$ Iji| j|i 111|< im | ourna 1. THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER '20., 1883. BY DEININGER & BUMILLER. LOOAI- DEPAUTHEXT. —Court at Lcwisburg tills week. —Mrs. Mollie West,of Pittsburg L\L, is here visiting relatives. —Father Heinle and daughter, liavo taken possesion of the tollgate, north of town. —The reopening exercises of Union Seminary at New Berlin take place on the 26th and 27th inst. —Mr. John M. Seibert, and lady, of llai risburg,are visiting at Sheriff Mus sel's. Real nice folks. —Rev. C. F. Deininger and lady, of New Berlin, are here visiting since last week. They leave to-day. —The other day we heard the music of a thresliingflail, (Dreshtlegel.) Puts a fellow in mind of old times. Fon SALE, —A 'good truck wagon for sale, cheap. tf C. F. GKPIIARf. —Business is, bcoming at flei'ninger & Mussel's iiiilheim Marble Works. Three'men undone traveling salesman are at work. —Why buy worthless nostrums when you can cure'your rheumatism or neu ralgia with a pure vegetable preparation like Smith's German Olio. —Aaron W. Ulrich was appointed collector of state ond c >nniy taxes for Penn township and 11. A. Mingle lor Haines. Capital selections, both. —A single vessel the other Sunday brought nearly seven hundred Mormons from Europe. What is the govern ment going to do about it Y —The gentle, seasonable rain last week give the newly-sown grain fields a good start. Thanks to a benevolent "Providence for ' the early and the latter rain." —lf you owe us anything on subscrip linn,please i*iy tip, sock up y ln>ok ttp / H'e need money every day —often several times a day, to build our new ofice, you know. If —Tile corn crop throughout the country was considerably damaged by the frosts or last week, but ihere need be no apprehension of a corner in corn on'that account. —"Everytody around and about is getting the improvement fever. Even our conservative old friend Mr: Henry Steinmctz. has built himself a stylish new verandah. —Spring Mills will soon have all the conveniences of a full-sized town. The latest addition i 3 a good drug store with a competent druggist in it. See 'advertisement elsewhere. —Two barrels of cider and five bush els of apples are wanted in exchange for MILLHEIM JOURNALS. For "plans and specifications" inquire at this of fice. if —Cleve Dinges is as restless as a Ilea. When yoU think he is here just then he in there. His latest is an enlarged bus iness and a partner at Centre Hall. The firm's name is Dinges & llarick. A first class, paneled two-horse wagon box for sale at a low price by the Millheim Cornet Band. Apply to R. A. BUMILLER, tf Treasurer. —Hoffer's Time, Wages & Expense Book is the most convenient little ar igement out for men who work hy the day to keep their time and wages re ceived. For sale at the JouNALSroRE, price 15 cents. tf —Our County Coramisioners have appointed J. 11. li. Hartman collector of state and county taxes for Millheim. Good—but John don't you get sassy now that every man and eyen some wo men tn town ovA you. ENTERTAINMENT.— The L iterary Society will give a free, public enter tainment in the Town Hall, Saturday evening, Sept. 29th, next. All are iu yited. J. W. HERALD, MARY E. STROHM, President. . i Vice president. tf —At from six to eight years of age every Millheim boy is expected to be a graduate in the useful art of quoiting. • At ten they must know all about pis tols, guns and powder. Of course mere ly ornamental branches are not necess ary. —Mr. Wm. E. Smith, Of Millmont, Bold his timberland on Paddv Moun tain, containing 2200 acres, to Zimmer man & Beecher, of Schuylkill county, jf'or $18,500, Mr. Smith reserving the right to saw off the white pine and hemlock timber. —Cleve Dinges left on Tuesday for Philadelphia apd New York, to lay in largest and most varied stock of fall and winter goods ever brought to Penn's Valley. Clear the track for the gritty, live yoang firm of Dinges, Von ada & Co. ADVICE TO MOTHERS. Are you disturbed at night and brokon of your rest bv a sick child suffering and crying with pain of cutting teeth ? ir so, send at once and get a bottle of MHS.,WINSLOW , S SOOTHING SYRUP FOR CHILDREN TEETHING. Its value is incalculable. It will relieve the poor little suf ferer immediately. Depend upon it, mothers, there is no mistake about it. It cures dysentery and diarrhoea, regulates the stomach and bowels, cures wind colic, softeus the gums, re duces inflammation, aiul gives tone and energy to the whole system. MRS WINSLOW'S SOOTH ING SYRUP FOR CHILDREN TEETHING is pleasant to the taste, and is the prescription of one of the oldest and best female physicians and nurs es in the United, States, and is for. sale by all druggists throughout the world. Price 2-> cents a bottle. —Last week a lot o£ household goo Is worth about s'lo were stolen from the boarding house of J. Spigelmyer's saw mill. No clue has been found of the thieves at this writing. —lf we can not get our stock of win ter apples all on a pile we expect to get them ".so buschelwri just as we have done before—payable in JOURNALS, of course. Friends don't forget your printer. Say you won't. —Prof. W. T. Meyer offers at pri vate silo at his residence in Aarons burg. Pa., a good driving mare, top buggy, two setts single harness, robe, cook stove, parlor stove, sink, and a new Haines Upright Piano. Call be fore Oct. Ist. 21 —Wonder what pranks that long, loan, lank barbarous fellow of a .lake Springer wi'l be up to next Y The oth er day he got a man to help him, and the two carried a full-grown coal stove onto the roof of .Take's barber shop where it now serves the purpose of a chimney top. 'Tis a marker*! fact. —J. A. LIMIIKUT will carry express and freight goods from C'oburn to any point along the route at the following rates : All packages weighing less than 100 pounds, to Millheim, 10 eta., to Aaronsbuvg. I.S cts., to Woodward, 25 cts. For packages weighing over 100 pounds a proportionate charge will be made. tf -Clark Musser comes out flret best this year on sun t flower farming. His best measure* 171 iochet in diameter, the next one 10 iuches, aud so on downward. Several dozen "such 'une" ought to be enough to trim the biggest lady's bat in the universe. PUBLIC SALE.— Rev. W. M. Landis will have public sale at the Reformed parsonage, Rebersburg, next Saturday the 22nd,inst. He will sell his bouse hold goods among which areaflne Burd ette Cabinet Organ, Chamber Suit, Fa mily Carriage and stoves. —Litigation must again be on the increase in Centre county, as the November court is to continue three weeks. The JOURNAL will publish the list of jurors in due time. Too much crowded just now.and it will be in sea son several weeks later. —Our school board lias engaged the following teachers for the coming win ter term : Grammir—Riv. J. G. W. Herald ; Primary—Miss Rose Barter; North Street—Miss Marv. E. Strohm. Mr. Herald and Miss Strohm are ex perienced teichers, while Miss Harter is a graduate of the Central State N jr raal School, of Lock Haven. —One after another building is going up in our neighboring town, Oobtirn. The Evangelical Church, Jacob Iverstet ter's and John Rote's bouses are near ly complete. Dinges, Vonada & Co's new store is almost ready for occupan cy. Andrew Stover bus made a good beginning with his bouse, and thus the brisk little town grows. —Dr. H ti ter and Sarn'l Weiscr. Jr., brought ;i cornstalk to our office last week tluit measures fifteen feet and one inch from the roots to the tip of the tassel. It has a well-developed ear a little oyer seven feet above the roots. The monster cornstalk was raised on good democratic soil,by Mr. John Orn dorf,of Haines township,as staunch an old democrat as can be found in a week's travel. A GOOD RECORD.— Rev. W. M. Lan dis, who faithfully served the Rebers burg Reformed Charge for a little over eleven years, will leave next week for Beaver Springs, Snyder Co. Pa., where he has accepted another field of labor. A friend who is entirely familiar with the facts sent us the following data and figures which represent as far as figures can represent, Mr. Landis' official work. The better and unwritten part of his labors will only be revealed iu the bet ter land. . . 1 * • ' We never had the pleasure of hear ing Mr. Landi3 preach, and there fore know him only as a man—a true, consistant. genial christian gen tleman ; aud as such we have learned to love and respect him, and will cher ish that feeling tor him while life lasts : Became pastor of the Rebersburg charge, June 1872, II years and 3 months ago. Built three churches during pastorate, Grace Chapel at the east en lof 13 rush Valley, St. Pe ter's at Rebersburg and Christ at Mad isonburg,all fine, comfortable churches, well adapted to their respected locali ties, and are tully paid for. The par sonage was also repaired and put 111 good condition. STATISTICAL. Communicant members, Sept. '72, 189. " " " 1883 283. Benevolent contributions,lst yr,510G,55 " " last " $295.59 Infant baptisms, total, 216 Adult " " 5 Confirmations, " 200 Deaths (members,) 1 ' 61 Dismissed and erased 104 Total amount paid by the charge dur ing pastorate, for Benevolence, $1608.47 Pastor's salary, 5968.35 Building church es, 10440.64 Repairing parsonage, 300. Congregational expense, 917. Total, $19234.46 4 —THE NEW AMERICAN DICTIONARY OF Tiia ENGLISH LANGUAGE, based on Webster aud other leadiDg authori ties, containing upwards of fifty thous and words, the cheapest book of its kind in the world, for sale at the JOURNAL STORE Price, SI.OO. if Co m in uaioatcd. Messrs Editors Why don't the peo ple of your section and Brush Valley raise their united voice in rebellion a gainst the present insufficient postal accommodations Y The service, so nearly self-supporting as to allow a re duction in postage, compels the people of one of the richest parts of our coun ty to be content with receiving their news when several days stale, and ren ders it as diflicult to communicate with other parts of our county as with dis tant cities. Rise up in your tnirht and remon strate against this inconvenient, and annoying absurdity. Traveling Agent. It is notorious that our postal facili ties are entirely inadequate to the grow ing trade and business of our towns and valleys, and efforts have been made re peatedly for better accommodations,but wit hout avail. Perhaps the right )>liti ka? iufbiocns has not yet been brought to bear on the matter. i —The George's Valley Harvest Homo Sunday School Picnic last Sat utd ty was a big affair and as credita ble to all c meerned as it was big. Three schools participated—the Georg e's Valley Union, Locust Grove Union, both of Gregg township, and the Lib erty Union, of Petin township. The Millheim Band was there, of course, in best trim,and never before did we hear the boys render better, finer, sweeter raijsic than on Saturday. Seems to us that since they have their debts paid anl are puifiypied (now don't you read that word uninformed) thev play much better than before, it is getting to be pretty well understood tn this part of the moral vineyard that no picnic or other public gathering is entirely com plete without the Millheim Cornet Bend. Addresses were delivered by Ilev. Benj. Ilengst. Prof. 1). M. Wolf, Prof. Lewis Robb, of tin Spring Mills Acad emy, John liishel, Esq., and li. O. Deinipger. Four of the five speeches were decidedly good, short, pointed and well adapted to the occasion—of the ffth it becomes us not to speak. After the addresses "(h'/mer" was announced. And such a dinner ! No, we sill not attempt to describe it—lan guage utterly fails us. Suffice it to say that it embraced all in quantity, quali ty and variety that Kings and princes couUl desire. t The afternoon was very happily spent, by the older part of the vast multitude present in hand shaking and social conversation, while "Young A merica" enjoyed itself to the full on swings, playing "ring tug," and other amusements. The best order prevail ed throughout and the absence of sut ler stands was voted a good improve ment. The weather was most delightful— could not have been better if made to order, and the committee deserve cred it for selecting such a fine,sunny, balm y September day for their picnic. The place is a most lovely spot of earth. The beautiful littlechurch,paint ed in pure white, amidst a cluster of grand old oak trees; the smooth road in front ; the fine grove just beyond ; the well-kept God's Acre (grave yard) and old Egg Hill as a solid background to all,constitute a rare panorama of beau ty and loveliness iudeed ; and to the writer it is doubly s>, as the scene of his early professional labors in the no lie calling of teaching., The picnic was a full-grown success. Is THERE DANGER V— In speaking of ttie recent big tire at Mifilin the Ilai risburg Patriot very fittingly says : Mifflin Is unfortunate. It has,however,scarce ly any person to blame but its own residents. The town is very beautifully situated on the east bank of the Juniata. Its b\ii|dings are mostly of brick, well constructed and tine in appearance. Almost thirteen yeurs aRo ii\lhe dead of winter a tire broke out and tlie souttyern portion of the place was burned. The town is not a larae one, having only about I,OUO population, but the disaster was severe. Ten years ago yesterday another fire sprung up in the place ami an en tire suare In the centre of the town was de stroyed. This was elegantly built up,and untlj last evening was one of the finest business parts in this section of the state. In place of a busi ness centre it is to-day a mass of smouldering ruins, scarcely a vestige of any edifb* that, a dorued it remaining. The fault seeins to hava been negligence on the part of the people to provide protection in case of fire. Not a parti cle of fire apparatus outside of a few hooks and ladders is in the place. It ia remarkably strange that a town that has the wealth and intelligence which Mifilin lias i 3 not better prepar ed tQ meet a calamity that has befallen it a few weeks ago, and for the third time within a period of thirteen years Who can account for it ? It can not be that the good citizms of Mifilin are too penurious to pay for the requisite apparatus. That is not the why. It is the old rut life into which so many towns, like individuals are so apt to sink. But are not many other towns in precisely the same box as Mifilin, in this matter Y llow about our own Millheim Y What are our preparations to fight fire V Nothing whatever—ab solutely none—excepting plenty of buckets and the mill race in the rear of town, thanks to Providence and to the dust and ashes of Philip Gunkle for that Y In the forty years which we have spent in Millheim there has not hap pened one extensive fire,although there were a number of very close escapes. Will an indulgent Providence spare us another forty years, or ten, or even a single year? Something substantial and practical should be done. Our efficient council should take the matter in hand. What ever is necessary for a possible emer gency should be provided, and a lire ' company of our best citizens organized. , The common evil of making a fire en gine the toy and plaything for boys to have their fun and frolic with, should bo avoided. Our own personal risk > n Uio matter is probably as little as that of any oth er citizen in towp, ami yet we hive written on t luesuftjoct. time and again, : not that we have the .lbust desire to play tli o role of an alarmist* nor that the subject is particularly inviting, but solely from a sense of duty as a public journalist. We have but little hope that any thing we say or have Raid will have | any tangible effect. It is so hard to raise a town above tho old, accustomed , channel—the rut life. The matt"r will be discussed, rather* casually talked a bout in stores and on street corners for a day or io. and then nothing. llut we have the satisfaction of having tried to do our duty and will "shake ' \ I j the dust off our feet' and "wash our hands 111 iunocency." SPRING MILLS ITEMS. Mrs. Charles E. K e supplied. BROAD AXE. 5 ( - ji,o |otft. Xos. 317 & 319 ARCH ST., PHILADELPHIA. RATESREDUCEDTOS2.OO PER DAT. The traveling public will still And .it tills Hotel the same lliwr.il provision for their com fort, LI Is located In the immediate centres of business and places of aiiuseiucat and the dif ferent Rail-Road depots, us well us all parts ot the city, are easily ACCESSIBLE by* Street Cars eynstantly passlhg THE doors. It offers special Inducements to those visiting the city for busi- NE-IS or pleasure. Vour PATRONAGE respectfully solicited. Jos. M. Feger, Proprietor. '4 "• ~ ~ 12 ARB! ED. On the 19th ult., by Itev W. M. Litidis, Mr. Geo. Ilrcckbitl. of Ueberslurg, and Miss Annie M. lloulz, of Madisonhurj. On the 16th inst., at the Lutheran par sonage. Aarousburg, by Rev. John Toinlinson, MR Isaiah Ueiterand Miss Strah A. Jordan, both of Ooburn, I*a. ■ ■ Ml I! helm larhet. Corrected every Wednesday Wheat, old, 1.H5 " new, No. 2 95 " " No. 3 7A Corn 7M lCye 70 Oats White buckwheat Flour 5.00 Suit, per Hrl 1.50 Piaster, ground ' Cement, per 8u5he1.......... .....v.*. 45 to 50 Barley V..A. ... Tymothyseed Flaxseed - Cloverseed 5.00 Butter W Hains Hides 12 Veal Pork... .: % B-el KGKS ?- Potatoes Lard....;..:.; *4 Tallow,. ; Soapv.. Dried A'PPWSV. v.'.v. .". Dried Pinches Dried C herr ies COAL MARKET AT COBURN. Egg Coal $5.25 Stove 44 '. 5.25 Chestnut 5 00 Pea J 3.50 Pea by the car load 3.40 ZDZR/UO-S 5 new tl (5 DRUGSTORE 3 j P) -IN THE- CJ | h Spring Mills House. Q I 9 Spring Mills; Pa. S CO □ g DRUGS § OF ALL KINDS, HI A FULL LINE OF H Q FATEXT MEDICINES, (j) Strictly Pure Spies, tj 0 Toilet Articles, Perfumeries, jj b Confections, Toßacco & Cigars, cj -"N Being an Apothecary PK of experience Physicians Ire- [I JLI scriptions will Ije carefully com- XI2 ■ pounded. RI% FL O. E. AURAND. Ui |DK,TJ G-S TUIC PAPFR "So? p! 1 nlO r nibll ROWKLL & Go's I Newspaper Advertising Bureau (10 Spruce l Street).where adver- iff If AQIf 1 lltW IUHR- BUY "yOTJIR, "Roots &c Rhoes! ■ / t 'AT J. JK.AJMQP>S LOCK HAVEN. 1?A. organ tone. W Addri*,CLOUCH dt WARREN PRC AN CO., Detroit, M Ich. Al ilAltl'Elt, Auctioneer, MILLHBIM, PA. w. j. sriiiNUErt, | Fashionable Earlier, Next l>oor to Joi'KXAL Stori, Main Street, MILLIIKIM, PA. D S D. B. MINGLE, Physician & Surgeon, I * 4♦ <>? J; , :.i New and commodious Building; Equipped in all departments with en tirely new Furniture. No efforts spared to make the Bakeu House a pleasant, comfortable Home to all guests. ; . An excellent Livery attached. W. N. BAKER, Proprietor. oh 3^ ►> GO O CO BP§ o S* p 5 v. CD O CD O * g - < Pi CD ♦-* CL. g, P 4. * 1-4 fe! Q w £0 - PATENTS. F. A. 1 ehmann. Solicitor of American and Foreign Patents, Washington, 1). ( . All busi ness connected with Patents, whether before the Patent Office or the Courts, promptly at tended to. No charge nmde unless a patent is secuied. Send for circular. tf P. H. STOVER, DF.ALEE3N <• * Clover Seed, Flour & Feed, Coal, Flase r & Sal. mmiWn T&. *d-!IIGHEST MARKET PRICE ALWAYS PAID, • J ' t •• *jJ-A fuH Snpblyof floal. Plaster and Salt ul ways ou baud and sold at the lowest price ( One- la lii.oiil'v and ieadins to misery, d cay and fiiath ; Pi -matsie O' 1 A e. Uanenness. I.oss of P.mer in either *ex. In voluntary Losses and S|ieimat.'rrhosa caused fcy ovvi-<*x. tlmt of the bralr. •elf-ai>uae or over-IBdulg-io-e. Ke.rh box contains oar month's treatment Cl a box, or six bo-tsa for so, a.tit by wt:l pre paid on rt of price. WZ CUARANTEE ESX BOXES To cure any cao. W-lh rich o,der nw-lT d. by ua for six boxes, accompanied v tlh ye wl'.l send ttio purchaser car written guarantee to refund the money If ti.a tictweut uoea n--t efT-ct a cnre.Wnarnleeslasnad only by KISMCU & HKNDKLSOX, 320 Race Street. Philadelphia, Pa. * " PTTXIITAS." The celebrated vegetable Blood Pcrill.-r. It Immediately cures Headarhe, Conaiipailcn, Purifies'.he Ski.i. Mailed anywhere upon receipt ot 2a cents. l T nsurpassed for Children. EISNER fur toarket Addrm A. B. TABQUUAB, Tori, Pa. , FAWITHiS XXYSTOSZ OOBH PLAINT: Warrantad UM beet com di-opper an.; 1 | THE Buchanan Wind Mil! UNEXCELLED FOR Agfa , BEAUTY, DUBABQJTY Hew method of attach- tff f\ THE MOBT DURABLE MILL BUILT. rfll V/ • C: • ALL KIN PS OF , TANKS, PIPE, PUMPS, Etc. Be Mrs to send for enr are Cal-.lo;ue before Wyta*. i BDCHAME WKD MILL lid., BUCHANAN, MICHIGAN. TUTUS ~ PILLS TORPID BOWELS, DISORDERED and MALARIA. From tlieao soaroca arts, tiiree-fbcitli.' tho dldeasea of the human race. ohe s symptomaindicate theirexiatOcoe: Di s c< Appetite. Boweli eosUve, Sick Hue. nrhti, tellncM alter eating, uwemit uiis cxortloa of body or miuii, Erwtf- tioa of food. Irritability of temper, Lotr •ptKtiu A feeling of having Nome doty, hizthieti, A id tho Heart, Dots before tiie eyes, hfchiy ci ored UriM, CONSTIPATION, and do maml tho use of a remedy tlxnt ntts d itces ly onthoLiwer. AhalArormedicine T1 H : PIKsIjS hare no equal. Their action n* iio Xtilneys nnd Skin is also prompt; lemovir r Hll4aipaiitiea through tueeo tliroe " trr- r~ eugere of One eretcm,** pro tito,oand'dligesti(m, regular stools, a clear skin and a Ttgcroos hodvi TTJTT'W eau.de no nausea or gftptng nor interferes orilh dally work and arc a perfect - ANTIDOTE TO MALARIA. HE FEELS LIKE A SEW PI AN, ♦'l hare had Dyspepsia, with Consripn tton,two years, and bare tiled ten dtfTerunS kimls of pills, and TTTTS are Hkj f■ ' K tabiislied firm of KI)SON & C(>., i : - ' Claim Agents, PIT F. s t., Washington. D.