•• i| c i 111] cim|ciu i; n n I. I ih'immv. August ilnd. lss.'l. HY r-EINiNGER . p c BUMILEER. GtnTci k Sunday Scliaol Directory. FJvnnsroHeal. /?■ •. }J n***>•. Fitrmnn /VcdflierTn churcr. Smd iy School at 10L, a. m.—l>. A Mu-ser, Sup't Rc for mod. Per. f A. Yforirl'. Poster. Tiei hit c in A.aronslmrg next Sunday after Mi.e society meeti the first l ues evening of ea< h mouth. United Brethren. AN*. J. ; Mon day imhj efhb| mootii. LMie k Society Dlrastsry. MillbA'lm Lodge. N".'.Wf, I. 0.0. I', meets in h<*ir ball. I'enn stiavt. eef-rySntui day ev niing. lfehoeea Decree Mi HHif .Lev Thursday on t bt-iotv the till I moon ti <• di month. (' \V lIe.T'UX. See. K W. Mauck. N.g. Pr ridenee Grange. So. 217 P.-et 11.. ineetsln A.exandei s block on tlie second Saturday of nd month at l' : t*. m.. and onthefourth Si (Ki'dav of each month at l' a P. H ii. L.Zckby. see. T.G. Kr.n vt;;v,blaster. Tts" Millheim B. & 1.. AisoeiiU ion meets in the i'euu sir. et s.-hooi liuii>e n the eveiKng of I'm seo'tnl Monday of eaidt mon h, A. w % rnc. s c. I>. <. Deinisokr, Brest. Tt#C lil heiai Cornet Baud meets i Hie * "w u. 1: d! on Monday and fliursdav even::,s. J. W. iv"'te, S.c. I). 1. liioivi) l'ie>'i. Centre County Democratio Com mi'.tey for 1333. 'Dptji r. xikk. r.o. AnnuEss. j Beih-fute N W, J M. Kt-I 'hihie. .Bellefonte s_ yv Has Smith W v. 8. A.McQnisition 11 'ward i# re. Ara ('. ..... hers, Howard I >1 ik-stmrg ** .tjines P. g | .• r . sal A* i rakftt •" ' w . i arpeoter,—— " Tiuoirville .?r - I'. J. J!i-INi, Fleming trs. P.ii .. Js-aier, - jU-llefontO iVs*. s - I 'Tia ; l f . Adams Mileshurg la *' liuiiry Pin" Glenn , y .-_e u foun - | J >h.-; l.flCktskei K.'i:iDd . . - ornifek. Stu" voM< ge I * r - X. P. LV ./W*iker,~ Rock Spiiugs j A. < c s. p- * ddron sp'ing Mlils N. I" W-ts . i .ve. .... Farmers' Mi Is I il .Hi'-s F- tL. B staurer Woodward iJooirtmver Aaronsbnrg 11- -[ M-xs tw*..H St.inust own 11,,|| | h v ItoUiburg HAVUI John w : . .How an' j •i-o ... • Mb! Mies .Ju'ian .... •• .i.>.;•• I'.L ii.'.. Blanc mi,i I -xt -- j. -J. lb". Walker I s *• KLlis Slie V- ... .Madi-onbi'ig | P.aiX-n * A'tnev. Jr KThnore i - - P. H. s- v' < entre Hall j •• - \\ Si:io.. sd*' k Tu-'-scy ville j ■ N. !*.• Mi i n.. . lea. ...Ptotli sbnrg , s- p. .i. T t'.. Saudy Hiendent chieftain of Union county docs not show tlie white leather as easily as senator Me wart. Our legislature is very bu.*ily en gaged in sessions of about Lulf an iraur a day in preventing ajiportion menßy their self-s.icnfieing la bors they earn the lasting gratitude of the hippy t ix-payers, considering that thev must shift as best they cuu with only ten dollars a day. - The Pliilipsbufvery perli uently asks : What has become <>f the law which was to crush out polygamy and make the Mormon mourn i Never iu tlie history of their church have the Latter Day Saints prosperous as they do now. Their missiunaiies are not only more active in this countiy than ever before but they are tnakin? converts abroad by the thousand. Nearly seven bun dled Mormon recruits landed in New York last Sunday a week, and they ire all representated to b' thrifty and well to do emigrants. It really looks as if the Government is not in earnest in its effort to eradictte the twin relic. Whatths New York Editors say. Dana, Reid and Hastings on the Presidential Nomination. lutervicw s in New York Herald. DANA DECLINES TILDEN. I cannot conceive of any intelligent mind belieying for an ipstaut that Mr. I Tilden would again consent, to bo a cand'dale. Ii is absolutely out of the tHi'Slion. Nothing on earth could in duce him to t tin again. it KID • yUI NT- TDM'AMD Alt VIM It. Sii<.:v }.o gave up leadctsh ii if a fao i tion lie has stcadiKy grown and is very | much st longer titan lie was. The p *o ! ii* s tw what lie did and applauded and sympathized with him. lie stands'opt (cr loxtlay before I lie countiy than id any previous petiod in his whole olhcial life. HASTINGS nivi-:> AUTitrn A wAi.ic-nv- Klt. Arthur is making e(T>rt. lie needs t<> nvike t one. Events tire slmping S things for him. C rnell *s a dead dog. [ lie has a few friends,but no patronise, i lie has had his day. They are all out. 11l line is out. Sherman is out. Conk ling is ont and means to keep out. lte ally, Arthur scouts to have a walk-ov er. -<•*- The D.ntocratio Delegate Election and-County Convention. The Democratie voters ot Centre County will meet at the regular places ot holding the general election for their districts on Saturday, August 11th ISS.'I to elect delegates to the Democratic County Convention. The Election wilt i open at two o'clock P. M., and close td six P. M. The delegates chosen at the above time will meet iu the Court 11 uise at Belli foateon Tuesday .August 14th, at 1 o'clock 1. M., to nominate one candi date for district Attorney, one candi date for County Surveyor arid to trans act such other business as the interests of the party may demand. The number of delegates to which each district is entitled is as follows. lk'lH'fontv, N. \V... . 2 Halfniooii 1 " S. W .1 Han is :) M . W 1 #lo\v uul 1 f Milesb-.rg i Huston 1 ! M'ilT. *tlii 2 Libvi ty j i Ui'ionvilhi • Marion 2 HovvarU Born 1 Miles ;> I Pbili'-sburgl-t W.... ! Pat ton } - 2ii-l W... 2 I Vim • 44 irit W... i PoUer. N. P IVenrr 3 " S. 1* 4 I HuggS 1 U" s b ' Bur a-i je 1 t oilefie - Spt iiifs J Cu-tin 1 Ta.xlor 1 i F eirusRk D. 1' Union . N. 1* 1 Walker 4 I Grt'CS ?> P ' \N •nil. 2 " N- I'. 1 llalnes. K. V 2 •• W.P./. a The Committees holding the delegate elections and the rules will be publish i ed next week. jW. Miles \Valker> Wm. C. Ileinle, tntcy. Chainuan. The Governm Hit's Faith and tho j Trade Dollar Victims. 1 From the North Ante; t | Tho government is bound to redeem i the trades is circulation hete as a mat- | '■ ter of honor and public policy. Though 1 ! it never p.iid out or received a single 1 coin as cash, it puts its se tl upon the : coin and the so culators di I the rest. ; : , i The specul itivs could e.oc have cirgUM tel the trade dollar hete but for the i Mint stamp. Hence the government is bound to f eliev ; t'te victims of t!e delusion. The Strik3 Partly E ided. Tne American Bapid Telegraph LJompany hive compromised wit ti their ! or-eratois, granting all their detnai.ds i ! excepting only an advance of 10 per ( cent, on wages, instead of 1", as de manded. Tne operator have all gone to work again. The Western Ui.io.i and the Haiti mote Jc Ohio companies haye not yet j made any concession to tueir mea,wlio j are still out. Great uneasiness is man ifested 1n commercial and business cir cles over the attitude of these compan ies and pubTc sympathy seeins to be entirely with tlie operatives. ADVtt'E ro Of IITIIEKS. Are you disturi>", send at. otic * ; and get a bottle of Muo \VJX-!. v's foonuNo Svitri'rouCnt; nttKN Tketiiivo. Its valm is ■ ita-iiieulablc. It will relieve tle poor in tic suf ferer jiinnediattTy. D'-ji -nd upon it, mi'tiieis. t!e:e is no mistake ainut 4t. !t curesdyscirt-'rv and diarrhiN-a, r gtilan-s th.* stoinach and bowels, cures wind v di". softeus the gums, re duces iutlammution, o*id give? twue cud energy to the whole system. MRS WetsiotVs Mora- ! (so svtti r F -it y ail dr*.irgists tlirouglKKit the world. Price '~o I ceaits a battle. | _ LEGAL ADVERTISEMEJTTS. REGISTER'S NOTICES.—The following ae t e units hive been examined, pissed and remain iled of record in this oftiie for tin* jh spe*tif Jno. M Heverly, sole exectilorof .Ac. ot .lames Heverly, late of Howatd township, deceased. 4. The account of Robert McCaimant, execu tor of 4tc. of Ehzalic-th -McCalniailt, late of Ma rion township, deceased. 5. The final account of Dr. P. T. Musse", guardian ot Osborne K. llolloway, a minor child of Sarah M. llolloway, decease-1. d. The account of Agncw Sellers, guardian of Elmer K. Boiler and Adda V. Poller, minor children of John ltoiler, late of Bennei' town ship. deceased. 7. First and partial account of Jacob Kctuer, executor of &c. of .Joltn Kctncr, lute of iiaiues township, deceased. 8. Th" first and Jiual account of Owen Under wood. administrator of Ac. of Matilda Botlle, late of Union towusiiip, deceased. 9. Account of J. H. Keifsnvdef, administra tor d b ii of Ac. of S iinuel H. Meyer,lute of l'enu townshi]), deceased. 10. Tii ■ final accoant of M. D. Hockey, ad tninistrator ol Ac. of John Grouse, laic of' Miles township ceceased. 11. The second and final account of Jo!m Grove, administrator ol Ac. of Peter Breon, late oi Gregg township, deceased. 12. Th" account of Barbara Hottsor, adminis trati'ix of Ac of Martin Ilouser, late of College township, decc;ised. 13. Account of -J. 11. lleifsnyiler. administra tor of* Ac. of Jacob L. Lose, late of Miles town ship, deceased. 14. Final account of It. G. Brett, guardian of Lizzie Ward (now Hepney) minor child of Uriah Ward, lateof Ferguson township, de'"d. 15. Final account of K. G. Brett, administra tor of Ac. of Hannah Ch ".tubers, late of Fergu son township, deceased. V>. The ae.connt nn, ndmliil*tra tol or AC. of |{ol Or IVltfin iM, Into Ol KOfHUHOII ioWlKllll). dce"a-"lL 13. Till'ltuul :i> count of .l.imf' I' I'oliurii. o\ color of t*. ol .hUlM'it Hal'Lel, mo Ol Bie.'g tow lisll'p, rl*Ci';|s"i|. 1". Kin.il aeeonut of Joseph tlfit nndjlnnl account of Jetsmi.th Mlol I'll u !os Kekcmot lt.adiniiiM i ators ol Ao of ' .too,, l Vt< mot 11. IMto 111 S.tl illt; tow ll.slliPjlll't'Tl. 71. 'I ho account of .lolemail II lines, Vxecti* 1 tor of ol too. Weight, l*ti of Mil's town ' sllip. deee* art oin.f of t Hvfsti m Alexander, ex tent or ol A '. "I M;ii \ M u li, l .lo of Pohh t >w ii ship. ili't'oasi'il. V * 71. I'tir tin il miv >iinl of i'i i. I'•' 7. I In' first ami partial account of ilonrv ; Meier, e>.ecut rof A". ol Henry Meyer, lute of j .Milos township, ileivas'i'il, 21. Mi' llrsi ami partial account of Henry ■ Mover. I rustoo of the estate ol floury Meyer, j late ol Mi! •* township. ih'i't'asotl. 2.'. The account ol Michael Confer, guardian t Mrs. Nora inrm. (lata IHuiglaoiabaiithl minor child of Jamb Daughetibaug'i, deceased. :'>•>. Mm Iliirtl and final account of Lli/.nbeth Holler ami .fo cpli holler, e\-colors of Ac. of •lohti Roller, lato of Rentier township, dee 'asivl. .11." The account of Henry 11. Twhmvor, ad inini-tralor of Ac. oi Emanuel Twitinyer, latent Walker low iiship. ih'i'o tseil. 31 Mi- aocount al Qeorftn Ah-xindcr. rvtl— iifinlstraior oi ,so of .lolia Rod'.e, l ite if Talon lew nsliip. dec.'as al. ill. The il est ami final account of Dr. J. M. Blalv, trusleeapnoiiifoil to sell tlio real est tie of William Blair, late of Howard township, doe'd. it 1. "file account of Michael >. Fiedler and ■, W. Harter, administrators of &e. of George Ila iter, lateof MBlhclm borough, dcinuis.'d. T'he Hun!account of.loiitilh uilloss aiicl J. c. l.'el'oriiu... a'miii|siiaiois of A<*. ol .lames Dunl.tp. late of I e, guson tow u-hip. tleeeas si. 1 lie ioH*uui. 1 "t .loli n tj. Miles, ad.a mil ra torot A;e ofM irrh lt W illi,mis, (ate of llustou I iwuslop. ih'eeaso l. .7. The mo -oimt of Aaron P. Zerby, adnilnis trator of Ae. of Uoulk n S. Zerhy, lato ol i'oun township, ih eea oil. • •s. I'ne uoeount of Vllvrt O.ven. a laiiaisu i tor 1 bnc t a if is of .fob'* I*. Aiinlor, late of rhilipsbmx I kiroa-'li. doeeasod. i'Ue account of .las. S. .MeCalinuut, Itob ert Mel-almanl ai d WIIM im Shoi exeou tois of Ae .of J.;s. A. Met .ilinanl, late ol Ma rlon town hip. deceased,as Jl;e:l hy W iu. ."hart- I hilip*. J AMI S A. MciT.AIN. Ih'Hister. OIII'HANS' COfitT SAKB —By virtue or an old r of tli* orphans' court of Ct'i:lr' Co., I!Hire will L' evnosoil to p.ihiic ;ilc on the prcuiis-s in Mi!lhcini. Pa., PBIl) \V, Al'Ct'S I' lofll. lss.l, at 10 o'clock, A. M., the f illow iiitt vahiah'e real < state of l iie late .lohti I'. t i"Hlc, deceased, V|/.: No 1. One thereof beginning at > post, | hi'iic' akmtf land ol I). A. Mas,ci . soillh i' : west 69 fret it inelirs to a post, 111 nee along same Sunt Ii sj l , west "i fret i> Inehi's to ;in adt'V. thenee iloii. an alley s >ut!i 1 , k east OP f'*l . iuele sto tie# ed.e of Main street, thence In ;i parel el line wnii .Main Mi- et. north *;cast • '.j feet to t!ie place of beginning, eoniaiuing 12 ._'-loi) relies, tln ieoa riei'tcii a SToiti; Hot sb, Wakk IfofsE and oulhnildings. No. 2. One of Iter thereof b'clnnlng at stoms on ills* bank of Kll; (.ht- k. tl'lire along land of M. iscpUarr, sihilb n.*t i >'. jicrchos t > si.m<-. iiuuii"■ b> laudaof i*. \ Uirwcr. north ft.® cast 113-10 p ivl.es to sf uies. near creek, tncm's'iip said e r-k by land of sai l .Mus er's m rih .. west jo ; pi n ,rlu s ti the place of bc- containing 23 per-li-s. No. 3. One sdb r Ibrrcnif Ixnindr lon ilie soutl) by Main Hrn, STAULB, and other ouibuildiugs. No.i)::e other t!i si* if b ruuded on Ihe west by lot fornierly of If. l*. ll.irtinan. >n flu* nortli by Main Street, on the east by Mill the s-'uHi by land formerly of W in ( . Duncan, con taining one li nf aeie, more or less, inerocn e iveied a Two STOHY ilojsr., Sta m.u and other outbuildings. •In. 5 One other thereof beginning at eoruer of land of John Zerker. tlience by laud of a:tu* s.iut h 12® east 7 <"• 10 p. r*Lcs to Plk Crc- k. ilicii • by Klk Creek north 7 J east i 8 10 perches i" post, them* •by oilier lot- of ; ice-leat, north I west 8 HO perches to post, Ihtneelnr mill raee sniitl: | ! . w'i-I J- 1 pelohi's ut the place ol beginning, e.iul lining-N peivii -s. No. G. On* ■ llier thereof bouud 'l o:i the north public road, on Ci • south by Main streef. r.h tiy ait aflev, continuing "i Main Street *fee", aiid cxt.'ndiug back 10J feet, lhe:eon erecti d A Pru.tNi! llorsr: ani> Oi'TßtfiLPtN -a. N't.. 7. fhie other the -eof neginiting at st nes, thence al ;.g' ruie north % ea.il I perchei i" stones, I hence along s;mie s mt'i 7 west 1> perches to the place of beginning, containing J'.i perches, tber on erected a Dwei.l.'.n .HO SE an: Otrrßtni.DiNus. No. Ami the oflier thereof beginning at post, thence by lot of M. K. eh ireli south o', east H 8-10 ps'irhos t > past, thence bv an alley north •'>]'' e is; . , per.-in-s to p >st. tit tie-' a! ong s.utie north }," west perches to post on .Main Street, Hi me" along Mam street south iS° weif S |Mrch-s to the pla -e of Iwgiuaing, Containing 27 j> rehes, ther.am erected a DwEt.X INUI HOI'SK \N > OL'TIK'tt.DIN ,S. T -% ,,s oi " SAf.K: One third of th • purchase mo'iey to be paid on e uiiirni itiou of sale one thi don April Ist, is** and the balance on April Is:, lis",, with interest, the deferred payment to IK* secured by butnl and mortgage on the pre nii es. V. T. MUSSKIJ. Ailmlalsirator At tb.e same time will lie soil a Ho its K I'OWKK. 1 l-OWs'. i'l,t)W SI! AltK"', Sf' \ f.ICS, t'OAL SToVK suitaUl j for school boasj or store. Olf I'll AN**' C'< H' KT SA I.K.—ln pursn nice of an old 'r of the orph ins" Con t of Centre county, them will be ezp wed to iniblte sate on the premises in tlie boroug iof Milllielm on rniDAV, AUGUSI 17TH, lis.!, at 1 o'clock. 1'- M., tin* following describe 1 re ti estate late the properly "f John Keen, deccaicd. No. l. Uouiiiuora valuable tract of FAIJ.M I.AND, situate iu th • townsJiip of I'esm. two miles west of the borough of Miihieim. on each side of the Did i'ort ami Mi hinbarg turnpike, eoataiuing TWO 111 NDUKD AND TWKLVB AUItES neat measure, survey 1 hereof to be m id ■ before day of sale. Upon tills traet there are THIHTV acres of White Fine. Ch"st.nut and Oak timber— a fwo story Frame Dwelling House built only two years ago with good burn and other out buildings. There is a large OimiAtin of cholci fru.t, farni well watered oy gootl sjirings, land in excellent condition. The crops la th • ground are reserved. No better f inn in Hi • county. No 2. Consists of two pieces of ground iu th • horongli of Miilheiiu and marked in the general plan ol said tows as lots Nu these lots ii erected a tine targe house known as the JIItLIIKIM BANK BUILDING. No. .1. Being a lot of ground in th" borou.'h of Miliheiin. containing in breadth along Main street forty-nine and one half feet. Tucreuu e rccted a large AND SIIOI'. Nos. 4 it 5 Consist of TEN AGUES OF BUILDING LOTS, in t he borough of Milllt 'itn. one halt thereof be ing in tlie western part of said borough and the other h ilf iu the eastern part, both being sp ic ially adapted for building purposes. J'ossessiuii of flies • several tracts to he given on or before April 1. DSI. '; Kit.MS OF SA I.E.—Five per cent of purchase money to lie paid when property is knocked down'; one Ihird of residue cash upon eoniinn t tio i of sale; one third in one year thereafter with interest and the remaining one third at tite death of Mary Keen, widow of dccideut, with interest th aeon to lie paid to her auuuall y. Said two hist payments to be secured by bond and mortgage on the premises. 27-tit. HEN 11V KEEN, Trustee. EXKCUTKIX' NOTlCE.—Letters testament ary on tin estate of William Miller, late of the Borough of Millheim, deceased, having lieen granted to the undersigned, all persons knowing themselves indebted to siid estate are hereby untitled to mike immediate payment, and those having claims to present them duly proven lor settlement. HANNAH MILLKK. Executrix. Millheim, June 21., ISS3. 6t Tjl X ECUTOiiS' NOTlCE.—Letters testament 1k ary on the estate ol John Dutweiier, late of Bonn township, deceased, having been grant ed to the subscribers, all persons knowing them sjives indebted to said estate are hereby noti lied to make immediate payment, and those having claims to present them duly proven lor settlement. FRANK LIN DUTWKILEU, Aaron sburg, JACOB DUTWEILEB, i'cati twp., June 21., IS-i'j. Executors. Once again we call attention to our large line of Parlor Suites. Chamber Suites, Dining J 4 ouiu Furjifliirc. Tah'es, Stands, Chairs, I'ureuns, l>cdste:jds, Springs of every d< s'-rip tion, I lair, Cotton, Husk ami Straw Mattresses, We mi ko a specially of 11. ir Mattresses, and guarantee u hotter Mattress for less money than ran he purchased elsewhere. Sofas. Lounges, Craeles, Hall Stands, Centre'l'aldes. Fasy Chairs, llook < 'ases, Ward robes, MiriI:S and Shade < , lot.h in great variety. Wall Paper the greatest variety aud finest designs in Modern Art Paper Hanging. All our patterns arc selected lor the Lest etui! Trade o MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS CIIICkEKING PIANOS—The Standard of the World. YOSK PI ANOS—The lJ-st for the Money SMITH AMERICAN ORG WS-None Letter. Hi idg<| ort, Taylor A Faihy, Palace. Ithaca, Waterloo, Sterling, and all other First-Ohms Make of O.afios. tSHEET MITSUI, and a great, varie ty of SM dl Music IL Instruments. AIL SOLD AT LOW FLICKS. O CHINA AND SILVERWARE! '•Ye have a line stock in this department. We wish to close out and oiler extra inducements to purchasers. We invite the attention of every purchaser to the inducements we offer. Wo handle goods in the largest uumtitfos. We are willing to sell at small margin, the goads we handle are regainr. Correspondence and in lil orders especiilly solicited. J. SL SMITH & 60.. 110,112,114 Front street, Milton, Pa. A '. ~ cv" - .*■;< V". • O y.rC" •• '■' - Y ! /< : s''C ;-; a_ ja~ "a •' "•" ""•" * • a a a a • &]$ lA. i'": ■ /¥ N,\ & &:■s*? "V* jR '.p". " • ApAA * ] 4 |®|: Jv> & * ~ ' . ® :■' : "* jy\ j ' "', '■ " ' "''■' "" 11 ' ' .* 4 CHICKERING, - - - •-- —— - - —s§ • */] ' > <*g T"i pi iOTABS, mas. EMMMWM, II V •• • * 41^11 ■*" . <4 • @ • ■. MF| OFSGUINBTTES, UIOLIN BOXES, || || fv Sheet CQusig, (Qusig QUSIG |<© : J fj j| (Dusig E?iano E?iano Stools. I| IS PIANO AND ORGAN INSTRUCTORS—in short, Everything in the Musical line. NJ * DOMESTIC SEWING MACHINES, "Ktv - fp| 6 m FINE STOCK OF JEWELRY AND SILVERWARE. fif S M ." — f®B' e NI BUNNELL & IIKEMS, JN, a v\ JP m Southwest Corner Allegheny and Bishop Streets, Bellefonte. Pa. m ! A,v list d®J © © @ © .© © H 1 ® © ©I 6% IN "•yxv"X'qX. A /iN X I s" A>" ,r /L>' A. '* -A**.- ' ;/•' -~ y 4'iT/T'¥' > ""'" S "~ Any of the above PIANOS or ORGANS can also be purchased through \V. T. MEYER, AARONSBURG, PA. organ tone. Address. CLOUGH fit WAHREN ORC AM CO., Detroit, Mich. BMMiltlliSS, North Second Street, llllr :i square smith of tho I- &■ T. It. It. Depot, LEWISIJUIMJ, PA. New and commodious lluilding; I'ijuij i-d in ull d"|.u t iiumil s v\iili en litrlv iiciv i'uniiiuii'. No • Hoits sjntfd to make the i ]>AKI-;U 11 (l('K it lm;>tly al- j tended t<>. No clni'.i' made unless a patent is ' seemed. Send fur elretdar. tl i sua its ti Mi MANnrAcrrwtas o* 44 OUR IMPROVED 9 wind; MILL, .V;W# Am) DKAIEKS or J #4 PUMPS- TANKS. PIPE, wlm Fittings, Crass Gooos, nnd All thing* connected with & Wator Supplies. v\ * v 31 &33 Bandolph St. irT '^ cata * The Webstee Mfg Co.umited, DETROIT, WIICH. D.S. MORGAN&CU. MANrrarrrß* Tire DURABLE LIGHT DRAFT Triumph Eeapers AND THE NOI3ELESB New Clipper Mower. The TRITMPII REAPERS are nneqnalud tat simplicity in construction, w of management, light weight, durability aud good working capacity in all conditions cf grain. Tho NEW CLIPPER lias all tho advantages of the Old) CLIITLii MOWER with many valuable improvements. Hekd ron lu.rsTT.ATvn Crncruin. Goon AGENTS WANTED in unoccupied territory. D. S. MORGAN & CO., Brockport,WtorsrooCo.,N a Y*