;|L|C JJJILLLJEIM JOURNAL. THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 22., 1883. BY DEININGER BUMILLER. LOCAL DEPART HEAT. —Col. Jacob Wolf's sale—next Sat urday afternoon. —Mr. John H. Kreamer moved into Jacob Saiikey's house to-day. —Our townsman, J. if. Miller, is at Laurelton working in the foundry. —A good truck wagou for sale at a reasonable price. Inquire at the JOUR NAL otfeca. The Lewisburg National Bank los es $l\000 by the failure of Fetor l>al dy, of Danville. —David ErtTs mill has been thor oughly repaired and a new miller will shortly take charge of it. —Judge Orvis has settled down to the practice of law in Cleat Add Yvilh J. Frank Snyder as partner. —The protracted meeting at Coburn is still in progress, and so is that of the United Brethren, in Millheioi. —Mr. John Bracht bought the Dut weiler homestead on Saturday for $13.- 13. The price is very reasonable. —Mr. W. 11. Cassler is building an extensive saw and planing mill at Pine Creek, near Adam Winkelblech's. —Joseph K. Moyer & Co., are look ing out a suitable location for their new saiv mill near Dauiel E. Gent zel's. —We see by the Telegraph, that our dear little frieud Johnny Zeigler at | Millmout, expects to teach singing school. —The Belmont Parlor Heater is the - prettiest, the cheapest and boot stove in the market. Call to see it at D. 1., Brown's. —Col. Jacob Wolf will make sale of a lot of household goods at his late res idence, Aaronsburg, Saturday, Nov. 24th inst. —The JOURXAL office is in first class trim to do all kinds of job Yvork, neatly, cheaply aud expeditiously. Bring it iu. .. —Mr. Harvey Yeakley, son of Mr. • John Yeakley, of Mifttiuton called to pay his compliments to the JOURNAL office last week. —Persons entitled to borough orders that are in tny hands are hereby re quested to call for them. fi. A. BUMILLER. For fine Monuments and Head stones the Millheim Marble Woiks is the leading aud best place in the coun ty. tf —There will be a meeting of the Cen tre County Pomona Grange at Centre i Hall, Friday, Noy. 3uth. .T. A. KELLER, Sec. —On Thursday evening a wagon load of our young folks, fourteen in number, went to Coburn to attend the i protracted meeting. —The Musser & Gentzel hunting party returned on Saturday Yvithout a pound ot venison. We can do as good hunting as tnat any day. —Cold—colder—coldest November • week ever experienced here—last week, of course. Everybody says so and it j must therefore be accepted as true. • OUR SICK.—MIS. Amos Alexander is still confined to her bed with no im mediate signs of improvement. Yoney Kreamer's couditiou is no better. •• —Persons owing on subscription to l the Lutheran church are most kindly but urgently requested to pay, as the is much needed. Committee. : —Three oyster saloons in town—ll. j 11. TomHnson's, S. T. Frain's and D. -I. Brown's, all of which are prepared to accomodate the public in first-class style. Binges, Vonada & Co., make a specially of clothing and gent's under wear. Don't you forget this when a bout to make your purchases for the wiuter. —P. S. Meyer and Israel Confer are doing a brisk business with their im proved Meat Choppers. They are put ting them out by the dozen. A good article always sells well. • —Our neighbor,barber W. J. Spring er has improved his simp, again- by new paper hangings and decorations. That loss mechanic, Ed. Mauck did it and therefore it looks boss. —Sammy Faust is preparing for Yvin ter, not only for himself but for others as well. The other day he received a whole drove of sleighs in the rough; which he will complete and finish in first class style. Doll & Mingle's in Bellefonte, is one of the best places in Centre county to buy boots and shoes. They are first class mechanics and square busi ness men/* < Their stock is large, of the best quality and their prices absolutely low. Don't fail to give them a call when you go to Bellefqnte. . 3t * * > 2"—We have examined "Gems for the Fireside" a book offered for sale to the reading public by Mr. M. Shires, who is at present staying in town. We can heartily recommend it to our people as a collection of valuable gems of lit erature for the home circle. Rev. : IT. O. Tiffany is the editor of the book. —D. B. Krape's Coach Works at Sa lona, were desioyed by tire the other Tuesday night. An insurance of s2<*oo only partlahy covets the loss. The fire is thought to have been the work of incendiarism. —Mr. John Rote of Haines township v ill make sale of his live stock, fann ing implements and household goods on Saturday, December Ist, I < c ß3. lie is going to mov9 iuto his new house at Coburn after tiis sale. —The question of butchering rity, on the negative. lack ltoush who had been keeping the Rebersburg Hotel for many years moved to the Narrows Hotel below Woodward on Tuesday. Cook Condo will take possession of the vacated stand at Rt bershut g. —Laurelton is making a .big etTort to have a first class town hall. The peo ple of that little town down there are really enterprising. A model school house has just been put under contract and now they push for a town hall. —George B. Stover bought the Phil ip Stover farm at executor's sale, sev eral weeks ago. George then sold the farm to Luther B. Stover, who in turn sold it to Benjamin Stover. So the farm had four owners inside of a month and all Stovers. —On Tuesday evening a lot of bags standing in the otfice of P. 11. Stover's grain house fell over against tho coal stove and caught tire, and but for the timely help ot several men who wore near the buildir-g, the grain house YYOuld have burnt down. —Mr. J. Willis .Musser has bought out the stage route from Woodward to Millheim, but also goes to Coburn ev ery morning, lie carries express and other goods from all points along the line at very moderate charges, and con tinues the calf and poultry husiuess. tf —Mr. A. R. Alexander bought the Dutweiler farm on Satin day at $32.50 per acre. Reed has been roaming the Yvide world over, south and west, for the last several years in quest of a home, but at last coucludes that Penn's Valley affords just as good homes as any section iu the wide world. Reed's head is exactly level.. NOTICE.— AII persons indebted to the estate of the late John I). Foote who have received notice from the sub scriber requesting payment, are hereby notified that unless immediate payment be made their accounts will at once be placed into the hands of a justice of peace for peremptory collection. 3t P. T. MUSSER. SICK IN TEXAS.— Hon. W. It. Bier ly, formerly of Williamsport, is lying very low with typhoid fever at his new home in Texas. Iu connection with his own sickness, two of his children have also been and are IIOYV very ill. Mr. Bierly was taken down on or about tho 25th of September and has not been able to attend to any business since that, date. —Last Saturday afternoon very many country folks were in town shopping, and the streets were filled with horses, wagons and people. Landlord Frain's fox chase failed to come off—no d )g3 to chase the fox. In place of it several footraces were engaged in by some of our sports, which caused a good doal of merriment and kept the crowd in a lively humor, while our storekeepers had their hands full behind the counter accommodating their many customers. MAKE S2O FOR CHRISTMAS.— The publishers of liutledge's Monthly offer twelve valuable rewards in their Monthly for December, among which is the following : We will give $20.00 to the person telling us how many verses there are containing but three ivords each in the Old Testament Scriptures by Decem ber 10th, ISB3. Should two or more correct answers be received, the re ward will be divided. The money will be forwarded to the winner Decembtr 15th, 1883. Persons trying for the re ward must send 20 cents in silver (no postage stamps taken) with their ans wer, for which they will receive the Christmas Monthly , in which the name and addiess of the winner of the re ward and the cornet answer will be published, and in whicn several more yaluable rewards will be offered. Ad dress RUTLEDOE PUBLISHING Co3i- FANY, Easton, Pa. BLANKET LOST AND CALICO FOUND. —Dr. S. G. Gutehus took a buggy ride to Aaronsburg accompanied by his family, to make a business call at the Reformed parsonage and when arriyed there he did not think it necessary to tie his gentle driving horse but only cov ered it with a blanket. After having ttooi there a while the horse got tired waiting and trotted home YY'ith out the doctor and his family. The blanket having been hung on loosely it was lost on the way to Millheim. When the doctor discovered the fix he was in and had procured another convey ance for hie return,he went on a search for his blanket but could not find it ; instead he found a 'package of dry goods between the tollgate and J. 11. Musser's. He requests the finder of his blanket to kiniley return it, while the owner of the package can procure it at his residence. SPRING MILLS ITSM3. The weather is milder. Billy Leitzell has resumed tho car penter trade. Many hunters are out after de°r, but thus far the business has not panned out. very well. Prof. C."NetT is giving general satis faction as teacher of the Grammar school. Mr. J. F. R*a iek will give lessons in v>oal music in the Public School House every Wednesday evening. J. S. Krape is building a valuable ad dition to his house. Jiiu goes in for improvements all the time. The coal,stove and overcoat business lis booming. Grenoble sold no less I than fifty overcoats during the last thirty days. Israel, you should advei tise and double your trade. < BROAD AXE. Chips *roir. Madiuonburg. Turnips! Yes; any amount of them. Mr. John Moyer, alias, Dutch John is again among us. Messrs. Birtges Brothers received a fine stock of new goods. The Evaug< lical church received a thorough cleaning. A fine horse owned by Mr. Clarence Moyer, died one day last week. Mr. Michael Bierly, who was not expected to live a short time ago is a gain convalescent. Mr. Win. Noll, razed his blacksmith shop, aud is building a new one in its stead. Mr. John Oeker, has bis new bouse under roof, and expects to have It fin ished by the Ist of April. Mrs. Fiedler's house is about com pleted, and can be classed among the largest and handsomest houses of the town. AXON. Pktkbson's Magazine for December is, :is t usual, ahead of all the l.ul\ s-book.s. splt-mlLl as this iiMKlzlna lias been in the past, the pres ent number quite outstrips itself. There are more than a hundred pages of readingunatter; two superb steel-plates; a colored pattern cost lier even than a cbroino; a colored fashion-plate, double size, printed from steel; and more than half a hundred wood-cuts of fashions, work-t i ble patterns, ect., ect. The stories are. as al ways, exceptional ly good: "Peterson" has long had the reputation of giving the best. It Is a staiul'ng wonder to its how this magazine can bo furnished at as low price: it can only be c\- plalned by the enormous circulation which "Pe terson" h is had now for inure than thirty years We really suppose there are few families, at al. pretemlinu to refinement. in which this maga zine is not to be found. It claims, ami not un deservedly, to give m >re for the money—and of a tic (tec tnallty—than any other. The Decern- Wr number ends the year. Now. therefore, is the time to subscribe for ISBI, or to get up clubs We advise our fair readers to subscribe for no magazine till they have seen a copy of this Specimens are sent gratis, if written for in good faith. The price is but Two DOLLARS a year to single subscribers. To clul s. it is cheaper still, viz: Four copies for six dollars and a half,with an extra copy of the Magazine as a premium to the person getting up the club. Or five copies for eight dollars, with both an extra copy of the Macazlne for getting up the club, and also a su perb illustrated book of the poets, called "The Golden Gift," or a large size steel-engraving, for framing, "Tired Our.". „Vo other nwjaztn* (/ires such prcui turns. For larger clubs, the price is still lower, while even more premiums are given. Address I'ETEUSON'H MAGAZINE, SOU Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, Pa. LI SI OF JURORS. Regular term Quarter Sessions, com menciug Mouday November 26tli in stant. GRAND J UK IRS. Constans Ctjrtjn.Roggs. G W Fleck, Roggs. W Hecktnan. Gregg, K Heckiun, Howard. •I A Crider, Rosrgs, (John Kosman, Gregg, J 1* Turner, Ha*ton, J C Peters. Union. P A Sellers, patton, .1 Wells Evans. Gregg, T" Hosterm in, Potter, Jli Uunkle. Potter, Kills S Shafer, Miles, F Hosterman. Gregg, .1 Henderson. Huston, S F Isliler. Harris, GYV F Gray, Patton. G F Jones. Worth, James Morrison.YVorth, W F Cullen, Rush, YY r s Musser, Millheiin. Peter Breoti. Hush, YV Harper, Bellefonte, S Human, Walker, TKAVEUSB JURORS—IST WEEK. .1 B Blowers, Rush Daniel llarter. Miles I) KGentzel. Penn YV 1) Keller. Harris YV YVebber, YValker K Harvey. Roirgs H O Rower, Haines J YVoodrine, Worth J GarbTirk. YY'alker vv Davis. Phihnsburg Henry Swab. Harris G 8 Keller, College J S Hoinan. Haines Michael Shires, Potter S Dunlau.Ferguson YY'm rtllger. Spring John Defaney, YY'alker J Leathers, Howard David Confer, Liberty C T G'-iliericii. ReileCe Henry Kling, Penn Albert Iloy, Ferguson J R Leathers, Howard J Z Long, Marion Fillmore Craig, Huston YV J Thompson, Potter J Dumbleton, Rush YV YVilson, Philipsburg JYV Kunkle, Haines II Brown, Mfllheim YV Vanvaliii.Unionville J B Heckiyan, Gregg E T Tuten. Bellefonte W Hceney, Potter Shuufan Lvon. Spring J E McCartney.Bellef'e Jacob McCool, Gregg YY" Patterson, College G B Crawford, Gregg J Henderson, Benner Geo Sheasley. Marion 1' B YVaddle, Patton J Peightol, Philipsburg H H Montgomery. B'f'e YY' Lowman. Snow Shoe T YY'ay. Half Moon D Haines, Bellefonte John Bailev, Ferguson TRAVERSE JUBORB—2ND WEIfK. G YY" Leyman, Hoggs SNearlmof. Taylor WGHeimach.Philipsb'g T Watson, Jo tugs H Bartholomew,YValk'r C K Custard, I'hilipsb'g J Schofleld, Bellefonte Clf Heisler, Bellefonte SG Guttelius, ...illhelm • M Gilhlaiid, Potter Henry Heaton. Hoggs M Bechdo.. Liberty YVm Grove, College S Martin, Walker M L Emcrick. Potter J B Chi Ids, Philipburg Joseidi Fox, Bellefonte J c steer. Union II J ('rouse, Haines ,J Hazel. Jr.. Miles W II Close, Benner It Foster. College J B Alexander. Union J A YVhltehill. Boggs W Zimmerman,Burns'e J Fortney, Fergus.n J it YVolf, Miles .Robert Long, YValker G Coppenhaver, Taylor! JCi' ig. Ferguson David Kline, Liberty Cyrus Strickland, B'i'e JC P Jones, Milesburg J Swavefey. Miles WesleyTiessler.CollegeJ H MCaiin, Rush WOMAN'S PROVINCE. , The Duties of the GentlerSex--How . , Best Fulfilled. What a great task is assigned to wo man, its dignity cannot be elevated. It is not her province to make laws, to lead armies, nor to be at the head of a great enterprise.but t her is given the power to form thosp by whom the laws are made,to teich thsleadeisof mighty armies, and the governors of vast em pires. She is required to guard against having the slightest taint ot bodily in firmity touch the frail creature, whose moral intellectual and physical being is derived from her.. She must instill cor rect principles, in culcate light doc trines, and breathe into the soul of her offspring those pure sentiments which in time to come will be a part of them selves, and bless generations as yet un born. Yes, to woman is- given the blessed privilege of aiding the sufferers in all the various stages of his exist ence. She smiles serenely at the chris-. tening, and weeps at the burial, Yvhile she soothes the bereayed heart. This is her province and fluty. Vet How can she fulfill her mlsai"*' unless she i possessed of a strong 0"d healthy bod) V The preparation of l)r. S. H. llartman, and known ns is just, the thing for all persona suffering from a ; majority of the compl>anB incident, to this climate. It. is invaluable to wo men. and Mrs. ,1. \V. Key nobis, of Now TJhson, Columbia lacunitv is a noted example of what the medicine can do. She says she had suffered for years with congestion of the luegs, catarrh in the head, and was troubled wi ha bad cough. She had trl"d a number of physicians, hut 'hey all failed to cure J her. Siie was indued to try PERUNA, I and immediately '• marked change took ! place. After using one bottle her cough ceased, and in a Nhoit time her other ailments were cored. She in now completely n stored t • healt and gives all the credit to I'KKUNA. NAKIIIKD. On th<* 13th itist., at He hnus.< of Itie Urine's pure ills, ly Itgv. K. I). Ko'ii, Mr.C. A. Cargill, of lM'ituiv.lle, and Miss l.iz/le I.aiiver.uf Kvaie dale, .Inmat.i Co., l*a. Dir.n On the ldtli inst., in Mltlliel'n, rs .lulia A. bail*, vv Ifc of John Pair, it,cil 53 years, 8 months and S days. Mrs. Hair had been indelicate hcntlh for some years, but was a patient sufferer s hc vv is of a unlet and reserved dUpo-liUm, si faithful ivif.\ foiol m<>ther and oblicing.pelgiihnr. For main years s|ic was a tailhful theiivber >f the M. 1 Church On Monday her mortal remains were buried in the MlllueUn Cemetery, attended by a large number of i datives, neighbors and friend* Hev. Furniiin Adams nreachcd an appro riate sermon on the mournful occasion. She leav 's a sorrowing husbau I and daugh ter, Mrs or. Mingle, to ui>uru then loss—her eternal gain. ■ ■■ .111IItie!m Wiirkcl. Corrected every Wednesday Wheat, old, l.no Corn lid Rye y. uats White 35 Hack wheat Flour 5.00 Salt, per lir! 1.50 Plaster, ground Cement, per Bushel 45 to 50 Parley. 50 Tymotliyseed Flaxseed (llbverseod Putter 25 tljons It'. Sides 12 Veal l'ork Beet Kggs 20 Potatoes 35 Lard 14 COAL MARKET A r COP,FUN. Egg Coal ft.75 "Stove " 5.00 Chcstuut 4 75 Pea 3.25 t\a by the car load /oNrcclal Prices. W. J. SPUINGER, Fashionable Barber, Next Oior to JOURNAL Store, Main Street, MILLHKIM, PA'. D. 11. MINGLE, Physician & Surgeon, Ofillee on Mam street. MILLHKIM. PA. JOIIX F. IIAHTEIt. Practical Dentist, Office opposite the Mtllhelm Bunking llou*e. MAIN STREET, MILLHKIM, PA'J A DAM IIOY, Attorney-at-Law, BELLEFONTE,;PA. Orphans' Court Business a Speciality. rn - *. c. HsnrcE, Attorucy-at-Laxv BELLEFONTE, PA. Practices in all the courts of Centre county. Special attention to (kjllectious. Consultations in German or tu ;lls!i. C. T. Alexander C, M. Bower. ALEXANDER A BOWER, . Attorney-at-Law, BELLKFONTE, PA. Office in Garnian's new building. J. A. Beaver. •*. W. Gepiiart. "DEAVER & GEL'HARC, Attorney s-at-Law, BELLKFONTE, PA. Office on Alleghany Street. North of High Street GEO. S. FRANK, Physician & Surgeon, RKBERSBURG, PA. Office in Mr. IMiilip Shok's residence, near the Spring Mills House. I Professional calls promptly answered. 3m D. 11. Hastings. W. F. Boeder. JJASTINGS & FEEDER, Atfornejs-at-Law, BELLKFONTE, PA. Office on Allegheny Street, two doors east of | ilie office ocupied by the late firm of Yoeum & j Hastings. JgROUKEItIIOFF HOUSE, ALLEGHENY ST., BELLEFONTE, PA. C. G. McMILLEN, PROPRIETOR. Good Sample Room on First Floor. Free Buss to and front all trains. Special rates to witnesses and Jurors. PATENTS MUNN & CO., of the SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, con tinue to act as Solicitors for Patents, Caveats, Trade Marks, Copyrights, for the United States, Canada, England, France, Germany, etc. Hand Book about Patents sent free. Thirty-seven years'experience. Patents obtained through MUNN A CO. arc noticed In the SCIENTIFIC A MERICAN, the largest, best, and most widely circulated scientific paper. $3.20 a year. Weekly. Splendid engravings arm interesting in formation. Specimen copy or the ScirutificA nier ten it F>ONT free. ADRTRO®* M* Ns A CO., SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN Office. 2nl Broadway, New York. BUY YOUR PooTS~fe Shoes, j JLT jr. Kiknsp's LOCK HIA.'V.'ELT, PA. _ organtone, | Address, CLOUCH & WARREN PRC AN CO., Detroit, Mich, _ have now opened our very largo NEWgTOCK of Goods, and anything you w:.nt in Dry Goods, Clothing, : BOOTS & SHOES, HATS & CAPS, •f> N Dreos Goods, Notions, Groceries aim General Merchandise can bo fouud at our store at COBURN I HEAP AS THE CHEAPEST!! Good as the Host! i Call and sec the new tilings just put 011 the market. Diiiffes,Vonada & Co. c 7 D. H. Lenker, MANUFACTURER AND DEALER IN FURNITURE, A.ARONSBURG, FA. Chamber Suits, Bureaus, Irdunges, Bedsteads,tStniuls, Marble-Top Outre Tables, Breakfast Fables, Dining Tables, Extension Tables, bideboaids, .Sinks and all kinds of Kitchen Furni ture, Cane or NVood Seat Chairs. j Rockers, Sprtng Beds, Wire, Wool and j Ilair Matlosses, every style of Moul I- ! imrs for Picture Frames. Frames of. anyvftite made to order. Undertaking a Specialty, j A share of the public patronage re spectfully solicited. SG-ly A. SIMON & SONS, WI!OLKBAI,K !.-rphv oud lo.it'n* to na'avry, d-cv auil Ml); r-'tn iln'S (' 1A r, j Uni'mnies*, I .<>*B of Power It; eitbvr s-'x. I-. voluntary Ij'>s.'C3 anil SprrmatirrhsM ccte<-.b> .a:.-. pro paid on ricelpt of price. WE GUARANTEE CH* BOFEC T-> fir, *tiy rare. Wth Of'or rc-i~;U \'j us fr r!x bokea. accompanied A ith tea, v.-o wtil send t'ln p"re>.ssh. r rtrC written gnaiatitso to reun I the money if fwlrdatuieut does ti ,i eff-ct a cuv. G nar.-tiitoe* I -:s v. J only Lj KISXKR A MFSDKLSOX, Street. rhTar'e'nfcG, PA. "jPITE-STiia!." The celehraW veceublo l.lootl i'urili.r. itfromedlftteiy I cmes Heaiiucbe, Constipation, Parities tho Skill. KaU< 1 j Anywhere upon receipt iff ?5 cents. Cbynrpaused lor I Children. EISNER &.MENDELSON, the mmt jvrfbcE Foree-Feet rcrtiiuor Drill In tit'te#M. "BeinTfor cfr. c-ulnr, A. KB. ft-ARQt'M.%fl, Vo/k, p,a. NTEAr.I EBCINES, A. B. IABQUHAE, York Pa Cheapest aud beat for all pur- I poaoA—rfimple,strong and dn- fa-.-.i,,. rekla. ■/.%, Omar Mrt.i.a k-v*s M.oriutgnr rvwraily. ISM* bubJ lor Illustrated Catalog uj Vertical Ergtn,wffh or "• > . ea li".itt u •d ronTenlPiit,econorilerl . Ffi? • W ooai).!%!• In cvur/ , ft* *C* j and tbe FABQriUB SEPARATOB It reid; for market A'ldrtMA. J). TAtQVUAR, Tortt, Pa. rAS&HEiIS SI7STOFZ C3Srf ?LAI*TD • Warranted Uio bsat corn dropper and rod . focce-fccd fcrtUaor dUltlhnter la the TUB Buchanan Wind Mill BEAUTY, DOBABIIITY New method of attach- TEE HOST POWERFUL o*l ffl ALL KINDS OF TANKS, PIPE, PUMPS, Etc. * snra to send for oar new Catalagee before baying. BUCHANAN WMD MILL CO., BUCHANAN, MICHIGAN. D.S. MORGAN&CO. UKKTTACTUM TH* | DURABLE LIGHT DRAFT Triumph Reapers ANO THE NOISELESS —• New Clipper Mower. Tb THIL'lirH L:L\PENS rt© nnoqwßled f^r iu construction, cos® of management, light weight, durability and good working capacity In all condition# of grain. The NEW CLIPPER baa all tho advantage* of the OLD CLIPPER MOWER with many valuable improvements. . .... HKITD FOR IL,Lrr*TR\TT> CIBCTXAF. GOOD AGENTS W ANTED in unoccupied territory. D. S. MORGAN & CO., Brockport f MonroeCo. y N.Y. IWID MTU CO. laid,' MAJTCRACTOMTBA OF "OUR IMPROVED' WIND MILL, XjWk AND DKALEBE IV S!M PUMPS, TASKS, PIPE, fittings, Srui Soots, and all things connected with ICachinery & Water Supplies. 31 & 33 Eandolph St. fnS Send for ILI.TTSTIUT*D CATA >fciy|r tohl ll'-i voavn axd Psion Liar. THE WEBSTER M FG CO. UMrra). DETROIT, MICH. PB** . 1 .ycx f; -ta aas ft For wound, di - i®c kJ '<& t ill eil!>e ° l ' olh?r ui> : . and -leiKMld nit jnirenls ntit!ed wimn death re .'uitod. Ci.tiiiis reopent'd, restoration, Uicreatfdr bounty, lurk pay and discharges obtained. Ap ply at once, delay !>ivju s fixed by Jaw. Address, with stamp, the old o tabhshed firm of fi.DMON & G< E, Attorney" an I C'b-iim Agents. 917 F St.. Washington, i). FT YOUR JGDi'iUN t'ING D NM A.C The Mil T.cini Journal Office. FINE WURK CHEAPLY EXLCUT.TD. ' FIR ALE at tie Milliieiai Journal Store