Millheim Journal. (Millheim, Pa.) 1876-1984, May 10, 1883, Image 1
PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY IN MUSSER'S BUILDING. Corner f Main aiud Fenn fits., at SI.OO PER ANNUM, IN ADVANCE; Or $1.25 if not p*id la adraac*. itcjptaMe CorrespoQfience Solldtel l oT*Addreßß all letters to "MILLHEIM JOURNAL." The Wind Blows. | Ibuk! The wir.d blows, and sleet and hail Fiist follow on the eddying gale— i The winter seething in tho snows; Tlie sweeping storm, from bight to hight Bouts back the hu&e, devouring night; The watchdogs hark And the wind blow*. Hoik! The wind hlows, the hills grow brown, The snow melt* and tho rain conies down, The swollen current dips and flows; The water loams, the bridge gives war; By night the horseman drinks the spray; The watch logs bark And the wind blows. Hark! The wind blows, the nights grow brief, The savage forests burst in leaf, The time of planting conies and goes; The waters fall, the sniul drifts down; Suns pass and no man thinks thereon; llie watchdogs bnji And the wind blows. —Dora Bead Goodalt. A Chapter of Accidents. "Little things on littlo wings Bear little souls to heuven." I. He wrote, and wrote, and wrote. Not exactly from "early morn 'till dewy eve," but from the cricket's first shriek to tho rattle of the milkman's equipage. He told first how he loved her, and, being a slightly sensible man and thoroughly in earnest, that did not require much space; but then he had the story of an old love to explain— how he had been bewitched by other smiles, and only escaped their thrall dom when the fair enchantress had proved hcr-elf unworthy by marrying some one else. Moreover—and this was a difficult point—those chains had been riveted not before he met the ob ject of his present devotion, but under her eye and with her encouragement as confidant. He felt keenly the delicacy of this position, and it is not unlikely that his brain and pen did also. Then there was another troublesome point. The "mighty dollar" had most pertinacious ly evaded his grasp, and while tha* fact alone offered brilliant suggestions for eloquent pictures, viz., "love in a cottage" and strong, devoted arms, it shrunk disagreeably when coupled with the knowledge that Miss Trente was an heiress. He sf>ent a large portion of the night dreaming on this situation re versed. How glorious to possess every thing, and say, "All yours, my queen." But while there was a latent relief that she never know privation for him. the waking was bitter, and had his affection been one iota less, he had flung his letter into the fire, and his love as far as possible into Lethe. As it was, he wrote on, ending in an im petuous, heartful fashion, thus: "If you send me away, let it be by eilenoe; I cannot bear 'No' from your lips." Then he hastened to sign, seal and deliver to the corner post. It was on a deserted corner, and a gray morning; so perhaps no one saw that he touched the letter to his lips —certainly no one knew that he breathed a prayer toward the tiny streak of silver that Aurora was push ing over the eastern chimneys. Being a sensitive, reserved young man, he considered this ignorance on the part of humanity laudable; but if some kind busybody could have hint ed another glance at the direction on that envelope, how doubly grateful he would have been! IL "Stand from under!" She was pass ing under the scaffold of an unfinished building three days after the posting of Mr. Carlton's epistle, when this cry and an ominous crashing overhead brought her to a standstill of terror. She was still undecided which way to fly, when a figure stepped quickly from the door-wav near and lifted her within. When the crash was over and the dust clearing, she found her senses suf ficiently to recognize Jack Carlton. "This way, Miss Trente. I can in sure you a safer return," said he, qui etly, leading the way to the rear en trance of the house. Miss Trente gave a shuddering glance at the still vibrating timbers. "They would have crushed me to atoms," she murmured, fearfully. "I was very fortunate to be in time," Carlton said, after a brief pause. "The house is one of my uncle's, and I hap pened by with directions from him." There was a kind of stern repression about him that Miss Trente noticed with surprise. "I hope my silence has not led you to believe me unappreciative," she said, hesitatingly, as they reached the sidewalk. "I am very grateful, Mr. Carlton, and " "And sorry, no doubt." Mr. Carlton interrupted, bitterly. "But compassion and gratitude are what I never desire from any woman—least of all from you, Miss Trente." The little hand that had sta) ted to Ill t mlMt Journal DEININGER &. BUMILIiER, Editors and Proprietors. VOL. LVII. ward him returned hastily to its fellow in the shelter of a dainty muff, and Miss Trente's pretty brows raised a triflu with dismay. "Oh!" she gasped. Then, with gen tle dignity: "I will not offend so far again"—and passed on with a slight bow. But Jack cried, "Forgive ue!" in a tone of trouble and contrition, that stopped her as effectually as an iron grasp could have done. "I did not mean that. Forget it, and say good-by!" His hand was extended entreating ly, and hers met it without hesitation. "Are you going away?" she asked, gently, wondering at the white shadow on his face. "What else?" he said. Her eyes fell, and her color changed slightly as she murmured: "I hoped you would learn to forget." "In death, perhaps." She looked up then with quivering lips and a world of compassion in her eyes. "Good-by. You know what that means ?" "God be with you." And she passed on. an expression mingling with the pity in her face that puzzled him; for had she not sent him away ? It puzzled him so much that he would have followed her but for the Hash of her diamond car-rings. ill. It was a "nipping and an eager air," that almost froze the breath upon one's lips—a bitter, snowy day in January. Carlton had taken a horse-car. din ner-ward bound, and, finding it full, took his stiind beside the driver. That farewell blessing of MissTren te's hail proved a very potent one. In the year since, "Carlton's luck" had become a trite phrase among his friends. His face was a fortune in it self, they said. Not that he was pe culiarly handsome, but there was a light of steadfastness in his eyes, and firmness of purpose in the curve of his mouth, that must win, soon or late. Some said he had changed with his changing fortune. There was a cer tain brightness wanting in his glance, and somehow his read was less cheery, but he was no less generous or brave, and only a fractious critic could have found fault in him as he stood there, facing the shower of snow-flakes with strength and good-nature written un mistakably in face and figure, and a gleam of compassion in hfs eyes when they rested on the tired horses or a thinly-clad passer-by. "How are all, Mike?" he began, be stowing a genial smile upon the driver, whose family history had become fa miliar to him in his rides to and from his office. "Sure, the wife's worse, and two of the childer have the masles, and there was only one little creature, a wee mite, sure, scarcely able to climb into a chair herself; left to nurse them, and provisions were scarce, the doctor's charges terrible," etc., etc. The ad denda were unusually serious and pa thetic to-day. Evidently Mike was "not aisv in his mind." "Why, you ought to be with them,'' said Jack. "Ocli, how could I be? I'd lose me place entirely, sir," said Mike, ruefully. But Carlton's sympathy aroused; he never failed in possible service. "You know me as a friend of your employers. I will make it all right with them. Just step off here and go home," he commanded, peremptorily. "An' what'll become of the horses?" . "I'll drive on to the depot and ex. plain." "Sure," cried Mike, enthusiastically, "you're the foinest gentleman 1 iver see, and if you're not a gineral, ye oughter be." "All right," Carlton laughed, slip ping some coin into his admirer's band. "Give it to the little ones, with my love." That was how it happened that Miss Trente, taking a car in front of Browne & Co.'s, found herself face to face with Jack Carleton. She stared incredulously as he flushed, lifted his hat, and then quietly turned the brake and started bis horses. , "Mr. Carlton, is it possible?" He gave a silent glance toward the crowd looking on. The old look of wondering compassion, mingled with something else, gleamed on him for a moment, then she silently passed in side. "A delightful position," thought Jack, rather regretting his quixotism. Then came the reflection. What did it matter? What was he to Hecuba, or Hecuba to him? And he ground his teeth together savagely, and forgot to take up any more passengers. A gentle touch upon his sleeve re called him suddenly, and he stopped the car without meeting her eyes. "I am visiting a friend here. Will you come this evening?" half-com mand, half-entreaty; and, before Jack recovered from his astonishment, she hud placed a card in his hand and was gone. He never remembered how that drive w;w finished. Some recollection came of a narrow escqpe from arrest at the depot, and he had a vague impression of being abused by some passengers who seemed to have passed their destination, and | threatened by others who resorted to jumping off while his horses were be ing urged to their utmost speed. But he did not uotice anything par ticularly until darkness found him in Miss Trente's presence. There was a certain constraint in her greeting that troubled him. After a while she showed him a fa miliar envelope, saying: "See, the number is wrong—two in stead of three; and it did not reach mo until you were gone, and you left no address." His face grew bright as a new brass preserving-kettle. "Then you did not send me away, and you will not now?" "If you still mean all this"—with a shy glance at the letter whose eloquence had been so nearly wasted—"l would not send you away for the world." Evidently Jack was sure of his meaning. "Even knowing my position?" lie said, presently, with a queer smile ip his eyes. "I cannot bear to think of that," she cried, eagerly. "Don't go bacK to thise horrid cars ever again. Indeed, I cannot bear it. while I have so much, Jack." "My dear." cried Jack, with a light hearted. ringing laugh, "I have been growing rich, not poor, and now 1 am the richest man in the world!" A Brent American. Henry Cabot Lodge says in the Atlan tic Monthly; The universal preva lence of tie colonial spirit is shown most strongly by one great exception, just as the flash of lightning makes us realize the in tense darkness of a thunder storm at night. In the midst of the provincial and barren waste of our intellectual existence in the eighteenth century there stands out in sharp relief the luminous genius of Franklin. It is true that Franklin was cosmopolitan in thought, that his name and fame and achievements in science and litera ture belonged to mankind; but he was {dl this because he was genuinely and intensely American. His audacity, his fertility, his adaptability, are all characteristic of America, and not of an English colony. He moved with an easy and assured step, with a poise and balance which nothing could shake, among the great men of the world; he stood before kings and princes and courtiers, unmoved and unawed. He was strongly averse to breaking with England; but when the war came he was the one man who could go forth and represent to Europe the new nationality without a touch of the colonist about him. He met them all,great ministers and great sovereigns, on a common ground, as if the colonies of yesterday had been an independent nation for generations. His autobiog raphy is the corner-stone, the first great work of American literature The plain, direct style, almost worthy of Swift, the homely, forcible language, the humor, the observation, the know ledge of men, the worldly philosophy of that remarkable book, are familiar to all; but its best and, considering its date, its most extraordinary quality is its perfect originality. It is Ameri can in feeling, without any taint of English colonialism. Look at Frank lin in the midst of that excellent Penn sylvanian community; compare him and his genius with his surrounding, and you get a better idea of what the colonial spirit was in America in those days, anil how thoroughly men were saturated with it, than in any other way. Influence of Iron. Does the increasing transfer of iron from the interior to the surface of the earth, asks Knowledge, exercise any meteorological influence? Is it in any marked way influential on electric cur rents, and tlience does it affect magnet ic storms? This is a question which needs a little thought to answer safely. The development of railways, and the almost universal substitution of iron for wood wherever it is practicable to use that metal, must surely exercise a decided influence of its own. Every year more and more of the iron former ly buried in the earth is spread upon its surface, and it is surely reasonable to assume that, electrically at least, some effect is produced; how far we may venture, as some seem now dis posed to do, to translate this into a me teororical agency is a problem for sci ence to determine. MILLHEIM, PA., THURSDAY, MAY 10, 1883. PEARLS OF THOUGHT. A good character shines by its own light. They that govern most make least noise. Life is but short, therefore crosses cannot be long. In jealousy there is more love of self than of any one else. People do not need to know more about virtue, but rather practice what they already know. If there is any person to whom you feel a dislike, that is the person of whom you ought never to speak. He who can irritate you when he likes is your master. You had better turn rebel by learning the virtue of patience. Poetry is the blossom and fragrance of all human knowledge, human thoughts, human passions, emotions, language. Whosoever lends a greedy ear to a slanderous report is either himself of a radically bad disposition or a mere child in sense. •# Speak the truth; yield not to anger; give, when asked, of the little thou hast; by these three steps thou shalt go near the gods. It is little troubles that wear the heart out It is easier to throw a bombshell a mile, than a feather— even with artillery. Be willing to do good in jour own way. We need none of us be disturbed if we cannot wield another's weapons; but our own must nufrrust. In misfortune one may know a friend, in battle a hero, in debt an honest person, in decaying fortunes a wife, and kinsmen in affliction. Let us be careful only of tlie quality of our work that it lie thorough, genuine, simple-hearted, the best that is in us. the best that can come out of us. It is neither safe, respectable, nor wise to bring any Couth to manhood without a regular .calling. Industry, like idleness, is a matter of habit. No idle boy will make an active, in dustrious and useful man. Buying a Horse. The Turf, Field and Farm says that in buying a horse first look at his head and eyes for signs of intelligence, temper, courage and honesty. Unless a horse has brains you cannot teach him to do anything well. If bad qual ities predominate in a horse, education only serves to enlarge and intensify them. The head is the indicator of disposition. A square muzzle, with large nostrils, evidences an ample breathing apparatus and lung power Next, see that he is well and clean cut under the jowl, with jawbones broad anil wide apart under the throttle Breadth and fullness between the ears anil eyes are always desirable. The eyes should be full and hazel in color, ears small and thin anil thrown well forward. The horse that turns his ears back every now and then is not to be trusted. He is either a biter or a kicker, anil is sure to be vicious in other respects, and, being naturally vicious, can never be traiued to any thing well, and so a horse with a rounding nose, tapering forehead and a broad, full face below the eyes is al ways treacherous and not to be de pended on. Avoid the long legged, stilted animal—always choosing one with a short, straight back arid ruuip> withers high and shoulders sloping, well set back and with good depth of chest, fore legs short, hind leg s straight, with low down hock, short pastern joints, and a round, mulish shaped foot. By observing the above directions a horse may be selected that is graceful in bis movements, good natured and serviceable—one that will be a prize to the owner. A few days before Congress ad journed Senator Harris, of Tennessee, a rather plain-looking old gentleman, went into the room of the Senate com mittee on claims to look up the case of a Tennessee friend. The clerk of a Senate committee is always a bigger man than the chairman, or the presi dent of the Senate for that matter. The clerk of this particular committee had never seen Harris before, and he did not like the somewhat imperative way in which Harris asked for inform ation about his friend's claim. "Are you the claimant?" he finally asked, sharply. "No," said Harris, "I am not." "Are you his attorney?" still more sharply, "No," said Harris as quietly as before, "I am not." "Well, then, what interest have you in the case?" asked the clerk in the high key ed-George-Bliss tone. "Oh," not much," said the senator blandly; "but the people down there sent me to the Senate, and as the claimant in this case is my constituent I thought the best I could do was to ask about it." For once the clerk wilted.— Troy Times. A PAPER FOR THE HOME CIRCLE. The Clerk Wilted. BEAUTIFUL CORALS. What They Are and flow They Ar Flatted Out. Coral, as an ornamental stone, was appreciated centuries before its real nature was known. At first it was thought to belong to the mineral king dom, anil then it was recognized as a marine plant, the coral beads which were first brought into Greece being thought to be berries, which had red" ilened and hardened by exposure to the air. It was centuries after its first discovery that an Italian naturalist called these supposed flowers or berries "t'orallium rubrum,"and scientific men accept this definition as conclusive. But it was a French doctor at Mar seilles who found out, not much more than a hundred years ago, that these supposed flowers were in reality ani mals, endowed with the power of vol untary motion. When, however, he communicated his discovery to the French academy of sciences, his name was concealed, in order to protect him from the derision that was expected to follow his declaration—so persuaded were even the men of science that corals were merely petrified flowers. The French doctor, however, was right. Corals are sea anemones, that have secreted a calcareous skeleton and have become compound by budding. In a living state, the coral branch we see in commerce is covered with a leathery coating of a bright red color, studded with small holes, out of which protrude white polyps, with eight ten tacles, looking exactly like flowers, which deceived the Italian naturalist. Well, it is these colonies of soft-bodied zoophytes whicli secrete the lime of which the valuable stone is composed. Now. although coral is one of the most abundant substances in nature—entire islands and reefs being formed of it in tropical seas— the particular variety of red coral is comparatively rare, and is almost entirely confined to the Medi terranean sea. It is there found in reefs, a few miles from the shore, and at depths varying from one to a hun dred fathoms. The greatest coral fish" eries arc thise off Naples. Sicily, Sar dinia and Algiers. Almost every year a new bed is found somewhere along the Italian coast. A rush is then made to the spot and the bed is soon exhausted. The rush used to be so great, that it frequently took a man-of-war to keep the fishing fleet in order. Now, however all this is changed; for, by the new fisheries act, the discoverer of a new coral bank has the exclusive right to fish on it for two years. The value of these banks may be estimated at an average yearly rate of eight thousand tons of coral, rendering several millions of pounds sterling! "The coral fisheries off Algiers are under the control of the French government, which exacts heavy duties for the right of fishing; and in order to prevent the exhaustion of this fishery the reefs are divided into ten portions, ten years being the time which the coral is supposed to take in order to reach its full growth; thus, by fishing only one of these divisions at a time, provision is made for an uninterrupted fishery. Medical Curiosities. Dr. F. C. Valentine, who for several years practiced medicine in Central America, has written of the " medical curiosities" of tho home practice in that country. Many of their resorts are curious and amusing, such as the administration of frog soup for all skin diseases, but several are worth worth quoting because they are proba bly useful suggestions for anyone, as follows : Marshmallow leaves are largely used in poultices and for painful hemor rhoids. A tea of chamomile flowers is con sidered tonic and useful in indigestion, and when hot in colic, whether stom achic or uterine. Three ounces of flaxseed in two quarts of water, reduced by boiling to one quart, with an ounce of manna and the juice of a sweet orange, pro vides a drink in cases of dysentery, which Dr. V. holds fast to, having proved it to be good — Dr. Footers Health Monthly. King Alcohol's Way. A young man by the name of Mur phy, living in London, went home the other night, and instead of finding a warm welcome and hot supper, he found his mother stone dead on the floor, with her head firmly wedged in a tin saucepan. She was in liquor when her son left her, and the medical evi dence went to show that she had pitched forward upon the floor and driven her head into the saucepan so securely that she could not extricate it, and had consequently died of suffoca tion. Since the dawn of creation the king of terrors has wielded an infinite variety of weapons, but probably never before confronted his victim with a saucepan. Terms, SI.OO Per Year In Advance • The Story of the Old Settler From Away Back In Flke County, Penn "We heerd that Phil Boyer, whc lived six mile back on the ridge, Avert goin' to beef a steer o' his'n, which were a little too obstreperous to be handled for Avork. Ez none of us bad ever heerd of a beeiin' bee, we ruther cyJc'Jated ez 'twere 'bout time to get one up, an' so we jest throw'd"together a high ole party, an' started to give Phil a s'prise. "For a mile or so 'fore we got tc Phil's we heerd a fearful yellin' and hoAvlin', but Ave thort 'twere only a cattymount singin' over in the swamp an' we hedn't time to think about a little thing like that. The moon were bigger'n a washtub, an' we could see jest tbout ez well ez if the sun were shinin*. It were colder than Greenlan'. The howlin' an' hollerin' got louder ez we got nigher to Phil's, an' when Ave struck his an* come up to the house, we see a sight that jest nigh on to killed us a laugliin'. Thar were Phil on the roof o' the cabin, straddle o' the ridge pole, a yell in', 'Help! help!' ez if some one Avere butcher in' on him. A prancin' an' bellerin' round the cabin, fust on one side an' then on t'other, were the steer, a pawin' the snoAv wus nor if a nor'easter were gettin' in its work on a drift, an' actin' ez if 'twere havin' more'n a barrel o' fun, an' 'twant cost in' of him a cent. It Avere a funny sight, an Ave jest howled.' " 'What a' ye doin' up thar, Phil ?' we hollered. 'An' how'd ye git uu thar ?' •'Lord, but want he. bilin' mad? " 'I dumb up the chimbly, o' course, ye dodblasted galoots,' said he. 'lt was so blamed hot in the cabin that 1 dumb up yer to git cool!' " 'Come down. Phil. We've come to give ye a s'prise. We thort ye was goin'ter beef yer steer to-day. Ain't ye goin' ter beef it?' " 'Do ye see or hear anything o' that steer, consarn ye!' said he. 'An' can't ye see it's only a quastion whether I'm ;igoin' to beef that steer or whether it'll beef me? and the odds hez al been in favor o' the steer all day. The infernal critter gen'ly boosted me onter this ridge pole at 10 o'clock this mornin', an' I've been yer l'reezin' an' yellin' fur help ever sense. My ole woman an' the youn* uns is locked in the cabin, an' I've seen em try twice to git out to the wood pile, but that steer has took good keer that they didn't, an' ez I haint heerd nothin' on em sence I, reckon tbey'm cither freze to death or gone to bed to keen Avarm. That steer hez been havin' the properest kind of a Fourth o' July celebration all day, an' if some o' you fellers can git away with hira yo kin send for the cor'ner, fur I'll be froze stiffer'n a Cliris'mas gooae 'foro mornin.'" "So we hed to tackle the steer. By pluggin' it full o' pistol balls, an, poundin' it on the head with an ax for half an hour or so, wc sp'ilt his little fun. Then Ave goi Phil down* an' thaAved him out. "Well, we had a high ole time at Phil's that night,' continued the ranger. "The ole 'cornan an' the young uns bail gone to bod to keep warm, sure enough, but we soon hed 'cm in good shape. An' that beefin' Ice closed the season." If you could see a piece of your skin through a microscope you would see long lines of ridges and hollows that look more like pi • wed ground than anything that I e*n think of. The ridges are dividco Into little conical elevations in which a nerve terminates or else passes around it; and here lies the sense of touch. In the hollows are the pores that are the open ings of the sweat ducts. What are these, do you ask? Well, they are minute tubes which, straightened out, would be about a quarter of an inch long, that start in the tissue beneath the derma and wind spirally up through the skin until the upper sur face is reached where its open end ter minates. The other end is twisted in to a sort of knot which is contained in a little sac, and this is surrounded by blood vessels. The number of these little sweat ducts or glands is astonishing. It is estimated that in every square inch of skin there are at least 2800, and, as in a person of ordinary size there are 2500 square inches of surface, these glands count up 7,000,000. Only think of it—7,000,000 pores to keep open through a whole lifetime! If these tubes were put together end to end there would be one long canal of about tfventy-eight miles. How is that for a system of sewage?— Toledo Blade. The Edinburgh Medical Journal en leavors to show that baldness is prob ably contagious, NO. 19. REEFING A STEER. The Uuiuan Skin. NEWSPAPER LAWS. If subscribers order the discontinuation of newspapers, the publishers may continue to send them until all arrearages are paid. If subscribers refuse or neglect to take their newspapers from the office to which they are sent, they are held responsible until they have settled the bills ana ordered them dis continued. . , .. If subscribers move to other places with out informing the publisher, and the news- Sapers are sent to the former nlace of reei ence, they are then responsible. ADVIStIIISQ RATES: ————— — i wit." l mo. |Bbmm. I Saw*. I sonar* SI 00 • V column SOO 400 I • 001 10 05 115 Ot >6 column 500 800 J 11 001 *9 00 85 OP . 1 column 500 11 00i 10 001 S5 00| Stloo ; "OnTlnch makM a square. Administrators and Ex scntora' Notices #2.60. Transient adrertisemexits and , locals 10 cents per line for first insertion and 5 cents per tine for each additional insertion. Sowing ana Reaping* Sow with a generous bund, Pause not for toil or pain; Weary not through the heat of summer, Weary not through the cold spring rain; but wait till the autumn comes Fur the sheaves of golden grain. Scatter the seed and lenr not, A table will bespread; Wbut matter if you are too weary To eat your hard-earned bread; Sow while the earth is broken, For the hungiy must be fed. Soto while the seeds are lying In the warm earth's bosom deep, •- * And your warm teats fall upon it— ' They will stir in quiet sleep; And the green blades rise the quicker, Perchance for the teats you weep, Then sow lor the hours are fleeting, And the seed must fall to-day; And care not what hands shall reap it, Or if you shall have pass'd awsy before the waving cotn-fields Shall gladden the sunny day. Sow, and look onward, upward, AVere the starry light appears— Where, in spite of the coward's doubtiar, Or your own heart's trembling feats, You shall reap in joy the harvest You have sown to-day in tears. —Adelaide A. Proctor. PUNGENT PARAGRAPHS. A tine fellow—The judge. Agricultural item—Never cultivate an acquaintance with a "rake." A man in the hands of a drunken barber should be glad when he gets out of the tight scrape. A new song is entitled. "We Never Speak As We Pass By." Probably they are both courting the same girl. "Let every man add a good name to his other capital," quoted the forger when he fixed up a ten-thousand-dollar i check. It is said that inhaling the fumes of j sulphur cures catarrh. The course that many people pursue in this life gives promise that they won't be afflicted with catarrh in the next. ' A gentleman had his boots blacked . by one of tAvo boys and gave the j shiner a two-dollar bill to get changed. After waiting some time he said to j the other boy, "Where's your partner r" j "Oh," said the youth with a grin, "he's bust up, and I'm his assignee." Travelers in Canada have not failed of noticing the number of shop keepers, frem chow-chow builders to undertakers, that are purveyors to the royal family; but it remained -Tor a Dundas barber to fling to the breeze a I gayly-bedizened banner with the awful device: "The Queen's Barber Shop." There are sixty-six thousand locomo itives in the world. And yet, when you have waited for a train at some i desolate way station for five hours you wouldn't believe there were half so many. Sixty-six thousand! And still a man can miss a train as easily as though there was only one engine on the whole continent. ( "Which is the deejest, the longest, j the broadest and the smallest grave in this church-yard ?" said a pedestrian to his companions, while meditating among the tombs in a cemetery. "Why," Avas the ansAver, "it is that in which Miles Button is buried, for it is Miles below the sod, Miles in length, Miles in breadth, and yet after all it is but a Button-hole." 1 _______________ Troubled. " Dearest, sweetest, what is itV Are you sick? What ails my precious pet?" and the young husband bent tenderly over the graceful form of hi 3 blushing bride. " Oh, Adolphus Edward, its too dreadful for anything." "Bad news from home?" "Worse, Avorse! Oh, what shall I do?" " Tell your own darling hubby." " It's that awful Selina Tarbox, she's—" " She's what, my precious ?" "She's got a bonnet trimmed exact ly like mine, and tomorrow's Sun day !" Then the afflicted beauty buried her face in her husband's breast and trick led her pearly tears all over his three dollar shirt.— Chicago Eye. The Oyster. In a communication to the Philadel phia Medical and Surgical Journal.Dr. Charles L. Dana, of New York, points out some prevalent errors concerning oysters. It has been said that the oys ter, on account of its hepatic diastase, has the poAver of digesting itself. 11l a series of experiments, Dr. Dana has given the mollusk some excellent oppor tunities of doing so, but it declines to digest even its own liver. As to the superior digestibility of raw oysters over cooked, it was found that when boiled for a short time, or roasted in the shell, they were nearly if not quite as rapidly dissolved as the raw, Cooking, in fact, loosened the muscu lar fibrils, thus allowing the peptic juices to penetrate,