' |l|( j|iiif(Cim Journal. THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER IS., 1883. BY DEININGER & BUMILLER. LOCAL DEPARTMENT. i —II. 11. Wananuikcr is off to the city. K V —Miss Jennie Yarger, of Ilartleton is visiting at 11. 11. Touilinson's. ; - Ex-Gov. Curt in is now out on tiie Pacific coast. Hope he may enjoy hiuiself. The new JOURNAL building is progressing finely—and so is the Joun- j NAL, yyu bet. . The days are still long enough to i do a good, solid day's work—if a fellow isn't too tired. —Landlord Frain has erected an ad ditional jKist lamp in front of the 1 irst National. More light. —Money sold at 141 per cent, pre mium at the meeting of the B. L. Association on Monday evening. —Eight prisoners in the Centre county jail. The taxpayers are willing to shift along with half the number. —Snook's brickmakers do exactly as the Israelites did in Egyptian bondage—' they make their bricks without straw. —Recorder Fiank E. Bible, was in town last week and paid bis compli ments to the JOURNAL office,of course., B. F. Kister is coming to Millheim again iu a few weeks. Thai's just where he ought to be have stayed all the time. NOTICE. —The person who borrowed a pipe wrench out of Jlartman's toun .dry, is requested to return the same.' Wough said. —Thousands of voluntary testimon ials testify to the efficacy of Smith's German Olio as a cure for rheumatism and kiudred diseases. , .-—The frosts these last few mornings did c6n siderable injury to vegetation in gardens, and it is feared that the corn crop also suffered. —Mr. C. C. Loose, of Miles town ship, will makepubho sale of his fine stock, farming implements, wagons, -&c. Tuesday, Sept. 25th iustant. v —Mr. Jasper W. Stover, Executor, • will sell the valuable farm and home stead of the late Philip Stover, at pub lic sale, Friday, October 19th next. —On Thursday morning it was just about cold enough to husk corn, but . our farmers are not quite ready vet | for that job. There was considerable t frost. i c —it was real bad in that otherwise 1 sensible giil, Miss Mary E Strobm, to 1 pick on such a cool,rainy day as Satur- 1 day for her picnic, down at Paddies Tuunel. •* j . —Prof. Feebrer is now in Ileberes- ' burg teaching the band and what is i better,he is coming to Millheim next j week. Welcome, Joseph, you have not 1 been here this long time. < —The St. Paul's Union Sunday J •School of Haines thowuship will hold a j picnic in Stover's woods, near Dan it i < Wolfe's next Saturday. Other schools J have been iuvited to attend. -Spigelmeyer is just putting the fin- < ishing touches to Lis two adjoining ( dwellings on Penn Street. A beauti- 1 fill fence i front and several coats of { paint are Jerome's last licks. , ,—Now is your chance for good pic- ( tures, of yourself and families. You ) can get four large tin-typps for 50 cts. Will remain until Sept 30th. ( I. GROTZINGER.- J . —And now Nittany Valley, too, is 1 on the rampage for a railroad and a big meeting was held at Hublersburg on '* 'the Ist instant which seems to have < been unanimously for a road. i I • —lsrael Confer's new planing mill is j up and the engine is already in it. This is the fourth planing mill in Mill- j lieim and vicinity and all of them seem ] to have plenty to do. Business ! \ J ■ —Any one wishing to buy a bicycle, 1 tricycle—or in fact almost' any other ' cycle, can be accommodated* with full information and instructions by calling j on Dinges, Vonada & Co., Coburn. , —A first class, paneled two-horse wagon box for sale at a low price by the Millheim Cornet Banff. Apply to ; R. A. BUMTLLER, tf Treasurer. —Jas. P. Coburn, Executor, will sell at public sale the valuable homestead of the late John Rupp, at Aaronsburg, on Saturday, Sept. 15th proximo. See posters. 2t —The fine store building of Dinges, Vonivda & Co., at Coburn is approach ing completion, and the enterprising proprietors propose to dedicate it by a grand opening on or about the 25th in stant. , r —Very many of onr patrons are Iwip ing us right bravely to build our new office. We thank our friends very much for their seasonable aid, and are waiting on others to whom we sent bills to do the same. —U offer'a Time, Wages & Expense B>ok is the most convenient little ar angement out for men who work by the day to keep their time and wages re ceived. For sale at the JOUNALSIORE, price L 5 cents. tf —The scoundrel Gardner who re cently bought a span of horses from Mr. If. C. Shirk, near Potter's Bank, and paid for them with a worthless check for $375, was caught last week near Wilkesbarre— and hft run again, —Without any previous notice and altogether unexpected, Mr. T. It. Stain dropped in on us last Friday direct from West Union, lowa. Kuss looks well, does a slashing business out there and talks with enthusiasm of the west. —The Ueporter and the Bellefonte pa pers put the coming Granger Picnic on the 20th, while the JOURNAL announ ced it for the 25// a—and that is exactly what Chairman Campbell's postal told us. If wrong we take no sass this trip —mii.d you. ENTERTAINMENT.— The Literary Society will give a free, public enter tainment in the Town llall, Saturday evening, Sept. 29th, next. All are in- vited. .J. W. lIKKALD, MARY E.STKOIIM, President. Vice president. it SOMETHING FOR COUNCILS. —MrS. John Scheid of Lock Haven, lias decid ed to sue the city for damagts, having •been seriously ii jmVd by a fall on- a miserable sidewalk in the First Ward. The case is in the hands of T. T. A brarns, Esq. —Samuel Long well, the' man who killed Iteed Alaxender for picking rasp berries on his farm, near Milroy, some weeks ago, was tried at Lewistown the othetr week, found guilty of manslaugh er and sen ten ced to the penitentiary for five veais. —The Patrons of Husbandry of Cen tre county will bold their 10th Annual Reunion on top of Nittany Mountain, one mile west of Centre Hall, on Tues day Sept. 20th, instant. GEO. W. CAMPBELL. Chairman Committee of Arrangements. —THE NEW AMERICAN DICTIONARY OF Tita ENGLISH LANGUAGE, based on Webster and other leading authori ties, containing Upwards of fifty thous and words, the cheapest book of its kind in the world, for sale at the JOURNAL STORE. Price, SI.OO. . tf —Mr. W. G. Morrison was about for several days last week. He pre tended to have business all over, liter ally with everybody in the valleys, but managed to stay nearly the time right in the centre of town, as if atraid to venture out. Strange chap that Mor rison. — E. LOSE & SON'S PLANING MILL is a real credit to the proprietors as well as to tfie town. They are now prepared to furnish on short notice and at very reasonable pi ices about every thing and anything made of wood that enters into the make up of buildings, whether chuiches, school houses,dwell ings!"* stares. Read their advertisement in another column,and if you need any thing iu the line give them a call. ADVICE TO MOTHERS. Are you disturbed at nipht and broken of your rest by a sick child suffering and crying with pain of cutting teeth ? If so, s'iul at once and get a bottle of Mrs. Window's Soothing Syrup for Childrks Teething. Its value is incalculable. It will relieve the poor little suf ferer immediately. Depend upon It, mothers, there is no mistake about it. It cures dysentery and diarrhoea, regulates the stomach and bowels, cures wind eoiic. softens, the gums, re duces inflammation, and gives tone and energy to The whole system. Mrs Wirslow's Sooth ing Syhup for Children Teething is pleasant to the taste, and is the nreseriptioa of one of the oldest and best female physicians and nurs es in the United States, and is for sale by all druggists throughout the world. i'riee 23 cents a bottle. —The teachers' examination on Mon day was well attended, both by teach ers, directors and visitors. The class numbered eleven, and the exercises, though principally by the written meth od, were very interesting throughout- Prof. Wolfe, our efficient Superintend ent, gave strict justice to all, and we hope his parting admonition will bear good fruit and act as an additional in centive-'to earnest, faithful labor on the part of those intrusted with the train ing of our youth. —MAJ. GEN. \V. A. TOBIAS brought a cucumber of his own raising to our office the other day that measures 13 inches in length, 11 inches in circum ference and wheighs 2} pounds, and it isn't just the best year for cucumbers, either. It is the London Green varie ty. Now if any dodgasted sou of a re publican can beat that in an off year, let' him step three paces to the front and give his name and address, or for ever after hold his jaw. —Mr. J. W. Adirns, jr., writes us from Buckeye Centre,Stephenson coun ty, Illinois I like it right wed here. Ilaye not been homesick for Millheim at all. There are lots of festivals and picnics now. At a camproeeting at Lena, 12 miles from here, last week, the number of people present was esti mated at 12,000. The Old Settlers' pic nic had a very large crowd and no less than six brass Jbands present. —Last Friday morning we were gratified with a visit by our friend, E. A. Wasser, Esq., of the Girard (Kan sas) Press. We have not met 'Lias these many years, and it did our heart good too see how well he appears. He was one of our pupiL, 'Lias was, many years ago, one of those kind, gentle na tures that need no correction, and it affords us infinite pleasure to state that as a full-giown, finely-developed man he is slill the same.. Mr. Wasser went to Kansas some fif teen years ago a poor boy, worked up his way gradually but surely, and is now the senior editor of one of the most flourishing papers in 'the - thriving young state, and Post Master of Gir ard besides, while his partner, Mr. Rid dle, is a member of the senate of Kan sas. —J. A. LIMBERT will carry express and freight goods from Coburn to any point along the route at the following rates : All packages weighing less than UK) pounds, to Milll.eim, 10 cts., to Aaronsburg. 15 cts., to Woodward, 25 cts. For packages weighing over 100 pounds a proportionate charge will ho made. tf —Last week we published A marriage notice of a wedding that took place "near Frankville , in Brush valley." Thai's a new town to ns for Brush val ley. We know of Mndisoiiburg,Spring Bank, Centre M\Ua,KicunuisvilU\ Hob- ersburg and Wolf's Store, but Frank ville, no, that gets us. Nor could we even find it on the map. It must bo be a brand now place such as spring up like magic in tins fast ago. Wonder if it is a large town with ru i I roads, tele phonos, eFctiiclight'and big Jaily pa pers and especially' whether it is a good place to get married at or near by v Our fnend Dan Linker,in Aarons bnrg, thought he could manage to shift along without ait advertisement in the JOURNAL, but lie soon found out that it was a prodigious mistake. He came hot haste the other evening and order ed a new one. Well, the truth is Dan is just one of the best mechanics out. If you want anything made real good, solid and neat, go to Lenkei, he is the man for you. You need not take our word for all this, but go and try Dan yourself. —The Bellefonte Democrat has a brand ne\v junior editor, in the person of E. L. Crvis, Esq. He is a practical business man and goes straight to work with out "salutary" or formal debut of anykin 1. And we confess that if El lis made up the local 'feHge of last week's Democrat , as presumably he did, lie handles the pen with the power and ease of a veteran. Ellis is a "chip out of the old block" and no mistake—and what suits us best of all is that he pro poses to enter upon an enlarged sphere of usefulnesjf right from the beginning by organizing a class of couitfrg editors and giving them lessons on " sarkasm." Ellis' tender kindness is truly affecting. —CLEVE DINGES made quite a sen sation here last Friday morning by en tering town on a bicycle, the first one seen here in active Operation. It takes exactly 1 j minutes by Hie best chro rometer ever made to collect a crowd at- Statesmen's Corner, big enough for a half-grown Democratic ra;iB meeting, the and Cleve had the crowd. That the however did not disconcert him in least, for he transacted his business at bank and left as he came, on his bicyc le, safely, easily, gracefully, and made the distance to Coburn in just twenty minutes. —When a physician naVes a mistake —ainl thev do just like other mortals— the matter is covered up under the earth about live feet deep and the doc tor is paid his big bill all the same. When a lawyer commits an error the defendant is sold out by the sheriff or goes to the penitentiary—but the law yer gets his princely fee for all that. When a minister bungles the subject very probably goes to—well' you have heard of the place where the "rich man"" was, and the professional stand ing of the preacher'is not impaired in the least. lie eats just as much chick en after as before. But let a poor printer,who works for nothing,or what is the next thing to it, for just enough to keep body and soul together, ''just place a single letter where another should be, for example a "P" instead of an "A" as our foreman did i;i print ing Cook Loose' sale tills, then what V Nothing in particular, only every wise acre, philosopher, dummy ariTl dude in the community is after the poor print er with a sharp stick. Such is life, this poor life. Printers will get their due reward hereafter. —THE RAIL ROAD MEETING at Centre Hall the ottier Thursday seems to have been well attended, both by many of the stockholders throughout the valley as well as by leading' Citizens of Bellefonte. The speeches by Hon. C. T. Alexander, -Judge Orvis, • Gen. Beaver, J. L. Spangler, E q., Col. Mil liken, Leonard Rhone, Esq.,and others, as well as the resolutions passed, were all strong and decided in tone, and yet dignified and moderate, demonstrating the groat injustice) done to the' people of the upper end of the valley by" the neglect and refusal of the Penna.'R. R. Co., given ten years ago, to build the road if certain fixed sums weie'sub scribed by the respective townships through which the road passes, which was fully and faithfully done, and yet the road is not built. Letters were read from Ex Gov. Cur tin and Hon. Eli Slifer, entirely in har mony with the spirit of the meeting, but regretting that they could not be present in person. A committee consisting ot Saral. Gil liand, F. Kurtz, L. Rhone, John I. Thompson and Wm. McFarlane was appointed to meet the officers of the Pa. It. It, Company, in the interests of the early completion of the L. & T road. ' • [The above embraces a condensed account of what was done at the meet ing, and we would have cheerfully pub lished it last week, but could learn nothing of what had transpired. The JOURNAL has always and strongly urg ed the completion of our rail road and hopes the recent meeting may tend to secure to the people of the upper end the simple justice already too long de layed.] j —An accident happened at Cobuni 011 Saturday cveniiiff wliicli might have been much worse. One of the feet of Mr. Amnion Grenninger's cook stove was ioose and the stoyh was by some ac cident upset. A little boy about three years old was sitting behind the stove oil the lloor and the hot water on tiie stotfo was thrown upon him. The poor I Iniy was pretty badly scalded but is do ing well under the circumstances, i Just such accidents have happened so frequenfly.and often with fatal results, J that it ought to le made a pemtl offense for any linn to manufacture stoves at which the feet are not perfectly secure, j Hut then it must IMI considered that this is agrand.gloriouseouniry,and that our honorable! legislators have no time fo attend to such trifles— at ten dollars a day. PENN HALL NEWS. Mr. David J. Musser is building himself a flfie house, into wliich he e.x pects'to move, when complete, and I take the world easy." He threatens to i dig his well shaft down to Chtria if wa ter is not struck sooner. I admire Dare's pluck. Sorry John W. Badges is going to | quit tlie trade. John is an excellent painter. The Houseman Brothers, with a common tread power thresher threshed 107 bushels of wheat for Peter Zeigler, recently, in half a day ! Away with your big, clumvv and expensive steam ers, and get the Brothers to do your threshing. It is not just the bpst kind of fun to have a heavy horse shoe pitched onto your instep, whn out of true polite ness you point out the "hob" to the fel low 011 the "opposite side," with your foot. MOKAL : * Qnit before it gets too dark to see—or better still, quit liefore you begin. Nbvs BOY. SPRING MILLS ITEMS.. The JouftNAL is "just splendid." Mr. Grenoble, the contractor,is push ing the bridge abutments finely. On Thursday L. Kimport and W. Gettig were loading their teams' af Grenoble's with phosphate. When the first team was loaded they drove it up the road a short piece and left it stand without tying the horses, and while loading the second team the first one ran away. Mr. Kimport's son tried to catch it and was thiown under the wag on, both wheels passing over his limbs and body. The boy was verv much bruised but fortunately no bones \v*re broken. He is doing well since—but what a close escape from death ! No comment is necessary. Miss Maggie Heringand Miss Marsh, two of Lock Haven's fairest ladies, are visiting friends and relatives hei-e. A big time is expected at the Georg e*s Valley Harvest Homo Picnic next .Saturday. Coming, Mr. Editor ? (Mt bbc.) One of our townsmen went to the station with his lady the other day, bought tickets for Cobuni, boarded the tiain, and when at Greenbriar insisted tliat tliut was Coburn. The conductor told him of his mistake but without a vail. The man knew which was Co burn and the pair left the train—and afterwards were seeu walking towards sunrise. [MORAL. Don't venture into the wa ter before vou can swim : Don't make a big tour before you have studied the Geography of this great,glorious coun try. Ed.] BROAD AXE. MARRIED. .. .. On tlie 20ih ult„ at the.-Reformed parsonage, Mtfflinburg, 1%, by Rev. A. C. Wliltmer, Mr. Win. M. Dielbelbis, of Miilhcilu. and Miss Lizzie M. King, of Laurclton. On the 6th Inst., at residence of the bride's parents,by Rev. L. A. Gotwald, 1). 1)., I). King Gotwalt.M, D., son of the officiating clergyman and Miss Julia B. Kurtz, only daughter of Mr. W. H. Kurtz, all of York, Pa . • On the 19th ult., by Rev. K. Stambach, Mr. Sam jel Wate, of Rebcrsburg, and Miss Alice Loneberger, of Pleasant Gap. DIED. On the 3rd Inst., in Gregg township, Mr. John Wagner, aged about 67 years. On the 4th Inst., in Aaronsburg, Susan Ger- | trude Bollinger, daughter of David Bollinger, ! deceased, aged 11 years, ."V months and 14 days < "Thus star by star declines, *'t Till all are passed away; As morning high and higher shines To pure ami perfect day: Nor sink those stats in empty night. But hide themselves in Heaven's own light-" J.T. Mlllheim .Unrkel. Corrected every Wednesduy Wheat, old {'. 1.05 " new, No. 2 05 44 44 No. 3 .v.. 75 Com ......'.a. 60 Kye *. 65 Qats White Buckwheat;;-..'...............'... Flour 5.60 Bran ASlioits,pcl ton , 20.00 Suit, per Brl 1.50 Plaster, ground. 9.50 j Cement, per Bushel .' 45 to 50 I Barley ..... | Tymothyseed ....... 2.00 I Flaxseed Cloverseed ;. 8.50 Butter is Hams 15 Hides 12 Veal Pork ••••'. Beei LKRS 1? i Potatoes • A> Lard 15 Tallow Soap ..... 5 Dried Apples ... Dried Peaches . Dried Cherries COAL MAItKKT AT COBURN. Egg Coal *5.25 I Stove 44 5.25 i Chestnut 5.00 | Pea 3.50 | l'ea by the ear toad 3.40 PEHQIfINQ 2KrSB: % t|M |3 113 II ability. Widows, j ■ minor 'children ! and dependent parents entitled when death re | suited. Claims reopened, restoration, increased bounty, back pay and discharges obtained. Ap ply at once, delay prejudices your rights. Fees fixed by law. Address, with stamp, the old es ) tablished firm of fiDSON & CO., Attorneys and Claim Agents, 917 F St., Washington, D. C. BUY ITOTTIR, SHOES, J±T jr. - - ..LOOK H !P.A . _l O S Address, CLOUCH & WARREN ORGAN CO., Detroit. Mich. - ' A. lIARTEII, • ' t Auctioneer, MILLIIKIM, PA. w. J. SPISING Ell, Fashionable liarber, Next Door to JOURNAL Store, Main Street, MILLIIKIM, IV\. T\% D. 11. MIFFGLB, I {• • Physician & Surgeon, Lffllce on Maul Street. MILLIIKIM, PA. JOHN F. IIAUTER. Practical Dentist, Office opposite the Millheim Ranking Hou*e, MAIN STHKKT, MILLIIKIM, PA-, YI DAM;HOY, Attorney-at-Lan. BKLLEFOXTE, PA. Orphans' Court Business a Speciality. nr.iNi.E, Attorncy-at-Liw UELLKFOXTK, PA. Practices 111' all the courts of Centre county. , Special atteutlou to (tolleetictua. Coosntlatiotis ' in German or hnglish. C. T. Alexandei. C. M. Bower. ALEXANDER BOWER, Attoruey-at-taiv, JJKI.LKFONTK, P.\. Ofliee in Carman's new building. J. A. Beaver. W. Gep'iurt. JDEAVER S, GEl'llAlir, AUorneys-at-Law, BELLKKONTE, PA. Ofllce on Alleghany Street. North of High Street It. G EO. S. Fit AX K, Physician & Surgeon, SPUING MILLS, PA. Office in Mr. Philip Shok's residence, near the ' Soring Mills House. Professional calls promptly answered. 3in I Tt B. lIEIIING, Surveyor & Scrivener, PENN IIALL, CENTRE CO., PA. All business entrusted to him will be executed with care and promptness. D. 11. Hastings. W. F. Reedcr. Ailornejs-at- Law, UELLEFONTE, PA. • 'Olhce on Allegheny Street, two doors ens, of the office ocupied by the late firm of Yocuiu A Hastings. npBOCKERHOFF IIUUSE, ALLEGHENY ST., BKLLKFONTK, PA. C. G. McMILLEN, PROPRIETOR. ■ . . wi*- %i Good Sample Room 011 First Fionr. Free Buss to and from all trains. Special rates to witnesses and jurors. I JItVIN HOUSE, (Most Central Hotel in the city.) CORNER OF MAIN AND JAY STREETS, LOCK lIAVEX, PA. S.WOODSCALDWELL PROPRIETOR. GoodS amide Rooms for Commercial Travel ers 011 first nOof. • - -vr , l - ' i GO TO SIMON BROTHERS; THE BOSS CLOTHIERS for your Clothing. 45 MAIN STREET, I 4 / \ LOCK HAVEN. 1 8 MM 88888, North Second Street, Half a s|uarf south of the 1,. &. T. K. it. Depot, LEWISBURG, PA. Npw and commodious Building; Equipped in all departmental uitli en .Mwd.Y,TteiVi Furniture. • >.. No effoits spared to make tlie Baker House a pleasant, comfortable iioine to all quests. An excellent Livery attached. W. N. BAKER, Proprietor. v i ('levan Hinges. It. F. Vonada. * • * ! New Firm —New Store i j at cobiira. ; j Tinges, Vonada & Co., J I .. n- . —DEALERS IN— •* % I GEXEKAL MERCIIAXDISE, would hereby call the at tention of the public to the fact that they have opened a new store at Coburn and respectfully solicit a share of public patronage. Produce taken in Exchange for goods. PATENTS. K. A. I elimann Solicitor of American ami Foreign Patents. Washington. I>. ( . All busi ness connected with Patents, whelhcr before the Patent iMtiee 01 the Courts, promptly at temhnt to. No charge made unless a patent is seemed. Send fur circular. tf P. H. STOVER, 1 > FAYK I;;I N Clover Seed, Flo,ur„& Feed, Coal, Plas c i & - / ft r S2L L CQBtfBM JPtf. H ' ,• • " s ;'i e • 49~111U11F3T MARKET PRICE ALWAYS PAN). .. .. v .i' , Mir A full supply of Coal. Plaster and Salt nl ways oil hand and sold at tlKs lowest price I e * • ■** 3i-Coal kept xuider roof at all seasons of the year. *3rThe public patronage respect Tally solid ed. 3WI y HEALTH IS WEALTH! niL K. C. WKSTTB SKI".\ E AMI HKAIN 'I KI AMIKST, a guaranteed apecllic for II > "t-rla. I)'nines* .OunvulaioUS, Kits, Nnvour Neuralgia. Headache, Nervooa Prontiatton ry the use of alcohol or tobacco, Wakcfuliic*.. Bt'-nt" 1 D-- prrMton, Softening of the Brain oao'tliig in insanity and leading to mieery, d-cv and dath ; Prematura OM Ate, Bnrrenueaa. Luaa of p.flor In either sex. Involuntary Losses and Spermatorrhoea canted by over-exertion of the brain, •elf-abuae or over-indulgence. K.vh box coiitaina one month's treatment i'.l a box. cr elx bos.es for fa, B-nt by mail pre paid on receipt of price. WE CUARANTEE SIX DOXZS To cure any caa#. With each order raodr-d by ua for alz lioxes, accompanied wllh $5, we will vend the pnrchaacr cur written guarantee to refund the money if the treatment duea Hot effect a cure. Guarantee" loaned only by KISSKIt & MKSDKLSOX, 310 It ice Street. Philadelphia. Pa. " PURITAS." The celebrated vegetable Blood Puriller. It Immediately curea Headache, Conatlpation, Purifies the Skirt. Ma.led anvwhere upoD receipt of 2S cents. Cusurpaaae.l for Children. EISNER & MENDELSOM, 32Q Race Street, Philadelphia, Pa. c * . I'I j>J •* Wnrrnntwl tkn moat pcrfcct Force-Ford Fertiliser Drill In PII( , IICC. SPHII far cir cular, A. H. fAKQUHAII, York, Pa, STEAM ENGIXES, A. B. FARQUHAR, Tork Pa BCSfiPiI Cheapest aud lxt for all pur* T r ; pn<- —eimplo, strong and ilu- f°*k' "?^^F#fesxsw'ltiering at U(o Heart, note helore the eyre, highly oi dred Urine, UOAtTIPATIOI, ami de mand the use of* remedy thnt aits directly on the Liver. As a Liver medicine TUTT'M FILLS have no equal. Their action on tlr.i Kidneys and Shin is also prompt; removing all impurities through three three '* seav enfsri of the y*um, H producing p|K-- tlte, sonnd digestion, regular stools, a oiour flkiu and a vigorous bodv. TU'ITH PIIiIA (MUM no nausea or griping nor lnterlere with dailv work and are a perfect ANTIDOTE TO MALARIA.! QB FIEM LIKE HEW HAH. "1 hive had Dyspepsia, with Consllpe tion.two years, and hnve triil ten different kinds of "pills, and ilfS una the Urst that have done me any good. They have Cleaned mo ont nicely. My appetite is splendid, food digests readily, ami I now have natural passages. I feci like a new man." W. D. EDWARDS, Palmyra, O. SoldeTorywh/To.aftc. Ogjfe,44 MurraySU.N.V. TUTTS HAIR DYE. ' GRAY HAIR or WIIISKVRS changed in stantly to a GLOSSY Umck by a single ap plication of this DTR. Sold oy,Druggists, or seut by express on receipt of gl.' Office, 44 Murray Street, Newfork. TOTT'S MANUAL OF USEFUL RECEIPTS FREE/ D.S. MORGAN&CO. . MAJTOTAOTTOX THK DURABLE DRAFT Triumpli Reapers * AND THE NOISELESS New Clipper Mower. The TRIUMPH REAPERS are unequal ed for Simplicity in. construction, case of management light weight, durability and good working capacit. in all conditions of grain. . . Tho NEW CRIMPER has all tho advantages o the OLD CLIPPER MOWER with many valual improvements. SBND FOE lIXTWTRATKD CIECTTLATt. Goon AGENTS WANTED in unoocupiedierritor " D. S. MORGAN & CO., Brockport,MonroeCo.,Nd ' SIOOO ,?.Z j for XDJ machine hulling anl /leaning Ht for JhErTIM. haw * I Pamphlet mallei ■ NEWARK MACHINE THIS PAPERS- "; Newspaper Advertising dereau GO f :>;i fctreet), where adver- Eiyelfi ssrsTs NEw YU';