; Journal. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 18, 1883. BY~DEININGER & BUMILLER. LOCAL DEPARTMENT. —A. J. Harter—Leather. —Wood—Coal—Overcoats. —Read Maucks' new advertisemeiit. —Journal Store—Books & Station >ry. —M. Ulrich. Jr.—Crockery & Hard ware. -E. Luse & Son—Planing Mill Work. - Deininger & Musser--Marble Works. —Hon. W. K. Alexander—Political 'Cyclopedia. —Dinges, Vonada & Co.,—Geueral Mechandise. —Win. T. Mauck & Son—Furniture •hn Orudorf's big stalk at the JOURNAL Office by two feet two Idches. Next. —lf you don't know what the word "fuss" means just hire about half a doz en Miliheim boys to go thiough town with a bell announcing an auction. They give a much better definition than Webster. Our public schools will open on Mon •day, Nov. stb. There will be a winter term of four months and a summer term of two months. Make your ar angements, parents, to send your chil dren regularly. —The two teams of J. Shigelmeyer and one of M. Ulrich, left yesterday morning for Mill Hall to work on the new Vanderbilt rail road. B. F. Roy fed ward Cantner and Wm.G. Ulrich are the teamsters. —To-morrow (Friday) the executor's sale of the real estate ot Philip Stover, deceased, will come off, affording an excellent chance to buy a good farm in Haines township or a complete home stead in Aaronaburg. —Hog cholera prevails to afearful ex tent around Womelsdorf, Berks coun ty. One farmer lost 73 head, auothei 60, another 40, and mauy others a less number. All efforts to stop the dis ease have thus far failed. —Mrs. Rev. A. D. feowe will give her lecture, "Talk about India," in Booneville, Saturday evening, October 27th,at whish time she wili hive on ex hibition some floe work boxes, &c., made by the natives of India. —Three prisoners escaped from the Bellefonte jail the other Tuesday, by making a rush for the door while a sister of Sheriff Dunkle with an attend ant brought them their dinners. Two of them were recaptured the same eve ning, but the third one, a Swede, is ktill at large, although shot in the neck. —The stock of Wall Papers and Dec orations advertised by W. T. Mauck & Son takes the lead for beauty and taste. —Mr. 11. K. Luse the other day pre sented us with a basket of White Elc phant potatoes that are real beauties even this prolific potato year. It is a new variety, and If the flavor is equal to the appearance they deserve to be extensively cultivated. —We see by the appointments of tho U. B. Conference recently held at Reading that Itev. J. G. W. Herald has again been assigned to Miliheim Circuit. Mr. H. is a most worthy man, an ab'e preacher and has made hosts of friends since he is among us. —Mr. Henry Frai n, of Salina, Kan sas, who is now here visiting hi* broth er, laudlord Fiain and other friends, gave us a call the other day. Mr. Frain left for Sailna some six years ago, where lie has been successfully engaged fiu business since. He speaks in glow ing language of Che rising young state, its crops, resources and great future. —The dashing young circumbendibus who does the locals of the Bellefonte Democrat , after an editorial experience of only a few weeks, finds himself in hot water pretty much all over. It is well, howt ver, that Ellis himself sees thus seasonably that his reckless way of doing will not do in the long run, and we are happy to add that he hum bly promises better fkshious in the fu ture. Now that is real "nice" in our modest young man. The JOURNAL will surely encourage his good resolu tion. HEAVY HAULING—The other Tues day Mr. Jacob Gepliart hauled 85 bush els of wheat with two horses from Miliheim to Coburn. On Saturday Je rome Gephart, son of Jacob, hauled two loads,the one had 1034 bushels,the other 105 bushels, by weight, making the enormous load of 6300 pounds for two horses. Years ago it required five to six hors es to draw sach a load to Lewisburg or Lewistown. It is evident that horses are improving—or else the roads are better than formerly. LUTIIKR MEMORIAL IN TIIE COURT HOUSE AT BELLEFONTE. FRIDAY,OC TOBER 26KH,1S83.—Order of exercises : At 104, A. M., Morning fcervice— Book of Worstiip, with tunes ; Wel come—by Rev. S. E. Furst; Music ; Address—ly Prof. E. J. Wolf, I). D.; Music ; Benediction. At 21 p. M., Anthem ; Reading of Scripture and Prayer; Music - ; Ad dress-bv JOHN G. MORRIS, I). D., LL. D., President of General Synod; Music ; Benediction. At 71 p. M., Evening Service—Book of Worship ; Short addresses by Cler gymen and Laymen iuterspersed with music ; Social; Dismission Music by Choir, Orchestra and Brass Bands. All the Ministers of the Northern Conference, and others, are expected to be present. —President Roberts of the Pennsyl vania railroad company, has not'fied thecommitte appoi ited by the late railroad meeting at Centre Hall, and which recentiy visited the headquar ters of the company at Philadelphia, to see about the completion of the Lewis burg, Centre and Spruce Creek Rail road from Lemont to Spring Mills, that the Board of Directors of the Pennsylvania company has appoiuted a committee to meet the Valley commit tee here as soon as the report of the en gineers, new on the line of the L. C. &S. C. road, is received, which will probably be in about two weeks. Tnis looks encouraging, and there is good foundation for the belief that the road through Penn's Valley will be complet ed and that speedily.— Watchitia-i. SOCKED.—Our young old friend, Mr. A. S. Ruhl, of Sockville, out west, has again socked us so completely that our poor, delicate little understandings are amply provided with underwear' for the coming winter, which the weather prophets say will be very severe. But where does Antes get all these beauti ful and comfortable socks ? Why, he has a big sock factory, out iu Sockville, where lots of people are busy as heavers turniag out socks as fastas ni able hands and perfect machinery can do it—yes, and stockings and mittens, fine and good—simply and without question "the best in the world"—and the JOURNAL STORE has them for sale. Fact. But we almost for got to thank An tes for the socks and hereby do it nach traeglich in test style. Bring the next "lot" yourself , Antes. Ho FOR NORTH CAROLINA I—An ex cursion through Virginia and North Carolina will leave Baltimore, yia Bay Line Steamer, Monday, Nov. 12th next, at 7 o'clock P. M. Fare for the round trip, sl2, covering about 1000 miles. The excursion is gotten up by the rail road companies of North Carolina for the express purpose of getting northern people to come and see for themselves their fine country,mild climate and hos pitable people, and will afford an excel lent opportunity for farmers,mechanics and laboring men to see some of the fin est parts of Virginia and North Carolina at a trifling expense. Arrangements have been made with the hotel keepers at all stopping places to entertain the excursionists at half the usual rates. At Wadesboro N. C., the excurtionists will be the guests of the Northern Men's Convention, to be held there Nov. 14th, Any further information will be cheerfully given by W. K. ALEXANDER, Agent for Centre county. THE I)EKH LAW.—Deer may be kill ed between October Ist and December 15th, both days inclusive, but the kill ing of a spotted fawn at any time is unlawful. The running of dogs is unlawful. It is unlawful under a penalty of S3O to kill a deer that'hah been chased into the water by dogs. Dogs pursuing deer may be killed l.y any person, and the ownei of the d>g is liable to a penalty of $lO for each deer killed by such dogs. It is unlawful to have fresh venison or fresh deer Skins in possession out of season. We copy the above points from the Bellefonte Republican , presuming them to be correct. NEW MUSIC.—We have received from the publisher the following vocal selections : ALONE AT LAST By Deo. SchleiffartU 75c. This is the new Waltz Song that has made such a hit eveiywhere lately, and is fast rivalling the Author's most popular of all songs, "Who'll Buy mv Buses Bed." It is gotten up in an elegant stylo with a handsome title in colois.and thousands of copies are being sold. WHEN I MEAN MARRY By C. R. Sidney 40c. It is a long time since we have had the pleasure of seeing a good humorous song, fiee from tiling and coarseness, and we feel sure this will meet With a hearty reception. It is being sung with great success, by Billy Robinson of Haverly's Mastodon Minstrels. NEW BERLlN.—Reader,did you ever visit New Berlin ? If not you have thus far missed seeing one of the most beautiful towns this side of the celes tial paradise. Reposing quietly on the banks of historic old Penn's Creek, at the foot of a finely wooded hill, the denizens of tire place seem to have but little concern for the bustle and busi ness, the hurry and flurry of the out side world. They do not share to any considerable extent its commotions and agitations,but live on HI the even tenor of their way, in quiet seclusion, from generation to generation. The quiet ude—al cost solitude—that prevails throughout, seems to have a good ef fect both on the minds and hearts of the people, for we know of no place that has better educational and relig ions fact!.ties. It is the seat of Union Seminary, one of the most flourishing institutions of'its grade in the state, while the Evangelicals, Lutherans, Re formed, Methodists, Presbytei ian and United Brethren all have their church es and congreg it ions. New Berlin is a town of beautiful homes, finer, smoother and cleaner streets than can be found anywhere else. The people have ample time and the will to keep all these in best condi tion. In fact there is no other town in the state whose people keep their streets, yaras, sidewalks and geneial surroundings so entirely neat and clean as do the New Berlinites. The view from the roof of Union Seminary is truly grand. Nothing rug ged or strikingly romantic—no rocky cliffs or cloud-capped mountains—but a scene of rare beauty for all that. The cozy town with its happy homes, its church spires pointing heavenward, nestled below among a multitude of trees that give shade and shelter ; the well cultivated fields close around : the fi ie farms farther on ; the picturesque hills of Snyder county, just beyond | Penn's Creek ; the gentle spots of woodland, clothed in the beautiful col ors of autumn, and in the distance the dim, bliie oatliues of Shade Mountains, all constitute a panorama of loveliness scarcely exceeded anywhere. LUTHER MEMORIAL SERVICES.— The Centre Couuty Luther Memorial will be held in the Court House, Belle fonte.Friday,Oct. 26th instaut. There will be three Sessions—morning, after noon and evening. Rev. E. J. Wolf, D. I)., of the Theological Seminary of the General Synod, at Gettysburg, will deliver an address in the morning. In the afternoon Rev. J. G. Morris, D. D. LL. D., of Baltinijre, the President of thC General Synod, will speak. A number of short addresses will be deliv ered in the evening by yidting minis ters. Of Dr. Wolf it is needless to speak. He is emphatically one of us. Boru in Miles townßhip,only a few miles from Miliheim, he spent his younger years in the midst of onr people. He is a grad uate both of Pennsylvania College and the Theological Seminary at Gettys burg, and attended the University at Teubingen, Germany, for several years at a later period. Dr. Wolf is well and favorably kndwn throughout the chUrch. Dr. Morris is perhaps the most prom inent and widely known man in the Lutheran church in the United States—or at least this is his po sition in the General Synod. He is the American historian of the church, as well as a celebrated general author and lecturer. Dr. Morris is a stranger to our people personally,but n all the bet ter known by his mahy writings in re ligous • papers and magazines. His coming to Bellefonte at such a propi tious occasion will afford many of our people an opportunity to gratify a long cherished wish of seeing and hearing the representative Lutheran divine of America. The memorial eelebratiem is not de signed to be a local or denominational affair. The great Saxon Reformer, "the emancipator of thought," was the common beuc f actor of the entire Protestant world, and it is eminently fitting that tlio 400 th anniversary of his birth year should be celebrated in a proper minner, not. only by the church that bears his name but by all Protest ant denominations throughout the world. ADVICF. TO MOTH Kit H. Arc you disturbed at night and broken of your rest by a *lck ciiill milTerlng and crying with pain of oufttliK tooth ? If so, send tit otico and get a bottl# of AIUA. W INFLOW'S Soot HI SO SVHUP roa CmutURS TKKTHINO. Its value Is Incalculable. It will relieve the poor little suf ferer Immediately. Depend upon It, mothers, there Is no mistake about it. It cures dysentery and diarrhoea, regulates tho stomach ami bowels, cures wind colic, softens the gums. re duces Inflammation, and wives tone and energy to the whole system. MR-< W'INHLOW'S SOUTH INU SYRUP row CIUI.NKKA TKKTUINO is pleasant to'the taste, and Is the prescription of one of ; the oldest and best female physicians and nurs es In the United States, and is for sale by all druggists throughout the world. l'rlce 115 cents a bottle. MAITHIKD. On the 11th Instant, at the Evangelical par sonage, Tlmmpsoiitowu, IV. by Rev. K. 1). Keen. Mr. l-evl B. Fisher, of Dlmmville, Juni ata Co., I*a.. and Mary A. Spade, of Kvandale, same county. May their connubial ship flout gently down the stream of life and at last anchor thein safely In to the fair Haven of Eternal Kest. 1.. It. N. DUB, On the Ith Inst., at the reMdence of her son in-law, H. Y. Stltzer, Bellefonte, Mrs. Julia A. Hess, relict of John Hess, deceased, aged 87 years, f months and 22 days. On the 4th luwt . at potter's Mills, Mrs. Mary McElroy, widow of Thomas McElroy, aged 63 years. 4 months and 24 days. Mlllbeini.tlsrliot, Corrected every Wednesday Wheat, old 1.00 Corn CO Rye 60 Oats White 36 Puck wheat Flour 5.00 Salt, per Ilrl .' 1.50 Plaster, ground Cement, per Bushel 45 to 50 Barley 50 Tymothyseed Flaxseed Cloverseed Butter 30 Hams If. Hides 12 Veal Pork ;; Bcei Eggs r .- 8 Potatoes 35 Lard li COAL MARKET AT COBURN. Egg Coal 14.75 Stove " 5.00 Chestnut k.v...r. 4 75 £..♦ • • 4 •• 3 * ,r ) Pea by the car Mm .'.a. .Special Price*. A IIARTEB, Auctioneer, MILLHEIM, FA. XTf J. SPRINGER, Fashionable Barber, Next Door to JOUKNAL Store, Main Street, MILLIIEIM, PA. D. 11. MINGLE. Physician & Surgeon, Ofllicc on Mam Street. MILLIIKIM, PA. J~YT. JOHN F. IIARTEB. j Practical Dentist, Office opposite tl Millheim Banking House, MAIN STREET, MILLHEIM, I'A' : IIOY, AUorsey-at-Law. BELLEFONTE, PA. Orphans' Court Business a Speciality. RN*A. c. IIEINLE, Alforucy-at-Law BELLEFONTE, PA. Practices Intallthe courts of Centre county. Special attention to Collections. Consultations ] in German or English. C. T. Alexandei. C. M. Bower. Attorney-at-Law, BELLEFONTE, PA. Office in Carman's new building. J. A. Beaver. J. W. Gephart. JGEAVER & GEPHART, Attomeys-at-law, BELLEFONTE, PA. Office on Alleghany Street, North of High Street GEO. S. FRANK, Physician & Surgeon, STRING MILLS, PA. omcc in Mr. Philip Shook's residence, near the Spring Mills House. I Professional calls promptly answetted. 3m I D. H. Hastings. W. F. Reeder. JJASTINGS & REEDER, Attorheis-at-Law, BELLEFONTE, PA. Office on Allegheny Street, two doors east of the office ocupied by the late firm of Yocum A Hastings. JGROCKERIIOFF HOUSE, ALLEGHENY ST., BELLEFONTE, PA. C. G. McMILLEN, PROPRIETOR. s J- Good Sample Room on First Floor. Free BUMS to aud from all trains. Special rates to j witnesses and jurors. JRVIN HOUSE, (Most Central Hotel in ihe city.) CORNER OF MAIN AND JAY STREETS, LOCK HAVEN, PA. S.WOODS~CALDWELL PROPRIETOR. Goods amnio Roonts for Commercial Travel ers on lirst floor- BUY YOUR POOTS & Shoes, .A.T J. LOCK HAVEH, PA. A " " ~~ """ _ ~ T* - T Tlhiimiflr nrr T'rm Tnnr W Address, CLOUCH & WARREN ORCAN CO., Detroit, Mich. have now opened our very large NEWgTOCK of Goods, and anything you WLTU iii. Dry Goods, Clothing, BOOTS & SHOES, IIATS & CAPS, Dress Goods, Notions, Groceries aafl General Merchandise can be found at our store at COBURN CHEAP AS THE CHEAPEST!!! Good as tbe Best! Call and see the new things just put 011 the market. Dinges,Vonada & Co. D. H. Lenker, MANUFACTURER AND DEALER IN FURNITURE, _A_ARONSBURG, HA. Chamber Suits, Bureaus, Lounges, Bedsteads, Stands, Marble-Top Centre Tables, Breakfast Tables, Dining: Tables, Extension Tables, Sideboards, Sinks and all kinds of Kitchen furni ture, Cane or Wood Seat Chails. j Rockers, Spring Beds, Wire, Wool and j Hair Matresscs, every style of Mould ings for Picture Frames. Frames of any size made to order. Undertaking a Specialty. A share of the public patronage re spectfully solicited. 36-1/ A. SIMON & SONS, WHOLESALE e, Barrenness. IAJSS of Power In althar *. Involuntary Losses and B|>e>mat irrhora caused by ovor-exei lion .of the brain, leU-ahnee or over-indulgence. Rerh b"X mntainr one month'* treatment SI a bos, or alz boxes for fS, Rent by uall pre paid on receipt of price. WE CUARANTEE 6!X BOXES To enre any eae. With e*rh orlr recelr-d by us for !s bxes. accompanied with $5, we will send the purcb-acr cur written guarantee to re'un.l the money If the treatment doea n-.t eff-ct a cure. Guarantee*tseue 1 only by KI9NKR * HKXDKLSOX, 3W Race Street. Philadelphia, Ta. " PTTIUTAS." The celebrated vegetabla Blood l'urifirr. It Immediately ruree Headache, Constipation, Purifies the Ski a. Mallei anewhere upon receipt of So cents. Un*urpa*ed for Children. EISNER & MENDELSON, 32Q Race Street, Phllrtdv. fl f 5 - -boat and THE FABQCHAB%EPABATOR 3&U . . (Warranto I.) AL * oA - r * V s §■ • <5 Lubtan B z ± .1 dra/i adßßMWriS!C^^Rß6raiflwfs"tsSyv. §?= "• •none alp- --.,1 <1 : Is nomloalantf perfect lu Uee. baeteeimgium cmou. It ready lor maikat. f> Mf* V AOdrtm A. A FABQUUAB, Fork, Pa. FAWUHAB HYST3HX COEK PLAV7T2 VUb Warraulad tba to* team dropper and n.o*t foree-feed fc.Uiier dlotribuior is tua THE Buchanan Wind Mill BEAUTY, DUEABIUTT jjfc New method of attach lag the Sails, jH THE MOST POWERFUL ff I |fi\\ ALL kINDS OF TANKS, PIPE, PUMPS, Etc. Baa art to and far onr u* Catalogue brfora Lajla-. BUG HAH AN WIND HULL CO., BUCHANAN, MICHIGAN. D.S. MORGAN&CO. tuxrcFAcmx THE DURABLE LIGHT DRAFT Triumph Reapers AND THI NOISELKBB New Clipper Mower. The TRIUMPH REAPERS are uneqnaled for •implicit? in construction, ease of management, light Weight, durability and good working capacity in all conditions of grain. The NEW CLIPPER has all the advantages of the OLD CLIPPER MOWER with many valuable improvements. BXXD roa lixrsntATßD CrHcrx v*. GOOD AGENTS WANTED in unoccupied territory. D. S. MORGAN & CO., Brockport y MonroeCo y N.Y. ARB DTI 1 Mi' UAjrcracrtntSßs o* "OUR IMPROVED' WIND. MILL; AHD rftT.TM Of ' jflk PUMPS, TANKS, PIPE, Bs| Fittings, Bran Qeods, and, all thing* connected witi Machinery L Water Supplies. CT Wn j Imslii r*" a MMBii ffWHrfy ' SBSRM 31 & 33 Randolph £ Bp B ■ Send for ILLUSTBATID CAT ■ ■ LOOCS AJID Pbick LIST Anrasea y. - ISS 153 THE WEBSTEB Mtg CO. UDTCD, DETROIT, MICH. PENSIONS!? and dependent parents entitled when deai : <• suited. Claims reopened, restoration, bounty, back pay and discharges obtained A, ply at once, delay prejudices your right*- Feci fixed by law. Address, with stamp,' the n. " - tablished firm of KI)SON & CO., Attorney- a a Claim Agents, 917 F St., Washington, D. C. YOU P. JOB PRINTING DONE AT The Mllheim Journal Offi e FINF, WORK CHEAPLY EXECUTE:*. WANTED— LADII BTO TAKE OUR N f fancy work at their homes. In city or cou'' ry, and earn 86 to 818 per week, makingn'-y - for our Fall and Winter trade Bend 15 cent;: sample and particulars. HUDSON MiO, - I L 67 Slxtil AVE. Ntw I'ohK.