SCIENTIFIC SCRAPS. An Indianapolis inventor is trying b perfect an electrical headlight for promotives. A new rifle, capable of discharging three projectiles at a time, has been made in France. Some German chemist is at work on * substance which ho claims will su persede gutta-purcha. From experiments at Caracas, Ven ezuela, M. Marcano concludes that the sap of tropical vegetation cireulate s completely through tho plants within a period of twenty-four hours. A shark of the genus Sycinnus is. according to Weideinann, phosphores cent on its whole under surface, with the exception of a black stripe on tlie neck. Its back is non-luminous. A curious fact has been observed by Profs. Ayrton and Perry: Soft iron when heated between a red and white heat ceases to be attracted by a mag net. "When soft iron is bent between red and white hot iron it ceases to be attracted by a magnet. Under experiments mabe by a French chemist it was found that trichinae in the superficial parts of hams, etc.. maintained a very prolong ed existence under circumstances which would be thought likely to de stroy life. t M. Pastuer believes that cholera is pronounced by minute organism of some kind, but the germs have never yet been discovered. He has recom mended the French government to send a special mission to Kg} pt to study the generation of this dreaded disease. However beneficial as exercise, no amusement is free from drawbacks. In a paper entitled "Remarks on One Form of Tennis Knee," Dr. U. Manscll Moullin, assistant surgeon to the Lon don Hospital, shows that lawn tennis players are liadle to peculiar forms of knee sprains, which may be painful and difficult to treat. Cracked earthenware should never be used for domestic purposes. It is a safe rule in good housekeeping to break any fractured stone-ware t 0 pieces and render them unfitted for any employment as utensils. In a paper read before the Academy of Sci ences, Paris, M. E. Peyrusson demon strated very clearly how the germs of cholera, typhoid fever, and similar dis eases may be preserved and communi cated by even the slightest crack or fissure which may be caused by very trifling accidents to crockery and faience. The Jumbo of Crickets, Throughout the whole territory of Utah the cricket is one of the common objects of the country, but there are crickets and crickets, and it is just a well when in search of the best article to "see that you get it." For a con sideration, therefore, I will put the speculator on the track of some of the grossest locusts that ever devoured green stuff—locusts, moreover, that squeak when pursued. Poets (Ameri can poets especially) are very partia to what they are pleased to call the cricket's merry chirp. But the poet's cricket is the insect of the domestic hearth, a pale-colored ghost of a thing all voice, and with an irregular mid night appetite for the kitchen cloths that are hung out to dry before the stove. The Piutes' cricket is very much otherwise. It is the Jumbo of crickets, and just as black. It lives on the slopes of the Utah hills, among the sage-brush, and when alarmed tries invariably to jump down-hill. But being all stomach, and therefore top heavy, so to speak, the ill-balanced insect invariably rolls head over heels and every time it turns a somersault it squeaks dismally. To walk down the hill side, driving a whole herd of these corpulent crickets before me, used to amuse me immoderately, for the spec, tacle of so many fat things simultane ously trying to jump down hill, simul taneously rolling head over heels, and simultaneously squeaking, was mirth ful enough to drive the dullest care away. Life in San Francisco. The people of this city, like those of Paris, live largely at restaurants, says a San Francisco letter. The number and variety of eating houses are re markable. They are on every street, and of all grades and finish. The pro prietor of one of the largest told me they were furnishing from 4000 to 4500 meals per day. I know of no American city where one can live so cheaply so far as eating is concerned as here. Housekeeping is more ex pensive than in the east, as rents are very high. But restaurant living is reduced to the lowest possible cost. The result is that hundreds of couples together with much of the single ele ment, hire rooms and then take their meals at an eating-house. At the "Poodle-Dog," a dining-room patron ized by wealthy people and those who desire to be numbered among the "tony" ones, it is very easy to run a dinner up to $2 or $3, but at most of the first-class restaurants a good dinner can be had for from two to four bits,(a bit is five cents) according to the vari ety of dishes desired. A lady told me her breakfast usually cost her five rents. LATEST NEWS. LoNPror. Oc'.obor 21.—Lord Rossmore, RR 8ra.".!.7 Waiter of the Ornngtmou of Mom* ; nn. h".o writlon to the naivspapers, calling " n' ; on to tho rcrious otnlo of affairs L U Ver. Ito snjs that hcncefoiih tho self i nlof Orangemen cannot be reckoned 0 -on; that only (he almost efforts of himsell "id other loaders pv, .onlcd the Orangemen f. on slo i.ilng the hill at Roslea during tin ivcoat Parne'.l te niec'.ing. If tho govern to.' i', lie sa; s. ; 'U \vs snc.i disloyal nicoling .•> con I : line in Uis'er, the icsalt will be I loom .1, and perhaps on .1 war. The tv'elnris appcr. '3 to bo increasing u rvvls of S \ my. H.he > sheet •of erulbquako vrcre fe't at t b altar oil Sm V ' ty. Tin rep >.l of the d villi of the Algerian in, Chief Si Slinrm, is continued. I'ltc, British and Continental able C viqviuy UHS been incorporated in ont'ou. V dispatch to Reutei'* Telegram Company vie'.iters that a tr.a'y of peace has been •>ed between Chili mi 1 Peru. Iwo Mont ia al men claim to have invented < a o or for steamer.-, that will reduce the voyage across tho Atlantic to three days. The White river has risen rapidly during die 1. s two days, inundating 12,1X10 acres of orn and cotton in the White river valley, A Ik. nsas. Lynchburg, Ya., is now connected with ;he Valley Rail Road, and trains have coin ncneed to arrive and depart regularly to and "roiu that city. The Ka.'t 'in Shore Herald, Ya., says tha: Llia farmers of Accountc .uiist have realized 1 i.s year for their sweet potatoes not far slioit of half a million of dollars. Tho assessment rolls of one hundred and 11 (y-five counties of Texas show an increase i i taxable valu s of over ninety-five million dollars above last year, with fifteen counties t > hear from, which will doubtless make a total increase of one hundred million dollars. The line located by the survey just com pleted for the Tehuantopoc ship railway is 153 miles long, with a maximum grade of 53 f rt to the mile. Cap!. Eads, the projector, 3 cms confident that ere long the spectacle x il be witnessed of great ocean steamers r ling on dry land across tho isthmus upon train* of car.'. Iu Johnson county, Kentucky, a week ago, George Franks on shot and mortally wound ed Milly Walker, whom he found in com pany with his rival, Doc Martnell. Milly Walker has been a notorious character, and learning that her wound was mortal, made a dying cot fossion to a priest and to the sher iff. She said her real name was Mary Ga il ole, and pleading earnestly for forgiveness, confessed that years ago, when she was but tifteeu years old, she had killed her betrayer. His name, she said, was George Radcliffe, and she described how she had shot him while riding in a buggy with him in Menefee county. The body she hid in a cave on the banks of Snelling Creek, describing the lo c ility. Radcliffe was known to have been murdered, and Frank Tompkins, Radcliffe's bitter enemy, was arrested for the crime- While in jail at Frendburg awaiting trial a band of masked men broke int • the prison a-vl lynched the supposed murderer. Fifty thousand francs is tho prize wh : ! Pratico offers for tho discovery which si enable elec.rieity to be applied economically iu one of the following ciiveclions: As u source of heat, of light, of chemical action, of mechauical power, as a means of the trans mission of intelligence, or the treatment ol—the prize being open to all nation .Cities, and to be awarded in December, 18*7. The facts as recited by the dying woinv.i are well known to the authorities, and inves tigation of tho cavo referred to yesterd-y revealed the skeleton of a man. The woni ui's story thus received unlooked-for corrobora tion. After the murder of Radcliffe, the wo man removed 10 Flemmiugshurg, where in September, five yea. 6 ago, she shot old Ned Trumbo dead, according to her own confes sion. For this crime Charles Hopper was iynched. Bef re concluding a recital of her crimes death cut short the awful list. Milly Walker has borne an unsavory reputation, bat it was not believed that she had ever gone ) far as her dying statements admitted. '1 ho men were certainly murdered, and it is be lieved the dying woman told the truth in he confession. (i K X Kit ATT.V KiV S. LONDON, Oct. 19.--The village in the out skirts of Alexandria, Egypt, in which it was announced cholera has broken out, has heretofore escaped the infection. It is believed that tho disease there now was caused by the infiltration into the canal running through the village of water from adjacent cemeteries iu which cholera victims have been interred. Minister Lowell will be nominated a can didate for rector of the Scotch University of St. Andrew's. '1 lie Spanish minister dwells upon the great necessity for extensive army reforms, and asks the army to rally round tho king. A Yienna despatch saysa v olent storm has occurred on Lake Ladoza and the Gulf ol Finland, c-iueiug a great loss of life and shipping. Sixty vessels were stranded. The bod cs of sixteen persons have been r. covered Three new cases of the fever and one death were reported at Brewton, Ala., Oct. 19. The wife of the late Rev. It. P. Baker is quite ill of the disease Contributions are liberal. A Postal Telegraph and Cable Company has been incorporated in New York. Tho lines are to extend throughout the United States, Canada and Mexico, and from Green point, Long Island, to London, Liverpool and Paris. Senor Gennaro Raigosa has left the City of Mexico for New York to arrange for he loan of SIO,OOO 0 0 for tho Mexican government. It is understood that Mr. Henry B. Hyde, of the Equitable Life Insurance Company, i ri conducting the negotiations in New York. The colored Baptist in convention at Wy andotte, Kansas, representing a number of Western states and territories, have apopted a resolution protesting against the late deci sion in the civil rights case. They charge the responsibility of the decision upon Ihe Republican party, and give notice to all par ties that they intend to hold whatever ground they can command as enfranchised citizens. The secret service agent at Mobile, Ala., reports that he raided a gang of counterfeit er i in that city, ai.d captured the whole party while they were manufacturing counterfeit coin. He also captured the outfit of the counterfeiters, together with a quantity of counterfeit coin partially finished. Thomas and Alvin Bohannon were among the pris oners. The former desperately resisted ar rest, and was badly wounded. The corner-stone of the church which is to be erected upon the spot where Emperor Alexander 11. was killed was laid in St. Per tersburg j esterday by the Czar and Czarina with imposing ceremonies. The population of Altata, Mex., has been decimated by yellow fever. The number ot deaths for two we* ks averaged 20 a day. On the 3d inst. Altata was struck by a hurri cane which killed several persons and de stroyed the greater part of the town. LONDON, Oct. 18.--The cholera has broken out in a suburb of Alexandria. Tho manufacture of tho Mnckey-Bennett ocean cable is progressing satisfactorily. Mr. Sargent, the United States minister, has returned t > Berlin mul resumed the charge of his duties. A despatch from Hong Kong says the government of China is actively preparing to close the port of Canton. The Ijondon Standard says there is reason to believe that tho Cabinet will meet Novem ber 10th to discuss the withdrawal, either partial or entire, of the British troops from Sgipt. the Bangor (111.) Furnace Company has made a voluntary assignment. Liabilities $l2O 000. The bill granting women the right of suf frnge has passed the House of the Washing ton Territory Legislature. The Rapid Telegraph Company has mort gaged its lines to the Safe Deposit Company of Boston for $0,000,000, with tho view of ex tending lines into other states than those now occupied. Masked men entered the house of Edward McLaughlin, a farmer, and tortured him and h s wife until they disclosed the hiding-place of SI,OOO in gold. They then departed, leaving their victims nearly do-ul. Gen. James B. Steadman died at Toledo, D., October 18. He was a prominent army officer during the war, and was promoted to the rank of major-general for conspicuous bravery at tho battle of Chickuumuga. At Port Hope a package containing ten th >usand dollars was stolen from the safe in the Canadian Express office at tho station here during the time the clerk was receiving goods from the messenger on the truiu There is no clue to the robbers. I/JNDON, Oct. 17.---The grand jury in Ix>n Jo i yesterday returned an indiotnJtnt charg ug O'Donu-ll with the murder of Carey. The rainy s* a ion in Touquin has put a stoj to military operations. A memorial of Alexander II of Russia it 'o be erected on the spot where he was killed. Villa Allegno, near Brescia, Italy, lud been destroyed by tire and a thousand pes sons are homeless. Great loss of life and damage to property .;s been done by the earthquakes in Asia \ I.ii >r. Over I,iUJ lives are said to have . 11. ixt. Tho First National Bank of Chicago has •titled its 183 clerks that they must all pro . are bonds, wh eh will range from $40,000 to .0 each. At W ilmington Delaware. John Wood, an i'.ictl whisky seller, pleaded guilty, and was ntencid to four years' imprisonment and .i ..! sliU and costs. Jo-cpli P. Hale, a well known New York 4 i ii:o manufacturer, died of heart disease iu ti r. city, lie is said to have been worth ten .mllious of dollars or more. I here have been four new cases of fever at Bivnton, Ala., including two lately, but no deaths. Since the outbreak there have been ."•1 c.i-es and 18 deaths. Only one dtiant It is tully recovered. l"wo suspicious strangers, who gave their names as James Holmes and Win. Brackott, have been arrested at Halifax, N. S. In Holme's pockets among other things were f mud two loaded revolvers several car tridges, two dozen dynamite cartridges and a copy of the Irish World. A loaded revol ver and a lot of dynamite cartridges were found in Brackett's possession. Thw va lises contained one forty and the other sixty pounds of dvuimite. The oyster industry of Maryland, in all its branches, employs 25,000 persons and af fords a living for 75,090. The Nashville City Council, which was elected on the reform ticket, was sworn in. ami Mayor Phillips, in his inaugural address, recommended that tho colored people b. given a fair share of the offices. Fowler Berry, a leading merchant of San -u ky, Ohio, committed suicide by shooting himself. No cause for the act is known. Ht aas to have been married to a Cincinnati lady, and was dressed in his wedding sui l hcu he committed suicide. Washington Notes. The Secretary of War has designated Ma jor Daaid L. Huntington to take charge of tho Surgeon-General's office until further orders. When Don Cameron left here for Europe his purpose was to remain abroad for a year or two if his health was benefited. lie has, however, provided against all contingencies by pairing with Senator M. C. Butler, of South Carolina, on all political questions, nd authorized his bosom friend and com nnion, General Mahone, todecido what are political questions. But the question arises whether all this is not on Senator Butler's part a very great stretch of that personal courtesy which sanctions tho paiiing of members of a legislative body, a custom which is prompted only by personal courtesy has no authority in constitution or law, and has long been deprecated by the wisest statesmen as inherently vicious and wrong even under the most ordinary circumstances. THE MARKETS. BALTIMORE. FLOUR—City Mills, extra.? 4 00 ®s4 75 WHEAT—Southern Fultz... 107 ® 111 CORN—Southern White.... 64 @ 67 do. —Yellow 63 ® 94 RYE —Good 64 (a) 63 OATS—Maryland.....' 33 ® 37 COTTON—Middling @ 10% do. —Good ordinary.. @ 9% HAY—Md. and Pa. Timot'ylSGO @ 17 03 STRAW—Wheat 700 ® 800 BUTTER—Western prime. 24 @ 26 do. —West Virginia... 18 @ 20 CHEESE—N. Y. State clfce 11® 12 do. —Western prime.. 7 @ 8 EGGS 22 @ 25 CATTLE 550 @ 600 SWINE 6 @ 7"4 SHEEP AND LAMBS 3 ® 5 TOBACCO LEAF—lnferior 250 @ 400 Good common 200 @ 300 Middling 703 @ 750 Good to fine red 800 @ 10 00 Fancy 10 00 @ 1500 NKW YORK. COTTON—Middling upland 10 @ 10% FLOUR—Southern com. to fair extra 430 ® 515 WHEAT—No. 1 white 116® 118 1; YE—State 69® 73 i Ol;N—Southern Ye110w.... 57 @ 6!) OATS—White State 35® 37 BUTTER —State 17 @ 30 CHEESE—State 9 @ 11 EGGS 20 @ 24 PHILADELPHIA. FLOUR—Pcnna. fancy 475 ® 500 WHEAT—Pa. and Southern red 115 ® 117 RYE—Pennsylvania 60 @ 65 CORN—Southern ye110w.... 55 @ 59 OATS 36 ® 38 BUTTER—State 20 @ 33 CHEESE—N. Y. factory 8 @ 12 EGGS—State MfH t##W 15 @ 18 CHAINED 10 A TREE AND BURNED. 1 Tin* Terrible Fnte of n Brntnl Negro nt the Hands o! n .Mob. At tho recent term of the Calcasieu Parish District Court a white man named Oscar Martin was convicted of an attempt to murder his father, whom lie shot and wounded, and a negro named Lewis Woods was convicted of assaulting a negro girl. They were both young men, not moro than twen ty-one years of age. While awaiting sentence they succeeded in escaping from jail, and took to the woods. A few days afterward Lewis Woods came up with a Mrs. Humphries, the wife of a well connected gentleman, in the woods at a point near Hear Head Creek, about thirty miles northwest of Lake Charles, and assaulted her. Martin does not appear to have been present at the outrage. Tho country was aroused, and the fugitives, who had kept together, were tracked and lollowcd, and finally driv en into Texas, where a wt-t-kugo in Jasper county, near Cairo, they were arrested by citizens of that Mate. The men were held until the arrival of dep uty sheriffs from Calcasieu, who took the prisoners and started by rail with them for Lake Charles. On arriving at the Kdgerly station in Calcasieu parish, the train was hoarded by fifty armed men, who forci bly took the men oil the train. It was evident that the mob intended to make short work of the matter. They start ed with the two prisoners lor the woods hack of Edgerlv. Some of them had ropes and others shotguns, but it was reserved for the negro not to die either by the rope or powder and shot. He seemed to le indifferent to his fate, and trotted along in the middle of the mob as if he were the most un concerned man in the party. Not so with tho white man. lie seemed to fear the worst, and it was often neces sary to push him along in order for him to keep up with his black com panion. When the timber was reached tho negro was quickly lashed to a tree, and the crowd began to pile fagots about him. While the work was going on he begged to exonerate his companion, the white man, who, ho said, had no hand in the outrage upon the woman. "He bogged me not to do it," said the negro, "and that is all I have to say." Those words saved the life of the white man, and he is now in the jail at Lake Charles. When the pile of dry brush was al most as high as the head of the negro the match was applied, and soon tho flames were seething and crackling around the doomed man. As they be gan to scorch his tlesh his agonizing shrieks seem to penetrate the very heavens. It seemed to be the intention of the crowd to prolong his sufferings as much as possible, and some of the crowd, which had now increased to about 'J 00, pulled some of the fire away from the victim. He begged them to shoot him—anything to relieve him from his sufferings. The sufferings of the man did not cease for fully twenty minutes, and the agony that he endured in that short space of time was more than pen can picture.— Maryland Democrat. Apples as Food. From the earliest ages apples have been in use for the table as a dessert. The historian Pliny tells us that the cultivated twenty-two varie ties of the apple. In these latter days we probably possess over two thou sand. As an article of food they rank with the potato, and on account of the variety of ways in which they may be served, they are far preferable to the taste of many persons; and if families would only substitute ripe, luscious apples for pies, cakes and candies, and preserved fruit, there would be much less sickness among the children, and the saving of this one item alone would purchase many barrels of apples. They have one excellent effect upon the whole physical system, feeding the brain, as well as adding to the llesh, and keeping the Mood pure; also, pre vent ing eonstipat ion, and correcting a tendency to acidity, which produces rheumatism and neuralgia. They will cool off the feverish condition of the system ; in fact, they are far better for these purposes than the many nostrums which are highly praised in the adver tisements, and are so constantly pur chased by sufferers. A ripe, raw apple is digested in an hour and a half, while a boiled potato takes twice the time. "NYhen apples can he purchased at cheap rates, every family should keep a dish of them in the dining-room, where the children can have access to and eat all they please of them. They will rarely receive any injury from them, if they are thoroughly mastica ted. Baked apples should be as con stant a dish upon the table as potatoes. Every breakfast and tea-table should have a dish of them. Baked sweet apples are a very pleasant addition to a saucer of oat-meal pudding, and when served with sweet cream they are very appetizing. They are not so commonly used as they should be, as they will supply as much muscular and nervous support as dishes o£ meat and vegetables. Thous ands of bushels of sour apples are used for pies and puddings in hundreds of families where well-baked, sweet apples will prove more nourishing food, and much more economical. They are also good food for old people, and are usually greatly relished by them. In my own family they are always, when in season, a part of the meals of the day, and are as commonly used as a slice of bread. A Partially Dead Man. The Mo rainy Herald , Baltimore, Md., states: Major 15. >S. White, of this city, describes his miraculous cure as follows: "I have been a partially dead man for ten years. Doctors attributed my sufferings to the enlargement of certain glands. The quantity of Med icine 1 took without relief would be sufficient to set up a first-class apoth ecary shop. Finally St. Jacobs Oil was recommended. I had my spinal column thoroughly rubbed with it. All those knots, kinks and stiffness have passed away and I .1% myself again. "Say, Mrs. Bunson," said a little girl to a lady visitor, "do you belong to a brass band?" "No," my dear." I thought you did." "Why did you?" "Because mamma said you were always blowing your own horn. A PETECTTTE'S YMmTESCV,. Ill* Si ren isfnl Undrrlakiny nnd Kum mpti 11out an Imprudiiiy Fair. (Buffalo, N. Newt.) Gne morning svrral lust as the dull gray light was beginning t* ih>w itself in tlio east , a nniall band of men might have 1 oen seen deployed n bout a house on Ferry sliver, in Hiiiiftln. Tiiero was nothing sjiecinl either in t li dies< or appearance of the men to indicate their intention, but it was plain that they had business of Importance on hand. Suddenly a man appeared at ono of the windows, took in the situation at a glance, and, sw.nging himself outward with wo'Dor ful qu coiess, sealed the roof of the houso. this man was Tom Fa'ard, the notorious counterfeit T ; and, nrinoil to tlio teeth and fully reali/ing his situation, he defied just co and the ofil -ials below him. Some of the offi cers. know in • the desjierate eharaeter of the ma i. pro|K>voi to shoot him tin il he was ki! Ed, I ut one of the numb r i r inptlv pi'o tesle l, and de ln'i d t hat if his b olher o'h ccrs would as st him t > ascend ho would e P --t urn the man a ive. Ai*cjrdinglv liob gan the difficult and dangerous task, and suc ceed! d in bringing Ins prisoner to the ground in safety. lhe man who accomplished this task was Mr. I honias Curt in, the present superintend ent of the city p dice of Butl'alo, N. Y. Mr. ( urtin is a man who is known by every prominent detective and |M)liiiiau in America, and he stands pie eminently in the front of his profession. (,ui"t and gentle manly in a'>|N'ai*aiiee and manners, HO JHS coinage. Combined with marked phy sical poweis, that mike liitn tho terror of evil-doors and the pride of law-uhiding citi zens. Few |M>o|de can realize, however, the trials, exposures, and even privations, to which the members of every miiiiiciiial police and fire department are exposed. Coiuivlio l to lie on duty at uncertain hours, subj ct"d to the most inclement weather, and often neoessit itod bv the nature of their duties to protract d undertakings, they endure a ner vous and physical strain that is terrib'e. Su< li was 1110experieiif-e of Mr. Curtiniu for mer davs; a d it is not surprising that ho found himself sulti ring from a mysterious trouble, lu relating his *x|erienco toa !"• prosontative of this pai or he >aid: " At times when I was ou uuty 1 woul 1 feel nn unaccountable weariness and lack of energy. My ai et.t s was also uncertain and mv h< ad s. emtsl dull and heavy. Idi 1 not fully understand the e troubles, but supposed, a- most | MH ijilo su J O e. that 1 was suffering from n alar a. 1 tried to throw off the f. cl ing, but it would uot go. 1 1 bought 1 might over nine it, but found 1 was mistaken, and 1 finally became s> badlv off that it was almost imposs.b eto attend to my duties. 1 nave known anv number of men in the p li *e and fire dej artm-nts of this country who ha\e been afflicted as 1 w is, and I doubt not thf re are to-dav huu Ire is similarly trouble I w ho. like myself, did not know tne cause, or really what aile i them. " "Your present apgcrancc, Mr. Curtin, dees not in lieat> much jhysicd deb lity." the interviewer as ho looked nt the 2.0 1 ounds of bone and mu ele standing ne rly five bet eleven in h -s in height before him. "(fii, no; that i. altogether a thing of th • 1 and Inm hao]y to say that f r m ro thnna year 1 have en.oyM almost jieifeet health, a though I now nalize that I was on the road to certain dea'h b Fright's di a e of the kidu *ysand traveling at a very rapid " How did you c rae to recover go coni pletelv P " I'fiat is just what 1 want to tell you. for 1 b.'lieve it may ls of great service to many others in my profession, who may poss b'y 1 ear of it. 1 liegan the use of a popular remedy at the earnest solicitation cf a num ber of friends in tlis iit v. and found to mv great gratification that I began feeling hotter. This beling and 1 gained in strength and vigor until n< w 1 am perfec Iv well —and wholly through the instrumental! y of Warner's Sn e Cure, whic i 1 believe to lie the best m d cine for po ieomon, firemen, railroad m* u or any o her class of people ex posed to danger or a change of weather, ever discovered. Since my recovery I have recommend <1 it overv where, and never knew a where it failedithertoi u eor benefit, i would not be without it under any on iid< ration, a; d 1 am positive it is a wonder fully vab a ile a id at the >aino time entirely haiin'ess roiuely. lnd ed, 1 see that Dr. ( unn, dia i of the United Medicai College of New Yolk, induces it in the highest terms." •'.So you experience little difficulty In the execution of your duties now, Mr. Curtin do y< u I" w None whatever. Ourde artment was never in b tter condition than at present." " And do you nev, r have any fear of some of tic desperadoes whom you have b tea the means tf bringing to justice P " Not in the least. Such men do not try to n ta iate, partially because they l ave n< t the c urage. but oftcnerbet a isothey resj eel an officer who does his duty.'' The policemen, firemen, letter carriers and other public employes in this country hive a I art cu any tr\lug life. When, tin refore, a simple apd pure r medy that can n store nnd sustain the h'alth of all suc'a men is found, it should b 'ca lse for great con ratu lniion. esper a ly whenrec mtnended by such a u an as Superintendent Thomas Curtin, of Buffalo "Papa," asked a little six-year-old daughter of an uptown physician, "wasn't Job a doctor?" "1 never heard that he was; why?" "Because mamma said the other day that she didn't think you had any of the pa tients of Job." Who says it is unhealthy to sleep in feath ers? Ixx>k at the spring chicken and see how tough he is. Ixwidon has a company which insures against bicycle and tricycle accidents. (EPILEPSY Fits) successfully treated. Pamphlet of particu lars ono stamp, address WOULD'S DIHPENSA BI MEDICAL ASSOCIATION, Buffalo, N. Y. Texas boasts of a magic water that not only cures all tne ills of the flesh, but ministers to a mfnd diseased. How about crime? A strengthening tonic,free from whisky and alcohol, cures dyspepsia and similar diseases. Never been equaled. Brown's Iron Bitters. Canadian Indians prophecy an early win ter, because the wild geese have gono south. BEAUTIFUL WOMEN are made pallid nnd unattractive by func tional irregularities, disorders and weak nesses that are perfectly cured by following the suggestions given in an illustrated treat ise (with colored plates) sent free for three letter postage stamps. Address WORLD'S DISPENSARY MEDICAL ASSOCIATION, Buffalo, N. Y. Florida expects that her incoming orange crop will be the largest in her history. WADLET, Ga.—Dr. B. R. Doyle says: "I consider Brown's Iron Bitters superior as a tonic to any preparation now in us©." A man one hundred years old recently voted for tho first time in Kensington, Ct. Young and middle-age 1 men suffering from nervous debility, premature old age, loss of memory, and kindred symptoms, should send three stamps for Part VII of pamphlets issued by World's Dispensary Medical Association, Buffalo, N. Y. The newest lace pin represents a pug dog with eyes of diamonds. SHEBOYGAN. Wis.—Dr. 8. B. Myers says: " I recommend Brown's Iron Bitters for general debility, loss of appetite and want of strength. It costs nothing to tell a lie, but consider able to stick to it. Chrolithion collars are made in different styles, boih standing and turn down. The cuffs are reversible* Frnxer Axle Grease. One greasing lasts two weeks ; all others two or three days. Do not be imposed upon by the humbug stuffs offered. Ask your dealer for Frazer's, with label on. It saves your horse labor, and you too. It received first medal at the Centennial and Paris ex positions. Sold everywhere. Why don't you use St. Patrick's Salve? Try it. Use it. 25c. at all druggists. FOR DYSPETSIA, INDIGESTION, depression of spir its and general debility in their various forms ; also as a preventive against fever and ague ami otherintermittent fevers, the "Ferro-Pliosphor ited Elixir of Calisaya," made by Caswell, dazard Co., New York, and sold by all Drug fists, is the best tonic ; and for patients recover og from fever or other sickness it has no eaual Mr. J. Eager, importer, 34 Cliff St., N. Y., telle all hie sick friends if they take three bjttles of Dr. Elinore'a 11.-O. and it foils to care litem, he will jmy for it, because three bottles cured his wife and other friends. See Here, Young lien, that girl of mine is twice as handsome since she commenced using Carboline, the deodor ized extract of Petroleum, and I would not bo without it for a fortune. Ottr Best Families. I have been troubled for over six years with a severe kidney o >mi Inint, also a weakness of the urinary orgnns, with its attendant troubles. My water needed oonatant atten tion, some days as nrny as twenty times, with severe pains in the bladder, as well as In the back and loins. At times T pea>ed a limited qnantityof urine, highly colored with unnatural heat and sediment; freqnently evacuations would bo very painful. I con cluded that T must do something for it, feir ing that mo e serious trouble would follow. I vent to the druggist nnd was recommended to use Hunt's Remedy, as it had been used with wonderfulmcce'-sinse\e ,- alsevere CSßHS of dropsy and kidney nnd blndder atfeo ions here in Bangor. I concluded to try it, and be r ore I had used one bottle found it was helping me beyond my expectations. My wafer I ornmo more natural, less color and sediment, the pains in back nnd that heavy fee'ing gone, with a general toning up of the system; and I continued to ne it until lused six I ott'es, and it hns completely cured me. Others of my family have used Hunt's Remedy with equally r good success, and we do not hesitate to recommend it far tin 1 near, believing it a duty as well as a pleasure to recommend so good a medicine as Hunt's Remedy. You a r e at liber*y to give my testimony to the public. I). T. HODOOEN. Me., May 10, 18K3. I indorse the above statement. A. M. Roi INSON, JR., Apothecary, Bangor, Me. Iteiunrliiible Fnrnpe. John Kuhu, of i-ala>etto, Iml., bad a very narrow escape from death. This is his own story: "One year ago I was in the last stages of Consumption. Our beat phjsieiaus gave my case up. I finally got so low that our doctor sai 11 could not live twenty four hours. My friends then purchased for me a bot tle of Dr. Wm. Hall's Balaam for the Lungs. 1 tin now in ]>erfcct hcalm. having used no other medicine Henry'a Carbolic Salve, The Best Salve in the world ior Cuts. Bruises. Sores, Ulcers, Salt Bbcnm, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns and all kinds of Skin Eruptions, etc. Get Henry's Cart>olic Salve, us all others are but imitations. Price 25 cents. GERM ANREMEDY for. RAIN. CURES. Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Sciatica, Lumbago backache. Headache, Toothache. Kore'l'Droat.Nn rllings.Sjn-ai •. Itrulsca, lturiis. Sralil*. Frost SXD ALL OL'ILLU BODILY RAIXS AND UHTS. Sold I r l'ruc£nl nd Dealersevrrvwber*. Fifty Cenua bottla. Directions Id 11 Lnafuaget. TIIF- Id. $ 150 monthly. E. B.TREAT, Pubin-her, New York. TIYHI TITI P>i retttm ma IK Foil L U L lTNoiMly i ,v TallarNytlem of .17 (lr UJLIDmoS Cutting KOODY S to, ImeloDmll, O. T7ORTUNE TEM.ER.-AVrrylsdy and gentleman I their own. JAc. Dream Book of Fate. 20c. Mailed for price. B. F. Roby, 910 Broad St.. Newark, N. J. \ OK NTS WANTED tor the Best and Fastest-sail ing Pictorial Books and Bibles. Prices reduced tl per cent. NATIONAL PUBLISHING CO.. Plnla. P>. A SHEETS fine writ ingpaper, in blotter, with Mil calendar, by mail for Agent* Wanted. UUh'MNOMV PiUXTINQ Co.. Ne\vburyi>ort. Mass. PAINLESS CHILDBIHIH. Pn „ p . rt , cn ,,™ free. Address J. 11. I)., Box 1<) I, Buffalo, N. V. D I I I mi and W'IISIK V HABITS cured ■ ■ w IVlat home without pain. Book of par ticulars saut free. B.M- WOOLLEY, .M D-, AtlantaGa. CPL 4 n II , per day at home. ISaraplos worth aires lu 1 Addres Sliueoiitfc Co.. Portland, Me. A Sure Cure for Epilepsy or Fits in 34 hours. Free to J\ poor. Dr. Krune. 3944 Arsenal St., St.* Louis, Ms. CKR a week in yourowutown. Terms and $> outfit Ires Address 11. llallett A' Co.. Portland. Maine- Kubber Stamps. Your name, 20c-, cards, etc. Agents r list Free. THALMAN M'R'O. CO.. Baltimore, Md. j PHtENix PECTORAL will cure your cough. Price2sc. Battle of the Books. 600,000 Volumes, the choicest literature of the world. 100-Page Catalogue free. Lowest prices ever known. NOT sold bj dealers. Sent for examination BEFORE payment on evidence of good faith. JOHN B. ALDEN, Publisher, 18 Vesey Street, New York. P. O. Box 1227. Worn, Weary, and WretchecL " "As weak as a cat" is an expression irequently used by debilitated sufferers who are trying to tell hojv forlorn they feel. It is an incorrect ex pression, for a cat is one of the most agile and vigorous animals in exist ence. It would be more correct to say, "as weak as a limp old rag," for that gives the idea of utter inability to hold one's self up. The weary per son who feels thus is generally worn, worried, woeful, and wretched. Sometimes it is a case of overwork, and sometimes of imperfect nour ishment. The blood in the system of a person who is "as weak as a rag" is in a wretchedly thin condition. It needs iron, to impart richness, redness and strength. This is to be had by taking BROWN'S IRON BITTERS, the only safe and proper preparation of iron in connection with gentle and powerful tonics. The physician and the druggist can tell the worn and weary Low'\aluable a remedy BROWN'S IRON BITTERS has been found in actual every-day use. U _ A NOTED BUT UNTITLED WOMAN. [From tlrosßoston <7Ma.J Ifreern. Editora i The above is * good likeness of Mrs. I.ydla E. Plnla liam, of Lynn, Mass., who above all other human beings may bo truthfully called the 'Hear Friend of Woman," is some of her correspondents love to call her. She ii zealously devoted to her work, which is the outcome c fa life-study, and Is obliged turs tn upon her, each bearing its special Isirden of suffering, or Joy at release from it. Her Vege table Compound Is a medicine for good and no* evil p-i-posea I have personally Investigated It and in satisfied of the truth of this. On account of its proven merits. It Is recommended -nd prescribed by the best physicians In the country. One says: "It works like a charm and saves much fain. It will cure entirely the worst foan of falling f the uterus Loucorrhoa, Irregular and painful liens*.nation,all Ovarian Troubles, Inflammation and Ulceration, Flooding*, all Disp'accments and the con sequent epinal weakness, and is especially adapted to the Change of Life." It p-nn-atesevery portion of the system, and gives new life and vigor. It removes faintness, flatulency, destroys all craving for stimulants, and relieves weak iiess of the stomach. It cures Bloating, Headaches, Nervous Prostration, General Debility, Sleeplessness, liepression and Indlgerl ion. That feeling of bearing down, causing pain, weight and backache, Is always permanently cured by its use. It will at all times, and under all circumstances, act in harmony with the law that governs the female system. It costs only sl. per Ijottle or six for s•'>., and la sold by druggists. Any advice required as to special cases, and the names of many who have bqpn restored to perfect health by the use of the Vegetable ComiKiund, can be obtained by Mrs. P., with .tamp for reply, at her home in Lynn, Moss. For Kidney Complaint of either sex this compound Is unsurpassed as abundant testimonials show, "Mrs. Jink ham's Liver Pills," says one writer, "tjre the beat in the trorld for the cure of Constipation, Biliousness and Torpidity of the liver. Her Blood Purifier works wonders in Its special line and bids fair to equal the Compound in its popularity. All must respect her as an Angel of Mercy whose sols ambition is to do good to others. Philadelphia. Pa. (Zj Mra A M. IX II X U 13 "piW Electric Appliance* ire lent on 39 Say*' Trial, TO MEN ONLY, YOUNG OR OLD, YR/HO are suffering from NEtivors DKBTUTT, " LOST VITALITY, LACK OF NKKVK FORCE AND VIOOU, W/STINO WEAKNESSES, and all kindred diseases. Speedy relief and complete restora tion of HEALTH, VIOOR and MANHOOD GUARAN TEED. The granoest discovery of the Nine teenth Century. Jv-iul al once for Illustrated Pamphlet free. Address VOLTAIC BELT CO., MARSHALL, MICH. Mason & Hamlin Organs. New Illustrated Catalogue, (40 pp. 4to) for season of 1883-4, including many new styles; best assortment of the best and most attractive organs we have ever of fered,ami at lowest prices, $22 to s6oo,for cash, easy payments or rented. Sent free. MASON & HAMLIN ORGAN AND PIANO CO. Boeton, 1M Trcmont St.; New York, 4$ Last 14th St. ; Chicago, K.* Wabash Ave. PaynVs Automatic Engines. Reliable, Durable and Kcomimifkl, trill furnith s horn poirer triiA ), Uae /~utl aid tiater th tn any other Engine built, not fitted with an AutomaiicOut-off. Send lor liiustr.itHi Catalog J "J." lor Information and Price*. B. W. PAYNE 1 SONB. Box tMu. Uoming. N. Y. A NKW. original, cheap lanD-rn. for projecting imd en largingph'itivraphs, chnunooiris. opaque pictures and objects. Wirk*> like magic, snd delights and mystifies ever* body. Send f <>r our full aud fn-edoscriptive circular MURRAY HILL PUD. CO., BOX TSS. N. Y. City, K. Y. - B- Die qulck6t, pleasantest, rur- at and best remedy lor kidney, lively st mach, l>ladder and blood duseaaas, and only' real ca-ative ever disooverd for acute and chronio rheumatom. gou*. lumbago, scist ica, oeuvalgls, etc. Has cu el hopo |vs ca>.-s t's disease and dyspeiia in 3 weeks—all forms of rheumatic disorders in S to 12 weeks— relieve# intbfmmatory D 1 day. Cu refer to ha-.idr- d• of relia ble people cured who bad tried ia vain every tiling else. Purely botanie, barm lew, snd nice to Iries. Ask yo ir drutin et to get it; if he declines s nd to as for it—take nothing else, Klm >re, Adams A 00., 106 William at,, N. Y OPIUM HABIT Cured Painlessly. The Medicine sold for a small margin above the coet o impounding. Ail cases treated by special prescrip tion." For tull particulars addre-s the Discoverer, OR. S. B. COLLINS, La Porte, M To Speculators. R. Lindblom & Co., N. G. Miller & Go. 6 and 7 Chamber of 65 Broadway, Commerce, Chicago New York' GRAIN A PROVISION BROKERS. Members of all prominent Prednoe r.xchanges m New York, Chicago, St. Louis and Milwaukee- We have exclusive private telegraph wire between Chicago and New York. Will execute ordors on our judgment when requested. Send for circmars con taining particulars, ROBT. LINDBLOM Jt CO.. Chicago- M CURES WHERE AU ELSE FAILS. B3 4 MI Beet Congh Syrup. Tastes good. La Use in time. Bold by druggists, gj SS&SCQSESIMnh "V\TANTED— LADIES TO TAKE OUR NEW TV Fancy work at their homes, in city or country, and earn 86 to j* 12 per week, making goods for our Fall and Winter trade. Send 15c, for sample and particulars- Hudson M'fg. Co-, 265 Sixth Y. WANTKD-AGEVTS IN EYERY TOWN for th* H MOLLER ORGAN. If you mean bueiness, will send you a SIIO.OO Organ for $4!-50to get you started- This has sub bass and coupler, tv.-o knee-swells,9 stops. Address MOLLER ORGAN CO.. ILigerstown. Md. i>79 aweeK. sl3 a day at hcmeeasily mado. Cohtly 9 I u. outfit free. Address TRUE A Co., Augusta, Me, CAMPHOR MIRK is the best Liniment. Price 25 ceqts.