I^lin^mjournnl. THURSDAY, APRIL 12TH, 1883. SY DEININGER & BUMILLER. gPECIAL ffRAIN! —SPRING ARRIVAL— TOMLINSON'S G-rand Supply IDepot AT MILLHEIM, PA. As you sec on his yellow wrappers a Special Train ARRIVES THIS "W"EEZ CONTAINING Pry Hoods, Groceries, Notions AND General Merchandise, which will he sold a! such IjOWIFRICES as never heard of before in this sec ion. This means square business QUICK SALES AND SHALL FROFITS, All are cordially invited to call. Everything in the line of General Merchandise can he had at the Sup ply Depot AT THE VERY LOWEST TRICES. LOCAL DEPARTMENT. Mis. Stuigis is slowly improving. —Jersey Shore had an $95,000 fire the other Tuesday morning. —Railroad engineers are now survey ing a route through Sugar Valley. —Gen. Ileekman has built a new steamsingle mill near Logansville. —Mr. John S. Iloinan has a lot of floe, clean seed barley for sale. Call in time. 2t Fon SALE.— liev. C. F. Deininger offers his valuable property in Millheim at private sale. For particulars inquire of 11. K. Luse. on the premises. If —That excellent tailor and good,clev er fellow, Mr. Franz Geiger, of Wood ward, was in town the other day. Franz has many friends here. —We are glad to state that Mrs. An na M. Weaver, who had been confined to the sickbed for the last few weeks, is convalescent. —There will be an exhibition of the work done by Lire Monarch Lightning Saw at my place next Saturday after noon. All are invited. S. K. FAUST. —The Lenisburg Local Xeics has been changed to the Lewisburtj Saturday News, enlarged, and the subscription price raised to $1,50. It is a good,spicy paper. —A handsome trombone is in the possession of Mr. George Ilhymstine, a member of the Seltzer band. It is gold mounted and was purchased in Cincin nati.. — Clinton, Democrat. — lf some of our farmer subscribers / have more corn than cash, they can settle their subscriptions IN corn— and it makes no difference to the priuter whether it be for arrears, ia advance, or for the current year. tf — The Primary and North street schools, having been taught by Miss Mary Stiohm and B. F. Edmonds, have finished tho winter term. The Gram mar school, taught by Mr. Morrison will close to-morrow. — lt would improve the looks of our streets a good deal, if people would re move the large heaps of coal ashes in froutof their properties. With the ap proach of warm weather our streets,al leys ana yards ought to be cleaned. —'Squire Camp at Centre ILALL turns out most excellent furniture at very moderate prices. No matter whether you need something line to furnish your parlor or the more common artic les for the kitchen, Mr. Camp, can sup ply you any thing you want in his line, and at prices that cannot be undersold anywhere. Try him. SELECT SCHOOL AT SPRING MILLS. —The undersigned will open a Select School in the Public School Building at Spring Mills. The spring term to con sist of 5 weeks will open on Monday, May 7th. Tuition from $2.50 to $4.00. Boarding can be procured at from $2.50 to $3.00 per week. C. M. SMITH, A. B. -Our esteemed friend, Itev. I. C. Yeakel, of Union Seminary, New Ber lin, was appointed by the late Evangel ical Conference, agent to solicit sub scriptions, for a fund to repair the pre sent Seminary buildings and make ad ditions thereto. Owing to the great iucrease of students, the Assosiation finds the accommodations of this char acter entirely inadequate. This cer tainly sounds well for Union Seminary. —LctcUbuvj Chroiiid I -Do not fail to read 11. 11. Tom 1 in- | son's announcement at the hoad of our local column and be on 'hand for the arrival of his train. Our assessors have completed the valuation of properties and if wo can procure a copy we will publish tin re sult of their work in next week's Jour nal, so that each man may see how rich ne is. —Mr. Philip 11. Meyer is giving his ' Penn street property a general over hauling and improvement. That's light, Philip, put everything in first class trim. It will spur up others to do tho same thing. —Mr. Km'l Brown, late of the Madi sonlmrg Hotel, has rented tho Cmn inings House in Bellefonte and < pencil it as a public house, after it had been closed for some years Hope ho may do a good business. Astronomer Warner, of Rochester, offers api izo of S2OO for every new comet discovered during the coming year, either by telescope or the naked eye. Here b a chance for men out of employ. If a chap finds ten comets he will get the snug sum of s2ot 0. Go in boys. —,l. W. Statu sells as low as anybody in this part of the county. .lust no tice a few of his prices and call at his store. Prints from 5 to 51 cts. per yard, Ladies' Gaiters, 00 cts.,Children's Walking Shoes 75 cts., and all other goods proportionately as cheap. Call and see for yourselves. —Rev. 11. llengst has anounced his purpose to preach a short sermon eyery week for the special benefit of our young folks. Mr. llengst here enters upon a line of work which we trust may prove fruitful of much good. This week the sermon will be on Wednesday evening, but hereafter on Tuesday evenings regularly. —J. A. Limbert is really one of the most accommodating and reliable fel lows that ever drove a stage. Through out the year he carries a very large a mount of express goods all along the rente, and delivers them in person. Everything is always right and his charges are really moderate. You can safely entrust our business to him. tf Communicated A SußrniSE. —The St. Paul's con gregation of the Aaronsburg charge made their pastor and nis wife a hand some donation consisting of sacks of flour, produce, groceries and cash. This timely and thoughtful favor is hereby gratefully acknowledged by tho lecipients ; especially do they appre ciate tho good will which prompted them to visit the parsonage for such a purpose. May the Father of mercies richly reward them in basket and store. JOHN TOMLINSON. —Mr. Jacob Kamp's boot and shoe store, Lock Haven, is one of the lead ing business houses in that enterprising town. It does a largo ai d increasing ! trade. Since March Gth ultimo, Mr. ; Karop received no less than eighty six boxes of goods amounting at wli desale to the respectable si n of $3,473.57. The secrtt of his success is that he al ways keeps ,i full lino of goods,excellent ! in quality and moderate in price— and j advertises judiciously and liberally, tf j On questions affecting the morals of ; the community Brother Cornelius, of Lewisburg Chronicle , is as level-headed a man as can be met in a week's travel. In the following article which we clip from tfiat paper and every word of the which we heartily endorse, he treats a subject that deserves the serious thought of every citiz n and particularly every parent in the land : Might it not be well to call a halt In the way of reading so much light liter ature and so many trashy papers, and go back, to some degree at least,to good standard books and art idea of solid val ue published bv leading magazines V One trouble with the most enterprising dailies is this : They gather up and publish, in detail, accounts of all the murdeis, suicides, and rascality in gen esal, and in their descriptions throw a sort of enchantment about the affair | that captivates many whose minds may ' i e running, at the time, on the proba ble determination of committing a crime somewhat similar ; and the de tails given serve a3 an easy lesson to the commission of that particular clas3 i of crime. If a mere prosaic paragraph, giving the hard faits only, were pub lished, without being accompanied by the glamor of roman-se, it wou'd have a tendency to discourage murders, sui cides, robbers, &c. Were the papers to say merely for instance : "'On the 11th inst., John Jone3 was murdered by a low semi-lunatic nomad, who was imprisoned and will lie promptly hung privately, within a few days,"and then, after the hanging, merely announce that he was hung, and say no more a bout it, that would put a damper on the commision of such crimes. Noto riety in some cases, is sought for even at the risk of a neck good for nothing else than for hanging. Suicides, also, should be treated with as little romance as possible. Both crimes are murder. In one case two at least, have to suffer death, according to law ; in the other, but one. Let the daily papers pay less attention to the morbid details of crimes and their penalties, and our word for it, there would be a decline i I the number of murders and suicides throughout the country. ADTIC£ TO MOIKEUS. Are you disturbed at night and broken of your rest by a sick child suffering and crying wit ii pain of cutting teeth ? I f so, send at once and get a bottle of Mtts. WIN show's SOOTHING SYKUP FOR CHILDREN TEETHING. Its value is incalculable. It will relieve the poor little suf ferer immediately. Depend upon it, mothers, there is no mistake about it. It cures dysentery and diarrhoea, regulates the stomach and bowels, cures wind colic, softens the gums, re duces inflammation, and gives tone and energy to the whole system. MKS WINSLOW'S SOOTH ING SYUCP KOH CHILDREN TEETHING is pleasant to the taste, ami is the prescription of one of the oldest and best female physicians and nurs es in the United States, and is for, sale by all druggists throughout the world. Price 25 cents a bottle. HOME AGAIN. —Mr. Michael Hess and family, after a residence of some vears in Efiingliam county, Illinois, have returned last week to lake charge of the old John Hess farm in Haines township. We bid them welcome. SPRING MILES ITEMS. The planing mill changed hands and is now operated by Grenoble & Kntpe. Both our Sunday schools were open ed last Sunday. The venerable I'eter Wilson was again elected Superiutend ont of the old Union School, and Mr. Charles Miller is the Superintendent of the newly organised Methodist school. Hope both may tie successful in doing good and in gathering in many who would other wise spend the holy Sab bet h in idleness and visiting. Mrs. James Leitzell is visit ing'friends in the western part of the state. Mr. C. V. Ilennich will soon make a visit to the west to visit his children —and perhaps to stay. It is my painful duty to write yon of the unexpected death of our beloved towsnman Mr. Michael Nofsker, which occurred last week. He was sick but a very short time. "Uncle Mike," as he was familiarly called was known and respected by all. The community loses an honest substantial citizen, a kind, obliging neighbor and useful man, his surviving consort her best friend, but his memory will long remain fresh and green in the hearts of his many friends. SAM PATCH. Miscellaneous. A Pottsvillo man has offered to con tribute live dollars toward a fund for defending Miss Nutt if she shoot, will Dukes. It is stated as a fact for farmers that seed of the sunflower is the best remedy ever discovered for the speedy euro of founder in horses. Immediately on discovering that young horses are foundered, work about a pint of the whole seed into his food, and it will work a perfect cure. Philadelphia Tiincs : "Tho Boys now growing up seem to be too nice for real work and they seek positions as clerks and housekeepers and such light places, where they seem to care little for the pay so long as the work doesn't muss their hair and SJJ their clothes." The Millenium Cominur. Fro a the Chicago Times. Glass shingles are now made at Pitts- j burg, and glass has beed proposed as a ; substitute foi stone, bricks other and j building material. Apparently the j is near at hand when nobody should throw stones. A Comparativo Question. From the Now York Tribune. The number of persons who live by their wits is only surpassed by the number of persons who allow themselves to be fooled when they ougiit to know better. Twouty Firms Burned Out. KKNTLAND, Ind., April s.— The bus iness portion of this place was almost entirely destroyed by fire last evening. Twtnty firms were burned out. Loss, SIOO,OPO, half of which is insured. Killed in a P tizo-Fight. DUBOIS, Pa., April 3.—ln a prize fight here last evening between Mike McLaughlin and Marin Linksy,miners, six rounds were fought. In the last round t he men clinched and fell,Limksy breaking his neck in the fall and dying instantly. McLaughlin gave himself up to the authorities. The men were not over eighteen years of age. The South Pennsylvania Railroad Company, winch wil 1 erect a bridge a cross the river from the lower section of Ilarrisburg has awarded the eon tract to Clark, ltecyes & Co., of Pine l ixyille. The bridge will cost $3,000,000 and it is said will be almost two miles in length. It wil! commence at an ele vation oil the Cumberland side of the river and maintain this elevation for a considerable distance in Ilarrisburg. Tho Long Leap of Robert Ransom's Mare. From the Charlotte Journal-Observer. The capacity of thoroughbred horses for jumping is wonderful. The most extraordinary leap we ever saw was the one made by General Robert Ransom's mare Fanny, when the Yanks surprised his brigade below Kinston, N. C. lie j put her across a gap where a railroad | culvert had been torn up, at full speed, and the distance, afterward measured, according to our recollection, was over twenty-five feet. A man employed by T. J. Murphy, undertaker at New Bedford, a few days ago .vent to a house to measure a corpse and by mistake got into tho wrong room,where a living woman was asleep, lie pulled out his tape and measured her length. Then he rolled her over on her face to measure across her should ers. She awoke and wanted to know what he was doing, lie left the house in great haste and reported at tne store half frightened to death, that there was no corpse in that house. The woman lias something to laugh about the rest of her life. %. |*tmo Ijoifl, Aos. :i!7 & 319 ARCH ST., PHILADELPHIA. EATENBEDPCEDTOS2.QB PER DAY. The traveling public will still And at this Hotel the same liberal provision for their com fort. It is located in the Immediate centres of business and places ol amusement and the dif ferent Rail-Road depots, as well as all parts ot the city, are easily accessible by Street Cars constantly passing the doors. It offers special inducements to those visiting the city for busi ness or pleasure. Your patronage respectfully solicited. Jos. M. Feger, Proprietor. The new passenger cars being built by 11 JO Pennsylvania railroad company at Altooniv, Pa-, are nix inches narrow er than the old style. it makes them run easier. How a Man Died of Broken Heart. From the Atlanta Constitution. Death from a broken heart has taken place in Irwin county. Miss Lillio Wall was dangerously ill for several days mid the doctors quietly informed her fid her, Mr. Jasper Wall, that his daughter could not possinly live. Do ing to her bedside and viewing her sad ly, the father said t "My dailing child, you are obliged to die, but I only hope that I may die first." Shortly after he went into convulsions and was soon dead, followed three hours later by the death of his daughter. A religious revival has been in prog ress in the Herman Protestant Church at Shenandoah for a week. Among the faithful in attendance was Mrs. Ann Wagoner, who was to-day taken to the insane department of the County Alms house a raving matiac. The pressure of religious excitement was great so as to unsettle her reason,oll last Sunday,so anxious was she to offer up a sacrilice that she attempted to take the life of her child, but fortunately was discover ed before the crime was committed. A close watch was kept 011 her until to day, when she was placed in a carnage and taken to the insane asylum. Dur ing the entire route she sang hymns and ottered up prayers. Bhe is about thirty five years of age. Hunting in a Very Curious Mask. A Colorado farmer has invented a duck-hunting outfit which discounts the California man's cow. lie stripped the hide from a bullock and mounted it on a wire skeleton which looked as natu ral as a living animal. He out away the belly of his wire bullock for his body and made two holes through the should ers to take sight through. When lie wants a duck-shot he drops his skeleton over bis bead and starts out for the tul les. lie can Walk right into a flock without startling them and has on one or two occasions returned home with bis hiding-place full of teal caught with his hands. He never fails to kill all he wants. THE CZAR'S GREAT GUARD. 40,000 MEN CALLED FOR PRO TEOTION. PETERSBURG, April 4. It is now ascertained that tile minis try of the Interior and the Directors of the Police and Gendauierio haye enlist ed forty thouun 1 111 *:i in tiie ranks of the monjicks ana promoted them to those of the nobility. These men will b' clothed in the garb worn bv private citizens and stationed on the day ot the coronation between the Palace Pet raw ski and the Kerlin. They will mingle with the crowds and appear as mere lookers-on. All will he armed, will have a password and be organized to act in a body against the Nihilists or other disturbers of ; the ceremonies. Moreover, in each house in Moscow one person,who is not the usual tvornik, or j usitor, has been designated by the police, who will be held responsible for the doings of the inhabitants of said house. These peecautions are expected to constitute a strict guard over the whole population of the city. The per sons thus singled out by the police to do such guard duty are so many hostages i n the hands of the Muscovite author ities, their own lives and libeities de pending on the good behavior of every inhabitant in each house. London is fearfully excited and prac tically under martial lap l>y reason of the discovery of dynamite plots. John Kirton,the Irish-American who was arrested on Saturday, is supposed to have been selected to carry out some dynamite plots, under sealed orders from the chiefs of a secret organization. All the "dynamitists" have been re moved to the Millbank Prison and plac ed in close and separate confinement under a special guaul. The convict van in which they were taken to Mill- Dank was escorted by a large force of police, armed with revolvers. From papers tound in Whitehead's dynamite factory at Birmingham it is believed that a clue has been obtained as to the perpetrators of the Whitehall explosion. The police say that several important arrests will shortly be made. The can isters seized at* Liverpool have been found to contain nitre-glycerine, saw dust and chalk, the ignition of these explosives being worked by means of a trap operated by sulphuric acid and ex ploding in eighteen minutes. Similar dynamite has been seen only at the ex plosions at Glasgow and at the limes ofiiee here. The Observer to-day says that the po lice possess knowledge which may lead to further developements in what is likely to become the most hideous and stupendous plot of modern times. MARRIED On tlio. 25th ult., by Ifcv. •!. K. Miller, Mr. John It. Shrack of Bonneville and Miss Mary 10. Slannn, of Logansville. On the 29th ult., by Rev. S. M. Boeder, Prof. 11. F. Bitner, of Kut/.town, Perks Co, Pa., and Miss Cora K. Murray, of Centre llall. on the 29th ult.. in Potter township, Perry P. Kipka, aged 19; ears, 9 months and 23 days. In Miftlinburg, at the home of her sister, Mrs. Fizzle Foster, on Sunday afternoon, April 1, Miss Annie M, Slirlner, aged 29 yrs., ® \ IPTf SPP CUBED t\L> p I r\ In 30 Days By the use of the EXCELSIOR liUITURF PBASTIvIt A IIKALING COMPOUND. Send f< r testimonials to F. 11. MekkjCK, Ogdensburg, V.N HMMKMIII ffitrkcl. Corrected every Wednesday Wheat, old 1.10 " new, No. 2 1.00 ' " No. .7 80 Coin 65 Rye 70 nuts White 4.' Buckwheat Flour fI.OO Hrnn & Sho, ta,pei ton ; . 25 7.7 Suit,per Url 1.50 Plant IT, ; Tymothyseed Flaxseed CloV ilnins 1* Shies j Veal Fork H.e Knits Irt Potatoes . f!u I.ui. •. Tallow Soap ' r, Dried Apples Dried Peaches V. !>i iedc'hcrries .... COAI.MAUKET AT COIIt UN. Fujr Coal i. r .'jo siove " Chest nut ft'itfi I'M*.. . A.:*) 1 ea hy the ear load 35.49 1 A JIAHTEII, Auctioneer, itlLlflßlX, P\. "W" 1 simung,:i1 ' Fashionable Harbor, No \ t Door to Jot KXAL Store, Main Street, MILLIIKIM, P \. Dlt L). 11. MINGLE, riiysiolan & Surgeon, Gfflice on Main treet, MILI.IIEIM, PA. Dlt JOHN F. HA I:TKit. Practical Dentist, Oflice opposite the Millheini Bankinc House, MAIN STREET, MILLHEIM, PA. \ DAM IIOY, Atloruey-al-Law, BKLLEFONTE, PA. Orphans* Court" Bit sines* '.** Speciality. M C. HEINLE, Attorney-at-Law, BKLLEFONTE, PA. Practices in all the courts of Centre county. Special attention to Collect ions. Consultation* in German or tin Htsh. C. T. Alexander. C. M. Bower. \ LEXANDKR & BOWER, jf\_ Attornpys-at-Law, BKLLEFONTE, PA. OJP.ee in (J.innan's new building. J. A. Beaver. J. W. Gephurt. JgEAVEit &GEI'IIAKT, AUorneys-at-law, BKLLEFONTE, PA. Office 011 Alleghany Street, North of High Street 1). H. Hastings. W. K. Beeder. A liEEDER, Allornejs-at-Law, BKLLEFONTE, PA. onv-e on Allegheny Street, two doors east of the oittoccupied by the late firm of JYocuni A Hastings. i TgROCKERIIOFF ALLEGHENY ST., BKLLEFONTE, PA. C. G. McMILLEN, PHOPITLETOIL. Good Sample ltoom on First Floor. Free Buss to and from all trains. Special rates to witnesses end jurors. TBVIN HOUSE, (Most Central Hotel in the city.) CULT NEB OF MAIN AND JAY STREETS, LOCK HAVEN, PA. S.WOODS~CALDWELL PROPRIETOR. Good Sample Rooms for Commercial Travel ers on ti est Hour. QKT OUtt JOB PRINTING DONE AT The Mill'uoim Journal Office. Prompt and fine wo kat reasonalile rates. : SPECIAL BARGAINS I n 2 y 1 w b Tins m\ at j St Pi W.E. CAMP'S jj d H hi * H j la all Ms of I h> M H FURNITURE, - L | Spring Beds, £ '£l ;Q Matresses, &c. 224 STREET, LEWISBURG. PENNA * ' Our Stock is now complete in all its departments and we are receiving' Now Goods every day throughout the season. ALL THE LEADING SHADES IN HATS & BONNETS, TRIMMED FOR LADIES KISSES ADD CHILDREN. FORME OF Ladies' Ready-made Ulsters, Dolmans, Coats and Jackets cannot be excelled. Coat and Dress Trimmings, Hosiery, Gloves, Corsets* Lace 3, Silks, Satins, Lace and Linen Collars, Jet Combs, Real Hair Goods, Jewelry and oth er Fancy Goods, at PRICES that will bear COMPETITION. WE WILL NOT ADD MORE, BUT SIMPLY SAY THAT YOU WILL FIND THE BEST ASSORTMENT OF GOODS IN OUR LINE, AND THAT WE GAHNBT IE UNDERSOLD! Respectfully, jB. :K.A.:R,:R,IS, Market Street, Lewisburg, Pa. TUTT'S ( PILLS ft fiGTED DIViHE SftVSl Di, •< on: -!■(&'&hrt Fat ka ywn J. bars u mnrtyr to rtyj-jtcpsia. Constipation find I'JICS. I. ant f. ring your J ills vrererewmnierdcil tonic; J used theci (but with little faith). lain now :i well in in, havo pool appetite, dijresition perfect, regular Btoois, piles gyre. and I havo pained forty pounds solid tlaeii. Th r are worth, their vrcitrlit m pol l. licw.-5. : L. SIMPSON, Louis,.ii. Ky. SY[fiPYor/;3 OF A TORPID B,6 VER. I#oys of Apnetit?; ,L owQl*coßti vOj J'aii' in the Head. in th r _iach part, blad", fatlnoM after eatin|r t with a dis inclination to encrton cf body or mind, faiubtlity ( A temper, Lov/ spirits, Loss cfn c r::ci y, with :i J" iinsr- cf havmtt ne eded some duty, Weariness, Dia-mess, fiatterfiii of the heart, DotsJjrfore the eyes, Ye:low Sltin, Headache, Kestloss riess at night, highly colored Urire. IF THESE WARNINGS AKE UNHEEDED, SERiQUa DISEASES WILL BE DEVELOPED. TUTT'S FILLS ore especially adapted to Fuel) r KCi. onetlosc eftect suseli a• hape torHlonish the sitiTcrcr. Try tUI remedy ialrly. nud you will gain u lienlth)' IHeeMion, \ igoroua ljfody, Pnrc fllood, Strong IKerve*. and H Scmxi l-iver. Price, !15 CcnU> {>p, :',5 Xnrrny St., N. Y. TUITS HAfIT BYE. Ciray Ilidrnnd Whiskers chenaed to a CSiosay lilaek bytsinsle application of this lye. ft imparts a nntursl color, net* Emiautaneoiiily. Sold by frig gists, or .sent by express oil receipt ofsl. OCice, ."V Murray St.. New 1 orli. 1 DR. TTTT'S MA.VrAl.ofValuftbleV [inforniiitlonr.nil Useful Xtceelpts will I x be iniiilcd MILL on application. / "Yy "~ lS ~" Henderson's Leader. IT IS NOT ONLY THE BEST HADE, BUT IT IS THE LIGHT EST-RUNNING, QUIETEST AND SIMPLEST IN THE MARKET. IT 13 THE ACME OF PERFECTION IN WORKMANSHIP AND PRINCIPLE. MOTTO^ ****** PROTECTION TO DEALERS; MAINTENANCE OF GOOD RETAIL PRICES; No PROM I serous SCATTERING OF WHOLESALE PRICES. J Agents WANTED. • ' 400* FOB PARTICULARS ADDRESS > The Leader Sewing Machine Go.,* \ "> CLEVELAND, OHIO. •< X A "\TT"\ Claims a specialty, and WAR- I s \ N 0 B RANTS, ADDITIONAL HOME JLJJCjLI-4 JLS gTEAD CERTIFICATES and all kinds or LAND SCRIP bought and snld. * Large Stock, and HIGHEST PRICES Paid. Do you want to sell or buy? If so, writ© to A. A. THOMAS, Atioriicj'-HT-liibv, Washington, I>. t'. ! acta)iicitorttfor 3 T'* patents, carta Lj, 3 Pi 3 trade-marks, etc.,for 1 sUii ll the United States, rnd to ootainpat ! ents in Canada, Er. gland, Franco, i | ifisle gj Germany, and ail other countries. : LnsraS Thirty-si* years* practice. No charge for examination cf Eion.i3 or draw ings. Advico l v mail free. I Patents obtained through rs nro noticed in , tho SCIEATIFJU Asi£lHU!f, vhich J:a.l tlte largest circulation, r r.d is the most iaCti- J cntial newspaper of its kind pu Wished in the world. Th 3R d vania ges cf such a uotico overy patentee under stands. This largo and splendidly illntre.{ed H#vs j paper iapublished WEEKLY r,t?3.2oaye:u . and i 3 aumitted to bo the Lest paper devoid tcrscieace, mechanics, inveuliou3,tnßinoom}f I works, and other departineuta cf indu'tri .l J progress, published in any country. &S.M copies by mail, 10 ccuta. Kold lv all novo | dealers.* . ! Address, Mann A Co., publishers of ticiCA ti tic American. 261 Frond way, New York. Handbook aboutn?tont*r!Pd f r"n. BUY THE BEST. POST & GO'S O ; i "cifAOmiSß WE BEST. I OTRCP3S, STEADY E.SCHT. I six Tiriirs TISAK I CiAS. Ely long hjxsrerictiee rvc are cu;b!cd to make the DIIST i sTunxnx LA sir hade, and the ; CXL Y one that raiser: and lowcro flie vlck a.;a ehown in eznt. IFully covered by letter*. palcr.i. Price, I Nlclsel rialesl- CJ'.CO. j Oisconnifj '.a C 2-0 Vr-i*2e. fei-cadl lor Cutaios*-"*-. FOST & cncl Patentees,' OHIO. ! THEBBADtiEF ROAD CART A LIGHT RUKKiW©, EASY 88DJWO, | PERFECTLY BALANCED Tm Wh@@lsd ¥shlsl@. TLorcngLly well made and sold at a Low Price. ABOVE ILLUSTRATION REPRESENTS OUR NO. 3 OR PARI CART. SSSRBS S®F£XES, Weighing from 30 to 160 lbs. Prices from SSO to sßo* US-First-Class in every respect, and every body likes them. Send for Illustrated Price List* BRADLEY & CO., 1 SYRACUSE, N. Y. ESTABLISHED 11532. .. -