|l|c Journal. THURSDAY, AUGUST 30TH, 1883. BY DEININGER & BUM IDLER. ~ (Mck I Sniii&y School Directory. Evangelical. Rem. 11. llfny si and IT. A. Bcnfer, Ircaeh's, uinlay SCIIOOL, D4P. M, — Rev.C.F. GEThait,Snpt Missionary Society meets on the third Mon day evening of each month. Methodist. Iter. Furman Adams Preachcr-in-charge. Quarterly meeting in Miilheim next Saturday and Sunday. Sunday School at 104 A. M.-D. A Musser, Sup't Reformed. Rer. Ziringli .4. Yearick, Pastor. Preaching in Aaronsburg next Sunday eve ning. Mite society meets regularly on the first Tues day evening of each month . United Brethren. Rev. J. Cf. TP. Herald, Preacher-fa charge. unday school. 9A. M.—A. K. Alexander, Sunt Lutherau. Rev. John Tomlinson, Pastor.— Sunday School at 9 A.M. R* O. Deininger. Supt. The Augsburg Bible Class meets every Hairs, day evening at 7 o'clock. Ladies' Mite Society meets on the first Mon day evening of each month. Lofloe & Soaety Directory. Miliheim I.odge, No. 955, T. O. O. V. meets IN heir hall, PennStreet, everySnturday evening. KEBECV'A Degree Meeting every Thursday on or before the full moon of each mouth. C. W. H VKTMAN. See. E O. M via R. N. (. Providence Grange. No. 217 P.ot 11.. nieetstn Alexander s block on the second Saturday of each month at IL. P. M., and on the fourth Sa turday of each month at 1 L, L*. M. D. L.ZEKBY, Sec. T.G. UUU\ui>,Ma*ter. The Miilheim B. & L. Association meets in tho Penu street school house on the evening ot the second Monday of each month. \. WALTER. See. B. O. DEININGKR, Prest. The Miilheim Cornet Band meets in the Town Hall on Monday and Thursday evenings. J. H. B. IUITTMAX, Sec. SAM. WKISEU.JU, Pres. Coatro Gjaaty Com mitteo for 1333. DISTRICT. SAMK. r.o. AODRESS. Bcllefonte N. W, J. M. Keleh'iine, . .Bellefonte " s. W. CUas Smith " " W. W. S. A.McQtiistlon,— llovvartl boro. Ira C. l eathers, Howard Milesburg " .lames P. .#ones,... Miloburg Miilheim " F. P. Musser. Miilheim Philipsburg 1 W. C.Tl. Herlinger....Philipsuurg 2 W. Sol Schmidt " .3 W. A. V. Carpenter " Unionviilc b ro. P. J. McDonald, Fleming Benuor twp. WIN. Ishler, Bellefonte BOVLS " Frank F. Auams,... Milesburg B irnsida " Henry Meeker Pine Glenn College " John Loop Lemoiit Cnrtin " John MeC'.oskey Roland Ferguson O. P. J. T. McCornuck. Stae college " N. P. L. W, Walker,... Itock Springs Gregg s. I'. John Coldron Spring Mills N. P. Win. Luce, .... Farmers Mills llaines K. P. L. B. Mover, Woodward " W. P. Geo. Bower, Aaronsburg Hair Moon twp J. 11. Griffin Storiiistown Harris " D.W.Meyer, .Boalsburg Howard " John iitenn Howard iliistoo " John L. Mili*s, Julian Liberty " James P. Lvinn Blanclmru M irion " J. J. Hoy, Walker Miles " Ellis Shafer Madisonbi'rg Ration " Aguew Sellers, JR Filmore IVna " P. H. Stover, Coburn Poller N. P. D.J.Meyer,- Centre LLALL s. P. Samuel Slack Tusscyviile RU>h N. P. W illiam L'ullen Pliili sburg S. P. J. T. Everly Sandy R.dpe Shoe twp. Win. U. ilaynes, ...Snow Shoe Spring " E.C.Wood Bellefonte T*vlor " Hepburn Blowers, Fowler Union " S. K. Emeriek Fleming Walker " Jos. Emeriek, Ilnbiersburg 55'orlli " M. S. siHitts Port Matilda WM. C. HEINLF. Chairman. W. MILES WALKER. Secretary. "DEMOCRATIC STATE TICKET. FOP. AUDITOR GENERAL, I'APT ROBERT TAO HART, OF WAR HEX COUXTY. FOR STATE TREASURER. HON. JOSEPH POWELL, OF BRADFORD COUXTY. DEMOCRATIC"COUNTY TICKET! FOR DISTRICT ATTORNEY, W. C. Heinle, OF BELLEFONTE. FOR ASSOCIATE JUDGE, Dr. J. R. Sin Ith, OF FERGUSON TOWNSHIP. FOR COUNTY SURVEYOR, Ellin J. Or vis, OF BELLEFONTE. FOR CHAIRMAN OF CO. COMMITTEE. P. Gray Meek, O? BELLEFONTE. It now scorns probable that the legislature will adjourn soon. Hope they will. Thev have worked, or rather idled, long enough for themselves at ten dollars a diy and they ought to do at least one act of public benefit, by adjourning spt edi fy HON. J. MCDOWELL SHARPE,mem ber of the legislature from Franklin county, died at his home in Chain bersburg on the 23rd iust. Mr. Sharpe was a lawyer of emi nent ability, sterling integrity, well known and highly respected through out the state. Democrats are you Registered. The day for the registry of voters this year will be Thursday, Sept. 6, and out of abundant caution every voter should satisfy himself that his nanas is on the book with a tax assessed against him. O. her wise he may b) disfran chised. Democratic committeemen and politicians should be active and en ergetic in looking after this now,to the exclusion of every other political con aideratiou. It will not do to assume that because the bulk of the voters piid their taxes last year that the reg istry this year is au unimportant mat ter. Special attention should bo given to the registry of all persons who did not pay taxes last year,to persons re cently naturalized or about to be nat uralized,to those who voted "on age" last year or who will be come 2-' years of age before February,and to all whose resideuce has been changed since Nov emUer, 1883. "Attention to the regis try" is the immediate duty of all in terested in Democratic organization. Something of an idea of the enor m uis bulk of silver accumulated in the T easury Department may be given by the statement that it weighs upwards of five thousand tons of two thousand pounds each. It would require five hundred cars to transport it, allowing teu tons to a car,the ordinary car load. No wonder the departments find trou ble to obtain storage room for the mou- • ey that won't circulate. Tho Great Growth of Chicago. From the Inter-Ocean. Fifty years ago today tlio town of Chicago was incorporated. Thero were then CCD inhabitants. There nro now tiO'.tyHK). At the date of incorporation of Chicago St. Louis had a population of 15,000, Cincinnati nearly 2 ),00 \ Pittsburg 15,000, Philadelphia 85,000, and New York 250,000. Chicago was at the tail end of western villages,while all the places mentioned were cities. The village that mustered forty-six votes on the 10th of August, 1 s • > : , has outstripped all the cities of the United 'States of that day, except New York and Philadelphia. New York, founded in 1050, did not reach a population of 500,000 until 1850, and Philadelphia did not reach the same standard un til lSt>>. In oth er words, Chicago has accomplished as much in the way of growth in tifty years as New York did in 210. Sober Words of Truth. The marriage laws of Pennsylvania are sadly in need of amendment, riieie are few states in the union in which it is easier for persons to become man and wife. No license is nocessnrv. N< previous publication of the inten tion of the parties is demanded. No witnesses are required. There is a : law, it is true, forbidding the marriage of minors, but it is seldom enforced. ; In fact there is absolutely no restric -1 lion in the subject at all. If a man and woman take up housekeeping to gether and the man introduces the wo man as his wife, they aio lu l 1 by the courts to lie as truly married as though adi zen preachers had tied the knot* Perhaps this would be all right if it > were not for the misery to which it so frequently leads. The ease with which ( marriages may bo contracted tempts many young and foolish persons to en ter into this relation with little thought : and a meie surface acquaintance. A passing whim, a sudden impulse of 1 passion, is mistaken for true regard which alone is abiding. In a little time the young people discover e acn ■ other's faults. The novelty of their [ new relation wears off, the husband de -1 sorts his wife and she dies to the too i compliant divorce courts for release, I only, in too many instances to repent ' her former bitter experience. The next legislature should be invited to ! give this important matter its serious attention. The stability of the home is a pillar of public security. Altooua Tribune. The Ready Reference Tax Receipt Book, with Summary Index Arranged for Ten Years. By a Country Editor. THE READY REFERENCE TAX RE CEIPT BOOK will c mmend itself to practical business men at sight. Its forms are so concise and plain that all may readily understand and use them. The Summary Index will show at a glance the increase or decrease of as sessed valuation and taxes from year to year for a period of teu years. Every taxable citizen, and especially every voter, should make it a rule to take receipts for all taxes paid. This is not only prudent on business princi ples, but actually necessary in order to ei joy tlie continued light to vote. It is also a matter of no small considera tion to have all tax receipts for a ser ies of years together in convenient form for reference and comparison. We here give only a few out of a great many testimonials by the press : We have received a copy of "The Ready Re ference Tax Receipt Book, with summary in dex, arranged for ten years," published by El der,*!: Bentley, 432 Market St., IMiila., and in vented or deviled by a "country editor." name ly— l?ro. B. o. Dtlninger of the Miilheim Jour nal. It is copyrighted and therefore secure from infringement, which was a w'se precau tion to take in these days of mo' cy-niaking. The book contains about TObiank receipts, neat ly printed on an excellent quality of paper, nothing cramped—allowing plenty space for writing—and is well bound. At the back part it has an index, where one can keep a record of ail his taxes paid during the year—a summary —and tind the total. Tills "summary iiidi'x'' makes the book good for ten years. It is just such a book that every taxpayer ought to have, far, by its use you have all your receipts of this kind under cover, well preserved, and easy to find when wanted. We bespeak for it a large snle.—Mifflinburg Tcleyrajih. A VAI.UAN LB LITTLE BOOK.-Editor Ptdnin gcr of tlie Mlllheiin Journal (Miilheim, Centre county, I'H.) has strucjc a bonanza, lie has in vented a "Ready Reference Tax Receipt Book," wh.ch every tax-payer will say "supplies a long felt want" as soon as he looks at it. It has a summary index, arranged for ten years, which will enable the person who uses the book to see at a glance the insrease or decrease of his as sessed valuation and taxes from year to year. The advantage of having one's receipts for tax es for a series of years together in a convenient form for reference, instead of on loose pieces of paper, is so obvious that Hie book will undoubt edly have an extensive sale wherever introduc ed. Brother Dciuinger has struck a good, prac tical idea, from which the HEIIALD predicts he will enjoy a handsome revenue. It has been copyrighted and will be printed and sold by Elder & Bentley, publishers and stationers, 132 Market street, Philadelphia.— Erie Herald. Our editorial friend, B. O. Deiniuger, of the Miilheim Journal, is always inventing some scheme for increasing Ids bank account. His latest etfort in this direction is the Introduction of a new blank book styled the "Ready Refer ence Tax Receipt Book," a copy of which we have received through the courtesy of Mr. Deininger. The, "Ready Reference" is a very useful book, conveniently arranged and neatly bound. It should be in the possession of every taxable citizen, and will no doubt have an ex tensive sale.— Bellefonte Republican. Bro. B. O. Deininger, the senior of the Mill ' heim Journal, has recently struck upon a handy thing. It is an indexed tax receipt book, with receipts and indices enough to last a tax payer ten years. It is published by Elder & Bentley, 423 Market street, Philadelphia, and copyright ed. It is in a convenient sidepocket form.— LevoUburg Chronicle. For sale at the JOURNAL STORE and by the trade generally. Price 40 cents. Two rich farmers fell out about a division line. They hired two poor lawyers and went into court. Now the lawyers rent the farms and hold judgement notes for the balance of their fees. Miscellaneous. There is a wateifall at tho bead of Cowlitz river, in the Washington Ter ritory, which is said to he tho highest in the world —1,5 M feet or 1,300 foot hig l er than Niagara. Tnere are quite a number of falls over 5)) foot high on the tributaries of this river. Jacob llnlT nan, of Tainaqa, c died upon Cod lo witness that he was inno cent of stealing a horse from a Mr. Job, Ten minutes afterward bo dropped dead, and it was fully proven that he had stolen the animal. Senator Crane, of Marion, Kan..offer ed the Ladies Aid Society $5 if they would make a quilt without speaking a word. Twenty-three ladies nu tat the parsonage, made the quilt and earned the money in two hours. A Georgian Who Livos in Four Counties. From the Gainesville Eagle. A man lives a few miles above Ath ens who e.ts in one county, sleeps iu in another, smokes when sitting in hi piazza in a thit J and has built I is barn in a fourth, lie lives where four coun ties corner and is as iiulei endeut of le gal otlicers as a wood-sawyer. The late Rev. Pr. Charles 11. Leii. bach, who recently departed this life at Stouehsburg, Lebanon county, tluriig tho forty-two years of his ministiy, married 1,1*7 couples, held 1, •">7• fun erals. baptized 1,71) pi rsons, continu ed 2,10 > persons and deliveied 7,600 sermons and 1 ctures, exclusive ol cat echetical h-ct ures. A Giant of a Wostern Orchard. From the AJ.ilt County Journal. Mr. Abel Scholield, an Adair cunity farmer, who livis about twelve miles southeast of Kitkfcville, las pirhais the largest apple tree in his orchard [ that can be foun 1 in Mi sUP i. It mi a - ure9 six feet and ten inches in ciicum. forence near the ciour.d and six ftei at a distance of six fat fiom the ground. The lrrgest limb measures four feet and ten inches. This mam moth of the orchard has yielded forty bushels each year for the last ten years and the fruit 13 of an excellent variety. Sf. fjote!, Xos. ;il7 & 319 ARCH ST., PHILADELPHIA. RATES REPKEjTmOO PER MY. Tho traveling public will still find at this Hotel the same li!>er.U provision for their com fort. It islocutedin the immediate centres of business and places of annneine.it and the dif ferent Rnil-lto:id depots, as well as all parts ot the city, are easily accessible by street Curs Constantly passing the doors, li offers special inducements to those visiting the city for busi ness or pleasure. Your patronage resueelfully solicited. Jos. M. Feger, Proprietor. LE (i. iL ADI r E li TISEMENTS. XOTICE Is hereby given that an application will be m ide, under the act of Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, entitled "an act to provide for the incorporation and re gulation of certain corporations," approved April 291h, 1H74, for th • charter of an intended corporation to be called the l'hilipsburg Has Company the character and ohj >et of which is, to manufacture an I sell illuminating aiul heat ing gas to tue public in Philipsburg, Centre county, and for these purposes to have and pos sess and enjo.v all the lights, benefits and privi leges of the said act of assembly, and its supple ments. J. M. RICHMOND, 33-3t Attorney. T7*XECUTOR'S NOTlCE.—Letters testament lb ary on the estate of Christina Kreamer, late of I enn township. Centre Co.. Pa., deceas ed. having been granted to the undersigned, ai! persons knowing themselves Indebted to said estate are hereby notified to make immediate payment, and tho-e having claims to present them duly proven for settlement. E. ST AM BACH. Aaronsburg, Aug. 30th, IS A3. Executor. SMITH'S GERMAN Ouo I Tlie Great German Remedy —FOR— RHEUMATISM, Neuralgia, D.rapcpsia. and all Dlnrancfl of* the Slomitrli. Rowel*, Rlood, Liter and Kidney*. FIT Sale by all Dealers ia Medicine, at 50 Cents a Bottle. Prepared and sold at Wholesale by the GERMAN OLIO COMPANY, (LIMITED,) 1 33 Willow .Street, Willimii*|>orf, Pa. PHILADELPHIA WHOLESALE AGENCY: Johnston, Holloway & Co., 002 Arch St. Smith, Kline A Co., 909ftMl NORTH THIRD 81 KRET. Lewistar and Tyrone Railroad Time TaMe. LEAVE WESTWARD. 1 3 5 7 9 A. M. A. M. P. M. P. M. P. M Montandon 7 05 9.40 2.0."> 0.00 7.55 Levvisburg 7.25 10 05 2.20 Fair Ground 730 10.13 2.25 Kiel 11 7.40 10.27 2.35 V'cksburg 7.45 lw.3t> 2.40 Milllinburg B.ooar 11.00 ar 2.35 le. 3 if> Millmont 8.22 3.23 Laurel ton 8.33 3.40 Wiker Run 8.57 4.<5 Cherry Run 9.15 4,25 Fowler 9.35 4.47 Cobnrn 9.43 s.oft Spung M ills arlo. 1 5 ar. 5. 30 LEAVE EASTWARD. 2 4 O H 10 A. M. p. M. Spring Mills 5.50 1.5.) Coburn (518 2.20 Fowler 5.28 2.33 Cherry Run 15.18 2.56 Wiker llun 7.05 3.15 Laurelton 7.30 3.40 Millmont 7.40 3.52 A. M. Milllinburg 8.00 11.45 4.15 P. M. Vicksburg 8.15 12.10 4.82 Biehl 820 12.17 4.38 Fair Gtound-... A. M. 8230 12.33 4.48 P.M. Lewisburg 0.35 8.15 12.50 5.10 7.!30 Montandon ar. 6.45ar.9.00ar 1.05ar.5.20ar 7.40 Nos. 1 and 2 connect at Montandon with Erie Mail West; 3 and 4 with Sea Shore Express East; 5 and 6 with Day Express and Niagara Express West; 7 and 8 with Fast Line West; 9 and 10 with William spurt Accommodation East. SRKamp, —fatcMur & Jeweler, — MILTON, PA. J JcfiTOFFERS fci'BCUL UAUO\lNii'\ba Ladies' and Gents' Solid Gold and Silver Watches, Plated Chains 5 Jewelry, ELFGAXT I.IN'K OF Laiic. 1 aal Gents' SiliJ Gold Riiijs. FINE LARGE STOCK OF SILVER WARE, !!! All Guaranteed or IJest Make!!! IttafGoods sent lo responsible j arties. to select from. Orders by n ail will receive prompt attention. All kinds of repairing pronij tly done. Goods to be repaired can l>c sent lv mail anl will be returnc I in the shortest possible tine. All kinds of Gold and Hair Jow olry made to order. SEND FOR PRICE LIST. KT VOL It Jon POINTING DONE AT X The Millheim Journal Office. FINE WORK CHEAPLY EXECUTED. (fgEa • • • • • e e e 9 • • • • K) ; mm um. a ' : ©:; 5-jH I. V I PIANOS. Jjj_ ORGANS. |J h i CHICKERING, ESTEY, |§ | o°g STEIN WAY, Q*'i HAINES' BURDETT, |©i| || hardman SMITH AMERICAN, I 1| ARION. *-% :3i AND others. |i QUZTAHS, mors, l| * ©V t- s *:^ XJf GKGUINETTES, UIOLIN BOXES, || gg ■\ 9 % SHEET CQusig, (QUSIG Books,' CQUSIG FJoldeks, P jgf (Dusig E?iano E?iano Stools. §j jS PIANO AND ORGAN INSTRUCTORS—in short, Everything in the Musical Line. |t # y. Ujf DOMESTIC SEWING MACHINES, | @ | V S FINE STOCK OF JEWELBY AND SILYEBWARE. ® |j '♦ ®.i —■——' i ■ t/ v jt ™ M k BUNNELL & AIKENS, J§, jfi \ ® \\ /v/ ® &j '**'*•&>-sßelffi^ Any of the above PIANOS or ORGANS can also be purchased through W. T. MEYER, AARONSBURG, PA. 1 Henderson's Leader. IT IS NOT ONLY THE BEST HADE. BUT IT IS THE LIGHT EST-RUNNING. QUIETEST AND SIMPLEST IN THE MARKET.'' IT 13 THE ACME OF PERFECTION IN WOKIi.iIANeIIIP AND PRINCIPLE* ._*OUR MOTTO**-~ "++***• PIIOTECTLON TO DKALEHSJ MAI NTENANCKOF GOOD RETAIL PRICES; NO PKO.MIBCTOUB SCATTERING OF WIIOLESArLE TRICES. A AGENTS WANTED. • FOR PARTICULARS ADDRESS > ) The Leader Sewing Machine ] > CLEVELAND, OHIO. - ieester its co. Mil MAKUFACTCRERR OP "OUR IMPROVED* WIND] MILL, jj&. JIRFLPV AND DKALERS IN ~"T r praps - TAJfKB ' pffE ' Fittings, Brass Goods, mm and all things connected with Machinery & Water Supplies. 31 & 33 Randolph St. TffilsSr 1® Lti Send for lLi.c<=T RAT y-£ CATA THE WEBSTEB MTG CO. LIMITED, DETROIT, MICH. Once again we call attention to our largo line of FURNITURE, &c<, Parlor Suites. Chamber Suites, Dining Room Furniture. TnMcsj Stands, Chairs, Bureau?,. Bedsteads, Springs of every descrip tion, Hair, Cotton, Husk and Straw Mattresses. We nuke a specialty of Heir Mattresses, and guarantee a better Mattress for less money than can be purchased elsewhere. Sofas, Lounges, Craeles, Hall Stands, CcntreTables. Easy Chairs, Book Cases, Ward robes, Mirrors, Frames, —What-Nots, Etc., Etc.,-* 0 BODY BRUSSELS, a fine line at low pi ices. MOQUETTS, Smith's best, at §1.50 —worth §2.00. ROXBUItY TAPESTHIES at $1.00; sold nowhere else for less than $1.25 LOWELL and other standard makes of extra super, at 75c. to 90e. SINGLE and DOUBLE C. G\ INGRAIN. 25 to 50c. VELVETS, a large lino at low prices. A large lino of Velvet, Smyrna, Turkish f 4 nd other Bugs in novel and beautiful di signs. Also many other grades of standard carpets. Extra Super CRUMB CLOTH, Jaxtom MTTiX(JS,*_Ked Chcik and fancy colors, 15 to 50c. LIXCOLFXM, Six different patterns. OIL CI.OTIIS, 4-4 to 10-4, all prices and qualities. WINDOW SHADES and Shade cloth in great variety. Wall Pajcr the greatest variety and finest designs in Modern Art Paper Hanging. AH our patterns arc selected for the best ctail Trado I o MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS CUICKERING PIANOS—The Standard of the World. VOSE PIANOS—The Best for the Money. SMITH AMERICAN ORGANS—None IMter. Illidgei.oit, Taylor & Failey. Palace, Ithaca, Waterloo, Sterling, and all other First-Class Make of Organs. SHEET MUSIC, and a great varie ty of small Music D Instruments. ALL SOLD AT LOW PRICES. O CHINA AND SILVERWARE! We have a fine stock in this department. We wish to close out and offer extra inducements to purchasers. We invite the attention of every purchaser to the inducements we offer. We handle goods in the largest quantities. We arc willing to sell at small margin, the goods we handle are regmar. Correspondence and miil orders especially solicited. J. 3. SMITH & CO., 110,112,114 Front street, Milton, Pa.