Journal. Tiui:Sl>AY, J PLY 19 TH, 1888. BY DEININGER & BUMILLER. LOCAL DEPAimiEAT. AX XOUXCE At t x rs, ASSOCIATE JUDGE. Wo are authorize'l to ;uui<unoe On. J. It. SMITH, of J'ineOrove Mills Mill le a eandldale for the iilUee of Associate .ludge. snl>.l'ol to the U vision of the Democratic County Convention. We are authorized to announce that JoriN jtisHKU, of Cotter township, il l Ih* a candhlate for the office of Associate Judge, subject to tho decision of tho Democratic vouitty Convention. -Jtily 20th is to LIE the hottest day Of the season. Wiggins says so, —B. G. Clark and family removed hack to town again,from PentPs Creek, on Tuesday. — Sixteen trains LEAVE and come to Lewisbu rg daily. That is eight leave and eight come. —W. It. Weiser was on the sick list for some days last week hut is out a gain and at work. —MAJ. Geo. D. Pifer, of Philadel phia, was here last week interviewing our merchants on business. —John ilishel. of Potter township, announces in this week's JOURNAL as U candidate for Associate Judge. — Cap Mingle, of Belletonte, was A- I>oii t this week, visiting friends and giv ing the twin babies a good ailing. -Ex-Senator Peale, of Lock Haven Will sail for Europe shortly and ex pects to be abseut some six weeks. —David W. Duncan has been com missioned Post Master at Soring Mills and Isaac Underwood at Poe Mills. —Miss Lilhe A. Peiiiinger, of New Berlin, is here visiting liei sister, Mrs. 11. K. Luse, and other friends. —Mrs. Daniel Kreamer has been ser iously sick for some days with hut slight chances for recovery at present. Trade Dollars icill he received at the JOURNAL OFFICE ai 100 cents on the dollar on arrearages of subscrip tion. —Rev. John Kreamer, of Jewel City, Kansas, gave us a call last week. He speaks in glowing terms of that part of Kansas. —The sale of Adam Boyei'A farm, near Howard, will take place August 18th, and not August 10th, as stated last week. —Dr. Geo. S. Frank of Spring Mills, illuminated our dingy sanctum tlie oth er day by the smiles of his pleasant countenance* —Mr. Samuel Reed, Miss Laura Iletzel & Miss Xellie Kaufman, of Lew ishuisr,are here on a visit to Rev. Benj. Ilengst & family. —Geo. L. Potter, Esq , the live insur ance agent of Bellefonte, was in town last week, but whether on business or pleasure W€ did not inquire. —Rev. A. J. Irey, of Chester county Pa., will fill the pulpit for Rev. Z. A. Yearick, iu the Methodist church, Millheim, next Sunday evening. — Young Sam Weiser now runs Tomlinson'S Branch Store. SAM is J ust first rately adopted for such a posi tion and does a slashing business. — Charles S.Stratton, better known as General Tom Thumb, died at his home in Middleboro, Mass., on Sunday the loth instant, aged fifty -one years. —J. F. Cook, Esq., the wide-awake agent of the Producers' Marble Com pany, of Sutherland Falls, Vermont, was in town on Monday interviewing Deininger & Musser. —The Annual Re- union of the Sold iers' Orphan "Sixteeners" will be held at the Opera House, Altoona, Pa., August loth, 10th and l7lh. Hon* W. A. Wallace will deliver the address. — The Milton Economist thinks the vShamokin school board acted very sen sibly in passing a resolution prohibit ing corporal punishment* There might be some decided differences of opinion on that point. — Hon. John B. Linn and Adam Hoy, Esq., gave us cal's last week. They were here lookiug after some timber land belonging to the estates of llou. James T* Hale and James Mac man us, deceased. —The Watchman announces that on Thursday the 19th inst., (to-day) Mr. L. T. Munson and Miss Sallie Gephart, eldest daughter of J. P. Gephart, Esq., will be joined in marriage in the Epis copal church, Bellefonte. —C. M. Bower, Esq., of Bellefonte, has been around and about for the last seyeral weeks, breathing the pure air of old Penn's Valley, visiting numerous uncles, cousins and brothers-in-law, and even doing a little harvesting. —Saturday August 4th the Millheim Cornet Band will hold an Ice Cream Festival. The boys wish to raise some "sc/ttamjps" to clear off a debt still resting on them for their uniforms and and they deserve to he liberally patron ized. STRAYED on STOLEN, from the residence of the subscriber in Aarons burg, on tbe 31st of May last, a dark red cow, with a little white along the belly and from rump to tail, medium size, heavy set and short legged, and heavy with calf at the time. Any in formation that leads to the recovery of the cow will he liberally rewarded by CHARLES C. BELL, —The glorious.millennium is most certainly dawning down at Lewisburg. Just to think of it— brother Cornelius, the rank, rampart radical editor of the Chronicle seut Brother Whitman, the red hot democratic editor of the Jour nal, a fine lot of cherries the other day 1 —Wo call the special attention of our readers to the fact that Prof. W. T. Meyer, sells Pianos and Organs for the enterprising firm of Bunnell & Aiken, of Bellefonte. Mr. Meyer is not only an expert in the use of musical instru ments hut Understands their const ruc tion and value thoroughly,and is there fore a safe man to buy from. 3t —Tbe enterprising firm of Dinges, Voimta & Co.* at Coburn, have procur ed a stylish new delivery wagon. We have not seen a tlner wagon this long time. The lettering is especially good an 1 reads as follows ; "DINORS, VON An A & Co., PENN'S VALLEY BARGAIN STORK. GENERAL MEUCUANDISR GOODS DELIVERED FREE." —,t. A. LIMRERT will carry express and freight goods from Coburn to any point along the route at tho following rates : All packages weighing less than tOO pounds, to Millheim, 10 cts., to Aaronsburg. 1J cts., to Woodward, 23 cts. For packages weighing over I<M pounds a proportionate charge Will he made. tf —Our farmers have been very busy tor tl*e last week in cutting the rich harvest which Providence has merci fully bestowed upon the people of these fair valleys. We hear but one report, and that is that the grain is well filled and that it stands thickly on theground —in fact the best harvest the valleys lsad these many years. Hay is over a bundant and corn promises well. There is eyery prospect for an exceptionally prolific year. —A strike of lightning struck tho house of Mr. D. 11. Itote, in Aarons burg, on Friday afternoon, shattered the chimney, tore some of the store pipe, bioke a lamp that was standing on a table in the room, ran across the floor cutting tho carpet, desended into the cellar by anal in the floor, struck and uielte.l a ra >use trap and was final ly lost among some brick work. Mr. Rote was in the room at the time and was so shocked by the stroke that he felt the effects of it for several days. MUSICAL INSTRUCTION.— The under signed will begin a term of musical in structions on the piano or organ, com mencing July 30th. 1883, and continu ing ten weeks. Classes will he organiz ed at Aaronsburg, Millheim and vicin ities. Arrangements have been made at Aaronsburg to accommodate pupils from a distance who are desirous of re ceiving musical instructions. Terms are moderate. Good hoarding can be had at reasonable rates. Persons ex pecting to take lessons should apply immediately, so that the necessary ar rangements may he effected. For further particulars apply in per son or address WM. T. MEYER, Aaronsburg, 3t Pa. —Our Mifitinburg friends held a meeting one evening last week to make arrangements for a grand Harvest Home Basket I'icuic to be held near that place, Thursday, August 23rd* Judging from the formidable array of committees it is to he a big affair, but what pleases us most is the following i tem in the proceedings : "Also moved and carried the Secretary be instructed to add namesof persons from Centre county to tliecom rnittee of araangements that may he given hira.'* This indicates plainly that Centre county will be invited to take part in the great thanksgiving feast, and wo assure our brethern down the road that their kind feelings will be fully recipro cated. —The following sensible item from an exchange expresses oar sentiments exactly : We are willing to give place in our local columns to mention of any visit ors, the absence of any citizen, his wife or his daughter, but at the same time we would be glad to haye the item written out and handed in, or mention made of it at this office. People are al ways much interested in knowing the absence of friends, and equally glad to know the presence of any visitor upon whom they wish to call. Some very sensible people say they don't want their names in the papers. This may Oe true as to a puff or bit of evident llattery ; but it can hardly be true of the simple announcement of a visitor's name or the temporary absence of a gen tleman or lady. So bring in the items, we are always glad to get them. No visitor is more welcome to our sanctum than ODG who brings in an item. |lnto joint, NOS. 317 & 319 AUCU ST., PHILADELPHIA. RATESREDUCED~foS2.OQ PER MY. The traveling public will still find at this Hotel the same liberal provision for their com fort. It is located in the Immediate centres of business and places of amusement and the dif ferent Bail-Rood depots, as well as all parts of the city, are easily accessible by Street Cars constantly passing the doors. It offers special inducements to those visiting the city for busi ness or pleasure. Your patronage respectfully solicited. Jos, M, Feger, Proprietor. —A Grand Harvest Homo Basket Picnic will ho held in Dutweiler's Grove, at the Iron Bridge, near Mill heim, on Friday July 27th, instant. If the weather should be unfavorable it will be postponed until the following day. Rev. Benjamin Ilengst will deliver an address. The Millheim and Brush Valley Cornet Bands will discourse music. Glass Ball shooting by Mr. C. K. Sober, the crack shot of the state, and others. Swings will bo erected, croquet and other amusements will he hid. A beautiful cave only a short walk from the grounds, will be an additional attraction. The committee will spare no t imo or labor to make It a highly enjoyable oc casion. and hereby extend a hearty in vitation to the peoile of Centre and Union counties to attend. Conveyance will be at the depot to carry aU that come by train to the grove. No hucksters will be allowed on the grounds. 8. T. FUAIN, Chairman, Noah 8. M. Ulrich, I\ 11. Stover, R. G. Krumrine, S. K. Faust, I. W. C. lt bir, J. 11. lvreamer and C. \Y\ Ilosterman, Committee of arrangements. —A special from Lewistown to the ilarrishurg I\(triot states that on Mon day morning Samuel Longwell killed Reed Alexander, near Milroy. From points gleaned it appears that Alexand er asked Mr. Long well, sr., the owner of the farm, for tlie privilege of picking a bucket of raspberries off the bushes on the laud. Permission was granted him. It happened that the farm was tenanted by his son, Samuel Longwell. He was not aware of the favor granted Alexander and when he saw liirn with his bucket he at once ordered him off the place. Alexander refused to obey. Sharp language was used between them when Longwell picked up a piece of fence rail and struck Alexander aeross the head. lie fell to the ground and Longwell lied. The injured man was dis covered by another gentleman to whom he was just able to tell who his as sailant was. A few moments later he died. The murderer was arrested and is confined in the Lewistown jail. Both men have families. What a terrible tragedy I One man murdered, another sitting in jail await ing trial for murder, and two families made utterly miserable—and all for a few berries ! LETTER FORM COLORADO Leadville, Col., July 10th, 18S3 Editor Journal : I camo to Leadville a few days ago from Denver,r ia the Denvei & Rio Grand R. It.,up the Arkansas River The scenery thlough the canon is truly grand. The waters ct me rolling and tumbling down over the rocks at a rate terrible to behold, and the walls of sol id rock, alornst perpendicular,and from two to thiee thousand feet high, make a fellow 's brad swim to look at. The snow cap pcd mountain peaks are al most continually in sight and afford a novel and grand vi ew to an eastern man. Leadville has Ifst much of its former business and population, but it is still considered a good town. It is 260 miles from Denver City. I went to see Thom as Weaver and Thomas Mot 2, who are engaged in the prop timber business for the mines. I went with them to their lumber camp. We loaded a wagon with props, took our dinner grub,stuck fast in the mud several times, but got through all safe and returned home in the evening all O. K. Philip Weaver returned fiom his trip to Twin Lakes. lie is in the trout business and gets 50 cents a pound for the speckled beauties here in Lead ville. Philip is an old bogs at the busi ness and does well. lie is here since 1860, when he crossed overland from Denver, in ox teams, in Company with Mr. Geo. P. Weaver, a Mr. Dougherty from Lebenou, Pa., and my departed sister Lydia. Prices ate very high here, excepting dry goods, which are comparatively reasonable* A laborer gets #3 a day and must pay $1 for board. A two horse team earns a day. Provisions must all be brought hers by rail and are of course high. Good heavy horses sell for S6OO to SBOO. There is much hauling done here. lam told that a four-horse team hauled from the mine to the smelting furnace nearly nine tons of ore, at one load. What do our Penn's Valley farmers tbiuk of such loads ? To-morrow I expect to leate Lead ville for Twin Lakes to visit Mr. Weaver and spend a day with him catching trout* If I can't catch any I know that he can, and you bet I will help to eat them. There are plenty of chances here to buy interests in mines. These offers are generally from prospectors who have no means to develope their claims and are seeking partuers to aid them. Facilities for mining and hauling are increasing, and many of the mines are now considered paying which formerly were worth but little, if anything. The costs of reducing raw ore has come down considerable and will still get lower* Hauling* labor and every thing else will get lowei in course of time, so that many hundreds of toms of ore may in future become valuable that are now worthless. lam of the opin ion that there is a vast wealth buried in these Ilocky Mountains that may never be exhausted, tut will feed and snport millions of population for gen erations to come. More anon Truly Yours, J. C. MOTZ. The Next State Fair. Secretary I>. W. Seilor and Major El brldge McCookey,of the State Agricul tural Society,have returned home from Philadelphia whore they had been mak ing arrangements for the next annual exhibition of the State Fair. Thhty acres of ground have been seen mi at Broad stieet and Germantown J mic tions, a lease being made for ten years from Mr. Weigjttman, of the Arm of Powers & Waightm in. The otllcers will immediately fence in the ground and rapidly pat up substantial build ings. For exhibits a building 1,01)0 feet long and 7*> feet wide will be erect ed, besides stalls for cattle, horses, sheep, swine and poultry and other s'<eds. The premium list this year will he very liberal. Anvict: TO MOTIIEKM. Are you Ul*lurle,| at night anil broken of your rest by a sick child *ulftMiiig ami crying with pain of cutting teeth 1 If so, send at ontv and get a bottle of Una. WiNuWrt SoOTIIINO Syio'i' roilCuu.imi:s TKKTIIINO. Its vnliu Is Inealeulable. It will relieve the |hMr little suf ferer liiiiuediately. Dop'-nd upon it, mothers, there Is no mistake about It. It eures dysentery and diarrhoea, rogulates the Rtotmich ami bowels, cures wind colic, softens tilt* glims, re duces Inflammation, and glvs tone and energy to the whole system. Mils Wissutw's NOOTII- I\N sviiri* KOK t'Hil.tno** TRKTiitmi Is tdeasnnt ti the taste, and Is the prescription of one of the oldest and best female idivtMciaiiH and ntlrs es in the United States, ami Is for sale by all druggists throughout the world. Price 21 cents a bottle. married. Oil the 12th Inst,, by Itev. It. llengsf, Mr. Jon Iteiiuer to Miss Rebecca Voimdu, both of Woodward, litis euUnty. DIED. On the 2nd lust.. In Uoa'.sburg. Mrs. Catharine I), stover, wife t'f Huftiucl 11. stover, aged To years, i mouths and days. Ml libel in Mar feet. Corrected every Wednesday Wheat, old. ... j.jn new, flti. t 11 " '• No. S 7:, Com ,Vj Kye .......... TP Oats White. buckwheat Flour 5.tV Bran AShoitSipet t0n..,.,. 2<m*> Salt,per Ilrl i.jO Plaster, ground. Cement, per 8u5he1...., 49 to fvi Parley Tviuothyseed Flaxseed Cloverseed 8. *4) Butter ] Hams. ....... I? Sides Veal Pork TV el Fgtrs 10 Potatoes rm Lard.... 15 Tallow •Soap j Dried Abides.,..., Dried Peaches Dried Cherries COAL MARKET AT COIJURN. Knar Coal 0- stove " >4< 5 .1- Chestnut ft oil Pea s.fto Pea bv the ear load A." AKTKIt, Auctioneer, MILLIIEIM, PA. w. J. Sl'lUNOEll, Fashionable Barber, Next Door to JOLHNAL Store, Main Street, MILIJIEIM, PA. D U D. 11. MINGLE, Physician & Surgeon, offllce on Main street. MILLIIEIM, PA ; JOHN F. HABTER, Practical ftentisi, Omto opposite the Milliieim Banking House, MAIN STREET, MILLIIEIM, PA adam nor, Attoriiey-at-Law, BELLEFONTE, PA. Orphans' Court Business a Speciality. M - 0. HEINLE, Atlorncynt-l/iW BELLEFONTE, PA. Practices intall the courts of CCntro connty. attention to Collections. Consultations fn German or English. 0. T. Alexander. CJ M. Bower: A I.EXANDER & BOWER, Altorney-at-Law, BELLEFONTE, FA. Olltoe in Garman'3 new building. A. Heaver. J. W. Gephrtrt. JgEAVER A GEI'IIART, Attorncys-nt-Law, BELLEFONTE, PA. Office on Alleghany Street, North of High Street J AU. GEO. S. FRANK, Physician & Surgeon, SRUINQ MILLS, PA. Ofllcc in Mr. Philip Shook's residence, near the Spring Mill* House. Professional calls promptly answered. 3m TT 15. HERIHG, Surveyor &Scrivcitcr, FENN IIALL, CENTRE CO., TAV All business crttrtfsted to hint will be executed With care and promptness, D.-H. Hasting*. W. F. Reeder. HASTINGS & SEEDER, Atforiieis-at-Uw, BELLEFONTE, PA. Office 011 Allegheny Street, two door* east of lie office occupied by the late linn of Yocuiu A Hastings. 18. HARRIS, leiwisbubqh:, s>J±. ANOTHER BOOM For Union and Centre Counties. We have just bought for Cash tlic entire Stock of one of tie largest Retnil Stores in the City New York for about one quarter the value. The Stock consists in part us follows : LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S UNDERWEAR, Gents' Furnishing Goods, THE FINEST LINE OF HOSIERY EVER OFFERED FOR SALE IN THE COUNIY. Buttons, Gloves, Corsets, Ribbons, Pocket- Books, Hair Switches, Jewelry, Ladies' Muslin Underwear, Infant's Robes, & Cloaks, Children's Dresses. aftd nn endless variety of other goods which we cannot enuni Tate. but will sell tlicin equally as cheap as wc bought them, and those who wish to get any of the above at about irONE QUARTER THE VALUE will please call early as tlioy will be disposed of very quick. ark now receiving our usual stock op -SPRING MIIIINIM - HATS AND BONNETS, TRIMMED AND UNTRIMMED, FOR LADIES, MISSES s CHILDREN. Ti imming and other Fancy Goods in endless Tartly al mmmam jk in m ■**T — T . HARRIS 7 1 Market Street, Lewisburgh, Pa. BUY YTOTTB^ Boots ac Shoes, .A.T J*. KA.3MEPS LOCK HAVEH, IFJL. A. SIMON & SONS, WHOLESALE & RETAIL UHOCKRS, keep the largest stock In thd i 43 MAIN STREET, LOCK HAVEN. GO TO SIMON BROTHERS, TUB BOSS CLOTII IE US for your Clothing 45 MAIN STREET, LOCK HAVEN. JIIVIN notrsii, (ytosi Central Hotel in the eity.) CORNER OK MAIN AND J\Y STREETS, LOCK HAVEN, PA. S.WOODSCALDWELL PROPRIETOR. Goods ample Rooms for Commercial Travel ers <>ii first Moor. JgROCKERIIOFF IIOLfSE, ALLEGHENY ST., BELLEKONTE, PA. C. G. McMILLEN, PROPRIETOR. Good Sample Room on First Floor. Fred Bnss to and from all train?. Special rates to Witnesses and Jurors. Q ET YOU It Jtfti DONE Ati The Millheitft Journal Office. FINE WORK CHEAPLY EXECUTED^ DCMCmiIQ Ss.r ft ■ ClllSlUll£3 hhflfty. Widows, ■ w mm w niinor children and dependent parents entitled when death re sulted. Claims reopened, restoration. fnerdaj-ed bounty, back pay and discharges obtained. Ap ply at once, delay prejudices your right?. Fees fixed by law. Address, with stamp, the old es tablished firm of KDSON & CO., Attorneys' and Claim Agents, 017 F St., Washington, D. C. P. H. STOVER, Clover Seed, Flour & Feed, Coal, Plaster & Salt eoimm* MAUHET PltlCK ALWAYS PAll; full supply of Coal. Piislcr ,imi Salt a] w;tya trti lirf hi! ana sold at the lowest pried Air-Coal kept wider iodi at all Seasons trt the year: AyThe public patronage roSpectfuily soiict etK sriy HEALTH IS WEALTH! t 7n E :H^^P BR. K. f. WKsVS KKKYZ AJ'J j:RAjr THKATIKST, a KiMi nni. fl *p--rific f->r H - uteris. l> ' Cm i. nr. WO I >i Smi-alcis. Inn.!-he, Ktiit. v, i r.M l>y the uer of aiconol or tnl-arco, Wakefulness. Meiit-I D-- pivaaion, Softening of the Itraln r:i!iiii-,- in ti.saul'v ami IfHittUK to misery, a. ray Rti.i ri-*at:>; ¥ • mninrc o:j Are, Bmrnntm l , leuiS of r .wer in either t,ex. Invuluntaiy LneeeS n<l S|a-inint rrlni a cn!ie<l liy nv. -r rve: rl- ;t of tl.s i-r.iin, x-lfnl-UK- or. r.i-it.<itliK'"re. Kaeh t.a contains run mnntii'3 treatment I. I a hox, cr six boxes f. if a, a- Ei by mail ptn paid on ri celpt of price. WE CUARANTE2 CIX CO;*ZG Tornre uiv ra. Wl'i earlf order re<-iv .! by n* fr six l>xe. accompanied with We Will son.l the pnrrhae r our written guarantee to re'uu-l the money Ii the treatment does nteffert a cure. 0 naraiiti—e issued (inly by KISM It ic MK\DKI,SO\, 3io 1; .o* htrct. Ditia 'siphia. Pa. "^picrrtri VV6J " The celebrated vrK*t*(-le Itiood I'urifl. r. ft Immediately cures Headache, Constipation, Purifies (he Ski i. Mailed anywhere mam receipt of 2* rents. Unsurpassed tor Children. EISNER & MENDELrSON, 32Q Race Street, Philadelphia, Pa. THIS PAPER ™ y " e. I IIIW I ill ball UowkLL & C&a Newspaper Advertising Bureau (10 Spruce Street), where adver- y mrnma IfAlllf HEW YORK- Wnrrnntrd fho wont Pftffoct I'Mji.Pcrd Fertiliser Drill In fcxlul bnca. Sf ul for cir cular, A. B. FA 11(41°HAlt, York, ln. Pennsylvania Agricultural Pa. STEAM ERODES, A. B. FARQUHAB, York Pa BinJffiS'j • Climprnt il l*L for al! pur* (*>•*•—lin;>U,troinj aii't d- biud lur Illustrated CaUloeoa'";,, Vertical Engines,with nr • AL. a""""' wb—l*, vary jS ? e! VF rnnranlenf, coooomlral FA BQtHAR SEPABATOIt in* teal AAOrtm A. B. FARQU7MH, York, Fa. rABWBAi ZITBTOKS COS* FIASTEI 'Vua Warraiit'd the be.tcnrn i| nipper and ihihO loroefrad fort I tier distributor lu the THE Buchanan Wind Mill UNEXCELLED FCR jflfe BEAUTY, DDEABDJTY SOm, Hew method of attacii- TEEM3ST POWERFUL if | \ \ DURABLE ALL. KINDS OF TANKS, PIPE, PUMPS, Etc. Be aura te mail for oar new CmUlegae before bujinj. BUCHANAN WIND BULL CO., BUCHANAN, MICHIGAN^ TUTT& < PILLS A NOTED DIVINU SAYSS lJiti Ttrrri -Dec." Sirt For tea years I havi locn a te.tty'r to Pyfi*psia, Constipation as l Piles. Last ftprinjj your j>illo t Li me; I itedthcm ('ut With little fdi'Ji). la>i now a well ip.m, nppetite* perfect, fctnol, pile* pone, arm 1 hn?i gained fort y pounds solid llesh. Th yar : worth tlicir weisrht in poid. PET. K. L. SDirSOX, LouistiUe, Ry SYMPTOMS OF A TORPID LIVER. Losgof Appe tite,y an*ea,Bowelgcostive, Paininthe c'nit sen?" t ten inthobackpart^Paxn niLti rtheßhoxilder fclacK ItLlhvs * BHt iucr, with a di's inclffifttiort ti exertion of l>o3y or ir.ictl, IrrTtabUi yeftcmper, Low spirits, Loan cf memory, with a f eling of having ne- Icetriribiii't duty. Wen ri ness, Jji zziaess. Flutt #, ring of the heart,Dota before The eyes^Yellow Skin, KesCFse firjgj >t .t night, highly colored Urine. if YHESK warnings ARE UNHEEDED. SERIOUS DISEASES WILL BE DEVELOPED TUn'G PILLS are especially atlcpled tn fmehrnscs. oiiedowen'rctKiurbachauga of feelimr an to artuuhhike infferer. Try tll* remedy fairly, and yon will pain a healthy BiWefction, VirOfon. lloti/, I'nrc t'ldod, !iU'oe IterVes. and. u >oii)ii l.hqr; Price, 25 Cents. Olßft, 25 Murray St.. ?i. Y. TOTFS HAIR DYE. <ray llalr and Whhken ehttnerd to a Gld.tlr I. Lack hy a ample application of this Bye, It imparts a natural eolor, arts liisiantniieonslyt Mid toy Brtur pists. or .rut by express oiKreecipt of Sl* tltflce. il.'i Sini-ray St.,- Itew A ork. • Bit. TFTT'S SI ARCAIiof Vluable\ • Information a 1 rfnl IfecciiM swill 1 'iwmailed KHP.KOH application. / —IS — Henderson's Leader, IT IS NOT ONLY THE BEST HADE, BUT IT IS THE LIGHT EST-fiUNNING. QUIETEST AND SIMPLEST IN THE MARKET. ; TT IS THE ACME OF PERFECTION IN WORKMANSHIP AND PRINCIPLE. K ■II •< PROTECTION TO DEALERS; MATNTENANCEOF GOOD RETAIL PRICESJ Ko PROMISCUOUS SCATTERING OF WHOLESALE PRICES. , Agents WANTED. • FOR PARTICULARS ADDRESS The Leader Sewing Machine Ga, * CLEVELAND, Ohio.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers