11| c jj}illl|c.im journal. THURSDAY, OCTO&EB 4., IBS 3. BY DEININGER & BUMILLER. " Otinrcii & Sunday School Directory. Evangelical. Ravs. P. Ilenost and 11. A. Jtenfer, French's Rev.H. A. Renter will preach next Sunday morning— English. Sunday School, D#\ M,— Itcv.C.lMiephart,Supt Missionary Society meets on the third Mon day evening of each month. Methodist. ' Rev. Piirvian adorns Preachrr-in-charfre. Regular services nexl Sunday evening. Sunday School at A. M.—D. A Mu*ser, Sup't Reformed. Rev. ZirinpU A. Yea rick. Pastor. Communion services in Aaronsbnrg next Sun day morning. Preparatory services Saturday afternoon. Mile society meets regularly on the first Tnes day evening of each month. United Brethren. Rev. J. G. W- Herald, Prcacher-ir.charoc. Sunday school, 9A. v.—A. R. Alexander, Sunt Lutheran. Rev. John Tomlinson. Pastor.— Preaching in Aaronsbnrg next Sunday after noon, Herman, and in Millhoim in the evening. English. Sunday School at 9 A.M. IP O. Delnlngcr.Supt. The Augsburg Bible Class meets every Thurs day evening at 7 o'clock. Radios' Mite Society meets on tlie first Mon day evening of each month. Presbyterian. Rev. IF. A". Ibster, Pastor. Lodoe & Society Directory. MUlheim T.odge, No. 9X>, I. O. O. F. meets in hell" huh. PennStreet, everySaturdayevoning. Rebecca Degree Meeting every Thursday on or before the full moon of each month. C. W. HAKTMAN, See. K . M UVK. N . G . Providence Grange. No. 217 P.of H.. meets in Alexander s block on the second Saturday of each month at l l >. I*. M., and on Hie fourth Sa turday of each month at lb, p. M. |>. I..ZEKHV. See. T.G. Kkn otn.Master. The Millhoim B. & P. Association meets in the Penii street school house on t be evening ot the second Monday of each month. A. WAI.TKU. Sec, " B. <>. DEININGKR, Prod. The Millheim Cornet Band meets in the Town Hall on Mond.iv and Thursday evenings. ,1. H. B. HAKTMAN, See. SAM. WCISKU.JU, Pres. Centre County Democratic Com mittee fur 1833. DISTRICT. NAME. r. O. APDHES3. Jtellefonte N. W. J. M. Keiehiiue, ...Bellefonte s. \V. ("has Smith - '• XV. W. S. A .MH) listion, ... "Howard boro. Ira C. leathers, Howaid Milosburg " Jamos P. aones,.~ Milesburg Millheim " F. 4'. Musser Pnillpsburir 1 W. C.G. Herlinger... Phllipsimig 2 W. Sol Schmidt " 3 W. A. V. Carpenter,..... " rnionvilkj Inro. I'. J. McDonald, Fleming Ren tier twp. Win. Ishler. .. Pellefonto Isog!.s " Frank F. Adams,—Mileshurg Iln'rnsldo " Henry Meeker Pine Glenn College " John lUop Lemont Cur tin " John McCloskey Roland Ferguson O. P. J. T. M 'ormick. stac college N. i*. F. W, \\ 'ker,- I 'k Springs Greeg s. P. John Co .ron s,.rtng Miils N. P. Wm. laice, ... Farmers' Mi.is Haines It. P. L. IJ. Mover, .—.Woodward W. P. Geo. Bower, Yarotisburg Half Moon two J. II . Griffin Stornistowii Howard " John Glenn Howard Huston " John L. Miles luHan IJberty " James P. Leinn Blanelmni Muion " J. J. Hay Walker Miles '* Fills Sliafer Madisonberg Patron " Aguew Sellers, Jr Fiiium e ]>, mi " P. 11. Stover, Cobuni Potter N. P. D. J. Meyer Centre 11.ill s. p. S.iiuuel Siaek Tusscyville Rush N. P. William Ciillen IMiili: sburg '• s. P. J. T. Everly Sandy Ridge Saow Shoe twp. Wm. R. Haynes,—Snow shoe Spring " E.C. Wool Bellefonte Taylor " Hepburn Blowers, Fowler Union " S. K. Knierick Fleming Walker " Jos. Kmerick, Ilublersburg Worth " M. S. Sjxitts Port Matilda WM. C. HEINLE, Chairman. W. MILES WALKER. Secretary. DEMOCRATIC STATE TICKET. FOR AUDITOR GENERAL, COL. ROBERT TACJGAUT, OR WAR It EX COUNTY. FOR STATE TREASURER. HON. JOSEPH POWELL, OF BRADFORD COUNTY. DEMOCRATIC COUNTY TICKET. FOR DISTRICT ATTORNEY, W. C. Heinle, OF B 'LLFKONTE. FOR ASSOCIATE JUDGE, I>r J. R. Smith. OF'FEROT'SON TOWNSHIP. FOR COUNTY SURVEYOR, EIU L. Orvia, OF BELLEFONTE. NOTHING new at Harrisbnrg. Pay Your Taxes. We are now in October, anefore. Second, the Republican Senate refused to accede to fair apiHrtionments for the Democrats, and so declared their position formally, finally and unalterably, and they are responsible for the failure of apportionments. Third, the Demo cratic House persisted in a costly, suicidal * i.oo;) a day continuance of tiie session, for nearly three months after the absolute failure of ap portionments was admitted by all sides, and they are responsible for the ludicrous and prof ligate farce that has been run for the ten-dol lar-a-d.vy galleries. Colored voters become restive. A mass Slate Convent ion of colored voters,held recently in Columbus, Ohio, to elect delegates to the colored nation al convention at Louisville, was captur ed by the Democrats. It was after wards captured and re-orginized by the Republicans, whereupon the Demo cratic element bolted and two conven tions were held. The bolters appoint ed four delegates to the national con vention and adopted resolutions con demning the Republicans. The other convention appointed no delegates, but adopted Republican resolutions. Two Dollars a Minute. The republican senate held a session yesterday morning and adjoin ned until F r id ay. The ultimatum senators as usual w.orked haul for their money. A representative of this journal tim ed the session and discovered that from the time the body was called to order until the gavel fell for adjournment just seventeen and one half minutes had elapsed. If each senator gets thirty-five dol lars for yesterday's woik he will le paid at the rate of two dollars a min ute. Ttiis is the rate at which the people an paying for having their right of E qtial Representation refused them by the republican ultimatum senators un der the lead of Boss Cooper.— Patriot. The Roady Referonco Tax Receipt Book, with Nummary Index Arranged for Ton Years. By a Count ry Editor. THE READY REFERENCE TAX RE CEIPT BOOK will c mmend itself to practical business men at sight Its forms are so concise and plain that all may readily understand and use them. The Summary Index will show at a glance the increase or decrease of as sessed valuation and taxes from year to year for a period of ten years. Every taxable citiz ui, and especially every voter, should make it a rule to take receipts for all taxes paid. This is not only prudent on business princi ples, but actually necessat v in order to enjoy Ihe continued right to vote. It is also a matter of no small considera tion to have all tax receipts for a ser ies of years together in convenient form for reference and comparison. * For sale at the JOURNAL STORE and by the trade generally. Pi ice 40 cents. Griiernl Hancock's Illness not Serious. NEW YORK, Septembar 27.— T0 a reporter who inquired at General Han cock's bouse on Governor's Island as to the condition of that gentleman the response was made that repot ts of his being seriously ill were not correct. It was said that lie was recovering from the effects of the accident to his knee, recently sustained, and would soon be about, as usuel. St. jflnto Ijotol, X 05.1317 & 319 ARCH ST., PHILADELPHIA. RATESREDDREDTfIS2.fIfI PER DAY. TLIC traveling i>ullle will .still find at this Hotel THE-am- liberal PROVISION for their com fort. It is located in the Immediate centres of business AN I places of aiun<'ine it and the dif ferent Kail-Road depots, as W 11 as all parts ol Hie city, are easily accessible by Street Cars constantly PASSING the doors. It offers SPECIAL inducements to those visiting the city for BUSI NESS or pleasure. Your petroi, AAE respectfully solicited. Jos. M. Feger. Proprietor. A DYK E TO MOTHERS. Arc you disturbed at night and broken of your rest by a slek child suffering and crying with pain of cutting teeth ? IF send at one-* and g.t a bottle of MRS. WINSLOW'S .SOOTHING SYUUP FOR CHII.I>RI:N TKKTUI.NU. Its value IS incalculable. It will relieve the I>oor little suf ferer immediately. Depend upon if, mot hers, there Is no mistake about it. It cures dysentery and diarrhoea, regulates the stomach ami boweD, cures wind colic, softens tlie gums, re duces Intlaininalioii, and gives tone and energy to the whole system. MRS WINSLOW'S SOOTH ING SYKI P poit * 'IIII.PKKN TEETHING is pleasant to the taste, and IS the prescription oi one of the oldest and BEST female physicians and mus es in the United States, anil {s for sale BY all druggists throughout the world. Price 21 cents A bottle. LEGAL A DEER TISEMEJVTS. VL'DITOR'S NOTICE.— In the matter of the estate of D. S. Kerstetter. dee'd. The un dersigned an auditor appointed b> THE Orphans' Court of Centre county to make distribution of toe funds of the accountant to and among those legally entitled thereto, will attend to the duties of his appointment at hi* oiUee in the Court House, NYednesdav, Oct. 10., at 10 A. M., WHEN and where all parties interested may at tend. JAMES A. McCLAIN, 37-fft Auditor. EX ECU TOR'S NOTlCE— Lotters test ament- I arv on the estate of Christina Kreainer, late of RETUI township. Centre Co.. Pa., deceas ed. having been granted t, the undersigned, all persons knowing themselves indebted to said estate are hereby notified to make immediate payment, and thone having etaims to present them duly proven for settlement. K. STAMRACIf, Aaroosburg, Aug. 30th, 188;$. Executor. tit JIIVIN HOUSE, (Most Central Hotel in the city.) CORNER OF MAIN ANI) JAY' STREETS, LOCK HAVEN, FA. S. WOODS~CALD WELL PROPRIETOR. GoodS ample Rooms for Commercial Travel ers on first noor. DRUGS M NEW ' Y (!) DRUGSTORE 3 [3 -IN TIIE- cj H Spring Mills House, Q 9 Spring Mills, Pa. 2 [Q jj § DRUGS g OF ALL KINDS, ■H A FI LL LINE OF M 3 PATENT MEDICINES, V (j] Strictly Pare Spices, (j 5 Toilet Articles, Perfumeries. [D Confections, Toiiacco & Cigars. cj _"Y Reing an Apothecary jr. of experience Physicians' Pre- ( 1 -H scriptions will be carefully com- kJJI ' , pounded. REV -j O H AURA ND W ZDIRtTO-S ELI AS LUBE. F. D. LUSE. Elias Luse & Son's pLANING ISJILL, In Mr.' rear of the Kv. Church, IVun Street, MILLHEIM, PA. AI.L "KINDS OF PLANING MILL WORK SUCH AS Doors, Window Frames & Sash, Shutters & Blinds, Siding, Brackets, Stair Rails, Balustrades, Verandahs, A\l ALL STYLES OK IMKOTTLZDHLTG made to order ul the must reasonable prices. A share of p iblic J> iliouage lespeutfullv NO- Melted. Ml> D. H. Lenker, MANUK tUTUKKU AND DKALEM IN FURNITUHF, A.ARONBBURG, IPA. Chattdicr Subs, Bureaus, Lounges, Bedsteads, Stands* Mai ble-Top Centre Tables, Breakfast Tables, Dining Tables, Extension Tables, Sideboards, Sinks and all kinds of Kitchen Furni ture, Cane or Wood Seat Chairß, Kockers, Spring Beds, Wire, Wool and Hair Matresses, every style of Mould ings for Picture Frames. Frames of any size made to order. Undertaking a Specialty. A*share of t lie public patronage re spectfully solicited. 30-ly A. SIMON & SONS, 1 WHOI.KiSALK 4 UKTAIL liUOCKRS, keep the largest stock in tliej 143 MAIN STREET, LOCK IIAVEX. G O TO SIMON BROTHERS, THE BOSS CLOTHIERS for your Clothing. 4 5 MAN STREET, LOCK HAVEN. pyr J * i * ISixice reserved for the new advertisement of BUNNELL SAIKENS' BELLEFONTE M&sie Store* SMITH'S GERMAN OLIO I Tlie Great German Kciuedy —FOR— RHEUMATISM, Nfnmlirln, D.mpcpia. and all Dl.eun of tlir Nloinarh, Ilowela, Ulwod, IHver and Kidney.. For Sale hj all Dealers ia Mediriat, at 50 Cents a Bottle. Prepared and sold at Wholesale by the GERMAN OLIO COMPANY, (LIMITED,) 32 Willow Street, Williamwport, Pa. PHILADELPHIA WHOLESALE AGENCY: Johnston, Hollo way & Co., 602 Arch St. Smith, Kline &' j 301* & 311 NOiiTH TIIIKD STKEJST. SRKAMP —WatcliDiakfir & Jeweler, — MILTON, PA. ftgroKKKlt* tI'EUIAL HAKGAINS Ladies' and Gents' Solid Gold and Silver Watches Plated Chains % Jewelry, ELEGANT LINK OF Ladies' and Gents' Selid Gold Rings. FINE LARGE BTOCK OF SILVER WARE, !! All (1 uarantccd of Best Make!!! sent to responsible par tic?. to select from. Orders by until will receive prompt attention. All kinds of repairing prom) tlv done. (lords to be repaired can be sent by mail and will be returned in the shortest possible time. All ki ids of GAd and Hair Jew elry made to order. SKXJ> FOR PRICE LIST. ff- uf' Henderson's Leader. IT IS NOT ONLY THE BEST HADE. BUT IT IS THE LIGHT EST-BUNNING. QUIETEST AND SIMPLEST IN THE HABKET.' IT IS THE ACME OF PERFECTION IN WORKMANSHIP AND PRINCIPLE. MOTTO*- PROTECTION TO DEALERS; MATNTENANCEOF GOOD RETAIL TRICES; NO PROMISCUOUS SCATTERING OF WHOLESALE PRICES. Agents WANTED. FOR TA RTIOCI.ARB A DDRKSS Tbe Leader Sewing Machine 6a, > CLEVELAND, OHIO. WUSTU m EL Liniitd, ICAVrTACTTOUCRS or "OUR IMPROVED' WIND. MILL, jffiKfch. AND DIALERS IN JM PUMPS, TANKS, PIPE, Fittings, Brass Goods, AEd all things connected with Machinery & Water Supplies. MBS 31 & 33 Randolph St. til Send for ILLUSTRATED CATA TGLY' FFFTJ PN LOGUB AND PBICK LIST. THE WEBSTER MT G CO. LIMTED, DETROIT, MICH. ETYOUI; JJBPIIINTINU DONE AT The Millheim Journal Office. FINE WORK CHEAPLY EXECUTED. THIS PAPER EI'FJE Newspaper Advertising Bureau (10 Spruce Street), where adver* II VMf UAVlft# NEW YORK- !!! Special Announcement!!! We are just opening the largest and decidedly the cheapest lot of goods ever brought to Lock Haven. DOMESTICS. Very Best Muslins at 8 cts. Canton Flannels, worth 15 cts., for 10 cts. Good Canton Flannel for 6 cts. Heavy Feather Ticking for 12w cts. Heavy Red Twill Flannel for 25 cts. DRESS GOODS. We have one of the largest and finest stocks of Dress Goods this side of Phila delphia. An elegant line of cheap goods from 0 cts. up. Jamestown Cashmeres in all shades, warranted to wash, only 25 cts. Black and Colored Cashmeres are fully 25 per cent, lower than regular prices. You will be surprised how low we sell. SILKS. We buy them in one thousand yard lots and war rant every yard not to cut. If they do we give you a new dress. OCJR BLACK SILK at SI.OO is as good as most dealers sell at $125. VERY RESPECTFULLY YOURS, EVERETT & CO., LOCK HAVEN, PA. Once again we call attention to our large line of FU3NIIURE, &c, Tailor Suites. Chamber Suites, Pining Room Furniture. Tables, Stands, Chairs, Bureaus, Bedsteads, Springs of every descrip tion, flair, Cotton, Husk and Straw Mattresses. We make a specialty of Heir Mattresses, and guarantee a better Mattress for less money than can be purchased elsewhere. Sofas. Lounges, Craoles, Jfa 11 Stands, CcntreTables. Easy Chairs, Book Cases, Wardrobes, Mirrors, Frames, —What-Note, Etc., Etc.,— CARPETS! BODY BRUSSELS, a fine line at low prices. MOQUETTS, Smith's best, at $1.50 worth $2.00. ROXBI TAPESTRIES at $1.00; sold nowhere else for less than $1.25 LOWELL and other standard makes of extra super, at 75c. to 00c SINGLE and DOUBLE C. C. INGRAIN, 25 to 50c. VELVETS, a large line at low prices. A large line of Velvet, Smyrna, Tuikish end other Rugs in novel and Beautiful designs. Also many other grades of standard carpets. Extra Super CRUMB CI.OTH. CANTONMATTINGS, Red Check and fancy colors, 15 to 50c. LINCOLEUM, Six different patterns. OIL CLOTHS, 4-4 to 10-4, all prices and qualities. \\ INDOVV SHADES and Shade cloth in great variety. Wall Taper the greatest variety and finest designs in Modern Art Paper Hanging. AH our patterns are selected for the best etail Trade <> MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS CHICKEIiING TIANOS—The Standard of the World. VOSE PIANOS—The JLsest for the Money SMITH AMERICAN ORGANS-Noue Better. Bridgeport, Taylor & Farley, Palace, Ithaca, Waterloo, Sterling, and all other First-Class Make of Organs. SHEET MUSIC, and a great varie ty of small Music il Instruments. ALL SOLD AT Low PRICES. O CHINA AND SILVERWARE! We have a fine stock in this department. We wish to close out and offer extra inducements to purchasers. We invite the attention of every purchaser to the inducements we offer. Wo handle goods in the largest quantities. We-are willing to sell at small margin, the goods we handle are regmar. Correspondence andjmail orders especially solicited. J. R. SMITH & CO., 110,112,114 Front street, Milton, Pa.