Millheim Journal. (Millheim, Pa.) 1876-1984, October 18, 1883, Image 4

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The (iorilla.
The gorillas are the terror of Africa.
In the gorilla country no lion will
live. They are man-eaters, and kill
them for the love of it, leaving the
body, never eating it. When they spy
a negro, they come down from a tree,
hit him on the head with a club, which
they wield with their hind claw, or
carry him up into tho tree, there to
murder him. Their strength is [so
great that they will bend the barrel of
a rifle. Only one live one was ever
brought to England, and that soon
died. Several have been shot, but
they are tough customers, and the
natives dread them more than any
animal of the African forests. The
gorilla makes a bed like a hammock,
and swings in the trees. The gorilla
is a sworn enemy of the elephant,
because each derives subsistence from
the same source. When he sees an
elephant pulling down and wrenching
off the branches of a favorite tree, the
gorilla steals among the boughs, strikes
the sensitive proboscis of the elephant
a terrible blow with his club, and
drives off tho clumsy and startled
giant, shrilly trumpeting his pain and
rage through the jungles of the forest.
—Chufch at Work.
lloir Tliey Made Out.
"1 don't know," said Margaret, "how
we shall make out; but we can't let
the child starve." Margaret, was the
house-mother in a (ierimui home,
whero money was scarce, and plain
food was not plenty.
A stranger had come along the
street, and stopped at the door, and
asked if he might have some supper
with the family, lie was watching
the yellow-haired little girl who follow
ed Margaret around, which made her
speak the sentence with which this
story commences.
"Then she isn't your own child?"
asked the stranger.
"No!" Margaret explained that she
was the child of a poor neighbor who
died a few weeks before, leaving no
thing for the little girl, and no friends
for her to go to. So they had to take
her in.
"And can't you manage to keep
her?" the stranger asked. "And have
none of your own, I suppose?"
"Oh, .<Jear, yes!" and she laughed
over his queer mistake. None of their
own! Why, there were ten in all.
When supper was ready, they all
trooped in. What a little army of
them! and how clean their little faces
were! their hair neatly combed, and
their patched and worn clothes looking
as though each of them had been as
careful as possible. At the supper
table, each of them looking out for
Gretchen, she had tho largest potato,
carefully peeled by Margaret, the
mother's name-child; Melcher, the
father's namesake, put a bit of butter
on it, though he ate none on his own-
The stranger saw all this and a grea
deal more, though he seemed to be
talking with the father and mother.
The next day a soldier in military
dress rode up to the house, and asked
for the house-mother, and gave her a
great, solemn-looking letter which
made her tremble as she broke the
seal. Oh, what do you think that let
ter said ? Why, that the man who had
taken supper with them the night be
fore was so pleased with the ten chil
dren, and with Gretchen besides, that
he decided to make them each a present
of SIOO, which would be paid to them
each year while they lived! One thou
sand and one hundred dollars each
year because a strange man took sup
per with them, was pleased with thei r
kindness to hiin, and their unselfish
care of the orphan Gretchen! That
sounds like a "make-up" story, doesn't
it? And yet it is true. The letter
was signed, Joseph, Emperor of Aus
tria. And he was the stranger who
had eaten potatoes with them the
night before.
Potato Disease.
According to Jensen, the potato dis
ease, which is caused by a fungus, at
tacks first the tops, and is conveyed to
the tubers by means of spores washed
into the soil by rain. lie, therefore
proposes to prevent this by running a
plow between the rows, so as to throw
up a furrow upon the top of the hills,
■while at the same time the tops are
bent over so as to hang above the
neighboring furrow. This should be
done at least as soon as the disease
shows itself on the tops, usually by the
middle of August. In this way the
washing of the spores into the hill is
prevented. Furthermore, the potatoes
should not be dug for at least two or
three weeks after the tops are entirely
wilted, to avoid .infection from the
latter. Field experiments with this
method are said to have given very
favorable results.
What He Was In.
"Mr. White," said a lawyer to a wit
ness in the box, "at the time these
papers were executed you were specu
ating, were you not ?"
"Yes, sir."
"You were in oil?"
"I was."
"And "what are you in now ?"
"Bankruptcy and the poorhcnise!'
was the solemn reply.
In Savannah an income of over SBOO
per annum is subject to a city tax.
LONDON, Oct. 12 The cabinet crisis in
Spain is still unsettled. It is said, however,
that an agreement will socd be arrived at*
j The Spanis ambassador at Franco has re
! Emperor Francis Joseph has appointed
J the King of Greece honorary colonel of the
99th regiment.
Lord Landsdowne, tho new Governor-
General of Canada, sailed from London yes
terday for his new post.
The anniversary of the discovery of Ame
rica was celebrated at Madrid yesterday with
I a splendid banquet in the Opera House.
■ Covers were laid for 300 guests. The build
ing was brilliantly illuminated and decorated
with the flags and coats-of-arms of Spain.
All the representatives m Madrid of the
American republics were present.
It is believed that the President will soon
pardon Sergeant M a on, who attempted to
kill the Assassin Guituiu.
At Luray, Page county. Yn.. nil factories
and additions to the same, have been made
free from taxation for ten years.
Alexander Mann, an extensive stock dealer
at Paris, Ills., is reported to have conveyed
all Ins property, including £300,000 worth of
land and $700,0 0 of bank stock, to meet in
debtedness incurred by speculation.
At tho sale of Mr. T. S. Cooper's fall im
portation of Jersey cattle in New York, the
highest price paid was £4,800 for the cow
Saragossa, of Regiua blood, sold to Mr.
Samuel Schumacher, of Baltiuioso.
Mr. C. L Pagenlnrt. a skillful mncninist,
of Clarke county, Ya., has constructed a
steam buggy, in which he is making good
time over the country roads of Clarke. He
says ho can travel twenty miles an hour
1 with his steam buggy.
Charles 11. Baxter, of Richmond, Ya., who
is visiting New Y'ork, complained to the po
lice that lie was assaulted by thieves 011 Isl
ington avenue, beaten and robbed of several
hundred dollars in money, u gold watch and
chain and his hat and shoes.
D. P. Crush, Sheriff of Botetourt county,
suddenly disappeared last week, leaving a
! letter directed to one of his deputies declar
ing his purpose never to return. All exami
' nation of Ins accounts is said to show large
defalcations, tho particulars or extent of
which have not yet been made known.
LONDON, Oct. 11. —The Spanish minister
all resig ed because they could not agree
u on their cou ee oward France. It is ex
pected that the Spanish ambassador to
France will resign.
Arms will be used to suppress the anti-
Jewish outrages iii Russia.
It is reported that the Black Flags have
quarrelled with their allies, tae Chinese
i regulars.
Plunger Walton has liinted t!i t his race
horse Girofle was poisopx 1} 'nolo: e ihi C sare
witeli r cc, and he has changed his tr:i ner
Tt is reported that pirates, some of tliern
Japanese, have driven off the American
; guardship and captured one of tho island.-
of tho Alaskan Commcrci il Company.
Three rebel bands entered Port au Prince.
Hayti, recently, pillaging stores, setting lite
to houses and murdering all who resisted
tliern. Among those killed were two gener
als. They were finally driven off.
On the lot.l inst., a man named Urenn at
tempted to assassinate the President of San
Domingo, at Xeyba, Hayti. The President
shot his assailant dead. The would-be-as
sassin had no accomplic s.
Advices from Fayottevillo, Ark., say that
United States Deputy Marshals Perry and
Weatherford, while guarding some Indi m
prisoners on Monday night, quarreled over
a game of card-, drew revolvers and kille 1
each other, one firing three and tho other
seven shots.
James F. Busey, a well known politician
and city employe, was shot, and probably
will die from the wounds, by W. F. Harig,
also a politician, at Baltimore, Md. The
affray occurred in the street directly in front
of City Hall, the most central part of the
city, when the streets were full of people.
The steamer Coptic which sailed from San
Franciscc for Hong Kong, carried away
nearly twelve hundred Chinamen every one
of whom carried off from $"00 to SI,OOO.
At the Lansingburg (N. \\) school election
225 votes were cast by ladies out of a total ol
1,000. A number of the women were chal
lenged, it being alleged that they were im
ported from Troy.
A special train passed tluoigh Pittsburg
1 en route from Portland, Oregon, to New
Y'ork, containing Oregon pioneers, not
one of the party having settled in Oregon
later than 1574. This is the first through
train over the Northern Pacific road.
.LONDON, Oct ---The impression prevails
in Madrid that France considers that she has
made sufficient apology for the ill-treatment
of King Alfonso in Parr.
It is reported that the Spanish minister
has virtually resigned.
The Danish polar steamer Dijmphna is re.
ported to have anchored off tho island of
v a do, Norway.
It is reported that Marquis Tseng intends
to ask the meditation of England between
France and China.
O'Donnell is learning to read and write in
prison in London. He complains of the se
verely of the prison rules.
An indignation meeting was held in Paris
yesterday to protest against tho retirement
of General Thibaudin, late minister of
lowa has given a large republican majority
for the St;; e ticket.
□ Mobile lu3 quarantined Pensacola upon
tho advico of Alabama Sta*e Health Officer
Cochrau. Dr. Cochran pronounced the cases
of August 22 yellow fever.
Brigadier General Charles H. Crano, Sur
geon General U. P. A., died suddenly at his
residence, No. 19.'9 F street, Washington, of
hemorrhage of tho throat.
The negro who murdered policeman Street
of Huntsville, Ala., on Mmday by splitting
b ; s head open with an axe was taken from
jail by fifty masked men and hanged.
Returns from <BO out of the S3 conn-ties in
Ohio show a majority for Hoadly, tho demo
cratic caudidate for Governor, which is esti
mated at from 10,000 to 12,('00 in the wholo
State. The democrats will also have a mu
joyity in the Legislature.
Information has been received by Secretary
Edge, of the Pennsy Ivania State Board o f
Agricnlture, that pleuro-pneumonia has
broken out among the cattle in Lehigh coun
ty, and, in company with a veterinary sur
geon, he has gone to make an investigation.
The Times-Union special says: "The Tal
lahassee and St. Mark's Railroad has been
sold by the Unijted States marshal for $25,000
to John A. Henderson. Tho purchase is
supposed to have been made in the interest
of the Florida Central and Western Rail
Walter Brodie, of Genesee, N. Y.,a freshman
at Rutgers College, N. J., was hazed recently
by six masked students. His clothing was
stripped from his body, and he was smeared
with tar and subjected to other unpleasant
treatment. At a meeting of the faculty the
students who did the hazing were expelled.
Advics from Brewton, Ala., report two
deaths since the 3d instant and thirteen
cases under treatment. The doctors think i 1
is hemorrhagic malarial fevor, but tho pres
sure is so strong that the neighboring towns
are quarantined. Trains are ordered to go
through Brewton without stopping. Mobile
has quarantined.
Secretary Frolinglmysou has written a let
tor to John F. Finnerty, representing the
mass meeting of Irish citizens recently hold
in Chicago, stating that he will instruct the
American minister at London to inquire
whether O'Donnell, the slayer of Carey, is
nil American citizen, and if so, that proper
measures for his defense will bo taken.
LONDON, Oct. 9.—lt is oaid that Germany
will demand an apology from Fnu Co for tho
insulls offered King Alfonso, of Spain.
The difficulty between Spain and Franco is
still unscttl d.
As the Bulgarian ministers were entering
Solium jo, Monday, a man uttempled to kill
M. Natehevitch, the minister of tho in
The lady superioress and seven ladies at
tached to the Marin Institute, nfc Warsaw,
which is under the direct patronage of the
C/.arine, have been arrested on the charge Of
iho authorities of the | district of Iluas
toea, Mexico, have ord-uod every man to de
stroy 0110 peek of locusts daily under penalty
of a line of a peek of corn.
A Vicksburg dispatch announces that a
Loudon capitalist has just bought a large
tract of land in the Yazoo delta and intends
to establish Engli-h colonists on it.
Elections were held in Ohio and lowa for
Governor and other State officers. The re
turns show a large vote in both States and
the result uncertain, both pnrties claiming
success. It will require tho official count in
Ohio to determine the result.
Lieut, Story, recently returned from Alaska
to San Francisco on the revenue steamer
C'orwin, reports the discovery in Alaska of an
immense river more than 1,500 miles in
length, and reported by the Indians to be 20
miles wide at some points.
An earthquake shock was felt at San Fran
cisco, Cal., Oct, 10. It was tho most severe
felt 111 several years, and was the third shock
felt during the night. Tho two previous
shocks were felt early Tuesday evening. The
shock this morning was the heaviest experi
enced sinc-J the great one of ISOB. Build
ings groaned, metallic roofings cracked, and
many people rushed lmlf-dressed from houses
and hotels.
Twelve prisoners, burglars and incendia
ries, whose terms range from four to nine
teen vears, including tho renowned horse
thief, John Frunkford, escaped from tho
Lancaster county, Pa., prison. Two night
watchmen were enticed into cells, looked up
by the prisoners, who made their escape.
About a year ago n similar jail in delivery
was vriVr
IAINDON, Oct., B.—The Correspondence
(Madrid) says Spain is not satisfied with
President Grevy's apology to King Alfonso,
and demauds a more public expression of
regret for the insults heaped upon the latter.
Deputations from the army and navy waited
upon King Alfonso yesterday and renewed
their pledges of loyalty.
The French uro fortifying in Savoy, nnd
Switzerland protests.
It is expected that General Saussier. com
mandant of the Ninefenth Army Corps, will
succeed General Thibaudin as French min
ister of war.
Wrsh fvotes
President Arthur yesterday approved tho
sentence of dismissal in the case of Lieut-
Col. Guido llges, and the sentence of dis
missal in the case of Captain Edward B.
Hubbard. He disapproved the K-nt lice of
dismissal iu the case of Pirst Lieut. James
F. Simpson, third cavalry, who was tried 011
a charge of conduct unbecoming an officer
and a gentleman in having married a woman
with whom he had been living. He also
disapproved the sentence of dismissal in the
case of Commander Frederick R. Smith.
Luited States navy, who was tried 011
charges of duplicating his pay accounts.
The Secretary of the Interior accepted the
resignation of Edgar A. Marble, comtuis
-iouer of patents, to take effect October 31
The position has been tendered to lion
Benj. Butterworth, of Ohio.
Messrs. Willoughby A Alexander, who ri
cently filed in the Treasury Department
claim for a large sum of money said to bi
due Virginia under the deposit act of June
23,183G, have prepared a similar demand ii.
behalf of Arkansas.
In" he ordnance department of the navy
yard a large force of men are at work 011 the
two six-inch steel rilles, which are liearlv
completed. These rifles will bo of high
power, and when finished will be tested at
the experimental battery in front of the Na
val Academy at Annapolis.
Senator Edmunds has been in the city sev
eral days. Ho is reported as saying most
positively since his arrival here that lie does
not intend to retain the position of President
pro tempore of tho Senate. Ho intends to
resign immediately upon the organization of
the Senate, and Senator Anthony will bo
elected in his place.
EI/U'R -Citj Mills oxt 1.. $1 <V) (?f 1 75
■VII EAT —Southern Fultz... I I! at 10
CORN Southern white .... (-3 (ri (>2
Do J el low 'o' ' 7
It YK—Good.. 05 Id 08
>ATS — Maryland 3"> d 33
V-H ON—Middling H'V" K'lt
Good ordinary 9 (ri 9!
I A Y—Md. and Pa. Timot'j Iff 00 (ri 7 00
STRAW—Wheat 7 00 <a 800
tUTTEß—Western prime.. 20 (a 23
et Virginia 15 (ii 2>
EC ELSE- New York State
choice 12 (ri 13
We tern prime 7 (it 9
EGGS 23 (it "5
CATTLE 5 00 (it h 5(
SWiNE 7 <3 7],
T< SRA( G< > LEAF—lnferior. 2 00 <<; 3 <H-
Good common 3 50 Cit 5 q'
Middling 0 00 (a r, no
Good to tine red 8 50 (ri" 11 00
Fancy iff no (ri 1-TOl |
N ; v rvi ;.
COTTON M Idliuguplartd 10 (ri in?,;
EE'/UR—Southern com. to
fair extra 430 i 5 15
WHEAT—No. 1 white i (8 (31 Iff
1 YE—State 05 (ri CO
CORN—Southern Ye110w..., 5.) (o Co
OATS —White State 33 (<h ."4
BUTTER—State 20 (ri 3 •
CHEESE —State 'ri (ri 0
EGGS 2'!(ri 25
FL'H'R—Penna. fancy 5 00 (55 21
W lEAT--P.U. and Southern i 13 @ J 1
re<! ] JUS (ri I pi
RYE—Pennsylvania 01 (in 0 s
C i r, V—Southern ye110w..., 58 (ri) 00
OATS 39 in 41
BUT L'KR—Suite 20 @ 3 >
EGGS—State L*®) 2)
A Sblioolboy on Corns.
Corns arc of two kinds —vegetable
and animal. Vegetable corn grows
in rows, and animal corn grows on toes.
There are several kinds of corn : There
istlie unicorn, the eaprieorn, pop corn,
corn dodgers, field corn, and the corn,
which is the corn your l'eet feel most.
It is said, I believe, that gophers like
corn, but persons having corns do not
like to "go fur" if they can help it.
Corns have kernels, and some colo
nels hove corns. Vegetable corn grows
on the ears, but animal corn grows 011
feet, at tho other end of the body.
Another kind of corn is the acorn;
this grows on oaks, but there is 110
hoax about the corn. The acorn is a
corn with an indefinite article added.
Try it and see. Many a man when he
has a corn wishes it was an acorn.
Folks that have corns sometimes
send for a doctor, and if the doctor
himself is corned he probably won't do
so well as if bo isn't. Tho doctor says
corns are produced by tight boots and
shoes, which is probably the reason
why w hen a man is tight they say ho
is corned.
If a farmer manages well, he can
get a good di al of corn on an acre, but
1 know of a farmer that has the corn
that makes the biggest aeher on his
farm. Tho bigger crop of vegetable
corn a man raises, the better he likes
it ; but the bigger crop of animal corn
he raises the better he does not like it.
Another kind of corn is the corn
dodger. The way it is made is very
simple, and it is as follows—that is if
you want to know : You go along the
street and meet a man you know has
a corn, and a rough character; then
you step 011 the toe that has the corn
on it, and see if you don't have occa
sion to dodge. in that way you w ill
liiul out what a corn dodger is.
The progress of science has scarcely
tffeeted tho methods in use in the
kitchens. Few cooks know that in
I toiling meats and vegetables it is the
heat which does the work, and so they
keep the pot boiling vigorously all the
while, simply to evaporate water,
which must he replaced by repeated
additions, w hen a constant tempera
ture near the boiling point would ac
complish the same result with no boil
ing, and a great saving of heat. Bub
stanees containing albumen, like meat
and lifh, are put intocolil water, which
allows the albumen to he dissolved out
and wasted, the most nutritious part
of the food, when they should ho put
into water nearly boiling hot to for 11
a hard coat over the outside and pre
vent all loss. Hut this pointing out of
mistakes and abuses will not aid ; we
w ill try to show a better way.
Kggs are usually boiled three or four
minutes. This is a mistaken method.
To cook an egg properly, the white, or
albumen, should he just curdled, while
the yolk should he hardened. Now,
the yolk hardens at a t-mpreture w hen
the albumen curdles, llut if cooked
in boiling water the albumen is hard
ened, since it hardens at that temp
erature, while very often tho yolk is
not hardened, because the egg is re
moved before the yolk is properly
heated. The correct method, then, is
to place the egg in a small amount of
boiling water, remove the vessel from
the stove and let it cool. After ten or
lil'leui minutes remove the egg and it
will he found properly cooked ; the al
bumen coagulated but not hardened ;
the yolk hardened.
She Tried.
"Always," said papa, ashedrank his
coffee and enjoyed his morning beef
steak, "always, children, change the
subject when anything unpleasant has
been said. It is both wise and
That evening 011 his return from
business he found his carnation bed
despoiled, and the tiny imprint of slip
pered l'eet silently tearing witness to
the small thief.
"Mabel," he said to her, "did you
pick my flowers?"
"Papa," said Mabel, "did you see a
monkey in town ?"
"Never mind that Did you pick
my llowers, Mabel?"
"Papa, what did grundmama send
"Mabel, what do you mean? Did
you pick my flowers? Answer me,
yes or no."
"Yes, papa, I did; hut I font I would
change the subject."
Flowers in Potatoes.
A gentleman from Utica, in Louis
ville, who wished to send some beauti
ful flower buds to his wife, was at a
loss how to do so. A florist friend
said he would fix them. He cut a po
tato into two pieces and bored holes in
them, into which he inserted the stems
of the buds, and placed them in a box
with cotton to support them. A let
ter from tho recipient acknowledged
the remembrance, and said that the
buds had developed into full blown
flowers. There is sufficient moisture
in a good sized potato to support a
flower for two weeks in a moderately
cool temperature. Flowers from bou
quets may he preserved in the same
way. The potatoes can ho hidden by
leaves or mosses.
Puzzling the Assayers.
A clerk in a New Orleans freight
office recently sent a silver dollar to
the office of the mint to ascertain if it
was genuine. The assayer made a test
with acid and pronounced it counter
feit. it was then found to weigh one
half grain more than the legal limit of
he standard dollar. It was measured
md found to he correct in diameter,
he reeding was counted and found to
orrespond with the genuine dollar.
I'iie gentleman from whom the mint
•eeeived the dollar, having been tele
phoned that it was counterfeit, and a
>aso one, gave permission to make a
borough assay, and the assay proved
t to be a genuine "daddy" dollar, and
omebody had nickle-plateil it.
Tlie I.iitle Model Republic.
VALPARAISO, CHlLl.—Senor Kiear
ioStuven, a leading commission mer
•hant of this place, after having
•xhausted all other remedies has been
•ompletely cured of rheumatism by the
iso of St. Jacob's Oil, the great pain
•anisher. He makes this public.
A woman said in a police court the
her day, that before marriage her
lis hand pretended to be much struck
ith her, but now she was every day
ruck by him.
.*:! CrcriiN Idea* About (ho Finn
Tribe and Some of III* Varied
Blr | Timer*.
(Trrf., Fi' fri atiil I'dni.)
"How did you ever coino to devise lit
scheme l"
" I have 1h o:I worMi g at. it evers'nee 1 wa
Inr :o enough to bond a p t."
The above remark was odurovodto Mr.
Belli Green, tho veteran fish enlturist, who i<
known to (ho entire world, and his reply indi
cat 's tho extent of h : s labors.
" When 1 was qu to young," ho continued.
"I woul I lie on the limbs of trees that
reached out over tho water on f 'reaft moons,
wat hing tho m tvomentsof 11 h aad studying
their habits. In this way 1 discovered many
characteristics which wero before unknown.
I saw. ai every observer must the de
structive clmi'iiti that arc warring against
tish, and 1 r< uized that unless soin 4 ii ig was
done the life in the streams o. this country
Wi'iild b. c in < extinct. T > <Om tcrftel this
disastrous end became my life-wot It, nn 1 1
am happy to say that I hive seen its accom
" Were vou : u cossful o i tho start ?" .
"No, iiulcol. I ptt iatt in a'lartifl ial
attempt-, to hatch an I rais • l sh from tin
spawn ha t f nl -d, an I I was compelled to ox-
I* runout in n i cut rely new manner. The
work was a careful and tedious one, but I
finally luceedel, and to-day 1 am able to
I ab-li and rai-e fully seventy live i er cent, of
ad spawn."
" Enormous 1 Why, tha' is a larger j er
tcida-e than either the vego alo or
animal kingdoms produce in a natural con
"1 know it, b it we exercise the greatest
< are in the start, and guard tho littl fel own
until they Loeonie able t care for thein-
M'lVt s."
'1 ho foregoing conversation occurred at
Caledonia, where the reprc-e itativo (f tiiis
i iper was paving a vis t to the Btats lish
liachei i.s ft hisb • n his privilege tj re
port very many int restiu • s ;h%s withi.i tho
past twenty live y< a is, but the vew pre
seute t here excel iLs in interest anything ever
!nef. re att 'inpt *d.
" lb<w many Ii h are there in those p aids,
Air. tin en
"As wo have never attempted to mint
them it .will bo imjiossible t< ray. They ex
tend way up in the millions thou h. Wo
ship; ed uvt r three millions < ut <1 tho panes
lli s year and there seemed to be as many u
tcrwardas before. We liavo nearly every
variety of *tho trout family and many liy
| In ids.
" You speak of hybrids, Mr. Green. What
I do you mean by that t"
"liavo experimented for years in cross
ing ih • breed of th" varh us fish and am still
i woi king ujKtn it. Wo cross tho female salmon
| trout wi h tie male brook trout, and thus
prodtu ea h> brM. Th- n we cross the hy
t rid with tho bro >k trout, which gives us
three-quarter brook tr ut and ono-qua tor
salmon trout. This n ake,-. one of the finest
lb lies in tho world, lie ha- all the liabit* of
the brook trout, lives in both stre.imsand
lakes, develo|s verinillion sjsots on his sith's.
rises readily to a fly, is far more vigoio is
fully one-third larger tlinn ordinary brook
trout of the sai* ago. The |>Ov.ibilit.ei of
development in the li h world uro grext, and
we are iaj idly a eortainin r what they are."
As the mail of news watehel tly counte
nance of Mr. Green while he was giving the
above a- count, hocou'd not but feel that ho
was in th • j rescuen of ono of the few inves
tigators wii >, from a rich and life lo'ii exj<e
rii-nee, I ring gieat In netit to the world. lx>t
the i eider imagine a strong a d stalwart
fiame, surmounted bv a lical strongly re
| seinhling lhat of Bocrates, and covered with
a whit ■ si ky Iwird and luxuriant gray hair.
Beth Green, the fatler of fish culture, is a
pii ture of liculth, and the reporter could not
! l.elp remarking so.
"If you hat seen me tie last winter and
i si' ring.'young m ui. you might have th'tight
differently,'"said the veteran.
" llow 1* that! (To wcu d think, to !o<>k
! nt you, that sickness was som thing of wh'.ch
i you knew nothing.''
" And so it was until last winter. 1 went
down into Florida in the fell to s-v what kind
j of tish they had in that B a'e and study their
habits, and was attacked with malar.a in its
icverost form, and when 1 a no home I ro
ad e l for the first liiue in my life tliat 1 was
s ck. My symptoms wcro terrible. I had
| dull, aching jviins in my bead, limb* an I
around my back. My app.>'.ito was wh lv
gone, and 1 felt a lack of i nor, y su has 1 had
often heard d Bcr b il but had never exper.-
1 enc-sl. Any one who has ever lia l at overs
attack of malaria can appreciate my condi
tion. I went to be I and remain-d there all
spring, and if th re ever was a sick man I
was the one."
"It seems bard'.y possible. How did you
! come to recover so comjth tely P
| "My brother, who had Nvn afflicted by a
cv ie kiluey tn übfe an 1 threatened with
Bright's disease, was completely cured by a
I re ne ly in which 1 hail great confidence. I
th- rcfore tried the same remedy for my ma
laria. and am happy to say 1 am a well man
to day, an-1 tbn-u h the instrumentality of
"Warner's Safe Cure, which 1 b 1 eve to be one
of the most valuable of medicine*. Indeed. I
see it is indorsed by the Unite 1 Stiles nicdi
ea' coll' ge of New V- rk, and lr. Gunn,
d-an of that institution, l.av written a long
article eon- eining its value."
" And are y-*u now a well as formerly?"
"Appar- ntly so. Ike p the lxinedy on
hand all the while, though, and do not hesi
tate to recommend it to oilers."
"One question more. How many ponds o'
fish have you here, and how are tlicy divide If
" Well, we have forty-throe jtonds,
nre divided upasfo'lows: Twcnty-twoponls
of brook trout, two ponds of salmon trout,
four of McCloud river or rainlniw trout, two
jonds of German trout, three of Califor
nia mountain trout, two jonds of
liv bridsT four of one-quarter salmon
nr.d three-quarters brook trout, two ]onds
of gold llsh and one jvond of Carp. Th n we
have what we all the cent'iiinal poinl or
4 happy family,'consisting of crosses of dif
ferent fish, including Kennt be • salmon, Land
I/O: ked salm n, Ca'ifornia salmon, brook
trout, salmon trout an I hybrids. These fish
range in si/e from minnows to eight* eu
j otuiders. and in ago from one and one half
months to eleven years. 1 forgot to
. sav, also, that wo have a ' hospi'al'
, pond, wlr'ch is entirely empty, which speaks
pretty well for a community of many mil
i lions.* Indeed the whole secret of fish culture
can l>e summed up in four things. Impregna
tion, —using no water. Plenty of food,
IT ntv of pure water and clenn'inees."
The numerous fish exhibitions which are
taking place in all raris of Europe and the
unusual interest which is being manifested in
this subject throughout the world all owe
their origin to the proce-s above described as
originated and conducted by Both Green.
It is certainly cause for congratulation to
every American that this c mntry pro
duces so many men whoso genius bring*
value to the world, and it is proof positive of
the grca est, merit that a rem* dy even with
such high standing a* Warners Safe Cure is
known to haveMiould l>o so strong y indorsed
and recomri.endo 1 by ono so reputable and
reliable as Seih Gr en.
Wiat an uproar it made in conferring the
title of colonel on Alfonso. They do things
nior quietly in Kentucky.
On the appearance of the first symptoms
---as gi neral debility, loss of appetite, pal
lor, chilly sensation, followed by nightswents
and cough, prompt measures of relief should
be taken. Consumption is scrofulous dis
ease of the lungs; therefore use the great
anti-scrofulous or blood-purilier and
strmgth-restorer, Dr.Pierce's "Golden Med
ical Discover.)." Superior to Cod liver oil
as a nutritive, and unsurpassed as a pectoral.
For weak lungs, spitting of blood, nnd kin
dred affections it has no equal. Sold by
druggists. For Dr. Pierco's treatise on con
sumption send two stamps. WORLD'S DIS
The man who persists in discussing the
tariff is generally the chap who couldn't de
fine tho word to save his BOUI.
For aged men, women, weak and sickly
children, without a rival. Will not caus#
headache. Brown's Iron Bitters.
Maintain dignity without the appearance
of pride, manner is something to everybody,
and everything to some.
Young and middle-aged men, suffering
from nervous debility and kindred affections
as loss of memory and hypochondria, should
inclose three stamps for Part VII of World's
Dispensary Dime Bevies of pamphlets. Ad
ATION, Buffalo, N. Y.
Nothing has ever remained of any revolu
tion but what was ripe in the conscience of
the masses.
DABDANELLE, Ark. —Dr. M. M. Croom says:
44 Brown's Iron Bitters is the best medicine in
the world, and is effecting miraculous cures."
'Tis a strange truth that only in the agony
of parting do we look into the depths of love.,
ire immensely rtrenatlieuod by the use of
>'r. TI. V. Pierce's "Favorite Prescription,"
vliieh gurcs all female derangements, pud
riven foue to the system. Sold by drug gists.
Give n e tho benefit of your convictions,
i iou have any, but kec) your doubts to
our; elf, for I have enouga of my own., Ala.—Dr. Jns. 11. Mills says:
"Several of my notients nred Brown's Iron
Hitter* for chrome indigestion with benefit."
All iho wooden nutmegs come from Con
necticut, but Maine furnishes all tho sar
dines. Boston attends to the sluggers.
IT n I1 Heads,
when yon have tried everything else and
failed, try onr Carbolino and be happy; it
will prove lis merits. One dollar a buttle, and
sold by all druggists.
Thk habit of running over boots or shoes
corrected with Lyon's i'utent Heel Stiffuer.
of the Bladder.
Stinging irritation, intlainin ition, Kidney,.
Urinary coiupluints, cur?-.' bv Huchupaiba^l.
Mensman'b Prptonized nr.rr tonio, tho only
preparation of beef containing it * entire nutri
tions proper!us. It contains blood-making,
force gi neratiug and life-niiKtaining propertii-s;
invariable for indigestion, dyapepsuL nervous
proctration, and all foriun of general debility;
also, in all enfeebled conditions, whethvr the
result of exhaustion, nervous pros!ratiou, over
work or acute disease, particularly if resulting
from pulmonary complaints, C swell. Hazard A
Co., Proprietors, New York, bold by druggists.
" Honiih nu Cams"
Ask for Wells' 'itougli on Corns.'lsc. Quick
relief; complete cure. Corns, warts, bunions.
Mr. J. E. llarvov, 110 Bridge St. B ooklyn,
says: 1 have no more dread of inilummatory
rheumatism since Dr.Elmore's Itheumatme-
Goutaliiiu brought me out of the terrible
condition 1 was in labt year."
Thai 11 ii-Out it it of. Wins
Is three times the man he was before using
Wells' Health Kenewor. #l. Druggists.
lb bits are soon assumed; but when we
strive to strip them oil 'li-i being Hayed alive.
nix Hon"* Alder.
I lmve been troub'ed for o- or twelve years
with n vonkness of the kidneys a id bladder,
which the doctors s lid was dial oles. I could
not at times stand up, and would have to
continually u e tho urinal bo'h day nnd night
with intense pains in my back nnd side*
th re w is brick dust deposits n iny wa'er;
could not rest ve'l or lie e; si'y in bed in nny
posture. I wns nt that time emj 1 yed by the
Maine Central R dlrond, nnd br.d to give up
work for a time. Foarii g that it uoald sooner
or Inter tui n tothnt dreaded Brigl t's di en e,
I calh'd in my son in 1 ewiston. who i* in the
drug business, and after consulting with him
ns to my c a-e, he advissd me to u-e Hunt's
Botnody. as tie know of so many successful
cures thft* it had made in Ix-wiston nnd
vicinity. lat once commenced using it. and
began to improve. 1 ii d loss p-in in my
brck nnd si 'es, iny water was p sstd nattr illy
with le-s color and no pain, nnd after nsin r
several found that mv pairs were all
gore nnd lhe weakness of tie kidneys and
bled ler wo re cure'. nnd I have to trouble
with them now. rn 1 can attend to my busi
ness: and for ot e < f my years I am enjoying
good health, nnd ihnnbs to Hunt's I'emcdy
for it. and 1 consider it a duty nnd pleasure
to lecommi nd so good a inedic'ne as Hunt's
Keiredy. and I have takeu pains to recom
mend it to others in this vicinity.
You nre nt liberty to i ub i-h th s acknowl
edgment, hoping it may le the means of
helping suffering humanity.
E. B. Clahk, Furniture Dealer.
Former'y with Maine Central Railroad.
Newport, Me., May 17, 1863.
There is both warning aud eneourngement
•n the saw, "A man, ns he manages himself,
may die old at 3U or young at 80."
Inatuntlv Krlicvcil.
Mrs. Ann of New Orlc.m. L., write*;
I lull e * son who Las been iok for iwo years; he has
been at tended by our leading physicians, but all to
no pur>>ose. This morning ho had his uaual spell of
coughing, and waa so greatly prostrated In conse
quence that death seemed imminent. We had in
the* house a bottle of Dr. Win. 11 ill's Balsam tor tho
Lungs purchased by my huband, who noticod your
advrtisement yesterday. We administered It ac
cording to directions and he was instantly re
Durno's Catarrh Snuff cures Catarrh and all affee
lions of tne mucous membrane.
'l' f MuiininiiiiflllilHylill I Relieves and cures
H bin Neuralgia,
1$ K Sciatica, Lumbago,
I t L <HllllllKl!U!ianff If
.4. mttiimnihiaiiH-BACKACHE,
;! i J:'"!"-!!®®! SPRAINS,
r pilTliiiisi*siTlfln I Soreness. Cuts. Bruises,
i mmTi ff" CEN'TSTbottu.
•j I miiUltlll |H!|l'i Sold by all Drunrlstssnd
1 I'lißit '' The Charles A. Vogeler Co.
|| I vilßw aptlii:!" (SveoMton to A. VOOtLtU k CX) I
llalliaiar*, Bii., C. S. A.
In chronic dyspAp
' ®HEBHAT£D and
eases Hoetetter's
a means of restorn*
r|TT ha
Hfj Best Cough Syrup. Taitesgood. ASa
byd rugg Wa|2l
—~7il.*,' ' l 'a'.'il sin™ jTi oi*aati*L"llU
AGENTS WANTED for the B>8t and Fastest-sell
ing Pictorial Books and Bibles. Prices reduced li
per cent . National Puiiiasmsa Co.. Pinla. P%.
SEND for Illustrated Catalogue Steam Engines, Saw
Mills, Traction Engines, Standard Implements. A. B.
Farquhar, Pennsylvania Agricultural W orks. York, Pa.
®R4n *9 I P er (la y at home- Samples worttTio tree
4>v) IU Jt t Addrea Sliii'soniK: Co., Portland, Me.
CCC a week in your own town, Terms and $5 outfit 1 re*
e>GD Address |l. Halletl iK Co.. Portland. Maine*
*7O a week. sl2 a day at fiomeeasily made- Co.tly
# 1 l. outfit free. Address THUS A Co., Augusta, Ms,
Phcknix Pectouai. will cure your cough. Price2scl
Battle of the Books.
600,000 Volnnies, the choicest literature of the world. 100-Poge Catalogue
free. Lowest prices ever known. NOT sold by dealers. Sent for examination
BEFORE payment on evidence of good faith. JOHN B. ALDEN, Publisher,
18 Yesey Street, New York. P. 0. Box 1227.
Healthy People Sometimes Laugh
At the sufferings of dyspeptics, and say that their pains and distresses are
imaginary. This is not meant for cruelty, but it is cruelty, all the same.
A person who has a crooked foot, or a wounded hand, or a sightless eye,
calls forth sympathy by the exhibition of the defective member. If the
dyspeptics sufferer's stomach could be placed on exhibition, the cause of
his distress would be apparent. .
The man with a troublesome stomach often suffers quite as much as
the man with a broken leg, but is far less likely to receive sympathy, t
Sympathy is good for sufferers, as far as it goes. But Brown's Iron
Bitters is better, for it strikes at the root of these troubles, and cures dis
ease. Disappointed dyspeptics, weary of having tried many experiments
in seeking cure, will do well to make one fair trial of Brown's Iron Bitters
and report the result. That this well-tried family medicine will thus dimin
ish the quantity of human suffering is an established fact.
Delicate and Feeble Ladles. ,
T languid, tiresome STtifloo*, cauln.T y W
feci able tbe on your feet; tint con Int t.rsui
that io liking from y >*jr jaj^stem all its former rlx t c.tyt
driving the Ho ra from your chink'; that conti.msl
strain upon y< ur vital Tori©', rendering J° u irritable
and fietiul, can easily be removed by the use of that
marvelous remedy, llop Hitlers. Irregularities and
ebst ructl ua of your system are relieved at once, while
tho apeoial tanae of periodical pain aro permanently
removed. None receive so much benefit, and none are
•o profoundly grateful and show auoh an interent in
recommending Hop Bitters as women.
Feels Young Agnla.
"Mf mother sraa afflicted a long time with nenralgfo
and a doll, heavy, inactive condition of the whol^
ay ft em ; headache, nervous prostration, and was almost
helpless. N > physician* or niedii ines did lier any good.
Three months ago sho l>"gnn to uso Hop Hitters with
gucb good effect that alio seem* and feels young again,
altliotigh over seventy ye via old. We think tbore is na
other medicine fit to use in tho family.''—A LAST, in
Bkadkohd. Pa., May 8. 1878.
It has cured me of sevtrd d aoate', such as nervona
n ss, aickness at the et nnach, monthly troubles, etc.
J havo not seen a sick duy n a year, aiuce I took Hop
BitUrs, AH in) neighbors tise them.
Mns. KASMF. Gnrs*.
$"!,000 LOST. —"A tour of Europe that oont me
"d>nomo has good than one bottle of Hop Bittern;
"they also cured my wifo of fifteen years' nervous
" weaknets, sleeplessness and dyspepsia.
"H. V., Auburn, N. Y. n
Illgli Authority.
Hop Bitters ia not, in any winßc, an alcoholic beverngd
or liquor, and eould not be sold for uso except to persons
desirous of obtaining a medicinal bitters.
CJ itk.f.n B. RaCM. U. 8. Oom. Inter'l Rev.
80. Bloom iuVJlJ.e, 0., May I. *79.
Bins—l have been suffering t n years, end I tried
your llop Bitters, and it done me more good than ail
the doctors. Miss 8. B. Booh*.
Bnby Saved!
Wo are ao thankful to say tliat our nurmng baby waa
permanently cured of a dai gerous and protracted con*
stipation and irregulaiity of tlie bowels by the uso of
llcp Hitters by its mother, which at the same t ms
restored her to perfect health and strength.—'l'H
r>tl Sl S. Rochsstcr, N. Y.
•it u ft
■Survival of MM
Tho Mexican Mustang Liniment has
■ been known for moro than thirty-five
I years ns ilie b 1 st of all Liniments, for
iMan ami lJoaat. Jfs sales today arc
■ larger than ever. It cures when all
■ othersfail, and penetrates Fkin, tendon
■ .and muscle, to the very bouo. Sold
9 everywhere.
Mason & Hamlin Organs.
New Illnsl rated Catalogue, (40 pp. 4to)
for season of 1883-4, including many new
stjies; best assortment of the best and
most attractive organs we have ever of
fered,and at lowest prices, $22 to s6oo,for
cash, easy payments or rented. Sent free.
Boston. 1M Tremont St.; New York. 46 East 14tb
H ; Chicago, 145* Wabash Are.
Beet In the world- flei the genuine. Every
pnrknge line our trndr-uiarU nnd k
uiiirhed Frnxrr'w. SOU) EVI-K VWUKRB.
mr, st and boat remedy tor kidney,
X'iyvV' r * at In# ch, blad<!er and blood
diaeaaes, ami only real t a alive ever
discovered for acute and chronic
rheumatiMn gou, lumbago, ciat
uxv ica, n-uralgi, etc. llascnelhope
ie-a *•■* Bng .t'a diaonw* and dys|iepia In 3 w<*<<kv —all
form a of rheumatic d>a •rdera in 2 to 12 weeks—relieve!
intl.aramntory ID 1 day. FAN refer to liQiidi- d• of reli*.
tie poop!* cured who had tie! m vain everything else.*
Purely botanic. h.irmleee. end nice to inn*. Ask yoir
drug* at to get it; if be declines send to ua for it—t*£o
nothing else. Elm ire, Adama A 00.. luj William at.. N. Y
Cured Painlessly.
The Medicine eold foraamell margin above thecoetoi
eom|K>unding. Ail ceaes treated by special preacrip
tion." For full particulars address the Discoverer,
DR. S. B. COLLINS, La Porte, Ind.
AN OPTICAL WONDER and business.
A NEW. origin nl. cheap lantern, for projecting and en
larging photogi anha, chromo curds, opaque pictureeand
object*. Work" like magic, and delight* and myetifiee
evervt>dv Send foronrftill and free descriptive circular
Mvinujr Htu.Pui-Co., Ho* 7*B, N. Y. City.N. X-
To Speculators.
R. Lindblom & Co., N, G. Miller & Co.
5 and 1 Chamber of 56 Broadway,
Commerce. Chicago New York*
Members of all prominent Produce exchanges in>
New York. Chicago. St Louis and Milwaukee.
We have exclusive private telegraph wire between
Chicago and New York. Will execute orders on our
judgment wheu requested. Send for circulars con
taining particulars, KOBT. I.INDHLO.II A CO..
It relievos at once Burns. Piles, Chapped Hands or Lipa.i
Oorna. Bunions, Scalds, Bruises, Soreness of feet.haada.l
ayes, etc. Itching from any cause. Ke. Ask your drug |
■M gist, or send to 92 Fulton Street. N. Y.MJI
l.n I sent free, including Mother, Homo and
UN I Heaven. $2.76. Pleases everybody. 126,i*t
sild. $l6O monthly. E. H.TBIAT, Publisher. New "York.
Newark. N J •_ Terms only S4O. Write for Circular*.
CAMPHOR MILK is the best Liniment. Price 25 cents.