|H* Journal. THURSDAY, JULY 12TH, 1883. BY DEININGER A: BUMILLER. ttal I Sninl?. 1 ? ScM Director/, Evangelical. Tier*. It. Tlcnosl aiX'l 77. A. Jtcnfcr, French's Rev. 11. A. Hen for will preach next Sunday morning. H today School, 1 V£r. m,—lh'v.t'.U. Uepliatfjuipf Missionary Society meets on the thiitl Mon day evening of-cacli month. Mothod£Bt. Itcv. Fiinmn Atfnms Prcadher-in-charrj?. Sunday ijehool at 10,4 A. M.—D. A Mnsser, Sup*t Reformed. Ticv. Ztringli A. Yearicl\ Pastor. Preaching in Aaronsbtu g next Sunday nua n lug—German. Preiuhing in Aaronsburg next Sunday eve ning. Mi'e society nyots regularly on Uae lirst I'ues. .day welling of each month. United Brethren. Tier. J. G. ir Herald, Preacher -,'n charpc. Regular services next Sunday evening, un l-ay Sfulwoi, 9A. M.—A. R. Alexander, Sunt Lutheran. 7?er. John Tomlinson, Pastor.— Sunday School at 04 A.M. IP O. IHniringer.Supt. The Augsburg lUhle Class meets every Thurs day evening at 7 o'clock. I Allies' Mite Society meets on the first Mon day evening ofe.ieh month. Lodie & Society Directory, Millheim Lodge. No. OM, I. O. O. F. meets in heir hall, Penn .Street, every Saturday evening. RelH'cea Degree Meeting every Th>*day on or before the full iiiooHef *Miel> montli. C. W. HAXTMAN. See. K W. MAI'CK. N. O. Providence vlvrjnge, So. '217 P. of H., meets in Alexander s block on the second Saturday or each mouths; IV. v. m.. and en the fourth Sa turday of each month at l'r. *- D. L.ZEK*Y, S<*. T. U. Knn vmxMastev. The MltthHm R. & I-. Association meets in tlc l'enn street school house on the evening ot the second Monday of each month. A. WAWTEU. sec, U. O. PEiNtNOKit, Prest. The Millbeiiu Cornet Band meets in the Town n.aTl on Monday ami Tlmrsdtiy evenings. j. w. Footc, See. I>. I. Bruvvn Pres t. Centre County De Com mittee tor 1533. rioTBUt. NAMB. r. O. ADDIinSs. llellcfonto N. W, J. M. Kelcliiine, ...Bellefontc " s. \V. Chas Smith W. \V. S. A.McQuistiou,.... v Howanl boro. Ira C. Lathei-s, Howard Mileshurg " James P. 10KC*,... Milesbnrg Millheim u F. P. Mnsser, Millheim rhiliiwburg 1 W. C.<.Herlingcr....PhilinsLt;rg 2 W. Sol Schmidt " " 3 \V. A. V. Carpenter, " rnlonvillo lv>r. P- J. Met Miiald Fleming IVaner Iwp. Win. lshlcr. Pe'defonte JVvgi.s " Frank F, Adams, ...Milesburg BunisLlo " Henry Meeker. . ..l'ine Glenn t'oliege " Jolin Ruop, Lemont Cnrtln " John Me'.'losker, Roland Ferguson O. P. J. T. MoCermiek, Stic* ollege " N. P. L. W, Walker,-.. Rock Springs Grecg S. T. JohuCohlron Spring Mills N. P. Win. Luce, Farmers' >ii:is Haines K. P. L. B. stover, Woodward •' W. P. Geo. Bower, Aaronsburg Half Moon iwp. J. H. Grifltu, Stormstowi Harris " D.W.Meyer, Boulsburg Howard " John Gienu Howard Huston " John L. Miles, Julian Liberty " James P. Leiuu lilanchard Miriou " J. J. Hoy. Walktr Miles " Ellis Sbafer, Madlsonbin-g Patton *' Agnew Sellers, Jr Filniore IVnn " P. 11. Stover, Coburn l'ottor N. P. D. J. Meyer Centre llall s. P. Samuel Slack Tusseyvilie Rush N. P. WilliamCullen.....Phill sburg ' s.p. ,1. T. Kverly Sandy Ridee Sno-.v Shoe twp. Win. It. llHynes,...Suow Shoe spring " K.O. Wood ~.,.Bellefonte Taylor " Hepburn lilowers, Fowler Union 44 S. K. Emeriek, Fleming Wnlkvr " Jos. Ejueriek, Hn biers burg \Vorth " M. S. Sivotts Port Matilda WM. C. HEINLE, Chairman. '.V. MILBS WALKEB. Score titry. Governor Pattison'a Vetoes. Uptotiiis time Gov. Pattison lias vetoed over thirty bills aud will proba bly veto some more beforo he gets through. While most of his veto mes sages are based on sound and constitu tional reasons, aud will be strongly sus tained by the people, as tliey were by the legishture, a few of them are of questionable propriety, notably among the latter are those on the bills increas ing the pay of township and borough assessors from one to two dollars per day, and the one empowering county commissioners to pay for boarding pris oners up to fifty cents per day, instead of twenty-live cents, as the law now is. But the two veto messages which will meet with the most general appro val were filed in the office of the Secre tary of the Commonwealth last week. In the one the Governor very propeily puts his veto OTI certain extravagant aud unnecessary appropriations for the benefit of the clerks and other officers of both house 3 of the legislature, thus saving to the state the snug sum of ov er $42,000. For this very seasonsble veto the Governor will receive the thanks of every citizen of the state— excepting probably those immediately affected. The other veto relates to anpropria tiors for priyate charitable institutions and is baaed more directly on conatitu t ioual obj ct ions. It affects large sums of money voud away by our legislature without clear constitutional authority. All such items are carefully sifted out and vetoed by thf Cfilleufe township, District Attorney—ll. 11..' Ilarslib'-irgcr, of Rcllcfontc. County SurveyoV—vS IX Ray, F.sq.,of Inlie fonte. (.'apt. Austin furtin and A. V, Miller arc the dele. r ate 3to the state convention. Senator John "Stewart, the Inde pendent eandidato for Governor last fall, who then so no'oly fought boss and ring rule, is again tho property of the firm of Cameron, Quay, Coop er and company —as much so as il he had given a deed in fee simple for himself aud all his political ac tions. Alas, how have the mighty fallen. Last Friday the legislature VICJE TO nOTIKEKN. Are you disturbed at niglit and broken of your iWI by a slrk ciiild suJering and crying with nain of cutting teeth ? If so, send at once and get a bottle of Mas. WiN'-mw's SOOTHING SYKVP FOIT CuiI.DKKS TEBTIHSG. lt.S valllto tx inenlculuble. it will relievo the p,n>r ldtlo suf ofreiimmediately. IVpend uixm it, mothers, liere is no mistake alsmt it. It cures dysentery and diarrhoea, regulate? the stomach and bowels, euros wind colic, softens the guiiis, re tirees i.niammatum. and gives tone ami energy to the whole system. Mi: ; Sooru lNtJ svu. I' !">: CuiuntHx Ti-Ktikno is oh'asant t< tlie taste, and is rhe oreseription of one of the oldest and l>e>t female physieians and nurs es in tlie United States, and is for sale bv alt druggists thrjugimnt tlie world. Price as cents a betcle. The Governor has vetoed the bill abolishing ijie office of Jury Com missioner, and so the law will stand for the present List of Jurors for Atiguet*Terin. GRAND JURORS. Titos. S. Winslow, laborer, Liberty twp. Wm. Irvin, farmer, Marlon twp. David Uobb, l.tborer, Liberty twp. A. C. Isows, farmer, Liberty twp. Jacob Alters, laborer, Millheim. Michael Gorman, farmer, Walker twp. W. 11. Taylor, farmer, IJenner twp. Jos. B. Hull, bhtcksmitli, Howard, r. I'. Mnsser, clerk, Millheim. Andrew Hall, farmer. Union twp. Wm Kline, teamster, Bocgs twp. Chas. Moore, teacher, Harris twp. Andrew lleaton, farmer, Hoggs twp. Robert Kiukade, fanner, Pbilipsbnrg. A. J. Brown, merchant, Bellefonte. Wm. farmer, Snow Shoe. John li. DeLong, teteller. Miles twp. Henry Hidings, farmer, Union twp. B. V. Fink, farmer, Taylor twp. Abraham Stinc, farmer, Spring twp. M. McLaughlin, axe maker, Milesburg. Michael Dolan, tobacconist, iiellefonte. B. I. La port,wagon maker,Philipsburg. Fred. Ilouser, farmer, JJenner twp. TRAVERSE JURORS. L, R. J.ingle, laborer, Hoggs twp. W. L. Furst, justice, Fatten twp. ]). Z. Kline, gentleman, Bellefontc. Jacob Flack, forgeman. Bellefontc. Jacob Dunkle, farmer. Walker twp. U. G. Brett, farmer, Ferguson twp. Jacob Shultz, lal>oier, Hoggs twp. C. C. Eckert, laliorer, Hoggs twp. Edward Feck, laborer, Walker twp. I. V. Gray, merchant, Philipsburg. Irvin lleber, laborer, Howard. Abraham Weber, merchant, Howard. Juo. C. Stover, farmer, Haines twp. Richard M^Cord,lumberman,Rush twp. J. F. Weaver, farmer, Hoggs, twp. J. 8. Sanford, agent, Fnilipsburg. J. R. Bumgardner, clerk, i.iberty twp. James Noll, farmer, Boggs twp. John Mnsser, farmer, Button twp. Sam I. Weiser, jr., tinner, Millheim. Alex. Miller, farmer, Spring twp. Jacob Jacobs, clerk. Snow Shoe. Michael Ulrich, saddler, Millheim. John Delaney. laborer. Snow Shoe. J. P. Frazer, farmer, Benner twp. J. M. Moyer.blacksmith,Ferguson twp. Henry Harman, l.iborer, Spring twp. A. Sternberg, clerk, Bellefontc. 11. A. Kuarr, farmer, Benner twp. Jas. It. Smitii, clerk, Ferguson twp. Isaac Gray, farmer, Patton twp. Chas. M'Luughlin, farmer, Boggs twp. James Dolan, laborer, Bellefonte. Thomas Vaughn, teamster, ltnsh twp. Juo. A. Hunter, farmer,llalfnioon twp. Frank Detweiler, justice, Haines twp. P. S. Gray, farmer, Ferguson twp. 11. 11. Griffith, axe maker, Sprii* twp. Wm. Wood ring, farmer. Worth twp. Chas. 11. Brunigard, farmer, Miles twp. John I>. Bower, student, Haines twp. John Boileau, clerk Milesburg. John C. Miller, bookseller, Bellefontc. John Ward, carpenter, Halfmoon twp. Aus. hcrton, gentleman,Philipsburg. Daniel Wain, farmer, Spring twp. Henry A. Snyder, justice, Liberty twp. Sol. Schmidt, butcher, Philipsburg. Ijofc!, NOS. & 319 AIICII ST., PHILADELPHIA. RATESREDPCEDTQS2.OO PER DAT. The traveling public will still find at this Hotel the same liberal provision for tlieir com fort. It is located in tlie immediate centres of business and places of amusement and the dif ferent Rail-Road depots, as well as all parts ot the city, arc easily accessible by Street Curs constantly passing the doors. It offers special inducements to tliose visiting the city for busi ness, or pleasure. Your patronage respectfully solicited. Jos. Ivl. Fegar, Proprietor. —Fine Family Bibles, Presentation Bibles, Teachers' Bibles, Pocket Bibles, S-. S. Bibles, Photograph Albums, Autograph Albums, Fine Stationery, All kinds of, Writing Paper & Envelopes, Blank Books of Every Description, School Books, and a general litre of Stationer's Goods—at the JOURNAL STORE. tf —,J. A. LiMitKKT will curry e>:prime and freight g0:.4; frctn ( oVurn to any point along The route at tho following rates ": All packagts weighing less than Ji>o pounds, to Milll.eiiu, 10 ets., l' ? Atu'onsbtu.'g. 15 cts., to Woodward, J"> ets. I\r packages weighing over 100 pounds a proportionate charge will be made. df • ■ r Capsized in th' 3 ClyJo. OnoHundrod Pora-ms lro .v n.l at a Launch. LONDON, July 3.—lntelligence haV just leached this city of an unusual and terrihle calamity during tho launch of a steamsliip near Glasgow to-day. The vessel to which the disaster happened, was the steamer Dnphcire. While she was being launched she fcV4 on her si do, precipitating a number of people into the water. At least sixty persons were drowned. Dispatches hom Glasgow state that the Dapliene, which wts con structed for the coasting trade, is a vessel of 500 tons burden. Two hun dred workmen wero on board of tier WIKMI she capsic d. The accident oc curred in the middle of the river Clyde after the launching. It is not yet ex actly known how many persons were drowned,but it is thougldtliHt theiium ber of victims will resell one huirdn d. i. /: . Foote, deceased, viz: No 1. (Hie thereof lieglnuing at annst,thence alone land of D. A. Mn*scr, south H'■/ wot tip feet (5 inches to a post, thence along same south we.-t :V> feet 8 Inches i an alley, thence along an alley south i° east tip feet J incites to tbu edge of Main Street, !hence in a parellel Kite villi Main Street, north ea>4 feel to Hie place of beginning, conumittg 12 72-100 perches, thereon erected a STOUU IIOVSE, WAUB Jloi SK and outbuildings. No. 2. One other thereof beginning at stones on the bank of Elk Creek, th nee along land of M. CepiutL, soulh w<•.'!. U>'., perches to ft ones, thence by lauds of I>. A. luu-ser. north S-J° cast 3 3-10 perches to stones, near creek, thence np saM creek by land of said Mussel's north 4° west la 7-lo perches to the place of be ginning. eontitliiing 23 perches. No.'{. One ether thereof bounded on the south by Main at reel, on tbe east bv lot formerly oi John Harter, on tlie north by la:;tones, thence along same north east 1 porches to stones, thence along same south west in perches to the place oT beginniiig, conCuiiung 30 perches, thereon erected a DWEI UNO JIOL'SS AND OT'TBCII.DLNOS. No. k. And th other thereof beginning at post, thence by lot ol M. K. church south o l 4° east S S-lti perelies to p st, thence by an alley north 01° e.ist 347 perches to post, thenco along same north Of* west 74 perches to post on Main Street, thence along Alain street south west 3 perches to the place of beginning, containing 27 perches, thereon erected a DWELLING Hocsn AND OUTUUILUISGS. TKuMS <>E SALE: One third of the purchase money to he paid on confirmation of sale, one thi* d on April Ist, ls-q ai.d the balance on April Ist, ISS.">, with interest, the deferred payment to be secured by bond and mortgage on tho pre mises. P. T. MUSS Kit. Administrator. At the same time will he sold a IIOKSK POWER, 1 LOWS. I'LOW SHAKES, SCALES, COAL SToVE suitable for school house or store. EXECUTOR'S NOTlCE.—Letters testament ary on the estate of Philip stover, late of the borough of Millheim, dec -ased, having been granted to the subscriber, all persons knowing themselves indebted to said estate arc hereby requested to make Imm 'diate payment, ami those having claims to present thorn duly proved for settlement. J. W. STOVER, Miliheim, June 7th, 1883. L.JHMMI'O . EXECUTRIX' NOTlCE.—Letters testament ary on tlie estate of William Miller, late of the Borough of Aiillhoini, deceased, having been granted to toe mdorsigne;l, all persons knowing themseives indebted to said estate are hereby untitled to make, immediate payment, and those having claims to present them duly proveu for settlement. HANNAH MILLER. Millheim, June 21., ISB3, 61 NOTICE. —Letters testament- Li ary on the estate of John Dutweiior, late of Penn township,deceased, having been grant ed to the subscribers, all persons knowing chem s;lvcs indebted to said estate nfo hereby noti fied to make imnie liate payment, and those having claims to present them duly proven for settlement. FRANKLIN DUTWEILEIt, Aaron slnrrg. JACOB DUTWEILEK, i'enn twp.', June 21., 1383. Executors. CI.EVAN DJNGES. R. F. VONADA. j New Firm —New Store j j AT OOBIIRA. | \ Binges, Vonada & Co., j —DEALERS iN GEFTERAL MERCHANDISE, would hereby call the at tention of the public to the fact that they have opened a new store at Coburn and respectfully solicit a share of public patronage. taken in Exchange for goodd.- Once again we call attention to our large line of Parlor Suites. Chamber Suites, Pining Room Furniture. Tables, Stands, Chairs, Bureau*, Bedsteads, Springs of every descrip tion, Hair, Cotton, Husk ami Straw Mattresses, Wo make a specialty of II;:ir Mattresses, and guarantee a belter Mattress for less money than van be purchased vFewhere. Sofas, Lounges, Cradles, Hall Stands, CentreTnblos. Easy Chairs, Hook Cases, Wardrobes, Mirrors, Frames, —\Vhat-Note, JOtc., Etc.,— 0 BODY BRUSSELS, a line line at low prices. MGQCETItS, Smith's best, at $1.50 worth $2.00. ROXRVRY T A PEST WES at $1.00; sold nowhere else for less than $1.25 lIOWELL and other standard makes of extra super, at 75e. to DOc. SINGLE and DOUBLE C. C. INGRAIN, 2,0 to 00c. VELVETS, a large line at low prices. A large line of Velvet, Smyrna. Turkish and other Rugs in novel and' oeautiful designs. Also many other grades of standard carpets. Extra Super CRUMB CI.OTU, JANTON MTTIVOS, REL Check and fancy colors, 15 to 50c. LINCOLEUM, Six different patterns. OIL CLOTHS, 4-4 to 10-4, all prices and qualities. WINDOW SHAMS and Shade cloth in great variety. Wall PajKJr the greatest variety aud finest designs in Modern Art Paper Hanging. All cur patterns are selected for the best Retail Trade o MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS! CIIICKKRINO PIANOS—The Standard of the World. VUSE PIANOS — The BEST for the Money SMITH AMEBIC AN'ORGANS-None Better. Bridgeport, Taylor &, Farley, Palace , Ithaca, Waterloo, Sterling, and all other First J&. &. .N' 'f - .-.'-t'• v (felS # _• • • # • 9 ® e • • o • !pi jW W-9$ /r . \>- s'; s!ft)ff* •C^v* Jr-5 V \ !*"**-?:*:£ :*: - h a -| £§ c^ 1 : || PIANOS. ORGANS. || §{E CHICKERING, ESTEY, |f | IT STEINWAY, MASON & HAMLIN, G| 3 P JJ HAINES * SMITH AMERICAN, | M wWI HARDMAN, Iptf f-^ivVi %LJFARION, L V " :> ; m a^ d otxti^L. Ifimmis, wMmEmmmmM n# /as! id g . ORGUINETTES, UIOLIN BOXES, fIGGORDEONS, || |i S Any of the above PIANOS or OPX>AN3 can also be purchased through W. T. MH'-YEP. AARONSBURG, PA.. mtCTIBLM, MANrrArrraffJu of " oyR improved' WINDJMILL, |Mk Airo r \Tjt*a n ;fM PUMPS, TASKS, PIPE, fcU(l nU thing# connected with jjj fffl risend for lixottiutkd Cata- InV Mej sw voavt AJ*U Thick hu>c. TEEWEBBTEEIIITGCo.irarn:D, DETROIT, IWICH. Spring Announcement! —o—::o:: —o— rpi* undersigned Ircrcby informs tho Ladies of Millhcim and \icinity. -i- hat she has just receive I from the eastern cities a large assortment ol Hats and Bonnets, Trimmings, the following varieties: an endless stock ol Loop Efee Straw, Eine Velvets. U—J H Fine Milan Straw, [H Satin Ristons, M o Eajlish ana American Chip, Velvet and Ottoman Rite. Canton ana Porcnpiiis Straw, ys Cite ana Faillcßn Si to ~ Cj latre Queen, q Snlcnffl Sloe! of o Morn, tr~j Feathers ana Flower?. CO My stock of goods is more complete this season than heretofore and shall aim to please my customers in STYLE, PRICE and QUJILII t. A call at li v shop will at once convince you. MRS. ANNA M. WEAVER, Perm St., Mimiehn, r•, o.s. MORGAN &C(? MAlft [ FA r TPTIB mil • * "durarle UC,;-:T draft Triumph Eoapera AND THE NOI3CLEBB i New Clipper Mower, Tho TRIUMPH JUSAPERB nro unoqiialod fHity and good working cacwcily in nil conditions of grain. . . _ . i Tho NEW CLIPPER has all tho advantage* of I the OLD OLIITKR MOWER with many valualwo improvements. HKN*> KOU JIAUWTHATKD Clß