JOURNAL. THURSDAY, JUNE 14TH, 1883. BY DEININGER & BUMLLLER. LOCAL DEPARTMENT. —The Millheim and Coburn Pike Company are making improvements on their road here iu town. —A lot of tho celebrated Nelson stockings—the best in the woild—just recieved at the Journal store. i - Anno Domini 1883 will bo known as the year without a spring. Old winter took up all tire titpo until sum mer. —Mr. George P. Ruhl, one of the solid farmers of Union county, was here last week yisitiug at A. J. Bar ter's. —Our friend W. 11. B. Eisonhuth,o? Carrington, Dakota, Will please accept <*ir thanks for a copy of tho Carrington News. Good paper. —Mr. E. W. Mauck is doing some very neat papering in town. Edward makes that his special lino and has be come proficient in it. —Our school board organized l;ist week by appointing A. Walter, Presi dent, D. L. Zerby, Secretary and Ja cob Gephart, Treasurer. —Revs. Benj. Hengst and 11. A. Benfer left on Monday morning for New Berlin to attond the commence ment of Union Seminary. —Rev. J. G. W. Herald will open a select school in Millheim ou Monday. July 30th. Term, seven weeks. Tui tion according to branches taught. 2t —Mr. Andrew Ocker has sold out Ills stock of merchandise at Madison burg to Bartges & Reber. The new firm takes possession of the business at onoe. —The improvement boom has at last hit the staid oM town of Lewisburg right hard. The big flouring mill aud he water works are both under con tract. —lt affords us pleasure to state that our friend Dr. John F. Alexander, of Centre Ilall, has been appointed a No tary Public, by his Excellency, Gov. PaUison.* —All the world and 4 'the iest of mankind" in thi3 section planted cab bage last Thursday morning. Provi dence willing there will bo a good crop of souerkraut hereabouts. —Judge Whitmer, the lumber king, was here off and on several times last week. He docs favor Barnnm, DOW that's a mackerel fact—aud is no doubt just as good a man any day. —One of tho finest verandahs in all this region has just been completed at the residence of Mr. Jos. K. Moyer, Centre Mills. Altogether Joseph hits a home fit for a king to live in, —Mr. Joseph Kreamer is building a first class brick mansion at Kreamers ville, a town projected and laid out by himself. If the beautiful little place is not marked on the map it certainly de serves to be. —Either the weather makers are grossly at fault or else folks are hard to satisfy,for the very people who a short time ago feared that we would have no summer now complaiu that i t is most awful hot. —R. F. VONADA, of Coburn, has tho agency for the sale of first class irorn and galvanized water pipes. Parties furnished with any desired size pipe either plain iron or galvanized, at the most reasonable terms. tf . —On Saturday the new railroad from West Milton via Lewisburg to S unbury and Shamokin will be formally opened with an excursion to Philadelphia. The citizens of Lewisburg intend hav a big jollificatiou and dinner on that day. ACCIDENT.— Oscar Duck, sou of James Duck, residing in Brush valley, on Monday while sawing wood on a cir cular saw got his right thumb into the saw and had it lacerated so badly that amputation was necessary. Dr. Lee attended the case and the young mau is getting along well. OUT AT COST.—Dry Goods, Boots & Shoes, Hats, Carpets, Notions,Hardware,Canned Fruit, Stone Crockery, Lubricating Oil, and a large variety of general merchandise, all at closing out prices. Come and get big bargains. Produce taken in exchange, tf J. W. STAM —Mr. Harvey Musser, son of our friend I?r. P. T. Musser, is now here to spend his summer vacation with the "old folks at home." Harvey is a ris ing youDg lawyer of Akron, Ohio, and we see no reason whatever why he Should not some day represent the state so famous for great men—in the Senate of the United States. —Fine Family Bibles, Presentation Bibles, Teachers' Bibles, Pocket Bibles, S. S. Bibles, Photograph Albums, Autograph Albums, Fine Stationery, All kinds of, Writing Paper & Envelopes, Blank Books of Every Description, School Books, and a general line of Stationer's Goods—at the JOURNAL STORE, TF —J. A. LIMREUT will carry express and freight goods from Coburu to any point along the route at the following rates : All packages weighing loss than 100 pounds, to Millheim, 10 cts., to Aaronsbuvg, 15 cts., to Woodward, 25 cts. For packages weighing over 100 pounds a proportionate charge will be made. —The Evangelical congregation held a meeting on Friday evening to take tho matter of building a new church into consideration. Tho attendance was good and a hopeful spirit prevailed. A vote was taken aud carried almost unanimously in favor of building. A subscription was circulated and a good beginning made in securing tho neces sary fuuds. NOTICE TO FARMERS. —We wish to inform the farmers of Penn's and ad joining valleys that we are prepared to repair all kinds of farm machinery, such as Reapers, Mower, &e., on short notice. Having competent workmen in our employ we feel confident of giv ing entire satisfaction to thoso who will entrust their work to ns. 8. K. SAN KEY & CO., Foote's old stand, MILLIIKIM, FA ADVICE TO MOTHERH. Are you disturbed at night and broken of your rest Ly a s|i*k child suffering and crying "with I'.iln of catniiu teeth ? If so. scud at oiuv and gW'S SOOTMINU ST UER FOR CHU TWKS TKKTIIIN'O. Its VALUE IS im-ulcnlttblo. It will relieve the |M>or little snf efrerlmmediatcly. Depend upon it, mothers, hero Is no mistake about It. It cures dysentery and diarrhoea, regulates the stomach and bowels, euros wind colic, softens tho gums, re duces inflammation, ami give, tone and energy to the whole system. MRS. WINFLOW'S SOOTU tNO SVKI'P FOR CKIU>UUN titiCTUiNU is pleasant to the taste, and is the prescription of one of tho oldest and best female physicians and nurs es in the United States, ami is for sale by all druggists throughout tho world. i'llco sat cents a bottle. ICE CREAM FESTIVAL.— The Ladies of ihe Lutheran Mite Society will hold a festival in the front yard of tho pub lic school building on Ponu Street, at Millheim on tho Fourtn of July next, beginning in the morning and continu ing throughout tho day and evening. IceCream, Cakes, Lemonade, and oth delicacies will be served on tho well decorated grounds. The Millheim Cor net Baud has consented to enliven the, occasion with music in the evening. A fine selection of Fireworks will be displayed near the grouuds at half past 8 o'clock, T. M. The proceeds of this festival will be applied to famishing the new church and the ladies of the so ciety respectfully solicit the patronage of the public. By order of the Committee. Kos. 317 & 310 ALLCLI ST., PHILADELPHIA. RATES REDUCED TO $2.00 PER DAY. Tho traveling public will still find at this Hotel the same liberal provision for their com fort. It is located iu the immediate centres of business and places of amusement and the dif ferent Rail-Road depots, as well as all parts of tho city, aro easily accessible by Street Cars constantly passing the doors. Jt offers special Inducements to tho - *© visiting tho city for busi ness or pleasure. Your patronage respectfully solicited. Jos. M. Feger, Proprietor. —We regret to learn from the Girard (Kansas) Press fit the 7th instant that Mr. Alfred Y. Wolf, formerly of Aa ronsburg, was the victim of a daring robbery, recently. The following is the Press'' account of tho matter : ROBBED.— A. Y. Wolf,mail agent on the Arcadia and Cherryvale route, was robbed last Saturday evening, lie had that day received his pay, and soon af ter going to bed heard the window crash. On getting up he discovered that a tcief had grabbed his clothes and ran. At tached to his pantaloons was tho gov ernment mail key,the loss of which dis turbed his pence of mind considerably. This he'found,however toward daylight in a vacant lot some distance from his house. His clothes were not found until shortlybefore reaching the train. Ilis loss was something oyer SIOO iu money andbis watch. —As near as we co uld learn the fol lowing is Centre county's contingent of singers to tho Grand Jubiltee at Se linsgrove this week. No doubt many others are going as visitors : Aaronsburg. Mr. & Mrs. W. T. Meyer Hon. J. G. Meyer Rev. Z. A. Y'earick Mr. & Mrs. B. F. Edmunds u " 44 L. E. Stover Miss Maggie Lenker " Sue E. LenkeF " Lizzie Shafer " Emma R. Jordan Mr. 11. H. Weayer " A. S. Stover " Andrew S. Musser " Charles 11. Musser. Millheim. Miss Maggie Alexander • Dr. John F. Ilarter Mr. Charles W. Albright " J. H. B. Ilartman 4 R. A. Bumiiler 44 J. W. Lose. Pebersbunj. Miss Mazie Hillbisb Rev. Wm. M. Landis Mr. H. W. K. reamer. Penn Hall. Mis 3 Emma Hosterman, 44 Susan llo3terman. Sprinq\Mills. Mr, W. F. Krumrine, I Centre Hall. Mr. J. Whitmer Wolf. Pine Grove Mills. Dr. A. J. Orndorf. Beliefonte. Mr. L. A. Shafer, '• J, Calvin Meyer —Death has been reaping a rich har vest in our midst for sotno time past. Almost every week ono or another of our neighbors aud friends is called to the eternal home. Again it becomes our sad duty to chronicle the demise of two of our well known citizens with whom wo had fa miliar Intercourse these many years. Mr. John Dutweiler, a venerable man, fuTl of years and fully satisllod with life, like a ripened sheaf, was gathered to the fathers on Wednesday night. Aft tor u long and active life ni.'.y hfls rest be sweet ! On Thursday night Mr. William Mil ler, another one of our citizens, depart ed this life iu the very prime of years. For about a year past his health began to fail, gradually but two suiely, until at last tho strong, rubust man was laid cold in death. And thus they go : 4 'Friend after friend departs— Who has not lost a friend ?" Your time, dear reader, and ours, is coming too. It may bo here soon—who knows V What are our prospects for the celestial city V Ilavo uc our ''titles clear" to a blissful homo beyond? Miscellaneous. About a thousand Dickinsons will hold a family reunion at Amherst, Mass., on August oth. There will bs no caiup meeting at Wayne station this year. The board of directors have so concluded. A dispatch from London to the Boston Hern Id gives a very unfavor able report t)f tire Queen's state ol lualth. J. C Fletcher, eldest son of the Uev. It. 11. Fletcher, of Lock llaven, was shot and killed by a Spaniard in tiro of fice of the Times, at Tipton, Mo., a few days ago. A Bear Story for the Boys. From tho Bangor Cowmorclal. I A Maine stage struck a perfect bon anza the other day, in the shape of a huge bear and two cubs that ambled a cross the road iu tho woods near Matt.v wamkeag. The live pasengers disem barked and took after tho trio. The bear is said to have run away and the cubs climbed a tree, whence a long pole brought them down. They *re about as big as wood chucks and are to be 4 educafcxL" How they Brought the Trouble On., From tho Pittsburg Dispatch. The Dispatch some time ago pointed out to the stalwart republican senators that they could avoid the toil of an ex tra session, by agreeing to the Stewart measure. They were unable, however, to release themselves from the partisan rule of trying to forco a gerrymander and as a consequence will sit through the summer until they can effect an apportionment satisfactory to both par ties. MORMONS IN THE SOUTH. How tho Mi?sionarios Aro Making Convert©. Tho Shotgun Policy. CnAULOTTE, N. C., Jur.e Bth. The progress of Moimouism in North Carolina is causing much alarm. In the rural districts remote from towns wily missionaries are at work seducing tho ignorant into their meshes. Ih Gaston and Rutherford counties es pecially is this work being carried on. There is a band of seventeen Mormon missionaries scattered around this sec tion,who keep up no public intercourse, but m*et quietly and compare notes of progress and give each other points. Their principal method is to tramp through the country and call at houses on the way for a drink of water. If they find at home women whoso weak ness they think they can impose upon they will strike up a conversation and gradually turn it into tho channel they want. They appoint a meeting in the neighborhood,inviting only those whom they think will be easy subjects of con version. Once in the meetings morbid feeling and curiosity lead them on un til tho work is done. Before being ad mitted the'eonverts are baptized by im mersion, and this fact finds success with votaries of Baptist tendencies. The baptisms are always In tho night time, and duties are required to be iu a state of nudity. The half-dozen counties adjoining Rutherford are the special fields of those iraposters. Among the more prominent of these preachers are Will iam Dorton and Jabcz Brentwell. They have converted thirty-seven, fiftoen of whom they hayo already sent to U tab. Not long ago two apostles,passing a field in which two white women were plow ing, hailed them, had a short conversa tion, and within a half an hour took them to a pond near by and baptized them, when they returned to their plowing,and the next day they were on their way to Utah. This only shows how easily these ignorant creatures are duped, and as tne field of operations is becoming one of grave interest, which the Legislature will bo called upon to settle. The emigration to Utah does not represent the full extent of the evil done. Whole communities give up other church relations and become what may be called semi-Mormons, lay ing the groundwork for more pronoun ced Mormonism hereafter. It is from this demoralized element which remains at home that the trouble will come. The Journal-Observer, tho leading pa per of the State, says on this subject this morning : "It is a shame to our sizilization that such things are per mitted in our midst, aud missionaries re needed. The sort of misaionury, however, and the one to suit the case best, is in the household of nearly every man in the country,or it can bo procur ed at anv hardware store. It is a shot gun. Introduco a few of these priests to theso missionaries and our country will soon be effectively rid of them.'* The following article from the Ilar risburg Patriot relates to a subject that desesves the serious reflection of par ents. The warning is direct and posi tive and should go squarely to the con cioneo and heart. Moreover it deserves a wider application than the latitude of ilari isburg : Young CMrls on th© Street. The fact that too many young girls are permitted to appear ;on the street s at night has often been called to the at tention of the public before, but it can not be refered to too often us all pre vious warnings have proved unavailing. The number of young girls on the streets at night is increasing instead of diminishing. Any man who has occasion to pass a lonr tho principal streots at night,if lie takes the trouble to look about him with observing eye. witnesses some re markable scenes, lie sees scores of prettily attired and rosy faced misses parading np and down the various streets. At various points, on hotel front of store windows and on street corners stand small gatherings of men, who wateh the fledglings with covetous eyes. The innocent, yet precocious youngsters, mixed in with the passing crowds that contain pro fessional street walkers and tho demi monde % cast sheep's eyes at the men and in their silliness are vain of admir ation and bold complimentary remarks tliev excite. The world does not care when a wo man falls. Such cases are too common. Her own sex put their sharp fashiona ble heels on her neck to keep her down. The question then corner whence come so many falleu angles, so many soiled doves ? The answer is look at the city streets at night. It is there that frivo lous girls are charmed by the stalo com pliments of libertines. It is tlicro that many a woman that might have been saved stumbles into the pit from which she never can rise. parents appre ciate this danger. Thev alone can pre vent their daughters from being exposed to it. Dlfd, On the 4h instant In Haines townhip, Myr tle lon*. daughter of Jerom* H. sud Cell* 8 Stambnrh, aged 7 months and 20 days. On the Bth Instant Tin MUlheitn, Mr. William Miller, aged 47 you.w, 7 months and 10 days. Hilltioicu Karkot, Corroded every Wednesday Wheat, old, 1.10 " new. No. 2 95 •• •• No. 3 75 Corn W Ryfc... 70 Oats White It uek wheat Flour 5.(V) Rran AShoita.pcl tort . 20.00 Salt, per Brl 1.50 Plaster, ground.,. 9.50 Cement, per BusfoL 45 to 50 Barley YVmdlhyseed . Flaxseed Clnversced *." S-50 Butter 20 if.una Hides 13 Veal Pork R-t'l Eggs 10 Potatoes so Lard 15 Tallow Soap 5 Dried Apples Dried Peaches DriedOherries COAL MARKET AT COBCRN. Egg Coal *5.25 Stove " 6.251 Chestnut s.<>i Pea 3.50 Pea by the car load 3.40 AIIA UT til, Auctioneer, MILLIIEIM, PA. w. J. SPRINGER,: Fashionable Barber? Noxt Door to JOCKXAL Store, Main Street, , MILLIIEIM, PA. D. 11. MING LB, I Physician & Surgeon, I Oflllce ou Main street. MILLIIEIM, PA. JOHN F. HARTER, Practical Dentist, Ofllce opposite the Millholtn Banking nouse, MAIN STREET, MILLIIEIM, PA A.DAM IIOY, Attorncy-at-Law, BELLEFONTE, PA. Orphans' Court Business a HpeciUlty. C. IIJEINLE, Attorncy-at-Law, BELLEFONTE, PA. Practices In all tho courts of Centro county. Special attention to Collections. Consultations in German or English. C. Tk Alexander. C. M. Bower. Atlorncy-at-Law, BELLEFONTE, PA. Offloe In Garman's now building. J. A. Beaver. *• W. Gephart. "REAVER & GE I'll ART, Altorneys-at-Law, BELLEFONTE, PA. Ofilce on Alleghany Street, North of nigh Street GEO. S. FRANK, Physician & Surgeon, SPRING MILLS, PA. Office in Mr. Philip Shock's residence, near the Spring Mills House. Professional calls promptly answered. 3m 11. HARRIS, MARKET STREET, LEWISBUBGH, PA. For Union and Centre Counties. Wo have just bought fur Cash tho entire Stock of one of the largest Retail Stores in Central New York for about 0110 quarter the value. Tho Stock consists iu part as follows : LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S UNDERWEAR, Gents' Furnishing Goods, THE FINEST LINE OF HOSIERY EVER OFFERED FOR SALE IN THE COUNTY. Buttons, Gloves, Corsets, Ribbons, Pocket- Books, Hair Switches, Jewelry, Ladies' Muslin Underwear, Infant's Robes, & Cloaks, Children's Dresses, * and an endless variety of other goods which wc cannot enumerate, but will sell them equally as cheap as we bought them, and who wish to get any of the above at about -ONE QUARTER THE VALUE r. will please call early as they will l>c disposed of very quick. v ARK NO RECEIVING OUR USUAL STOCK OF -BMUHC MIbMISRY HATS AND BONNETS, TRIMMED AND UNTRIMMED, FOR LADIES, MISSES § CHILDREN. Dras Ti mini and other Fane? Hoods in endless variety at 18. TTjA.K.IR.IS' i Market Street, Lewisburg, Pa. BUY" YOUR fir. SHOM _A_T %Wm Z£J9LAS!P 7 S book: haven, ZP.A-. A. SIMON & SONS, WHOLESALE & RETAIL Hi Mid bat tor *ll pur* poo—t iiiiplc,trong and du mule. Bav, ei nirr kraut l!*ciii**ar n* n ar&lly^^j^^^i-i^mSpiQSjjpJX. baud lor lUortntod Cataloging Vrrtloal pr nH ■f /Ik wl ""™ t -err m* VD coniilcnt,#c.ioialo*l 2 ® roie It ready for ddinsw A. & *4 BQVBAB, Tork, Pa. iSr-Skjb. FAMTTHAS SE?3TC2iZ COEH PLA2TTE2 \iSi Wan*atwl tbo be.toorn iiri>ppwr Mid rn.A. o.*: "~~L H?Sg i © ELT; ®Es? aar^y ft KOTEB mm SMS I lm. 'I'o TT : — ljccv Sir i Fcr i:z v.*ait I 1 uvs been n martyr to Dytinspia, CorVd;ati n an] riles. La*fc springyettr pills tome; I nw?i thern(butwithKtllifaith). Inm now n well msn, haro pood opp-etite, disrwticn perfect, regular stool", ri I*B son®, - a d I lia7 gninco.iu lleth. Th J arc wortu tlieir weight m fold. .. _ Itsv. E. L. SIMPSON, Lontsxillc, Ky. SY%TPfCr/?8_OF A TORPID LIVEf?. Loco of ADDetit©,Nau*eG,lsnavels cost: ?ianla "the Head, wi* h eat ion in thofrock part. Paiaundcr tiie 3houid c> FEatfo fqUaeaC Wftrr yv tn ji d:o- IriolinnTion to exertion of bo3y or rnfatd, Irritsbuiry ot teiayyrrXow cpiritn, Tices of mcxuoj y. wltS a feelLt g c f L.avi:;ff PiCted'boxne ui-ss. 3^ir Fluttering of the nenrt, ftptg fcoforo tae' yrs, \ o iow 8 kin, SLoadP cafS~T catl'sa no.- ;;t n: yht, urir ?._ IP Tfnsss \V S&H HICTS ARK UN if El lli: I), SCHiGUS DJStASLS WILL EE CEVELOPED. TUTT'S PILLS aro etneclslly udnpted to •it cli rr> *r s. on r close effoct* c lit* v. sa oc of fcelinarasto ator.tsl tlic o'-irTorr*. Try tills remedy fairly, and you will k hea!:hy Illteesiloiv, X t*orou Body, Pure Blood, Strong jTervcM. and ■ bouu'i J.lvor. 1 ilcc,2'tut3. v+i'zjssssz TUTT'S HAIR DVE, Gray Ifa'mud XVhiilieri cSlßrujed to ft GJtoa*y Iliitck hya .Inpls nppHwtioa of tills lyo. ft impart, a natural eoler, at., iiisjantantti.'tly. Sold ev J>riK glttarle\ [ln formed a o a :vl I' seftil II eccipt iwlUI Mccmailed FRsiiKon application. . / Henderson's Leader, IT IS NOT ONLY THE BEST HADE, BUT IT IS THE LIGHT EST-BUNKING, QUIETEST AND SIMPLEST IN THE MARKET.' IT IS THE AGME OE PERFECTION, IN WORKMANSHIP AND PRINCIPLE. HOTTOa*— PROTECTION TO DEALERS; MAINTENANCE OF GOOD RETAIL PRICBB; •No PROMISCUOUS SCATTERING OF WHOLESALE PRICES. - Agents W ANT ED. * - K *%t ron I'iP.Tiot'LA sa ADDKiyi The Leader Sewing wiieiiiih* j i Cleveland, OHIO- .. . •