.tint Journal. TAUITBDAV', MAY 3RD, 1883. BY DEININGER & BU MILIAR. LOCAL DEPARTMENT. —Most everybody says there is anoth er snow coming. —Dr. Stam lias constructed R good board walk along his entire front, j Bravo. —TheR atckman calls otir enterprising townsman H. H. Tomlinson the John Wabnamaker of Millheim. —Mr. R. O. fceital, of toward, was here on Saturday to visit friends and acquaintances. Bob looked tip top. —Quite a number of our citizens Who attended court last week received their "favoralta irrention" in ihe Belle fonte papers. —Trout fishing has not thns far pan ned out very well this Season, but Whether the trout, the anglers or the weather is to blame Is an Open ques tion. —Mr. E. Bartholomew bought a trtrtlding lot on Penn street from P. A.! Musser, on which he intends to build a house. IVho is the next man to do the satne ? —Mr. D. H. Lenker lias quit his branch furniture shop at Millheim, bet wfll be happy to serve all old as well as new customers at his regular place of business, Aaronsburg. —Wolfe & HosteTman, the enterpris ing merchants at Woodward, have just received a large ffcock of all kinds of spring and summer goods and are sell ing as low as the lowest. —"'irtife editors are hard up for local news. People are all busy and nothing stiring transpires—and yet this state of things is preferable even to one that re quires the writing lip of accidents. —The weather varied nearly all of 11st week between cald, ram and some attempts at snowing and occasionally a little sunshiue. Farmers are much de tained in their work in consequence. —Mr. P. B. Stover, of Pteasant Val ley. Lincoln county, Kansas, writes us under date of plenty of spring reins out there and that wheat and other vegetation appear very promising. Both of our landlo ids are repairing, paperi rg and painting their hotels in tirat class style. Mr. Musser is putting up four street lamps at his hotel—a very necessary Improvement. VALUABLE HOME AT PUBLIC SALE. —The subscriber will sell at public sale next Saturday the sth inst., at 2 o'clock, P. M., that valuable property in Millheic! known us the George Ilar ter homestead. —Only three applications for license out of a tot al forty-four were rejected by our judges last week. Centre coun ty now has forty-one licensed hotels and saloons and one wholesale liquor store, at Philipsburg. ACCID ENT.— On Wednesday Mr. Samuel Weieei, Jr., while working at Judge Wbitmer's steam saw mill, near Paddy*B tunnel, had the misfortune to haVe two Angers of his left hand se- lacerated by a circular saw. —At Stum's store you will find as good a line of dry goods.grocerles,boots & shoes, notions and general merchan- ; dise as anywhere in this section audit he , prices are as low as the lowest. Go there yourself and see that these facts ( a re fact*. , —Hon. S. Woods Caldwell, proprie- ; tor cf Uie Irwin House at Lock Haven, 1 Ims mad® A big impiovement in bis ho- 1 tel. The house has been repainted, ; papered, renovated and reTurnished, 1 and is acknowledged to be one of tbe 1 best arranged hotels in the state. 1 —Bellefonte has just organized a 1 new building and Loan Association. v riie number of shares will be limited to 1090 and no individual can hold more than 20. George L. Potter is the tempoiaiy president and Recorder 1 Frank E. Bible secretary. —Squire Camp at Centre Hall is busy as ever making and selling all kinds of furniture. Parlor Suits, Chanlber Suits, Lounges, CliairSj Tables, &c. &c. all of best style and make and at the lowest prices. 2t —R. A. Bumiller and Harvey Confer have each painted their residences 011 Penn street.and both appear "just splen did." The new street is fast becoming a beautiful thoroughfare aud after a few more good buildings and another church are built we will make a motion to call it Pennsylvania Avenue. —J. A. Limbert is really one of the most accommodating and reliable fel lows that ever drove a stage. Through out the year he carries a very large a mount of express goods all along the route, and delivers them in person. Everything is always right and his charges are really moderate. You can Bafely entrust our business to him. THE SICK.— Our old friend Sebastian Musser bad an aitack of palsy last week and is in a precarious condition since. Wra. lieifsnyder, Sr., who suffers from a cancerous affection in the face has not improved since our last mention, and Wra. Miller is still confined to the house, although it is thought lie is get ting better slowly. ( —The Buffalo Run R. R. is being pushed rapidly and it is thought that track laying can begin early in August. But how about the extension of the Lewisbnrg*& Tyrone road Y Who "can tell anything about that ? —The three burglars who made a raid 011 tttfcas Bro's store in Howard, last winter,all plead guilty at court last week and were sentenced to the peni tentiary asfoilows: Chambers and Stiue seven years each, Shoemaker four year*. CORNER STONE LAYING. —On Sunday the Gtli of May to\t, nt 3 V V ' o'clock, P. M., the corner stone of the new Evangelical Church, now in course of'erection at Coburn Sta tion, will bo In id with appropriate services. Preaching by Rev. B. llengst. Ttfte public is cordfoflv in vited to attend. 2t —lt is reported that a young man named Albert Suitor, of Clinton coun ty. has constructed a perpetual motion machine. Such concerns may do well enough where they are new, but we have had them here some twenty years ago, all complete and ready to run— the only fault wis they didn't run. Per haps the Clinton county boy may over tonre this difficulty. —Mrs. Jonathan Ilarter and Miss Elizabeth Keighard, of Millheim, and Rev. j. Tomlinson and Miss Jennie E. Blight, of Aarousburg, left for Lock Haven Tuesday morning as delegates to tfee Lutheran Synodical Suudey School Convention, which meets there this week. Miss Bright is also a dele gate to the SynodtCal Women's Mis sionarv Society which also meets at Lock Haven the same time. —We notice with unfeigned pleasure in the Patrick of Monday that Maj. It. 11. Forster lias been appointed to a prominent clerksnip by Secretary Afri ca of tfce Department of Internal Af fairs. Tho Secretary lias made a most excellent choice in the peison of Maj. Forster, and the Major's many friends throughout this sec'ion of the state willfully appreciate the compliment so Attinglv testowed. As A cierk he has rare qualifications and a large exper ience. No better selection could have been made and certainly none more worthy and popular. Last fall and this spring sever al IroMses in town were painted with the celebrated Rubber Paint and the appearance of those buildings will at once prove the superiority of the article. It has a thick and heavy body, covering a board coui pletcly with one coat and producing a splendid gloss with the second coat. We havo used it and can give it a good recommendation. If you are in need of paint call on MUSSER & SMITH, Hardware Store.Millhcim, who are sole agents lor the Rubber Paint. SINGERS AND CnoiRS— AWAKE ! The Grand Musical Jubilee to be held at Selinsgrove, June 12th to loth, is al ready an assured success. Flattering re ports are being recievcd daily from dif ferent parts of the state, of singers that will be in attendance. The music is now ready for distribution and will be furnished free to all singers. Or ganize societies at once, send for cop pies of "Jubilee Book" and go to work. A society will te organized at Aa ronsburg, for the purpose of practicing and rehearsing the music for the great musical feast. The Arst meeting will be held Saturday evening, May sth next in the Reformed church. Wm. T. Meyer, who will have entire charge of the exercises, desires all singers resid ing in Aaronsburg, Millheim, Penn Ilafl, Spring Mills, Rehersburg and other convenient localities where they do not expect to organize local classes, to attend the Arst as well as all succeeding meetings, ooce a week. Singers, joia the class, and in this way help to car ry forward to a successful consumma tion one of the grandest musical jubil lees ever held in the state of Pennsyl vania. SITATE CONSTITUTIONAL TEMPEII ANC E AMENDMENT ASSOCIATION.— The annual meeting of the State Con stitutional Temperance Amendment Association is appointed to take place at Bfcllefonte, Centre county, Wednes day, May 23rd, at 10k o'clock, A. M., and will continue in session until the business is disposed oh By the terms of the Constitution the annual meeting Shall be composed of the executive com mittee, shareholders of State stock ,t\vo delegates from each county and local auxiliary, two delegates from each State and local organization in sym pathy with the Constitutional Amend ment,and two delegates fromeach chris congregation in the State. The Executive Committee are re quested to meet at the same place on Tuesday, 22d, at ~i o'clock, P. M., by tiau order of the chairman. County Auxiliaries are expected to make a report of the work in their re spective districts, and if from any cause any of them should fail to be represented to forward their tdffdrts to the Secretary,care of D. S. Keller,Esq., Bellefonte. The Christian ladies of Bellefonte have kindly invited us to their hospit alities, and suggest that delegates be distinguished by a white ribbon, so as to be recognized by the committee of entertainment on their arrival. DANIEL AGNEW, President. JAMES PARKS, JR., Chair. Exec. Com. E. E. SWIFT, Treasurer. D. L. STARR, Secretary. Letter from Williamsport. Messrs. Editors : Have you a place in your valuable paper for a letter from Will iamsport ? Of course you have. Williamsport is ind ed a very beauti ful and flourishing town—a young city m fact—with a wide-awake, pushing and 'enterprising people. Although much building was done last year and much is in pi'of ress this year, the call for dwelling houses continues unabated so that three hundred more now houses could easily be tilled. The defcrend is far in excess of the supply. Fires are now the order of the day, but thanks to our vigilant and efllcient force of fire men no great losses have lately occurred, with the exceifcion of the one on the night of tho 14th ult., when a barn was burned to the ground. Four valuable horses,a wagon with an organ 011 it—all the property of Mr. S. Q. Mingle, were burned along with other property. Mr. Mingle's loss is a bout $1,700. Our city promises to be alt life this summer. First the State Teachers' As sociation will meet here July 10th, and remain in session three days. In Au gust the encampment of the Third Bri gade fvfl 1 take place and is to last a week. A great many people are ex leetcd on both occasions and our peo ple look forward to these gatherings with much interest and pleasure. The sad accident that occured here the other Thursday evening cast a gloom over the whole community. Dur ing the severe thunder storm that swept over the valley on that evening a party of nineteen men aud boys start ed to cross the river in two boats. The fctoV& brokd upon them with such force as to upset the boats and four boys were drounded—and sail and singular to say, all widous ' so*™. The bodies were all recovered. Their names are Foreman II arttban-, aged 21, Truman Rhonda, aged 26, Graot Moore, aged 17, and FAv Wilt, ag-d 1">. They were all highly esteemed and tneir trag ic death i& mourued by the entiie com munity. More Anon. CT \tDK. NOTE.— Shall be happy to hear from you again, friend Clau de. Vour letter is well written, but you must pardon some few changes in style and arrange ment. You know editors are stubborn fellows and will have their own way a bout such little tiling. But go on— you deserve encouragement. ADVICE TO JTOTKERFT. Are you disturbed at nlglit and broken of your rest by a *ick child suffering and crying uiih pain or cutting teeth ? If so, send at once and get a bottle of MRS. WINSLOW'S SOOTHING STBI'P FOR CHILDREN TEETHING. Its va!u. LA incalculable. It will relieve the pi>or little suf ferer Immediately. Depend upon It, mothers, there is no mistake about it. It enrcsdysentery and diarrhoea, regulates the stomach and bowels cures wind colic, softens the gums, re duces inflammation, and gives tone and energy to the whole system. MRS WNIILOV't SOOTH ING SYRI P FOR • 'HII.DHKN TRF-TH! MI IS pleasant to the taste, and is the prescription of one of the oldest and be-t female phvsicians and nurs es In the United Suites, and 18 for sale by all druggists throughout the world, l'rlce 25 cenls a bottle. SPRING MILLS ITEMS. Mr. W. F. Confer is the new counter hovper at Grenoble's. Mr. G. was fortu nate in his selection. Dealer & Long, the new mercantile Arm are now ready for customers, hav ing jnst ftturned from the east with a very extensive stock of merchandise. Advertise , gentlemen,and increase your business largely. The new saw mill Arm, Grenoble & Kraj>e,are now prepared to do all kinds of work in their line. The last addi tion in machinery is a rcsaio. Mr. Philips, the foreman thoroughly under stands his work. A little printer's ink would help your business, gentlemen. J. F. Rearick's new house is UP and makes u good appearance. Spring Mills now has four general stores, hardware store, two tin shops, two hotels, two smith shops, shoe shop, planniug mill Jewelry store, cooper shop, four grain dealers, three saw mi lis,large public school building with three rooms, an excellent acadamy,and two churches —yet there is plenty of room for other and more improvements; SAM PATCH. A $20.00 Bible Reward. The publishers of Rutledye's Monthly offer twelve valuable rewards In their Monthly for May, among which is the following : We will give $20.00 in gold to the person telling us which is the shortest chapter in the New Testament Script ures (not the New Revision) by Mav 10th. 1883. Should two or more cor rect answers be received, the reward will be divided. The money will be forwarded to the winner May 15tb,1853. Persons trying for the reward must send 20 cents in silver (no postage stamps taken with their answer, for which they will receive the June Monthly , in which the name and ad dress of the winner of the reward and the correct answer will be published, and in which several more Valuable re wards will be offered. Address, RtJT LEDOE PUBLISHING COMPANY,Baston, Penna. |imo jjjofci, Kos. 317 & 319 ARCH ST., PHILADELPHIA. RATESBEDDC£TTQS2.OfI PER BUY. The traveling public will still find at tills Hotel the same liberal provision for their com fort. It is located in the Immediate centres of business ami places of amusenfent and the dif ferent Rail-Road depots, as well as all parts ot the city, are easily accessible by Street Cars constantly passitfg tfie doors. It offers special Inducements to those visiting the city for busi ness or pleasure. Your patronage respectfully solicited. Jos. M. Feger, Proprietor. Miscellaneous. The Senate has passed a bill forbid ding the change of text books in public schools oftencr than once in five yCarts. It now goes to tho House and will fno bably ia* This is a measure that"CVery parent will heartily sanction. The following general order was is sued from the post oillce department at Washington recently : "AH letters up on which one full rate of postage has been prepaid and all postal cards shall be forwarded from the ollice at the re quest of tho addressed, or of tho party whose card may lie upon the evelope, or whose name may be signed to the postal card, without additional charge of postage. Such forwarding must be continued until the party ad dressed is reacftid." Suicide or Accident. YORK, Aril 23,— Robert E. Shutter,a young moulder, aged 30, was obliged to stop work this morningjon account of feeling unwell. On his way home he stopped at Goodhng's hotel and took a drink. As the bar-keeper was making Shutter noticed a revolver in the money drawer a id asked to look at it* In handling it was discharged, the ball entering Shutter's heart, killing him almost instantly. The Coroner's jury could not decide whether it was suicide or accident. Counting the Chickens too Early. From tho Chattaiioufck (Tcun.) Democrat. The metropolitan Republican journals of the North are predicting disunion in the Democratic ranks in 1884 and con sequent defeat, and patronizingly point out the rocks upon which we* will founder. Such generosity is unparal leled, but it is love's labor lost. The Republicans bad better look well to their own ammunition, and give wise heed to their own strairglars. When the Democrats open in 18S4 the cam paign will have been well matured. A Big Fish Catches a Little Boy. From the Gastoula Gazette. A little boy at Liueberger's factory, on the South Fork, Went fishing one day last week. His mother soon heard him calling for help. She ran down to the river and found that the boy had hooked a fish so large that it had pulled him into the river. Determined to save the fish, the youngster, who is an swimmer, had thrust his hand and arm into the fish's mouth and out at the gill. II is mother drew both to the bank in safety. The fish was an immense trout, weighing eight pounds. That boy is a credit to North Carolina. Gold in the Lebanon Valley. LEBANON. ApriI 24. —The indication of the discovery of gold in paying quanti ties near Meverstown, this county,have raised considerable hope here. The Clark mining company after careful tests of ores haye dttttmined to erect a smelting furnace with capacity for twelve tons. The company consists of Dr. M. C. Kreitz, 11. C. Kreitz and A. Ilex, of Philadelphia, and William Kreitzer, of Bloominglon, Illinois. They are all practical men, active and enterprising, HeceiU analysis shows five j>er cent, of gold and other valuable metals in considerable quantities. The mine has reached a depth of thirty feet and the prospects grow brighter as the work progresses. Sounds Like Old Tiurss. A seedy-looking fellow dropped into the city editor's room, and failing to borrow a half dollar, he begged to nar rate his experience. "I used to be an officer of the State, I did. I was sher iff, atid member of the Legislature, and constable, and clork of the courts, and judge and a candidate time and again, ani had a high old frolic, I did." "I don't believe it," said the city editor. "Why don't you V" "ILciuse I have a letter here which says you are a thief, and a liar, and a tradiicer, and a de fau'ter, and a low down brawler, and a lover of all that is vile and wicked, and dishonest, and abhorent to decent peo ple, and a—" "Ah,ah ! stranger, go on and read that all over again, and read it loud. It §yonds like old times. It brings back the days when I ran for of fice. It reads like an editorial in an opposition paper, and brings again to my memory that blessed period when I felt like somebody and life was woith living for. Oil glorious hours of the past, will ye ever come back to me ?" and the tears rolled down his cheeks as the city editor repeated the magic words, and then ghve him a quarter to sober up.— Louisville Courier-Journal. MARKIED. On the Ist ult.. by Rev. E. St.unbach, Mr. F. W. E, Snyder, of fvitydfct Co., Pa., and Barbara E. McCool, of Centre Co. On the 12th ult., by Rev. I*. C. Welderiieyejr, Mr. Levi Long, of Uregg, and Miss Annie 1\ Fox, of Haines. On the 19th ult., by Rev. Cieofge W. CunMn, Mr. Uriah 1). Osmauand Mrs; tafrie E. Wolf, both of Centre' Hall. Died, On the 27th ult., near Fentl Hall, Mr. John Itockfey, aged 81 years, 7 nio'lftlH and 14 days. TIIIS HKBEiVi Newspaper Advertising Unreau (K> Spruce VOSIK be wade lor it in I®£ar¥ I VBllti BHf H HEM people are always on the look- BCW R Qi ,)llt for chances to inciease their |f BHjCeaniings, and in time become mw ■ ; those who do not im prove their opportunities repiain in poverty. We offer a great chance to make money. We wajit many men, women, boys and girls to work for us right in their own localities. Any one can do the work properly from the first : start. The business will pay more than ten or dinary wages. Expensive outiit furnished free. Jso one who engages fails to make money rap idly. You can devote your whole time to the work, or only your spare moments. Full In formation aiid all that is needed sent fres. Address SwaeQfi & Co.. Portland, Maine. Hlllbeini AnVWcl, Corroctcil ovory Woilncsitay Wlient, old, .. .!• new, No. 2 * ttt " No. S V...V.'....... 75 Corn...' 65 ! Rye....... 7o HtM White ticktt'frckt • ..!!!!! &rcin As i io; W,^hx ' to n . 7.' *'"*'"•* •j.'JS Salt ,per lii-l I'lttMter, ground ,%. Barley ll P6V K,lM,iel 80 Tyin ot 11 yse ed ."•*" * Klii x seed I (,'loverseed t uuiter ;;; *•£ Hains " rr Pork " Beel Krk'''" * •, Potatoes Tal low*. W'.'.V.'.". 15 a*i 77777"'***' % 1 Dried AAflWi I tried Peaches .7.7.7. DrleiKJherrles..... .7.7 77.7.7777* COAL M AUKKT AT COBUIIN. h'-ex CAal or Stove Chestnut ..'.....•..*'"7 r.T! J Pll •••; D.bO Pea by the ear iiatt 777.777.7.77777 i'io All ARTE R, Auctioneer, MILLHMX*PA. W. J. £I*RINGER - Fashionable Barber, Noxt Door to JOIKXXL Store, Main Street, MILLHEIM, PA. D It. 1). H. MINGLE, Physician & Surgeon, Cftllce on Main treet, MILLIIKIM, PA. D" . JOIIX f. HJ.BTBB, Practical Dentist, Office opposite the Millheim BankinelHousc, MAIN STREET, MILLHEIM, PA. HOY, Attorney-at-Law, BELLEFONTE, I'A. Orphans' Court BuMneas>*Spectallty. W M. C. HEINLE, Attorncy-at-LiuA, BELLEFONTE, PA. Practices In all the courts of Centre county. Special attention to Collections. Consultations in German or hn.Jhh. C. T. Alexander. C. M. Bower. ALEXANDER & BOWES, Allornry-at-Law, BELLEFONTE, PA. Office In Oarinan's new buihlinp. J. A. Beaver. J. W. Gephurt. JDEAVER * GEPIIAKT, Attorneys-at-Law, BELLEFONTE, PA. Office on Alleghany Street, North of High Street 1). H. Hastings. W. F. Keeder. j~ j~ ASTINGS A REEDEIi, Altbrneys-'at-Law, BELLEFONTE, PA. Offi -e on Allegheny Street,* two door* oast of the office occupied by the late firm of Yocuni A Hasting*. HOU*E, ALLEGHENY ST., BELLEFONTE, PA. C. G. McMILLEN, PKOPRIETOK. Good Sample Room on' First Vino*. Free Buss to and from all trains. Special nitos to witnesses and jurors. |~RVIN HOUSE, (Most Central Hotel in the city.) CORNER OF MAtN AND JAY STREETS, LOCK HAVEN, PA. S.WOODS~CALDWELL PROPRIETOR. Good Sample Rooms for Commercial Travel ers 011 flint floor. Q ET YOUR JOB PRINTING DONE AT The iiiiihcini Jouriial>Offiee. Prompt and fine work at reasonable rates. 1 1 SPECIAL BARGAINS Q jzj H This week fit £ £ Pr W.R. CAMP'S g i\ w ifi S H FURNITURE, P * Re -.da F; Spnnf Beds, H § 8 0 Matrossos, &c. >1 224 STBE ET .. LEWISBURG, PENNA > r r * Our Stock is now complete in all it 3 departments and we are receiving New Goods every day throughout the season. AIL THE LEADING ME* IN HATS & BONNETS, fOB LADIES MISSES AND CHILDREN. FOR LINE OF Ladies' Ready-made Ulsters, Dolmans, Coats and Jackets cannot be excelled. Coat and Dress Trimmings, Hosiery, Gloves, Corsets, Laee3, Silks, Satins, Lace and Linen Collars, Jet Combs, Real Hair Goods, Jewelry and oth er Fancy Goods, at PRICES that will bear COMPETITIONS WE WILL NOT ADD MORE, BUT SIMPLY SAY THAT YOU WILL INB THE BEST ASSORTMENT OF GOODS IN OUR LINE, AND THAT WE GANNOI B£ UNDERSOLD I Respectfully, 18. Markfet Street, Lswisburg, Pa. TUTTS i PILLS %smGass A NOTED DIVINE SAYS: I>B. TC*T .—Dear h'irt For TA yean I bevs been a tnurtjT to Dyeiepsia, CoiJatipiiion aud rile*. Lnt spring Tour pills wcrt recommended tome; I u*ed them (but wi:hlittle faith). lam now n well man, have good Appetite,, uigt*tion perfect, regular a tools, piles gone; and I have gained forty pounds solid ficsh. Til y are worth their weight in gold. ltrv. It. L. sniPSON, IxuisTille, Hy. SYMPTOMS OF A TORPID LIVER. Loss of Appetite,Nau&ea ) B3welggSgi!f'Nl; Poininthe lie ad, vnth a dull sensation in the back park Pain under the Shoulder bind", fallncß3 after eating, witha dis inclination to exertion of_bo3ybr_naindC Imtabiln y cf terapr,Xow spirits, Lou t frhemofy, with a Reeling ofhaving nc icctod sotrw duty, Weariness, Dizziness. Pi uttering of the heartTLot-') before the •y 11 °w 13kin,T£cadacho* Kegtioss xiess at night, highly colored U ; iw. FF THESE WARNINGS ARE UNHEEPSBT SERIOUS DISEASES V/ILL BE DEVELOPED. TU IT'S PILLS are especially adopted to such cases, one dose e nee la amcli aclmngo of feeUwv as to at onlun t he sufferer. Try Uiis rcuictly fairly, and yon will Silt* a healthy DicraUon, Vigorous ody, Pure lilood, Strong fltarye*. and (fAtuid Llrer. Price, 3A Cents* tun's HAIR DYE" ; Gray Hair and Whiskers changed to a Glossy black by a single application of th&s i'jr. It imparts a natural color, acts Instantaneously. Sold by Ilriyp gists, or sent by express on receipt qt SI. tltlice. 3.5 Murray St.rA'ew \ Orkl , t Wl.trTT'S M AJfl'A f. of Valuable v . llnfoi mat ton and rueful Receipts will 1 v bemailed Fit 1212 on application. / Henderson's Leader. IT IS NOT ONLY THE BEST MADE, BUT IT IS THE LIGHT- I EST-BUNNING. QUIETEST AND j SIMPLEST IN THE MARKET. IT 19 THE ACME OF PERFECTION IN WORKMANSHIP AND PRINCIPLE. MOTTOafe— '"Wf. PROTECTION TO DEALERS; MATNTENANCKOF GOOD RETAIL PRICES; NO PROMISCUOUS SCATTERING OF WHOLESALE PRICES. { AgentsWANTED* "* FOB PARTICULARS ADDRBSS T The Leader Sewing Machine &C i • CLEVELAND, OHIO. J T A Claims a specialty, and WAR- , I f/\ \ I I RANTS, ADDITIONAL HOME- ' -LJXJIXT \J STEAD CERTIFICATES and all kinds of LAND SCRIP bought and sold. " Large Stock, and HIGHEST PRICES Paid. Do you want to sell or buy? If so, write to A. A. THOMAS, Attorney-at-Law, Washington, D. C. || act 0 ssoliciterafor % feq patent*, caveats, O >3 trade-marks, copyrights, etc.,for H n the United States, ur.n.j obtain pat onts ui Canada, England, France; p y Germany, and all other bonuliics. ~1 in 11111 —~ ni Thirtyaix yeaiV practice. N® chargo for examination cf models or draw ings. Advice by mail free. Fateuts obtained through r.s rro notice 1 ill the SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, which has the largest circulation, rnd is iho most influ ential uc-Wfiparer ofitslhnd ] übiij-iiedia the woMd. The tid vantages cf sr.cii a notice every pateutoe undorft&uds. • .... > This largo and pplemlidlv illaptrhtrd hows paper is published WEEIiLY at5.1.20a tear and is admitted to be the lcfct paper devote 4 16 set place, mechanics, inventions, onginfScrintr works, and other departments ft imStastrial progress, published in snjt country! Single copies ly mail, 10 cents. Sold by all newe dealere." Address. Mann k Co., pnbhrners of Scien fcifio American. 2fil Broadway, New York. Handbook aOO ut patents mai'cd BTTY SHE BEST. POST & CO S ' GUARANTEED THEHEST, CTRONC, STEADY L3GHT. 81 JZ T.OIE'a CIIT?AIER TKA:< GAS. Lly long Experience w are enabled to trakc tire ISJESi' STZrnj-XT t;i.wp 7iu>r, r.ul the OSLY one that raises rmtl lowers the wicis r.ii e*:owsi in cut. Kallrr covered Ty Icttcrn yiatcnt, )Prlce f nickel Fisted, yU.OO. t,t ■erat to Trcd'e. Oen.il tor Cnial©3t2C*, . P9ST & OSMPAFJ/J Manufacturers and Patontoes, CINCINNATI, CHiO. . ROAD CART A LIGKT RUNNING, EASY RIDING. PERFECTLY BALANCED Tm Wheeled ¥ehl@l@. TLorougMy veil mada and sold at a Low Pries. ABOVE ILLUSTRATION REPRESENTS OUR NO.' 3 OR PARS CART. THREE ST3X2S, Washing frcm 90 to 160 lbs. Fricea from s*>© to s#*>• body likea them. Send for Illustrated Price List. BRADLEY & CO., SYRACUSE, N. Y. A. J TOTAIJLISEED lliOL