fjc jjjiMf|4iiu Journal. THURSDAY, JUNE 7TH, 1883. BY DEININGER & BTJMILLSR. LOCAL DEPARTMENT. —II. 11. Tomlinson is off to Now York. —Seventy-two soldiers are hurried in the Lowislmrg Cemetery. —Col. Slifer, of Lewisburg, is down with a severe spell of slcknes. —Barber Springer bad a spell of sick ness but we are gl \d to see him out a gain, —lt is said that the patato hi ;s are just as voracious, unprincipled and mean as ever. —lt. F. Vonada called on Monday bright and ca rly. Ho reports business lively at Coburu. Mr. Wm. Millers condition is not improving. Attheiimo of going to press he is very sick. —Senator Reyburn, of Philadelphia, bought a liorse form Gabriel Stein, in Buffalo Valley, for S3OO. —Dr. J. F. Ilarter & lady loft for Al toona yesterday, where they expect to put in a few weeks visiting. —The June meeting of tho Millheim Building & Loau Association takes places next Monday evening. —D. W. Zfigler is putting a new front into his saddler shop which helps the looks of things veiy much. —Commencement cx°rcises begin at New Berlin to-morrow and will contin ue until Wednesday "evening tho 13th. —Uncle Billly Crotzer.of Mifflin burg, is here again visiting friends. lie makes Ids headquarters with Dr. Gute lius. —M. 8. Fiedler bought the farm of George Ilarter, deceased, for the gross sum of £12,1X0. It is one of the best farms in Penn township. —The Brush Valley Cornet Band paid Millheim a visit on Saturday and discoursed some excellent music. Come again, boys—como often. —Mr. IJ. F. Kister, of the Milton K conomist, made us a short call on Tues day. He reports matters brisk at Mil ton and the Economist nourishing. —A very large number of people were in town on Saturday. We did not . see as many "rigs" here this longtime. The beautiful weather helped to do it. —On Saturday J. W. Snook, 11. M. Swartz and Will. 11. Smith bought the !d Swartz farm adjoining town. It is big enough to give each a good sized slice. —The Lutheran Ladies' Mitc'Sociely have concluded to hold an icecream fes tival on the afternoon and evening of July 4th. Posters giving particulars will be circulated in a fe.v days. —Mr. J, W. Stoyer, executor of tho late Philip Stover, deceased, will sell the personal effects of decedent at the residence of J. W. Snook, Millheim, on Saturday June loth at 2 o'clock, P. M. —We learn through a private source that Mr. Joiin Zeigler, residing near Jacksonville, and for many yeurs a cit izen of Haines township, departed this life on Tuesday. He was in failing health for some time, —R. F. VON A DA, of Coburn, has tho agency for the sale of first clas3 iron and galvanized water pipes. Parties furnished witn any desired size pipe, either plain iron or galvanized, at tlio most reasonable terms. tf —Elias Line deserves a monument after his death, and we hope it will be a good oue. lie went to works of his own accord and at his own expense and made a good substantial g ite at the cemetery entrance. Bravo. —The Millheim Mirblo works have just ieceived a lot of ii io monuments and headstones. Some of the later de signs are very beautiful arid yet moder ate in price. The proprietors labor to serve their patrons with the best work and at the lowest prices. —We learn that memorial Day was properly celebrated both at Rebersburg and Madisonburg, but as to the details of the solemn festivities we lvaye nut been informed, excepting that Rey. A. K. Zimmerman and Rev. W. M. Lan dis delivered very appropriate address es. —On Monday Mrs. T. R. Stam left * for West Union, lowa, where her hus band is engaged in business. She was ac companied by her mother, Mrs. D. A. Musser. Of course Mrs. Stam expects to stay, while Mrs. Musser will also vis it other parts in the west before lier return. —J. A. LIMUERT will carry express and freight goods from Coburn to any point along the route at tho following rates t All packages weighing less than 100 pounds, to Millheim, 10 cts., to Aaronsburg, 15 cts., to Woodward, 25 cts. For packages weighing over 100 pounds a proportionate charge will be made. —Milliinburg had a bad fire scare the other Friday, and the Telegraph thinks just made a close escape from a general Conflagration. Brothel Schoch reads the council a well-deserved lecture for allowing blacksmith shops to be built : in alleys close by stables and sheds, for it was from tho sparks of such a shop that the fire originated. I RI^TCLOSING OUT AT # COST.— Pry Goods, Boots & Slices, Ilats, Carpels, | Notions,Hardware,Canned Fruit, Stone Crockery, Lubricating Oil, and a large variety of general merchandise, a.ll at ' closing out prices. Como and get big bargains. Produce taken in exchange, tf J. W. ST AM —The other day John S. Fisher brought a very tine Timkcn carriage to town, if is a beauty in style and make and rides very easy. Persons in need of any tiling in that lino, whether car riage, buggy, sulkey or spring wagon, will do well to call at Mr. Fisher's es tablishment, one mile west of Ttebers btirg. and examine his work. —The liognnsvillo correspondent of the Clinton Dtmocrctl of last week says : Prof. James Bright, of Baltimore, arrived at this place on Sunday to spend a few days with his mother, Mrs. L. Conser,before departing for Europe. Prof. Bright, is a native Aaronsburg boy, a son of Samuel Bright, deceased, and brother to Dr. John W. Bright, of Rebersburg. NOTICE TO FARMERS.—WO wish to inform tho farmers of Penn's and ad joining valleys that we are prepared to repair all kinds of farm machinery, such as Reapers, Mower, &c., on short notice. Having competent workmen in our employ we feel confident of giv ing entire satisfaction to those who will entrust their work to us. S. lv. SANK FY & CO., Foote's old stand,MILLHEIM, PA —A number of our citizens had their houses and business places beautifully decorated with 11 gs on memorial day. but landlord Train, of the National Hotel, took the prenium in that line. J The entire front of the National was richly and tastefully decked with flags atul festoons of evergreen, and in the evening it was beautifully illuminated with a profusion of Chinese lanterns. Crowds of people lined tho street to ad mire the truly iwie sight. —On Monday Abs. Darter, G. \V. Ilarter and A. 11. Alexander and wife left on a tour to Virginia. Their busi ness is to "spy out the land." Abs ex pects to make his expenses by auction eering sile.3, Reed thinks of teaching sinyen skule among the juvenile darkies down there, Mrs. Reed is to do the cooking and dish washing for her share, and Wash—well he is so ltttle and will likely slip through at half price. Good luck to the party. ADVICE TO MOTHER F*. Are yon disturbed at nisiV ami br.iken of your rest by a sick chiM s.cfenng an t caying with pain of tooth li so,' si-ml at < nee ami m't a bottle <>f MRS. \Vi.\-i.tnv"s s.KVririNc; SYRUP roa CHl:. oars TEKTUING. lis yalnt H iiiOMionlatile. It will reiiove tbe poor little .stif efrerlin.nediatolv. l>cp u. I upon it, mother*, here is MO misiake about it. It enresd vsenterv and diarrlioea. r'.uu'atc;* the stomacii and bowels, euros wind colic, .softens the pum, re duces Intfamm.t! ion, au-1 tone ami i m i r r to tho whole system. MI:-. \VIN*LOW' SOUTH ING SYUUI* FV)R R.IIRNAUN TEETHING is pleasant to the taste, aud is the prescription of one <>f the oldest and best female plivslci-uis and mus es In tho United States, and is fir sale by all druggists through-jut the world. Price 3 cents a bottle. —Fine Family Bibles; Presentation Bibles, Teachers' Bibles, Pocket Bibles, 3. 8. Bibles, Albums, Autograph Albums, Fine Stationery, All kinks of, Writing Paper Envelopes, Blank Books of Every Description, School Books, .and a general lino of Stationer's Good3—at the JOURNAL STORE. ' tf —On Tuesday and Wednesday eve nings Dr. W. O. Perkins took charge of tho final rehearsals of the Meyer Philharmonic Society at Aaronsburg, for the great Jubilee at Selinsgroye, next week. The large audiences very much admired the Doctor's suc cessful and unexcelled manner of con ducting a class of singers. lie compli mented the society as being the best drilled and prepared class lie has yet found on his tour of inspection. This of course is mainly due to the hard and faithful work of their able conductor, Prof. Wm.T. Meyer under whose in structions our singers could not help but learn tiie mauv difficult choruses well and acquit themselyes creditably. No CANDIDATE.— As will be seen by the card below Major Fisher declines being the candidate for Associate Judge, much to the regret of his many friends here : Penn Ilall, June 2,1883. Edtiors Journal : My name having been suggested in a communication to your paper of last week for the office of As sociate Judge, I desire to say to my friends that they have my heartfelt thanks for their good wishes, but that my business engagements are sucli that I could not accept the position in jus tice to myself, even if voluntarily ten dered by my fellow citizens. Very Respectfully, J. B. FISIIER. A f f at. tlrna fpicl, flics. 317 &319 AKCiI ST., PHILADELPHIA. RATES REDO'cifrmaa PER DAY. The traveling public will still find at this Ildtel the same liberal prevision for their com fort. It is located in the immediate centres of business and places of amusement and the dif ferent Rail -lioad depots, as well as all parts ot the city, arc easily accessible by Street Cars constantly passing the doors. It offers special inducements to those visiting the city for busi ness or pleasure. Your patronage respectfully solicited. Jos, M. Feger, Proprietor. —MUlbciiii bad a very creditable im promptu decoration on Memorial day. It was :il! gotten up on tlin dty with out previous notice or arrangement! of any kind. At seven o'clock in tlio e vening a large number of people, head* ed by the Comet Hand proceeded to the cemetery. The band played one of its beautiful plaintive marches, during which the graves of the two departed soldiers—'Solomon Hitter and Charles 11. Held—where profusely strewn with (lowers. Able and impressive addresses were delivered by Rev. .T. G.W. Herald and Rev. 15. Ilongst. The speeches were full of love for the cause for which our patriot dead fought and suffered, full of tender sympathies for the surviv ing families of the departed soldiers, and full of instruction to the young of the present day, who enjoy the full measure of liberty for which others have bled and died. The addresses were of a high order, and when the people dispersed they took with them some solemn thoughts and impressions. THIS GREAT MUSICAL JUIULLKK AT SELINSHKOVK.— AII the arrangements for the grand Musical Jubilee to be bold at Selinsgrovc, June 12lh, 13th, 14th, A 15th, are now completed. A Chorus of six hundred voices has been organized, wilh fair prospects of swelling the number to eight hundred, under the eminent leadership of Dr. W. O. lVr- kins of "New York.—The following spe cial Artists have boon engaged : lb of. Walter Emerson, the Prince of Cornet- Ists, will be present on Tuesday alid Wednesday, day and evening. Prof. Distin of Plnladelpliia,fornierly of Lon don, England, will be in attendance on Thursday and will astonish the audi ence with his Cornet with seven Altos, playing the four parts at one and the same time. Helen E. 11. Carter, Mrs. Kuowles, and Mrs. Henderson, leading Soprano and Alto Artists, present all week. Mrs. Shephard of Boston, and Prof. W. T. Meyer, will preside over two Kaube Concert Grand Pianos. Wednesday bus been selected as Hand Day, Mid already 22 B mds have notifi ed the Committee of their intention to be present. Excursion Tickets sold on all the Railroads leading to .S linsgrove. Excellent accommodations at low rates at the Hotels or at private famil ies. Conceits will commence at 2 and S o'clock, P. M. Season Tickets $2.5') reserved seat. Single admission 30 cents. Reserved Seats 2d cents extra. SPRING MILL ITEMS. Decoration Day wis a success here. The Veteran Club assisted by the Sun y the last Legislature has tilled its report. The system of punishment is shown o he extremely cruel, in some cases result ing in insanity. The hose bath has been the 'favorite method of punish ment. Victims are tied to a post ami a stream of cold water from a half-inch nn/J.le at lifty pounds' pressure thrown in their faces for half an hour at a time, with only short intermissions to pre vent their becoming insensible. Ono of tho Novoltios of Texas Lite. From the Laredo Times. Tuesday morning a man evidently a stranger in this part of the country, "ii tered a saloon on Main street, threw dow nan American dollar and called for a drink. The bar-keeper waited on him and handed ba?k a Mexican dollar. The man looked first at the dollar then at the bar-keeper, then in a tone of sur prise he asked* "Is this all right stranger ?" The barkeeper answered in the affirmative. The man gazed a round in point-blank astonishment. "Is that tho way you do business in this country V" he asked. Again lie was answered in the affirmative. "Strang er," said the man, "I'm going to stay here. I've been hunting for this town, 10, these many years. This is the first place I ever saw where a man could s-.vap dollars and get a drink to boot. I'm going to send for my family and all my brothers." >1 II litem, Hnrht'l. Corrected every Wednesday Wheat, old 1.10 " now, NO. 2 FT.". " No. 5 Corn c.f, Rye 70 Oats White Buck wheat Flout* r>. Salt.per Url J."> Piaster, ground 9.50 Cement, jter Bushel 45 to 50 Barley Tvinothyseed Flaxseed •. Clove rseed...-. 8.50 Butter *Ji Hams 17 Sides 13 Veal Pork Biol Kggs pi Potatoes r(t lard 15 Tallow S. :i | 5 Dried Apples Dried Peaches Deled Cherries COAL MARIiET AT CODCRN. Elff Ceil Sluve " 5.25 Chestnut s<*l Pea S'o Pea bv the car In i.l 3.40 4 DARTER, Auctioneer, MILLI IEIM, I'A. J, SPRINGER, Fashionable Barber, Noxt Door to JOCHSAL Store, Main Street, MILLIJEIM, I'A. D U I). 11. MINGLE, Pliysieian & Surgeon, Cmiec on Mailt Strrrt. MILLIIEIM, I'A. JQIL JOHN F. BARTER, Practical Ileniist, omce opposite the Mlllheim Banking House, MAIN STREET, MILLIIEIM, PA HOY, Altorney-at-Law. BELLEFONTE, PA. Orphans' Court Business a Speciality. TT7"M. c. IIEIXLE, Attorncy-at-Law, BELLEFOKTE, I'A. Practices In all the courts of Centre county. Special attention to Collections. Consultations in German or English. C. T. Alexander. C. M. Bower. ALEXANDER & BOWER, Attorney-at-Latv, BELLEFONTE, PA. Office in Garman's new building. J. A. Beaver. >'■ W. Gephart. TOAVEit & GEPHART, Attorneys-at-Law, BELLEFONTE, PA. omco on Allcgliany Street, North of High Street BTXR. GEO. S. FRANK, Physician & Surgeon, SPRING MILLS, PA. Office in Mr. Philip Shock's residence, near the Spring Mi!!* House. Professional calls promptly answered. 3m Q ET YOUR JOB PRINTING DONE AT The Milliieim Journal Office. Prompt aiiflfiaewoial reasouauiG rates. IFA.. For Union and Centre Counties. Wc tuivc just bouglit for Cash the entire Stock of one of the largest Retail Sunvs in Central Now York for about one quarter the value. The Stock consists in pun as follows : LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S UNDERWEAR, Gents' Furnishing Goods, THE FINEST FINE OF HOSIERY EVER OFFERED FOR SALE IN THE COUNTY. Buttons, Gloves, Corsets, Ribbons, Pocket- Books, Hair Switches, Jewelry, Ladies' Muslin Underwear, Infant's Robes, & Cloaks, Children's Dresses, anil an endless variety of other gotxla which wc cannot enumerate, but will sell them equally as cheap as we bought them, and those who wish to get any of the above at about - ONE QUARTER THE VALUE *s will please call early as they will bo disposed of very quick. Wi ARE NO RECEIVING OUR USUAL. STOCK OV -BPEHI® immißv - HATS AND BONNETS, TRIMMED AND UNTRIMMED, FOR LADIES, MISSES | CHILDREN. Ti immiug and oilier Fancy Goods in endless variety at S-pqr A T? T? • J—JL f\ , O Market Street, Lewisburg, Pa. BUY YTOTJB^ Boots &g Shoes JI.T Jfm Z3I.A.IMI[!P 7 S . ZDOCIB HAVEIT, IFYL. A. SIMON & SONS, WHOLESALE A: RETAIL UROCKRS, keep the largest stock in the 143 MAIN SrKEET, LOCK HAVEN. GO TO SIMON BROTHERS* TIIE BOSS CLOTH IE US Kr your Clothing. 45 MAIN STREET, LOCK HAVEN. -jgIIOCKEIIIIOFF HOUSE, ALLEGHENY ST., BELLEFONTE, PA. C. G, McMILLEN, PROPRIETOR. Good Sample Room on First Floor. Free to and from all trains. Special rates to witnesses ami jurors. JItVIN HOUSE, (Most Central Hotel In the city.) CORNER OF MAIN AND JAY STREETS, LOCK HAVEN, PA. S.WOODSGA.LDWELL PROPRIETOR. GoodS'ample Rooms for Commercial Travel ers on first iloor. D. 11. Hastings. W. F. Recder. TTASTINGS& REEDEIi, AUornejs-at-Lnw, BELLEFONTE, PA. Office Oil Allegheny Street, two doors east of the office occupied by the late firm of Yocuiu & Hustings. P. H. STOVER, PEALUK IN Clover Seed* Flour & Feod, Coal, Plaster & Salt. oemm* iMi. 43-lIIUHEUT MARKET PRICE ALWAYS PAID. full s'lpuly o f Coal. PU-rtor unrt Salt al ')!> ou hand ami sold at the kwwl price *tf*Coal kept uiulcr roof at all seasons of tlie year. *3r-The public patronage respectfully soliet ed. o'.'ly b. H. mm MANUFACTURER AND DEALER IN Aaronsburg, Perm a. Chamber Suits, Bureaus, Lounges, Bedsteads, Stands, Marble-Top Centre Tables, Breakfast Tables, Dining Tables, Extension Tables, Sideboards, Sinks and all kinds of Kitchen Furni ture, Cane Or Wood Seal Chairs, Rockers, Spring Beds, Wire, Wool and Hair Matresscs, every style of Mould ings for Picture Frames. Frames of any size made to order. Undertaking a Speciality. 1 keep a complete line ot undertak er's goods always 011 hand. A share of public patronage re pectfully solicited. 50 Glll the most IM'UBI Fertilizer Drill In Clint euro. Head fur o!>- Cithtr, A.M. r.IKQCIIAK, Vork, *V. Pennsylvania Agricultural Works, York, ft*. Engines & STEAM ENGINES, A. B. FAEQUHAB, York Pa fJrfj&O Clicapuit nuil best tot 41.1 pur |nc— linpl,,tron< and dil- ''"C*?! RUBLE. SAW, (iuirr Hn.i.i - - flCv /KV bUctinrcar rrneralljr. \ l9'iult'iu }Uy '.l V,>- 1 baud lor l'.luilral jJ Catalog*WgJ; 3 1 Vorlienl E'irfn#.wni.; , /X v. Knout whoolu.Tery . p. ; etanpUtn I FAayciu/sEPAILiTO.'I #!•/leal and !>••. it***!. t*ahiMpautlau. It 1 eady lor nwUt. ' dt t In t~ TUB BiSADLI ROAD CART A LIGHT RUNKIHO, EAST SWWtf, PERFECTLY SALAKC^D Two Wheals?? Vehicle. Yhmcaglily well mide and sJd at a kv Prico, AUUTC ILLUSTRATION RUPEES EN TS OUR It "5 on PARS CART. IJKSUBB1 J KSUBB SOTXBS, free 90 to IGO lbs. Prkci &CO SSO. Uir First-Class in every respect, sal every body likes tliem. Send for Illustrated i t ice LL.U BRADLEY & CO., SYRACUSE, N. Y. ESTABLISHED IS3X *•*"6 (3 3 a _ fR'..-V fjj jr." Jjf? a. ?.J g h f;. * li fe t£3K r yßEj^n*d4Sa%if A NOTcO DIVIDE &i?Bs : ].B. Ten .-Dcsr Sirt f\r ten ye-; .• .'r>v i 1 -i a uiurijr to Eyr.-cj .-i.', i'i'utifs'. .on '.ci Piles, l.a t ? your ] :11k V. rc-nciiAtusidfc i tone; I uart 2 Shov'c" ■* Itlad *, fnliifs weftar e o i:iir. wi;h n a - inclinrvrion t > pxcrttou. t V bod V Of tu"n-l, IrrttabttFy*>f iompy,LovrtmiiHi (fmtoo v, witK >■ frolicgorhpviiig o 3 1 acted ntrtiv>lutv, Tiictinats, tTnt'Tlwe c f tixo beait. Uots beior; tba pyp^Teilovr Shin, MeadicSftj EedV£* 3 i>esi r t Coioa4 USM. lY'i 1138 V; AVA4 ULOS ALEJaTiIELD ri', St^lOl ! j DISEASES Villi II CtY!Lu?ES, Tu IX S Pi!.Li etc ea-.rcrUHs'ruluvte !to such en acs. one -lo?c effect -tuucl* a cliii . o of >etliiiitJ:i(Kt*>ni*h llicfnlfenr. , Tiytnis n iMih talrly. nii yira vri*i naiit J* fre.utlity V!oroiis Jtoiiy, Vvro illued,atiur.B CVcr-e*. awn nliinrd I 'rtr. i'rier- V*CbUt.n tustoair BYE, Grny llti r sjml YVlibkers (frsngrtd to a Clooty Hhch l*l*a iupic *ij!c.\tton cT thli l>C. It iiii;xiiU ix natural color , acta Iniiontane./iuly. Sold by l>rns fdsU.orwtntbvipm* on wcc*i:t ofbL. tiince, Jls WTttrrnv'Sl.. Krw York. / |)U. TI'TF'S MA A" I'd FJ of\sluaWc\ .lardimatlnnarutr>>f(il RccjipUMtlil I n|M FV v Xr4!<;etloni / /O —l3 Henderson's Leader, IT IS NOT ONLY THE BEST HADE, BUT IT IS THE LIGHT EST-RUNNING, QUIETEST AND SIMPLEST IN TEE MARKET. IT IS THE ACME OF FEF.FECTION IN WOFIKMANSUIP AND FKINCIFLE. MOTTOs*^ PROTECTION TO DEALERS; MAINTENANCE OF GOOD RETAIL PRTCE3; 2SO PROMISCUOUS SCATTERING OF "WHOLESALE PRICES, "Agents WANT ED. '.Yr KOn PARTICULARS ADDEKS3 The Leader Sewing Machine 2&, ' 9 CLEVELAND, OHIO.