fl|c j| i 111| (i m Journal. THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 27., 1883. YfY DEININGER & BUMILLER. & Sniiday School Directory. Evangelical. Rrrs. B. ITenfrst and JT. A. Brnfer. Preach'& Rev. U. Hengst will preach next Sunday even aiEnglish. Sunday School, M,—Rev.O.K. (Jephart.Sr.pt .Missionary Society meets on tho third .Mon day eveningoi eaeh month. Methodist. Rev. Fur man Adams Preacher-in-c barge. Sunday School at 10'*, A.M. —D. A Mu*ser, Sup't Reformed. Rev. Zwingli .1. Yearicl\ Pastor. Mi'.e society meets regularly ou the first Tues. day evening of each month. United Brethren. Jtev. J. G. IK Herald, Prea c/ier-i r. eha rue. Regular services next Sunday morning. •Sunday tcliool, i> A. M.— A. it. Alexander, Sunt Lutheran. Rev. John Tomlinson, Pastor.— raster Tomhusou is attending synod at MiiT- H ill. "Sunday School at 9 A.M. B' O. Oeininger, Supt. The Augsburg Bible Class meets every Thurs day evening at 7 o'clock. Ladies' Mite Society meets on the first Mon •Hay evening of each month. Presbyterian. Rev. W. A*. Foster, Pastor. Lodae & Soaety Directory. Millhoim Lodge,Ne. Wv, I. O. O. K. meets In ■heir hall, Penn street, every Saturday evening. Rebecca Degree Meeting eyery Thursday on er before the full moon of eaeh month. *C. W. HAUTMAS, See. 1£ iv. MAUCK. N. G. Providence Granee. No. 217 P. of IL, moots in Alexander's block on the second Saturday of each month at v. M., ami on the fourth Sa turday of each month MIL P. M. 1). L.ZF.RBY, Se.c. T.G. Run vun,Master. The Millhoim P>. & L. Association meets in •the Penn street s hool house on the evening of The second Monday of each monih. A. WALTER. Sec, P. <>. DRININGKR, Frest. The Millheim Cornet Rand meets in the Town Hall on Monday and Thursday evenings. l. 11. 11. HAKTMAS, Sec. SAM. W RISER, JR. Pres. Centre County Democratic Com mittee for 1833. DISTRICT. SAME. P. O. APOKESS. BelUfonto N. W, ,1. M. Keichiine, ...Bellefonte •* S. W. (Jhas Smith. *• •' W. W. S. A.McQ'iistion,.... ' "Howard boro. Ira C. I-eathers, Howard Milesburg " .lames P. ones,... Milesburg Mitiheiin " F. P. Musser, Millheim Thilipsburg IW. C.G. Herlinger,...Philipsuurg 2 M". Sol Schmidt " S W. A. V. Carpenter, 44 ITilonvjile bnro. P. J. McDonald, Fleming Renner twp. Win. Isiiler .. I'cllefonte Hoggs 44 Frank F, Adams.. .Milesburg Jlurnsitle l " Henry Meeker, Pine Glenn College 44 John Uoop, Lemont Curtiu 44 John McCloskey, Roland Ferguson O. P. J. T. Me'dorimck. Stae college " N. P. L. W. Walker,... Rock Springs Kiretg S. P. John Coldrou Spring Mills N. I*. Win. Luce Farmers' Mills ■Haines E. P. L. R. Mover, Woodward •' W, P. Geo. Bower Aaronsburg Half Moan twp. J. H. Griffin, Stormstown Harris 44 I>. W.Meyer, Boalsburg Jloward 44 John Glenn How aid Huston 44 John L. Miles .Julian Liberty 44 James P. Leina Blanc bant M-trion 44 J. J. Hoy, — % Walker Mibu 4 " Ellis Sliafer,—Jladisonburg I'atton 4 " Aguew Sellers, Jr Filmore ]>nu 4% P. 11. Stover, C-oburn 3'ottor N. P. 1). J. Meyer Centre Hall s. P. Samuel Slack Tusseyville ■Rush N. P. William Culleu Pliilij sburg " S. P. J. T. Everly,. Sandy liidee Snow Shoe twp. Wm. 11. Hay lies,... Sim w Shoe ■Spring 4 " E. C. Wool ~BeHef*uite Taylor 44 Hepburn Blowers, Fowler Union 4 " S. K. limerick., Fleming Walker 44 Jos. Euiciick, llublersburg Worth 44 M. S. Spotts. Port Matilda WM. C. HEINLE, Chairman. W. MILES WALKER. Secretary DEMOCRATIC STATE TICKET. FOR AUDITOR GENTERAL, i'OL ROBERT TAfiUAKT, OF WARREN COUNTY. FOR STATE TREASURER. If ON . JOSEPH POWELL, OF BRADFORD CO UNTY. DEMOCRATIC COUNTY TICKET. FOR DISTRICT ATTORNEY, W. C. Heinle, OF B. LLEHONTE. FOR ASSOCIATE JUDGE, Dr. J. ft. Smith, OF FERGUSON TOWNSHIP. FOR COUNTY SURVEYOR, JFllls JU Or vis, OF BES-LEFON'IFC. THE republican senate now meets but twice a week, the sessions last ing from twenty minutes to half an hour. They merely go through the forms of holding sessions, while the spirit of the constitution and laws is utterly ignored. And this is called legislation. Truly we are a grand, great, glorious countiy ! THE democrats of Clearfield last week nominated the following tick et : Prcsideni; Judge—David L. Krebs; Profchonotary—James Kerr; Register and Recorder-George Fer guson ; Surveyor—E. G. Read. Mr. Krebs is a native of Centre county, and if wo mistake not. Sena tor Wallace' son-in-law. Wednesday last was a good day for political conventions. The democrats of Maryland met at Baltimore and nominated Robert McLane for Govern or, J. F. Turner for Comptroller and C. B. Roberts for Attorney General. The M assacliusetts republicans met at Biston and nominated Robinson for Governor, Oliver Ames for Lieutenant Governor, 11. B. Price for Secretary, Daniel A. Gleason for Treasurer, and E. J. Sherman for Attorney General. In New York the republican conven tion met at Richfield Springs and nom inated Gen. J. B Carr for Secretary of State. I. C. Davenport for Comptroller and Pliny J. Sextin for Treasurer. Get on Board. The Democrats are harmonizing in 1 New York and will elect their State 1 ticket. The Democratic nomination for governor in Maryland insures har mony and success ther p . In Virginia the Mahonites give it up. New Jersey bs only had one Republican governor since 1380, and will never have another ; Abbett will be elected. In Ohio lloadley's electiou becomes more likely every day and some of tho "visitiDg Republican statesmen" who went out there from Pennsylvania recently to spy the ground concede lloadley'B e lection. Pennsylvania Democrats should not wait for the returns from other -States. Get 011 board. Govornor Pattison on Componsa tion. On the 18th inst Gov. Pattison re turned to the senate without his signa ture the concurrent resolution pass ed by both houses, to the effect that the pay of senators and representatives I should cease after the 10th instant. Ordinarily this would be a veto, and so it is improperly called by most pa pers. This is a misnomer, however, as the Governor has no control whatever over the compensation of our legisla tors, save when the matter comes be fore him in legularly passed appropria tion bills, and even then his duties are more ministerial than discretionary. Tiie compensation of members ami sen ators is fixed by law under tho consti tution, and can not be changed either by the passing of resolutions by either or by both houses, nor yet by the sigua tureor veto oft he Governor. The resolu tion, if valid at alibis just as valid with out the Governor's approval as with it. But it is not legally binding on any one. Even those members and senators who voted for the resolution can draw their "ten Jollars a entitled thereto, v. 11l at tend to the duties of his il nnoj lit mailt ut his oitiee tu the Court Mouse, Wednesday, Oct. It'., ISH:S, at 10 A. M., when and where all parties interested may at tend. JAMES A. MeCLAIN, ; o-3t Auditor. 17t\K( CTOIt'S SAI.K <>F VALUABLE REAL W ESTATE.— |ty virtue of an order of the hephans Court of Centre county, the Hithserl latr, Executor of the estate id Philip Stover, Ore of Miillieitn, deceased, will expose to public sale on the premises, on Fit I MAY, OCTOBER 19th, ISX3, The following described real estate: No. 1. A valuable farm, situate in llalnes township, said county, u I tout three miles north east of Aaronsburg. and alout two miles north west of Woodw-ird, hound '' lairds of Will. Stover, Mivid KIM p.', an! otJi rs—containing 01 Acres and lit I or. lies, neat niv.-*Uic all chair ed and in i lilirh state of cnl'ltu'l'm, except In;; s acres, which an* well limbeied With llemloek and Chestnut < i ik. Tin* Impi 'ivenierits are a go* d 2 stopy Dwell ing House, Hank Hani ami ah other ifec, ssury outbuildings. I'x.elletil ore an! of apples and other fruit on (lie piemise**. Never lofting spring as well as running water near Hie dour. No. 2. A vaitiali!* ti.u t of 1 imheriand on Brush .Mountain, about I'., miles from iib-ye farm, easdv ace s il,|n an I near go d road, well covered with Meinioek, Yellow l'ine and Oak—containing a ' Acres. No. 3. Ci u.us.'sot tin* homestead of the de cedent, situ it • in Aaroasotira, DIM ked in the plan ot s ;id tow uas lot No. >,A. \ good liouoe, good stable, tt:ie having claims to present theiu duiv proven for settlement. E. STAMBACII. Aaronsburg, Aug. 30th, I*S3. Executor. Gt A. SIMON & SONS, WHOLESALE A RETAIL GROCERS, keep the largest stock in the 143 MAIN STREET, LOCK HAVEN. (M 3•_ • ft • • • • © "© "• • • ft fc%£) c ~- : J mm i' --.: ft? /y \x a •&!? *hi m? W BEL LEFONTE Sf ■lmwise sx@a®l'l | | STHNWAY, 6 ' MASON & HAMLIN, |®l HARMAN SMITH AMERICAN, | # |f %# AHION. 3vr3D 0,r:s:BI1 - s - I'i GWTAES, VIOLIES, HAEHOHIOASi"I| N 8 Sheet CQusig, CQusig CQusig |j # i ■g p GQusig E?iano E?iano Stools. |j i PIANO AND ORGAN INSTRUCTORS—in short, Everything in the Musical Line. || # 1| NJ| DOMESTIC SEWING MACHINES, WVMJ' IJ! 0 jjfi FINE STOCK OF JEWELRY AND SILVERWARE. jjjj j| J[l BUNNELL & AIKENS, l*| Sd H Southwest Comer Allegheny and Bishop Streets, Bellefonte, Pa. m j§E MM & ~~~ © """ ft ft" ft. 9 ft ft ©_ © © ft ft ft Bps) K£w!jps3sr Auy of the above PIANOS or ORGANS can also be purchased through W. T. MUJYER, AARON3BURG, PA. SR-KAMP, —WatchDiakßr & Jeweler, — MILTON, PA. Jfcg-'OFFKTtS £ FECIAL BARGAINS Me q Ladies' and Gents' Solid Gold and Silver Watches, Plated Chains % Jewelry, KLEGAN T LINE OF Ladies' aiid Gents' Solid Gold Rings. FINE LARGE STOCK OF SILVER WARE, I! All Guaranteed of .Best Make!!! KNy"Goods sent to responsible parties, to select from. Orders by mail will receive prompt attention. All kinds of repairing promptly done. Goods to be repaired can be sent by mail and will be returned in the shortest possible time. All kinds of Gold and Hair Jew elry made to order. SKY J) FOR lUUCE LIST. KTYOur. JOB PRINTING DONE AT The Millheim Journal Office. FINE WORK CHEAPLY EXECUTED. Once again we call attention to our large line of Parlor Suites. Chamber Suites, Dining Room Furniture. Tables, Stands, Chairs, Bureaus, Bedsteads, Springs of every descrip tion, Hair, Cotton, Husk and Straw Mattresses. We make a specialty of llsir Mattresses, and guarantee a better Mattress for less money than can be purchased elsewhere. Sofas. Lounges, Craoles, Hall Stands, Centre Tables. Easy Chairs, Book Cases, Ward robes, Mirrors, Frames, —What-Nots, Etc., Etc.,— CARPETS! BODY BRUSSELS, a fine lino at low prices. MOQUETTS, Smith's best, at $1.50-worth $2.0& BOX BURY TAPESTRIES at $1.00; sold nowhere else for less than $1.25 LOWELL and other standard makes of extra super, at 75c. to 90c. SINGLE and DOUBLE C. C. INGRAIN. 25 to 50c. VELVETS, a large line at low prices. A large line of Velvet, Smyrna, Turkish and other Rugs in novel and beautiful designs. Also many other grades of standard carpets. Extra Super CRUMB CI.OTH. O AXTO> M ATTIXGS, Red Clieck aud fancy colors, 15 to 50c. LINCOLEUM, Six different patterns. OIL CLOTHS, 4-4 to 10-4, all prices and qualities. WINDOW SHADES and Shade cloth in great variety. Wall Paper the greatest variety aud finest designs in Modern Art Paper Hanging. All our patterns arc selected for the best etail Trade MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS CHICKERING PIANOS—The Standard of the World. VOSE PIANOS—The Best for the Money. SMITH AMERICAN ORGANS—None Better. Bridgeport, Taylor & Farley, Palace, Ithaca, Waterloo, Sterling, and all other First-Class Make of Organs. SHEET MUSIC, and a great varie ty of small Music il lustruments. ALL SOLD AT LOW, PRICES. O CHINA AND SILVERWARE! Wc have a fine stock in this department. We wish to close out and offef extra inducements to purchasers. Wc invite the attention of every purchaser to the inducements we offer. Wc handle goods in the largest quantities. We arc willing to sell at small margin, the goods wc handle arc regumr. Correspondence andjnail orders especially solicited. J. R. SMITH & CO., i 110,112,114 Front street, Milton, Pa.