Millheim Journal. (Millheim, Pa.) 1876-1984, November 08, 1883, Image 4

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Beet Fertilizing Clover.
A very Interesting experiment is
given by Prof. W. J. Beal, in his re
port of the Michigan state farm. Two
finebnnches of clover, apparently alike
in thrift and size, were covered with
mosquito netting. When the plants
were in blossom bumble bees were in
troduced under the netting and set to
work, the other being left unvisited.
July 31 ripe heads were selected from
each plant and the seeds carefully
counted. The fifty heads of the plant
from which the bees were excluded
yielded twenty-five seeds, forty yield
ing none at all. The fifty heads vis
ited by bees, on which they were seen
to work, yielded ninety-four seeds,
twenty-five yielding none at all.
The Curcullo.
A horticulturist writes the Massa
chusetts Ploughman that air slacked
lime will destroy the curculio. He
says : "Attach to a long pole that will
reach the top of the tree a fine sieve,
or a large sized cornpopper will an
swer, fill with the lime, and commence
using when the blossoms fall, and con
tinue using at intervals of ten days;
about six applications will be enough.
A half dozen plum trees have been
served with this remedy for the past
five years, and the result has been full
crops and no stings. Apply the lime
when the dew is on the trees."
Valne of Hrn Manure
We saw on the premises of a first
class farmer, some time ago, a well
constructed henhouse, though not at
n'.l complying with the conditions
which hen fanciers would impose. It
was designed only for laying and
roosting in; and it at first seemed
strange to find, at midday, with a cooj
atmosphere, turkeys and chickens oc
cupying it. They had free egress and
ingress and were not fed or watered
in ft; yet the chickens always went
there to lay. The secret was revealed,
however, when the proprietor informed
ns that he had it cleaned out every
week. All the droppings of the fowls
were scraped from the floor, which
was an inclined plane, into a trough or
receiver, from which they were shov
eled and heaped up, and the place
whitewashed frequently. This required
hut little over half an hour, and the
manure from last season was estimated
at $l2O, and quite sufficient in quan
tity as an application to his entire
hrop of com. As a rule we do not think
farmers pay as much attention to their
henhouses and the manurial product
as their importance demands. Here
was a most valuable amount of fertil
izing material, obtained with little la
bor, upon the premises, ready for use
when needed, which would have cost
a heavy sum to provide; beside, from
the excellent arrangement of the
house, which ivas by no means expen
sive, an increase of eggs was obtained
which more than covered all the ad
ditional expense in labor.—Oerman
toici Telegraph.
Hot Water Treatment for Planta.
. A correspondent calls our attention
to the following from The Garden , and
inquires whether there is anything in
it: "The Florist asks, Has any one
tried hot water as a restorative for
sickly plants? and then proceeds to
say that M. Willerraozsometime since
related that plants in pots may be re
stored to health by means of hot water.
111-health, he maintains, ensues from
acid substances in the soil, which, be
ing absorbed by the roots, act as
foison. The small roots wither and
cease to act, and the upper and young
er shoots turn yellow and become
spotted, indicative of their morbid
state. In such cases the usual remedy
is to transplant into fresh soil, in clean
pots, with good drainage, and often
with the best results. But his experi
ence of several years has proved the
unfailing efficacy of the simpler treat
ment, which consists in watering
abundantly with hot water at a tem
perature of about 125 Fahrenheit
having previously stirred the soil of
the pots so far as may be done with
out injury to the roots. Water is then
given until it runs freely from the
pots. In his experiments the water at
first came out clear, afterward it was
sensibly tinged with brown, and gave
an appreciable acid reaction. After
this thorough washing, the pots were
kept warm, and the plants very soon
made new rDots, immediately followed
by vigorous growth."
To our mind there is a great deal in
it. We know to a certainty that sick
ly peach trees are often restored to
vigorous health by the old-fashioned
German farmers of Pennsylvania, by
pouring boiling water on the ground
about the peach trees. It cools, of
course, somewhat, before reaching
many of the roots. Here, however, it
is believed to be beneficial by destroy
ing parasitic insects and parasitic fun
gi, rather than chemically, as suggest
ed by the extract. But let the reason
ing be what it may, we are will to
indorse it as good practice.—Garden
ers' Monthly.
Household Hints.
Keep salt in a dry place.
Keep yeast in wood or glass.
Keep fresh laid in tin vessels.
Keep preserves and jellies in glass-
A greasy stove is more easily pol
ished if, before applying the blacking
it is rubbed off with a little hot water
and soap.
Apples sliced very thin, fried in
butter and sprinkled with pulverized
sugar, make a very nice dish for tea or
Stale bread should be toasted in the
oven, grated and put in a wooden box
It is useful for frying fish, oysters,
clams, croquettes, etc.
' ■ , . >n _J --. i'
He who lives to no purpose lives to a
bad purpose.
A man's ruling passion is the key
to his character.
To rule one's anger is well; to pre
vent it is better.
Make your enemies transient, and
your friendships immortal.
Practice flows from principle, for as
a man thinks, so he will act.
There is a certain dignity to be kept
up in pleasure as in business.
Lose not thy own for lack of asking
for it. It will bring thee no thanks.
The best education in the world,
is that got by struggling to got a
Ilave the courage to wear your old
clothes until you can pay for your new
Let us have faith that right makes
might, and in that faith let us to the
end daro to do our duty as we under
stand it.
It is not until we have passed
through the furnace that we are made
to know how much dross there is in
our composition.
A man never knows what a weak,
fickle and uncertain master he has in
himself until he is at liberty to govern
his own life as he pleases.
Some people carry their hearts in
their heads; very many carry their
heads in their hearts. The difficulty is
to keep them apart, yet both actively
working together.
The truly great and good in afflic
tion bear a countenance more princely
than their wont; for it is the temper of
the highest heart to strive most upward
when it is most burdened.
Are the <>reat Kvyptlan Monuments
Mass of Stone or Concrete.
It would be a singular outcome if it
be eventually demonstrated that the
pyramids and obelisks of Egypt are
only masses of concrete. A writer in
the Scientific American asserts that
the obelisk in New York is composed
of concrete, the coarse portions being
pulverized granite. The idea that the
mass might be concrete was first sug
gested by a peculiarity of the hiero
glyphics which have the appearance of
being moulded instead of being cut.
The column was then tested and found
to be composed of hydraulic cement
and powdered granite. It is the
opinion of the correspondent, who has
a practical knowledge of cements, that
the obelisk was moulded in an upright
position, the moulds producing the
heiroglyphics being cut in wood and
forming part of the retaining box, as
the concrete was laid up layer after
layer, as rapidly as it set.
A recent writer claims that the vast
stones of the pyramid are blocks of
concrete. If this is true it settles the
vexed question in mechanics as to the
method of raising such cnom/ous
stones to the height of the great pyra
mid. A company of hod carriers by a
single journey could carry to the sum
mit sufficient to make one of the im
mense blocks. Taking this view of the
matter the vast inclined planes which
have been constructed in the imagina
tion of engineers to carry aloft the
huge stones would be unnecessary.
It is a fact that the ancient world
made a building cement which was as
hard and durable as stone. The cement
in the structure of ancient Rome suffi
ciently indicates the superior skill of
the ancient masons. No cement
equal to that of the ancient times has
yet been manufactured.
The hydraulic cement of ancient
times, stiffened with pounded and sift
ed granite, would prove very durable
under the rainless skies of Egypt. In
no other country have ancient monu
ments such a lease of existence as in
Egypt. Rain water is a corrosive
force and it slowly disintegrates the
hardest rocks. When frost is added,
the force of disintegration becomes so
potent that the destruction is very
marked. Jn Egypt there is neither
rain nor frost, andthe monuments are
only worn away by storms of sand.
The impact of sand will eventually
level the monuments of Egypt, if they
are not first burned by it. The pyra
mids show the waste of the ages, and
whether they be built up of concrete
or fashioned from granite blocks, they
must eventually crumble.
Changes in flic Earth's Surface.
Attention has been called by M. J.
Girard to the supposed changes of level
of the earth's surface in certain parts
of Europe. Villages in the Jura
which were hidden from each other no
longer than forty years ago have
gradually risen in sight, while in a
village in Bohemia the inhabitants
now see half of a distant church spire
of which only the top was visible
thirty years ago. The apparent rising
of these places must, it is thought, be
a result of the warping of the solid
crust of the earth. To detect further
changes in the Bohemian locality a
line of levels has been run.
LOUDON, NOV. 2.— Toe Duke nnd DUCHESS
of Connaught left London last night for
j India. In consequence of anonymous reports
that the train on which they were to leave
London would be blown up. extraordinary
measures were taken by the authorities to
guard against disaster.
Preparations for action seem to be going
j on in l'onqnin.
The report of the defeat of the False
j Prophet is denied.
The government and the railroad company
have offered a joint reward of £5,000 for the
arrest of the perpetrators of the outrages on
! the underground railways on Saturday.
Goitau's ghost, it is reported, hnunt* the
i Washington jnil.
Heavy and destructive frosts are reported
at Memphis, Teun., and Vicksburg, Miss.,
Nov. lt.
The West Boylstou (Mass.) schools have
been closed on account of diphtheria Fifty
cases and five deaths have been reported
within n week.
The annual report of the Paymaster Gen
eral of the Army to the Secretary of War
j shows that the receipts for the last fiscal year
amounted to $l.". 490.310, and the disburse
ments $13,3*?, 164.
On October 2>th Secretary Folger received
from a New York bank a communication,
stating that a large amount of 8 per cent,
bonds embraced in the 122 d and 123 d calls
were accumulating there, and asking if the
department would redeem $1,000.(<0 of said
bonds at par and interest to the date of pre
sentation. The Secretary said: "I have to
say that you may present any of the bonds
included in those calls for pay meat prior to
their maturity, and they will be redeemed
and interest allowed thereon up to the date
of their presentation-"
At Huntington, Ind., tharlotto Epps was
found guilty of murdering her husband last
June by administration of poison. Epps was
an old and wealthy bachelor, and was married
to the murderess two months preceding his
death, she previously having served him in
tie capacity of house-keeper. Her punish
ment was fixed at imprisonment for life.
Pi his report to the Secretary of the Inte
rior upon the condition of affairs in I)akota (
Governor N. G. Ordway says the progress
and development of the territory during the
past year has been almost phenomenal. He
estimates the increase in population during
that time at 100 OM, while the assessable
property has increased in a still greater pro
portion. Agricultural pursuits and stock
raising have prospered exceedingly.
LONDON, Nov. I —Orangemen took pos.
session of the City Hall in Londonderry, Ire
land, yesterday, to prevent the Lord Mayor
of Dublin from delivering a lectnrenpon the
frnushise. In the rioting which followed
one man was fatally wounded and others
were injured. The lecture was delivered in
the-evening in the National Institute,
i The Hovas have opened negotiations with
the French authorities.
French troops have arrived on the west
j const of Africa bent on conquest.
A Paris correspondent says that war is in
evitable if the Frei ch attack Bach-Ninh.
The liabilities of Morris Itanger, the insol
vent cotton merchant of Liverpool, are re
ported to be £l,O 0 0 Ki.
A fire at New York on a lighter loaded with
.NK) bales of cotton, taken from one of the
steamers of the Ocenn Steamship Company,
of Savannah, caused n damage of twenty
thousand dollars.
It is reported that the team H. B. Winship
and Hiram Bruce, trotting against the team
Frank and John May, at Providence, made
i i the second mile heat the extraordinary
time 0f2.10. i 4.
"Pete" Emerson, convicted of being an
o (omplioe of ex-policeman Nugent, of New
Y o. k, in the attempt to rob the cashier of the
Orange National Bank of Jersey City of $lO,.
C 0, has been sentenced to ten years in State
Snow fell in Western Maryland on let inst.
The Shenandoah Railroad Company has
bjught the franchises of the Washington
road, with the view of making a feeder to
their road.
The entire business portion of Garfield,
Col., has been destroyed by lire; IOBS over
S.'O.OJ). One person was fatally injured.
Many persons are left destitute.
"Steve" Raymond, the English forger,
convicted of pnssing forged coupons of the
Union Pacific Railroad, has been sentenced
to State prison for life in New York.
The loss by the recent fire at Savannah,
Ge„ will exceed $1,000,C00, the insurance
not being moro than one-third. James Cash,
white, and 7 colored persons were burned to
The debt statement just issued shows the
reduction of the pnblic debt during the month
of October to be $10,304,798.88. Decrease of
public debt since June GO, 1883, $39,584,470.-
1 43. Cash in the treasury, $364,347,501.93.
Gold certificates outstanding, $83,328,940-
Silver certificates outstanding, $99,579,141.
Certificates of deposit outstanding, $12,620,-
J 0 Refunding certificates outstanding,
$:125,8f0 Legal tenders outstanding, $346,-
781,011. Fractional currency outstanding,
United States Marshal R. S. Foster, with a
posse of detectives, went to Pike county.
Ind., in pursuit of a gang of counterfeiters
supposed to be located in that portion of the
State. They succeeded in arresting nine of
the gang this morning at Steinville, a small
village about twenty-five miles from Evans
ville, after a desperate fight. The gang had
been operating in Southern Indiana, with
headquarters near Now Albany. The coins
manufactured by them are half dollars and
dollars in silver and $2.50 and $5 gold pieces.
The business was a large one, the operations
?f the gang extending to adjoining States.
The Freethinhers of Montreal are much
dissatisfied with the judge's decision in the
case of the customs seizure of works of Paine
and Voltaire. They intend importing books
of the same character again and forcing a
decision on the merits of the case.
Ex-Sheriff Oscar McKenzie, of Morgan
county, Ky., was called to his door by Ben
Reesencr and two of his brothers on a pre
text of making up an old feud, and was fa
tally beaten with clubs and left for dead.
The Reeseners escaped, but are pursued by
the sheriff and his posse-
Capt. Adams, of the schooner Henry Den
nison, reports at Key West, Fla., that on
passing Swan Island, October 24. his vessel
was boarded by a boat seeking provisions.
The Island people, fourteen in number, had
nothing to subsist upon but cocoannts. The
people were expecting a vessel from Balti
more with provisions, but she was very wutfh
overdue. If no sail passed since the Denui
son left the Island, Uapt. Adams says the
people must be nearly starving.
LONDON, Oct. 81.—The excitement over the
explosions in the underground railway tun
nel in London continued very great yester
! day. Many persons were injured, but only
four seriously. It is said that the London
police gave warning three months ago of
!• such an attempt to blow np the tunnels.
The fisheries exhibition in I>ondon was
formally declared closed yesterday by the
Prince of Wales.
The debate In the French Chamber of I>ep
; ntiea on the Tonquin nffair ended last night
in a vote expressing confidence in the firm
uessand prudence of the government.
| L Fight shells of glass filled with nitro-glve
erine have been found iu the debris made
the explosion on Tuesday in the office of tin
chief of polico in Frankfort-on-the-Muin.
The steamer Holyhead collided with a
| German vessel soon after leaving Dublin
Tuesday night, and two of the Holyhead's
crew and thirteen of the German vessel wero
Excitement continued in the Liverpool
cotton market yesterday over the failure on
Tuesday of Morris Ranger. It is reported
that they made heavy losses 111 New York.
Other firms of cotton brokers in Liverpool
suspended yesterday.
t Gen. Sherman retires from the command
of the army Nov. Ist, and G< n. Sheridan as
! snmes command.
The Dumber of bales of cotton burnt d in
i the fire at the South Carolina Railroad yard,
j Charleston, S. 0., was '2,1 1.1, valued at $lO7.
! Justice L'Orange decided that a ion b -
I lievor in future rewards and punishment wav
not competent as a witness under the stat
utes of Canada.
Geo, Mearkle, who conftssel to being
identified with a gang of horse-thieves m
Western Maryland, has been sentenced to
1 ten years in the penitentiary.
A Cincinnati shoe firm has determined to
remove its factory to Massachusetts, because
the trades unionists have becomo so trouble
some. The firm has tried arbitration, but
while that plan has some good features, it
does not reliovo manufacturers from the ty
ranny of the union, and the members of this
firm say they will be masters of their own
j business or they will cense to do business.
I The removal of the firm from that city will
throw about 1.10 men out of work.
A company consisting i nine persons,
who are citizens of the Cherokee Indian na
tion, Ims been organized to establish a na
tional bank at Vinita, Indian Territory.
The Cleveland lender stated that three
nuns of the Order of St. Vincent de Paul had
decamped, taking with them SOO,OOO. Bishop
Gilmour says threo Sisters have left St. Jo
seph's Hospital and returned to their fami
The State of North Carolina sold 20.0 XJ
acres of land, known as the Big Swnmp, and
situated in Robinson county, on the Carolina
Central Railroad, to O. 11. Blocker, of North
'Carolina, and Geo. 8. White and W. N. Jen
nings, of Pennsylvania, for cents per
acre. The buyers intend to clear it at once
for agricultural purposes.
The Old Dominion Creosoting Works, near
Norfolk, Va., have been des'royed by lire.
A boiler exploded nnd set fire to I,< 0. and
the whole stock on hand went with the de
struction of the works. The loss is estimated
t $75,030; partially insureJ. The explosion
shook the houses of this city. Tarts of ten
ton cast-iron cylinders were hurled a qußrt-r
of a mile.
ix?NDON, Oct. W.—Porty persons are bo
lieved to have been injured ly A mysteriom
explosion at an underground station of the
Metropolitan Railway in London,
A new expedition, including three Swedish
officers, will start for the Congo country in
John D. Walters, a London broker, charged
with stealing bonds, was arraigned in Guild
hall Police Court yesterday.
A severe shock of earthquake, accompanied
with subterranean rumblings, was felt at
Kamieniec, the capital of the government of
I'odolia, Russia, Monday evening. The shock
lasted thirty seconds.
The steamer St. frauds sank in Lachine
rnpids, near Montreal, and is a total loss.
The 70 passengers on board spent the night
on one of the island?.
Washington Notes.
The War Department has issued an order
directing the appointment of a court of in
quiry to investigate the organization and fit
ting out of the Greely relief expedition and
the general conduct of the expedition. The
Secretary of War, in a communication to the
chief of the signal service, comments with
some severity upon Lieut. Garlington's con
duct of the expedition.
The United States geological survey ha?
endorsed the recommendation of the Secre
tary of the Navy to adopt the 7.1 meridian
time as the local time of Washington. The
change will go into effect November 1.
I'LOUR-City Mills, extra. ?4on © $4 75
\V HEAT— Southern Fultz— 105© 107
CORN— Southern White .... f4 © 67
do. —Yellow 61 (5, 62
RYE— Good 63® 65
OATS— Maryland 35 © 3H
COTTON— Middling 10}* © 10K
do. — Good ordinary.. © 9}J
MAY— Md. and Pa. Timot'ylSoo © 1700
STRAW— Wheat 700 © 800
BUTTER— Western prime. 24 © 26
do. —West Virginia... 18© 20
CH EESE—N. Y. State ch'EO 12 © 12>4
do. —Western prime. . 7 © 8
EGGS 22 @ 25
CATTLE 575 @ 600
SWINE 6 @ 7U
TOBACCO LEAF— lnferior 250 @ 400
Good common 200 @ 300
Middling 700 @ 750
Good to fine red 800 @ 10 00
Fancy 10 00 © 1500
COTTON— Middling upland 10 ©
FLOUR— Southern com. to
fair extra 500 © 600
WHEAT— No. 1 white 116 @ 118
RYE—State 63 © 64
CORN— Southern Yellow—. 56 @ 57
, OATS— White State 36 @ 37
BUTTER— State 17 @ '3O
! CHEESE— State 10 © 11
j EGGS 20 @ 24
! FLOUR—Penna. "fancy 500 @ 563
WHEAT— Pa. and Southern
RYE — Pennsylvania 60 @ 65
CORN — Southern yellow—. 55 @ 58
OATS 36 © 38
BUTTER— State 20 @ 3J
CHEESE—N. Y. factory 8 @ 12
EGGS— State 1 ®
ffapp.r aud Unhappy Women.
Some few women may enjoy being
knocked about in the world—may even
find relish in scrambling, elbow to el
bow, with men for places in the front
ranks of workers; but these few stand
in the same relation to their sisters as
does a man of genius to his ordinary
brother; an unnatural thing, an anom
aly. The few women who enjoy such
a life as It is known that a woman of
the working world must live, have, by
their injudicious over-enthusiasm, done
more harm than they dreamed they
were remedying. The independence
of woman has cast such n light upon
their natural pleasing dependence that
it must be admitted it is now terribly
unprepossessing. Woman's suffering
is very closely allied to woman's suf
frage; woman's wrongs overlap wo
man's rights. Fifty women are unhap
pily at. work whero there is one hap -
pily jiot; and there are just about fifty
women working where one needs to
be, or rather ought ought to be, or
would be, if women had let women
alone. A woman is not fhtod for a
working life. Physically sho may be
able to stand it; mentally she may
flash and brighten,' at heart the true
woman quivers, and dreads the fist as
well a- tlie tongue of the world.
of the most unhappy women I know is
a brilliant woman of semi-Bohemian*
literary society. Envied, but not en
viable; admired, but not loved. The
wittiest woman of her city, her ban
mots are the cleverest at the clubs. A
clever and thinking woman, her work
is as clever and thoughtful. Sho says:
"I would rather bo the weakest, the
least talented woman in the world, the
honest wife.of an honest man who
would love me, and let me love him,
than the most beautiful, successful wo
man of the world. I would rather be
the slave of a household than a queen
usurping masculine rights."
Sliain Elopements.
"Half the elopements we hear about
nowadays are shams," said our man of
the wosld, with his air of portentious
wisdom. "Now that runaway match
in our own town, for instance. The
girl's father is a sharp man, but this is
one of the sharpest tricks he has ever
played since I knew him. That elope
ment was all a sham. It's as simple as
can be, The girl's father is one of the
best known men in this section of the
town and is a polititician beside. He
has, necessarily, a large acquaintance
with the element who are always ex
pecting him to stand treat upon the
slightest pretext, and, what with this
and the wedding festivities, supper and
other etceteras, his daughter's mar
miage, if solemnized in the ordinary
manner, would have cost him a great
deal of money. An elopement*saved
all this, so he opposed his daughter's
wishes strongly enough to give a pre
text for the two to run over to the next
town, where the expenses of the wed
ding, all told, didn't amount to more
than live or ten dollars. There were
no fine dresses, flowers, gifts or any
thing of that sort, and \x hen they re
turned home they had a chance to go
to housekeeping quietly and unosten
tatiously. It was a shrewd plan and a
sensible one for all parties concerned.
1 have known a number of runaway
matches which had no other reason
than economy. Parents, relatives and
all were willing for the young people
to commit matrimony, but the expeuse
was a serious consideration, and a little
timely opposition which caused an
elopement smoothed out the crooked
channel in which the course of true
love was running. The cost of the
wedding was saved for housekeeping,
(he young couple were forgiven, and
all went as merrily as if there had
been any amount of marriage bells
No trait of character is more valua
ble to a female than the possession of r.
sweet temper. Home can never be
made happy without it. It is like the
flowers that spring up in our pathway,
reviving and cheering us. Let a man
go home at night, wearied and worn by
the toil* of the day, and how soothing
is a word dictated by a good disposi
tion! It is sunshine failing on his
heart. He is happy, and the cares of
life are forgotten.
IlnMon Illonds.
Mr. U.S. Hollis, Veterinary Surgeon;
Boston, Mass., certifies that he has
made the great pain-cure, St. Jacob's
Oil, the sole remedy in his practice for
horse ailments, and considers it supe
rior to any cure he has known in forty
years. He tried the same great pain
banisher on himself for rheumatism
and by which he was completely cured.
The net that is most popular with
blonde youth—brunette.
Good will, like a good name, is got by
many actions, and lost by one.
may be made by hnrd work, but can neither
be made nor enjoyed without health. To
those leading sedentary lives Dr. R. V.
Pierce's "Golden Medical Discovery" is a
real friend. It stimulates the liver, purifies
the blood, nnd is the best remedy for con
sumption, which is scrofulous disease of the
lungs. By all druggists.
Strict honesty is the crown of one's early
I>r. Pierce's ••Favorite Prescription"
always becomes the favorite remedy of those
who try it. It is a specific for all female
"weaknesses" and dernngements, bringing
strength to the limbs nnd back, and color to
the face. Of all druggists.
If you deal with a vulgar mind, life is re
duced to beggary.
Being entirely vegetable, no particular care
is required while using Dr. Pierce's "Pleas
ant Purgative Pellets " Tuey operate with
out disturbance to the constitution, diet, or
occupation. For sick headache, constipa
tion, impure blood, dizziness, sour eructa
tions from the stomach, bad taste in mouth,
bilious attacks, pain in region of kidneys,
internal fever, bloated feeling about stomach,
rush of blood to head, take Dr. PiereeV
"pellets." By druggists.
Charity is one of the noblest virtues that
links earth with perfection.
COBBEOT your habits of crooked walking by
using Lyon's Patent Metalic Heel Stiffeners.
THE VOLTAIC BELT Co., Marshall, Mich., will
send Dr. Dye's Celebrated Electro.Voitaic
Belts and Electric Appliances on trial for
30 days to men,young or old.whoare affiicted
with nervous debility, lost vitality and kin
dred troubles, guaranteeing speedy and com
plete restoration of health aud manly vigor.
Address as above.— N. 8.--N0 risk is'in
curred, as thirty days' trial is allowed.
The button holes of Chrolithion collars
and cuffs are made so they will not tear out
like other kinds.
For burns, scalds, bruises, chapped hauls
sores or piles, use St. Patrick's Salve.
The PracerAxle Grease.
Ir the best in the market. It i the most
economical and cheapest, one box lasting as
long as two of any other. One greasing will
Inst two weeks. It received first premium at
the Centennial and Paris Expositions, and
medals at varions State Fairs. Buy no other.
Nature is the great teacher, sheclothee the
fowls and animals with wnrmeT clothing for
winter; helps them to cast it off in summer;
makes the best Hair Oil, Carboline. which is
Petroleum perfumed, and cold at $1 a bottle,
Menbman'b Peptonized beep tonic, the only
preparation of beef containing its entire nutnr
tiout properties. It contains blood-making,
force generating and life-sustaining properties;
invaluable for indigestion, dyspepsia, nervous
prostration, and nil forms of general debility;
also, in nil enfeebled conditions, whether the
result of exhaustion, nervous prostration, over
work or acute disease, particularly if resulting
from pulmonary complaints. Ciswell, Hazard A
Co., Proprietors, New York. Sold by (lruggtats.
C. Farley, city marshal, 243 Broadway, N.
y„ saya: "I had rheumatic gout 20 years;
tried everything; now take Dr. Elmore e
R.-G. It hna cured my orippled feet, and
to its nil other medicines and treatments in
the world."
After Three Dnya.
Mr. Ohatu.ks W. Morhih, "Eagle" office,
Pittsfield, Mass., writes, May 25, IP83: "For
several months my wife's mother (Mrs. Amy
Boyce) had been in a very precarione condi
tion with dropsy or Bright'a disease of the
kidneys, and having u.-od all methods and
measures for her restoration in the line of
treatment by onr loading physicians, and
having faded to bonefit her, her family de
spaired of rowing her relieved, and gave her
up to die. Happening to inn across the tes
timonyof a Mrs. Paw ley, who had beencurod
of similar sickness by uing Hunt's Remedy,
e at once procure J n bottle of it, and com
menced giving it as directed. Alter using it
three days she was so far improved that eho
cbuld gel from hei bed to her chair without
assistance (a circumstance that had not hap
pened for months). Previous to taking it
site wis troubled more or le c s with short
breath, requiring a continuous fanning to
keep her nine. This gradually improved as
we continued the use of Hunt's Remedy, and
on the fourth bottlo she was able to setup all
day. She was bloated terribly in both limbs
aud body upwnrd to the lungs. The tenth
day the bloating left her bowels, and now she
is not swollen aoove the kuoes. Her kidneys
were very bad nt the time, dischargos being
of a bloody character and emitting a ficken
ing odor. I can say that the change in her
cote has beon wonderful, and Hunt's Remedy
has worked a miracle in her."
To cure a sore throat, gargle with Pise's
Cure for consumption. 25 cents.
for. paiiv.
Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Sciatica,
Lumbago Backache. Headache. Toothache.
Sore Th rol. *we 111 n*. *P rajn. Bru le.
Hum*. Mrnlitv Frost llitea,
So'lbr Urut£iu ol IVilfrietffttbfM. Fifty Cfuu bclU#
tnrociU m In 11 LansuafSS. ~
TflE (TI %BI.CS A. % OUELEK CO. lo
CijKM-rr, to A. VOOIXLE A CO.> lUluiurr. Mil.. C. A A.
■ ■T'lr - Though shaken in
tfOSmT t&V xc
JP CIIt&HATID or bilious reuaittsnt,
' the fptetn may yet
fur t h e r more asn
" st!ustin. P dyspepsia,
debility, rheumatism,
biii cM A iy#iC s-rr 811,5
Cured Painlessly.
The Medicine Bald for a small margin above the eost o
compounding. A 1 ca#i-s treated by special prescnp
For lull particulars address the Itlacovrrer,
OR. S. B. COLLINS, La Porte, Ind.
fll 17DT1 prixting PKKSBBS.
Phii.a Pa inn PT*E ROOK INC.
TlflllT, H't return mil. lull iterrlptlcit
LUL L Roori.v'a New Tailor System of
£ 11. 11 111 tress ('illliny BOODY k l\,• inrjaaatl,O.
PAINLESS CHILDBIRTH. r „,, r „„ on; ,„
free. Address .!■ 11. IK, Box 1(H. Buffalo. X. V.
TJ7O * *eek. #l2 a day at homeeasily made- Co3sy
9 I fc (i it nt free. Address ThCE A Co., Augusts, Me,
Hnhber Stamp*. Your name, 90e- , cards, etc. Agents
• lit Free. Thai man M'rO. Co.. Baltimore, Md.
ccc a week iu you rown tow u, 1 wui> -mats, out nt ires
vUO Address 11. Ilnlletl v Co.. Portland. Maine
\ GENTS wnnieil for twonew fast selling articles.
Simples free- C. E. MARSHALL. Lackport.y Y.
<R to CO l per day at home. Natnplos wortn - o tree
9\J IU U j r ,, s laaoiaftc ( 0.. Portland. Me.
Thcknix Pectokal will cure your cough. Price %>c.
[l% I ■% fl fl fl ■■■ ■% ■ ■ CROrP, ASTHMA. BRONCHITIS,
I BH Nrurelgia, Rheumatism.
W0 Vfl H Pi Hi IMf 1 II (for Internal and External Vie) will in- 1
■ M ■ ■ H stantly relieve these terrible diseases, and I
■ will positively cure nine cases out of ten. I
WUB fl fl Bfl ME B B MLb 818 ■ ■ Intormation that will save many lives sent|
! ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■■MRBS n■ m ■ free bv mail. Don't delay a moment. Pre- H
vention is better than cure. JOHNSON'S ANODYNE LINIMENT CURES intluenza. Hoarse- fl
ncss, Hacking Cough. Whoring Cough, Diarrhoea, Dysenterv. Cholera Morbus, Kidney Troubles, and!
[_Lanie_Hack l sent FREE. I. S. JOHNSON ft CO.. Boston. Mass. H
is btriKe at tiic ±>ou ic.
A nervous and disease-stricken old gentleman was sitting in his room
on an easv-chair, his physician being at his side.
Said the old gentleman, " Now, doctor, you have been treating me for
a long time, and haven't done me much good. I'm tired of all this. I
want you to strike at the root of all my disorders." >
Said the doctor, "Do you mean exactly what you say?"
•'To be sure I do," said the venerable invalid.
"Well, here goes!" said the doctor; —and with one whack of his cane
he broke to pieces the brandy-bottle which stood on the mantel.
The old gentleman was angry and excited, but he had a good answer
ready for the doctor. " Doctor, if it hadn't been for vour doctrine, I never
would have got into the habit of drinking."
In Brown's Iron Bitters there is strength for the debilitated, refresh
ment for the nervous, and new life for the broken-dow
ftN OPTICAL WONDER and busine^a
A NEW. original, cheap lantern, for projecting and en
larging photographs, chromo cards, opaque picturesand
objects. Win ks like magic, and delights and mystifies
everybody. Send torourfull and free descriptive circular
To Speculators.
R. Lindblom & Co., N. G. Miller & Co.
u and i Chamber of o5 Bnidway,
Commerce, Chicago New Yort*
Members of all prominent Produce Exchanges in
New York, Chicago, St. Louis aud Milwaukee-
We have exclusive private telegraph wire between
Chicago and New York. Will execute orders on our
judgment when requested. Send for circulars con
taining particulars, liOBT. LINDBLOM A CO..
quickest, pleasanteat,
JvX SCZSIL, surest and best remedy for kidne.v,
liveij, stomach, bladder and blooa
JXjtWXT diseases# and only real curative ever
discovered for acute and chronic
rheumatism, gout, lumbago, sciat
ic/ S.HK, ica, neuralgia, etc. Has cmed hope
less cases Bright s disease ana dyspepsia In 3 weeks—all
forms of rheumatic disorders in 2 to 12 weeks—relieve,
intlammatory in 1 day. Can refer to bandrtds of relia
hie people cured who liad tried in vain everything else.
Purely botanie, harmlew, and nice to irink. Ask your
druggist to get it; if be declines send to ns for it—take
nothing else. Elmore. Adams A00.,105 William st,, N. Y
AGENTS WANTED everywhere to 9J i
™ , - th 3 best Family Knit
ting Machine ever invented. Will knit a pair of
■stockings with fIHEL and TOE complete in 20
minutes. It will also knit a great ariety of fancy work
forwhich there is always a ready market- Seud for
circular ami terms to the Tvvomblv Knitting
.Machine Co., )o.< Tremont Street. Boston. Mass.
M SHEETS line writing paper, in blotter, "with
calendar, by mail for SiiJc: Agents W anted.
ECONOMY PAINTING CO., Newburyport, Mass'
vticttabt.t: oompoijnd.
Ib s Positive Cars
Fey ell tfcoee Painful Complaints Bed WeakaSMf
se ronunoß to ear beat female ysyaUtlsß.
A Medlf ine for Woman . Invented by a Woman.
Prepared by n Woman.
Tbs Oraetset Isdles! Dlassrsry Sms tha Din ef Hlatery.
Grit re vires the drooping spirits, Invigorate* and
harmonizes tha organic functions, gives elasticity and
firmness to the step, restores the natural lustre to the
eye and plants on the pale cheek of woman the fresh
roues of life's spring and early summer time.
Physicians Us# It and Pretcrlbo It Fr#gfy.-i
It removes faintness, flatulency, destroys all craving
for stlmnlant, and relieves weakness of the stomach.
Hat feeling of bearing down, causing pain, weight
and backache, Is always permanently cored by Its osa.
Far the core ef Kidney Complaint# ef either se*
this Cempeaad I* unsurpassed.
will eradicate every vestige of Humor# the
Blood, and jfiv© ton© and to the lystem, of
man woman or childL Insist on having IC
Both the Compound andßlood Parlfler are prepared
at 233 and 1 35 Western Avenue, Lynn, Mass. Price of
either, $L 61* botUcs for fft. Bent by mall In the form
of pills, or of lozenges, on receipt of price, $1 per boa
for either. Mrs. Pink ham freely enswem all lettars fl*
Inquiry Enclose Set stamp. Bend for pamphlet.
Wo family should be without LTD LA E. PINK HA ITS
TJVi u FILLS. They euro constipation, biliousness
and torpidity of the liver. 15 cents per bo*.
gSTSoM by all 0)
BN U 4ft
A PILL AN f T) theater
- ~ jKSKfcfc'
—L Y A—
Veterinary Surgeon,
An "index of di-fnes." which gives the
symptoms, cau.e. and the let treatment
of each: n table giving all the principal
drugs used for the horse, with the ordinary
dose, effects, and antidote when a poison ;
a table with an engraving of the horse's
t'-eth at different nge*. with rules for tel
ling the age of the horse; a valuable collec
tion of receipts, and much other
Sent postpaid on receipt of 25 cents.
Baltimore Newspaper Union,
No. 28 N. Hollklay Street. Baltimore.
Reliable, Durable and EconviirucsL trill fvrnOA m
horn poirtr vl'A % less fu*i an 1 water than any other
Kngint fruit/, net btu-d with an Auiomauc Cutoff. Bend
for Illustrated CataUsrje "J," lor Information and
Pncea. U. W. pAVJtr t Bone. Boi Sti, Corning. N.Y.
H MtCS WHWI \u11**Is^B
H Best Cough Syrup. Tastes good. B
■ L seintlme. Bofd by druggists. E
111 I'll ki\ li Mi
"J *" n Sl^l' rl l s *V ,be ' r ho .™'. In City or country,
and earn Sf to Sl2 per week, making goods for our
Fall and viator trade. Send 15c. for sample and
partienlare Hudson M'fg. Co-. 2fift Sixth Ave., N. Y.
CCPHL' f Can be read only by those holding key!
wkWllk I CMpable of endless changes! For sample
WRITING " n " directions send 3o. LOR AN
VVnll HVb A SCOTT* Wntrrrille. Cona"
■ ■V# IVlat home without pain. Book of par-
Uculars went tree. HMWOOLLET. MP. At I antatia .
(.'asi J'HOK .Milk is tfie best Linimeuk. Price 25 cente.
Survival of the Fittest!
The Mexican Mustang Liniment hasl
been known for more than thirty-flveM
years as the best of all Liniments, for®
Man and Beast. Its saleatoday arcH
larger than ever. It cures when al'H
others fail, and penetrates skin, tendopH
and muscle, to the very bono, fcoidH
everywhere. -