*V *NWN^ ! **** tfflt WV*MA i <*xM \* *V* tt *fcMvitttM * w*pNt *v> xy mmi \>l $&*!& vet* MVW.I -v x V** ot^ s bw* yi cnfc#nwiel H * s f ** as AIM wtA ;*sw MUSMMk KwCtvW A Isr XCs lxtvv* V s*v v > nV N* tS? AW< ; ••.> x,vf Ay V vcj -xjuxi jwtsi lVv.\m*Ai* fwv ' y%s>xi a wuyouß* xVT ml *at> n1 Jwnl sv>c vVCftaaycwu %*xuMk K" xwi3*c W# Oswvx bsA IVJxWjw W I X* *5 Kvvc Sw Wet aws N>* e. fx*v A: W **wr W -.A kvis t/vV Asi Alio* J SMVKUT of *AT !.\V,?N K> tl* W<*SAST TWJA to VUk W wiiWvV of pcv>ptT Ak*a£ coar* of tiw nuul Aisi if sAtis-fATtoty Tyrant cat.~oi bf TfAobed. tb<© to Thy laeJ. One tnillko 3oßar at* Arfrof-TAKsi lor t'* pr.r losw of tb* bill -2 By Mr Motvaiu to 3e£ao ti jurisdiction of thy cirrt.t and district court- of the I'niwd SwiTtA "It providoy th*T no distrxt or cirdnt cocrt shAli har* or exercise jans distxm to enforce tbe collecrioc of any tax lexiod in the states nnder the law? thereof. The folloxriiv cesolunon< *e^ ofered: By Mr. Bo.ier, to provide an uneodxent to the ftfieenth amendment to the cuivuf t i >l- 'h\\s that Iho \nlut liOM V\f ruoi'vut.\ tu fcouth Vandmu U IfluX uriWb a vuui vLuuu tho h> u vd frvb'M'tA ttlV Xinvuo-ui t\4Uvu Ullb ul VttvUh i I\H. U * * , buve hyvuv t\h.dt.y t.\ bn t. • t inkv k NKV itiHtmuvAi >• KHX t -v X' b-u Hbvh 1 \ t i UiU nqnUVvd tl\OH iHyV lUytvsHUU V'sUVSUmi 0 f\u t\ .., d vti-J-*vdul \m ki I iho hro mb - | ivEM'U \l \ I 0 S t t 1 v b'\ N y \^*eib v*> V> l W kt xal v \\s veew> 1 *r < <* hwt y^H^t rvH >\ * OH iO'J V v>v*vv V M t-h Ksve > v * V ■ n>* ftv < >♦> geb.v e >H o** | V x* d * >xv ve B 1 v-x \* i V VV vV t\- Av^ V \AV >AV) VS>. Vh* • v'v'i'" the VV<- B>vaa vv. br **e v \ha ' *^vtV-e W VervcbvVvA' ree |\ .-e VJx*. JvV V\s*qtA ♦ vxyvb'; N. It •* v \1 i.r V'Aty#. aOoaq e\Nv* be t*vw M xo\l nV Mh' * vx.aa. x Xx4vj Uroyv x-.v \vv Srxx amaxxww 1 i • -VAiAfVv '.C. V. A'NAW>a. v4t xXAttt*gOfc£ A S ALW ETU.* PD ASNI KWAAJ 4V.NI A* l dkxwik \t tWMr% X L. a xhKthecai wee r*w.Vcwf | ?*;x JkMjtvag t-v* A§^xam l*e Kv a •; ■ ■ VAv,r^r*vf; j*. Jktexy OMIM! TV tbe : wswag tbv* wet v vj •. -.'.-v-eTNvr. At A**y tt. thrxv yvrx\r.< *v.r* saxxnJ ftvR tV M v.-;s:xv v - cb hwttbwd pnxi!) j Ml Lake sspwKV. \e jvr left the I xc ;.icc in A ..T<4V*AU A3 s;x cJ J.W. v drowned be Ave tkyraicM And. I Lhe crew. c#pCAin An t sen c>xvn pa x-a --r. ikxm w.A the steatacr. A despvtoh fjvwn San Francisco says it rs ; :v;vwt*d that s wheat fmrht jnwl convvx-xscd : MJowm Wxwrtihiis-. M XXsrenaAn A | Ox. a:.-d . . Vr- Kv. two . ...!. u to three , : million doils j by ir>e heavy fall in : >:e> 0... >r:xxk.i> was c.iight to Ihe j nteat of thrcs? hoadned tbousan dollars. Tbe, manufacrcrvs organs in the cheap ? : manner, and by means of circulars sent broadcast. rell> them for fubulocs prices to :~• .initiated. It is believed that the firm .?ivsed of about twenty-five thousand rgaas during tlie pa-t t. ar at a profit of rem 0 0 to >Aa\C* 0 la Chicago John Fleming and Frank L Loring were convicted for participation in what are known as the "Fund W" frauds- A firm known as Fleming A Merriam ad vertised to do a commission business on the Chicago Board of Trade, and Induced a great many people to invest in "Fund XV *' It is estimated that they collected more than >lO 0 COO which they contend to be using in -peculation on the Board of Trade. A special from Raleigh. N. C., says: "The town of Williamston, Martin county, is in ashes. The entire business portion of the town was burned last night The following named merchants were burned out: J. XV. ' Davenport A Co., C- B. Hassell, Geo. W. Wil liams. S. R. Biggs, J T. Deans. XX'm. Slade. Peal A Gurganus. B. B. XX'atts A Co;, N. S. Godward. J. A. Robinson, A. R. Rogerson, Luke B. Robertson A Co., Peal A Groves, and J. D. Biggs A Co., and the postoffice and tel egraph office. The fire was discovered at 15 minutes to 1 o'clock, and originated in tbe store of J. D. Biggs A Co. There is some insurance, but it is not known how much. T e steamer Commerce, of the Baltimore, Roanoke and Norfolk Line, lying at the wharf, was also burned, with £5) bales of cotton on board. The steamer and cargo are both fully insured. LONDON, Dec. S.—lt is reported from Pe kin that the Chinese government refuses to withdraw or modify its claims in regard to Tonquin. Admiral Courbet reports that the French attack on Sontny has not yet begun. The Paris newspaper La Liberie says that England is taking energetic steps to bring about a treaty between Franc® and China, and it believes that peaceful negotiation.! have made progress, it England and Spain will renew negotia. tions for a commercial treaty. The fire in Constantinople on Wednesday destroyed 6CO houses. The Chamber of Deputies in Brussels has been destroyed by fire. Sir Henry Jatne", attorney-general, hai written a letter taking exception to the man. ner of conducting O'Donnell's defense. The ex-minister of the interior and the present secretary of the ministry of the inte rior of Italy quarreled yesterday in the lobby of the Chambers, and the latter sent a chal lenge to the ex-minister. LONDON, Dec. I,—O'Donnell, the slayer of Carey, the informer, was yesterday found guilty of murder, and was sente_,ced to death. The jury was out only two hours. The reported evacuation of Bac-Ninh and Sontay ii not yet confirmed. Archbishop Cooke, of Dublin, in an ad dress yesterday, spoke hopefully of Ireland'- ' future. Hicks Pasha is said by an eyewitness to have been slain by a lance on the third day of the battle. His army bad been without water for three days, and suffered terribly. More trouble is apprehended in Newry, Ireland. The Nationalists were to have had a torchlight procession last night, but in riew of a threatened riot, the procession was forbidden. At the National Butter. Cheese and Egg Association at Cincinnati a report was read showing that the total value of butter, cheese, eggs and poultry marketed in the United States in 1883 amounts to more than SGCO.- 000,(00. Seven severe shocks of earthquake occurred Dec. 5, at Rovenden Springs, Arkansas. They lasted forty seconds, and broke glass ware and crockery in stores and houses. Larfle rocks were loosened and fell in the cuts of Kansas City, Springfield and Mem phis Railroad near by. One shock wa*s ac companied by a loud noise, and there was e violent jar of the earth. LONDON, Dec. s.—The Chinese Admiral Peng yu Lin has notified all foreigners that war with France is imminent. A great fire raged in a part of Constanti nople yesterday. Lord Lome has delivered a lecture on tbe advantages of Canada as a place of residence. Efforts are being made to induce the jury which convicted O'Donnell to recommend the commutation of his sentence Tbe English newspapers express disap pointment that the President's Message did not recommend reductions in the tariff at this session of Congress. IWU H OK TtIM DAY, MwUVn tM4 U SU7,IHHMHH*, of xvKioU KuglhtUuuvu ludd obvud $^- r \XKHMKKA I ho i* hold m Now \ oih. Tho voi>ubllo'-i 4UWOUuio Uull dhUo< of fho homiivi'd offxH f i Woow qhhoo 4 WVdvh IVV 4 fSo\( vhvoo^'d l v 4 oOdhU W\ d ihodd v\dl WOO Whv o 010 -k oM HO'O 0db l W > Wdf f l 0 id DWWi hoovhvM dqoofvv 0 00 * A (0 \v v w oof U fdo (OloOO' fssHfv ho< ivWM* f'ooo io XV \ dv VLqy y\\ vy on v p OvOi* f\W o* yA yw,- v yd oo >oot ik p v f xAs yy vwyx w y|hy y Ko l yAy y w> v w p < yyy \ o-' yyol Vy Oys,v Do 4 :000 l> a A Vyy>y > o o yyy %U IKvwwyxdyyo< Al VdWxV I'OrW |Mly d* typplx Vv v >;o ! oH wvnNs Mo > Vk v-s ,yhv yly j x\\' pd vx\ < xx\v\< ymtf.xm* j xy. * |>V y>* xyuh XNn tyXvi' X j ptvxxqt it vri v *y y yho f 'yyi Vv vx *vt|ycn Dv>*. VVNTA'to jv : -vduvtv Nl AAvlytAlyi x\o vl NX tv x S v -A M v ' v - Ivr Dn XVxUv AtAWiuy AWxt IvviNK'tr atx s ANnsD U ! v-d> IAI vNViiwVvvxv. IVAI II y IhAt, v N sxvlo Ai xMf wNiv N N> IVOtAtx v ai j bust m Ibis tvsjxa^ Tltf iMMriyA' w T.k-S K .;>\i ;nturf Kv.s s. : rile prtViAloxl Its cvtxJoiiAt ;,xr only dA vclopwl in A iVxv pwriaoss, athi by of the rail way companies turf is used as a ooniV osi .blo. Considering ! luxw exor. lht Nnls of turf exist in Russia exxverinc 7t\,D > miles. | x ■ which w v xM furnish - nt niateri al to provide all Russia xxith l.ght for lOaaX) years, this seems indeed to be hiding their light under a bushel. The new swird of State recently cyxmpleted for his royal nibs, the King of S:ani, is double-edged, spear-shapeil and fifteen inches Kxng. Tow aid the hilt it is inlaid xvith gold of varying tints, wrought in different devices, the figure of Buddha being prominent on each side. The handle, which has no cross-guard, is seven inches in length, and consists of enameled work studded with diamonds, while the sheath is one entire piece of wrought gold, set with precious stones. Cracked earthenware should never be used for domestic purposes. It is a safe rule in good housekeeping to break any fractured stoneware to pieces and render them quite unfitted for any employment as utensils. In a paper read before the Academy of Sci ences, Paris, M. E. Peyrusson demon strated very clearly how the germs of cholera, typhoid fever and similar dis eases may be preserved and communi cated by even the slightest crack or fis sure, which may be caused by very trifling accidents to crockery and faience. s>ir James P<*get. one of the most eminent of British surgeons, recently addressed the wurkingrnen's college, London, on the subject of recrea tion. He says that recreation does not consist, as many persons wrongly imagine, in idleness, but rather in diversion, and in the em ployment of different sets of mental faculties from those which are used in the ordinary business of life. James Paget analyzed true recreation as consisting to a greater or 'ess degree of the elements of uncertainty, won der and the exercise of unwonted or unusual skilL In his recently published book on "Farm Fences," Professor Scott esti mates that five dollars is invested in fences for every acre of inclosed land in Great Britain and Ireland, and that the annual maintenance of fences costs about seventy-five cents an acre. The total capital thus invested in the United Kingdom must be, at this rate, nearly $250,000,000, and the annual outlay about $32,000,000. Professor Scott be lieves that a great deal of fencing might be dispensed with to the posi tive advantage of agriculture, and that the general introduction of wire in stead of wood would effect a great ad ditional saving. Standard of Education. According to Buskin, an educated man ought to know these things: hirst, where he is—that is to say, what sort of a world he has got into ; how large it is, what kind of creatures live in it, and how ; what it is marie of, and what may be made of it. Secondly, where he ingoing—that is to say, what chan ces or reports there are of any other world beside this ; what seems to be the nature of that other world. Third ly, what he had best do under the cir cumstances —that is to say, what kind of faculties he possesses; what are the present state and wants of mankind ; what is his place in society ; and what are the readiest means in his power of attaining happiness and diffusing it- The marl who knows these things, and who has his will so subdued in the learning of them that he is ready to do what he knows he ought, is an ed - ucated man ; and the man who knows them not is nrneducated, though he would talk all the tongues of BabeL CIIII.UUKVS roll'**, 4U X % ITI ULUIL* Till* VUHIiMM' 4* id vwy WUi'U*Ul ul> xwvumw. U buUqiUba U l'Uv UlHi UulH Uapil \VHI Mu* *ipl UIU I lUSaaiUll Ha< Ul Dill IrilVU lidlg fiidiao Uu< sl.^sv* v*l \uliiuv an IFK > I I III* pill IvdlU a llpill xUaid HVIH.V auvulli 111 VEii Dam td I Mm wmim adidimx V\Kvyv \wu* 4lVim ui Hlls v lvm x \Damia. * iqaai ul MIU D Viy Willi DW \\a Aiwid-, \\d UlUpwHllwd Dv \VI ;\A hwiMivh vvm lHw vw dmw \ * * UlD* D Ml\ WI\WIW Mm IB W i s>m plwivd ivi m v liia-il a i gtyvt \fo |N\ IHHMnFM VIM* WslW \i\ >..yk \ vviMs Fvnwiiw di|iMw Us H ■♦ a wy asDrid UU l\ y yl lEi> pW 'U'M WH MM Y W,\ YV MVW W taU \ * limn slm i yty m ; \ v d D, , . ... Vbx* M glial 14 dtkVH i\n tosUHvlitliv a pivavwd* \w a lIV yy y\ UKv VHiv.4 V v\ sby \b *> v*\ 'Wi. \y* I ml da aHx Mm Iw\v>ml x. xv 1 ss m< * F \vnm FMXH W yS |s\v v, • i t\dt. >1 vHsMsva xHv v vv* k vd ymm A\ul \*M vwdstWwl *yy bv tv m < x\ wh xxhu-F thx k lo*ii\ \t VVS ptiaw ly\H\ |\y->vvl \ U k yivyu* yv Ws\j! vn yyy ywvU NNU'v * yv ,y * M, * UhI yhv NvvyAKvyryy Nu* y vA t v v^XM,*y VV WNIyUHf ?Ir\l I < v v'* • : > yi\ tx sywKa It vx as yvi.y.V \y, At..! Mr. >tn3i* \c} iof so*]x. it w*< nthkr Mr. IWt\\ V I ~c ; Christra,is. xvhm iMkf Iw *-syo to buy ton conts x\,rth i f r;y:>in< a;i.i j ]x>nnl of v an i a jk ;ini of or* v ors And a xer y little- >jv.ct . to have A |xxtMito£K* u>koO Mr. I>jlov*s K>y, xxoijrlußjr ;t :t sugar. "Vcs," s,tu! Dakie. Wad 1 want .1 stick of candy. toi\ if vihi pk*a>". ti put in the iwtby's sto kri *. Th n*> 1 i-ent." It was a very larje cent, and it shune as if lAakie had jvlisheil it. "That's Worth two -ticks." said the grocer-boy. "We don't often get such a shiny one. What're you going to have in your stocking?" "Nothing. I gueNS." > tid Dakie; "I'm tld. I'm going to !e the faly*s isanta CI a us." "Oh," said the grocer-I)cy, wrapping up the two sticks of candy; and Iakie didn't see him pay f<-r one of them out of his own pocket. "Tiiat'sit." A lady-customer at the other end of the counter was giving Mr. Daley a good many orders, hut she had ears for the conversation on between Dakie and the grocer-lioy. and she smile.} at Dakie as she went po>t him out of the store-door. Perhaps that would have leon the end of it, if, on her way home in carriage a little later, eht? had not passed Dakie again with one arm full of liis small parcels. Just at that minute a lig dog liounfod up against him, and down went Dakie onthedde walk; and the paper od, having pi'obatd.i boon nlod. Iho \OUU4 *at bud t \suu* bi ot d b y aUou, aud Whi u Iho I'oblu v boo holuo Wdh Wouui fpt tlloU souutho lUDp oaf hbvla opt Uid tholi luouflox Had madn a gvvHf oiif iu\ Iho tolduM hudoKtood Vho appoah aud I -,au imul lb a Ihoui I ht\v bid uof do what flo 1 had vutdval iki a l y hdv 1.• t i hus 1 IbH Iho b loalu tplau d v*a hi 1 pvvu Hot aiof w bund with hi 1 bw l x lb tb\ a \ am. iv ii a iuo oodo mid a 1 1* fhu boat ya iai iaul > la tlbi y* .,v fiydh lubodi SVyayi loyyul, tho IbD 1 IHtb Vxdl ba Ob a ibUi 1 aa\| Uv yl\ to* \h a* dy thy V h yi| hi 1 a 1 >b d ba yil i i t\v l !t b yby b j y\y al i xpyy xlaVsyf y.y yv v y y v a t Uyi P k o I k< 'l U I o\a\ t \ VylbvlUyvy yd Myivl oy j. I'b at* V \d thyy b 3t hua\i V l'xy y. iyy <\ y 'v\y yt * k I O ylyp at yw yl> ■ V- y V yOyi b ,\ y bib w . Fahpi a v Iyt h od lb voa pi tV V* ' ' - v Ia \y Vbi iI I U v, y \ , Va v 1 1 ■ tta vy ty VV\I *a v v "Hv t \va u d ~p v* < *O' . v U k * tlx V|m ly i a yv a lUivilt bi o\m> y >.vvvxa v b vy vi i'■. pXpV* v yd Par* %'v ■ x IMhk tb *y'Htv A ya t>itr py\ xtvd t>a •* Vtx* yi > sf yyy < > vhv>' t < pvfl s *tyt' pu '• 4 thxyy* .0 yv,vHy..,. k y* s UV 1 .1 'h * v*'f 1 '> \ a yyt pH' : ' ... •yvi y pWy"V. yitAt' yy| W■ hdo l ! * . • y. Ab K • x\ xx tttvv vwi 1 a *th t k |S> *y ttivv yiv* v-'U d I txx tKx* *NX*Xiaivav KdL VW VXHVAOV 'f 'sO- Wvfwts tVx |y 0 v■d 1" Thxvr wmghl xx vU lx* I xa ywi a "SVn XX55\ t;\y* y\ y\ . % ajv t„ a;vJ w T'.o dye >C* ; t v .' * xx ; • .• - At. '. v , wiling f w ytiitMilV, utavtgvr. or expensive;; >+x Are r . ..*• ,%x r . „ as In she y*M x* ;th the Ms xrv; a th< rvbyr\ Ab..o r !<>l i. r r.-e .n a. x climate; they can ly* l 1 y \ ' simple mcvhAnk A1 t r.g f a?nr*-s of agriculture in California > I.xe grotxing. It is th light t:...t ?. . Mat could easily raise a crp xs kirge a that of Italy, which s* iis v. ar,r f r fifty millin dollars. One raa h own r at Ntiita Biri ra !;xs •: ri v,-il a pr of twenty-two thousand dollars an a< r from his pkintalion. A diamocb—A coanct bre*li-:j AU>ne*- mrti or middle n from wffrnu* Aiiiiity aini ku, .-i u m :i, —- ibMMild -cml threestaV![-y !>>r P'yrt \!I of IVutuih I>l- IRSSAIT Mia>u IT Ay.yxu- Tioa; Buffalo, ,N. V. I "Are yon c in,' to t'e funeral thi* after no !. Mta. bap? a-ktd out lad) f ar> • - on lirondway. "Weil, ye*, if n.j I dor.'t lr,uj Lome mat tare ticAtL-,' rc|lu-d 1 the latter. "VVoittnii nei llrr |ii*ra*e" i* the title of an ititer< -tine trvatiee (!* | jxatpea aent. i*ostpwid. f*r lhi- \V,Kt.t"s DisersaaKV M£i>tcai. As.- ci • Altos, Buffalo, N. Y. '■ The mot niM-nLmnuW of men i the proft*—*or. who when lie lio.r him-elf knoe\- ine the ashes out of Lis pipe, will call out. "Come iu." A lF Vlt SHOT may he taken at liver and Infirm* disorders with Dr. K. V. I'ierre't"tlisirit Pellets." Mild )et cerLuu iu oper.ilicn; and there is 110110 of tho reactiou n|>on taking aevere oaddrustio catluir tics. By dru^'i;i:.t3. "I wa only footing one of yonr tste rib." remarket! a fond father to his daiii;! r. after kicking Ler sweet William out ol the front yard. rtlea! Pile*! Pile*! Sure enre for Blind, Bleeding and Itching Piles. One box has cored worst cases of if) years slandiiijr. No one need so tier live minutes after uinjj William's Indian pile Blood Ointment. It at*orb* tumors, allays itchinc. acts as jonltice, frtves reiief. Prepared only for I'iles, of private pmts. Mailed for sl. Frailer Med. Co., Cleveland otence, Sexnal Deh.lity, Cured by Wells' IK Ith Renewtr #l. I The jrrentest Enirine in the world is the 1 new Baxrer portable, in u • all over th world. Descriptive circulnrs free. Address J. C. Todd, 17 Barclay Bt., N- w York. 2. r c bnys a pair of Lyon's Patent Heel Sf iff eners; makes a boot or shoe Last tw ice as lon'. Dr-Sinford's Liver Just what name implies; Cathartic Touic. Rebable. The Indian of fa!o-n clnnrea r d lion hear inp, the themu of the L.-aching ballad, is cone; but the pctrolrnm they dis overel. now made into Carhobne, the natnr il llair Restorer, will live forever. Xloitier f*wnn'ft Worm Srrwp. Infallible, tasteless, harmless,cathartic: for feverishness, restlessness, worms, eons*tpa tion. 23c. rrarsT Axn arsT oon-nrvrn on. from soWtea ..vers, on the washore, by Caswell, Hjz rs as in the beok and loins. At times It as d a imited qnnntityof nrine, highly co'ored wr h i nnnntural heat and setlimenf; frequently • •vncun'ions would be very pninfnl. I cou clnded thnt I must do somethimr for it, r e r ing that m<>-e serions trouble wonld fo low. ' I v ent to the druggist and was recommence 1 to use Hunt's Remedy, as it had been used with wonderful c U"re c s in sex e-?d sere-e r of dropsy and kidney and b'ndder a'Kc ior>s I ere in Bangor. I conelnded to fry it, and beforo I had nse l one bottle found it wis helping me beyond my expectations. Mv water 1 er-ame more natural, 'es- color end sediment, the pains in back an I that he vy fes'ing go: e with a general toning up f the syf-tem: and I eontinred tonseitnnril Ii sel six Loft'es, and it has completely cured me. Others of my family have nsed Hunt's Remedy with equally rs good *urees=, and we do not hesitate to recommend it far en I near, believing it a dnty as well a* a pleasure to recommend so good a med : eine as Hunt's Remedy. You n r e at Hberiy to give my testimony to the public. D. T. Hodgdem. O-isington, Me.. May 19, 1883. I indorse tho above statement. A. M. Rorrvsojf, Je„ Apothecary, Bangor. Me. "Uim*b ww i'mniba." Ak (tu "Huuliou OiiuuM, 1 ' t%Mr lkt|tl i, hunt Uiiuttt, llutttnMiit'.'a. I itittluuh ItV, Umhi mnl (i ww \f ilium .i ( ui.UWu, ut ttmiuu'vlUdh Umi km lu Mu (%U al l Mil I U.t. UWmu wiUi I'll U"i "1 Unite 1 UillttiV'i I li.i >i h\vii> UiiUdU. I lu .1 mi titw ikuit limit, i|iii4 nut vv,hi Ullulliiuii U>i I lu lUh I i\i i, mlutllUt lUi I'll! In>i4mU|l lUw tltli Uli4 Hlii I ltd I l| III* w lu nil l ilt ,I| l> i| ll lltkil il.'Uwi-. \L tdtg Hunt 11 11 ijnit 1. uu tii k villi,l Hi it I tiw >l> wli I #dut Mi' It 'in, Unit w iimu'l Mil mi* "4 UI, it 111, U4l'* kbkU kill t"i l lim I IW >b II In'l' \i, M U It. Ui 111,1 f '"ii ttiu(i4tiiii. t I'liUk (M l UiitUwi I |MHIIP|| l tti 1; 1 11 \l utKMAN ft m nuim. ! " * Wli.yiiiili.ltk. Mi'idltl d, WIIW UHki! fitocNMP " "••(k l|t, WH \i H| > ""Vi ** ***** ii '% W % 4Vf >-K -AAA UN t• * ll • kH|^V4% 'i ' ' ... ,~wd ktenwiMk MVKb twlt% 2 I iww-.ik... u **** K*M hn m U f AN-. V tT\t ' I *** dtr* I 1 • t. v *wwv %' 4. i"v. AbHaMnMU %Kb % % mustang] j & ntnr wprrw rut tn iujJ xu&afcvs mrm a tuw wu mm lthhl i BkLv r?x nit\ WMrti fl UN IX9 KJbSCT TH E CLE ESTk BEST UKIHEXTI mat 11 ?m 9 iikva < attst Tho Xi -rS~*w **<■*•# LMLftsenat )wl "•-em 1 wa iwr *,tr* tMaua ■- -stra til b -*•©.?" *.-1 I tfi *m, m "N. 5 ''(AH •! f ml. rt *n uvda? l:arr r * ta T*r. 1* f irt rt t iK] ■ ,r*f.t .km*! woAwa ■ it Biw#, u> KM• wy ii>a. iaiifl ■ nrtTse.t. r ( M)nun Afr cUfi • T**. K A!2SA. B. ir'AEQC K A STEUf EIGHEk, A B FAIQrIAA T% f WsJ&b* CL If ■ pant I : 4 f f * . |>4|*'- ' * i II |*> * •*' • *?rmn£ w( J-. Km m I :mu%i+4 Cwim i-.pi I Consurrotion Can B Cured! pH ALL'S lungsBALSAM I rr* f npaamftlni. I U. Pspuniaata, !• l?Mrijn. Firnti h':ii DiWraflira, Mr >i>i*4 I (Huh, anil all f Ik* KrralkiM ItryHni. Il >nthrntirr,rl* Ik- wnii .tad li.l.lnra ht t >- .- i- -t liMB arraalaaay It. 1 uiikauiulian I" nM apmranW* taaJjifr. 11%1.|/*> mill car* )•, rrrnm tkaiirb praleaaiwanl .ml taiia. HOW CAN I EARN MONEY ? A Woman's On*!irn Angered by Flla Ka'imnn i tanrt-l*. Aalbar of ■*.(#***. If f.r Lndiea." m * ara of miaa**!"* •*** fit! •'tick's ia ARTHURS HOME MJGAZIkE, wmmoi.- -c wth too .faatsry aaaibnr Tn*a. ft.-Wa ,J- • i -pa *uh. T-.rwa cva*. W OK- F atr I r ■;• •\ i •••. E jrhr room atwl -mm *iira, flj s. to isnbr, I"eta T. S. Amn a sSoa. P X FRAZER AXLE GREASE. 1 Real in the world- !• the ireauin*. Rrory paiknae bai oar trade.niark and i ■Marked prazer**- •OI.I> KfERVWHERfc it r-.i'-Jwatonen Bur— ' •,. 'upwd uraa.Roniona AcaJda.Fritiw*."•<>*>waaafreet.hand* eyaarte. . iM-Uln* fmrn*nj mime. Wke. Aa roar Ara* ■ - n*t. or wad to n Kii-.oa Una. IT.mi nesoi'MTiafßi onU'O THE BEST WILbUN O LISHTNING SEWER! 'I wo c kmnnnrt atltebe* a mln"tc. Tke mmty alooliitely fnt-r'au •'Wlaj M tchlneln the world, kWarraal d 5 yea-a bend for illtiarratod €ta>o -ne and ftreaN* It. Aienii \k noted. TIF WILMII kKW< I INU " U'SK AO., thieage or Sew York. inn# Klitra" ~ " •' - "• rai£w^r? rMDI fiviifiiT>"rrwwiis tivlrLUTmfcN .N.w.rk. >• .1 Tertßi Kily <♦.. Wrte for Circglaw. ft 3 3 D O tT t ™ p n 1 i 1 *- w r "l M ' ,y f - 2 p*1 1!l • ™dl P imw,and ttie <■ ■•■• p*-,t ft I?I I W Fnrrr I'tmpm m the r.rioii Ear :\ital. n:e. P-ld F ,rce Pump Co.. I I'A V ffl FOR KACH OF FOLLOWIMG : Aicent 1 pier,.. Sirke! w th<>nt renta. f>;mo of W7&, Coot wttft eali uri.or l-r jlnltDollar wtth iottor* imnmt *in. 15. Sl'lt ETT*iK, Stmmshnrf, .Yrhrolia. \Y A >Tp:i •xpenoocod Book and B>blo Avota to f f every *iDty. I. heral Salaries Pnl. A,l irow *t inr e*princa, P. O. Box*. * .Philadelphia. Pa. CTOaw -k. liJ a dny at hootooomly aMd CrM r 1 frfm - AddraaaTww A Co.. Aurrawta. S5 tO s2' TTl Uf * 4 ao,n *' Saropl.m wrn-ta airno ! V JIV-9C. A Co.. do. ' $66 Hr* n *s°' ,,w S' ,WT, d fer-nwaod mtitk Ine I Ail tires* 11. flaflrtt ife Co.. Portland. Vl^iao __Pifissix Pkctorai. wiil nnmyouronii*h. Prico ®*" ■"■'■ Mwpniiiftil to meh pM or AM Jta P 1 I CHICKEN CHOLERA, iffl MK3g TtlKwaawdk tlaaUwod | AMiol* Urm%o# 1 HuliUty iwUittuii'tiU wiilhuil UI v(*i4 kItiWUM ltlU4UW4u| auttiw \uil*luUktUft 04tN lll.lilti Uy amatt Ulddl V I'UlltHt Up iUm Uw lK <; fiili it! muiUiUuw ltit Hit i mutt lUttu .tuvU U lilt il KttUOMU itpi w. iu4 lu tUwil wluuwtl Ul atuo fiki'U liuii lilt luimw mitafw wU lew I'ltiluimt'titti Ukwtu* in 4 'Udt* UuMMb <#*M uittutikU iktkWw Uttt vjuiv t. vtHUv Uiw bit-i%lldA 1 uutttuuua i hli tUa Uiu* KmUtu uii lUt iu U 1 Utt'ic kiUUUAt It UM INtUvUnl t iiMl Itlti^ iMU'tit.'U wlli lift UitU' vfu Utik tVMtbW Uiu tlUkMh WUItMUkiU wu Ikikio AUkiwwrVbku uvkt iUkUrA^u4 "I 'town, ut Mam iwtmi iivtMitutiw l ottua, >w4- uul tl IA klMti fit H h nut Ul lnl'lt f U'k' nit "iiv Uukt iMk' U lint UK .. H ltui Hi'iuT (i, li U uiii\ i vii'U fyt Ui • iU t w h, tu fi\. U'i ttyuli ufiiU U i'u'U.kii t 1 ! \VV' lu im> Uyu UUWi Ud ' Ufl - uI(Ut4X lu llv I.IHI l| Woll'l Uul t'sttl 'ltu, itm ..ut*. fy liv 4* I'ittAiiWk V WdiiUid 'VUtke • J--e 1 's ! ' V • ' t ■ 11 f •' - a ' 1 . '■. l' 1 ' • •*nl tut l " If Hi 'y ,* W ,/* f i' H \ ®clD y Ma'iwßfiMk wi k* a* UUkAMdidk. H 'V* Vki lu yi bAMAtIMhA** : H-ttk? t w imfAtbt-'U 'teUyl'Mk 'ltd ' Uk'Ut nUu V wit i l 'ff t%%'lit WWWAVt i r: 'Uk dkibit *4 V'tA* WiftW" %iVA|, "y*M %I'teio •> ft - V. • - v w ' tya a ittil w m Vita l lUk'fk'U'- 'VIA'- Aai a ► ?ibHi ** bkVdbMMMk V >k-w*"4 "Hp** ' k* , kit' <4 Akoka 'k* l in* bab m bMWb t aibi<*' a aab ** kt ik 111 lain hia i tuw Al' vl\e *IN (bdlt- Aft' tm M> l M*4 aalO |u tv,j. dkyiMb *MN <*■•> w ■{** 'i-AnVi'V. • UUi fit AM>- k> kkWow A% \ttet AUW*a AdMi %kk*Mr ♦***• hk A|i a U im t auMfm* mff t > f -Hbadkb **aaa dkaaaoaeaa dUaa* For Kjtmyr. m*m nof dbrwbi ■ i iwi *ki Iblaf wa aho waieu' t-miMm tw mt u * aathOaatoJogradwoeUwa I Pb. An pana F*. a> *r aA3 ' bvrißO #''-aewkr""#a ww -aT>e*Cam.. . -it aiw an •■ >**•. by. ■' m. a do. lr i. at :•> *>• ,i i* w';am —wf > wfor a—au o Ml HMjkt utu. Prnw'o si 7AM, A T.'lSqb ' TT 5 T ' * T fsa:i|Kb i Dio Lewis ssffe 1 Monthly 'WM. jnre . ta,* s:..© yer w*r. Low ,f laßmal rw. CRAIITA PROVfSIOBI BPoVspB. Frjten d aB pnaawaaft Fledwn BaaMaMo u* . L!b"-aw>. 3k. Ua ami KJMsnlaw. I JftmneiciMia prtrafe wloarmti mm mtmmm | Cbica*-, ad A-w Tarb. WiU nrw -mtmm r jf.dir n-of whoo ■ .ii waal. Son-! *w .-imtlars jsb. oa-'Ucuiora MUST. UAiMUM ft 'JU I CiKiNr>* 1 i THT AMEri~c an^" * rmmmM I iBBSi ■Bgryy -JSnStnaMom a cdMOHßc'aniA Q okmiic mu rlli. ' 3 BSI BentOmutflSyrsp Tweemonvwt 2 JC twin :wo. *vdlWim£*'w. 2 CONSUMPTION. 1 3 * * yaHh* winily for ao abowa niriam. >r.: aw :kw 1111 udo C eaaw aP die worst Mod aod if W •wodinw hww ba oni lodwd. an *trw . mjjmS bitta wdlrwr. t►> ac I will awd TWO WHUB FbtKaa gntherwtrh o T ALU A BUM THKATISS wo tto . vm may olbwr. 9Ne liuiw wnd F. O* w. ' ■ t A. iUKXM, m PM*idk,MawTwk. VSITTTI7I r*rrmF fimia I W Ffl XATIOBAXe TYFR CO* * * A JLiPaiko. PA. uaa-pacaßeoK we PI lU two CAifFBOb Ifn netlwh*w Lmhowßt. —'t tfliuiu