11 I) c j||i 11!|C iin Joit rnat. THURSDAY, AUGUST 9TH, 1883. BY DEININGER uniouu v Unl Pit. .1. 1?. Mnrn.ol I'uie i.'TMve Mills v,ill U> a e,uulie a rumiiriatc for the olhee of Associate .Turice. suhjeet to the •h'Ciouii of lb.' Demoeralie ' 'ounty Coiiveiiliou. -T HE REWI > V REFER KNC E TAX RECEIPT ROOK, 'by a country editor. Every tax payer needs one. Just published iin.l for sale at the JOURNAL STORE • and at book stores generally. Call to examine'it. Mr. John lteighaid, of MiHUuburg, was seen on our streets last we. k. —The Atmosphere was romaikahly • cool for August, on Fiid iy and Satur day. —The now firm of Binges, Yonadi A Co., at Unburn, are ei-j >ying a big business bootn. —The M. IE R. Ass- ciation meets next Monday evening. (let your dues ready mean while. —Our junior editor mule a living rip to Milton and Allentown last week and returned home dditjhUd. Are roast in g ears soon ripe ? Oi r better half would so mncli like to roaSt a few dozen for us— if she hud them. —Mr. Jacob Gobble, of SnydertoTvn, paid our sanctum a visit on Saturday. Jac >b always calls to see us win n c bout. y —Ex-Sheriff Muss?er b-ou glit a pi t to vine to our otllce that measures six feet six inches in length. What can beat it ? —Mr. Allen I>. Deiuiuger, of Xew Berlin,who spent a part of his vacatiofi among the/riYmlsc/M/£ here, left for horn# to-day. Mr. vT. R. Wo'f, of IMiersbnrg was one of our subtfanti d callers on Situr day. Many more of the same kind would be welcome. —Mr. Jacob Sand us d mated a very •good and much netded table for tlie Lutheran Sunday School. T tat was real nice of Jacob. —Mr. Jonathan Kreamer is still con fined to his room,with no present pros pect of improvement. He has the sym pathy of the commuhity. —Ex-Gov. Curtin is hereby tendered the ih inks of tlie JOURNAL for a c >py of ttie Compendium of the feuth Ce.t sus of the United States. —Gen. Beaver and two sons are t-rav eling over a great part of the state in a carriage. It is about the nicest way yet'invented to travel for pleasure. —Mr. John Kerstetter.of Booneville, one of the brst masons that ever swung a hammer, and a very good.jolly fellow "besides, is again here building foui dt lions. -- Be sure to read the new advertiso uuentof S. B. K imp, Jeweler & Watch maker in Milton. You may find some thing in it just to suit your wants and wishes exactly. Yes, le id it. —Our Cornet Band realiz'd forty eight net by their festival on Saturday, even witli the cool weather .against them. They ought to feel hap py and thankful over it—and they do. —Those who have plenty of time and schtamps may get ready for the Niaga ra excursion ; others will please stay at 'home and attend to their work and busine.-s. Printers belong to the "oth •ers," of -course. —Our good looking Chief Burgess, Jas. C. Smith, was the first 111 in to buy •our handy and practical Heady .liefer- Hoice Tax Receipt Book. Lots and gobs of others have bought since—or i xpect lo buy " one of these days." —J. R. Smith f MRS. WIN-LOW'S SOOTHING SYRUPF©RCHILDREN TEETHING. Its value is incalculable. It will relieve the poor little suf ferer immediately. Depend upon it, mothers, there is no mistake about it. It cures dysentery and diarrhoea, regulates the stomach and bowels, cures wind colic, softens the gums, re duces inflammation, ami gives tone and energy to the whole system. MRS WINSLOW'S SOOTH ING SYRUP FOR CHILDREN TEETHING is pleasant to the taste, and is the prescription of one of ihe oldest and be-t female physicians and nurs es in the Cuited States, and is for sale by all druggists throughout tire world. iTlee 2-3 eetjis a b >Ule. CHARLES C. BELL. The gmsshoppers around Cunt re II all are fond of twine. They consumed the twine bands wherewith the sheaves of a 10 acre wheat field, on the farm of John T. R >B3, were bound —all but a bout 404 sheaves. This is about the meanest trick yit heard of grasshop pers. —The grading and leveling of the Rt Hi fonto and RtilT.do Run R. R. is completed and it is thought tint the ties and track will be laid and trains run by about mid 110 of September. Rut when will trains be run on the R. &T. road from Spring Mills to Re moot ? Who can toll? CARD.— The members of the *MIII - Comet R uid hereby tender their best thanks to the ladies of the town and neighborhood for their liberal do nations of c ikes, >n s lk and cream for their festival ami t> the community at large for their generous patronage. —J. W. Saook has just completed a starkßh itou lei we wish would follow his ( \ample tint it won't do to —you know—for an editor to be povson- -C. W. Albright showed us a num brr of very fine buggies the other d ly. They appear to be very solidly built and are as will finished as anything we have seen in the buggv line this long time. Charley certainly knows liow to got up a first-class buggy, ile started for the western counties with his buggies the oilier day. —We regret mueli that we can not publish the HULKS governing the dein ociatic deli gate (lections, this week. Sheriff's sales and local matter have so crowded the JOURNAL that it is squarely impossible. And it makes no real dif ference as bur democrats are well book e 1 in these m itters and m >st of them know these rules l, by heart." Sheriff Punkle sends in a rather lengthy commitnicttiou for publication this week. It is somewhat monoto nous and dry readmg for dog days—is pectally to those not cincerned, while those that are concerned the meaning to is point* d enough. These Sherill-t are real ugly when they get ma 1 at a fel low, for which reus in we aie doing oar level best to keep o:t goood terms wi li Tommy. —The administrators sale of the es tate of .T >hn I). Foote c >mes of to-mor row. (Friday.) Eight properties, a mo.ig which are the d .veiling houses in Milllieim will be sold. The trustee's s; le of the estate of John Keen, deceased, will bo the fol lowing Friday, Aug, 17th. Two prop erties in Millheim, ten acres o! out 1 its near town and a faun two miles west of town, w ill be sold. —Tiie stone, lumber and other ma terial for the new JOURNAL building are coming in, but the c hilars are not coming quite as "thick and fast" as the emergency demands. Please don't be so bashful about the matter friends. An average of about five frai/e dAhirs a day on old subscription with about two-nctc cash subscribers an 1 as many Bland dollars, da'ly, would just move us along swimmingly. Fact. —Mr. T. G. Erhard made himself quite useful while out in Kansas for nearly three months. lie owns two adjoining farms in Sumner county one of Bi, the other ot 1(50 acres. On the latter be. built a good house and stable, and talks seriously of emigrat ing out there fur good. Don't do that. Tommy. We don't like to give you up, and beside it is so much farther a way from home than Strasburq. —Prof. Wolf givts notice in this week's JOUKXAL of T he regular annual teachers' examinations. lie lixes Mon day Sept. fOtli for Milllieim and Penn. Now just one word to teachers, actual and prospective. Brush up your rusty ideas—if you have any to brush up— fir the occasion, especially in Geo graphy and Grammar. Don't locate Afghanistan and Belooplvstan on our Pacific coast. Don't murder the K'ng's English in the first degree when you parse. Please don't. SPRING MILL ITEMS What has become of Sara Patch ? (Gone "where the woodbine twineth." —Ed.) Miss Clara Guise, Mr. 11. B. Her ring and Mr. I >uncan Rankle are go ing to Illinois to spy out the land. (Glueckliche lit ise.—Ed.) J. F. Glass & Co.,have the boss separ ator. Their work gives satisfaction. I. J. Grenoble received fifty car loads of coal last week—the largest single lot ever brought to Spring Mills, Mr. J. 11. Bibbv, the gentlemanly landlord of the Spring Mills House does a thriving trade. A number of tour ists are here who are well pleased with the accommodations, the people and the place. The Centre county Sabb ith School Convention will meet here on the 23rd instant. We anticipate a full attend ance and profitable time. Rev. Fur man Adams will conduct a service of song in the M. E. Church next .Sunday morning. It will be very interesting and the public is respectful ly invited to attend. The JOURNAL is a welcome weekly visitor and is getting popular. (Happy to hear it. E l.) BROAD AXE. The Hand Rovs. I'oinintinleatod Pen n Hall, Pa., Aug. l, 1 SS-'R Editors Journal : - Please allow ins a little space to say that Xlessrs. J. F. (illss & Co.,have throshed a pait of ray crop and that the work done, by them de serves much praise, especial 1 ybecause it turns out the wheat cleaner than any Separator I ever saw. They ku >w exactly how to handle and run their iua chine so as to produce the best results. Youis, JOIIN F. IIKCKMAN. FAT AT, RAIL ROAI> ACCIDKNT.— We learn from the Rowisburg papers Unit Mr. Joliu Rover, residing neai that town, lost h : s'lif wliil> mossing the R. A: T. Rail Road, at Fifth street in a buggy, by being run into by a train, last Wednesday. The usual warning signals were given ; t>ut it ap pears that Mr. R. whoso hearing is somewhat impaired, failed to hear tin m, at d drove upon the liaek. llis horse, furthermore, became d. z si, and seemed unable to Pave the sp >R The train coul 1 not be stopped in time to save Mr. R .an 1 lie was caught,thrown some distance and badly hurt rib >iit the head and knee. II > war u:ic mscious until death foil iweJ. CSNTR 3 COUNTY TSAOH3E3 EXAMINATIONS, 1333. Snow Sl*>e and Eurnside —Snow Shoe Tuesday Ang ist 1 t Huston—Julian Wednesday " Id Worth —l'ort Matilda Thursday "b> Tavlor—llannah Friday " IT Fiiilipsburg and Rush—Fhilipsburg Saturday August 1 s Uuiomille and Union—Unionville Monday August JO Liberty—Eaglevillo Tuesday " J1 Howard and Curtin Howard Wedues day Augtist J J Walker — Hublefsburg Tuesday "JS M irion—Jacksonville Wednesday " i!) Milesburg and Eo.gs -MilesluugThurs day August .'to Spring—Pleasant llili Friday " ill Renner--Knox'School House Sal.Sept. I Ration —Waddle's School House Mon day Sept. 3 II ilfuioou— Stormstown Tuesday " 4 College—Lenient Wednesday " 5 Fergus >n —Fine Grove Thins lay " l> Harrra—Roalsbu)g Friday " 7 Millheiu. and Fenn —Millheim Monday Sepß lb Haines—Aaronsburg Tuesday " 11 Miles—Kebersbtirg Wednesday " 1J Potter —Centre Hall Thursday " 13 Gregg—Spring Mills Friday " It A special examination will be held in the school house, Rellefonte, Saturday, Oct. ('• ; applicants must come recom mended by*three directors of the dis tnot in which they intend to teach. Examinations begin at 9 o'clock a. in., applicants must be punctual. A meeting of directors is desired on each day of examination. They should permit none, excel# pti.srns of good character, to enter the classes. D. M. WOLF, Co. Supt. .Si. I'imo fjolcl, \os. 317 A 319 A urn ST., PHILADELPHIA. RATESREDDuEDJOS2.OO PER DAY. T!v.' trawling pub ic will .>llll And at this Hotel the sun • libera! nruvi.sioti for their coin fort. It is locate lin the immediate centres of b:;si'ae>s an 1 places of amusement an.l the *1 if— fere at Kail-llo:nl depots, as well as all parts ot the city, are e.isily ac'essible by Street Oars Constantly | s>inc: the doors. It offers special | indueem'-HiS to tuose visiting the city for bu>l ne s> or piea>ure. Your p itronage resoectfttlly solicited. Jos. M. Feger, Proprietor. For the Milllieim Journal. Ftaternal Gresting and Cordial 1 i vitation. As Die introdu ;ti > i of chr istianify into the world by our divine Saviour is the greatest blessing that a merciful God could confer upon man, it is be ce our privilege to avail ourselves of the blessings and benefits it olTeis, and in view of the fact that the inaj rity of our fallow m n for whom Christ died live destitute of its soulsaving i'nllu enc *s, and even our respnjtive c mgre gations have fallen into a state of meaningiess forfciality and lack the baptism of the II ilv Spirit and of fire and therefore need the spirit of quickening into new ness of life in a great measure, so that in stead of exhibiting a spirit of sectarian ism and exclusivenesa, they be baptiz ed into one spirit, loving each other as Christ loves IH. Believing as 1 do, in the "communion of saints," I woul 1 heieby extend a friendly invitation to the christian ministers and people of whatever denomination, to unite with us at our approaching oumpmeeting, to attend and participate in the various religious services, and exhibit, as the people of (rod,a united front to the un saved portion of our Mlow men, that they may thereby be led to Chiist, in stead of becoming hardened in their sins by the pe'ty jealousies and uu trieiidlyness of professed christians. In the spi rib of brotherly love I sub scribe myself y >ur fell iwlab irer in the vineyard of our common, divine Mast* er. BEXJ* rix IIENGST, Preacher-in-charge. Centre Circuit. Milllieim Aug. 7th, 1835. —A special excursion train will be run via Northern Central railway, Tues day, Aug. 21st. Schedule and rates of fare to Niagara Falls and return, from stations iti this section, are as follows 2 Rate. Leaves. Soring Mills 7 75 5 50 a. m. C iburn 700 ('>.lß " Miflliiiburg 700 8.01) " Lewisburg 080 10.0) " Montandou 0 7.3 11.0G " * Arrangements will be made for re duced rates at the hotels at Watkin's Glen and Niagara Falls, and for car riage hire and admission to the ulaces of interest, so that persons will know just what it will cost before making the trip, the details of which will be an nounced in a few days. The accommodations for this excur sion will be first-class in every particu lar. The fare to Niagara Falls and re turn from all points has been made ex tremely low iiiUl withi u the means of all. im:r, OntliP 2.Vh uH., near Tine Oroya Mills, Mr. •Jacob lirli, aged S i year- 1 . 9 months ,md 'J'! days. .nilliieim HnYkttt. Corrected every Wodmisday Wheat, eld, i.e.", '* new. No. 2 pr " No. 3 75 Corn < ti'i live 70 tills \\ hite ,fi I tuck \\ heat Flour , ft.6"> Rrati A Sh'oiin,pet ton 29.n0 . per Itr! I .",0 Plaster, ground 0.',0 Cement. per Itnshel 45 i,, 5o Hurley Tvinothyved Flaxseed, (•Inverted g.i) Hotter p; Hants 17 Hdcs Vr.il ; Fork U-ei 1 otat Of 5,,,;k............. ;;. ij 11l 1.nr.l .. j- Tallow ':>! ! 5 Dried Apples Dried lVnelics Di ied Cherries COAL MARKET AT COIIUUN. Egg (\::U A- St. vc rfv. chestnut ;;;;;;;;;; Vfe I*"' 1 •;••••, : LJI tea 1> the ear 10ad.....:.; pi A 11 Alt lEB, x A • Auctioneer, M 1 K EI M , PA. J. SPRINGER,. I'itsliitittiililc B; raer, Next Door to JOL'KNAI. Store, Main Street, MIKKUEIM, PA. JAR I). 11. MINGLE, Physician & Surgeon, (.rtllo-i on Maui street. MIKLUEIM. PA. JOHN F. IIA UIE It, Practical Dentist, Ofllce opposite the Mlllhelm Hanking House, MAIN STREET, MILLHEIM, PA A DAM HOY, Attorney-at-I.aw, BkLLEFONTE, P.V. Orphalts' Court Hudne-sa Speciality. C. IIKtNLE, Atiorncy-at-Luv HEKLEFUNTE, PA. Practices in all the e uirts of Centre county. Speci.il attention to foil 'ellotis. Consultations in J. Rower. \I.EX.VNDEK & IMWE'I, Attoriicy-at-Law, lIEI.LKFONTE, I'A. OiP.ee in Carman's new building. •. A. ltaaver. J. W.Gcphavt. I AEAVER & GEPUAUR, ID Allorneys-af-Linv, LIKLLEFOXTE, I'A. GTfiee on Alleghany Street. North of HighSlwet JT"^ U.GEO. S. FI'.AXK, Physician A Surgeon, SPRING MILLS, PA. Ofllce-in Mr. Philip okV residence, near th(' Mills lloiisi*. Profi Ssional calls promptly answered. "in TT IS. IlElilXCi, Surveyor & Scrivener, I'EN N II ALL, CENTRE CO., PA. All business entrusted to him will be executed With care and promptness. I>. 11. Hastings. W. F. lteedcr. J_TASRINGS& HE EI) ELL, Atforneys-at-Lavv, HELLEFOXTE, PA. om -eon Allegheny street, two doors cus of the oillce ocupied by the labi r.rniof YocunP & Hastings. JgItOGKEItUOFF IIOUiE, ALLEGHENY ST., BELLEFONTE, PA. C. G. McMILLEN, PUOPIUETOIi. Good Sample Room on First Floor. Free ltnss to ar.d from all trains. Special rates to witnesses and jurors. Lewislfflrf. aw) Tyrono Railriad Time Table, LEAVE WESTWARD. . 13X79 A. M. A. V. P- M. I'. M. P. M Montandon 7Do 2.00 0.00 i.ewisburg...... ..7.2a lotto 2.-0 Fair Ground 7kO 10.Ft 2.'__ Itiehl 7.10 10.27 2..D Y'cksburg 7.45 1.3n 240 Milllinburg 8.00ar11.00 ar 2-fl le. 3 no Millmont f.22 32* Lauielton 8.33 3.40 Wiker Run 8.57 4.t0 Cherry Run 9.13 4,25 Fowler 9.35 4.47 Coburn 9.43 5.04 Spring Millsar 10.15 ar. 5.30 LEAVE EASTWARD. / 1 (i 8 1U A. M. P. M. Spring Mills 5.50 l-stl Coburn 0 18 2.20 I Fowler 0.28 2.33 _ [ Cherry Run 0.4S - e_ Wiker Run 7.05 3.15 Laurelton 7.30 3.40 Millmont 7.40 3.5a A. M. Miffltuburg 8.00 11-45 4.15 p. M. Vicksburg 8.15 12.10 4.32 Hielil 820 12.17 4.08 Fair (Hound A. M. 8.30 12.33 4.48 P.M. Lewisburg 6.35 8.10 I.— 0 5.10 Montandon ar. 6.45ar.9.00ar 1.00ar.5,20ar i .40 Nos. 1 and 2 connect at Montandon with Erie Mail West; 3 and 4 with Sea Shore Express l ast ; 5 and a Willi Day Express and Niagara Express West; 7 and 8 with rust Line West; 9 ami it) with WiUiu'uspnt A'-'COhliuoiliiUou East. IBTJ"2" "YOIT.R, BOOTS'&? SHOE& AT J. ZSikZMEP'S LOCK SCA.VJELT, IPJL. ORGAN TONE. "4J Address, CLOUCH & WARREN CRCAM CO., Detroit, Mich. KTYOLi: Jsi H PKI N FING 1 >'- >N E AT r The Mill! rim Journal tttliiT. FIXH WORK CHEAPLY KXKCI:TI-:D. jUVIN HOUSE, (Most Central Hotel in the city,) (JOHN Kit OK MAIN AND ,1 v Y STREETS, LOCK HAVEN, I'A. S.WOODS CALDWELL PROPRIETOR*. Goods ample Rooms lor Com nerclal Travel -4 r* on first floor — & Jawelsr, — MILTON, PA. FLATOFFEKI £PECIA L I> YRGAINS \JJ IN Ladies' and Gents' Solid Gold and Silver i < V ' d : J>"~ t : 'K?Jk~ r rK i hcU < Plated Chains * Jewelry, ELEGANT LINE "OF leiies' awl Gcnis 1 SJli GoH Riiip. FIXE "LARGE STUCK OF SILYEII WARE, !!! All Guaranteed of Host Make !!! jfoT"Goods so 111 to respond I>T' parties to s deet from Orders hy mail will receive prompt attention. All kinds of repairing promj 11 v done. Goods to he rep tired van he sent hy mail and will la roturneJ in the shortest possible time. All ki ids of Goli and Hair Jew olry made to order. SEJVD FOR PRICE ami dependent parents < ntit 1MI when death ie suited. Claims reopened. restoration. ineie :s< d iNiuuty. back pay and discharges obLilpcd. Ap ply at <'iiee, delay prejudicesyohr lights. Fes <*\ed bv law. Address, with stamp, the old : - tuPiished tit in (d ED.soN .S: c<.. Attorneys and Claim Agents. PIT F St., Washington, i>. C. A. SIMON & SONS, WIIOI.KSALK A KKT.UL tiKOI'KKS, keep the largest stock in tho 143 MAIN STREET, LOCK HAVEN. GO TO SIMON BROTHERS, THE BOSS CLOTIIIEUS for your Clothing. 40 MAIN STREET, LOCK HAVEN. r> A TR TJ r> 11 [f\tr c* RJ DT\l\ iin ntiyuii); North Second Street, ll.ill .1 square south of the 1.. &. T. It. It. Depot, LEW ISBUIUi, PA. . New and conitnodious liuiidiug, KquiFpiil in .ill <1 p.ti 1 aieiils Willi ei," tiitjly new Km nil uie. No i Hints spired lo make tl.e Uakku lloi'SKa ple.is.iin, lioine lo all uueats. An exei lleiil I.ivery alLaciud. W. X. IiAKEI?, l*iopt it tor. CI.KV AN Pi NOES. 11. F. VoXADA. : Kev; Firm —New Store i ! AT COBI'BX. | ; Dinges, Vouada& Co., j DEALERS IX— (jE\EKAI SERtnAXDISE, would hereby call the at tention of the public to the fact that they have opened a new store at Coburn and respectfully solicit a share of public patronage. C}T Produce takon ia Exchange for £Ood3. PATENTS. 1. A. 1 cliir.aun, Solicitor of Amc/icnii and I'o'.ciLli I'ati ills, \Fasli ucton. D. ( . All Imii lis* Coaits, promptly at tended to. No cliar.ue in:;de unb ss a, patci:t is sen'Uied. Set.d for circular. tf P. Si STOVEL DKALI:K;IX Clover See:!, Flour & Feel, Coal, Plaster & Salt, CO JICBX* *K HIGHEST MARKET PRICE ALWAYS I'AID. AW\ full supply of Co il. I*l isler all 1 Sa't til w ays on hand ami sold at the lowest piico ...\ i-('oal kept under roo[ at all seasons of the year. y~ * fld'The public patronage respectfully solict ed. 3Sly HEALTH Ls W -tiALTHI /M \ A MM, vAj. r.IEAT M 6 rjT' - I l)K. h. ('. WlisT'S s.HRVE ASS B.*U:T TVLHTMKNT, A KiMrantce Ifor H> tt-ri*. D itiU'.'.lCorvo!(i Nervoua Nenrnliria, HoAda. l'. N-. r< . V >r- ><" it l>yU) ((•• ;>f Alcohol or l: >,.-ro. tV>.l:*'( v sliie.:a. D— l>r,a*lou, So'trnlrjf of the Br: in r. n no - in li.,,ul'v kiij louli.i,- to tnlKery, nail iteatli; i'r m->tu>e Oil I *, l>un. nnesf. I.opb of F .\er in elllcr*' x. I'.voluotAry Loarcs Hi. >l Sji-mi.-.t- r rh s chu*<-i1 by orarejenl nof tbo brain, •olf-H'.nno on vr-itn!u.g' 1" *. K.xrh b".x con iine one rnnoti. • trexliiK-iit Ll * bos, cr six boxen for nns by CXA'A pre ou !><•!;.t of price. WE CUARAMTES Sl'l HCXEO To p:tre sny CA*e. Wth r-o-h boxes, accorrijiktiieb. v i ' b £.>, we wi'lc-n ' tf: j pi.rcioiAor our riiu'ii ,i;u I o re''rob o, r.I",U'T ff L .r trdiiusut b.oCS lo t CiT.-c; a c-..re. T iaxu—l -r.:!* by KISXS.R k JIKVDKLSOX, tie jr rbl'a felrhts, Pa. liiI ii Ttm relebniteil (..jfrubie U;o where epee rwcSftl el eSHIs. Pnarp>Mnl tori CliUUrca. EfENZR & F.IEMDF.LSOM, I jKO Race ftrtctj P? iiykiipiNlt, Pi.} '.rnrrn'itril fins mnsf porfecf Fnrrf.Fncd I'.-ri il|/jr I'rlMlti Nrnrt fur •!• • Hlar, A. 11. I lliltl llllt, Work, I*n. Pennsylvania STEAM EXCI.\E9, s&£?£&<.* P A. B. FABQUnAE, York Pa r *y Snlilo. B*w, ' (iaiaT Mn.i-a L "o* .js,*-" eoticrally. balMl lur IlluatrtU j Vertical Englnoe.wlih or H # mnrolilcfit,enrmouiiral BO*? "* 'rirt: f \ imjuiai: SEPARATOR ii .ni!r*ltti>d rxr.ct i D Vi.iiuiiv(iuuauu' . r* H ituJy lor market. A 1 1 D. y.tnQvruß, rork, r%. 2E73IQSS CO2S PtAUTES \JVt- Warrauted tlio be* I com i| mppe r Aiitl mo-t 11 blltPT lU U* THE Buchanan Wind MiH UNEXCELLED FC!I jgfe BEAUTY, CURABILITY Jf£|| 'LIGHT RUNNING. _ f|||p Mew method of attach* jff jl THEM3ST POWERFUL 11 DURABLE KILL BUILT. \| ; j| 11 ■| * 'ALL KINDS op TANKS, PIPE, PUMPS, Etc. Be aire to scad for ocr new [aljlog-Bc before Unrlog. BUCHANAN WIND MILL SO, BUCHANAN, Wi!CH!C.'.N. TUTT S S PKLS TORPID BOWELS, DISORDERED LIVER, and MALARIA. From these secret* arwo tinee-l'oarths of the Uisohsus of mo Luoiun no*-. 'lkeso symptom* indicate their exLitcr.ce: Lin's of ApiKiitr, BowtJe tMUve, kick Mend* ache, fuilne.s niter cntiug, avtrrionlo cicrtiou of bid)' or luitui, ljuctuti.ju cf food, Iri-iuioility of temper. I.orr spirit*. \ i'.eliKg of diif, lMstiue*., Ftutier 1*11.1.S fifty •no OLrnnl. Their net ion on llio Kt levy* ifii! Skni iaa: v prompt; loiuovirg nil iiapmitiod through these thrco " scav <".ki*m of the svaam.'* producing iippe tite.,*on ul digestion, regular stools, it megr skin ind a vigorous body. TLTT*# PILLS c ai4o no nausea or griping nor Intertero v.-l'h 1 tilv wnrk and are a perfect ANTIDOTE TO MALARIA. nr FEFJJS LIKE A AEIV lIAH. '•I hrO "had Dyspepsia, xvith Consiipn f loa.two voarw, find nave trii l ton ditreient km.ls of pills, nnd '1T T TT*N up* the first that, lintrc . EDWARDS, Palmyra, O. Sol.lc?>n-rviii CQ'g,4t Mnrrnvs:.,X.Y. TUnWAIIBYir Gkat H vir o Wiiiskf.ka changed in stantly to nGi.>.>SY K Lr a single sjv plientioa c;f llns DTE Sold by Druggisl.s, or sent by < xpress on receipt of $ I'. Office, 41 Murray Street, New York. TUTT'S MANUAL C? USEFUL HECEIPTS FRE R .. D.S. MORGAN & CO, MA.NTTA.CTTHE THE . DURABLE LIGHT DRAFT Triumph. Eoapers AND THE NOIBELESS fr: New Clipper Mower. Tho TRIFMPH REAPERS are uncqualed for simplicity in construction, ease of inanagemcnt, light weight, durability and good working capacity in all conditions of grain. The NEW CLIPPER has all the advantages of ' tho OLD CLIPPER MOWER with many valuable improvements. Sknd fok Icltstrat*d . Ctnrri.AT?. Good AGENTS WANTED in unoccupied territory. D. S. MORGAN & CO., i Brockport, MonroeCo., N. Y SIOQO REWARS^SS, For anj madiine hulling and elpjniin|? ftt for AQ\/k~y ka*made uiarki't Jvs tauch Clover Seed ia one -- i IH/1 Paranli'let mailed 1 \ - 1 NEWARK MACHINE CO. titl I aw- UEWiEK. o. THIS paPEi S" 7 a? 'S"o' T Newspaper Advertising hnreau (10 Spruce Street), where adver- aaffrlflf . K iin iciu l ior 3 j'vW KW SlliilPi"