Journal. THURSDAY, MAY 3RD, 1883. BY DEININGER & BUMILLER. bhnrcb & Sanday School Directory. Evangelical. Iter*. B. Henyst and H. A. Jfenfcr, Preach'b Rev. R Hetigst will preach next Sunday morn ing—German. Sjnday School. mRev.C.F. Gephnrt,Supt Missionary Society meets on the third Mon day evenittjj el each tnentii. Methodist. lie*'. Ftsnnrm Adams Prcacher-in-charge. Regular services next Sunday evening. Sunday School at 10S A.M.—D. A Musser, Sup't Reformed. Iter. Zieiivj'i .1. Yearick, Pastor. Preaching In Mlllhelm next Sunday at 2 o'clock, P. M., and in Aaronshurg in the eve ning. bot.i services English. Mite society meets re gulavly on thedlrstTues day evening of each month . United Brethren. Rev. J. O. H'. Herald, Preacher in charge. Sunday School. 9A. M.— A. It. Alexander, Sunt Lutheran. Rev. John Tomlinson , Pastor.— Preaching in Millheim next Sunday morn ing, English, and In Aaronsburg In the after noon, German. Sund ty School ut 9W A.M. !5* O* Deininger, Snpt. The Augsburg Bible Class meets .every Satur day evening at 7 o'cloek. Ladies' Mite Society meets on the first Mon day evening of e.ioli month. Lalae & Society Directory ltlllhelm Lodge, No. AV, I. O. O. F. meets In heir hall, Penn Street, every Saturday evening. Reln-eea Degree Meeting every Thursday ou or before the full moon f each month. C. W. HAKTMAN, See. F. *\ . MACCK. N.G. Providence Grange. No. 217 P. of H., meets in Alexander s block on the second Saturday of each month at IS. P- m.. and on the fourth Sa turday of each month at I'JP.M. 1). L.ZEitnv. Sec. T. G. Kuiuun,Master. The Millheim B. ft 1.. Association meets in the Penn street school house ou the evening of the second Monday of each month. A. WALTEst. Sec, 15. O. DEININGKR, Prest. Tlie Millheim Cornet Band meets in the Town Hail on Monday and Thursday evenings. J. W. Foote, Sec. 1). I. Brown J'res't. Centra County Democratic Com mittee for 1533. DISTRICT. XAMK. r. o. ADDRESS. Bellefoute X. W, J. M. Keicbiiue, ...Bellefonte " S. W. t'lias Smitli " W. W. S. A.McQtdstion,.... '• Howard b.tro. Ira C. Leathers, Howard Milesburj: " .tames P. -MUICS,... Mllesburg Millheim " F. P. Musser Millheim Phiiipsburg 1 W. C.G.Heriinger,...Philipsuurg 2 W. sol Schmidt " " 3 W. A. V. Carpenter, " UntonvlUe bero. P. J. Me Donah I, Fleming Beuner tap. Win. I shier, Bellefonte Jtogws " Frank F. Adams,...Mllesburg Huroside " Henry Meeker Pine Glenn College " John (toon Leinont Curtin " John McCloskey, lioland Ferguson O. P. J. T. MeCornuek, Stae college " N. P. I*. W. Walker,— Bock Springs Grecg S. p. JohnColdron Spring Mills " N. P. Wm. Luce Farmers' .Mills Haines K. P. L. B. Mover, Woodward •' W. P. Geo. Bower, Aaronsburg Unit Moon tup. J. H. Griffin, Siormstown Harris " D.W.Meyer, Boalsburg Howard 44 John Glenn, Howard Huston " John L. Miles Julian Liberty " James P. Leiun Blancbam M-iriou * 4 J. J. Hoy, Walker Miles 44 Ellis Shafer Madison burg Patton " Agnew Sellers. Jr Filmore I pen a " P. if. stover, Coburn ; Potter N. P. D.J. Meyer Centre Hall j S. P. Samuel Slack Tusscyviile ltush N. P. William Cullen Phili sbtirg | 4 * s. p. J. T. Everly Sandy Ridge Show Shoe {twp. Win. It. l!aynes,...Snow* slioe Spring " K. C. Wood Bellefonte Taylor 44 Hepburn Blowers, Fowler Union 44 S. K. Kmeriek, Fleming Walker 44 Jos. Emerlck, llublersburg Wurtli " M. S. spotts, Port M&lilua WM. C. HEINLE, Chairman. >V. MILBS WALKER. Secretary. York County Democrats. The Democracy of York county at their recent county meeting pass ed a series of scuad and seasonable resolutions, from which we giro be low the two principal ones—the first commends the course of our excell ent Governor, the second speaks in no uncertain sound against the gross abuse of corporate powers, and very properly demands that the plain pro visions of the constitution be enforc ed against them. These resolutions have the true ring of reform and de serve the active endorsement ofevery citizen: 1. Tle chief executive magistrate of the com monwealth elected in November, and inaugura ted in January, has entitled himself to the re spect, confidence and gratitude of the democra cy by liis able and faithful efforts to reform tho H buses of the public service ami to abolish tlia corrupt practices which lia-4 grown up under previous administrations. 2. Wc fully concur with the governor In the judgement so strongly expressed in his mes sages, that the power of corporate monopolies to rule the state, according to thetr pleasure, and plunder it for their profit, ought to be im mediately checked, that the extortion of un reasonable tolls, taxes and freights by railroad companies, and the grossly unjust discrimina tions between parties whose rights are exactly equal, have never been author.zed by any law, are now expressly forbidden by the constitution and, therefore, should be effectually stopped; t tat the seveut eeuth article of the constitution being designed merely to make the railroad corporations honest, and hold them like other public servants to the performance of their plain duty, it should be enforced and carried in to lull effect, and that the wilful failure of the legislature, or members thereof, to enforce the constitution by appropriate legislation, is a di rect breach of their oathi, an l inexcusable on the score of common morality. ISRAEL ERB SAVED FROM HANGING. Imprisonment for Life. IIAR RISBLRG, Jlfly Ist. j The board of pardons held a spec ial meeting in the office of the secre tary of internal nflairs yesterday afternoon. The session lasted four hours and was intended to complete all business possible before the re tirement of Colonel A. K. Dunklc. Recorder Everett read the testimon y in the case of old Israel Erb and i t took over three hours in the hear ing of it. The paper books are vol uminous affairs. The board, after a careful consideration, decided to recommend to the governor a - com mutation of the death sentence to imprisonment for life. The papers to that effect will bo prepared and signed in the next few da vs. The Anti-Treating Bill Buried. II AURTSBURG, April 2">. —The Sen ate, on motion of King, Democrat, to day reconsidered the vote by which Greei's anci-treating bill was defeated yesterday. During the discussion that followed, Cooper, in opposing the bill, said lie feared that it would increase the number of plug-bats in which to carry tlasks. George Hand**' Smith no ticed that most of the supporters of the bill were men who did not treat. For instance, he would never suspect Greer or Sill of treating. George Handy was sure that if the bill passed he could not be re-electid to the Sen ate. 11 is people would not belit-ve that there was such a law, and by refusal to treat ho would lose his reputation for liberality. The bill was again defeated for want :>f a Constitutional majority, receiving twenty-one votes, four less than it got yesterday. The "nres" were twenty. What Democratic Unity Moanr. From the Erie Eventa? HeralU. A union of the friends of Mr. Wal lace and Mr. Randall will secure -for the latter a united democratic delega tion from Pennsylvania in favor of his re election to the speakership. It will insure K uuited delegation in the next democratic national convention ami give the Keystene democracy the weight to which they e wise or successful. But this reminds me of a cir cumstance connected with the electoral count of 1876-7 Mr. Hurd was a member of congress then, and one of the ninety democrats who stood out to the last against the outrage of counting in Hayes. lie had in his possession facts which would have enabled him to defeat the count had not his high sense of honoi prevented his using them. His room at Worm ley's hotel was next to the one in which the famous conference of republican leaders was held, and he overheard, by accident, some of the strategic schemes for deceiving the demo crats and propositions made to certain southern members in order to gaiu their acquiescence to the work of commission. Yet Hurd never made any use of his knowledge. Neither has he since ever given any account of what he heard. He told me once, says a well-known western correspondent, about the fact ef his being made an involuntary eavesdropper, and when 1 asked him what lie heard, he replied, "Enough to have defeated the counting in ot Hayes beyond a peradventure, but I could better have af forded to have him counted in than to have used illegitimate means to defeat that end. 1 could not afford to go down to history as an eavesdropper, and so I held my tonga*, not even telling any of my associates until the fight was over. PHONO. LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTlCE.— betters OF administration on the estate or Reuben S Zerby having been granted to 1 he undersigned, all persons knowing themselves indebted to said estate are hereby notified to make immediate payment, and those having claims to present them duly authenticated for settlement. A, P. ZERBY. - Administrator. Pcttu township, April r_\, Lewisboii ml Tyrone Eailrcai Time Me, LKAVK WESTWARD. 1 3 7 • A. M. A. M. p. * R. M. P. * Mnntnnrirtn 7 or, 9.40 2.0"> 6.00 7.15 Lew Ishurg .7.25 10 05 2.20 Fair 41 round 780 10.13 2.25 Blelil 7.40 10.27 2.35 Yckslnirg 7.45 iy.;so 2.40 Mittllnburg B.(iour 11.00 ar 2.55 le. 8 U5 Millmont ~....5.22 B.2ft laurel ton 8.35 3.40 Wtker Hun 8.57 4.1N1 Cherry KIM 9.15 4,23 Fowler 9.85 4.47 Cobtirn 9,44 5.00 Spring Mllls.ll 1ft.15 ar. 5.30 LKAVK HA&TWAKD. a ~i4 • n 10 A. M ~ 4. M. Swing Mi 115.;..., 6.50 4 30 ('oburii IL 18 2.20 Fowler H. 28 2.83 cherry Hun T.4FT 2^5 Wlker KUU.... 7.05 3.13 laturelton 7.30 3.40 K. W. Mifffinbrrrg 8.00 11.45 4.13 p. If. Vickaburg. 8.15 12.10 4.32 Blelil 820 12.17 4.38 Fall*(liountl..,~ A. M. 8.30 12.33 4.48 r. M. Lewhburtf. 6.85 8.45 12.50 5.10 7.30 Montandonar. 6.45 nr. 9.00 ar 1.05ar.f,.20tr 7.40 Nos. l and Semitic t at Montundnn wit>i Krle Mail West; 3 aim 4 witli He a Shore Kxpiess Fast ; S and ti Willi Day Express and Niatfcra Express West; 7 and 8 with Fast Line West; 9 and 10 witli WilliaiuspoiT Accommodation Fast. Japanese Crepe. in order to introduce our Japanese Crepe goods we will semi POST paid to any ADDRESS on receipt >f ility CENTS or 17 llirce-cent stamps, the followin IF: 1 window banner, size 13 BY 24 indies, w ith rich color and deep border* 1 tidy, sizes by U inches, very handsome; 1 lamp mat 27 incites in circumference, perfectly lovely: 1 waVlsereen. large and bandsonie. Address K. Florence & Co., I*. Y. box 1860, South Bend, Indiana. ' CHEAPEST BOOR in (lie World Tfeo New American Dictionary. PRICE ONLY SI.OO. CONTAINS 1000 KNOIIAVINOS AM> 1W PACKS MOItK TLLA* ANY OTIIKII BOOK or TLA KINO KVBit PI Al.isncn. Tills useful and eh-gnnl volume is a Elbmryand Rncv eloped lu of gvner al knowledge, AS well as TLIE best Diction #ry In the world. Superbly bound In' cloth and gilt. No pocket alfAir BUT A large volume Contains every useful! word In the English language, with Its true meaning, spelling and pronunciation, and a VAST amount of necessary information UIMHI Science. Mythology, Biography, American History, insolvent land and interest etc., being a I'KKKKtT El Bit AKY OK ID L-v KKNCE. Webster's Dictionary costs $9.00, the New Am erican costs only SI.OO. Read whet the Press SaT.**^V',£i either in price, ttnlsh or contents."— 'TllK AD VOCATE. "Worth ten times the money."— T L BUNE ANP KAHMEH. "A perfect dictionary ami Übrarv of inference."—LPSLlK ILLPS. NKWS. "We have frequent occasion to use tin* New A nicricrn Dictionary In our OFFICE and regard it well worth the price."—(TIHISTIAX UNION. "With thi New American Dictionary In the li brary for reference, many ft* her much more ex pensive works RAN LIE DISPENSED with, and Ig norance of liift-Qmintry, liDtorv, bunlne**, law, etc. is INEXCUSABLE in any man'"— smKNTiric A MEKICAN "There's more real worth than in IIP st books at ten times the cost."— N.Y. WOULD I'l ice. $1 00, postpaid; 2 for #1.75. Extraordinary Offer.- ",™n w ill get up a Club of Ten at #I.OO each W E will send KKKKAI.S-H premium Die American Water bury Stem Wiud Wateb. For CLE' B ol 15 we will send five a Solid Silver limiting CASE Wateb. For CU Bof3o WE senfi free, N Ladtcs' Solid Hold Hunting CASE Watch. For CLL*B of 50 we will send free, tients' Soltd GOLD Hunting Case Watch. Send a Dollar at once for a sample copy. You can easily secure one of these watches in a day or two or during your leisure time evenings. As to our reliability we can refer to Die pub lisher of this napcr. Die commercial agencies or any express Co.. in this eitv. Address WOULD MANUFAUTI KING CO.. 122 NA.sSAC STREET. NEW YORK. V 8& na K *BAIIOT, R !IFE is sweeping by, go and PF V APK ■ date bclore you die, siuuctldng SI SU -W H mighty and sublime leave be hind ti> conquer time." #OS a week n your ortn town. JF> outfit free. No risk. Everything new. Capital not required. We will furuLsii YOU everything. Many arc making foitunes. Ladies make as much AS men. and boys and gills make great pay. Reader, If you want tea SINES* at which you <-an make great piyitll the time, write for particu lars to 11. H. 11 At. LETT & Co., Portland, Maine. P. H. STOVER, DEALER IN Clover Seed, Flour & Feed, Coal, Plaster & Salt. • ul jL S * ' -ILIGJIEST MARKET RULCKJALWATS PAID. full supply of Coal. Plaster and Salt~a| ways on band and sold at the lowest piico A *-COFTL kept under roof at all seasons of the year. 03"The public patronage respectfully sol let ed. 391y TWO (iOtll) BOiUS. ChimbeF s Information for the People ; or 1001 Tilings Worth Knowing, comprising the 111-dory and mystery of everything in common use. Crahb's Harutu Cyclopedia; or Explana tion of Words and Tilings connected with all the Arts and Sciences, illustrated with over 50,- engravings nicely bound in cloth, gilt, size about 6 by. 8 inches and nearly two inches thick. Re, taiis at $1.50. Sample of either to agent* only, for #l. or both for Add RASA K. BL ent & Co. south Bend, Indiana. JJL/.VA' FA MIL Y BIBLES, UTOGRAPII ALB VMS, JP RESEXTA TION BIBLES, UNDA Y SCHOOL 818 LBS, O TA NDA RB-SCHOOL 800 ICS, G VXI)A Y SCHOOL SUPPLIES, DICTIONARIES, LYJ A:3/ORA .VD.IA', TIME BOOKS, YJEDGERS, DA YBOOKS, RECORDS, ; A RE OLD'S FLUID, SCHOOL INKS, UPLENDID RILOTOGRXPH ALBUMS, STATIONERY, PAPER, ENVELOPES, * G TEIIEOSCOPE3 AND LARGE VARIE TY OF FXPTCY GOODS FOR SALE A T THE JOURNAL GTOUE, AT - THE LOWEST PRICES. FARMERS! IT you want free simple copies of the largest and best agricultural piper in the country w rite yours and vour neighbors' names on a postal card and mail It to Farmers' friend Pub. Co.. South Bend, ind. Price 50 cents A year and Premiums to every subscriber. THE MILLHEIM MARBLE WORKS— Is the Oldest, The Largest, The Cheapest, The Most Reliable, The Most Successful Establishment of its Kind in this part of Pennsylvania. XDEH3STHTC3-IEjIE?, <£z HSwCTTSSIEU?,, lE :, K,Ol=E,ietoe.S. MILLHEIM, ' ' ' ' '*■ % / k mad ® at home by the in g W Best business now be •Tl fl fy fore the public. Capital no, need w ed. We w ill start you. Men, women boys and girls wanted everywhere to work for us. Now is the time, You can work in snare time, or give your whole time to the business. No other business will pay you near ly as well. No one can fail to in ike enormous pay. by enlacing at once. Costly outfit and terms free. Money made fast, easily, and hon orably. Address Tnrs & Co.. Augusta, Maine. D. H. LEUKEB: MANUFACTURER AND DEALER IN FURNITURE, Aaronsburg, Penna. Chamber Suits, Bureaus, Lounges, Bedsteads, Stands, Marble-Top Centre Tables. Breakfast Tables, Dining Tables, Extension Tables, Sideboards, Sinks and all kinds of Kitchen Furni ture, Cane or Wood Seat Chairs, Rockers, Spring Beds, Wire, Wool and Hair Ma tresses, every style of Mould ings for Picture Frames. Frames of any size made to order. Undertaking a Speciality. 1 keep a complete line ot undertak er's goods always on hand. Having a Branch Shop in Millheim, I can accommodate customers at either place. A share of public patronage re spectfully solicited. 50-oua Get the Best. Webster's Dictionary is the best. EVery fam |ly should have a copy- Allison's Webster's Dictionary containing oyer 300 illustrations. 50- 000 words and phrases, pronouncing vocabula ry of scripture and proper names, list of mytho logical airl classical names. United States Cen sus for 1880 and many other useful tables. Post paid for only 50 cents. Address K. Florence A Co., P. O, box 1800, South Bend, Ind. nATrfclTO AIfDERSOXASMITD, PA B2- IJ 8 \ Solicitor.-, r U. 8. and Kor -1 fl a LCV C Wl'lr' 1 Ihi ems. No. yooSi-venth Sti <-et. cor, G, opp. IT. s. Pat ent. Office. Washington o. C. Correspondence so licited. No charge for uclv'Ce. NO fee changed un less Patent Is allowed. Rrfereuoos. Lewis Johnson A Co.. Hunkers. and Postmaster, Wellington, D. C. Pamphlet of Instructions free. Great Bargains — — Furniture, Carpets, Sewing Machines, China and Silverware, &c. For the next two weeks we will offer our immense stock at a great reduction from ORIGINAL COST. Con isting of Furniturc'of every description, Parlor and Cbfrtnbcr Suits, Library, Pining-Koom nnnce. Send for cfrw c li ' . . A. B. HKQI HAH, York, Fa. Pennsylvania STEAM ENGINES, A. B. FABQUHAB, Tork Pa ] Ctieapeat and beat for all par- jjionmr Seiul lor Illustrate! CaUlogoe , K xUUmiU wheel., very ' - lo^ convenient, economical pi 2_W i H * I,( 1 complete In every gi • j 11, Lent and THE FARQI'JIAR SEPARATOR Address J. B. 7ALQUHAR, York, Pa. FAEWSA2 EE7STOIT3 CO3N PLAITTia Warranted the test com dropper and most fertlUer distributor in tba