|l|< Journal. THURSDAY, AUGUST 10TH, 1883. BY DBININGER & BUMILLER. LOCAL DEPARTMENT. 4 Oats harvest. —Potatoes getting plenty. —Campmeeting and picnics. Dry weather and dusty streets. ■—lncreasing—our subscription list. —J. Spigelmeyer's new house on t'enn Street i 6 Hearing completion. —The delegate election on Saturday \vas a ratlier dull affair and but a lig it Vote was cast. —Mr. D. A. Muffler and lady,return ed from their lowa trip all safe and sound on Friday evening. —The Ready Reference Tax Receipt Book for men, and Jersey Jackets for the dear ladies, arc all the rage. —Our Methodist friends have put a new, substantial roof on their church* Persumably an entire overhauling and painting wMI soon follow. —Mr. B. F. Economist % of Milton, ' Was in town again last week. Frank still thinks Millheltn is a good place to visit. So it is—am? to stay. Rev. Herald's select school is a success, lie has already established a reputation as a competent and efficient teacher. Really, what a cooling effct oats stubbles have on the atmosphere. 'Tis now 'stonishing -said the old lady,that as soon as the oats is mown the weath er gets cooler. — l The Reformed and Lutheran Sun day Schools of Aaronsbujg will have a joint basket picnic in Coburn's Grove, a short distance oast of town, Saturday, September first. —Don't skip over the democratic Platform on another page. Read it carefully und entirely, if you are a democrat—if a republican it is the more necessary for your political good. —Deininger & .Matter placed a very Hue monument at the grave of our de ceased tellow-cWizin, Mr. William Mil ler. It reflects much credit on his sur viving consort as well as upon the mak ers. —Robert B. \Y ilson, a son of the late Dr. Ohailes E. Wilson, of New Berlin, committed suicide at the Collonade Hotel, New Yoik, on Monday night the 7th lustant, by shooting himself in the head. —From the Mifflinburg Telegraph we we learn that Bev. A. C. Felker has accepted a call from the New Berlin Lutheran charge. Mr. Felker served the Aaro.isburg charge some sixteen years ago. —The other Friday Mr. Samuel Has senplng, of Milflinburg who is labor ing under a disturb! d state of mind, attempted toc.mmitsuicide by stabbing himself in the abdomen. The wound is not dangerous. —Several of our citizens on Main Steet turned street sweepers yesterday in order to give the town an improved look during campmeting. Cleanliness next to godliness—in this case it even precedes godliness. -Ley. W. M. Landts has re signed thd Rebersburg (Reformed) charge and goes to Adamsburg, Snyder county. We much regret to lose him, as a neighbor, friend, and faithful minin ister of the Gospel. —The meeting of the Centre County Sunday School Association, at Spring Mills, next Thursday, should be well attended,especially by Superintendents, officers and teachers. See order of ex ercises at another place. —Rev. J. W. Goodlin, of York, for twelve years the able Secretary of the Board of Home Missions, has accepted a call from the Salona (Lutheran) charge. Mr. G. is an able preacher and a most excellent christian man. —A new, Pennsylvania Pin Brake Grain Drill, with Phosphate Attach ment, made at A. B. Farquhar's cele- j bruted Agricultural Implement Works, York, Pa., for sale at a bargain. For particulars call at the JOURNAL office. —Dinges, Yonada & Co , the merchants at Coburn, expect to occu py their flue new store building by a bout the middle of September. They expect to keep a very la rge line of all lines of merchandise and sell at rock bottom prices. —Rev. E. D. Keen is here visiting and attending campmeeting—throwing two birds with one stone. Man looks first rate. It seems the Gospel busi ness agrees well with him. We conoid* er it a trifle thiu in him, though, that lie didn't bring sie along. —Mr. M. Harris, the active and gen ial millinery and fancy goods merchant of Lewisburg, was here on Saturday. He was well pleased with Millheira and what he saw and heard. again Michael, f right soon—and don't forget to bring your better half along. —All persons Who will attend the Sabbath School Convention here on the 23rd want to secure homes be fore hand should address the Commit tee of entertainment as early as possi ble. W. 11. Bartlrolemevv, Mrs. Florence J. Rearick, Committee. —lt affords its unfeigned pleasure to ' state that Yor.ey Kreamer has improv ed much since our last issue. His phy sician has good hope for entire recov ery. —Mr. Jacob Kara p. Lock Haven's boss aline dealer, is now off on a busi ness t rip to New York and Boston to buy a large fall and winter stock of boots and shoes. Mr. Kamp, also ex pects to try his luck iti fishing in Bos ton barber, as one of a party of ten to twenty persons. Hope he may enj >y himself grandly, and have a tig fall trade, all which he fully deserves. —One day last, week we were made h;q.py by a call by ltev. John P. Nor man, of Morotigahela City, Pa., where lie resides and is actively at work as an Episcopal minister. Mr. Norman, is—rather was—a Millheira boy, a schoolmate and companion of out lw>y hood. O 1 the changes—the wonder ful changes that have taken place all a routul and within us since those happy years have fled. And now lie is engag ed in the noble woik for the Master— and we are trying to edit a paper. —Our school board at their meeting on Sat ui day evening took an advance step in the cau*e by extending the school term to six months. They pur pose to have four months school during the winter and two months in the Sum mer. Now let them second the good move by employing competent teachers, and keeping a systematic supervision over the schools, And the results cannot be otherwise than salutary. Our schools nead all the encouragement and aid the boatd and citizens can give tliera. STRAYED OR STOLEN, from the residence of the subscriber in Aarons burg, on the 31st of May hist, a dark ml cow, with a little white along the bellv and from rump to tail, medium size, licavy set and short legged, and heavy with calf at the time. Any in formation that leads to the recovery of the cow will be lib-rally re wan led by CHARLES U. BELL. —THOUGHTS AND EVENTS, is the title of a new little paper published at Centre Hall, the first number of which is before us. It is neat, newsy and well gotten up—on ly we take the liber ty to suggest that succeeding editorials wilt read quite as well with a trifle less taffy. No editors or publishers are named,but it seems that C. F. Deining er runs the mechanical and business departments. Presumably it is edited by the publishers and published by the editors. The new venture has our test wishes. —The sale of the real estate of the late John D. Foote, deceased, on Friday last was rather spirited and the several properties sold brought good prices. Following are the purchasers and a mounts paid : Dr. John F. Barter liought the old John Barter homestead for $66) ; B. F. Kister tho White House, for $433 ; S. K. Faust the store property,for $520; B. F. Miller the house at Petersburg for $235. The house occupied by Den nis Lose and the one at the creek were not knocked off and the sale was ad journed to the 24th instant. To-morrow (Friday) there will be another chance. The two houses of the late John Keen, ten acres of land and the farm above town will be sold by the trustee, lie :ry Keen. Tho Ready Reference Tax Receipt Book, with Summary Index Arranged for Ten Years. By a Country Editor. THE READY REFERENCE TAX RE CEIPT BOOK will commend itself to practical business men at sight. Its forms are so concise and plain that all may readily understand and use them. The Summary Index will show at a glance the increase or decrease of as sessed valuation and taxes from year to year for a period of ten years. Every taxable citizen, and especially every voter, should make it a rule to take receipts for all taxes paid. This is not only pru&mt on business princi ples, but actual necessary in order to enjoy the continued right to vote. It is abo a matter of no small considera tion to have all tax receipts for a ser ies of years together in convenient form for reference and comparison. The indications are that this little book will have a very extensive sale. Every citizen needs one. For sale at the JOURNAL STORE and by the trade generally. Price 40 cents. CENTRE COUNTY TEACHERS' EXAMINATIONS, 1883. Taylor—Hannah Friday " 17 Phihpsburg and Rush—Pliilipsburg Saturday August 18 Uuionville and Union —Unionville Monday August 20 Liberty—Eagleville Tuesday 11 21 Howard and Curtin—Howard Wednes day August 22 Walker—Hublersburg Tuesday " 28 Marion—Jacksonville Wednesday " 29 Milesburg and Boggs--MilesburgThurs day August 30 Spring—Pleasant Hill Friday " 31 Benner-Knox' School HouseSat.Sept. 1 Patton—WaddleV School House Mon day Sept. 3 Half moon —Stormstown Tuesday " 4 College —Lcraont Wednesday " 5 Ferguson—Pine Grove Thursday " 6 Harris—Boalsbuig Friday " 7 Milllieim and Penn—Millheim Monday Sept. 10 Haines—Aaronsburg Tuesday "11 Miles—Rebersburg Wednesday " 12 Potter—Centre Hall Thursday "13 Gregg—Spring Mills Friday " 14 A special examination will be held in the school house, Bellefonte, Saturday, Oct. 6 ; applicants must come recom mended by three directors of the dis trict in which they intend to teach. Examinations begin at 9 o'clock a. m., applicants must be punctual. A meeting of directors is desired on each day of examination. They should permit none, except persons of good character, to enter the classes. D. M. WOLF, CO. Supt. —Mr. Adam Partges,one of the lies' farmers iu Ilalnes township, reported the other dav that lie and four bands threshed and cleaned 1800 common siz ed sheaves of wheat, which yielded 124 bushels of good, clean wheat, making 6 bushels, 3 peck and 4 A four ninths quarts to the hundred sheaves. The work was done with a common horse power tluesher. Truly a good day's work and a prolific jie'.d. The Con tie County Sunday School Association. The Fourteenth Annual Convention will be held in the Presbyterian church, Spring Mills, Penna., Thursday, Au gust 23 r d, 18S3. Order of exerplsea : Forenoon—9:3U a. n\—l. Scripture Promise and Praia* Se: vices. 10. a. m.—i Normal Kxorcis s. Subject- 1 - Ilow to study an Internatiou S. S. Les son (Judg. 7:1 8) so as to sueceed in teaching il to (a) An adult class, (b) An Intermediate HAM. (C) Primaries or Infant class. 11. a. m.— 3. Address and Discussion. Sunday School Liter ature. (a) Character of Library Bonk* and Papers, (b) Character of Bonks. Lesson Helps, Charts to be used in School. Afternoon-1:30 p. m. —I. Schol ars' Hour, Exercises illustrating ap proved methods of conducting a S. 8 Session. 2:30 p. m.— 5. Address and Disscussion. (a) Evergreen Sundry Schools, (h) "Patient continuance in well- doing." 3:45. p. m. —O. (Ad dress on County and state work.) 7:30. p. ir.—7. Service of song. 8. Address - What the Sunday School lias done for the Church and World. 10 Address—What the Sunday School had yet to do for the Church and World. 10. Address—The Word of God and its study for all People. OBSERVE FIRST— The three sessions are open to all. Eacli Sunday School is invited to appoint two delegates, one of them to be the Superintendent if possible. All preacheis iu the county are delegates ex-officio. SECOND— AII persons present should come prepared to take part iu the various exercises of the Convention. THIRD —ln order to secure homes be forehand those who desire entertain ment will forward their names as early as possible to Prof. D. M. Wolf, Spring Mills. FOURTH— Each family attending the forenoon session, expecting to remain for the afternoon, is requested to bring a basket lunch, to be taken at the church during the noon reces*. FlFTH— Since everything worth any thing costs something, each delegate is desired to come prewired to assist iu defraying the necessary expences of the Convention. SIXTH. —"In the unity of the faith," let us spend this one day in sweet chris* tian council and earnest endeavor to further the interests of the Redeem er's Kingdom In Centre county. Rev. S. E. FUR^T, President. SYLVESTER I). RAY, Secretary. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE ltevs. R. Crittenden, John Hewitt. W. E. Fisher, J. Z-ijter, and E. B. Morris; Messrs. J. W. Gephart, D. S. Keller, F. P. Green, and II.L. llarvey. jt jluw I]OR Xos. 3(7 & 319 ARCH ST., PHILADELPHIA. RATES REDPGED TO $2.00 PES DAY. Tin* traveling public will still find at Ibis Hotel the name llleril provision for their com fort. It Lslocated In the Immediate centres of business and places of ainuseme.it and the dif ferent Ituil-Unad depots, as well as all parts ol the city, are easily accessible by Street Cars constantly passing the doors. It offers special inducements to those visiting the city for busi ness or pleasure. Vuur patronage respectfully solicited. Jos. M. Feger, Proprietor. Is Blaine Out of the Raoe ? From the Pittsburg Post. There seems to be the best of authori ty that Mr. Blaine has taken himself out of the race for the presidential nomination. lie does not pretend, nor do his intimates for him, that his am bition to be president has been quench ed. The reason for not seeking the nomination grows out of his concep tion of the republican prospects. Mr. Blaine believes the republican party must go next year. It is under such circumstances Mr. Arthur is having matters pretty much his own way. His fences, under the care of the office holding brigade, are in prime condi tion. Taggart and Powell, From the Willi unit-port Sun and Itanner (dcm.) Joseph Po well, of Bradford county, has a relative strength that will secure him in Northern Pennsylvania thous ands of votes from the opposition ranks. He is a business man of the highest type; honorable,courteous and reliable. A democrat, whose identification with public matters in congress and as an adviser, place him am:>ng the few whose service entitle him to recogni tion. Although in a district that gave five thousand republican majority, Mr. Powell was elected to congress, and discharged his duties in away that.re flected the highest credit. It is such men that build up and strengthen or ganizations, and the more we have of that character the better. Robert Taggart, of Warren, is also one of the people. A man of clmracter and of fair abilities. Governor Pattiaon on the Ticket. Governor Pattison was interviewed on the ticket by a Times reporter the other day. He spoke in the highest terms of the Democratic nominees, Taggart aftd Powell, whom he knows personally, as being the representatives of the people in the best sense of the word. He felt certain of the success of the ticket,and declared that the result in Pennsylva nia would Dot depeud upon the success or failure of the Democratic ticket in Ohio. AN VICE TO MOTHER*. Are you disturbed at night and broken of your rest by a slek child suffering and crying with pain of cutting teeth T If so, send lit once ami get a bottle of MK"- "ISUUW'H SOOTIIINU SY iter KOlt CHI N>RN TKRTIIINO. Its valm. |> incalculable. It will relieve tlie p,Mr little suf ferer Immediately. Depend upon it, mothers, there Is no mistake abot if. It cures dysentery and diarrhoea, regulates the stomach ami bowel-", cures wind coll'*. softens the gums, re duces Inflammation, ami gives tone and energy to the whole system. MRS WINSI.OW'S HOOTII INO NYHI !• ROW CHIMMIKN TKKTIIINU IS pleasant to the taste, and is the prescrihtion of one of the oldest and best fetn.ilo physicians ami nnrs es In the United States, tuut Is for sale by all druggist* throughout the world. Price iiA cents a bottle. . 1 NAKKIKI) | On the 29th ult., at five laiti.eran paisonags. Keborsburg by KJV. A. K. /.iuunernian. Mr. Jaeksou A. Ocicer, of Adamshurg, Snyder county, and Mm* Amfnda J. KerstetLcr of Brush Valley. On the 9th Inst.,at the Evangelical Thonipsoiitown, l*a ,by Itev. K. D. Keen, Mr. G. s. Kepner and v||ss Mary D. Craig, Imtli of East Saletn, Juniata county, Pa. nißb, Suddenly of apoplexy, ni liurlliigton, Kansas, on the 2ml Inst.. Mr. James Unstop, forineily of Nlttany, In this county. On thi' 23U ult., in Lamar township, Clinton county, Mrs. Elizabeth Biunigard.nged i7 years, 4 months and 2M days. On the Itvth Inst., near Fenn Hall, Mrs Sarah Roekey, wife of Jo in Itoekey, deceased, aged Si years, 11 moulbs and 9 daya. Mlll Let HI n am of. Corrected every Wednesday Wheat, old, j.ir, " new, No. 2 . " " No. 3 7.-, Corn 63 Uye v....... 70 Oats White Buck wheat .. Flour .s.fid Bi-an A shoits.pci ton 2.nw Salt,per Brl 1.50 Plaster, ground... •.% Cement, per Bushel 45 to 30 8ar1ey..... Tvinotliyseed Flaxseed Oloveraeed 8.50 Butter . is limns 17 i Sides 13 Veal Pork B-ei Kggs is Potatoes 60 Lard • is Tallow Soap 5 l>ried Apples Dried Peaches . Dried Cherries COAL MARKET AT COBURN. Egg Coal 43.23 Stove " 'C......0.. ViH | Chestnut ■' !..!.*!*. 3 (Mi Pea ' / Pea bv the car load ff.'/r*.... 3.40 A." AUTER, Auctioneer, MILLIIEIM, PA. w. J. Sl'HIN'Ci Ell, Fashionable Barber, Next Iloor to JocttxAL Store, Main Street, MILLIIEIM, PA. D. 11. MINGLE, riiysiciaii A Surgeon, onilcc on Mam Street. MILLIIEIM. PA. DII JOIIN F. H.VHTEU. I Practical Dentist, Oflico opposite the Milliieim Banking House, MAIN STREET, MILLIIEIM, I'A HOI', Atlorncf-at-Law, BELLEKONTE, PA. Orphans' Court Business n Speciality. rn-a. c. IIEINLE, - • Allorncy-al-Law BELLEFONTR, PA. Practices Intall the courts of Outre county. Special attention to Collections. Consultations in German or bn dish. C. T. Alexamler. C. M. Bower. I.EX.VNDER & ROWE 11, Attorncy-at-havr, BELLKFONTE, PA. Office in Gorman's new building. J. A. Beaver. J. W. Gephart. JGBAVER & GEPIIAUT, Attomeys-at-Law, BELLEFONTKt-PA. Office on Alleghany North of High Street R.GEO. S. FRANK, Physician A Surgeon, SPUING MILLS, PA. Office in Mr. Philip Shook'* residence, near fhc Spring Mills House. , Professional calls promptly answered. 3ih B. IIEIUNO, Surveyor & Scrivener, PENN It ALL, CENTRE CO., TA. All business entrusted to him will be exscuted wlth care and promptness. 1). H. Hastings. W. F. ReCder; J-J~ASTINGS & REEDER, Atlornejs-at-Lavt, BELLEFONTE, PA. Office on Allegheny Street, two doors ens. of the office ocupiod by the lato Dtfu of Yocuin 1 A Hustings. JGROUKERUOFF HOUSE, ALLEGHENY ST., BELLEFONTE, PA. C. G. McMILLEN, PROPRIETOR. -*• - . Good' Sjtinple Room on First Floor. Free ftuss to ami from all trains. Special rates to witnesses and jurors.- ZBTJ-Sr YOTTIR, "Roots &c Shoes'. , a.T : i T IT ■ JKSL^^S9 LOOK: HAVEN". JP.&. S Address,CLOUCH A WARREN ORCAN CO., Detroit',Mich. G E TyotU JOB PRINTING DONE AT The Milllichn Journal Ofliee. FINK WORK CHEAPLY EXECUTED. TKffH IlorsE, (Mont Central Hotel in I lie city.) CORN Kit OF MAIN AND JAY STREETS, LOCK II A VEX, FA. S. WOODS~C ALD WELL ntorniKTOK. GoodS amnio Rooms for Commercial Travrl t ru oil Ural floor- SR-KAMP, —Watchmaker & Jeweler, — MILTON, PA. HiroFKEItS SPECIAL BARGAINS 'tof is Ladies' and Gents' Solid Gold and Silver Watdies, Plated Chains % Jewelry, ELEGANT LINE OF Ladies' and Gents' Solid Gold Rings. I FINE LARGE STOCK OF SILVER WARE, i !!! All Guaranteed of Best Make !!! jftfcaT'Goods sent to responsible parties, to select from Orders by mail will receive prompt attention. All kinds of repairing promptly done. Goods to be repaired can be sent by mail and will be returned ill the shortest possible time. All kinds of Gold and Hair Jew elry made to order. SE.YT> FOR PRICE LTST. DCiIQIfINQ tzt m Ar wr E. II lUlu |S ability. Widows, I hIIVIWIIV lll|l|n| . children and dependent parents entitled when death re sulted. Claims reoprhed, restoration, Increased bounty, back pay a net discharges oMtitned. Ap ply at once, dchiy prejudices joffr rights. Fees hxed bv law. Address, with staiim,- Ihe old es tablished tlrm of KDsoN & CO.,- Attorneys and Claim Agents, 917 F St., Washington, 1). C. A. SIMON & SONS, WHOIKSALK A RKTAIL UROCKKS, ketl the largest stock fir tho 143 MAIN SfEEET, LOCK HAVEN. " GO TO SIMON BROTHERS, THE BOSS CLOTHIERS for yotir Cloth fhg. 45 MAIN STREET, LOCK HAVEN. 8/Vm 53®13i1 North Second Street, ILilf a square south of the L. &. T. It. K. Depot, LEWIS BURG, PA. ' ___ New and commodious Buiidiuj*, Equipped in all departments viitli en tirely new Furniture. No effort* spared to make the Bakkh Ilui'SE a pleasant, conifertable Home to all buihU. An excellent Livery attached. W. N. BA KEF, Proprietor. CLEVAN PIXGES. It. F. VOXADA. I *•••••••••••••.• ••••* iN ew Firm —N e w Store! j AT COBI RV. j j Binges, Vonada & C 0.,! J>EALEUS IX— GEXEKAL MERCHANDISE,: would hereby call the at tention of the public to the fact that they have • opened a new store at Coburn and respectfully solicit a share of public patronage. taken in Exoharga for goods. PATENTS. F. A. lelimnnn. Solicitor of American anri Foreign I*:leiits, Washington. I). ('. All lnii ress connected lih whether before the Patent office or the Courts, promptly at tended to. No charite made unless a pfttcitt Is secured. Send for circular. tf ML STOVER, I>F.ALKK:IN—^ Clover Seodj Flour & Feed, Coal, Plaster & Salt. eomsK 49" HIGH EST MAItKKT PItICK ALWAYS PAID. AS" A fhfl supply of Coal. rfaiter'anrf Salt al ways on hand and sold at the lowest price AS-OAal kept tmder roof at all seasons of the year. 49-Tire public patronage respectfully sol let ed. JWly HEALTHS WhiALTH! PH. K. v. WKSTTI KKKVR ASOK??iK TKKATXKST, • runrftnr-e I .p-rlflc lr Hvatarla, I) zzltieß* Oouvukl. as. fits, Nrrvnn, Krnralrla. Haadarhfl, HrrT.ma PrM|<>tl"ll r-n.-.l by tlie u* of alcohol or lol.acm, XV>r.fnlrtei. M-otrl D— prrmlon, Softening of the Ilrilu r-.tiiiu : In luaanitv ami Ipadins to tntaarv, rt<-isy ar.it death r Prm -tH*e O' I \ e. bam-mie**. of Power liuelth.r acx. |iri J KSBa* caua-d bv over-rxeitb n ,-f the bral:,, •elf-al.ui.. ,euarante<'i*Pml ottly by KISXKIt A MIIXDKLSOX, 313 IU.- Stre.-t. Phl'svlelphU; Pa. . " JXJXUCTAS." The celcfiratril vefftublo llluud I'uriArr. It Immediately rurra Headache, Coßiiipntlon, Purifies the Bki:i. Wall.'l anvwh-re upon receipt of 25 centa. tJnaurpaaeed I'or Children. EISNER U MENDELSON, I 320 Race Street, Philadelphia, Pa. i i' a I *" t** 3 "*■ li* " ■ t i • l/¥ 2° £j 11\/# -=* rtTnrranted the noet perfect roPOf-Feed ertlllacr vrlll la eilatriim. .wiN fbjr elc. nlnr, A. R. r.tnqi HAK, I'ort, Fit. | Pennsylvania Pa. STEAM ENGINES, A. B. FARQDHAR, York Pa Oiwt and brat for all pur. pnaee—elntpla, lr.>n au<) da baud lor llluatraled CaUloctwTN^^R^WLfJ^^M Brheela.ww ffr I et t* rnorrnlMt, eonooaalral &. I f F\B(^r II Au'fiVPkBATOR Li^lral Addrtm A. 4 TAllQUtiA*, Tor*, PtL r AWTOAI XZ7BTOSI 60Ut PIAETZR Wananted M>e heinew ifi itual forced ad l.itltnr dteMdbuter In the TIIE Buchanan Wind Mill fiEAUTY, DURABILITY jtimi Hew method of attach- f|ws THE MOST POWBKFT7L 818 ALL KINDS OF TANKS, PIPE, PUMPS, Etc. Be ewe I* trad for ear new Catalefwe hljflfe BUCHAIfAIf WIKD MILL CO., I BUCHANAN, MICHIOAM. PILLS 'TORPID BOWELS, DISORDERED LIVER, and MALARIA.' From Uiuite soarocn arute Hiiee-fonrths of kha ttlaoaaea of Uw kuiAun mcv. Tfaw* aympuitna indleato dwirexbtcuoe: lair ot Appetite*, Beweh (Mlire, Hick tftad ■niie, full it cap altar MtIMK, uvenUn to exert loth of body or mini, EructnUou mt food, lrriUhMLltjr of temper, Lotr ■pirttt, A freilna ot harlot* nrßlrcttd •wm# duly, Dtssaueao, Flntirtai* ftt Cho Heart, Dote Colore the ryra. hlfiltlj col* ored TTHae, CONSTIPATION, and de mand Lite qm of* romeUjr tlmt actadlrpodv on tho l lrer. AanlArur modielno TITTT'w PI LIA law no eqnaL Th<*ir notion on tint Kidneys iinif ftldn taaleo nrotupt; wiuAku all liuptirMoe fhrotyrh tnceo Qind *• oeaT e**ere of the ijretem,'* proilneiTis nppc itfo.oon d (lUoerton, nyulnr stools, a otenr skin and a vigorouebodv. TCTTb PILLS can-to no mumea pr griping nor Interfere wt'li d tliv work and are a perfect ANTIDOTE TO MALARIA. HE FEEU LIKE A NEW MAN. -I biro had Drnrpsfn, with ConMlßt tlon.two yearn, nd have trb-d ten ilHFctrnt kinds of pilla, end TTTT'S urn tho ffrst that luivo done me any good. Thy bavq cleaned mo out nicely. Itj appetho fi splendid, fiKxl dlurt-srs readily, nud 1 now have ntitfrrnl I feel like a new man - W. D. KUWARBS, Palmyra, O. Kotdevwrrheir,Site. Offl^AlMojmySu^^ TUTTS HAIR DYE. GRAY HAIR OR WHIHCTIW changed tv stnntlr to a GLosr Bucx by a Btugle:ap pllcHtton Of ilits Dtk. Sold by Druggists, or acntby express on receiptof fl. Olttoe, 44 Murray Btreet,Xew York. TUTTS MAHAL OF USEFUL RECEIPTS FBI?. D.S, MORGAN&eO, MAJfTTACTra* THK DURABLE LIGHT DRAFT Triumpb. Reapers AND THE NOISELESS ! New Clipper Mower. The TRIUMPH REAPERS nro unoqnalod iot simplicity In construction, cane of management, light weight, durability and good working capacity in all conditions of grain. . * The NEW CLIPPER has all the advantages of the OLD CLIPPER MOWER with many valuable improvements. • BKND FOB IU.TT9TRATFD CrRCri.AR. GOOD AGENTB WANTED in unoccupied territory. D. S. MORGAN £ CO., Brockport f MonroeCo.,N.Yj" SIOOO ,K.t, For ujr mkcbioe huliiug and elcuilug II for //Qyl 1 ba* aiade ">ueh FvnnblM mallei fMt t NEWARK MACHINE THUS MPEB 5.?;-?J Newspaper Advertising boruuu (JO Spruce Street) .where advci 4 - aa —lf AII I# tjsing contracts may Mf 18 VII NIL. u .uivao for it ia HSirf 1 ¥'"•