Millheim Journal. (Millheim, Pa.) 1876-1984, July 26, 1883, Image 4

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A Brave Girl.
In the year 1781, while Clinton and
Washington were watching each
other's movements near New York.
General Schuyler, having resigned his
command on account of unjust charges
made against him, was staying at his
house, which then stood alone outside
the stockade or wall of Albany. The
British commander, therefore, seeing
his opportunity, sent out John Walter
Meyer, with a party of Tories and In
dians, to capture Gen. Schuyler.
"When they arrived at the outskirs
of the city they learned from a Dutch
laborer that the general's house was
guarded by six soldiers. The Dutch
man, the minute the band was out of
sight, took to his legs and warned the
general of their approach.
Soon after a servant announced that
there was a strange man at the back
door who wished to see the general.
Schuyler, understanding the trap,
gathered his family in one of the upper
rooms, and giving orders that the doors
• and windows be barred, fired a pistol
from one of the top-story windows to
ilarm the neighborhood.
, The guards, who hail been lounging
In the shade of a tree, started to their
feet at the sound of the pistol; but alas,
too late I for they found themselves
surrounded by a crowd of dusky fig
ures, who bound them hand and foot
before they had time to resist.
And now you can imagine the little
group collected in that dark room up
stairs; the sturdy general standing re
solutely at the door, with his gun in
his hand, and his black slaves gathered
around him, each with some weapon;
and at the other end of the room, the
women huddled together, some weep
ing, some praying. Suddenly a crash
is heard which chills the very blood
and brings vividly to each one's mind
the tales of Indian massacres so com.
mon at that day. The band had broken
in at one of the windows.
At that moment Mrs. Schuyler
springing to her feet, rushed toward
the door for she remembered that the
baby, only a few months old, having
been forgotten in the hurry of the flighty
was asleep in its cradle on the first
floor. But the general,catching her in
his arms, told her that her life was of
more value than the child's, and that,
if any one must go, he would. While,
however, this generous struggle was
going on, their third daughter, gliding
past them, was soon at the side of the
All was black as night in the hall,
except for a small patch of light just
at the foot of the stairs. This came
from the dining-room, where the In
dians could be seen pillaging the
shelves, pulling down the china, and
quarrelling with one another over their
ill-gotten booty.
How to get past this spot was the
question, but the girl did not hesitate.
She reached the cradle unobserved, and
was just darting back with her pre.
cious burden when, by ill luck, one of
the savages happened to see her.
Whiz ! went his sharp tomahawk with
in a few inches of the baby's head, and
cleaving an edge of the brave girl's
dress, stuck deep into the stair-rail.
Just then one of the Tories, seeing
her flit by, and supposing her to be a
servant, called after her, "Wench,
wench; where is your master ?" She,
stopping for a moment, called back,
" Gone to alarm the town !" and, hur
rying on, was soon safe again with her
father upstairs.
And now, very nearly all the plun
der having been secured, the band was
about to proceed with the real object
of the expedition, when the general,
raising one of the upper windows*
called out in lusty tones, as if com
manding a large body of men: "Come
on, my brave fellows! Surround
the house ! Secure the villains who
are plundering I" The cowards
knew that voice, and they each
and every one of them took to the
woods as fast as their legs could carry
them, leaving the general in possession
of the field.
The old Schuyler house looks now
as it looked then, except that the back
wing for the slaves has been torn down,
and some few alterations have been
made around the place; but when you
are shown the house, you can still see
the dent in the stair-rail made by that
Indian's hatchet more than a hundred
years ago.— St. Nicholas.
Each head of clover contains abou*
sixty distinct flower tubes, each of
which contains a portion of sugar not
exceeding the five-hundredth part of a
grain. The probocis of the bee there
fore must be inserted into 500 clover
tubes before one grain of sugar can be
obtained. There are 7,000 grains in a
pound, and as honey contains three
fourths of its weight of dry sugar, each
pound of honey represents 2,500,000
clover tubes sucked by bees.
A curious advertisement appeared
in a late issue of the Liverpool Mercu
ry. It read: I lost my purse contain
ing two guineas and a sixpence. The
finder can keep the gold if he will re
turn the sixpence, as it was the
amount of damages I received from
the Midland railway lor breaking my
leg. The bit of silver cost me £2lO.
George Amesbury."
New Guinea is as large as the British
Islands and Franee together.
LONDON, July 27—THE Americans were de
feated by the British team in the interna
tional rifle match at Wimbledon by 45 points
in tlio grand total.
Tl ere appears to be no abatement in the
ravages of the cholera in Egypt.
Altogether 12J corpses have been found in
the hold of the steamer Daphne, upset near
Rev. Mr. Mackanochie, the English ritu
alist. has been sentenced to be deprive I of
his ecclesiastical prefermen t .
The French minister of foreign affairs
snid Saturday in a speech that France had
not declared war against Ann mi, but was
deterini ed to avenge the outrages oonnnit
ted oti her soldiers.
Hon. Martin J. Crawford, associated jus
tice of the Supremo Court of Georgia, is
That Gen. E. O. C- Ord (retired) was tak
en from the steamer City of Washington
at Havana dangerously ill with yellow fevir
Gen. Stone, chief engineer of the Florida
shii -cmal, who has returned to No v York,
pronounces the canal feasible, and sa>s the
eng neering problems involved are vo y sim
On Saturday twenty-four loaded coal cars
on the Philadelphia and Reading lL.ilroad
were pushed off the high trestle at the Eliza
beth docks, a distance of thirty feet, into
Staten Island sound, and were totally
\\ recked.
The live upper floors of the Monro publica
tion building, tight stories high, Nos. 17 to
27 Yandewater stree', New York, were gutte 1
by tire this afternoon. "1 he floors below
were floode I with wrier, and every tenant
suffered more or less. Ihe total loss will uot
fall far short ol £500,000. There wore mau£
thrilling escapes during the progress of tie
fire, but no one was seriously injured.
The "Cuban patriots" held a meeting in
New Yolk Sunday, at which addresses were
made by Gen. Bouache i and other promi
nent Cubans, urging that every meaus he
taken to assist in freeing Cuba from the
Spanish yoke. Spanish promises, it was
uiged, should be disregarded beoai so they
were never fulfilled. A colored speaker
urged t lie organization of Cuban exiles and
the freeing of the colored race held in bond
age by the Spaniards. A large contribution
was taken up in aid of the cause.
LONDON, July 20—The great rifle matcb
between the American and British teams
began at Wimbledon yesterday. In the
shooting at the 200, 500 and 600-yard ranges
the Americans made an aggregate score of
1,078 and the British of 1,070. The match
will be concluded to-day.
There is no abatement of the cholera in
The powers are taking precautions to pre
vent the transmission of the disease abroad.
In the House of Commons yesterday Mr.
Campbell Bannerman, Secretary to the Ad
miralty, in reply to a question, declined to
sieak concerning the movements, size and
number of the men-of-war which have been
ordered to Mauritius or Madagascar.
The executive committee of the National
Cotton Exchange, which has been holding
its biennial session at Fort Monroe, has
been instructed to prepare a system of ren
dering uniform crop reports.
In the suit of Banks, the colored man,
against C. C. V. Okenberg for $250, for
blood transfused from the former into the
latter, & verdict was rendered in New York
yesterday for plaint ff of $197-90 and sl2
Several cases of Texas fever having been
discovered among Texas cattle at Worcester,
Mas 6., it is stated that the Massachuetts
board of cattle commissioners will issue an
order forbidding the bringing of any more of
these cattle into the State.
The Manchester Iron and Steel Company,
of Pittsburg, Pa., with a capital stock of
$600,000, has made an assignment.
The firm of E. W. llolbrook & Co., cot
t<n goods manufacturers, of New York
made an assignment to Benj. Durring, with
*67,212 preferences. Their liabilities arc
about $725,000.
A. D. Bullock fc Co.'s curled hair andbris
tie factory, at Cincinnati, has been brnred.
The loss on the building is $50,000, on stock
$150,000, on machinery $15,000. The in
surance exceeds sloo,ooo.
David Timberlake, colored, has been
hanged at Cincinnati for assault on Maggie
Eawson, a colored girl 9 years old. George
McMillan, the wife murderer, was hanged
at Canton, Ohio. Robt. Wilson, colored,
was hanged at Memphis, Tenn, for the
murder of Frank B. Russell.
The steamer City of Washington, which
has arrived at Havana from Vera Cruz, and
which is to sail for New York, had 27 persons
on board sick with the yellow fever, two be
ing passengers. The sufferers were sent t 0
the hospital at Havana- The ship's doctor,
machinist and baker have died of the disease.
One death occurred nn th nntcniip from
Burning or a Dock and Vessels- A Number o
Persons Injured. I
A spark from an engine fell into a pile of
jute which had just been landed on Harbeck's
dock, Brooklyn, from the ship Lawrence E
Delap from Calcutta. The dock was filled
with hemp, jute and coffee. The flames
spread with incredible rapidity, and in a
few minutes the entire dock was ablaze.
The Delap was the first vessel to catch fire
and all her rigging was burnt before she
could be towed out. Next to her on the
south side of the dock was the ship Perse
verance, also from Calcutta, and on the north
side lay the ship Col. Adams, from Calcutta.
To both of these vessels the flames were com
municated, and the crews jumped overboard
for safety. When the firemen reached
the dock the supports of the roof gave
way and the roof fell in, burying over a dozen
firemen and dock hands beneath the ruius-
A rescuing party was quickly formed and
the men were dragged out from the blazing
rafters. None were killed outright, but all
were more or less burned and bruised. Fire
men McNamara, McDonald and McDougall,
of hook and ladder truck No. 3, were injured
seriously about the body. The loss on the
vessels and cargoes will amount to over
LONDON, July 19. —The panic in Alexandria
Egypt, over the appearance of the cholera is
increasing. The number of deaths from
the disease in Cairo, Wednesday was 68.
The Empress Augusta, of Germany, is suf
fering from partial paralysis.
It is believed that the differences between
France and England are in process of ami
cable adjustment.
A number of French financial houses have
offered M. de Lesseps all the money required
to construct a new canal or to widen the
present one.
Sir Charles Michael Wolseley, baronet,
was married yesterday to Miss Anita Theresa
Murphy, daughter of Mr. L). T. Murphy, of
Sau Francisco.
The secretary ]of Iho English consul at
Tnmatave has been liberated, the captain of
the English gunboat Dryad assuming all re
sponsibility for him*
Mr. Charles Bradlftugh has brought an in
junction against the sergeant-at-arrus of the
Hoase of Commons to prevent him from
keeping Mr. Bradlaugh from his eeat.
The Mexican consul nl Tucson, Araxona
has received a letter from the frontier,
under date of July If. stating that near th
place where Gen. Crook left the hostiles, ic
the district of Montezuma, they attacked i
Mexican settlement and killed Ave persons.
The New Orleans Board of Health hni
adopted n resolution advising the Governor
to issue a proclamation establishing quaran
tine against all Mexican, South American
and West India ports, to tako effect immedi
The cotton onterp'llar has appeared in tin
section of Selma, Aln. An examination ot
the crop near the city shows that the toj
leaves are badly riddle 1. Plenty of wornu
are in sight and webbed up. The crop |ii
three weeks late, and the worms are in such
numbers and have appeared so early that
the prospects for tlio crop are gloomy.
The conference committee on the Penn
sylvania Legislative and Senatorial Appoint
ment bill reported their inability to agree.
An effort was made to have other commit
tees appointed, but, without action, the Sen
ate adjourned until Monday evening, nftei
adopting a resolution for final adjournment
on the 21th inst- No business was trans
acted in the House. There is now but little
prospectof an agreement upi n the a] poitiun
uient legislation, for whitih the extra session
was called.
Swaiuraau, who was arrsted at Nashville,
Tenn., for stealing the ledger that is so im
portant in the Polk trial, has confessed that
he took it at the instigation of ex-Treasurer
Polk, and that he teceived #175 for doing it'
LONDON. July 18.—For the twenty-four
hours ending at 8 A. M. yesterday the deaths
from cholera at Cairo were sixty-one.
General Sir Evelyn Wood, who was about
to eave for England,h as been recalled by
the Khedive on account of the existence of
eholera in Cairo.
The American consul at Laredo, Mexico,
has been mobbed, and papers and fun.i ure
A terrific furnace explosion occurred at
Kutztowu, Pa., in the autharcite furnace of
the Philadelphia aud Reading Railnad,
eight boilers exploded, reducing the furnace
to a mass of ruins. Frank Waltman was in
stantly killed ; Solomon Waltman, liis father,
was badly injured; Henry Waltman was
fatally injured; Morris Good was severely
scalded; Engineer Marstella was badly in
jured, and a number of other employes
slightly hurt.
Washington Notes.
The acting compiruiicr of the currency
has authorized tho Firt Nntioual Bank of
Havre de Grace, Maryland, to begin business
with a capital of SOO,OOOO.
The Tresury Department has issued a cir
cular to customs officers requiring all docu
mented vessels to be provided with official
numbers. Signal letters will be assigned to
all sea-going vessels of one hundred tons or
News was received at department head
quarters that ingoing from Livingstone, M.
T., to the Yellowstone, Chief Justice Waite,
who is with Gen. Sherman's party, was
thrown from his horse and received consid
erable injuries. He returned to Fort Snell
iug, and await General Sherman's
Not siuce the day that President Garfield
was shot has so much excitement been wit
nessed in this city as was caused by the re
port that Gen. Grant had dropped dead in
New York. It is believed it was used as the
signal for the telegraph operators to stop
work, andat that moment all the telegraph
ers belonging to the brotherhood left their
desks. The strike was general throughout
tho United States and Canada.
The strike of the telegraphers began the
19th inst., all over the country. Fifteen
thousand members of the Brotherhood quit
work. In Baltimore 112 operators left their
desks, and business was seriously impeded
there as elsewhere.
A circular was issued to-day from the office
of the Third Assistant Postmaster General
officially notifying postmasters throughout
the United States of tho reduction in postage
rates, which is to take effect on the let of
October, and directing them to make prepa
rations for it.
The chief of the secret service division of
the treasury has issued instructions to his
ageuts lo to suppsessing the manufac
ture of ''Bangles," in imitation of gold and
silver coins, which is represented to be in
creasing to a great extent in the West
Orders have been given by the surgeon
general of the Marine Hospital service for
ihe hopital barge Selden to be anchored in
Willoughby cove, opposite th Rip-Raps in
Hampton lioads, for the purpose of receiv
ing all cases of yellow vever or other con
tagious diseases which may be brought in
side the capes.
FLOUR —City Mills extra.. i} 425 (ft s 00
WHEAT—Soathern Fulta... 1-10 (al 15
CORN—Southern white 56 @ 60
Do yellow 59 @ 60
RYE—Good 65 @ 68
OATS—Maryland 38 @ 42
COTTON—Middling 10 (ft 10
Good ordinary Blf(ft 8%
HAY—Md. and Pa. Timot'y 15 00 (ft 17 00
STRAW—Wheat 8 00 @ 10 00
BUTTER —Western prime.. 22 (ft 23
West V'rginia 17 @ lg
CHEESE—New York State
choice 11 @ 12
Wer.tern prime 9 (ft 10
EGGS 16 (ft 17
CATTLE 5 50 @6 75
SWINE 8 @ 8%
TOBACCO LEAF—lnferior. 1 50 (ft 2 00
Good common 300 @ 4 50
Middling 600 (ft 00
Good to fine red 8 50 (ft 10 01
Fancy 1000 @l4 00
COTTON—M ddling upland 10 (ft 10
FLOUR —Southern corn, to
fair extra.. 4 30 @5 20
WHEAT—No. 1 white 117 @1 18
RYE —State 72 (ft 73
CORN—Southern Ye110w.... 64 (ft 65
OATS—White State 40 (q) 45
BUTTER—State 20 (ft 22
CHEESE—State 9 (ft 12
EGGS 19@ 21
FLOUR— Penna. fancy 4 75 @5 21
WHEAT- Pa. and Southern 72
red 1 18 @1 li>
RYE—Pennsylvania 65 @ 67
CORN—Southern ye110w.... 58 (ft '6O
OATS 41 (ft 42
BUTTER—State 20 @ 10
EGGS-State @
A foot rule—Keep 'em dry.
A lon;.strike—Twelve o'clock.
No mutter if the postage is reduced,
it is just as hard to lick a two-cent
stump as a threo-cent one.— New York
By the way, another of t he Balaklava
"six hundred" has just died. This re
duces the ranks to about nine hundred.
>■ Hartford Post.
" Room at the Top." Three dollars a
Week, one towel a day, no weather
strips, steal your soap. Oh, yes, sonny,
we know all about that " Room at the
Top."- Puck.
New York doctors have declared the
flesh of the wild goose to be product
ive of no end of human ills. That's
right; everybody gets down on the
goose.— Hawkeye.
Atlanta claims to have a young lady
who has the finest and prettiest hair in
the United States. The name of the
party of whom she purchased it is not
made public.— Chicago Tribune.
"If there is one single editor" who
doesn't know all about Ireland the De
troit Free Press wants his address. As
usual, married editors are to be left out
In the cold.— Atlanta Constitution.
At no other time in life, says Puck,
is a man so completely upset by threats
as at the tender age of four, when his
mother tells him she is going to cast
Rside his first trousers and put tim
back in frocks.
A ladv in Norwich, Conn., seventy
two years or' age, lias just begun to take
less ens on the piano. It is not stated
how her neighbors offended her that
Bho should lesortto such a diabolical
revenge.— Xorriatoim //< rahl.
A ten-vear-old boy cleared $2 in
IMainville, one cold day recently, sell
ing holders. A holder is one of those
cloth things that lie under the stove
while you are picking up a hot lid
lifter with your bare hand.— Banbury
"Mean," said the Arkansas man of
his neighbor. " Why, there isn't a drop
of the milk of human kindness in that
man's body. lie's got a dog that's an
elegant match for .lenks' bull pup and
lie won't let 'em fight."— SotnerciUe
"No, aunt," said young Folkestone,
"I don't get on well at all with Clara.
And, by the way, there's one thing I
don't like. I'm afraid she puts chalk
on her face." "Oh, that's nothing,"
replied Aunt Goodwin, laughing. " A
nice soldier you wtuild make, now
wouldn't you? If you can't face pow
der, George, how can you expect ever
to get into an engagement?— Boston
Among the Turkomans.
These Merv Turcomans, says a re
rent writer, seem br> have nothing to
do but loafing about all day from hut
to hut to see if they cannot surprise
some eatables. They gorge themselves
to excess on every possible occasion
with greasy food, and are continually
111 from indigestion. They throng my
house, partly to satisfy their curiosity
by staring at me and partly to devour
the greater portion of any food I may
have prepared for my own use. In
this way, unless one is prepared to
feed a dozen persons on each occasion,
he has no chance of getting a mouth
ful for his meal. It is of no use say
ing that what; you are eating is pig,
for they eat pork readily. Covetous
rapacity seems to be their leading
characteristic. They appear to think
the whole world is bound to con
tribute to their support; they give
nothing in return. No one who has
not suffered as I have among the
Merv Turcomans by being constantly
intruded upon and persecuted in every
way by their abominable presence
could appreciate the exquisite luxury
of being left in quiet solitude. A
daily administration of half-glasses of
arrack to patients who require arrack
derman (spirituous medicine) for in
ternal ailments, aches in their
stomachs, and the like. This is all a
pretense. It is simply a method of
getting half-intoxicated at my expense.
From behind the awful mystery of my
mosquito tent I gave replies to the va
rious consultants, on foreign policy,
improvements in the fortifications
pains in their joints and stomachs and
soreness in their eyes. I indiscrifli
inately order dandelion juice, and
scores of people are to be seen dotting
the plains culling that useful plant,
while in many an ev thumping and
pounding can be heard as the juice is
A Cheap Jail.
The new town of Naples, in Idaho,
on the Oregon Short Line railroad,
maintains a jail that is at once
cheap and secure. It is nothing more
nor less than a deep hole in the
ground, into which the prisoners are
dropped with the grim warning that
the guards will put a bullet through
every head which appears above the
edge. _____
Not Satisfied With n Little.
The Surgeon General of the C. S. A.,
Dr. S. P. Moore, Avriting from head
quarters, Richmond, Va., in 1802,
states officially that, "If Dr. Worthing
ton can furuish large quantities of his
Cholera and Diarrhoea Medicine, we
will place it in the Army, as a remedy
in bowel affections." Sold for 25 and
50 cents a bottle, by druggists and
All the light and delicate tints come
in ladies' fine silk underwear for
A Ilemitrkablff Ktmeinent Fully Confirmed
by Three Importuni Interviews.
An unusual art.cie from the Rochester
(N. Y.) Democrat and Chronicle was pub
lished in this paper recently and has boon tho
subject of much roniersntu n bothiQ pro
fessional circles end on the street. Ap| ar
eutly it oaused more oomiuotou in Roches
ter, as the following from tho tame paper
Dr. J. B. Henion, who is wed known not
only in Rochester, but in nearly every j art
of America, sent an extended article to this
paper, a few days since, which was duly pub
lished, detailing his remarkable experienoe
and rescue from what seemed to be certain
death. It would be impossibleto en' m< rale
the personal in> uiries which have been made
nt our oil ce a to the vulidity of the article,
but they have been so numerous that further
inves igaiion of the subject was deemed an
editorial mie-sity.
With this end in view a represent at ve of
this paper called on Dr. lienion at hiß resi
dence, when the following intorview occur
"That article of yours, doctor, has crea
ted quite a whirlwind. Aie the statement*
about the terrible condition you were in, and
the way you were rescued such as you can
"Every one of them and mnny additional
ones. Few p ople ever get so ne ir the grave
as I did and thou return, and 1 ain n t sur
prised that the public think it marvelous. It
was marvelous. '
"How in tho world d d you, a physic al,
come to be brought so low:' 1
" By neglecting the fiist and most sim lo
symptoms. 1 did no' think 1 was sick. It
is true I had frequent headaches; felt toed
most of the time; could e it nothing one d y
and was ravenous the next: felt dull, indefi
nite pains, and my stomach was out of order,
out 1 did not tlnnk it meant anything se
" But have those common ailment* any
thing to do with the fearful Bright's disease
which took fO tirm a hold on your"
" Anythin it Why, they are the snre indi
cations of t tie first stages of tliat dreadful
malady. Tho fact is, lew peoplo kt.ow or
realize whutaiD them, and I am sorry to bay
that too fow physicians do either."
"That is a strange statement, doctor."
" But it is a tine one. The medio 1 pro
f< ss on have b en treating symptoms n itead
of diseas s lor yeas, and it is high time it
ceased. We doctors have been clipping oT
the twigs when we should strike at the root.
The symptoms I have just mentioned or any
unusual action or irritation of the water
chann Is indicate tho approach of Brigh's
d sense o\en more than a cough announce*;
the coming of consumption. We do n>t
treat the (O igh. but try to help the lum.B.
We sho. Id not waste onr time trying to re
ueve the headache, stomach, pains i boot h >
oody or other symptoms, but go directly .o
the kidney- 1 , the souicj of mo t of ail
" This, then, is what yon meant when you
•aid more than one half the teaths which
>ecar arise from Br.ght'e disease, is it
"P eusely. Thoucands of so-called dis
*ase-i are torturing people to-day, when in
eality it is Bright s disease in some one of
ts many forms. It is a Hydra-! ea led m >n
t'er and the slightestsymp'omsfhould strike
error to every one who has them. I can
ook back and recall hunJreds of deaths
which physicians declared atihe time were
earned by paralysis, apoplexy, heart disc: ee,
pueumox ia, malarial fever aud other com
mon complaints which 160 j now v. ere earned
by Bright*6 disease."
"And did all these casts have simple
symi toms at. tirst ?"
"Every one of them, and might have been
cared ft-s I was by the timely use of the same
remedy—Warner's Safe Cure. lam getting
my eyes thoiocgldy open in this matter and
think I am helping others to set) the facts
and their possible danger also. Why, there
are no end of truths bearing on this subject.
If you want to know more about it go and
see Mr. Warner himself. He was sick the
same as 1, and is the healthiest man in
Rochester to-day. He has made a study of
this rubject find can give you more facts
than 1 can. Go, too, and see Dr. 1-attim re,
the chemist, at the University. If you want
facts there nre any quantity of them show
ing the alarming increase of Bright s dis
ease. its simplo and deceptive symptoms,
and there is but one way by which it can be
Fully satisfied of thetrn'h and force of the
Doctor's words, the reporter bade him good
day and called on Mr. Warner at his estab
lishmint on Exchimge street. At first Mr.
Warner was inclined to be reticent, but learn
ing that the information desire 1 was at out
the alarming increase of Bright's disease, his
manner changed instantly, and he spoke very
"It is true that Bright's disease has in
creased wonderfully, and we find, by reliable
statistics, that in the past ten years its
growth has been 250 percent. Lock at the
prominent men it has carrnd off: Everett,
Smnner, Chase, Wilson, Carpenter, Bishops
Haven and Peck, and others. This is terri
ble, and shows a greater growth than that of
any other known complaint. It should bo
plain to every one that something must be
done to check this increase or there is no
knowing where it may end."
" Do you think many people are afflicted
with it to-day who do not realize it, Mr.
" Hundrt ds of thousands. I have a strik
ing example of this truth which has just
come to my notice. A prominent professor
in a New Orleans medical college was lectur
ing before his class on the subject of Bright'*
disease. He had varions fluids under imcro
soopic analysis, and was showing the stu
dents what the indications of this terrible
malady were. In order to show the contrast
between healthy and unhealthy fluids he had
provided a vial, the contents of which were
drawn from his own person. ' And now,
gentlemen,' he said, 'as we have seen the
unhealthy indications I will show > ou how it
appears in a state of perfect health.' and he
submitted his own fluid to the usual test. As
he watched the results his countenance sud
denly changed—his color and command both
left him, and in a trembling voice he said:
'Gentlemen, I have made a painful dis
covery; 7 'have Bright's disease of the kid
neys. and in less than a year he was dead."
" Yon believe, then, that it baa no symp
toms of its own aud is frequently unknown
even by the person who is afflicted with it:"
" It has no symptoms of its own and very
often noue at all. Usually no two people
have the same symptoms, and frequently
death is the first symptom. The slightest
indication of any kidney difficulty should be
enough to strike terror to any one. I know
what I am talking about, for 1 have been
through all the stages of kidney disease."
" You know of Dr. Henion's case ?"
" Yes, I have both read and heard of it."
" It is very wonderful, is it not?"
" A very prominent case, but no more so
than a great many others that have come to
my notice as having been cared by the same
me ins."
"You believe, then, that Bright's disease
can be cured'?"
" I know it can. I know it from the expe
rience of hnnd; els of prominent persons u ho
were given up to die by both their pbynicans
and friends."
"You speak of your own experience, what
was it?"
"A fearful one. I had felt languid and un
fitted for business for yea a. But 1 did not
know what ailed me. When, however, I
found it was kidney difficulty, I thought
there was little hoi e. and so did the doctors.
Ihav since learned that one of the physi
cians of thiscity pont.dme out to a gentle
man on the street one day, saying, 4 there
goes a man who will be dead within a year.' 1
e ieve his words would havoprovin true if I
had not fortunately secured and used the rem
edy now known as Warner's Safe Cure."
"And this caused you to manufacture it?"
" No, it caused me to investigate. I went
to the principal cities, saw physicians pre
scribing and usin r it, and I therefore de
termined, as a duty I owed humanity and the
suffering, to bring it within their reach, and
now it is known in every part of America, is
sold iu every drugstore and has become a
household necessity."
The reporter left Mr. Warner, mnch im
pressed with the earnestness and siucerity
of his statements, and next paid a visit to
Dr. S. A. Lattimore, at his residence on
Prince street. Dr. .Lattimore, although
busily engaged upon some matters con
nect d with the State board of health, of
which he is one of the analysts, courteously
answered the questions that were propounded
44 Did you make a chemical analysis of the
case of Mr. H. H. Warner some three years
ago, doctor?"
44 Yes, sir."
44 What did this analysis show you?"
44 The presence of albumen and tube casts
in great abundance."
41 And what did the symptoms indicate?"
44 A serious disease of the kidneys."
44 Did you think Mr. Warner could re
44 N0. sir. I did not think it ro sd)le. It
was seldom, indeed, that BO pronounced a
case had. up to that time, ever been cured."
44 Do yon know anything about the remedy
wh'cli cine I him?"
" Ves. I have chemically analyzed it nnd
upon critical examination lind it entiie y
fr e f roni any i o sonous or deleter.oua s .b
etau< e-."
We publish the foregoing e'atementa in
view of the o immotion which the publicity
of Dr. Hcnion's article ha* caused and t>
meet the prjtesiationa which have been
made. The standing of Dr. Henion, Mr.
Warner and Dr. Lattimore in the community
is beyond question and the statements they
make cannot for a moment I e doubted.
They conclusively show that Blight's disease
of the kidneys is one of the most deceptive
and dangerous of all diseases, that it is ex
cel din.rly common, alarmingly increasing
nnd that it can beiurod.
There is no trait more valuable than a de
termination to persevere when the right
thing is to be accomplished.
CoimBCT your habits of crooked walking by
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A German paper, in translating Yankee
D°°dleeaj: "The word doodle signifies a
buy scoundrel.
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Adam was not a poligamist, although in
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HI oilier Swan's Worm Nvrup.
Infallible, tasteless, harmless, cathartic;
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tion. 25c.
w i ■■■
No, dear children, the drum major is not
the whole of the procession; but he thiuks
he is.
The Quick,complete cure,annoying Kidney,
Diudder, Urinary Diseases. sl. Druggists.
Baroness Burdette Coutts owns $20,000,000
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Questions nnd Answers.
Wlmt is the best Hair Dresser? What is
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Cnttcrpillars are dsinnging the cotton
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Do you sleep badly nt night ? Why suffer
from indigestion? GASTUINE will give yon
relief. GAbTiiiNE is in liquid form- All
Connecticut devotes 90,000 acres to tho
cultivation of the oyster.
Paralytic strokes, heart disease and kidney
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Iron Bitters.
New London girls smoke cigarettes on the
streets at night.
ANAMOSA. lowa.—Dr. J. G. McGuire says:
44 1 know Brown's Iron Bitters is a good tonic
and gives general satisfaction."
There are 60,000,000 acres of grazing land
in Arazona.
WADLET, Ga.—Dr. H- L. Battle, Jr., says.
44 Brown's Iron Bitters are very popular to
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A master of free-hand drawing—the pick
preparation of beef containing its entire nutri
tious properties. It contains blood-making,
force generating and life-sustaining properties;
invaluable for indigestion, dyspepsia, nervous
prostration, and all forms of general debility;
also, in all enfeebled conditions, whether the
result of exhaustion,"nervous prostration, over
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from pulmonary complaints. C swell, Hazard
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John Howard Payne revised: Ba it ever so
sweltering there's no place like home.
Hencrnl Debility and Liver Complaint.
R. V. PIERCE, M. D., Buffalo, N. Dear
Sir —My wife has been taking your "Golden
Medical Discovery" and "Pellets"' for her
liver and general debility, and has found
them to be good medicines, and would
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N. E. HARMON, Pastor M. E. Church,
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Since the passage of the Restriction act
7,350 certificates have been issued to Chinese
leaving San Francisco.
W. E. HI'ESTIP. of Emporia, Kansas, says
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and for the lust four months bed-ridden.
She has been treated by a number or physi
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Discovery" and "Favorite Prescription."
which she commenced u- ing. In one week
she conld sit up, nnd in three weeks could
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Thus sayeth a philosopher: "Some men
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Young, middle-aged, or old men. suffering
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CIATION, Buffalo, N. Y.
Queer—A railroad train cannot get on un
less its gels of.
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KLTIUOR*. Mn . U. S. A.
My newly discovered Treatment never fail* to effect
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BoraePowen I II tILOIILMO (i oTer s,|| m
(Suited to oil sections i Write for KittE Illus. Pamphlet
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Iron Lsrers. St..l Borinr*. IhII II A|.
SoiU on trial. W.rranU • yaoro. Ah stass as lew. I ■ gi
Fk fr*. W.k, addrMS II Of
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