Millheim Journal. (Millheim, Pa.) 1876-1984, September 27, 1883, Image 4

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The immense crematory in Home is
in almost daily use. Cremation is dai
ly becoming more popular, and bids
fair soon to dispose of more corpses in
the Italian capital than old-fashioned
The real cost of the enormous in
crease in pension payments is brought
out in the statement that they will
equal this year "the earnings of 1,000,
000 laboring men for 100 day." The
su m d isbu rsed—sl,ooo,oo* I—amounts
to nearly one-half the entire expenses
of the government.
"The fact is," says the St. Louis
Globe-Democi'af "the average tea-drin
ker does not know a genuine, pure and
line article from poor, adulterated, and
cooked-over leaves. The American
taste for tea has become vitiated. So
has our taste for coffee. The effective
ness of the inspection law may there
fore be doubted."
It is stated that Senator Edmunds
will, at the next session of Congress,
introduce a government postal tele
graph bill, and ask for its immediate
consideration. The object will be the
establishment of a system of govern
ment telegraph lines for the transmis
sion of private messages at much re
duced rates, as compared with those
now charged.
There is a society for the preven
tion of blindness in England. It. is
calculated that blindness annually costs
Europe no less a sum than £'7,000,000,
and England alone no less than £BOO,-
000; so that by removing the causes
not only will a large amount of acute
suffering, as well as deprivation from
the pleasure of sight, be prevented, but
a great financial gain will result. As
yet, the operations of the society have
been mainly contined to London, but
the offer of a substantial prize for the
bast essay on the causes of blindness
and the most practical means of pre
venting it will doubtless lead to the
dissemination of much valuable infor
mation on the subject.
The National Yellowstone park em
braces in its limits 3,575 square miles
—more territory than Rhode Island
and Delaware combined. It is sixty
live miles wide and sixty-five long.
It lies mainly in the northwestern cor
ner of Wyoming territory, but includes
a thin strip of Idaho on the west and
Montano on the west and north. The
body of it is between 110 degrees and
111 degrees west longitude, and 45 de
grees north latitude. The lowest ele
vation in the park is 6,000 feet above
sea-level, and its highest (mountain
peak) from 10,000 to 12,000 feet It
is, therefore, an immense table-land,
with a surface broken into mountain
ranges, valleys, etc.
In the spring of 1880 the ground
upon which Albuquerque, New Mexico
now stands was a marsh inteisected by
irrigating ditches. To-day there stands
on this ground a bustling city of over
9,000 people. It is in Bernalillo coun
ty, about 950 miles from Kansas City,
and is the eastern terminus of the At
lantic and Pacific railroad. The city is
named in honor of the Duke of Albu
querque, and the old town, old Albu
querque, situated about one mile and a
half distant, was one of the early Span
ish settlements. The proper pronun
ciation is Albukerkay, but the natives
and the people of this part of the coun
try call it Albukirk. No town in the
West, except Leadville, has developed
more rapidly. The county has 3,000,-
000 sheep, and in 1882 Albuquerque
shipped 2,500,000 pounds of wool.
The proposed cotton exposition in
New Orleans in 1884 gives promise of
large success. The amount proposed
to be raised as a fund for the exposi
tion is $550,000. Of this amount
$250,000 has been already subscribed
in the north, and New Orleans has
subscribed $140,000, and proposes to
raise the remaining sum of SIOO,OOO
- Burke, of the Times-Democrat,
has been chosen director-general and
has gone vigorously to work. It is
proposed to have complete exhibits of
the Latin-American nations. The
president of Honduras, who has been
on a visit to this country, has tendered
to the exposition the use of his valua
ble archaeological specimens, other res
idents of Central and South American
states have expressed great interest
and promised needful aid.
A Frnitless Search.
One day there visited Buddha a wo
man who had lost her only child.
Wild with grief she begged the proph
et to give back the little one to life.
He looked at her tenderly for a long
while, and then said, "Co, my daugh
ter, bring me a mustard seed from a
house in which death had never enter
ed, and I will grant thy wish." The
woman at once began her search. She
went from house to house, saying,
"Grant me, kind people, a mustard
seed for the prophet to bring back my
child to me." And when they had
granted her request she asked, "Are
you all here around the hearth—father
mother, children none missing ?"
But the people shook their heads with
sighs and looks of sadness; and far and
wide as she wandered there always
was a vacant chair by the hearth. Then
gradually, as she passed on, the waves
of her grief subsided before the sight
of sorrow everywhere; and her heart,
ceasing to be occupied with its own
selfish grief, flowed out in strong
yearnings of sympathy with the world
wide suffering. Tears of anguish were
changed to tears of pity, passion melt
ed into compassion; she forgot her own
sorrow in looking upon that of others,
and in losing herself for others' good
she really found herself.
Hot Hltk an n Stimulant.
Of hot milk as a stimulant the Medi
cal Fccord says: "Milk heated too
much above 100 degrees Fahrenheit
loses for a time a degree of its sweet
ness and density. No one who, fa
tigued by over-exertion of body and
mind, has ever experienced the reviv
ing influence of a tumbler of this bev
erage, heated as hot as it can be sip
ped, will willingly forego a resort to it
because of its being rendered some
what less acceptable to the palate.
The promptness with which its cordial
influence is felt is indeed surprising,
some portion of it seems to be digested
end appropriated almost immediately,
and many who now fancy that they
need alcoholic stimulants when ex
hausted by fatigue, will find in this
ample draught an equivalent that w ill
be abundantly satisfying and far more
enduring in its effects."
Cold Feet.
What a common complaint this is
says the Family Physician, and yet no
one seems to know anything about it.
You suffer from it for years, and you
don't go to a doctor, or if you do, you
derive very little benefit from his ad
vice. Some people suffer from it at
night only, while others are troubled
with it in the daytime as well. It oc
curs most frequently in women, but
still you often hear men complain of
it. We believe that the best remedy is
hyphosphite of lime in one or two
grain doses twice a day. This is soluble
in water, and should be taken in the
form of a mixture, nothing else being
put with it, with the exception, if you
like, of a tea-spoonful of syrup, to
make it more palatable, although it is
by no no means disagreeable by itself.
Another good remedy is nux vomica—
five drops of the tincture in a little
water three or four times day. It is
highly recommended, and you may
hope for great things from it. Then
your general health. It is probable
that you are below par somehow or
other, although we must admit that
it does not follow of necessity. If you
feel generally out of sorts, and your
appetite is poor, quinine will do you
good. If you are pale and amende,
von must put your faith in iron.
Cod-liver oil is an excellent remedy for
improving the general nutrition; many
people feel quite in a glow after each
The right of commanding is the
fruit of labor*, the price of courage.
Man cannot dream himself into a
noble character; he must achieve it by
diligent effort.
If we find no fault ourselves, we
should not take pleasure in observing
those of others.
Those who have no patience of their
own forget what demand they make
on that of others.
There is no evil we cannot either
face or fly from, but the consciousness
of duty disregarded.
More helpful than all wisdom is one
draught of simple human pity that
will not forsake us.
Let friendship creep gently to a
hight; if it rush to it, it may soon
run itself out of breath.
A firm faith is the best divinity; a
good life the best philosophy; a clear
conscience the best law; honesty the
best policy, and temperance the best
The law of the harvest is to read
more than you sow. Sow an act and
you reap a habit; sow a habit and you
reap a character; sow a character and
you reap a destiny.
The Grave of Mary Washington.
A Fredericksburg, Va., letter to the
Richmond Dispatch says: .Tust above
the plain in the suburbs of Fredericks
burg, is the grave of Mary Washington,
marked now by an unfinished marble
monument. It is strange that the
tomb of the mother of the Father of
His Country should be allowed to stand
a monument to the lack of patriotism
of his countrymen. Worse still, it has
been shamefully defaced by the hands
of the vandal. Its sides have been
marred by bullets, and the pretty
smooth face of the monument peppered
by the shot of thoughtless sportsmen.
No railing or enclosure of any sort
protects the last resting place of this
great and good woman, and yesterday
the unthinking excursionist hid him
self under the shadow of the monu
ment, ate his snack and desecrated the
sacred place by leaving the rinds of
watermelons and the refuse of the re
past lying loosely around the tomb.
The monument was undertaken in
1830 by a patriotic gentleman of Fred
ericksburg, who had completed it with
the exception of the large pyramidal
shaft, which to-day lies half imbedded
in the ground a few yards from the
LONDON, Sept., '!&—Prof. NordonskjoM
telegraphs from Scrabster, Greenland, that
K quimaux whom ho has met report tha
I ; AO members of the Amcrioan Arctic expo
cition of fhem presumably Lieut
j G eely) are dead.
Two shocks of earthquake were felt at
[ Casamicciola, Italy, yesterday.
Sir Edward Sullivan has succeeded the
late Right Hon. Hugh I,aw as lord chan
j icllor of Ireland.
J It is announced that the colonial nuthori-
I ; .cs have demanded the surrender of King
■ Cotewnyo, who is in hidmg at lukala.
Arrangements are being made by the
Dili National League for a series of mass
meetings in America, to bo addressed by
I'V'vninont nationalists.
It i - said Prime Minister Perry, of France,
lis requested the Chinese gowrnnvnt to
0 u'y to the French memorandum in writing
, t'iio evening papers of Paris demand tha'
Prance send reinforcements to Tonquin.
A fire has destroyed the principal basin ,>s>
j portion ut Drown wood, Texan.
! thirteen convicts, seven colore.! and six
) iiit, have been publicly whipped at New
Kasfo Del. The cat was well laid on, but
1 loud was drawn only in one case.
Jubez Payne, district land agent of the
Philadelphia and heading Coal and Iron
j Company, was attacked and beaten by a
; gang of unknown masked men, near Ash
land. Pa., Saturday evening, and robbed of
j $5.00.
An explosion of fireworks ni an outbuild
ing of the Pittsburg expos tioo resulted in
I -he death of a boy jockey named I homa .
j Rogers. Three valuable race-horses were
• urned to death, and DUO feet of stabbling
* as destroyed.
The New Orleans National Dank has ob
tained an injunction restraining Postmaster
Merchant from refusing to deliver letters or
■ ij orders to said bank, on the ground tha
that they are the agents for a lottery com pa
ay, which has been excluded from tho mails
I'he Georgia Legislature has refused to
[■■ ass the bill for tho payment of tho expenses
attending tho funeral of the late Gov. Steph
ens. 011 tho ground that many of the items
are excessive. Prominent citizens in several
i counties have telegraphed their Representa
i lives their intention t > rai e the money to
! :>nv the bill.
At the session of the National Libernl
League, of Milwaukee, submitted a resolu
tion demanding that all elections be held 011
Sunday. Tho regular committee's report
1 < mamls the abolition of the Senate ; also
tl at the use of the Dible and all religious
1 services of a sectarian character shall bo
: prohibited, and that women shall bo en
The case of a citizen of Pennsylvania while
passing through Delaware was arrested for
debt, E. G. Bradford, his attorney, rnis d
the point before the court that as the legis
lature had repealed the law which allowed a
creditor to arrest a debtor who was a citizen
of the State of Delaware upon such a writ,
and had not repealed it as to one who is a
citizen of another State, that therefore the
irrest of B1 ck, who was a citizen of Pennsyl
vania, was illegal, because it was contrary to
article L\ section 4 of the fourteenth amend
mqpt of the United States, which guarantees
lo every citizen of every State the privileges
and immunities of the citizens of every other
l State, and provides that 110 State shall passu
law abridging the privileges and iramunition
of a citizen of the United States. Chief Jus
tice Comegys delivered tho opinion of the
j court, which was unanimous, aud discharged
the prisoner, holding the State had no tight
to interfere with privileges and immunities
of n citizen of another State 011 * process of
this kind.
i _____
LONDON, Sept., 21. ---It is said that Prime
i Minister Ferry of France has asked for
English mediation in the Tonquin negotia
tions. A correspondent says that the French
memorandum submitted to China proposes
the establishment of a neutral force in
Tonquin. •
Advices have been received of Prof. Nor
denskjold'sexplorations in Greenland.
Moro anti-Hungary riots have occurred,
and several lives were lost at Farknswinez,
It is said that O'Donnell, who killed
| Carey, is disgusted that greater preparations
have not been made for his defense.
A new ocean steamship, the Oregon, built
in England, made twenty knots an hour on
her trial trip yesterday.
The yellow fever still continues at Guay
nias, Mexico, and persons who lied from the
city are dying in the interior. It is re
ported that six hundred persons are down
with the fever.
O. B. Ward and Charles Johnson were ac*
cidentally poisoned at Camp Point, 111.
They procured a quart bottle of what was
supposed to be bitters at a drug store, to be
taken as a beverage. Drinking of it freely
they both in a short time dropped dead. A
third man, who drank with them, was seized
with spasms, but will recover.
In 1866 the best railroad time between New
York and New Orleans was five days, and a
passenger had to make nine changes, many
of them long rides from depot to depot. In
18G9 the time was reduced to four days; in
1873t0 three and a-half days, and in 1879 to
three days and only ono change. Now the
time has been reduced to lifty-eight hours.
About one hundred prisoners in the state's
prison at Wethersfield, Conn., were suddenly
taken sick, and it is supposed they were
poisoned by eating corned beef.
The Central aud South American Tele
graph Company's lines to Brazil have been
formally opened for the transmission of
messages. The new line is established via
Galveston and through Mexico and Central
America, down the Pacific coast to Valpa
raiso, and across the Andes to Rio Janeiro*
A letter addressed to any part of the United
States can be sent for a two-cent stamp after
the 80th of September if it weighs half an
ounce or less, and each additional half ounce
or fraction thereof will be charged two centa
additional. The newly-designed stamp is
not on sale yet, but there is to be had at the
postofiice a large quantity of stamped enve
lopes of that denomination. The present
three-cent stamp can be used for mailing
purposes or will be redeemed at the post
A panic occurred among the pupils of St.
Mary's Catholic Institute, in Jersey City,
caused by an accidental ignition of the
drapery adorning a statue of the Virgin.
The alarm of fire frightened the girls gen
erally about ten years old, and they fled
screaming for the door. In their flight sev
eral of them were knocked down, and the
pressure was so great that many were almost
stifled. The sister during this stampede
had promptly extinguished the flames, and
then, hastening among her pupils, she made
every effort to restrain them. The stairway
outside became choked by the throng, and
some were knocked down and trampled
upon, and they soon swelled the torrent that
was passing down stairs.
LONDON, Sept., 20.— 1t is reported that the
memorandum of the French proposals has
I)rovedfnnacceptblo to the Chinese govern
The Bulgarian cabinet has resigned.
A correspondent Rays that the Austro-Ger
uian alliance js directed against Russia nnd
The tenants on I*>rd Bligo's property in
I reland have taken away the guns of gen
tlemen shooting over the estate.
It is reported that a vessel with four loco
motives from the United States for the
Southern Railway in Peru has been lost.
A conference of the representatives of the
various Australian colonies is to bo held in
Sydney to oppose the proposed annexation
of the South Pacific Islands to Australia.
The International nnd Northern Telegraph
Company, capital 5, 000,000, has been incor
porated at Albany, N. Y.
Gov. Butlor bought at the Now England
fair and sent as n present to Gov. Jams, (J
North Carolina, some fine spec mens of Guts
wold sheep.
Tennessee threatens to become a formid
able rival of Massachusetts in the number of
divorce cases. In one county alone-—Chat
tttiiooga—there are lk> docketed.
Messrs. G. S. Scott, George F. Baker and
John I. Martin wero elected directors of the
East Tennessee, Virginia and Georgia Rail
way Company in Now Y'ork. Scott and Ba
ker represent the Danville interest.
The Diamond Match Company, owning
factories at Oshkosh, Wis., and elsewhere,
has issued a price list making a reduction
in the whole ale price of matches of over
50 per cent. It is thought tho great match
combination has been broken.
At the session, in Chicago, of tho National
Association of Baggage Agents, the method
of loading baggage and legal liability for
injury to baggage under State laws were dis
cussed. It wus decided not to check parcels
of less than twenty pounds weight.
The monument erected by the State of
Kentucky to General nnd President Zachary
Taylor was dedicated September 20 at the
Taylor homestead, live miles from Isjuis
ville. Gen. Thomas L. Crittenden delivered
the eulogy. Tho monument is marble, 20
feet high, and surmounted by a statue of
Gen. Taylor.
Miners prospecting near Concord, N. C.,
discovered at the mouth of a long-deserted
shaft of a gold mine the skeleton of a woman.
The clothing and shoes were still 011 the
bouea, nnd, from the quality of the cloth and
tho presence of a diamond ring of some
value, it is thought that tho bones were those
of some lady of position and means.
Judge Atkins, of the Hustings Court
Richmond, Va., in his charge to the grand
jury, said: "There is a class of cases in which
a strict enforcement of tho law would be of
great benefit to the community, the law
against libel, A libel is the malicious publi
cation of any writing, sign, picture, effigy or
other representation tending to defiuno the
memory of one who ia dead, or the reputa
tion of one who is living, nnd to expose him
to ridicule, hatred or contempt. It is pun
ishable as a misdemeanor on the ground
that such a publication has a tendency to
disturb tho public peace. You w ill readily
see, gentlemen, that the enforcement of this
law would prevent many of the unseemly
shooting mntches which usually follow these
publications, and gentlemen would scon be
gin to look to the law for their vindication
instend of the 'field of honor.' "
Washington £\2otes
In a conference with Commissioner Greg
ory Saturday, Secretary Teller took tho
k round that, until the civil-service commis
sion should formulate appropriate rules, li*
was at lib-rty to make promotions among
employes appointed before the civil-servici
law went into operation, and receiving less,
than $1,200 per annum, and unclassified.
Commissioner Gregory accepted this re
Postmaster General Gresham amends his
recent order as to :he Louisiana lottery by
forbidding all postmasters to pay money
orders drawn to the order of M. A. Dauphin,
and directing them to inform the remitters
that the payment has be**n forbidden. Reg
istered letters directed to Dauphin are to 'J
returned to the pcstoffice from which they
came, with the word "fraudulent" written
across them.
Secretary Folger. in a letter to the civil
crvice commissioners, raises the question
whether when names are certified to him for
positions under the civil-service law he is
not bouud, under the Revised Statues, to
give the preference to any honorably dis
charged soldier or sailor of the late war
whose name may be among the number so
The Secretary of tho Treasury has ordt-red
another call for fifteen millions of 3 per
cent, bonds.
The Secretaries of War and the Navy
have decided that it is not practicable to
send another expedition to the relief of
Lieut. Greely this year.
Tho Postmaster-General has directed the
postmaster at New Orleans to deliver to tho
New Orleans National Bank 110 registered
letters and redeem 110 money orders payable
to P, but to deal with the same as directed
by the order of the department of Novem
ber 13, 1879. The National Bank of New
Orleans is that to which M. A. Daupin, of
the Louisiana lottery, directed all his cor
respoudence and money orders to be sent in
order to evade the orders prohibiting the
use of the mails for such purposes.
FL<UR—Cifj Mills extra.. $1 ' v > ("5 00
WHEAT—Southern Fultz... I (,l< <" 1 It
CORN -Southern white '*) (f '1
Do yellow 'O *'l
KYK-Good *' r > & fo
OATS -Maryland • '
f • • t'T< >N—Middling 10'at® H'hf
Good ordinary *' O-' T'ti
HAY--Md. and Pa. Tiinot'y 15 00 Vr 18 00
STRAW-Wheat 700 8 i0
BUTTER—Western prime.. iff (ft 25
West Virginia 15 at 17
('! T.FSE —New York Slate
choice U M 11C
Western prime "? J'Lj
FGGB 20 (*t> "3
CATTLE 551 u 75
SWsNE S ,-f 8*;
TOBACC') LEAF—lnferior. 3>o u, f, 00
Good common ' < r <■ >'•
Middling.... 0 l; 0 (cr
Good to line red . 8 JVi cf' 10 01
Fancy H 00 a>
COTTON- M ddhugupla:oi 10 !< ' 4
FLOUR— Soul hern coin, to
fair extra I W OA 20
WHEAT—No. 1 white...... !.!> ml 20
tYE —State 00 (?• 73
"ORN—Southern Ye110w.... < ; 2 lit fit
iATS—White State 'o* C'Q
BUTTER— State 20 @ 22
CHEESE—Ft He a @ 12
EGGS -<(.'(< 23
FLO'JR,—Peunn. fancy...- ' '
WH CAT—Pa. and Southern I2o@ 1 21
r0 ! 1 IS (& 1 lit
; v E -Pe.utisvivauia ''^
CORN—Souths™ ye110w.... - r A on
OATS ' ®
HUT l'Eß—State : ' l ' ® ~'
EGGS—State - V lb
Payment of Debt*.
A large number of people seem to
fancy, when paying a bill, that they
are conferring a gre:)t favor upon the
man who has entrusted his goods to
their home for weeks and even months.
They act as if they had received actu
ally nothing in return, and were sim
ply doing a work of charity. The man
who buys commodities of any kind
usually does so of his own accord; or
dinariiy there is nothing compulsory
about the transaction, lie makes his
purchase and gets the worth of his
money, presumably, in goods of what
ever kind. This places buyer and sel
ler on an equality. If the buyer could
make a bettor bargain ®lsc\, acre, very
likely he would do it- for in trade,
when dollars and cents are involved,
friendship doesn't count for much.
I'eoplo go where they can get the most
for their money. Having done so, the
seller confers a favor upon the buyer,
at least equal to that which the former
receives in payment of his bill. Then
why should a collector be subjected to
so much discourtesy? A well-bred
man, one who has a proper apprecia
tion of what is due to others, is never
guilty of such impoliteness. The col
lector w ho calls for his money is treat
ed with as much respect and consider
ation as is shown the buyer when lie
makes purchases, This deportment
should be universal, and the man who
departs from it, and who pays the
money he honestly owes grudgingly
and with all marked expressions of ill
will toward the receiving party, is
lacking in one ol the most important
essentials of fair and square manliness,
and more than that, in business tact.
Many a man spoils good fortune
by grumbling because it is not better.!
(iod sends the corn, but the devil j
makes a hole in the sack.
('unadinn Itaznur.
Mr. John Oslxirne, Musical Bazaar,
Toronto, Canada, writes that his wife ;
was cured of Hheuiuatism bv the great
pain banisher, St. Jacob's Oil; that he ,
has found it an invaluable remedy for j
many ailments.
Ex-Senator Tabor is the great dude
of Colorado, lie is always accompa
nied by a policeman for fear the
uretty girls w ill him.
Lord Chief Justice Colc-idge will carry
ihe American dyspepsia home with him if he
isn't more careful.
Professor Devoe, the Jersey weather wrest
ler is sawing wood an 1 waiting 'till the
clouds roll by.
"Golden Medical Discovery" is warranted
to cleanse the blood from all impu ities,
from whatever cause arising For Scrofula.
Sores of all kinds, Skin and Wool Diseases,
its effects are marvelous. Thousands of
Testimonials from all parts. Send stamp
for pamphlet. Address WORLD'S DISPEN
Matrimony is said to be a lottery, but up
to the hour of going to press no law has been
enacted prohibiting the use of the males.
An invaluable strengthener for the nerves,
muscles and digestive organs, producing
strength and appetite, is Brown's Iron Bitlet s.
A writer in the Augusta Atlantic says:
"Listening is a lost art." The writer evi
dently does not live in a boarding-home.
"ltnuiili on l(nl."
Clears out rats,mice,roaches,flies, bedbugs,
ants,skunks, chipmunk H, gophers. 15c. D'g'sts
'Strike while the iron is hot" will proba
bly be the signal used if a strike should bo
ordered among the laundry hands.
whose sedentary lives increase those troubles
peculiar to women, should use Dr. Pierce's
"Favorite Prescription," which is an unfail
ing remedy.
"I throw this out merely as a suggestion."
as the gentleman remarked when lie threw a
creditor down the stairs-
Rev. W. B. Smith. Grafton, Mass., says:
"I have derived benefit from using Brown's
Iron Bitters for a low state of blood."
"She loves him still," is the title of a
recent novelette. She probably wants to do
all the talking herself.
Mother Kwai'a Worn Syrup.
Infallible, tasteless, harmless, cathartic;
feverishness, restlessness, worms, constipa
tion. 25c.
The Vassar girls propose to organize a
rowing club. If they do there will be fun in
the next college regatta. _
Dr. PIEBOE, Buffalo, N. Y.: Dear Sir—
Your "Golden Medical Discovery" and
"Purgative Pellets" have cured my daugh
ter of Scrofulous Swellings, and open Sores
about the neck; and your' 'I avorite Prescrip
tion" has accomplished wonders in restoring
to health my wife who had boen bed-fast for
eight mouths from Female Weakness. lam
with grateful feelings, Yours truly,
T. H LONG, Galveston, Texas.
The Sionx call Senator Logan "Heap
FLOBENCE, Ga.—Dr. W. B. Prather says:
" Brown's Iron Bitters have given satisfac
tion in every instance 1 have known it used."
Jack frost lias begun bis fall engagement.
The Quick, complete cure, annoying Kidney,
Bladder, Urinary Diseases. sl. Druggists.
Ice cream may taste good, but it's cold
oomtort after nil.
The ancients were acquainted with the vir
tues of Petroleum. Herodotus refers to it
md speaks of ve'ls being found in Znn{ c.
Nowadays everybody has heard of it through
Carboline, the great natural Hair Restorer.
( hie hundred thousand children earn their
on living in New York city.
three try Chrolithion collars and cuffs nnd
yon will wear no other kind. They fit so
well and feel so nicely.
There are plenty stops to a hand organ but
no permanent one.
Use St. Patrick's Salve, and learn its great
value. One trial convinces.
Some premature folks are putting two
. e it stamps on their letters.
preparation of beef containing its entire nu'ri
ticHS properties. It contains blood-making,
force generating and life-sustaining properties;
invaluable for indigestion, dyspepsia, nervous
prostration, and all forms of general debility;
also, in all enfeebled conditions, whether the
result of exhaustion, nervous prostration, over
work or acute disease, particularly if resulting
from pulmonary complaints. C swell, Hazard A
Co., Proprietors, New York. Sold by druggists.
The mosquito as a public singer draws
well, but never gives satisfaction.
Millions have died with Bright's kidney
disease and rheumat c diseases. Dr. Elmore
is the first to discover a cure. He has treated
thousands with his Rheumatine-Goutaline
and never lost a case. It always cui es.
Covotes are reported to be so tame at Miu
eral Park, Arizona, that they come into
town and play with tb# . _;s.
Ad unpleasam the result of inter
upted digestion, are speedily removed bj
JASXBINU. All druggists.
West Virginia negroes horsewhip men cf
their own race who desert their families.
Prevent crooked boots and blistered heel
by wearing Lyon's Patent Heel Htiffeners.
Mr. Gladstone occasionally reads the
lessons at morning service in Howarden
parish church.
Onr Ileal Families.
I have been troubled for oversix yearn with
a severe kidney c >mi laint, a!so a weakness
of the urinary organs, with Its attendant
troubles. My water needed constant atten
tion. none dayn as many an twenty times
with severe pains in the bladder, aa well as
in the hack and loins. At times I pas tod a
limited quantity of urine, highly colored wi'h
unnatural heat and sediment; frequently
evacua'ions would be very painful. I con
cluded that I must do something for it, fe -r
--ing that mo*e serious trouble would follow.
Ivoit to tlm drngg : st and was recommence 1
to li te Hunt's Heme ly, as it h id been rsod
with v o idf r'u'' n-( e sin sc" o 1 set O'C c ses
of (trop-.y nn Ilt dney and b'adder n c ions
I ere it P.aTor. I concluded to try it, and
be or.' I hid me 1 one b tUo found it was
heluirg nio beyond my expectations. Mv
wn'er I e nino more natural, les-. eolor ml
sedimout, the pains in back an 1 tint heavy
fee ing goi e. with a goner il toning up "f the
sy. tem: and I eontint o;l tonseituntil liu-el
six I o't'es, and it has completely cured me.
Others of ny family have used Hunt's
Remedy with equally rs good fuccess, and
we do i'ot hesitate to recommend it far an t
near, believing it a duty as well a* a pleasure
to r *commend so good a medicine as Hunt's
Reuoly. You ue at liberty to give my
testimony to the public. P. T. HODGPKN.
0 'ington, Me., May 19, ISB3.
1 indorse the above statement.
A. M. ROFIUHON, •!.,
Ajothecary, Pangor, Mo.
A marked coolness exists between Night
and morning,
Lost I'aill. In Physic ana.
There are innumerable instances where cures hsve
been effected by Rosadalta for all diseases of the
blood, when they had been given over by their physi
cians. It is one of the best remedies ever offered to
the public, aud as it is prepared with the greatest care
as a specific for certain diseases, it is no wonder that
it should be more effectual than hastily written and
rareiossly prepared prwriptiuiui made by iucoinpe
tent physicians. Take this medicine for all disor
ders arising from impure blood. It is indorsed by
leading professional men as well as by eminent
Ibj s ciaus and others. Try it.
Kendall an the Horse.
Twentv-livc cents will buy this book nd
miltcd to bo the most perfect work on the
diseHsee and cure for the Horse. Address
Baltimore Newspaper Union, 2H to 82 N.
lloitday wtr<et for a copy.
A possum has been killed in the Capitol
grounds, Washington.
Rheumatism, 'neuralgia, Sciatica,
Lumbago backache, Headache, Toothache,
Sore T!ronl.tin el 11g. Nm I ••. Kmiacs,
Iturnt. Sralili. l'r*t Kile*.
i SoMtr l/russwe ana P<*a)ot -vcnrwh.rr. I'ift; CeuuatrtUs.
Ptrmioas is 11 UinP'if- ,c
TIIK <ll \KI.r-* A. VOtiEI.Kt: < o.
teuwwMon to A. VutfcUlll A CO. Wslusw. k.
For Yon,
"Whoso Complexion betrays
some humiliating imperfec
tion, whoso mirror tells yon
that you are Tanned, Sallow
aud disfigured in counte
nance, or havo Eruptions,
Kedness, Roughness or un
wholesome tints of Complex
ion, we say use lfagan's jiag
nolia Balm.
It is a delicate, harmless
and delightful article, pro
ducing the most natural and
entrancing tints, the artifici
ality of which no observer
ran detect, and which soon
becomes permanent if the
Magnolia Balm is judiciously
Payne's Automatic Engines.
Reliable, Durable and Economical. vt'J? furnith a
horse potter utth % It— fuel and uo'tr th in any other
Engine built, not totted witto au Automatic Out-off. Bona
for Illustrated Catalogue "J," tor lntoriuatiou and
Prices. R. W. PAX.NK A SONS. Box Sou. C'oruiug, M.V.
Bent in the world- tet lire genuine. Every
package ln* onr trade-murk nnd Is
innrlieil I'M/.ITV K(H, KVL IIVIVIII'IH'.
~ •R
! Iren Levers. Hteel Beirlncr. !!-*>; TARE f(ML 1 a.
Fold on trial. WnrrmoU years. All elzes U low. , ,
tor (Too book, U<lroM
tirxr-; v!T-.v.
AUcrtld WAiKItU th, best I"iiinily Knit
ling Maehiae ever invented- Will knit a pair of
stockings with IIKEI, and TilE complete in 20
minutes- It will also knit a great ariety of fancy work,
forwhich there is always ready market- bend for
circular and terms to tho Tvvoiubly Knitting
Mncbitir Co., Id! Tramont Street. Boston, Mass.
pKf, B' 9lood.v'a Srw Tailor Kytem of
Jl Aw£ErtJ!L>ressCuitins;jOOl>* k to. Uaeiaaall, 0*
A bKNTS WANTED for the Beak and
ing Pictorial Books an I Biblei. Prices reduced H
percent. NATIOXA:. Pinn.isats.l 00.. Phila. Pi.
MSI I j.LTs fine writing paper, in blotter, with
calendar, by mail for 2dc. Agents Wanted.
ECONOMY I'HIMIM; OO , Newburyport, Mass.
I flDllllfl and WHS I!v V HABITS eind
I BLF gwvat bomo without pain. Book of par
| ti-'uiars sen! free. K. \I \V > h.LKY.M-D , AtlantaGa.
| free. Address J. 11. D., Box 104, Buffalo, N.V.
OKND for Illustrated Cat dogue Steam Engines, Saw
1 yMills,Traction Engines, Standard Implements. A. B.
Farqtihor, Pennsylvania Agricultural Works, York, Pa-
C7O aw eok. sl2 a day at bomeeasily made- Ceil,
-** out fit free. Address TROK A Co.,_Au ß ußta, Me.
What Dyspepsia Does. ~
It causes grievous pains by day and frightful areams by night
It destroys the pleasure of a good dinner.
It sours the disposition and makes its victim cross and petulant
It makes the breath bad, the eyes leaden, and the skin sallow.
It makes the appetite capricious and unreasonable.
It causes constant grumbling and complaining.
What "Brown's Iron Bitters" Does.
It invigorates the weakened stomach, and enables it to digest
It promotes the enjoyment of a hearty meal.
It enriches the blood, improves the liver, and cheers the mind.
It purifies the breath, clears the eyesight, and makes the skin natural.
It brings a regular and healthy desire for food at proper times.
[Fi-om tbeaßoston tftofcej
ITeenrt. Editors t
The above Is a good likeness of Mrs. T.vdla E. Pinto
liarn, of Lynn. Mass., who above all other human beings
may be truthfully called the ' Pear Friend of Woman,"
ta some of her correspondents lovo to coll her. She
1, eealously devoted to her work, which is the out com®
<1 a life ludy, and Is obliged tcv keep six lady
f.-sistants. to help her answer the largo correspondence
srhieh daily pours in upon her, each bearing its special
leirden of suffering, or Joy at release from it Her
Vegetable Compound is a medicine for (rood and no*
vil pu-poses. I have personally Investigated It and
•m satisfied of the truth of this.
On ac 'ount o? Is recommended
•nd by tho best physicians in tho country.
One says: "It works like a charm and saves much
l-ntn. It will euro entirely tho worst form of falling
< f the uterus, Lcucorrhoea, irregular and painful
liens*ruxtlon,all Ovarian Troubles, Inflammation and
Ulceration, Flooding*, all Displacements and the con
sequent tpinal weakness, and Is especially adapted to
the Change of Ufa."
It p-rmeates every portion of the system, and gives
rw life and vigor. It removes fointnesa, flatulency,
destroys all craving for stimulants, and relieves weak
ric3s of the stomach. It cures Bloating. Headaches,
LYrvous Prostration, General Debility, Sleeplessness,
Depression and Indigestion. That feeling of bearing
down, causing pain, weight and backache, la always
permanently cured by It* use. It will at all t lines, and
under all circumstances, act In harmony with the law
that governs the female system.
It costs only fl. per lot tie or six for $5., and is sold by
druggists. Any advice required as to special cases, and
the names of many who have beyn restored to perfect
health by the use of the Vegetable Compound, can be
obtained by addressing Mrs. P., with itamp for reply,
at her home In Lynn, Mass.
For Kidn- y Complaint of either sex this compound Is
unsurpassed aa abunflant testimonials show.
*' Mra rinkham's Liver Pills," says one writer, "are
the best in the world for the cure of Constipation,
Jtilionsncss and Torpidity of the liver. Her Blood
Purifier works wond<*rs In its special line and bid* fair
to equal the Compound in its popularity.
All must respect her as an Angel of Mercy whose sole
ambition is to do good to other*.
Philadelphia. Pa. CO Mrs A M. D.
jwTwrv > 1 " T'^o^vwiw*^rvv ,, wsi r ";"^ii"vsa*' r v r awrv|
" rnvr several years we have fr.rr.lsbed the i
i 'DUrymen ef America with an excellent c-ti-2
Irfi' la! eolorfor butler; so meritorious tljctit metwl
■ with gruat euecesj everywhere receiving t'>e 4
fhi?!iet and only at Uth International fl
■Dairy Fair*. j
jl iirßut by xfient and-sdealifie eheirlcal re- jj
jr search we have Improved in rcvernl points, nr.dl
j h now offer this new color as the best i.i the trorld. e
"tlt Will Not Co'or the DuttermMk. It I.
Will Not Turn Rnncld. It tho J
d Brightest and
Chenpogt Color W.-.Cc, fl
■ fir And, while prepare! la oil, iifocompound J
►ed that it i< Impossible Tor It t > lecomc runci l II
\ tITBHWARE of s*l Imi'-atlons. and of ell A,
/other oil colors for they are liable to become d
f ranci.l and spc il the butt* r.
3 t"J*lf yon cannot get the ••Improved" v rite us 1
>to Lnow where and how to get it without erak
hcxjicuac. W j
L riXS KK HABtoSOS A CO., toiirllßelan. VI. I
Irtl t DR f
Ildctri; Applies: art n:t ct 30 Ityt' Trill,
TIT HO are suffering from Njrerors DrriLrrr,
! " !>-ST VITAI ITT. LAC* of NEBVE Force AXD
Viq -R, WASTIMJ WRAKXESSES, and all kindred
dise.istis. Speedy r litf and complete restora
TEKD. The granuest ai-covi ry iff the Nine
teen! h Century. S< nd at onee for lllustiaud
Pamphlet free. Address
,a lever #nd!l ff a
! up bVvL. 9 p B n e- fwytk disirict*. in tropical
' pJisw® ™ a ® Ifiß'ttK and r.iher rog ons
1 ||,' CELtCSATEO v; ted by epidemics,
and indeed in all
'liffTq. 'MA l< calitics whore ths
WV a" conditions are un
wrUS,)l favorable to health,
\#£ TO/ JfJl this famous veget*
■ ble invixorant an t
~ alter.Tivi-, liMtel
ev nt > feeble cunsti
frames, while as a LsJ
LsJ (Kvfflww cure for ind eestion,
hijj. uauess and kin
gf Y A C iLbo^ >uuplaints. It is
Kflw Druggists and'oeal
e tl M era generally.
Cured Painlessly.
The Medicine sold for a small margin above the cost oi
comt-otinding. Ail caons treated by special prescrip
tion." For tull particulars addrere the DDcovcrer,
OR. S. B. COLLINS, La Porte, Ind.
>J)*ELMOREV 8. G, to the quickest, pleasantest,
most and best remedy for kiduev,
xi'iytV/' lively st mach, bladder and blood
xYx diseases, and only real amative ever
/CAdiscovered for acute end chronic
! AvyXwe gout, lumbago, sciat
ica, neuralgia, etc. Has cmeJ hope*
I less case Bright's disease ana dyspepsia in U weeks—all
forms of rheumatic disorders in S to 12 weeks—relieves
inflammatory tn 1 day. Can refer to Imudrt drof relia-
Ue people cured who had tried in vain everything else.
Purely botanic, harmless, and nice to drink. Ask yo ;r
druggist to get it; if he declines send to us for it—tl e
| nothing else. Km re. Adams A 00. ,105 William st.. N-Y
To Speculators.
R. Lindblom & Co., N. G. Miller & Co.
6 and 7 Chamber of 55 Broadway,
Commerce, Chicago New York'
Members of all prominent Produce Exchanges in
New York, Chicrigo, St . Louis and Milwaukee-
We have exclusive private telegraph wire between
Chicago and New York. Will execute orders on our
judgment when requested. Send for circulars con
taining particulars, KOBT. LINDBLOM A CO..
"gj Hi" *L?S^
HI Best Cough Syrap, Tastes good, k?
BJ Use in time. Bold by druggists. M
y Latest Styles. Largest Catalogue, y
' Pull Information for 3-cent stamp, if
Lowest Prices. Best Assortment. ■
CCC a week in your own town. Term and $5 outfit tree
v qu Address 11. IJallett & Co.. Portland. Maine
k Sure Cure for Epilepsy or Fits in 21 honts. Frje 11
2\ poor. Dr. Kruac, 2844 Arsenal St...St. Loms. Me.
SIR tft 5911 at home. Samples worth 5 free
111 &C. J Addres St iiir.on.V- Co.. Port! ui 1. Me.