l| t Jjilll|eim Journal. THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 29., 1883. BY~DEININGER & BUMILLER. LOCAL DEPARTMENT. —Splendid Alliums, at the Journal Si ore. —Lancaster Almanacs, at the Jour nal Store. —The Lock Haven jail ha 6 tweuty one boarders. A full line of Sunday School Cards, at the Journal Store. Sausages are now ripe, aud they say —unusually good this year. —The new water works at Lewisburg me about ready (to start business. —Don't forgot the entertainment in the Evangelical church this eveniug. —Quite a number of our people are at Bellefonte this week, attending ' co'urt. —Smith's German Olio is a profita ble investment, lecauss the tDn that buys it saves doctor bills. —Tim weather hist week was mild, even warm like spring. Oveico.its aud coal fires were discaided. —The weather prophets predict that 'we will have an open winter. They say 'the "signs" are all that way. —Rev. Samuel Smith, of Union county was here the other dty. He Is as tall and good looking as ever. —Thousands of persona who former ly suffered with rheumatism owe their present good health to Smith's German Olio. Mr. Jonathan Kreamer's c mdition Pas not improved siuee last week. Mrs. Alexander is much better aud a ble to be up. Rebersburg is booked for the first singing convention of the season. The* bills were printed by the Journal offlje "mud sent out last week. Hon. John Smith is still on the sick list. Ilis condition has not im proved any for weeks. He has the sympathy of the community. —John 11. and Abs. Musser last week shipped 125 busbelsof the finest apples, mostly Ewalds, that ever grew in l'euu's Valley, to Shamokin. —Mr. John Rote of Haines township Vill make sale of his live stock, farm ing implements and household goods on Saturday, December Ist, 1333. —The big 11 mring mjll at Lewisburg is now complete and in running order. flour has already been made aud 'it is pronounced strictly first-class. —The basement of the Evangelical church at Centre Ilall is being comple ted and will be dedicated Sunday, Dec. -2nd. R v. B. Hengsfc will officiate. Fou SALE.— Two more Piano or Chime Orgaus, on the cash or iustal ♦nent plan. , C. F. GEPHAKT. Persons owing on subscription to the Lutheran church are most kindly bht urgently requested to pay, as the inonev is much needed. Committee. —At Ilartman's Foundry is the place to get the worth of your money. Tie sells Sled at 3 cts. per lb., aud pays 1$ cts. per lb., for old nietal. 3c —The Bellefonte papers think that Judge llov looks just splendid on the Bench. Very natural, for he is a flue locking gentleuiau when off the bench. —Every man should take receipts when he pays his taxes, and to do this with system and order a Ready It *f rence Tax Receipt Book is indispens able. ' —The rattling and clattering music of the sausage machine is heard all over and .all around this toeek. What H grand,glorious country—for sausages —we have. -There Is no rubbing ofxt the fact that John Kerstetter is an expert me chanic. John recently made very fine stair railing for Prof. D. M. Wolf and P. 11. Stover, Esq. —Three steam whistles can now be heard daily in Millheim. They are lo cated at E. Lose & Son's Planing Mill, Israel Cooler's Planing Mill and R. B. llartman's Foundry. —The outside painting of the New Journal Building is now complete. Some like it much, some not at all, While quite a number don't care a Ifig about it. Such is life. —Mrs. Jacob Alter is down with a eevere spell of sickness. For a few days last week her condition was con sidered critical, but she is better since. May she be fully restored soon. —Mr. J. Willis Musser has bought out the stage route from Woodward to Millheim, but also goes to Coburn ev ery morning, lie carries express and other goods from all points along the line at very moderate charges, and con tinues the calf and poultry husinesff. tf ADVICE TO MOTHEBI Are you disturbed at night and broken of your rest by a sick child suffering and *rylng with pain of cutting teeth ? Ifsp, send at once and get a bottle of MRS. WINSLOW'S SOOTHING STROP FOR CHILDREN TEETHING. Its value 1s incalculable. It will relieve the pior little suf ferer immediately. Depend upon it, mothers, there is no mistake about it. It curesdysentery and diarrhoea, regulates the stomach and bowels, cures wind colic, softens the guius, re duces Inflammation, and gives tone and energy to the whole ss'stem. Mas WINSLOW'S SOOTH ING STROP *ou CHILDREN TEETHING is pleasant to the taste, and is the prescript ion of one of the oldest and best female physicians and nurs es in the United States, and is for sale by all druggists throughout the world. Trice 3d ecnts a bottle. | —Don'l forget the entertainment in the Ev. Church this eveniug and at ! tend it. —No gunpowder, guns or pistols can be sold to boys under sixteen years of age, under penalty of three hundred dollars tine. Storekeepers should keep this in tuiud as the sporting season is on, —Mr. Michael Keara, an old and highly respected citizen of Gregg township, died at the residence of his son-in-law, Mr. Daniel Homan, on Monday night. Ho was eighty years of age. —Rev. A. B. Erhard.lite of Fiahors ville. Dauphin county, Pa., writes 'lis in a private letter that he has changed his residence to Rossville, York Co., Pa., where presumably he has accepted a new held of labor. A Mifflinbafg hunting party num bering sixteen had only ee/Ztt Barbers along. Hope they made a clean shave as they passed along. But where were the Chambers, particularly our friend Mackerel Fact John V —lt affords us unfeigned pleasure to state that all our schools are doing well, and especially is Mr. Herald's Grammar School highly spoken of. Bravo 1 "ye editor" tips his hat to the teachers of Millheim. —E. W. MR uck is renlly an expert at the paper hanging business. He keeps a very Urge variety of paper to select from and sell* and works at very moderate prices. If you have any pa pering to do try Edward. -t —Dinges, Vonaia & G>., at Coburn, have a larga supply aud fine assortment of Ladies'and Misses'C rats, trimmed in fur and plush. They have already so'd over S3OO woi th of these goods and people will do well to buy of them. —Mr. Thos. J. Kister, of Milton, give us a call on Monday. Thomas is at pissent in the employ of Messrs J. R. Smith & Co., the enterprising house furnishing firm,aud he is admirably ad apted for a traveling salesman. —The Entertainment bv the Evan gelical Aid Society this evening prom ise.. to be a rich treat. As the admis sion is very low and the p o;eeds to g a worthy object it should be liberally patronized. L M t the community give the society a full house. —For Holiday Goods go to Dinges, Vonada & Co., Coburn, and Dinges & Rearick, Centre Hall. There will be an immense variety at both stores a 6out December 15th. Don't fail to see their stock before making your selec tions. Col. D. G. Bush,of Bellefonte, talks of converting the idle car works there into an extensive manufactory of agri cultural impliments. The Colonel is an active, wide awake business man and Bellefonte is largely indebted to him for its advanced state of prosperi ty. Tilu SAME AS nERE.— The Lewis town "Gazette" says: "There is too much huckstering in this county for the good of the pooi, who are thus made to pay exorbitant p r ices for inferior butter and other articles, much ot which would not bring half the prices in the city it is sold for here." —Last Saturday our fiiend Daniel Raush, of Madisonbtirg, shot a monster wild turkey on the Big Flat, behind the first mountain, north of that town. The gobbler weighed twenty-eight pounds. Daniel is a crack shot, and it is not healthy for game of any kind to fool within ran *e of his rifle. —Doll & Mingle the boss shoe deal ers of Bellefonte, are constantly adding to their large and elegant stock. It is only neeessary to visit their store in order to be convinced that their boots and shoes are the very host while tbeir prices are positively the lowest. Give Doll & Mingle a c ill when you get to Bellefonte. 2t —Mr. W. Howard Rishel, ot Mad isotiburg, oniy son of Daniel P. Rish el, died on Saturday, of lungfever,after an illness of only a few days. lie was yet a young man, married for some five or six years, and as far as we know always in the enjoyment of good dealth. He leaves a sorrowing wife and four small children to mourn their early loss. —Our Reformed and Presbyterian friends at Aaronsburg have formally resolved to build a church, and judging from the personnel of the building com mittee it will be a good one. At a joint meeting of the two congregations held last Saturday Mr. Michael Harper, Mr. Joseph Jordan and Col. J. P. Co burn, were elected the building com mittee, and Mr. D. 11. Rote secretary and treasurer. We wish the noble enterprise much success. —ln answer to many inquiries we will state that we expect to remove the JOURNAL OFFICE and STORE into the new building, Penn street just as it is completed,which we trust will be inside of a few weeks at farthest. As soon as moved we expect to go to Philadelphia, for the finest and largest lot of Holiday Goods, Stationery, Bibles, and the thousand and one beautiful thiugs that belong co a full-grown book and sta tionery store. We will be on time , sub ject to the will of Providence, friends and patrous, and then what? Business, business on the first and second floors, but mostly on the first , for a season at least. —Fine Family Bibles-every grade and price—at the Journal Store, —The following item of good news for Centre county, especially for IVnns Valley, now goes the round* of our ex changes. We sincerly trust that the fond hopes of our people in regard to the completion of our rail road may at last be realized : At a meeting of directors of the Bald Eagle Valley railroad in Philadelphia on Thursday afternoon very important measures were taken. The subject of the Bellefonte, Nittany and Lomont railroad was introduced and it was determ mined to build the road as soon as possible. It was also determined to finish the road from Spring Mills to LE mont, thus completing the lino from Bellefonte to Spring Mills. At the same meeting it was determined to erect the new depot building at Helle foute as soon as the weather will per mit. SAD AND FATAL ACCIDENT. —On Tuesday morning one of those distress ing accidents that so frequently occur of late happened in our midst, and cost the life of one of our most worthy citi zens, Mr. Nathan Connan, residing ut Elk ton, midway bet ween Millheim and Coburn. A bain was being raisd for Mr., John Long, just opposite Mr. Gor man's residence, who assisted in the work. A piece of timber had been raised at one end, Mr. Gorman and oth ers were in the art of elevating the oth er end, when bv some mishap the piece fell, striking Mr. Connan on the back of the neck so severely that every limb was pa rallied until he died, Wednes day morning at 2 o'clock. How very sad! It Is said that the accident was the result of carelessness, but we are nv.t prepared to giye an opiuiou on this score. Mr. Gorman was a most estimable citizen, an industrious, thrifty mech anic, and leaves a deeply afflicted wife and two little children to .nouru his untimely death. The bereaved family have the warmest sympathy of the community. MUSICAL JUBILEE. —A musical con vention will be held in the Lutheran Church at Rebersburg. commencing Monday evening, December 24th, IVS3,1 V S3, and closing with two grand concerts on Friday and Saturday evenings fol lowing. The programme will consist oi' a variety of exercises, including Quartettes, Chorusos. Glees, Anthems, Solos, Songs, &c. Every effort will be put forth to make it a rich musical treat. The convention will be under the di rection of that excellent conductor and musician I'noF. I. B. SECIIUIST, of Hagerstown, Maryland, assisted by Prof. H.trrv J. Sechrist,lhe celebrated Pianist and Solo Cornotist, Miss Se- Christ, the contralto Singer and Miss Miller, Organist. Singers from a distance are cordially invited, and will he free of charge. All singers desiung to secure boarding through the committee must notify said committee by fad dressing "COMMITTEE OF ARRANGEMENTS, Re bersburg, Pa.,not litter th in Dec. 20th, 133 3. Tns HOLIDAYS AI:K COMING.— The holidays are fast approaching HI d we have vet to hear of any organized effort to celebrate them properly in Millheim. Something should be done. The fes tive season should not be permitted to come and go m a dull, commonplace manner. Everybody remembers with pleasure the happy time we had during the last holiday week and the festivi ties then had would well bear repetition if even not exactly in the same foim. The people from the surrounding re gion love to come to Millheim on the holidays—our central location gives us an advantage herein, but something should be done for tiieirentertainment. A festival, an exhibition, a fair, a con cert, art industrial parade—anything of a proper and creditable character will do if well arranged and well con ducted. Millheim has four congregations, as many Sunday schools, several mite and aid 9ocie f ies, an Old Fellows' Lodge, tnd last but not least—a cracky cornet band. Cannot one or even several of these organizations get up something that will amuse and benefit the assem bling people and reflect credit on the town. TiiANKSGivrsG.—This is our nation, al Thanksgiving D.iv. Do you find any thing, dear reader, to be thankful for? Has not a kind Providence mercifully preserved your life and health, and bountifully supplied all your wants? You may not have prospered in busi ness as you wished,may not have in creased in riches as you desired, for but few do. But is there not something far better and nobler than all the per ishable things of this world? Do you not live in a land of civil and religous freedom, a christian land? Are you not literally surrounded with free schools, Sabbath schools and churches, with all their ernobling influences and precious privileges? Are these not worthy of your best, your profoundest thanks? Truly they are, and a mo ment's candid rellection ought to teach ds all tliat we are too uugrateful to our Heavenly Father in the multitude ot blessings constantly enjoyed. True thankfulness consists not in mere form, in empty words or even prayer, it means that we do good and be positively useful to our fellow men. It means particularly that we shall seek out the poor,the sick, the distressed in the comunity and minister to their wants. Do not forget this if you are blessed with this world's goods, on this our National Thanksgiving Day. "Blessed are the merc'ful for they shall obtain 'mercy.'' 1 Prom the Watsontown Star. A Good Shot. On Wednesday, while the construc tion train from this pi ice WHS corning down from Spring Nf*llls on the Lewis burg Tyrone branch railroad a deer was observed running within gunshot of thi train,. Lew. Kveihart of Dewrti t, one of the hands of the train, happened to have his rifle with him and quickly securing it he fiied at tho deer and gave it a death wound. The train was stopped, tho deer taken on I board and brought home to thl place in tlie evening. It was a remarkable lucky circumstance all round, and we doubt if a similar cluuoe will occur u gain soi.u. P. S. —Since the above was in type, I we h ice be * > hi'ld 1 the follow ing tele , grain for publication as as rt of ase ! quel to the st.nrv : Millmont, 11- Pl'K3. I at • " L. Everhart. —Please bring my A1 ihrneycalf back or you will pet. into I trouble. W. E. SMITH. On the 24th llist., "t Madisonbii IT. W. How ard Klshol, aged S4 years, 11 months uinl 1 day. .H 111 lit* l in UnrHet. Corrected every WednenUy Wheat, old, 1.(10 Corn Mi ltyo f.'i oats White 3ft Hack wheat Flour 5.00 Suit,per Itrt 1.51> Fluster, ground Cement, per Bushel 45 to ftO Barley—, so 1 vtunfrhyset'd . Flaxseed..... (Moverseed . Batter ~... 2"> ilmns ]•' Sides 12 Veal Fork B-ei Kirgs., 2<> Pdiatuct 3ft Lard 14 COAL MARKET AT COIU RN. Kg* t'oal #V?ft Slave •• ft.oo Chestnut 4 7ft Fen 3.2 ft Fea by the ear load Special Price*. "V Y .R. spiuNb F.R, Fashionable Barber, Next Door to JOURNAL Store, Main Street, MILLHEIM, PA. JQU D. 11. MINGLE, Physician & Surgeon, ( . ou Main street. MILLIIKIM, PA. D R JOHN F. II.YU L'ER. Practical Dentist, Office opposite the Millhcini Bunking fIoue. MAIN' STREET, MILLIIEIM, PA'. nov, | I Attorney-at-Law, BELLEFONTE,TA. Orphans' Court Business a Speciality. YU" M - C. HEINLE, Atlorwcy-at-Liiw BELLEFONTE, PA. Practice* 111 alt the courts of Centre couutv. Speei.il attention to Collections. Consultations in German or LnUh. C. T. Alesandci. 0. M. Bower. ALEXANDER & BOWER, Attorney-at-Lnw, BELLEFONTE, PA. Office In Garman's new building. J. V.Beaver. W. Gephart. OEAVER AGEL'H AU R, Altarncys-at-Law, BELLEFONTE, PA. Officii on Alleghany Street, North of High Street GEO. S. FRANK, Physician & Surgeon, BEBKRSBURG, PA. Office in Mr. Philip Sh-ok's residence, near the Spring Mills House. Professional calls promptly answered. 3m I>. H. Hastings. W. P. Feeder. JJASTINGS& REEDER, Atiornejs-nt-Law, BELLEFONTE, PA. Office on Allegheny Street, two do >rs east of the office ocupied by the late flrin of Yocum A Hastings. JgROUKERHOFF HOUSE, ALLEGHENY ST., BELLEFONTE, PA. O; G. McMILLEN, PROPRIETOR. Good Sample Room on First Floor. Free Buss-to and from all trains. Special rates lb witnesses and jurors. PATENTS MUNN A CO.;of the SciSJfTTFic AMERICAN, con tinue to art as KoJicitors for Patents, CaveatSj Trado Marks, Copyrights, for tho United States. Canada. England, Krunre, Germanr, etc. Hand Book about Pa'ents sent free. Thirty-seven years'experience. Fuirnisohtained through MUNN A CO. are noticed In the SCIENTIFIC AMSHICAX. the largest, re.it, and most widely circulated scientific paper. $3.20a year. Weekly. Splendid engravings ontl Interesting In formation. Specimen copy of the Scientific Amer ican sent free. Address MUNN A CO.. SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN (JNICE, 201 Broadwaiy, New York. CUT THIS OUT! A MAKE B slsl°s4o WEEK. We have stores in 15 leading; Cities, from which our sgeuto obtain their supplier quickly. Our Factories, and Principal Offices are at Erie, Pa. Send for our New Catalogue ud terms to agents Address My I AVC! I 013 Spring Cardon B*. • fit LUf KLL PH4LADELPHIA.PA. BUY YOUR "ROOTS &c SHOES, • • • —-U ■■ ■ ■ ■ _A_T LOCK: HAVEISR. :P.A_. PIPE ORGAN TONE. Address. CLOUCH & WARREN ORCAN CO., Detroit, Mich. have now opened our very largo NEWgTOOK of Goods, nnd anything you wi.nt in Goods, Clothing, BOOTS i SHOES, HATS & CAPS, j Dress Goods, Notions, j G roots mi General can be found at our store at COBURN CHEAP AS TIIE CHEAPEST !! ttooi! as the Best! i Call aud sec the new things just put on the market. Dinges f Yonada &Co. D. H. Lenker, MANUFACTURER ANI) DEALER IN FSSNiiaas, j JYARONSBUP-G, PA, Chamber Suits, Bureaus, Lounges, Bedsteads, Stands, Marble-Top Centre Tables. Breakfast Tables, Dining Tables, Extension Tables, Sideline ds, Sinks and all kinds of Kitchen Furui- i lure, Cane or Wood Seat- Chairs. ! RiX'keis. Spring Beds, Wire, Wool and Hair Matresses, every st>le of Moul I-' ings for Picture Frames. Frames of any size made to order. Undertaking! Specialty. ! A share of the public patronage re- ' spectfully solicited. 36 ly. i A. SIMON & SONS, WHOLESALE SI RETAIL I.KOCEUS, kcepth e largest stock in the, 143 MAIN STREET, LOCK HAVEN. DRUGS 5 xew tr 0 DRUGSTORE |L) -IN THE- CJ! w Sgrim Mills Honss, Q A Spring Mills, Pa. [P 1 DRUGS OF ALL KINDS, "H A FULL LINK OF 3 PATEAT MEDICIKES, (j) Strictly Pme S[ia tj 5 Toilet Articles, Perfumeries, jD Confections, Tobacco 6 Cigars. H Being an Apothecary 33 of experience Physicians' Pre- f 1 -M scriptious will be carefully com- AIA uouuded C. E. AURAND. UJ C3-S, t. •. i) to arte it, Auctioneer, MILLIIKIM. PA. r itvi JTUOUSE, (Most Central Hotel in the city.) CORN"EK OF MAIN AXD J tY STHEKTS, LOCK HAVEN, PA. S.WOODS~CALDWELL PROPRIETOR. GCKVIS anir 'e Rooms lor Commercial Travel er* on il rst lio'ir. PAT E N T S. F. A. I elimann, Solicitor of American .ind Foreign PatrTits, Washington, I>. ( . Ail bu-l --i ess connected with Patents, whether b j fre the Patent office 01 fhe Courts, promptly at temled to. Xo charge made unless a patent I* seen led. HCbd for circular. tl ELI AS L'SE. F. D. LL'SK. Elias Line & Son's pLAKING U|ILL. fn Ihs rear of tli* Ev. Cl.arch, Penu Street, MILLHEIM, FA. ALL KINDS OF PLACING MILL WORK srcn AS Doors, Window Frames & Sash, Shutters & Blinds, Siding, Brackets, Stair Rails, Balustrades, Verandahs, AND ALL STYLES OF IMIOTJLIDIIsra made to order at the most reasonable prices. . A share of pjblic ptlrouage respcctCall'.* o ltcated. .'6- y GO TO SIMON BROTHERS. TIIE BOSS CLOTHIERS for j-our Clothing. 45 MAIN STREET, LOCK HAVEN. P. H. STOVER, DEALER IN Clover Soed, Flour & Feed, Coal, Plaster & S?lt *S-HIUHKST MARKET PRICE ALWAYS PAID. Bjf-.V full'supply of Co tl. Plaster and Salt al ways on baud and sold at the lowest price \ • Ar-Coal kept under roof at all seasons of the year. <9~The public patronage respectfully sollot rd. ,'tpiy jriLAiiiliiii WEALTH! t< tf-.I | UrtAin Ull. K. C. WESTS IKK YE ASD BKAIS TEYAT3ttM, * i gpt-rlfic lr H v-.t-ria, D rime:. Coi.vullon3,Fit, Krrv iiu NVnialzia. MeajKchc, Nei*rrn V"ri>etiatla ci'4 tiytbe n*r of ftlrotml or toWro, YTakf.ili,e, Mmtnl D - lenctiiiK t xniwrv, d"c*y and death; pi-mtnre OU A-e, L iso of p..er!l etthef rex. IOTOIU UI V Le."S4 and sp-iiat'rrncM caae.-d bv n of (!i, brain, >or \vr-ln(hHsn-e. Y'arlf box eontaint one month'a treatment a box. or i.\ Loxce for )s, aent by na..pra palj ou rrce'j.t of price. , WE GUARANTEE SIX BOXES To core any rae. With ei-h order rJi'*lv <1 by ns for ell boxfc*. accompanied Vr Ith $ wo will eom! tho p".rcha''r rur wrltuni gaarantod tore'uml the money If the treatment Uoea tit e;T.-te cure. Oiierteeleaned only b7 KISSJU * :CSDUDUX, 320 U ire Street, rtit'a'lelplit.n, fa. Thd celebrat-d vjset.l.le i.ioou Huriii. r. It Immediate'-r jj cures Headnebo, Con>lpatlon, furlfleathe SLfir. Maii< >ll •mwhi-re upon receiut of 23 t'ema. Unsnrrasiei lor I cuiidiou. £|SNFR St MENDSLSON, 8 ' WnirintM ihw mot perfect , Ifi iiiney i)rl.l Ifijjxidirnffl, witd for riis Hilar, A. nTfAHQIIIA It, Fork, *M. I Pennsyhfanlt STEAM ENorygg, A. B. PABQUHAIt, York P Fl/iSk* ' C' ; iiK""t and feci*, for all pur- P"'w~ilmplc,i'troti,c and du- K?y t.v tUcwnwaiT fcuJ urlUnttriN Catalogue j'fSi&lf&f*AV , - "'• * a v .t.mui \rb9l, Tory JL rj , H Vjr ronrDlDt, r nominal oJrv Wa ? I • IS * n d complete In avrry 9* * - *P U ciln. hot AND CIWIMI! A f JS> VartU al la tho . j FARQriUB%pPA BATOR , It raady fc-r niarliat. J4lrtts J. B. fork, Fa. v3k Warranted U-e bt:.H Ir.LC*TtUTTD CmcnjlTt. GOOD AGENTS WANTED in uuoocupled territory. D. S. MORGAN & C 0.,, Brockport,MonroeCo. 7 N.Y. ißmumEUU,' MANTFACTCXXSS mr "OUR IMPROVED' WIND MILL, Jflfk AKD DEI T.EM IN , jfflflh PUMPS, TANKS, PIPE, v|l||pa Fittings, Brass Goods, and all things connected with Machinery & Water Supplies. i 31 & 33 Randolph St. TpfflSf Kg JH Send for IIXCSTEATK> CATA vjg-y' kL| m DOGUX and PRICE LIST. THE WEBSTER Mtg €O. LDDTEA DETROIT, MICH. PFIHHffINQ SL'-J®' 2- S SU ? >l.l IfS S3) uuiiiy. u :.i. S. niino!' ,'hi: