Jmnal. THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 13., Ls33, bY DEINiNGER & BUMILLER. GURkt SW^fiDirWh Evangelical. * Rem. ft. ffcftrr'st and IT. A. Renter. French's Rav. H. A. Renter will'preach next Sunday evening. ultday School, M, —■Rey.C.F. Gephart.Supt Missionary Society meets on the tllinl Mon " day evening of each month. Methodist. ' Ret*. Fttrman Adam* Preacher-in-charge. '* Sunday School at 10*4 A.M.— D. A Musser, Snp't Reformed. Rev. Xwingfl A. Yearlck, Faster. Preaching in Aaronsburg next Sunday mom * ing and In Miliheim in the evening. Mi'e society meets regularly on the first rues ' day evening of each month. United Brethren. Ret?. J. G. W Herald. Preacher in charge. Regular services next Sunday morning. • uiuluy tcliool, 9A. M.— A. R. Alexander, Sunt Lutheran. ' Rev. John TotnUnzon, Pastor.— Omntuninn services in Aaronsburg next Sun ' day morning. German, and in ihe evening Eng Rah. German preparatory services Saturday afternoon. Preaching ulso on Friday and Sut -1 urday evenings. Sunday School at 9 A.M. B* O. Doiningor.Supt. Tire Augsburg Bible Class meets every Thurs. day evening at 7 oYlock. Ladies' Mite Society meet.* on the first* Mon day evening of each month. Presbyterian. Rev. IF. A", flutter. Pastor. Lodie & Society Directory. Miliheim Lodge. No. 9Uj, I. O. O. F. meAT* h*. ' heir hall, PennStreet, everySatnrilayeveninc. Rebecca Degree Meeting every Thursday on or before the full moon of each month. ' C. W. HAUTMAN. See. K N\ . M.U'CK. N. G. Providence Grange. No. 217 P.ot'lL, meets in - v Alexander s block on the second Saturday ot * each month at l 1 *. P. M.. and on tlie fourth Sa turday of each month at lVj. r. M. D. L.ZKBBY. Sec. T. G. Kim van, Master. The Miliheim B. & 1,. Association meets in tlie Penn street sehool house on the evening ot ' the second Monday of each month. A. Wai.TFK. Sec, 1L <>. DETNISGKR, Prest. The Miliheim Cornet Band meets in the Town Hall on Monday and Thursday evenings. J. 11. B. HAHTMAN, sec. SAM. WKISKU, Jit, Pres. Centre County Democratic Com mittea for 1833. 1 DISTRICT. SASIK. P. O. ADOUESS. * Bellefonte N. W, .1. M. Keiehiine, ...Bellefonte •' S. W. C'has Smith. '* " W. W. S. A.McQuistion Hllftwurtl boro. Ira U. Leathers, Howard x MilcAßurg " James P. .tones,... Mile>burg Mlllheiiu " F. P. Mnsser. Miliheim ' Philipsburg IW. C.u.HerUnger,...Philips-uig 2 W. Sol Schmidt 44 3W.A. V. Carpenter, " • Unionvtilo boro. P. J. McDonald, Fleming Benner twp. Win. Isliler, Fellefonte t 44 Frank F. Adams,—Milesburg I BurusMa 14 Henry Meeker Pine Glenn ' College 44 John R00p,.... Leinont Curtin 44 John MeCloskey, Roland Fergason O. P. J. T. McCormick. Stue College * 4 N. P. L. W. Walker,- Rock Springs ! (Mnipnny (J. otith Regt. Ueniui. Vol "Voltin ecrs, • Resolved, That white wo mourn the loss ol our comrade we submit to tin- divine wIU of our oroalor. Resolved. That by his we It wo an active worker in ih 'Club, tail our loss Is ins eternal train. i' R 'solved. That tit 1 Chili extend their sincere sympathy tot bo Ivro.wod f untiy. /i W&olred. t hat a eopy of I hose resolutions be presented to the faintly, and that the saute b reoorded on the minutes.of the cpib and pub. 1M1,.,t IN the WII.I.UKIM JOUKNAL, Centre Ri - l>orter and IlcH'Jonte ' ejmgli'ran. \V. it. ItAUTIIOtOMKW, .laked J. U^'llO, DAVID Biuu.:i.l., Committee. The Bendy Reference TJVX Receipt Rook, with {Summary Index Arranged for Ton Years. By a Country Editor. Tiik HEADY HEFERENCK TAX HE* CKirr BOOK will c umnend itself to uraclical business men at sight, lis forms are so concise ami plain that all may readily ttudetstand and use them. The Summary li.iLx will show *t a glance lite increase or decrease of s:s sessed valuation and taxes from year to year for a period of ten years. Every taxable citizen, and especially every voter, should make it a rule to take receipts for all taxes paid. This is not only prudent on business princi ples, but actually necessaiv in order to enjoy the continued right to vote. It is also a matter of no small considera tion to have all tax receipts for a ser ies of years together in convenient form for reference and comparison. For sale at the JOURNAL STORE nnd by the trade generally. Pi ice Id cents. LEGAL AD VER TISEMENTS. 't7IXEl, Al2, A\* and AMI. in Aaronsburg, clhse ty the home stead above deserilx-d. These lots are all in the best state of cultivation. Sale of town property begins at Aaronsburg at 9 o'clock, and. far farm and tlniberlaud, at the farm, at 1 o'clock of Said day. TKtt.MS: Ten per cent, on day of sale, one third (Including the ten percent.) on continua tion of sale, and tm* balanoe in two etjual an nual payments with Interest from confirmation —to tie secured by bond and mortgage on the premises. JASPER W. STOVER, 3t Executor. EXECUTOR* NOTICE -Letters testament- I ary on the estate >f. Christina Kreainer, late of Peon township. Centre Co., fa., deeeae ed. having been granted to the undersigned, all persons knowing themselves indebted to said estate are hereby uotiii-d to make immediate payment, and those hiving claims to present them duty proven tor settlement. E. STAMBACH, Aaronsburg, Aug. 30th, ISS3. Executor. LAST NOTlCE.—Persons knowing the in selves indebted lo the estate of the late Jonathan Philips are hereby requested to make payment without delay. The estate must bo settled up and they wlli save themselves costs by heeding this notice. .'st EXBTUTOItS. ELIAS LUSE. F. D. LUSE. Elias Luse & Son's pi AIDING jjjILL, In the rear of the Ev. Church, Pcnn Street, MILLHEIM, PA. ALL KINDS OF PLANING MILL WORK sec ii AS Doors, Window Frames & Sash, Shutters & Blinds, Siding, Brackets, Stair Rals, Balustrades, Verandahs, AND ALL STYLES OF dSAOTTnLZDILTO mode to order at the most reasonable prices. A share of public patronage respectfully so licited. 36-iy D. H. Lenker, MANUFACTURER AND DEALER IN FURNITURE, A.ARONSBURG, FA. Cliamber Suits, Bureaus, Lounges, Bedsteads, Stands, Marble-Top Centre Tables, Breakfast Tables, Dining Tables, Extension Tables, Sideboards, Sinks and all kinds of Kitchen Furni ture, Cane or Wood Seat Chairs, Rockers, Spring Beds, Wire, Wool and Ilair Mat l osses, every style of Mould ings for Picture Frames. Frames of any size made to order. Undertaking a Specialty. A share of tire public patronage re spectfully solicited. 36-ly A. SIMON & SONS, WHOLESALE & RETAIL GROCERS, keep the largest stock in the 143 MAIN STREET, LOCK HAVEN. SRKAMP, —Watchmaker & Jeweler,- — MILTON, PA. JRgrOFFEKA SPECIAL HAKCIAINS "^>3 IN Ladies' and Gents' Solid Gold and Silver Watches, Plated Chains * Jewelry, ELEGANT LINE OF i Ladies' and Geats' Solid Gold Rings. FINE LARGE SfOCK OF i SILVER WARE, ! All Guaranteed of Ilcst Make!!! Goods sent to responsible parties to select from. Orders by mail will receive prompt attention. All kinds of repairing promptly done. Goods to be repaired can be sent bv mail and will be returned in the shortest possible time. All kinds of Gold and Hair Jew elry made to order. SFA'I) FOR PRICE LIST. G- KTYOUU JOB ritINTIXU DONE AT The Miilheim Journal Office. FINK WORK CHEAPLY EXECUTED. (%Ha -VSt., i.W*?V 1 a r A'-* /:<-•• /In •' /IN'•' /-s ■••• - *vi< " /In W# /IN V &'' SST>* /IN.*' FY O'"^ .!>* I? . ... N Y ... W ... £3 • 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 Y, PIT sag ft ® A 5?: ••-/' \\ K * ©<♦)# iP &•-■* l \ ■■■ 1 | ' - ty* mis. 'V p| PIANOS. jINL ORGANS. || H ! CHICKERING,- ESTEY, | 1 .r*?> STEINWAY, MASON & HAMLIN, % J !>1 HAINES BURDETT, §•£• mI ' SMITH AMERICAN, § K JSKI HARDMAN, ypg||SßH SHONINGER s#ll,$ # 11, ARION. 3Nri> oTsuits. II GUITARS, VIOLINS, HARMONICAS, if' M tfc 9 * 41 S@ N|f GRGUINETTES, UIOLIN BOXES; fIGGORDEONS,' || 1* Sheet CQusig, CDusig Ousig Holders, JJ§| 0 B ffIUSIG Is?IANO (©OVERS, E>IANO STOOLS. |jg X # jj| PIANO AND ORGAN INSTRUCTORS—in short, Everything hi the Musical Line. |f # || Hj§ DOMESTIC SEWING MACHINES, "AHD L PAR TS.y \f@ v F — s 3 ® E: | . FINE STOCK OF JEWELHY AND SILVERWARE. ffij S vf ~ . If® JBL BUNNELL & AIKENS, J SL* ® \\ i^pE $d I M- Southwest Corner Allegheny and Bishop Streets, Bellefonte, Pa. IT I §f|, f/yTPft 9 H| ?" iSI fci fefi (§sgS|l 9 9;. 9_ 9 9 - .9 ~ ® 3 9 9" 9 © r ° ;c|la. nnd mil Dinrawt of Hie Kloiuarh. Howrlt, Itlood, Livrr and Kldnr^a. For Sale by all Dealeri is 3Mirie, ai uO Ctau a Kettle. Prepared und sold at Wholesale hv the GERMAN OLIO COMPANY, (LIMITED,) 33 Willow Street. WllllnmiM>rt, Pa. PHILADELPHIA WHOLESALE AGENCY: Johnston, Hollow ay X Co., GO J Arch St. Smith, 14line A Co., 3)9 & 311 NORTH THIKI) STREET. Once again wa call attention to onr large line of FURNITURE, &c-, Tailor Suites. Chamber Suites, Pining bloom Furniture. Tables, Stands, Chairs, Bureaus, Bedsteads, Springs of every descrip tion, llair, Cotton, Husk and Straw Mattresses. a specialty of Hair Mattresses, and guarantee a better Mattress for less money than can be purchased elsewhere. Sofas. Lounges, Crudes, Hall Stands, CentrcTablcs. Easy Chairs, Book Cases, Ward robes, Mimus, Frames, —What-Nots, Etc., Etc.,- 0 BODY BRUSSELS, a fine line at low prices. M(H^UFTRSj Smith's best, at $1.50 wortli $2.00. ROXIURY TAPESTRIES at $1Q0; pold now here else for less than $1.25 LOWj'.'LLtnnd other standard makes of extra super, at 75c. to 90c. SINGLE and DOUBLE C. C. INGRAIN. 25 to 50c. VELVETS, a large line at low prices. A large line of Velvet, Smyrna, Turkish and other Rugs in novel and beautiful designs. v Also many other grades of standard carpets. . Extra Super CRUMB CLOTH. G ANTONMATTIXCS, Red Check and fancy colors, 15 to 50c. LIXCOLEUM, Six different patterns. Oil. CLOTHS, 4-4 to 10 4. all prices and qualities. WINDOW SHADES and Shade cloth in great variety. Wall Pa | cr the greatest variety and finest designs in Modern Art Paper Hanging. ' , AH our patterns arc selected for the best etaii Trade o ISUSICAL INSTRUMENTS CIIICKERING PIANOS—The Standard of the World. VOSE PIANOS—The Best for the Money. SMITH AMERICAN ORGANS-None Better. Bridgeport, Taylor & Failey, Palace, Ithaca, Waterloo,. Sterling, and all other First-Class Make of Organs. SHEET MUSIC, atid a gieat varie ty of small Music il Instruments. ALL SOLD 'AT LOW, Pr.igES. O CHINA AND SILVERWARE ! \Vc have a line stock in this department. Wc wish to close out and offe/ extra inducements to purchasers. We invite the attention of every purchaser to the inducements we offer, Wc handle goods in the largest quantities. We arc willing to sell at small. mqrgiu. tlip goods we bundle arc regutar. tUorrespoadence and mail orders especially solicited. J. R. SMITH & CO.. 110,112,114 Front strest, Milton, PA.