TOPICS OF THE DAY. —Tho idea that lightning is not so destructive as it used to be in the United States, because the network of railroads and telegraph wires lessens the number of accidents, is met by the record of the summer. Fatal thunder bolts have never been more common. —Some of the reasons for distress in Ireland last year are shown in the statistics of crops gathered in 1881 and 1882. There was a decrease in all of the more important agricultural pro ducts, amounting in potatoes to nearly a million and a half tons. This de crease alone would account for a great deal of suffering. A well-posted treasury official gives it as his opinion that there are at least fifteen million trade dollars in the New York banks and depositories, and that before Congress meets the amount will be increased to twenty millions. He says that the syndicate of specula tors who have taken hold of the trade dollar will move on Congress with a powerful lobby next winter, and that there is $2,000,000 or $2,500,000 in the job if they can induce the government to legitimize the coin. The Medical Neirs says: "We have previously stated that it is improbable that cholera will reach the United States this year, but that it is an even chance that we shall have it next year. Since that opinion was published the danger has diminished very little, if any, and while there is not tho slight est occasion for panic, there is very urgent need of enforcing cleanliness, of looking to the purity of the water supply, and of great care in the ad ministration of our quarantine stations. The geographical limits of some o\. the world's great cities seem to War but little relation to the number of their inhabitants. New York now includes 111 square miles, or 26,500 acres; Faris, within the fortifications, consists of 281 square miles, or 18,315 acres; London has 122 square miles, or about 77,0(10 acres; Philadelphia, with a population of SIR), 000, has the sur. prisiug geographical area of 129 square miles—which is considerably more than is covered by London, even with all its modern additions of what were not long ago outlying and separate communities. The Christian at Work thinks it is a perfect marvel how some of the letters which fall into the puzzled hands of post-oflice officials ever reach their des nation. The "blind readers," as those are called who decipher hieroglyphics seem to be able to follow any clew, however slight it may be. and to find a person to whom a letter is addressed, even when the writer gives no intima tion. When a man who sees the words 'Signigic"s Hotel' can guess correctly that it means St. Nicholas Hotel, he has, indeed, a faculty for reading a superscription which consists of "nine hieroglyphics, five scratches, three dots, and a blot," and should hold his office for life. The business of condensing milk is likely to be a growing one, as it enables farmers at a distance from cities to get as good prices for milk as those who live near enough to supply them with fresh milk. Condensing milk is simply evaporating a portion of the water, which is its chief constituent, the milk being then sweetened with sugar for its better preservation. If it be used within a few days, the sugar is not necessary. In both cases, the condens ed milk, when to be used is diluted with water to the natural condition of good, rich milk. For ships' use or ex. pertation, this is the only way that milk can be safely or economically provided Sunlit Rooms. No article of furniture should be put in a room that will not stand sunlight for every room in a dwelling should have the windows so arranged that sometime during the day a flood of sunlight will force itself into the apart ment. The importance of admitting the light freely to all parts of our dwelling cannot be too highly estimat ed. Indeed, perfect health is nearly as dependent on pure sunlight as it is on pure air. Sunlight should never be uncomfortable to the eyes, and walks should be in bright sunlight, so that the eyes are protected by veil or para sol when inconveniently intense. A sun-bath is of more importance in pre serving a healthful condition of the body than is generally understood. It costs nothing, and that is a misfortune, for people are deluded with the idea that those things can only be good and useful which cost money. But remem ber that pure water, fresh air and sun lit homes, kept free from dampness, will secure you from many heavy bills of the doctors, and give you health and vigor, which no money could procure. It is an established fact t hat people who live much in the sun are usually stronger and more healthy than those whose occupations deprive them of sunlight. And certainly there is noth ing strange in the result, since the same law applies with equal force to nearly every animate thing in nature. It is quite easy to arrange an isolated dwelling so that every room in it may he flooded with sunlight some time in the day. and it is possible that many town houses could be so built as to .ad mit more light than they now receive. THE FAMILY DOCTOR. SIMPLE ELIXIR.—A very pleasant vehicle for the administration of medi cines which are to be given in solution is prepared by mixing together two (hiid ounces each of orange-flower water and simple syrup, adding half a fluid ounce of alcohol to preserve, and coloring with two drachms of com pound tincture of cardamons. This will be found of service to the coun try physician who is obliged to dis pense his own medicine. A NATIONAL LACK. —Dr. Selden 11. Talcott, superintendent of the New York state homoeopathic asylum for the insane, says that our national lack is fiat of recuperating sleep. Against the use of the so-called hypnotics in massive doses he protests, because the temporary benclits aro heavily dis counted by the evil efferts which al most always follow. Two conditions oppose the requirements of sleep. These are hypenemia cf the brain— stimulating it to undue activity, and playing the part of a whip and spur to a tired horse— the opposite of hypenemia. excessive cerebral amentia. To relievo the former by rational methods, the blood forces must be en ticed away from "their persistent as saults upon the cranial fortress." This can best be accomplished by tilling the stomach with solid food, thus "furnish ing temporary engagement for the pugilistic globules on other tields." The food should be of the coarsest and plainest, else the remedy might produce an aggravation. Should ex' cessive aniemia exist, and a state of nerve irritability and trepidation be thus produced, take liquid foot!, such as hot milk, beef tea, and broths, about an hour before sleep is intended. This is of peculiar value to persons of sed vLiary habits, to those who take too little exercise, and to those who suffer from imperfect circulation. Sleep may usually be obtained, after a hard and irritating day's work, by a warm bath, a cold douche, and a brisk rub bing following that, just previous to retiring fur the night. Fresh air should be freely supplied in every sleeping room; yet the sleeper should be protected from even moderate draughts; for these, though apparently slight at first, will produce chilliness of one poition of the body, while an other may be overheated, and thus a disturbing inequality of circulation ensues. Beds should be firm in tex ture, level, and well elevated from the floor, for thus complete circulation around the bed is secured. Tarring n Rat. Rats are wonderfully cleau animals, and they dislike tar more, perhaps, than anything else, for if it once gets on their jackets, they find it most dilli culfc to remove it. Now, 1 had heard it mentioned that puuring tar down at the entrance of their holes was a good remedy, also placing broken pieces of glass by their holes was another remedy. But these remedies are not effective. The rats may leave their old holes and make fresh ones in other parts of the house; they don't, how ever, leave the premises for good. I I thought I would try another experi ment—one I had not heard of before. One evening I set a large wire-cage rat-trap, attaching inside a most seductive piece of strongly smelling cheese, and next morning I found, tc my satisfaction, that I had succeeded in trapping a very large rat, one of the largest 1 had ever seen, which, after J had besmeared him with tar. I let loose into his favorite run. The next night I tried again, and succeeded in trap* ping another equally big fellow, and served him in the tame manner. ] could not follow these two lar-besmear ed rats into their numerous runs, to see what would happen ; but it is rear sonable to assume that they either summoned together all the members of their community, and by their crest fallen appearance gave their comrades silent indications of the misfortune which had so suddenly befallen them ; or that they frightened their brethren away, for they one and ;dl forsook the place and fled. The experiment was eminently successful. From that day in 1875 till now, 1883, my house, ancient though it is, has been entirely free from rats; and I believe that there is no remedy equal to this one, if you can catch your rat alive. They never come back to the house again.— Chambers' Journal. Naming a Lake. Years ago, it was discovered that a certain lake which had long been con sidered the head of the Mississippi, had no claim to that honor. The explorers found a new and smaller lake from which the great river took its rise. A discussion arose as to what name would be appropriate for it. The story is that it was decided in this way: "Let's make a new name by coining a word," said an old voyager. "Some of you larned ones tell me what is the Latin for true." "Y r eritas," answered a scholar. "Well, now, what is Latin for head?" "Caput." "Now write the two words together by syllables." The scholar wrote on a strip of birch-bark, "Veritas caput." "Read it." The five syllables were read. "Now drop the first and last sylla bles and you'll have a good name for lake." And "Itasca" it was. LA I KS i NEWS. I LONDON. Bept. 7.--Both Franco and China , are reported to ho equally desirous of se curing a peaceful solution of the Tonquin question. It is also said Franco has con sented to negotiate with China for a treaty. The cattlo plague continues with fury its travages in Russia. Henri Rochefort has attacked King Hum i bert of Italy in an article in a Paris news paper, and then has refused to grant a hos tile meeting to an Italian officer who de manded a rotraction. The Hungarian escutehoou, with bi-liii j gual inscription, was replaced in Agrnm, Austria, yesterday, with great ceremony. Enlistment in the ranks of the rebels there i is progressing rapidly. The situation is j serious. Eighteen now cases of yellow fever have been reported at the PensacoU navy-yard. The President has returned to Washington i from his trip to Yellowstone Park, much re- I vigorntod. I Kb is reported that Senator Voorhees has been retained as the lending counsel for young Nutt, at I'niontown, Pn., charged with killing N. L. Dukes, his futhor's slayer. Everything, including the mails, on board the steamer Canimn. wrecked September G on Gull Island, St. Mary's Ray, N. S., was lost. The passengers were dragged ashore l>y ropes. Commodore English has telegraphed to Lieut.-Commander Welch, at Pensacohl, FU., that it would be impossible for the marines encamped near Pensaeola to le moved north at present, but instructing him to move the cauip to a point further from the infected district. Carrio Waldmayer and Amelia Weaver, of Philadelphia, aged 19 nnd 21 years, were drowned in the Puritan river at New Bruns wick, N. J. They were strolling along the beach, when Miss Waldmayer slipped into ' the water. Miss Weaver endeavored to res- IMIA her. and both were drowned. At the naval court-martial on the Santce, at Annapolis, ex-Judge Magruder argued in defence of Cadet Campbell. Cadet Ramsey, of the third class, has been sentenced to seven days' solitary confinement for hazing. Fire broke out in a lot of cotton in the hold of the steamship William Crane while at sea, on her way from Savannah to Balti more. and it was only with great difficulty that the vessel was saved from destruction. ! GENERAL NEWS. LONDON, Sep., G.—The London Times despatch from Hong Kong, which announces that the French admiral will blockade the 1 ports of Canton and Pakoi unless the Chi troops are withdrawn from the Tonquin j frontier. The Times believes that France is drifting into a war with China. The situation in Croatin is very grave. A general rising is expected. Eight huudred workingmeu engaged in a riotous demoustratiou near Vienna yester day, and were dispersed by the military. Mr. Wallace, the Unitod States minister to Turkey, has accepted the principle of the license tax, and consented to the enforce ment of the law in regard thereto on condi tions favorable to the Porte. Tho Paris Clairon announce* that the will of the Count do Chambord gives 500,000 francs to the Societas de Propaganda Fide, 100.000 francs for tho benefit of the poor of Taris, and francs to the convent at (Fritz. Tho Count bequeathed a large por tion of his fortune to tho Duke do Parnia, and a smaller portion to the Count de Bardi. Ho devised the income of the e tato to his widow. Tho new two-cent postage stamps will bo of a metallic red color. The experiment of sending a boat remod eled after the old Maid of Mist through the whirlpool rapids at Niagara has been carried out successfully. Policeman J. C. Parks, of Danville, Va., : has been shot and dangerously wounded by John A. Ferguson. Parks had a warrant for the arrest of Ferguson on a charge of beating and threatening the life of his wife. The house of John Everts, at Riverton, Ills., has been burned. Mrs. Phoebe Hoy land, mother of Mrs. Everts, 63 years old, and two children of Mrs. Everts, a boy aged 4 and a babe, were burned to death. Frosts during the past ten days, it is stated, have killed buckwheat crops in all that sec tion of country near Erie, Pa., not protec ted by (he lake winds. Corn in the valleys has also been killed, and farmers are cutting j it up to save for feed. Three prisoners escaped from the Mc- I Dowell county (N. C.) jail Sunday night, in juring Mrs. Finley, the jailer's wife, slightly, by pushing her aside. They wero captured. Shortly after pistol shots wero heard, and the jailer, who was drunk, was found shoot ing at one of the prisoners, who was chained i in a caee. LONDON, September 6.—' l'D© French cabinet has decided to ask the Marquis Tseng, the Chinese ambassador, to explain why Chinese troops are moving to tho Tonquin frontier. If the present negotiations between France and China fail, it is said China will accept England's good offices with a view to a peaceful solution of tho issues. Troops are leaving France for Tonquin. King Alfonso is en route for Paris. Quarantine has been abolished on the gut a canal. A revival of theFonian activity is reported in London. Anti-Magyar riots have occurred at Beduja, ! Austria. i An earthquake prophet has threatened i Ischia with another earthquake on October ! 15. | It is now reported that destruction by vol i canic eruption in Sumatra was not ab solute. Five new cases of yellow fever and one death wero reported at the Pensacola navy yard Sept. 5. Huntington is now spoken of as "the live city of West Virginia." More than three hundred houses are now in course of erection there. Reports from Santa B years. He was a member of the Pennsylvania State Senate, and subsequent ly of Congress. Under President Pierce he was collector of the port of Ph ladelphiu. He was noted for tho interest he mani'ested in the buckshot war of the Portcr-Ritner em bragilo. Jjondon, Sept. 4.-—ltis reported that troope from China have crossed the line into Ton quin territory, and the London Standard ' says that if this news is confirmed it means that war is inevitable between France and 1 China. The French cabinet has decided to send large reinforcements to Tonquin. It is expected in Paris that the Marquis Tseng will resume negotiations with the French minister of foreign affairs. Marwood, the celebrated executiooner of England, is dead. Tho village of Battenoourt, Belgium, his been destroyed by fire. The Mobile quarantine against Pensacola, which was raised by tho board of health, has boon renewed by the city authorities until the 15th inst. Several new cases of feve have appeared in adjoining villages ou the naval reservation. One death has occurred n the Naval Hospital. A special from Springfield, 111., says While Company A, Ninth Regiment of In fantry, State militia, were returning from the encampment of the Second Brigade, they met with a dreadful accident on the St Louis and Evansville Rail road, bttveen Carmil and Grayville. The train, in passing through a small herd of cattle, ran over some of them, and the ear which the member* of the com pany occupied wa overturned, killing nine and wounding fifteen persons. Washington Notes A box of live bees were among the recent receipts at the dead-letter office. The probability that attempts will be mado to counterfeit tho new postal notes, if they should pass into circulation as currency, which now 6oeins likely, has not been over looked by tho treusury secret service officials, and a careful watch will be kept for such attempts. The following despatches were received this evening by Major Nicholson from A. S. Taylor, commanding the marines at Pen sacola : "Pensacola, September 4.—1 think if the marines could be removed to some place off the reservation the fever could be prevented from reaching them ; hardly otherwise. Two deaths reported among the marines at hos pital. "(Signed), A. S. Tatlob, Lieutenant." A second despatch is as follows, "The country around us becoming infected fast. "I think the sooner we can move nway from here the better. (Signed) A. S. Taylor, Lieut." Major Nicholson promptly replied: "Move your command to any healthy locality within reach, and employ acclimated laborers to assist yon." To insure the safe and prompt dispatoh of registered matter the Postoffice Department at Washington has issued an order requiring all persons registering 1 tters to place thereon the "county," in addition to the poetoffic and State. VI) K MAHKETS. kaltimokk. FJ/H'K- City Mills extra.. £1 <•."• 0? A'iiKAT—Southern Full* . 1 1" <<> 1 10 CORN -Soulhem white ; 8 .ft ' " Do yellow 58 ft 00 ft YE—Good <"• ft f'2 OATS—Maryland A.'l ( & C >TTON~Mid Ming I<> ft 10'* (i'Kd ordinary 8 1 4 (i£ S 7 h H\Y -M;l. and Pa. Tiuiot'y 15 (Hi ft 17 U STRAW—Wheat 700 ft f* 00 BUTTER—Western piitne.. 10 t' ( 21 P ATTLE 5 .V) (h> (5 75 SWINE K ft B#f •51IE EPANDI .A MBS 5 ft 7?% fOß\rro LEAF—lnferior. I 50 ft 200 Good common •' 00 @ 4 50 Middling ♦ 00 ft hOO Good to line rod 8 50 ft) 10 00 Fancy 1000 ft 14 00 NCW TO ii rw. vM'l TGN M ddiiUgupia 50 i.r )'■-( Ft.oUR —Southern corn, to fa r extra. * :?n <'?f 20 WHEAT—-No. 1 white 118 'ft 20 HYlJ—Stale Of) ft C()RN—Southern Yellow. .. M 45 BUTTER—SIate 20 ft 22 Ch'EFSE—Stale ft 12 EGOS Jo(rt 2 5 l'Htl.A PEI'VHI A. # BUH'li Penua. fancy. •• • • 4 'M WHEAT—Pa. and Southern 120 ft 121 rod 1 18 ft Jo l: YE—Pennsylvania '>' ft 40 CORN—Southern yellow i p ft lo ATS . ' 50 ff) BU IT El." -Stale " "•<> * ( EG "IS—Slate N' vjm 1 A Wise Horse. Tho following incident is actually true : A long lino of horses stand ready harnessed to take the street cars around an upgrade corner, in Boston. Tho horses aro so placed in a line as to be taken each in its duo turn. Just now the writer observed that tho in stant the driver detailed for tho pur poso was out of sight around tho cor ner, a horss whoso turn would coino next deliberately walked down the line and placed himself as the last in the lino ; the last, thus, to bo used As he watched closely, he noticed that it was hut 0110 horso that did this, did it so invariably, and net until the driver was out of sight around tho corner, as t<> make it impossible hut that it was done to escape work. Could a horse l>e that intelligent anywhere outside of New Knglaml? As to the morality of the at, alas, alas ! Itrrui',l from Drnili. Nnv YORK. —Mr. James White, 1552 Broadway, formerly chief in structor in nickels' Hiding School, in this city, said to a newspaper reporter: "1 broke my shoulder, arm and elbow, splitting tho socket in four parts. Rheumatism set in and 1 employed tho best physician, lie tried everything, but I grew worse, and at last he said: 'I have one more thing to try and if that fails nothing can givu you relief, and that is St. Jacols Oil.' 1 used this great pain-reliever, and am able to use my arm, froo from all rheumatic trouble. 1 have also recommended tho remedy to a number of people, and ill every case they have been speedily and effectually cured. Slaves of Fashion. Tho actual drudgery of fashionable life falls upon women. To toil for a placo in society, to give precious after noons to the labor of j aying calls, and to allow indifferent acquaintances, as Emerson said, to devastate the day, to give constant thought to tho revision of one's toilette and the improve tn *nt of one's visiting list, this is to be a slave to things. And if tho slave do not feel her fetters, so much the worse for her. Many women have not time for the unhurried delight of their children's presence, for reading any thing beyond tho last new novel, for ary occupation higher than the nar rowing round they call their domestic and social duties ! American Triumph at Amsterdam. The Mason & Hamlin Organ and Piano Company have just received the following cable dispatch from Mr. C. C. Bender, their agent in Holland, now representing them at the World's Ex position at Amsterdam : *'lleceiced Diploma of Honor , the very highest award." The Mason & Ilainlin cabi net organs were placed in competition at this great exhibition with a large number from the leading makers of Europe and America, and this award is but a continuation of their unbroken series of triumphs at all the great world's exhibitions for the last 16 years. Mason & Ilamlin have now won the highest awards at Paris, 1867; Vienna, 1873; Santiago, 1875; Phila delphia, 1876 ; Paris, 1878 ; Milan, 1881, and Amsterdam, 1883.— Boston Journal. Georgia's manufactured products will ag gregate almost $400,(00,000 this year. Throat, Bronchia! and Lutiff Diteasra a specialty. Send two stamps for large treatise giving self treatment. Address WoULD'S DIsPKNSAUT MEDICAL ASSOCIATION. buffalo, N. V Oscar Wilde will not lecture any more. This is Vera sad. TWO-TRIRDS OF A BOTTLE CURES. l)r. R. V. I'iebce, Buffalo, N. Y.: Dear Sir —I have been taking your favorite Prescrip lion"for "female weakness." Before 1 had taken it two days I began to feci stronger. 1 have taken but two-thirds of a bottle and believe I am cured. G atefully, Mas. H. C. LOYEIT, Watsekn, 111. We often hear of a woman marrying a man to reform him; but no one ever tells us of a man marrying a woman to reform her. Sick and bilious headache, and all derange ments of stomach and bowels, cured by Dr. Pierce's "Pellets"—or anti-bilious granules. 2"i cents n vial. No cheap boxes to allow waste of virtues. By druggists. An Ohio farmer has named one of his hogs Maud, because she comes into the gurd'-n so often. Nothing is uglier than crooked boots! straighten them with Lyon's Heel Stiffeners' "What is a dude?" said a little girl to her ma. Ma—"Ho is a granchild of Darwin, with improvements." ON TniKTY DAYS' TRIAL. TukVoltaio Belt Co., Marshall, Mich.,will send Dr. Dye's Celebrated Electro-Voltaic Belts and Electric Appliances on trial for 3D days to men.yonng or old,who are afflicted with nervous debility, lost vitality and kin dred troubles, guaranteeing speedy and com plete restoration of health and manly vigor. Address as above.—N. 8.-— No risk is in curred, as thirty days' trial is allowed. "For heaven's sake, save her!" be said to the doctor; "I positively oau't afford a fune ral just at this time." Chrolithion colllars and cuffs, while thor oughly waterproof, feel as soft as velvet around the neck and wrists. The dear old green apple jokes that we have all loved so well are coming round again. Sklnnr Men. Wells' Henlth ltenewer restores health, vigor, cures Dyspepsia, impotence, Sexual Debility. sl. Peaches are like men. The little ones are crowded out of sight by the big fellows. For Thick Heads. Heavy stomachs,billious conditions—Wells' May ApplePills-antibilious,cathartic. 1025 c. Health of body is wealth of mind. Don't Die in the House* 'Rough on Rata.' Clenrs out rats, mice, roaches, bedbugs, flies, ants, moles, chip, muuks, gophers, 15c. A freaky dog in Rockland, Mass.. eats cu cumbers off the vine. For sore feet, swollen joints, sprains, corns or bunions, use St. Patrick's Salve. An Indian being asked not to paint his face, said: "Indian heap like white woman. Stop white woman, Indian stop." Wouldst see blithe looks,fresh cheeks beguile, Aye, wouldst see December smile? Wouldst see hosts of new roses blow? Carboline makes the hair to grow On the baldest of heads. A baker advertising that his bread was "hard to beat," was disgusted when the printer made it "hard to eat." Walcott, the gentleman who ate thirty brace of quails in thirty days, was relieved from any disagreeable stomach troubles by using Gastrin e. and took nothing else dur ing the task. Sold by druggists. Can we wonder at the ocean being occa sionally rough, when we consider how con tinually it is "crossed"? The beet cnro for di e e/ics of the nerves, 1 brain and muscles, is Brown's Iron Bitters. "Yes," he enid, "Dagcet was drunk last night. At nny rate, he declined a nomina tion for office." MAIUON, Mns.—Dr. N. 8. Buggies says: " 1 recommend Brown's Iron Bitters as a valued tome for enriching the blood and removing all dyspeptic symptoms." Bright green parrots poise on imported crimson plush bonnets. HcNrsvmuE, Ala.—Dr. J. T. Ridley says: "Brown's Iron Bitters is a good appetizer and merits attention from sufferers.' It is easier to chain lightning tlnn to mnlce a boy keep still when a brass band is parsing by. Fo. ovsi'fcPsiA, iKnioKSTtoj* of at-ir its and general debility in iheir various fi.iai* . also AN a pri ventive against fever nnd ivgu ■ ami other intermit tent fevers, thu "Fcm'-rinwphor Oed Klixir of Calisava," made by Canwcll. 'lazurd ,V Co., Now York, nnd sold hy al! Drug ALL OTUKII BODILY PAIXS AMD ACHES. Bold by UrugjjUUnnd Denier, ererrwbere. Fifty Ceuua bcttls. DirecUcii, in 11 l.aii(nare. _ THE CIIAKI.ES A. YOGELF.It CO. 10 (D II ■ ■ VinitLXaaa 1UU.8..1T. ,.. C.a A Ladies Do you want a pure, bloom ing Complexion J If so, a few applications of Hagan's MAGNOLIA BALM will grat ify yon to your heart's con tent. It does away with Sal lowness, Redness, Pimples. Blotches, and all diseases and Imperfections of the skin. It overcomes the flushed appear ance of heat, fatigue ana ex citement. It makes a lady of THIRTY appear but TWEN TY; and so natural, gradual, and perfect are its effects, that it is impossible to detect its application* i .•> WA.x ILD tur urn Best ud -fa ing Pictorial Books and Bibles. Prices reduced 1J peroent. NATIONAL PPBLISUTNO Uo.. Pmla. P*. MSII I,KTS fine writing paper. in blotter, with calendar, hy mail for 2c. Agent,* Wanted. ECONOMY PRINTING CO., Newburyport, Mass. FREE ? °- o; '' , HEALTH HELPER" 1 B1 **mnPeilectHealth. 11.11. Box I(H,Buffalo.N J 55 tO per day at home. Samples wmbTftee *g,J IU JC Addres ,Mnr>oiut: Co.. Port.ltnd. Me. I f lUGT;MANS Business College, Nnwmk.N J J VJ •s<*• Positions for graduates. Wnie for circulars I 566 week in.jfourown, own. * vu Address 11. Hallett A-C 0.. Portland. M-nna- THE MINISTER WHO FAILS to interest his congrega tion and build up his church is generally accused of beinga poor preacher' or of not studying hard enough. is not always where the trouble comes from. Dyspepsia and liver disorders are responsible for manv n dull sermon and many a vacant pulpit. When the Dominic's digestive apparatus is working wrong and his nerves are giving him pain and hi* brain refuses to do its duty, it is almost impossible to make or to preach n good sermon.,, Give your suffering minister a bottle of Brown's Rb tenn You will see its effect on next Sunday's preaching. The Rev Mr Zehring, of Codorus, Pa., was paralysed, and could not walk e , .u " lltc h, until Brown's Iron Bitters made a new man of him ~ R Mr White, of Rock Hill, S. C„ says: "It restored me to str^-th , dJ' gor. , Brown s Iron Bitters is not only for the minister, but for ail '^op£ CAN \{ HEALTH CF WCMANV ♦ CjSVMPATHZEWITHxft S THE HOPE CfJ /yrrc/yf.-y LYDIA E. Plft'l'HAM'S VEGETAEL"S COMPOUND. MAMAWMMNOMAMV R R - A P.ure Cure for all FEMALE W EAtt. NESSES, Incltidit'g Lcncenlnrn, Ir regular and gainful Hlcnstrnatioß, Inflamiitatkin find Ulceration of the Womb, Flooding, PRO LAPSES ETEKI, &c. tyn-asant to the taste, efllcaoious and immediate In IU effect It Is * great help In pregnancy, and rw littM pain daring labor and at regular periods, nnsii ASS I'SE IT ASD PfttSUfftE IT FX EI IT. CTFox ALL WEACNASRA of the generative organ• of either tux, It 1* second to no remedy that baa evei been before the publics and for all discaaes of the CIDRTI U la the Greatat Rented y (n the Woriu. tSfttIDNEY CO3IPEAINTS of Either Se* Find Great Relief In Its E*e. LYDIA E. PIYKTTAM> BLOOD ri RITIER vrlli eradicate every veatigo of Humors from the Rlood, at the same time will give tone and rtrcr.rth to the ay stem. Aa marvellous in rceulta aa the Oompouad. tirßoth the Compound and Blcod rnrfcflcr are pr pared at 33 and 235 Weatern Avenue, Eynn, Mass. Price of cither, ft. Bix bottles for t&. Tbo Compound is acnt by mall in the form of pills, or of loiengea, on ••ecelpt of price, $1 per box for either. Mrs. Pinkhara freely answers all letters of Inquiry. Enclose 8 oenl •tamp. £ttd for pamphlet. Mention thu Paper, nri.TOiA B. PnatHAn'-* unatPniS cure ConsKpa lion. and Torpidity of tho Liver. K coata *#-s<>ld by oil (*) B N U S7 ' o rwlip i iiiTajTap i MTTwrrwTj FUdHUUIMfIMII I A NEW DISCOVERY, j Error sevtrtJ years vro have furnished th Y Dairymen of America with an excellent arU-2 fldai color for butter; so meritorious that It met \ t with great ■ access everywhero fcceiTtng the i highest and only prizes at both International ( Dajrv Fairs. , J tyCut by patient ar.d scientific chemical re- ; search we l ave improved ia cevcral points, and I j now o£Tcr this new color as Ut* best in the world. it Will Mot Color the Buttermilk. Hi WHi Not Turn Ranoid. tt the Strongest, Briglrteat and Cheapest Color Made, I j njPAnd, while prepared in oil, Is so compound ed that it it impossible for it to become rancid. I j CTSEWARE of *ll imitations, and of all other oil colors, for they art- liable to become { ! rancid and spoil the baiter. 3 tTTIf ycu cannot get the' improved" writ, us -to know where and how to get It wit hoot extra j gcrpenae. W . j WELLS; KICBAKDSO9 A CO., TL | a nSTHTEr=^-'S ||W (UCUATII ™ visited by epidemioa, mmdf and indeed in all ■V local!tie. wh-re the conditions am #• Vi favorable to health, - this funoas vngeU. ... ble invigorant and ''.l X, . " ters, ha *'^Jega'rd . CVMP to feeble c-nsti. 'OaL. tut ions and fragile :c - fnunes. while as a cure for indigeetioo. mis bilioosaess'and kin- Engines. Reliabla, Datable ud Economical, trill 'umirh • horn* power tri'h >j leu fuel and water than any other Engine built, not fitted with an Automatic Cat-off. Send K illustrated Cat.lof-ae "J," for lnfonostiun and oea. B. W. PATKE A SONS. Boa 9'. Corning, M.T. FRAZER AXLE GREASE. Best in tlic world* Get the genuine* Every pncJknge lias oar trade-mark and is tunrled Fm*rr>a. soi l) FVMtYWUKRB R. G. is the quieVwst p'eewntest, mr st ni beet re u-ay lor k dney. ""i* ■* mxch, bDd<*e- and biooa diseaes, and only real .a .meever discovered fuT acute mi ibronio rheumatiMw gout, lumbago, gemt v>/ ice, neurelgi-, eto. Has m e1 heps less case-- Brig t's disnaee and dys(*epaia la M —all forms of rheumatic dieordors in 2 to I'.' weeks—relieves In'I" mm Mary n 1 day. Caa refer to haadr, d< of te'ia tle people cured who had tried in vain everyth n r else. Purely • otanio, hxrmleaa, and nice to Irink. Ask yo ir dragr at to get it; If he declines send to us for it—tai e nothing else. Elmore. A dams A 00.. 105 William at.. N. Y To Speculators. R. Lindblom & Co., N. 6. Miller & Co. 6 and 7 Chamber of 5o Broadway, Commerce, Chicago New York- CRAIN & PROVISION BROKERS. Members of all prominent Produce Exchanges in New York, Chicago, St. Louis aud Milwaukee- We have exclusive private telegraph wire between Chicago and New York Will execute orders on our judgment when requested. Send tor circulars con taining particulars, ROBT. LINDBLOM A CO.. OPIUM HABIT Cured Painlessly. The Medicine sold for a small margin alx v? t he cost ni compounding. All cas