lj c j| ill Ij ti nt |ount aI. THURSDAY, JULY 2f>ri', 1885. BY DEININQER & BUMILLER. LOCAL DEPARTMENT. A A" NOV NCK W I.NTN. ASSOC I ATEI*T!( IR. t\> ,uV .rvlhoilzct to iiuiouihv th.it On. .T. K. Smith, of Pine, drove MilN, will l* a camlidite for the office of Associate . l udge, subject to the (it clslou of tho Democratic County Convention. We are authorized to announce tint JOHN UtsHKL,of Potter township, will lie a eamlidate tor the office of Associate .Tintire. subject, to the ieclsloii of I lie Deinoerntlc Uomity Convention. Are you going to the Grand Har vest Home Picnic on Friday ? —The Cllntondale fcamnroeeting he gihs Thursday; August 10th. —The library of the Lutheran Sun day School has l>eon replenished by a lot of choice books. —Mrs. William Otto, of Cochranton, Crawford Co, Pa., spent last week in town visiting friends. —Prepare your dollars find dimes for the band festival to lie held at Millheim htxt week and help the boys along. —At ten dollais a day and e3tias,our honorai le legislators can manage to stand it a while longer—if the people can. —lgr Tmde Dollars will be received at Vie JOURNAL OFFICE at 100 cents on the dollar on arrearages of subscrip tion. —Perry Stover, the enterprising grain dealer at Coburn, already took in a lot of new wheat on Tuesday, ilo says it is just splendid. —Miss Sullie Alter, formerly of this place, for many years a resident of Lock Haven, is here visiting at her brother Jacob's. Mrs. Catherine llummM,the moth er of ex-judge Ilummtl,died at Lewis hurg on the lltb in St., at the ripe old age of 93 years and 1 day. —The Evangelical church at Coburn is approaching completion. It wil' be a neat, substantial and rather spacious bouse of worship when done. —A little pocket book with a little taoney in it was brought to our office last week and awaits the call of the owner. Mow don't all speak at once. —An exchange says that the Potts vine banks take the trade dollar at a hundred cents. That's nothing big to brag of—the JOURNAL does the same thing. —The fresco painting in the Luther an church is now complete. It is a piece of work that bears inspection and reflects credit on the artist, Mr. 11. F. Donetiower, of LewisbUrg. —Judge Frank, administrator, will j sell the real estate of the late Samuel M. Winter, situ ite near Uibarsburg, Saturday Aug. 23th. It is a desirable small farm of forty-five acres. —All last week the weather was re markably Cool for the season. It made a fellow thiuk involuntarily of over coat?; coal and the like, but was all i gratefully appreciated by the harvest ers. —We were misinformed in relation to the time on whicli the Evangelical campmeeting in Gepliart's grove, near Millheim, begins. It is TlnuSday, Au gust 16th, and not 23rd, as erroneously stated before. —The valuable ren! estate of the late John Keen, deceased, will be offered at public sale August 17th. proximo. The property is among the most valuable in the town and valley. See notice of sale in auother column. NOTICE.—A large number of borough orders are in my possession. Persons entitled to them are requested to call und lift them. It. A. BUMILLER, Clerk of Council. —Keiglibor Abs. Harter received an entire car load of the celebrated Perry Spring Tooth Harrow the other day. Mr. Harter is the regular agent for Centre county for this exctllent imple ment and does a rushing business. —Prof. Win. T. Meyer received a lot of Bstey Organs yesterday. We re commend this ol"gan to person? wishing to buy an instrument as the best in the market for durability and sweetness of tone. Call on or address W. T. Meyer, Aaronsburg, Pa., agent for Bunnell & Aikens, Bellefonte, Pa. —STRAYED OR STOLEN, from the residence of the subscriber in Aarons burg, on the 31st of May last, a dark red cow, with a little white along the belly and from rump to tail, medium size, heavy set and short legged, and heavy with calf at the time. Any in formation that leads to the recovery of the cow will be liberally rewarded by CHARLES C. BELL. —The Miffiinburg Telegraph is out in an enlarged and improved form. The Telegraph is just one of the best local papers in the state and its live,en tei prising editor one of the cleverest chaps oue can meet in a week's travel. Miffiinburg has a good reasou to be proud of her paper and ought to give it a generous support. —ln view of the rich hay and grain harvests, and the promising outlook for corn, oats and potatoes, missionary col lections, church subscriptions aud be nevolent contributions generally ought to pan out well this year. We modest ly suggest that people substitute trade d/jll<irs for nickles—wlieu the basket passes a round. —For want of space we leave out tho jiry list for August court, after two publications. That ought to be quite enough to enable nil concerned to know and remember who are the lucky men drawn as jurors iu any particular local ity. —Tlie school board o'f Fenn township has decided to build a school bouse at Coburn. Bravo! but gentlemen, build a good one while you arc at it. It is much cheaper than to build poorly, and more in Imrmony with the progressive spirit of the times. —At a reaper ti'al on the farm of Mr. Samuel lluston, deceased, near Centre Ilall, tho other Monday, the Deering Binder came out first best. Besides tho Peering tho Osborne, the Champion and Walter A. Wood reapers were on the ground. —J. A. LIMBEKT will carry express and freight goods from Coburn to any point along the route at tho r Bowing rales : All packugts wtighing less than PH) pounds, to Millheim, 10 ets., to Aaronsburg. 15 cts., to Woodwaid, 25 cts. For packages weighing over 100 pounds a proportionate charge will be made. ' tf —T. 11. T. Suhm, Esq , after an ab sence of twelve years paid the old home a visit. Mr. bah in expresses himself highly gratified with the evident marks of improvement and the many signs of prosperity visible throughout Bonn's Valley. lie is a son of the lamented KeV. P. Sahin, D. I>., and is success fully engaged in the practice of law at Bartlett, Freeuiont county, lowa. —The question of "faith cures" now agitates Bellefonte from oencro to cir cumference. Mrs. Mix, a coined lily j from somewhere now operates on that ' line there. Some people have faith in Mrs. M.x' cures and some have not. The papers, like the pe>ple, are divided on the question, but we see no good reason why they should scold each oth er for a mere difference of opinion. —Lottery advertisements of every kind as well as all newspapers advertis ing lotteries will hereafter bo excluded from the mails. This is the work of Post Master General Gresham, and ev eiy good citizen of the land will thank him for abating one of the worst nui sances out. But why did not other P. M. Generals do the same as Gresham does ? —Dr. C. B. Wagner and lalv,of Leb anon, were here visiting over Sunday. They made'their headqu liters while here at Sheriff Mussel's. The doctor and his estimable lady are well "fixed" down there as any prince could desire, yet they retain a warm littlo place iu their hearts for old Millheim, the scene of their earlier years. llow it does the heart good to meet an old plav and school mate and talk over the happy times of lomping, rov ing, rollicking of boyhood ! ADs the j yous years tlee too soon. —Every maa in town who had an in clination in that directi >ll was out hir vesting last wetk. The town was dull as lead,dry as powder. Theonly sensation was the shoeingof a horse Saturday eve ning. The horse was utterly opposed to the operation and argued the negative side of the question with his hind legs quite lively. About half the town was on the atlirraative side—the other half made up the audience and enjoyed the fun. The animal was at last persuad ed into proper behaviour by sheer phyi sical force .and large odds of number. lle t was shoed. (Shod.) Lewisburg is making a big effort to create a building and improvement boom. Seveuty accres of land have been bought on the west side of town and this will all be laid out in building lots and offered at from S2SJ to £3)O per lot. The local papers are full of the facinating scheme and port-ray the advantages of the town—its beautiful situation, educational and increased rail road facilities in glowing colors. The fact is Lewisburg is a floe town, "beautiful for situation," and it is a wonder that for many years it remain ed almost stationary. We know of but one town which wo prefer—all things considered, and of course that is our own more centrally located Millheim. - MUSICAL INSTRUCTION.— The under sigued will begin a terra of musical in structions on the piano or organ, com mencing July 30th. 1883, and continu ing ten weeks. Classes will bo organiz ed at Aaronsburg, Millheim aod vicin ities. Arrangements have been made at Aaronsburg to accommodate pupils from a distance who are desirous of re ceiving musical instructions. Terms are moderate. Good boarding can be had at reasonable rates. Persons ex pecting to take lessons should appiy immediately, so that the necessary ar rangements may be effected. For furthei particulars apply in per son or address WAR T. MEYER, Aaronsburg, 3t Pa, |*t. jlmo SoM, ftos. 317 & 319 Alien ST., PHILADELPHIA. HATESBEDUCEDTOSiOQ PER DAT. The traveling public will still find at this Iltel the same liberal provision for their com fort. It islocitttid iutlie immediate centres of business and places of amusement and the dif ferent R:tll-Koad depots, as well as all parts oi the city, are easily accessible by street Cars constantly passing the doors. It offers special inducements to tbose visiting the city for busi ness or pleasure. Your patronage respectfully solicited. Jos, M. Feger, Proprietor. —Our friend Win. 11. Ilarter,at Ilar , tleton writes us, July 23rd } We hud an enormous hay and wheat crop. Apples not plenty but other ! fruit abundant. I threßhed nYy wheat crop which yielded .'>• bushels per acre —Bl bushels to 100 sheaves. Sowed broad east Oc\ 0. 18H2 ; liar tested July 0. ISBM.with the old I(capt,\\xvU known: iu Bonn's Valley 30 to 40 years ago, but now seldom seen, and with cradles. Can any of the Bonn's or Brush val leys show a better yield V —Bellefonte has already elected the teachers for her public schools—the same corps almost that has taught there for some years. This is jood pol icy iu a school board. It teachers give entire satisfaction there is surely no good reason wiiy they should not b M re tained your after year. We are happy to see that our young friend J. C. Mey er, 'f Aaronsburg, is again elected as sistant principal; but what puzzles us Is that our fair and worthy townslady, Miss Lizzie Bwarlz was left. We feel ashamed of our former townsman, Mr. Reese, for perm it ting such injustice and partiality. The matter needs ex planation. —The Watchman of last week gives a roseate account of the wedding of L. T. Munson, Esq., and Miss Sadie Gep harf, daughter of lion. J. 1\ Gephart, formerly of Millheim. in the Episcopal church, IVlk'fonte, on Thursday the 19th. The church was beautifully dec orated with tl >wers—the work of lov ing friend-". Rev. Mr. Hewitt the Hec tor of tlio church, officiated. Brother Meek was permi ted to take a peep at the presents, which he says were both numerous and costly. The boss pres ent was bestowed by the happy bride's father, and consisttd of live £2O gold pieces. The Watchman pays a deserved com jJioient to both brido and groom. In speaking of the fair bride ho uses the following words, which because they are eminently true, are worth their weight in gold : ''She is not only accomplished in the higher arts of life, nut is a splendid housekeeper, and knows all about bak ing bread and cooking good meals, all of which constitutes her a jewel worth any muu's wearing." LETTER FROM COLORADO. SaliJu, Col., July 23th, ISS3. Editor Journal : I left Leadville the other morning by coacii. We had nine per sons inside and tiye outside and on the top of our c Kioii, with considerable baggage. Our inside passengers were afraid that the concern was top-loaded to heavily, but we got along safely Without upsetting. I was glad to find iu the person of a fellow traveler a sou of Mr. Philip Grauily, of Brush Valley, lie and Dr. Manley, a brother-in-law, reside in Krokoma and are engaged in prospecting. I arrived at Twin lakes at 10 o'clock i.i the morning. These are two beau tiful sheets of clear, fresh water, separ ated by a strip of laud about forty rods wide, on which Mr. Pnilip Weaver has tent and cabin erected. The lower lake is about three miles long and two and a half wide. O.i its banks are sev eral hotels for the accommodation of tourists, a uumiier of dwellings aud tents, a steamboat and yacht and lots of small boats to hire for Ashing pur poses of pleasure. The upper lake is two miles long and one and a half wifie. Several hotels, a smithy, half a dozen dwellings, a stamp mill and a post office are lotativl here. Altogeth er this is a nrnst delightful spot and no tourist coming to Colorado should miss visiting the Twin I,ikes. When I came in full view of the low er lake I SAW Mr. Weaver and his two sons John and George, aged 12 and 10 respectively out in their b>ats fishing. They came in for dinner- with sixty fine trout, ttco of which made a most excellent dinner for the writer. Af ter dinner Mr. Weaver hitched up his team and we spent the afternoon in driving around the upper lake and see ing all that is to be seen in this inter esting region. I saw the blacksmith carry a two inch oak plank and asked him the price of such lumber. He an swered that it was 2'J to 23 cents per foot. What do our Penn's Valley peo ple think of that as a price for lumber? It costs $3 to shoe a horse here. Ho tel rates are from £2 to $4 a day. Com mon wages $3 a day -counting £4. for boarding. We returned from our drive in good time, and supper over we all went fish ing. In the morning the anglers use baited hooks. Grasshoppers are the best bait and are much in demand, however worms are also used. They go out on the lake and anchor the boat, keeping it stationary. In the evening a different system is taken. Flies are used and the boat is kept moving all the time. One man works the o?rs and the others attend to the rods. Mr. Weaver did the rowing and the boys and I hauled out the trout. We caught 13 ) while out,of which I had the good luck to secure 34. They average about ten inches, four to a pound when ed. Mr. Weaver keeps them alive in boxes, and they are afterwards killed and cleaned as shipped to market. They are putting up telephone poles from here to Leadyille, and a railroad to tnls point is projected. lam highly delighted with my trip to Twin Lakes, but will close for this time, promising to write again. Truly Yours, [ JOHN C. MOTZ. Miscellaneous. — | A terrible explosion occurred at the Kul /.town Furnace in Itcrks count v. last week,by which several lives were lose. The turnace is a mass of ruins. The New Orleans Picayune has at fast found the meanest man in the country. The fallow knows who will he the next President but is too yol dumal mean lo tell. Lumber nrufcof straw Is one of the latest Inventions out. A factory in Lawrence, Kansas, is already engaged in making tlitn kind of lumber, and it is said to bo a very superior article. Isasc Mcllose, the Rending banker, who was a candidate for State Treat* titer before the Republican Convention last week,denounces What ton Raiker's nnrt of the pi it form as rank heresy. The Darker scheme seems to l> gutting rough treatment all around. The Now York Stylo. Pro in the Erie observer. New York legistators are paid lv the year and consequently get no addition al pay for an extra session. If the same system prevailed in otir own state the republicans who are imposing a fair apportionment would probably have yielded obedience to the constitu tional mandate long ago. AD Vict: To MOTH KMX. Are you dhlurhed at night no.l broken of your rest by a s|-k child suffering and crviinr ivlih pain of milling teeth? If so, send at once and get a bottle of \|j{-s. Wis-t.O.v's <>ouriii.\ii SYttee roaCHti.ratKN TKHTMIMJ. Its value h incalculable. It w 111 relieve t lie poor lit lb* suf ferer inmtedialelv. Depend upoti it, mothers, there is no mist,ike about it. It curesdyseutt-iy and diarrhoea, regulates the stomach and bowel-, cures \v tnd code, softens the gums, re duces liiinnnu.i tion, and gives tone and energy to the wiiole system. MRS WIN snow's Soorit- INO Svin t rou <'ii|i.ni<KX TEI TIIISU is pleasant to the taste, and |s the jircscrtpfioii of one of ■fbc oldest and besf fcniaie physjeiuiis and nurs es in tbe United States, and if for srfie by all druggists throughout the world. Price av cents a bottle. Milllieim HurkM, Corrected every Wednesday Wheat, old, j.n*, " new, Not 2 y, " No. 3 7 Corn.-. iV It ye 7u oats White Unci, wheat Hour ' s.flO Bran & Short*, pet ton 911.110 Suit,per 8r!... j.SP Plaster, ground 9.50 Cement, |*er Bushel ib to "* Barley Tymothyseed Flaxseed Cloverseed R..V> Butter lii Hams 17 Hides 13 Veal Pork Bt-el Ek'g" It. Potatoes tin I-11" 11 J<v Tallow Soap !!! 5 Dried Apples Dried Peaches Dried Cherries COAL MARKET AT COUUIIN. Egg Coal ->5 Move " 5 o-, chestnut !!!.!!!"!!!!!!! sTipsTip I'C"-"--- ..' 3.V1 tea by the car load 3.pi A. H ARTE 11, Auctioneer, MILLIIEIM, PA. J. SPRINGER, Fashionable Barber, Next D or to Joi'UXJM. Store; Main Street, MILLIIEIM, PA. D U. D. 11. MINGLE, / Physician & Surgeon, o Alice 011 Mam Street. MILLIIEIM, PA. D It. JOHN F. II .VI! I'Eli, Practical Dentist, Dflicc opposite tho Millheint Banking Uou*o, MAIN STREET, MILLIIEIM, PA DAM IIOY, Attorncy-at-Law, DELLEFONTE, PA. Orphans' Court Business a Speciality. YXT M * C. HEINLE, Attornoy-at-Liw DELLEFONTE, PA. Practices intall the courts of Centre comity. Special attention to Collections. Consultations in German or bullish. C. T. Alexander. C. M. Bower. AI/IvXANDER ISO WE it, Attorncy-at-Latf, DELLEFONTE, PA. Office in Carman's new budding. J. A. Reaver. J. W. Gephart. AllorHeys-at-Law, DELLEFONTE, PA. Office on Alleghany Street, Ntfrth of High Street jpil. GEO. S. FRANK, Physician & Surgeon, SPUING MILLS, PA. Ofiioe in Mr. Philip Slmok's residence, near tho Spring Mills House. Professional calls promptly answered. 3ut TT ]3. IIEIUNCJ, Surveyor & Scrivener, PENN IIALL, CENTRE CO., PA. All business entrusted to him will be executed with care and promptness. I). 11. Hastings. W. F. Beetler. TTASTINfIS & REEDER, AUoritejs-at-Law, DELLEFONTE, PA. Office 011 Allegheny Street, two doors east of he office occupied by the late firm of Yocuin <& Hastings. B. IIARBIS, MARKET STREET, LH]wisi3XJE,a-nH:. IPA.. For Union and Centre Counties. Wo lmvo just Louglit for Cnsli the entire Slock of one of the lmgcst Retail S ores in tlio City Now York for about one quarter the value. The Stock consists in piii as follows : LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S UNDERWEAR, Gents' Furnishing Goods, THE riHEST USE OF HOSIERY EVER OFFERED FOR SALE IN THE RODNIY. Buttons, Gloves, Corsets, Ribbons, Pocket- Boaks, Hair Switches, Jewelry, Ladies' Muslin Underwear, Infant's Robes, & Cloaks, Children's Dresses. ami an endless variety of other gootls wliio'i we cannot cnom'rate. but will sell tlieni equally as cheap as \te bought them, an 1 those who wish to get any of (lie above at about sr OKE QUARTER THE VALUE ~ will please call early as they will bo disposed of very quick. AUK NOW llKf'KI v INK OUlt USUAL STOCK OP -spring imi/itm'/- HATS AND BONNETS, TRIMMED AND UNTRIMMED, FOR LADIES, MISSES % CHILDREN. Dress Ti Minnas and otier Fancy Gaois in endless yarictj al B_ HARRIS' Market Street, Lowisburgh, Pa. BUY "3TOTTE/ BOOTS 1c S-hiqesl -A.T * J. LOCK; HAVEN", FA.. A. SIMON & SONS, WHOLESALE A RETAIL GKOCKRS, keep the largest stock in too 143 MAIN STREET, LOCK IIAVEN. GO TO SIMON BROTHERS, TIIE BOSS CLOTHIERS lor J our Clot bins. 45 MAIN STREET, LOCK HAVEN. "TRVIN HOUSE, (Most Central Hotel in the city.) CORNER OF MAIN AND JVY STREETS, LOCK IIAVEN, PA. S.WOODSCALDWELL PROPRIETOR. Goods ample Rooms lor Commercial Travel- 1 or." 011 fii"st Moor. JG ROCKEUIIOFF HOUSE, ALLEGHENY ST., DELLEFONTE, PA. C. G. McMILLEN, PROPRIETOR. Good Sample Room on First Floor. Free Buss to and from all trains. Special rates to witnesses and Jurors. Q ET YOU P. JOB PRINTING DONE AT The Milliieim Journal Office. FINE WORK CHEAPLY EXECUTED. DEN QIAIIQ EiESiftr & ability. Widows, I 1)lil|()1 . children and dependent parents entitled when death re sulted. Claims reopened, restoration, ineiem d bounty, back pay and discharges obtained. Ap ply at once, delay prejudices your rights. Fes fixed by law. Address, with stamp, the old es tablished linn of liDSON & CO., Attorneys and Claim Agents, 917 F St., Washington, D. C. P. H. STOVER, —— r>KALKI£IX Clover Seed, Flour & Feed, Coal, Plaster & Salt. plllUUl£t?T MAUKKT PUICK ALWAYij PAll*. 96~\ frill Hujvnly of Poll. I*l istor and Salt ul ways on liajid and sold at the lowest pi ice TCoal kept under roof at all seasons Of the year. *S"Tlie public patronage respectfully sollet— od. I9ly HEALTH IS WEALTH! 1)11. K. C. WKsrS SKKVU A\l BUAIN TRV.ITStST, a Kuarantee 1 eperiiit: for H> steila. U /.ziu ii C"iiv jiniuns, Kiss, Nervous Keurttljtia, IJeadiu he, Ntr on Pro.tmtl.in r>.n .1 l.y the use of Aleonol or tolmcco, Wakefulness. Mm til O - pi-melon, AolteuiiiK of the fii'aia rmii'l'ny in insanity anil leuil'ttv to iclsery, di-ray ami <iath; Pi-irmtuie Old Are, IteftoStneaa, Lore of r.nver !n either io-v. In voluntary Losses ah.l H|>erinut'irrhcsa caused by oyor-rre- tl> n of tlio bruin, •• If-aiit!*!' orTor-ln luifenc •. Fnrli bo* con talus one mouth's trsnttnent I a box, or Sir. ho.-.ts for sj, i ut by ball pre paid oil r.oe'jit of price. W2 GUARANTEE 5!:? DO!?Z3 Tomrsany ra*e. With e.rh order roceix >1 I v n.i for !x boxes, accompanied with #. r >, we wiil Send the purchaser our written Ruai autre to re'un 1 Die money If the treatment docs lo t effort * cure. Guarantee, lasm-d only by KISM K & JUiNDKIiSGX, 310 K >ce ftreet. Pa. I' " " 'lis The relcbrateil v;.£etabu Ibood PariOi-r. II mnneifisfe'v cures Headaebe. t'enstiph'lun, I'nrhh a Ihe Skii. Maih-,1 an v where upon receipt ot 25 rent*. U:iMrpaMe<l tor Chiidreai EISNER & MSrfDELSON, 320 Raca Street, Philadelphia, Pa. THIS PAPER " y <'-■ ™ I HIV ■ Ml ■■■l JioWKLL & CO'3 Newspaper Advertising dnreau (K) Spruce .Street), where adver* tising contracts may IwßwaSf if §|§ffi£ w for it ia lata™ llf Hl* ' '.RNRMNTOD (HE INORT NIFTWT FERTILISER BRILL IN OALNTRNRE. FOR ER TTILNR, A. 11. F.TUUI HAIT. TORLC, IM. PENNSYLVANIA AGRICULTURAL WORKS,^VCRK F PA. STEAM ENGIFFFTS, A. B. FARQUHAR, TCRK PA FOR UIL |UR* J.WW WII>V',TR.III ; HILL * ■ ■ *■' • : ■ " • B.UD LUR C*U!OROS^3£^R^K^^H^^H§P VERTICAL JSNTRLNE,*-!TH NR ' '^P3 THE TABQTHAFI^STPALUTOR | ..IT PTRTWLU I—, W >< l UU FBIM ! .. Addreu J. A TJRQCTIJB, York, Pa. PAMUSIL KZY3TMTI WEN PLAITTTB WARRAULED TLIE BE.L CORN ILN>P|WRATTI| MO T FUROE-FBCD FURTLTAUR DUN (TUTOR LU U.J TUE Buchanan Wind Mill UNEXCELLED FOR JSK BEAUTY, DURABILITY ■- f i^^^ lNG ' i jB HEW METHOD OF ATTACH THE MOST POWE2FTTI Ml SY\ DURABLE ALL KINDS OF TANKS, PIPE, PUMPS, ETC. B CARS TO BEAD FOR OAR NEW FATAL BEFORE BW>,. BUGHANAH WIND MILL CO.. | BUCHANAN. MICHIGAN. TUTT'S ■WILL I III* I I II HI" I „ " PILLS 13ASSS:T?O~3BSFC < ! A HOTED DIVIHE §AYS? Dear Sir* LOR TEA >TATRT I FCWRA BI O'l A MARTYR TO DFF|P>!I, CONSTIPATION OR. 1 RILE*. LA-T SYR.NFFYOUR J ILLS■R.::EROCORNAEAD 'I TONIC; I TIXOILVUTNI(LUTVIIKLIITLC FIILV IFT. I NOW IT WELL MM, HAVO POOD AYYETILE, U;;-E*TIOL PER FOE*,- RE?OW :001-, PILE* PTM<\ EO<L I JIHT-I PAINED FORTY PONM AAO ID LICTLI. TH j AYE VOR.A THEIR WEITRHT M GOLD. I L;IY. IT. L. SI7IPSON, LOU: RILLE, A.7. SYMPTOMS OF A TOFTPSD LIVER. LOSS OFA SE§.B>WOLS EOATIVE, T > AINMTHEHEAD| WV IA'CI TILL SCRRSR.T; 5U NARLPAI N •CTX.DE R UIESHAR.IDER FCLAD VRUI?, WITH R. DIS INCIINO. Ua %■> FNF \TI.O.XCT BODY OMTNTI, IFTITATT.IT RT FT9TNYR, HOTRRP.RIT3, J> S CF ANNO^,WITHN F CILNFWH"YIUGN<- LECFD ONTF TDATY, WOORTNGAR. LIZRINERG. RTUTT RIRR CF TLIS THE EYE 1 FOW HOAUARHO.KOPTF S~ HEW HIG-MY OOLORK 1 "MIE. ]F t* ESE WFFFNIHGL AI.E STRLDUS DISEASE" WILL C! ?VITOPED 'I'JIT'S SLUUAR®ITIMIY ATLNIRTED TO DU LL EE *•*. ONETLOSCYTKTFTR.U-TI n RLIATIFCT) OF IFRL.IUJ AO TO THE TITFTERTR. TIYTLIID RWHEDY FILRLY, NM! YOU WILL PIIU N LCI*STLIY LIICCTTIOII, 1 I M CROUI LIND/, LM-R ;%LOC(L. SUV;>'/ N MUUD I IVER. I'RFCE. C'SIITS. ODLEI', :I" IVT:MY ST.. X. 1. ___ ■■■—l.ll 11 ■. 11-RF TT"^ TOTT'S HAIR OYt, GRAY IT* IR/INJ IVLIISKN-FT AHA TO IT GLOMV UINCK I'V AIIUITLC A)TULLCATIN O . THIS LYE. IT HUIMI'TI IV LUITBIIIL EOLOI, NETS LIINIAIITRTTKMIIIY. MOLD LIY HNU:- GIFTT*. OR AR NT LIV RI PRESS COT RECEJ I>T OF SI. TIFIEE, MNRINY SI., ACTR 1 ORK. ( FLT. TTTT'S FLF AIVT TL.OFVALNAULEI .INFORMUTLNUS'UI JLREFTUITIWILL | -—I— S Leader, IT IS NOT ONLY THE BEST HADE. BUT IT IS THE LIGHT EST-RUNNING. QUIETEST AND SIMPLEST IN THE MARKET. ! IT IS TTTE ACME OF PERFECTION IN WORKMANSHIP AND PRINCIPLE. MOTTOA^ ■"' PROTF.CTION TO DEALERS; MATNTENANCEOF GOOD RETAIL PRICES} NO PROMISCL'ODS SCATTERING OF WHOLESALE PRICES. , 11 "AGENTS WANTE D. ** FOR PAKTIOULABS ADDRTSS The Leader Sowing Machine Ga # i > CLEVELAND. OHIO.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers