Millheim Journal. (Millheim, Pa.) 1876-1984, August 23, 1883, Image 2

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    THURSDAY, AUGUST 23KI>, 1883.
LMrch & Snuday School Director!.
Rem. li. Ilcrwt and IT. A. Penfer, rreach's
unday School, m,—liev.C.F. Gephart,Supt
Missionary Society miHtr on the third Mon>
day evening ot each month.
f?pr. Fnrman Adams Preacher in c'fiarrre.
Eegular services next Sunday evening.
"Sunday School at 10)4 A.M.—l>. A Mnsser, SupT
Rev. Zvinnli A. Yearicl', Pastor.
Mite society meets regularly on the tirst Tues
day evening of each month.
United Brethren.
Rev. J. O. W. Herald, Preacher-in charere.
unday School. 9A. M.— A. It. Alexander, Sunt
Rev. John Tomlinmn, Pastor.—
rommunbm services in Mtllhoim next Sunday
moi uing at ten o'clock. Preparatory services
Strnrday afternoon 2)4 o'clock. Preaching also
n Friday. Stiturday and Sunday evenings.
■Sunday School at 9 A.M. B- O. I>elninger. Supt.
The Augsburg Bible Glass meets every Thurs
•ft.iy evening at 7 o'clock.
Ladies' Mite Society meets on the first Mon
day evening of each month.
Lodge S Society Directory.
Millhoim L0dge.N0.955, I. 0. O. F. meets in
heir hall, l'enn Street, every Saturday evening.
Bolweea Pegvee Meeting every Thursday >n
or tet"ore the full moon of each mouth.
<3. \V. IIAKTMAN, See. K W. MAIVK. N. G.
fTovldence Grange. No. 217 P.ot 11.. meets in
s hloek on the second Saturday of
■ month at 1)4, r. M.. and on the fourth Sa
turday of each month at IV§ v. M.
I. L.Zkkbi . sec. T. G. Kuti Alio,Master.
The Millhoim B. T.. Association meets in
the l'enn street scliooiihouse sen t lie evening ot
the second Monday of each month.
A. WAJ.TKK. Sec, B. O. HKIMNUKR, Brest.
The Millbeim Comet Band meets in the
Twtt Hull on Monday ami Thursday owning*.
J. 11. B. H ARTM vn, See. Wbiskk, Ju, Pres.
Centre County Democratic Com
xnittoe for 1333.
Beilefoitte N W, ,1. M. KelchUno, ...Bellefonte
" s. w. Chas Siwitli,
•• W. W-. S. A. McQuistion,....
Howard lro. Ira C. lathers, Howard
>lih*sburg " J.ones P. .ones,— Milcsburg
Millheim " F. I*. Musser MHlheim
I'hilipsburg 1 W. C.G.Herlii>ger....Philipsuuig
2 W. Sol Schmidt *'
" :T W. A. V. Carpenter, "
rnbmvtlFe bpo. F*. ,1. McOcnahl,. Fleming
|t,*nuer bvp. Wm. lshler- I'ellefonte
B g*.s " Frank F. Adams....Mileshurg
Rurnside 44 Henry Meeker Pine Glenn
College 44 John Roop Lcnmnt
Cnrtin 44 Joliu McCloskey, Loiaud
Ferguson O. P. J. T. McL'ormiek, Stae i ollege
N. P. L, W. Walker,... Rock Springs
Grot* s. I'. John Caldron Spring Mills
N. P. Wm. Luce, Farmers Mills
llaines K. I*. 1- L stover Woodward
•* W. P. Geo. Bower, Aaronsburg
Lhlf Moon twp J. H. Griffin Stormstown
TVirris 44 H.W.Meyer Coalsbtirg
Roward 44 John Glenn How :nxt
Jtlisten 44 John L. Miles Julian
kabertr 44 James P. Lclnn Blanchara
NUrmn 44 J. J. Hoy Walker
44 Kill* Slmfer, Madisonlmrg
Tat' Oß 44 Aguew Sellers. Jr Filinore
rpmi M 14.l 4 . H. stover, Coburn
Potter N-P. 1). J. Meyer Centre Hall
" S. I*. Samuel Slack Tussovville
Rush N. P. William Cullen Phiii sburg
s.P. J. T. Kverly. Sandy UuUe
Sao*- Shoe l\vp. Win. R. Haynes,—Snow shoe
Spring 4 " K. C. Woo-1 Bellefonte
Twbr 44 Hepburn Blowers Fowler
Union 44 S. K. Kmeriek, Fleming
Walker 44 Jo*. Kmeriek, Hnblershurg
Worth 44 M. S. Spotts, Port Matilda
W. C. Ifelnle,
Dr. M. R. Smith,
Mil** J. Orris.
P. Gray Beek,
Death of Judge Black.
The Eminent Jurist Pa.s39d Away
at His Home in York.
YORK, Pa.. August 19. —This com
munity was shocked this morning by
the sad news of the death of Judi?e J.
S. Black.aud all day his many friends
could be by their sad faces
seen on the streets. Ilis iife and ser
v ces to bis party and country have
been the one theme of conversation
here to-day. The whole comrau'iity
iuourus his death. Judge Black was
takeu seriously til this day one week,
but lits physicians had hopes ot his re
covery until yesterday at noon, when
lie was taken suddenly worse, and from
that time on sank rapidly, dying at
two o'clock this morning. All his fam
ily were at his bedside except Mrs.
Clayton, his daughter, wife of Colonel
Clayton, who is on goyernment duty
iu the west.
The Ticket.
Our county ticket this year is small
but good. We have aot the pleasure of
a personal acqaaiutance with Dr. Smith
the candidate for Associate Judge, but
hear fom all sources that lie is a most
worthy gentleman and particularly
well qualified for the place. He will
probably be appointed by Gov. Pattison,
trice Judge Runkle, deceased, and take
His seat next week.
W. C. Heinle, Esq., was renomina
ted by acclamation for District Attor
ney and will of course be elected. He
is too well-known throughout the en
tire county as a former teacher, stump
speaker and lawyer to need encomium
at our hands.
Ellis Orvis, Esq., the nominee for
County Surveyor, is a son of Judge Or
vis. He is a your.g gentleman of ex
cellent talents, wide culture, and pos-
the special qualifications for the
office in question in an eminent degree.
THE situation at Harrisburg is still
in statu quo— no appoitionment and no
prospect of any. However it is a reliof
tii know that ihe poor,care-worn metn
ters get their ten dollars a day all the
Democratic County Convention.
Tne (ViogaTcs to the Democratic
County Convention assembled at tlio
Court House, in Htllefontc, on Tues
day last at 2 o'clock,* 1\ M. The lion.
CYRUS T. ALEXANDER was chi-scn
Chairman of the Convention, who re
turned his thanks for the honor In a
neat and appropriated speech. On mo
tion of H. (J. Ibett.of Ferguson, lames
A. McClain, of lJOlefonte, M I. Gan*-
ner, of Howard, and I>. K. Miller, of
Marion, were elected Secretaries. The
list of delegates from the several dis
tricts were then called bv Secretary
McClain. and answered to their nam s
as follows :
JieUe/onte. S. ll*.—Geo. W. Eaton, Jac. I-.
Runktr, William Lttdwlir.
BP twforite, A*. IP.—.tames A. McClnin, John
M. KciVhllne.
Redefantc, IF. If".—Frank WetcoK.
MitesNi r;; —K. I>. Noll.
MiUheitn -D. ZeighT.
UnionviUe— Daniel llull.
//owirrf —\V. .1. Gardner.
Pliilfipshuty Ist H'—Geo. McGafft'j .
fttilii>9bttrp % *Kl W —J- N.Cassnova. Dr. 1.0
l'fiih'psbuiy, :hvi ft'—A. \ . CHipenter.
7/enner—.Ferry Roan, It. Hoy.
liOfjfjs —A. Kohlbecker, hL Johnston, L.
imriihart. G. H. I eyman.
Humside— Henry Meeker.
William Folium*, M m Mockle.
Ciirtin— N. .1 MoOloskey.
Hrpttson, O P lt. G. llrett, William Cul
ver, Geo. SV. Willi nns.
l-\roason. A*. P —F. 11. Miller.
array, V. P —James Coiulo. \V. U. rrom.
RlehaVil Annbruster, Saml. Hurler, \V. A.
array, F. P William Weaver.
1 laities. F- P ,
Hunts. ll'. P - William Bright. FV Mingh'.
fia'i Moon —l .line • S. Gloss.
llirris— -Viehael Hess, G. W. Williams. J;iS.
Jfmrar<1 —Judg" Ponji.
Jltiston —John e>. Miles.
J.ibcrtu —W. 1. Hurler.
Mir ion —Fam-'s Beek, lkinlel Miller.
Mile.*— Samuel Fau*t. Jn. Hesienna'i, J.l*>.
Ila/.el. Joel Morris, J. It. Brumgait.
Patton— . ....
iVnn—A. J. Campbell. A. T. Zerby, I. U.
Siover. „ ~
Polit r. X. /'—Jacob Warmer. \\ hltmer Wolf,
Jolin Grove.
Tetter. S. P— Ailam Krnmvine, Win. l'arner,
Michael Pee kerf, Jacob Mcese.
Rush —F. B. Ixma. .1. K. Kverly.
Spriny—C. T. Alexander, John Barnhart.
Henry Rotiirock. Gottlieb llaug.
Snotr Shoe —John Uz/.lc, James Rccltling. K.
A. Nolan.
Tivlor —Samuei lb*>vcr.
Union —Fames T. Eckley.
Walker— Ed. Peek, J. L. Walkley, Jul. Twit
mil e. A. G. (."reamer.
Worth— M. H. Lewis, Le\i Reese.
At this point the foHowingletter was
read :
BELLFONTE, / ug. 14, ISSJ.
—Sirs: With the pot mission of the
members of the convention, I herewith
rfquest that my name be withdrawn
from the list of candidates now before
said body, for the nomination of asso
ciate Judge. Thanking tlie people of
Centre county for support and kind
ness shown thiough the campaign.
Yours truly, H. It. SMITH.
On motion, J. M. Keichliue,of Bclle
fonte, E. Twitraire, of Walker, George
McGrafFey, of Phihpsburg, It. G.
Brett, of Feiguson, and Witiner Wolf,
of Potter, were iq l ointid a committee
on resolutions.
The first business in order wa§ re
ceiving nominations for Associate
Judge, when John Rishtl, of Potter,
Dr. J. It. Smith, of Ferguson, were
named by their repective frieids, and
the convention pr >ceeJed to ballot,with
the following result :
Rishel 27 votes.
Smith 50
when 0:1 the motion, the nomination
of I)r. Smith was made unanimous,
and the convention proceeded to the
choosing of a candidate for District
Attorney which resulted in the nomin
ation of William C. Heinle by acclama
The nomination for county Surveyor,
being then in order, Horace IDring,
GiC. D. Johnson, John 11. Reifsnyder,
and Elis L. O-vis were respectively
named, and the convention proceeded
to vote, with the following result :
ITering 14 votes
Johnson - 5 "
Reifsnyder - —l2 "
Orris 11 "
Elis L. Orvis having received a ma
jority of the votes, was declared duly
nominated for County Suiveyor.
The committee on resolutions being
ready to report submitted the follow
ing which were unanimously adopted :
The Democrats of Centre county In general
convention assembled, hail with pleasure the
promises aiul evide <cesof unity in the ranks of
the party,and tender congratulations to the
people of Pennsylvania, upon the return to the
tried and secure principles as established by the
Democratic party.
Resolved, That by the election of Hon. Itobt.
E. Pattison, Governor of Pennsylvania, the
people of tlu* Keystone State, have placed their
rights and liberties in the hands of an execu
tive. who has proven himself fearless to mete
out justice to all. unrestrained by prejudice,
and untrumlcd by party pledges.
Resolved, That we endorse the action of tin*
Democratic Senators and Representatives in
j dcmamdluga just and honest apportionment
tn accordance with the constitution and rights
of the people of the State, and condemn the act
ion of the Republican men bcrs of the Legisla
ture for endeavoring to maintain the present
unjust apportionment, and for refusing to ac
cede to the propositions made them, by the
Democrats for a fair and equal representation.
Resolved, That we heartily approve of the
course of our representatives, Hon. Henry Mey
er and Hon. P>. K. Hunter, in supporting all re
form measures by their votes and influence,and
for the taithful performance of their duty upon
all occasions.
Resolved, That the Democratic membersofthe
Senate and House of Representatives of Penn
sylvania, and the Governor, Hon. Robert E
Rattlson, merit our wannest commendation of
their dauntless course in abolishing needless of
fices and thereby saving to the taxpayers of this
common wealth a loathsome burden,and that by
the unequivocal attitude they have taken in all
measures of reform have furnished abundant ev
idence tint their control will be extended to
other abuses and irregularities that have be
come enormities under Republican administra
Resolved, That the position of the Republican
paity, that the people should be taxed unneces a surplus fund for distribution
among the states should not escape universal
denunciation, but we believe that import du
ties should be so adjusted as to render unequal
burdens impossible ; ti render just and reason
able compensation to I abor, but in no wise to
foster monopolies. We protest against burden
ing the peopje with taxes that are not absolute
ly necessary for the economical management
of the government, and into a palabie corrup
tion fund for the furtherance of party interests.^
Resolved, That we signify our endorsement
of the no dilations made by the late State Con
vention, Captain Robert Taggart, of Warren
county, for Auditor General and Hon. Joseph
Powell, of Rradford county, for State Treasur
er, form as an honest and fearless utterance of
the fundamental principle* bequeathed to ns
and protected by ihe Uhistilou* Jefferson and
his followers, by tuovearie I oil -its for tli • elec
tion of th rem mat le State and County ticket
of the present campaign.
The Hon. P. Gray Meek was then
unamiouslv chosen Chairman of the
County Committee, and the convention
procetded to lie cleat ion of delegates
to the next State Convention, with the
following result :
P.J. McPonald votes.
Ft. F. Fortuey n *
J. N. Casanova 1 '
IIUKh McCann f 7
Kills shaflfer *42 "
John Grove 15 "
Nelson Lucas 25
Messrs. McDonald, Fortney, MsCann
and Shaffer, having received a majori
ty of the votes, were declared duty elect
RcsolcaL That hereafter the chair
man of the County Co inmittee be the
member of t IK? State Committee.
TnE Democratic convention of I'u
ion county lasi v.eek nominated \\ . \V.
Wolfe, of 1 ewisburg.for Frotlionotaiv,
Philip Ktederi ck, of East 1 in fl.ilo, for
Suiveyor and Dr. George S. Kemble, of
Mifilinburg, for Crnoner. The ticket
deserves to be elected.
is ne-vby given that an application
wit) be made, uud ir the a a of Assembly
of the Comin UISN MIOI of Pennsylvania, entitled
•'an net to pi tuck* for the incorporation and re
•'illation of certain corporations" approved
\piil 29th, lsTk Tor th • chartw <t an intended
corporation to be c tiled the l'ldlljuburg Gas
t'oinaaiiv the Charm-tor and ohj at of which is,
to maniifae lire and sell illninin tting and heat
ing gas to tne public in lMiillpsliurg, (Vntie
county, and for these inirposes to have and pos
sess and enjov all l-lie tights benetlts and piiri
leytes of the said act of assembly, and Its supple
,,U nt> ' J. M. ItICHMONP.
at'-ot Attorney.
S~IIKKIFK'S SALES.—By virtfte or sundry
wilts of Fiera Facias. Levari Facias and
Venditioni Exponas, issued out ot the Court <>f
Common Picas of Centre county and to rr.e tll
reeteil. theiv will te exposed at pnblie sale at
the Court House, in Beliel'oute, on Saturday,
August 35th, lsst, at 1 ::>o o'clo- k. *. M.. the f>l
- vlescrlbeil real estate or the ilefeiulaiit.s,
to wit:
N. 1.
All that certain messuage ami tract of land
situate in te township of College, County ot
Centre and state of Pennsylvania, hounded and
deseiitH'd as foUows, to wit: Beginning at a
stone corner owline of Mo-es Thompson land
thence by the same north east 11 3-lo
prrclu's t<> u |>ost,t)H*iK*H l)\ UIIHI of \S llliuin late
Tate now John Sndtli north TiL. 0 west Jo nereii
es to*i post, tlcnce by the said laud of Muses
Thompson south 4oLj°—lH 4-10 perches t the
place ot' ber inning. con'aiuing one acre and so
perches. Tberoon erected a two-story frame
d veiling house, stable and other outbuildings
S'izod. taken in execution and !< be sold as the
property of Emanuel Duey, with notice to all
terre teiiants.
No. 2.
A'l the defendant's right, title and Interest in
and t- all that cert mi lot or piece <■( ftotttid
situate in the town of Port Matilda, Centre
County. Peuna.. l>oundel and described as fol
lows; Beginning at a point on High street Ink.
feet from eeutre ol Mam Tract of Bald eagle
Valley Railroad, thenee southwest along said
tract 2<> > feet to a post at \\ est street, thence
northwest along said street 7' tcet to a post to
Water street thence along W iter streets 10 feel
to High street. I bene ' along IHgh street 7u
feet to the beginning containing one for.rth
acre-, more -.r iC s. riiereon erected a two story
frame sh >e;n iker sliopand store room
\ts t. \ll that e Ttuln lot or piece of groua 1
situate iti Port M Hilda. Worth township. Centre
county. Pa., bounded and described as fo.lows;
Beginning at corner of alley oh Main street
south lh" feet to alley, th MIC • n <ng STID alley
'h feet to a post, thence north east lon feet to
Main street, thence along Main Sheet north
east <>J feet to alley th • place or beginning, con
taining one fourth acre, more <r le-s. Gtecoau
erected a two story dwelling house, stable and
oth-r outbuildings.
\lso All that certain messuage, tenement
and lot of land situate lit Worth towu-kip,
Centre county. Pa . bounded and described as
follows to wit: Beginning at n point, on Plunk
Bold Street, Wood street ill Port Matilda, along
Plank Bond lh> feet to p wt.thene" parallel with
Wood Street 211 feet to post, thence along John
Pit lot feet to Wood street north 211 feet
to the place of beginning, containing
A i. All th it certain messuage, tenement
and lot of ground situate in the township of
Worth, County of Centre and State of 1 ennsyl
vania. bounded and described as follows, to
wit: Beginning at a point on north side of Bald
Kagle creek at end of Wood street, thenee along
said Wood street 7xß feet to post, th-nee along
.j,,[ in lot IPO feet to post, thence parallel
with Wood street 7*>K feet to post, thence along
Bald Eagle Creek 17<> feet to the beginning, con
taining • Seized, taken in execution
and to be sold as 111 • property oi John U. Jones.
All tint certain lot of ground situate in Boggs
tow nship, Centre county. P:u, 1 bounded .ami
de-crib -(1 as follows to wit: m the east by
George Taylor, cm the north by George Taylor,
on th" west bv Ccorue laylor, and on the
south by Public ltoad, containing two acres,
more or less. 7hereon erected a single story
frame church building. Seized, taken in exe
cution and to l>e sohl as the property of \ alen
tine Beese et al. trustees of Chestnut Grove M.
K. Church.
No. 4.
All that certain messuage, tenement and to
or ground sltua'i in th • town of Miiesburg.
Centre county. Pa., bounded on the west by
Turnpike St., on north by alley, on east and
south by lot of Z. Miles, thereon ere'ted a tan
nery. dwelling h >use and other outbuildings.
Seized, taken in execution and to be said as the
property of Joseph Shirk.
No 5.
All that certain how and lot or piece of land
Situate in the borough of Bellefouto, in the
county of Centre ami state ot Pennsylvania,
"Fronting on Wisd ins Way" bounded and de
scribed as follows, viz: Beginning at a point on
said Wisdoms Way fifty feet southeast of Hub
ert Hepburn formerly T. MeCumsey, thenee
north sixty five and one half degrees west 11 fly
feet to lot of said Hepburn thence along said
lot,of Hepburn north three and one half degrees
east twenty perches to lot of K. W. Hale, I hence
along line of Hale, north sixty four degrees
east fifty feet to a post, thence, by other land of
said Beaver and Shugert south three and one
half degree , west to the place of beginning.
Seized, taken in execution and to IK* SO d as the
property of Andrew J. Lucas and llachel K.
No. fi,
All that certain lot or piece of ground situate
iu Walkerville. in Half Moon township.Ceiitre
countv, Pa., on the southeast side of Main St.
adjoining lots of Mrs. Blakely on the east and
lot of Henry Adams on the west, known in the
plot or plan of said village as lot No. 24, front
ing on Main street sixty live feet and running
liack one hundred and *ixty feet and being Hie
same premises which James S. Cross purchased
at Orphans' Court Sale as the property of Geo.
P. Mattern, riee'd Seized, taken in execution
and to be sold as the property of James S. Cross.
No. 7.
All that certain tract of land situated in
Boggs township, county of Centre, bounded by
lands of McKinneys heirs on the west, McCoy,
Linn*; Co. on the north, John Harper on the
east and Patrick Flinu o:t tlie south containing
about seventy six acres. It being the same pre
mises which William Curtin in his lifetime sold
by articles of agreement to the said John Wat
son, which articles of agreement, were duly
proven in the Orphans' Court of Centre county
and the land therein mentioned decreed to said
John Watson on the 27th day of Nov. 187(1 as by
reference will more fully appear. Seized, taken
in execution and to be sold as the property of
John Watson.
No. 8.
All the right, this and mterestfof the defend
ant in and to all that messuage, tenement and
tract of land situate iu the borough of Howard,
bounded on the north by lands of A. S. Tipton
and Mis. Susan Knoll, on the east by the turn
pike leading to Jacksonville, on the south by an
alley and on the west by lands of N. P. Kiddle,
containing sixteen acres, more or less, thereon
erected a log dwelling house, stable and other
outbuildings. Seized, taken in execution and
to be sold as the property of William Leathers.
TERMS CASH.—No deed will be acknowledged
until the purchase money is paid in f nil.
T.J. DUNIvLE, Sheriff.
REGISTER'S NOTICES.—The following ac
counts have been examined, passed and.
remain filed of record in this office for the in
spection of heirs and legatees, creditors and all
others in any way interested and will be pre
sented to the Orphans' Court of Centre county,
on Wednesday, the 29th day of August, A. I).
1883, for allowance and confirmation:
1. The first and final account of J. M. Blair
and William Brewer, Executors of &e.,of Al
exander Edmiiton, lute of Union township,
2. DMribntion account cf John P. Taylor,
one of the executors of \e.. of Rebecca 111 isbln,
late of Potter township, iieccosed, distributing
dower of said decedent, io estate of I>. Brishiu,
deceased, to wml among those legally entitled
The second and partial account of Jno. M
Ileverly, solo exeeulor of'James Iloverly,
late of llowutd township, deceased.
4. The account of iioii,-it McGalnmnt, execu
tor of Ac of Elizabeth MeC'ttlinant, late of Ma
I |ou township, deceased.
r. The final account of Pr. P. T. Muso*\
guardian ot Osborne s. Ilolhnvny, a iiiinor child
of Fundi M. llollowav. deceased.
ft. The account of Agnew Hellers, gmrdinu of
I liner K. Poller and Add* <'• Roller, minor
children of John Roller, late of Bonner town
ship, defeased.
7. First and partial acisitmt of lacob Hot nor.
executor of \e. of John Ketuer, late of ilalnes
tow nship, deceased.
s'. Tim tlrst and Hunt account of Owen Under
wood, administrator of Ac. of Matilda Itodlc,
hilc of t oioii'tor. iisltip, d< cca od.
P. Account of .1. 11. Ivi ifsnyder, administra
tor d h n of \o. of Samuel 11. Meyer,late of l'eiin
tOWllldlip, deceased.
Ift. The filial nceonift of M. IL Hockey, ad
minim rator of Ac. of John Orousc, laic of Miles
township oecenscd.
11. The second ntnl final account of John .
Grove, administrator of die. of Peter Itrcon, late
oi Gregg township, deceased.
12. flic account of Barbara Ilouser, admlnis
tr.itrlv of \c of Martin ilouser, late ot College
township, deceased.
13. Account of J. 11. Iteffsnydcr, administra
tor ot Ac. of Jacob L. l.ose, late of Miles town
ship, (ieeeased.
14. Final account of It. (J. llrett, guardian of
t.Uxle Ward (now lleunev) minor child Of
Uriah Ward, late of Forcusoii township, doe'd.
l'. Final account of R. (J. Brclt. admlntstra*
tor of Ac. nf ilaiinali Ch .nibers, lato of Fergu
son township, dec. ased.
I*s. The account of Benjamin Kerstetter, ad
iii i 111 -si rator ol Ac. ot Daniels. Keisietter, late,
of t'enn township, deceased.
17. The account of Robert Glenn,administra
tor of Sc. of Rebe <M Balcitian, late ol Ferguson
township, deceased.
l*h Tne limit account of J nncs P Coburn.
executor ot Ac. of James Barber, late of Gregg
township, deeeas -d.
lft. Final account of Joseph (lutes. Trustee to
sell the real estate of David Rced. '.atcot Forgo
son township, deceased.
20. lii • first ami linal account of Jeremiah
and Charles Fckeriii th.administrators of Ac. oi
Ji>ltn LVkeuroth. late of Spi Ina tw nship, dee'd.
21. Ihe account ol Jcreinluh Haines, exceu
tor of Ate. ol Geo. Weight, late of Allies towu
sliip. vleeeased.
22. The uceount of Albert Owen, administra
tor of \c. of Margaret Nielsen, laic ol Philips
biit g Inu-ough, decease*!.
L;:. The aeioui.t *d t hristian Alexander, ex
ocntor ol Maty Maik, lit** of l'enil town
ship, deceased.
24. The final account of Klias FtMteiholf. nd
luinist rator *>f &e. of John Neese, late of Gregg
tow nship, deceased
20. Third account of Daniel Bartgos. execu
tor of Ac ot J< hu Bartges, lute of Gregg town
ship, deceased'.
2b. The first account of Marv 1. Wilson. Geo.
W. and Tims. W. Fisher, executors of Thomas
\\ llst.n, late of Hnlimomi township. d c -ased,as
tiled by Geo. W. Fisher and Thos. \V. Fislier.
27. The tlrst ami partial account of Henry
Mover, executor of Ac. ot Henry Meyer, late of
Miles township, deceased.
2v The tlrst and partial account of Henry
Meyer, Trustee of ttie estate of Henry Meyer,
late of Miles township, deceased.
.'{ft. The third and final account of Elizabeth
Roller ami Joseph Roller, executors of &c. of
John Roller, lato of Bennor tow nship, deceased.
2ft. The account of Michael Confer,
of Mrs. Nora Lucas, (lato Daughcitbaugh)
minor child *>f Jaecdft Datiglumbaiigli, deceased.
.51. Tlie aecourvl of liemy 11. Twitniyer, ad
ministrator of Ac. ot Kmanuel Twitniyer, late ol
Walker township, deceased.
32. The aeconnt of Geofffe Alexander, ad
mlutst rator of Ac of John Bo die, late uf union
tow nship, deceased.
33. The liist and final account f l'r. J. M.
Blair, trustee appointed t*i sell the real estate of
\\ illiaiti Blair, late of Howard township, dee'd.
:>4. The account of Michael is. Fiedler and G,
W. Harter. administrator* of Sc. of George
Darter, late (f Millliciui borough, deceased.
3">. t'lie iiual account of Jon.illi tulless and J.
G. Rebelling, aJmiuistiaioisof &e. **i James
Duutap. late ol Ferguson township, deceased.
3ft. 'fheaccount <*l JoluiQ. Miles,administra
tor of &c ot Harrii-U Wiiliams, late of Huston
township, decease I.
,H7. The account of Aaron P. Zerby, adminis
trator of Ac. of Ueubcn fc. Zt-rby, late of Petin
townsirp, deceased.
>.S. Flit* uceount <f Albert Owen, administra
tor d b n c t a of jko of Jdini ii. Binler, iat of
Phi'tpsbarg borough, deceased.
3ft. iTm account of .Lis. S. MeCalmant, Rob
ert Met almaiit and \\ illiain Shottlidge. execu
tors of Ae. of J as. A. MeCalmant, late of Ma
rian tow a-hip, deceased, ns likal by \\ in. Sh rt-
JAMES A. MCCLAIN, ih*gbtcr.
_ r > v ' "N %
Vi • v... vvV 4 \y w.V\v .w . ■&/ . \v . <Ts .w. w . 4 <ft . w 4 . >/.■. vaVavA Vav A V .•. VAV/.VA VA. /< • ,i " : '
• © © ® 0©• © • • • . •__. • v7?
;.. , y.:; ./ mmm%% gp§ y
. ©A 9 k{
7 ___ Tp~ ~~^-|i c $
• -| STEIN WAY, # ifS MASON & HAMLIN, fi □
.. :1 HAINES. % | - BURDETT > 14,.
®.i | SMITH AMERICAN, fr ®
•#*i HARDMAN, WWMB cuftunircD *®i
;#ii 2 p!Wi SHONINGER g g§
ARION. *%*_,.■ - •*??•'-; AWD OTHERS.
Hi V '
I |
NjJg Sheet CQusig, CQusig (Dusig |* e jj
PIANO AND ORGAN INSTRUCTORS—III short, Everything in the Musical Line. |t*f§j
4*o 0| v '.' ©L
Jty la Southwest Corner Allegheny and Bishop Streets, Belletonte. Pa. M w
* ,#prß *InNU
© _ • © ® • © © • © ® • •
Any of the above PIANOS or OPtGANS can also be purchased through W. T. MEYER, AARONSBURG, PA.
B Leader.
..-OUR MOTTO 3*—
Agents V/ANT ED.
The Leader Sewing Machine Ga,' 4
IBRD f 71CD. Mil,
MAsrcf AcrnR"KKB o
Fittings, Brass Goods,
Machinery & Water Supplies.
fBPH 31 & 33 Bandolph St.
Tgpy B-jj L j LOGU* AHL> i'HlCk LWT.
Oneo again we call attention to our large
line of
Tailor Suites.' Chamber Suites, Pining Boom Furniture. Table?,
Stands, Chairs, Bureaus, Bedstead?, Springs of evrrv deserip-
Ikm, Hair, Cotton, Husk ami Straw Mattresses, \\\: make
a specialty of Heir Mattresses, and guarantee a better
Mattress for less money than can be purchased
elsewhere. Sofas, Loungofs < Yank's, Hall
Stands, CentreTablcs. Easy-Chart's, Cook
Cases, Wardrobes, Mirrors, Frames,
—What-Nots, Etc., Eto.,—
BODY TKUSSKLS, n line line at low prices.
MOQCFTTS, Smith's best, nt $1.50- worth §2.(ft.
BOX BURY TAPESTRIES at $ 1.00; sold nowhere else for less than $1.25
LOWI EL and other standard makes of extra super, at 75c. to 90c.
SINGLE and DOUBLE C. C. INGRAIN. 25 to 50c.
VELVETS, a large line nt low prices.
A 11rcre line of AYl\et, Smyrna. Turkish and other Rugs in novel utrtl
oeautilul d signs.
Also many *>t!;cr grades of standard carpets.
Extra Super CRUMB CI OTH.
'A NTON MTTLNGS, Red Check and fancy color?, 15 Jo 50e.
Li\< OI.KI M, Six different patterns.
On, CLOTMS, 4-4 to 10-4, all price? and qualities.
WINDOW SHADES and Shade cloth in great variety.
Wall Paper the greatest variety aud finest designs in Modern Art Paper
Ali our patterns are selected for tire best etail Trade
CHICK EKING PIANOS—The Standard of the Woild.
VOSE PIANOS—The Best for the Money.
llridjjisfort, Taylor & Farley, Palace , It hara, Waterloo, Sterling, and oil
oilier First-Class Make of Organs. SHEEI' MUSIC, and a vaiie
ty of email Music d Instruments. ALL SOLD .AT LT>w_ PRICKS.
To have a fine stock in this department. We wish to close out and offer
extra inducements to purchasers.
We invite the attention of every purchaser to the inducements wo offer.
We handle good-: in the largest quantities. x
We arc willing to sell at small margin,
the goods we handle arc reguiar.
Correspondence and mxil orders especiilly solicited.
J. S, SMITH & GO.,
110,112,114 Front street, Milton, Pa.